fantasyswordlight · 3 years
"Pain was something he was accustomed to. But why couldn't he take this pain? why did seeing these tears make his heart rip to shreds?"
(Midoki Friendship)
Rules: Post the last line you wrote (from any WIP) and tag the same number of people as there are words. 
Tagged: Thanku @bloodyspade0000 and @gaytaiga my sweethearts🤗💞
“He was my shadow, but you are my light"
Tagging: @evamylee0 @vanilla-daydreams @homiro @ladyseara @x-theskyatdawn-x @shoichee @jubesy @ruluxe @aomine-ryo @fantasyswordlight and anyone interested 💘💘
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
Here's the next chapter! Sorry for being so late!
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
Hihi~ I would like to request for a cute UshiSemi fic. There isn’t enough content that I always feel hungry XD. Maybe some angsty feeling with a HE or some fluff! Anything as long as you’re comfortable! Thank you so much for writing! Gambateh! 💕
 I’m not completely sure I understood what the HE is but here’s what I have////
Ushijima Wakatoshi was known for being clueless. 
He was the most oblivious person in the world.
And Tendou Satori had enough of him 
“Its EITA!” he cried almost alerting the entire cafe of their conversation, “He can’t possibly hate you and anyone with the very basic smart should be able to tell that.” 
Ushijima politely shook his head and replied with an infuriating, “Nothing is impossible”. Tendou sighed, “Why don’t you just go for it?” he said, “Eita’s you’re friend. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“In general or pertaining to my current predicament?”
Satori fervently wished he’d have chosen Seijoh as his high school. 
It was early morning. So the cafe was relatively empty. In fact, other than Wakatoshi and Satori and the poor, sleep-deprived guy at the counter, there were only two other souls to witness Satori’s complete meltdown.
“Are you kidding me?”
Wakatoshi frowned, “I’m not a kid.”
Satori face-palmed, “Ok,” he said, trying his level best to hide his internal turmoil, “Why do you not want to confess?” Wakatoshi sighed, “I don’t want things to get awkward,” he finally admitted after a minute of looking very forlorn. Satori nodded, “Understandable,” he held up his hand before Wakatoshi could speak, “But, you and Eita have been friends since you set foot in Shiratorizawa,” he smiled, “A little confession won’t destroy that friendship.”
Wakatoshi shrugged, “Maybe.”
And that was that. When Wakatoshi said ‘maybe’ it meant he was done with the conversation. And Satori was going to respect that.
Semi Eita wasn’t in class.
Satori looked around wondering if his silver haired classmate was just running late. But that was even more surprising because Eita was usually very prim and proper. Heck, he even folded his socks. The redhead leaned over his desk to tap Wakatoshi’s shoulder, “Did you hear from Eita?” he asked, whispering slightly. Ushijima looked up from his phone and Satori immediately caught sight of the texts on his screen.
Eita had left him on delivered.
Again surprising because Semi Eita was the last person to do that. Eita himself hated to be kept hanging so he tried to reply to texts as soon as possible.
The worried look in Wakatoshi’s eyes said that he was thinking the same thing.
Eita also wasn’t the kind to skip class for the sake of it. Hell, Satori doubted Eita ever skipped classes without any valid reason.
Logical Conclusion(in the perspective of overprotective friends): There was something very wrong.
Satori didn’t look like that much but he was a worry-wart. Anyone of his “baby eagles” got in trouble, Satori would be there to protect them. So, it wasn’t unnatural of him to fidget and act restless the entire day. But what seemed surprising was that Ushijima didn’t seem to bother about something being wrong persay.
“Did you get an answer?” Satori asked as he noticed Wakatoshi staring at his phone during History Class. Some boring documentary was on play and their teacher was fast asleep. So most students were either catching up on their much needed beauty sleep or just randomly lazing around. 
Wakatoshi shook his head distractedly. 
Satori frowned, “What’s wrong with you?” he asked, lightly smacking the back of his head. 
The taller boy seemed to jump back to reality, an exhausted sigh gracing his lips. Satori pursed his lips as he held up his phone.
eita_semi03: hey
eita_semi03: that was fun
eita_semi03: god I hurt all over
eita_semi03: ur too rough Miyazaki-kun
eita_semi03: we should take it easier
eita_semi03: damn i’m still dizzy
eita_semi03: miyazaki-kun?
eita_semi03: oh shit
Satori’s eyes went wide, “And you didn’t bother to tell me before?” he said, through gritted teeth. Wakatoshi shrugged, “He’s seeing someone,” he said, sounding like a kicked puppy, “He accidentally texted me last night.” Satori couldn’t bring himself to believe that. He’d seen Eita’s phone. Every single contact had distinct emojis so that he wouldn’t accidentally send the wrong thing to the wrong person. So it was unreasonable that Eita’d make this mistake. And who was this Miyazaki person?
