fandompride101 · 2 years
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To whoever made this, this is a stunning piece of art. 
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fandompride101 · 2 years
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These two are so cute together. By far my one of my top ships! 
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fandompride101 · 2 years
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This is totally Damian. He is so sweet to Raven and yet so tough. He acts rude and indifferent, but inside he is a sweetheart. 
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fandompride101 · 2 years
Enchanted Castle PT 1
*This is a story that takes place in a different world but with the same characters. This is kind of a star-crossed lovers story.*
Raven's POV:
The cold felt like ice hitting my face, and the moon was the only source of light for me. I was never one for cold weather (being raised in the hot desert with my father). Father is a very well-revered assassin and one may argue the best of the best.
I was a mistake and my father had never let me live that down, but as my skills grew, my father has kept me close to his side. He would never admit this, but I am almost as good as him in a fight.
That is why I was sent here. I was sent here on a mission to get into the heart of our rival assassins clan. Father knew that with my skill I would be able to break-in. Once I got there my next mission would come to me.
There was a faint sound from behind me, letting me know that someone was watching me. I smiled but soon composed myself. It was finally time to get to work.
"Hold." A voice ordered.
I turned around and searched, putting on a scarred face.
"Who... Who is there?" I said, turning frantically to search for the owner of the voice.
"You are trust passing." A stranger with a black mask came out of the woods, making himself known to me.
"Oh, dear!" I backed up. "I am sorry. I am terrible lost and have no clue where I am." I fell to the ground and shivered.
"How long have you been in these woods?" He bent down beside me, feeling my forehead.
"I... I don't know, sir." I shivered.
"I will bring you back to the city, where the royals will settle your fate." He then proceeded to pick me up. I shivered for special effect, and as we neared the city I knew my charade was working.
"Who is she." Another guard stopped us at the gate.
"I found her wandering the woods." The guard that was carrying me stated. "I am bringing her in and then the Royals can decide their fate."
"Fair enough." He said, letting us pass.
He walked is through the streets, guiding our way to the heart of the city. The castle. The "Impenetrable" castle that no one lives to talk about. And here I was, being escorted into it.
"Miss, I have to set you down now." The guard told me.
"Okay," I said timidly.
"It will be just a moment while I go to inform the royal guard of you." He said, and I nodding in understanding. "When someone comes, you must not look them in the eyes."
"Of course." I nod rapidly.
Then he leaves me alone. I look around the small entryway where I had been left. The guard was kind enough to set me in front of a fireplace. The room was a calming tan and there was nothing of value in the room. It was smart. It looked intimidating.
There was a bustle of footprints that made me aware of people heading my way. I moved closer to the first place and leaned in, making myself shiver. It needed to look real.
"Miss," The guard from before said.
I glanced up at him as the door widened for two men to walk into the room. One was in a royal blue robe, and I could only assume by the white in his hair that he was Bruce Wayne, the leader of the assassins and the head of the Royal family. The other wore royal green and was almost as tall as his father.
Though I wasn't sure which son he was, I knew he was a Wayne because he shared his father's looks. I remembered to make brief eye contact with the son and then bowed my head, awaiting the next move.
"What is your name, Miss?" The leader addressed me.
"Raven," I said timidly.
"Raven, what causes do you have to be in my woods," Bruce said in a stern voice, not letting his emotions showing through.
"I was on a walk. I was in my town of Lumba'r. I had gone into the woods early in the morning to pick flowers, but I heard someone following me. I had gotten frightened and ran. I became lost in the woods." I looked down at my hands and shook my head, letting tears rolling down my cheeks. "I know I was out there for two days because that is how many moods I saw."
"You are far from Lumba'r." The son said.
I nod, not making eye contact.
"Do you know who was following you?" The head of the family asked.
"I didn't see anyone. I just heard them. I don't think they followed me into your woods." I shook my head. "I am sorry." I let the tears roll down my face in a show of remorse. Father had taught me how to fake cry on demand and it had become useful.