Satori looked around to ensure that his teacher was snoozing soundly before snatching out his own phone and dialing Eita’s number. It went straight to voicemail. The heck....
Satori glanced at the clock. It was still thirty entire minutes till lunch and Satori’s leg wouldn’t stop bouncing. He could feel the nervousness radiate off Wakatoshi too.
It didn’t take longer than a fraction of a second after the bell rang for both of them to be sprinting out of the classroom, across the campus towards the dorms. 
Ringing the doorbell vigorously, Satori violently tapped his foot against the floor. 
No answer. 
After a while, the redhead sighed. It was lucky that the silver haired setter had given Wakatoshi a key just in case the two had to visit without warning. So, Satori stepped aside, letting the taller boy fumble with the lock.
The sight that awaited them was not one they expected.
Eita was curled up on his bed, undressed with merely a blanket covering up his dignity. His face was flushed bright red and beside him.......was a guy.....in the same state. 
Satori didn’t need to turn away to know about the look on Wakatoshi’s usually stoic face. 
And somehow his feet wouldn’t move as the taller quietly turned around and walked out, without a word.
“Fuck this!”
Satori sighed as Eita buried his face into his hands, “Damn it!” He looked messed up and sounded close to tears. The redhead reached out to place a hand on the boy’s shoulder, “Relax,” he said, “You should be resting.” Eita looked up, eyes glistening, “Wakatoshi probably hates me now!” he cried, “And you’re talking about rest?”
Satori sighed, “You can talk to him once your fever goes down,” he said. The brown haired male who stood beside their bed with his arms crossed interrupted their conversation, “Should I leave now?” he asked. Eita glared at him. 
Miyazaki Wakatoshi. Semi Eita’s maternal cousin.
Satori patted Eita’s head gently, “I’m sure Wakatoshi will understand that you and your cousin were stupid enough to run around the entire day, eat from some unknown restuarant, fight in a sand pit, give yourself food poisoning and then text the wrong Wakatoshi to complain to,” he said. Eita groaned, “Are you trying to comfort me or telling me how bad I messed up?” he asked, glaring at Satori too. The readhead smiled, “Both!”
Eita stood up, swaying slightly, “I’m going to find him,” he announced. The middle blocker sighed yet again, “I said wait. He’s not gonna run away you know!” he protested. Eita shook his head, “I’m not having the love of my life run away because he thought I was dating my cousin!” he exclaimed. Both Miyazaki and Satori snorted at that comment. 
Eita seemed to want to spontaneously combust. 
And without another word, he stormed off, banging the door behind him.
Miyazaki sighed, “This is not gonna end good.”
Satori smiled as he clicked his tongue, “Knowing those two,” he said, “Even disastrously so, everything’s gonna be just fine.” 
That evening when Satori walked in on Wakatoshi and Eita making out, his scandalous squeals could only hide so much of the pride and happiness that filled him.
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
Appreciation post for my beloved imoto chan!!!!! 💖✨
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Remember that!!!!! XOXO 😘🤗
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
Please join for some Kuroko no Basket Roleplay and feel your favourite characters bicker, argue, play together and date. It should be loads of fun
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
it’s probably butter
Bokuto Koutarou: “And here’s your peanut-free peanut butter.”
Akaashi Keiji: “What’s peanut-free peanut butter?”
Bokuto Koutarou: “I have no idea.”
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
I was wondering if you could please write Kagehina with Kags taking care of Hinata's little sister, Natsu, and Hinata not knowing this until he walks in on the situation? The situation of which it occurs can be very liberal and up to what you wish. Please and Thank you!!! I hope you have a lovely day/night. ❤
Aww, this request was so adorable!!!
Kageyama Tobio did not like kids. Period.
In fact, kids didn't like him either. Period.
Every time he'd been asked to babysit someone, it had ended in disaster. He remembered once that he'd babysitted his little cousin and the end was indeed quite dangerous. 
The kitchen was on fire. The curtains were shredded. The books were shredded. The neighbors were complaining. His cousin was crying. He was crying. Overall, it was a humongous mess. 
So, he was indeed dismayed to hear that Hinata Natsu was at home with her mother while Shouyo wasn't.
Mrs. Hinata was warm as usual, "Tobio-kun!" She cried, "Come in, come in!X before he could protest he'd been shoved inside. "I'm afraid Shouyo isn't home now," she said,"But judging by your time of arrival, I guess you'll be staying the night!" She said excitedly. Tobio didn't plan on staying the night. He was just passing by and a decided to say hi to his newly declared boyfriend. 
Now, one might ask, what Tobio was doing in Hinata's neighborhood. 