"Fear not, Raven." I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You are welcomed in my house until you can rest and recover."
I took the chance and looked up at Bruce Wayne. "Thank you, sir."
"You may call me Bruce." He nodded. "Now, let's get you to your room so you may get some rest." He offered me his hand and I took it.
"Thank you," I said again.
"Please do not think anything of it." He said, giving me his arm so I could lace mine through it for support.
He walked me down halls, and I shivered into his, which gained my sympathy. I looked around, making myself seem enchanted by the decor in the castle. When we reached a door, he opened the door for me.
"Do not be afraid. There will be a guard at your door all night and if you need anything let them know. A maid will come in the morning and get you ready. Tonight your meal will be brought to you, but you will attend our meals with my family while you stay here with us." He said, letting me walk into the room alone.
"Thank you, Bruce." I turned to him. "I do not know how to repay you for your kindness."
"Just get better." He said. "Goodnight."
Then he closed my door and I heard it lock from the outside. I was in the castle, locked in a room. Father had said that it would take a few days for the orders to come and that I must remain in my charade until then. And that was my plan.
I slipped into bed, letting sleep take over.
***The Next Morning***
The door swung open and I fluttered my eyes open to look like I was asleep and had just woken up. The truth was I had been up for an hour, taking note of every nook and cranny of my room. I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.
"Morning, Miss." A young maid came through the door. "My name is Donna."
"Morning." I nod.
"I am told to get you dressed and inform you of your plans for the day." She informed me. "I would like to start with getting you dressed."
"Of course." I slipped out of bed and stood before her. I looked around the room and then went to the chair where I had left my clothes. "I don't have anything fancy," I said picking up the blue dress I was wearing yesterday.
"Well, that will not do." She said looking my dress over. "I will call for dresses."
"Okay." I nod. "I just don't want to be a bother."
"It is no bother. You are a guest of the Royal family." She waved my worry off. "How about I draw you a bath while we wait for the clothes to arrive."
"Oh, that would be wonderful." I sigh.
She smiled and went into my bath that was attached to my bedroom. The bathroom had gold accents and white marble countertops all around. The tub was huge and the shower was beside it.
"Here, please call if you need anything else." She said before closing my door.
I slipped into the warm water and washed my hair and scrubbed my body of the dirt and filth that I had accumulated over the past few days. It felt nice to wash it all off and refreshing to no longer smell of dirt.
Once I had felt like I was all clean, I got out of the tub and wrapped a towel around me. I peeked through the door and saw that Donna was hanging my cloak and dress in a closet.
"Is the clothes here?" I said, seeming innocent.
"Oh, yes. Your dresses have arrived." She turned to me. "Would you like me to help you get dressed?"
"No, I can handle it," I said, walking out in my towel. She handed me a lavender-colored dress and left the room so I can change alone.
I put on my slip and corset, careful to cut it enough to leave me movement while not making it look wrong. Then I put on my lavender dress, and put my hair half up and half down to look innocent. I put my blade in my shoe and then opened the door to my room and looked out.
There stood Donna and a guard, and they were talking. They noticed me and stood up straighter.
"Morning, Miss." The guard nodded.
"Good morning." I bow.
"There is no need for that, Miss." The guard said.
"Oh, sorry." I fumbled a bit and then looked up. "Donna, did you say there was a schedule?"
"Oh yes, Miss." She said.
"Please call me Raven. Both of you." I said to the guard too.
"Raven, we have breakfast starting in ten minutes and then you are to sit in with a few ladies of the courts for the morning. Attend a small lunch with the royal family and then there is a musician coming in for entertainment before supper this evening."
"Oh, wow," I said, sounding shocked. "I have never had the privilege of going to a musical performance."
"It is quite wonderful. The staff is even allowed in the back of the room to watch." She smiled. "It is going to be the event of the season."
"Wow." I smiled.
"Now, we must be on our way for breakfast. We can not have you tardy to meet the Royal family."
I nodded and followed her down the halls. I was making a mental note of each step I took for a backup plan. I had always been taught to have an escape plan ready in case of something going wrong.
"Here you are, Raven," Donna said as we neared a door. "Now we will seat you and I will stand behind you for the whole meal so you can tell me if you need anything."
"Won't you need to eat?" I asked.
"I have already eaten." She answered. "Now, please." She said and lead me through the doors. The table was already full of people and I was seated next to the end of the table, where the seat was empty. The chair across from me was also empty.
"Ah, you must be the fair lady who happened upon our doorstep." One of the men said, slurring his words together. I found it odd that he was already drunk and it was barely even morning.
"I am." I nod timidly. Just then the doors opened.
Bruce Wayne came in and sat down at the end of the table. "How did you sleep, Raven." He asked.
"Quite well." I nod. "Thank you again."
"Was everything to your liking?" He said motioning for the servers to start.
"Oh yes. It is the most kindness I have been granted in a long time." I nod. "You have been so generous."
"So tell us about yourself, Raven." One of the men at the table asked.
"Oh, I am terribly sorry, I have forgotten to introduce you." Bruce interrupted. "My sons Dick, Jason, and Tod. Damian, the one you met last night, will be in shortly. Dick's wife, Kori, and Barbra who is one of my most trusted advisors." Bruce introduced everyone around the table in order.
"Hello." I nod to each of them as they are being introduced.
"Everyone, this is Raven. She had the terrible misfortune to be lost in the woods and has ended up across our border. She will be staying here until she has recovered." Bruce informed them all, giving them a scolding look.
"Nice to meet you," Kori said to me.
"It will be nice to have another lady in these halls." Barbra toasted.
"Shall we dig in?" Dick asked his father.
"Yes." Bruce nodded.
The cover to my plate was lifted to show an arrangement of fruits, eggs, bacon, and sausage. I am actually a vegetarian and could not eat meat, so I decided to eat the eggs. When I had picked up the wrong fork, to through off suspicion, the door opened once again and the other son, named Damian walked in.
He took his seat beside his father and across from me. He briefly nodded in greetings but turned to his father before I could nod back.
"Father, sorry I am late." He apologies to his father.
"Training again?" His father asked with a scolding tone.
"I had lost track of time." He apologized again.
"We have a guest, and you were late," Bruce said. "You will not do this tomorrow, understand?"
"Yes, father." He bowed his head to his father.
I continued to eat my eggs and fruit and occasionally would be asked a question or two. I caught glances of Damian but when his eyes would meet mine I would look away. His green robe matched the green of his eyes and they were piercing into the soul.
"Raven, do you not like your sausage or bacon?" Bruce asked after I set down my fork when I had finished off the last of the fruit.
"I don't eat meat." I looked at him. "But the fruit and eggs were wonderful," I added.
"Well, you can't live off of fruit and eggs and especially if you are to recover." He shook his head. "Alfred." He beckoned over a servant that was standing behind him.
"Yes, sir." He held himself with grace and pose.
"Alfred, can you please tell the chef to repair more food without meat for Miss Raven," Bruce asked.
"Of course, sir." He nodded and walked into the other room.
"I don't want to be a bother." I shook my head.
"You have to eat." Bruce shook his head. "And it is already done."
I nod, understanding that there was nothing I could do. In my father's place, the cooks were kind enough to sneak me meal before breakfast so I didn't have to eat the meat that my father was always trying to get me to have.
Father believe me to be weak when I didn't eat meat, but he learned not to push it with me. It came as a shock to me that Bruce would order more food made just for me. He didn't even yell at me.
The food was in front of me before I knew it. They had made me toast and gave me more fruit and jams. I spread the jam on my toast and talked with Kori and Barbra about a garden on the castle grounds. They insisted on showing me it once we had finished eating. I agreed, playing along.