To be honest, Tobio himself didn't know. He just walked listlessly and somehow his legs carried him to the orange ball of sunshine's home. Curse his stupid legs!
Mrs. Hinata smiled, "Tobio-kun, I am very sorry to ask this of you. But I have a night shift today," she said, "I'm guessing Shouyo's going to be a bit late," she said, "Is it okay if I leave Natsu to you for a few hours?" She said, the request in her voice evident. And Tobio couldn't bring himself to say no despite knowing that the house might get destroyed under specified conditions. 
"Yes, Hinata-san!"
Mrs. Hinata smiled brightly, "Thank you, dear!" She cried, "Natsu isn't too much trouble usually," she explained, "And Shouyo should be back in around three hours. Hope you'll be alright?" Kageyama Tobio nodded, thoroughly regretting his decisions. She looked all ready to go outside. And all she needed was some assurance from her son's "friend".
"Food's in the fridge," she said as she rushed to the door, "You can heat it up if you're hungry!" 
Tobio didn't mind being trusted with someone else's house. Especially since he'd been here a thousand times since their first. Now, in their third year at Karasuno, Hinata's house was almost his second home. But the only thing he feared was… 
Tobio froze. He turned very mechanically towards the young girl who threw herself at him, wrapping her arms comfortably around his leg. He awkwardly patted her head. Mrs. Hinata smiled as she opened the door, "Natsu," she said, "You'll be staying with Tobio-kun for a while. Till Shouyo comes back. Please be good." Natsu nodded eagerly as if she couldn't wait for her Mom to leave. Tobio felt cold dread trickle down his back. He envied Sugawara-san who was excellent with kids and actually worked as a teacher. He envied Oikawa who could successfully handle his nephew all alone. He envied his boyfriend who's bright smile was infectious to any kid. 
And as the door closed, Tobio prayed fervently for everything to go smoothly.
"Oniisan, will you play with me?"
Tobio didn't know how to politely decline the girl's request. So, extremely unwillingly, he agreed.
And to be honest…. It wasn't so bad.
Natsu wasn't a very troublesome child.
She didn't scream, shout or force Tobio to play dress-up. At once he knew that Shouyo had drawn the shorter stick when it came to maturity. 
Natsu pulled him along to play blocks. He piggybacked her around the house for quite some time as well. He was made to sit as priest as she married off two of her dolls. She also offered him his beloved milk. (She looked really surprised that someone readily drank her milk)
Within two hours, both of them were exhausted. Exhausted but also very, very satisfied. Natsu grinned brightly at Tobio, "Tobio-Oniisan is the best!" She announced, making Tobio feel a funny sense of pride. Yes! He'd won against Hinata when it came to looking after kids.
That was 876 wins and 874 losses for him. Yes!
Shouyo sighed.
It was quite late. He felt guilty, holding his mother up from her work. He was old enough to understand that being late to work wasn't appreciated. 
He pulled out the key to the door before wordlessly, unlocking it, "Mom!" He called, "I'm home." As he untied the laces of his shoes, he was surprised by the lack of response. He jogged in, "Mom? Nat-chan?" 
Only to be taken by surprise by the cutest scene he'd ever seen.
Tobio lay on the ground, beside the tea table, cheek squished against the floor, soft snores emitting from his mouth which hung open as he drooled all over. Natsu lay over the older boy's belly, completely sprawled and fast asleep. 
Shouyo smiled brightly.
He gently tiptoed over to the place before Tobio's head. He pressed his lips to the boy's cheeks, enjoying how the boy's cheeks were all wet. 
What he didn't expect was Tobio's navy blue orbs to flutter open at the touch. 
Shouyo smiled, "You were looking after Nat-chan?" He whispered, "Are you staying the night?" Despite the volume being low, his tone sounded excited. Tobio smiled back before nodding. Shouyo kissed his cheek again, "Thanks for looking after Nat-chan!" He said, trying to keep his voice low, so as to not wake up Natsu. 
Tobio shook his head, "It's nothing. Everyone looks after their friend's younger siblings every now and then," he said. Shouyo smirked, "You're wrong in your statement," he said in a mock cold manner, "We aren't friends."
Tobio frowned, "What-"
His words were cut off as Shouyo pressed his lips to Tobio's. 
"We're more than friends."
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
I think the cuteness overload made my day so much better
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Merry Christmas from our family to yours!❤️💚❤️💚
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
Please check this Haikyuu!! Royalty Omegaverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
LOL! Imagining this scene in my head, I rolled off the bed laughing!
I found this youtube comment and honestly,,,, true
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
hey, could you write some otayuri with yuri being angry over viktor and yuuri at the rink and otabek being able to calm him down? idk just like fluffy and nice?
What do you do when you see your parent figures acting all lovey dovey?
Your heart should go all squishy because you ship them so hard.