I had finished my plate, satisfied with the food.
Once everyone had finished the plates were cleared and coffee was brought out to the men and Kori, Barbra and I took our leave.
"Where is it that you are from again?" Barbra asked.
"Lumba'r." I answered. "It's a small village."
"Oh, I have heard it has the most beautiful flowers in bloom in the spring." Kori smiled. "I have always wanted to go."
"It is breathtaking," I said. I had seen the flowers myself two months ago when I was scouting out Lumba'r. I agree that the flowers there were well worth the 6 days it took to get there.
"Oh, maybe sometimes we can visit you. After you return." Kori smiled. "You could give us a tour."
"I would love nothing more," I said, knowing that by the time this is all over they won't be able to find me again. What harm is a little white lie?
We walked outside and the warm air was amazing. It wasn't hot but it wasn't cold, and so we walked to the garden. They were right when they said it was a beautiful place. The fountain was made of marble and the plants were perfectly placed.
"This is beautiful," I said to them.
"Damian's mother had it made while she was pregnant. She was given little freeway with her life so she made this and it is the only thing left of her that stands." Kori explained, receiving a scolding glare from Barbra.
"We don't talk about Damian's mother," Barbra explained.
"Forgive me," Kori said.
"I won't mention it," I said. "It is a wonderful location, and the sun just hits it perfectly." I try and change the conversation. I was told not to dig too deep into Damian's mother, because it would be a dead end. I had no reason to doubt my father on this.
"Indeed." Barbra nods.
We walked around the garden and they explained each plant to me and told me the stories behind getting the invasive species of plants here. It was quite the story for each plant, but I must admit that this is one thing I would like to do when I get back to my father's palace. It would be so peaceful.
However, my father would never allow this sort of thing in his kingdom.
"So, are your mother and father worried about you?" Kori asked.
"My mother died a few winters ago and I never knew my father." I lied.
"Oh, I am sorry." Kori put her hand on mine. "My parents died a long time ago in the war." She said referring to the war of the assassins that happened over 24 years ago.
"I am sorry," I said.
"So, who do you live with?" Barbra asked. Of course, it was obvious from the beginning that this whole gardening idea was just so they could get information about me and bring it back to Bruce, so I played along as if I didn't know.
"I live with my Aunt and Uncle, but they have left for the season and won't return until spring so I am staying with my cousin," I answered. "He probably knows that I am gone, but I fear he does not like me so much so he won't come looking for me."
"Why doesn't he like you?" Kori asked.
"He believes that I stole the attention away from him when I moved in with their family." I shook my head. "I wish that we could mend that, be he has no interest in me."
"I am sorry about that," Barbra says.
We spend the rest of the time in the garden talking about the flowers and then we head inside for tea on a patio. It was nice and my maid Donna was with me. When I had the chance, I ask Donna how she had been.
"I am fine, Raven." She smiled. "I think I am the one who is supposed to ask about you."
"Well, you have been so kind to me that I want to see how you have been." I smile.
"I am good."
We drink tea and Kori fills me in on gossip that she had heard about some farmer's boy who fell in love with a peddler's daughter and had run away together. Barbra seemed uninterested in this news but I followed along, though I was bored out of my mind.
"Forgive us Raven, but Kori and I have pressing matters that we must attend to." Barbra stood up after a while.
"Oh, of course." I stood up and bowed to them.
"We will see you at lunch," Kori said to me.
They left the room and I went over to Donna. She said we had about an hour before we had to go for lunch and suggested that I go and rest.
"I don't want you to get too tired." She explained.
"Yes, I think that is a good idea." I agreed.
After she left me in my room I opened up a book that was on my self. I began to read it, laying in bed. A while passed as I became lost in the story of the book. I was brought back to earth when I heard a knock at my door.
I know I wasn't paying too much attention to the time, but I didn't think and hour had already passed.