And you also want to throw something at them becuase they make you feel so romantically incompetant.
That’s exactly what was going on in Yuri Plisetsky’s mind.
This joint training session without their coach was a terrible, terrible, horrible, no good idea!
Why was it so bad you might ask?
Two names: Kastudon and Viktor Nikiforov!
The two were all over each other. And Yurio wanted to fling his skates at them. Otabek wasn’t here yet and the two lovebirds didn’t even acknowledge his presence. 
So, Yurio leaned against the rink railing, cheeks red and puffed out, lower lip stuck out in the mean of an angry pout. He looked spectacularly like a cat. Cute to see, dangerous inside. And this cat was ready to scratch the two idiots.
“Someone doesn’t seem too happy.”
Yurio scowled at Otabek. He scoffed, “Oh really?” he said, sarcasm dripping in his tone, “Why would that be?” Otabek looked up to see the two senior skaters who were ignorant to the world around them. They were quite busy whispering to each other and nipping and each other’s ears. They didn’t seem to have seen the Kazakhstan skater arrive.
The black haired man looked away.
“I can see what’s bothering you,” he said, sighing. Yurio growled, “Oh, what a genius!” he snarled. He moved to skate towards Viktor and Yuuri, planning to smack them on the head, only for gloved fingers to wrap around his narrow wrist. Otabek had a funny expression on his face as he pulled the Russian skater towards him. Caught unaware, he lost his balance, falling onto Otabek’s strong chest. 
Otabek smiled. He looked really handsome with the sunshine falling through the windows, which had their curtains drawn apart. Yurio felt the red of his cheeks deepen. Otabek smirked, steadying the younger. He pulled him to the centre of the rink. On doing so, he realized that Yuuri and Viktor finally looked up from their own little world. But Otabek didn’t stop there. He sharply turned Yurio’s face towards his own. 
“Eyes on me, Yura,” he said, a seductive hint to his tone, “Eyes on me.”
Yurio’s pale cheeks were flushed a deep red. And the entire blush wasn’t from the cold. 
Otabek gently began to twirl the shorter boy, “Don’t look at them….” he whispered. The two began skating around the rink, Otabek holding Yurio’s hand as tight as possible. “You can’t really be angry at people showing off their love, when you are showing it off yourself,” he said, barely loud enough for the words to reach, the young Russian skater’s ears. 
Otabek lifted him, spinning him midair. There was no music playing. No audience that mattered. No competition. No challenge. It was a simple and pure agape. Or maybe simple, pure eros. If that was even a thing. 
And suddenly Yurio didn’t seem to care about the two other people at the rink. Suddenly, they had no more place in his mind, in his heart. It was just him. And Otabek. On the ice. And suddenly the Russian felt all his anger dissipate. It seemed to dissolve comfortingly, getting replaced by a warm, bubbly goodness. And suddenly he felt like he understood exactly what the two senior skaters had been feeling. 
He felt Otabek bend down and connect their lips. Yurio kissed back. Nothing else mattered. It was just the two of them in their own world, submerged in a sense of complete euphoria. 
And what made Yuri Plisetsky’s day even better was the sharp awkward cough that interrupted their moment. He turned around to see Viktor and Yuuri look awkward and uncomfortable at their unexpected show of affection. And Yurio knew he’d never smiled wider in his whole damn life. 
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
This is my ao3 ID.
Please check out my works if you have the time!
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fantasyswordlight · 3 years
Hey Everyone
Hi, I’m Anna and I’m new to Tumblr.
I’m a big fan of anime and I love writing fanfiction. You can check out some of my works on ao3 under the username AnnaRodwaybookworm.
Here, I’ll be working on requests. You can send me asks on your favourite ship. NO SMUT though. I’ll be working on fandoms such as:
Haikyuu (Ships I’m Best With: Kagehina, Iwaoi, Daisuga, Bokuaka, Kuroken,                      Kuroyaku, Ushiten, Ushisemi)
Kuroko no Basket  (Ships I’m Best With: Aokise, Kagakuro, Kagakise, Midotaka,                  Muramido, Murahimu, Akakuro, HyuuIzu)
Yuri!!! On Ice  (Ships I’m Best With: Victuuri, Otayuri)
Naruto  (Ships I’m Best With: Sasunaru, Sakunaru, Shikaino, ShiIta, Kakasaku)
Fairy Tail  (Ships I’m Best With: Fraxus, Gratsu, Nalu, Stingue, Elfgreen,                                Bixanna, Jerza, Mirerza)
Free  (Ships I’m Best With: Makoharu, Reigisa, AsaIku, NatsuNao, occasionally,            Rinharu)
I’ll work on AUs on Hogwarts, Hunger Games, Royalty, Percy Jackson
I love working on fluff, angst(happy ending) and mpreg
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