"Come in," I said continuing to read my book. When I looked up I saw that it was Damian Wayne standing at the foot of my bed. I stood up quickly and hid the book behind my back and bowed.
"I am sorry, I didn't see you there," I said, still bowing.
"You can rise." He said in a cold tone.
I stood back up and he started to walk around my room. He brushed his fingers across the spines of the books on my bookshelf.
"What book is it that you're reading?" He asked without looking at me.
"Diamonds and Pearls," I said, bring the book in front of me again. "I am sorry. I had just seen it on the shelf and thought that I would read because sleep did not come to me." I explained in a very good lie might I say so myself.
"It is fine. I haven't read the book myself. Is it any good?" He glanced up at me.
"It is. If you like romance and danger." I nod.
"How are you finding your stay?" He asked.
"It is more than I could have asked for. Your family has been so kind." I say politely.
"Good. Good." He nodded.
There was a brief pause where I waited for him to speak. It seemed as if he wasn't but then he turned to me once again. "Shall I escort you to lunch?"
"That would be most kind." I nod. "But I should tell my maid so she doesn't worry." I pause.
"I will have my guard find her." Damian gave me his arm and I took it. I slipped my small hand through him and he walked me down the hall. He was taller than me and he smelled of pine needles and fresh air.
I walked beside him and took long graceful steps to keep up with his pace. When we walked into the lunchroom everyone was already seated at the table. Damian pulled out my chair for me and moved it back in when I had sat. Then he took his seat across from me.
"Alright, let us begin," Bruce said, waving for the food to come out.
I glance up to see those mesmerizing green eyes looking at me.
What had I gotten myself into?
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fandompride101 · 3 years
Girls Gone Wild
Raven's POV:
"Exit on the third floor. Take a left!" Kori's voice guided me on the intercom. I followed her directions and took a sharp left. I ran down the long hallway, the lights flickering as I went. "The door on your right!"
I swung open the door and chased down the stairs as fast as I could. I could feel it though. This place was about to blow and I was still in it. I couldn't portal because I didn't have the strength, but I ran with all my might.
I reached the first floor of the building, pushing the door open with all my strength. The light from outside blinded me for a few seconds, but I ran anyway. I got past a building and sunk into the alleyway.  
There was a loud explosion.
I sank to the ground, keeping my back against the cold building. I took a few seconds to breathe and get my head on straight.
"Rachel!" Kori's voice cried out in panic as she searched for me. "Rachel!"
"I'm over here, Kori," I said weakly.
She rushed over to me and helped me to my feet. I put my arms around her for support as the tall Tamaran helped me over to the Titan car. Once we got close enough to the car, I let her go and climbed into the passenger seat.
"Kori, the next time you ask to have a girl time..." I turned to look at her as she started the car. "Remind me not to go." I sank into my seat and clutched my aching side. Even though it was already healing, I was so weak that it would take time for this bruise to heal.
Kori chuckled and shook her head, as she started our drive home.
Kori had begged me yesterday to go for a girl's day out. She had in shopping and spas in mind, not almost dying. I had said yes on a whim. I really don't get to spend much time with other girls and honestly, I didn't have anything better to do.
What started off with eating lunch on a nice pear, ended up being a chase down with some bad guys that robbed a bank. They ran from the bank to some wear-house, where we followed and caught them. Of course, they bombed the place and a few of them got away.
"Dick will not be very pleased." Kori shook her head. "He had told me not to go on any calls today and enjoy the day with you."
"Hey, we had fun." I smile. "You kicking that ogre of a guy's butt was pretty awesome."
"And you are getting quite good at hand-to-hand combat, Raven." She smiled at me. "You are right, it was a pretty good day."
"But next time we should stay in and do a movie night," I tell her, being completely serious. Today had been a close call and had drained me more than I cared to admit.
"You are right." Kori gave a tired smile. "When we get home how about we watch movies. I can get the guys on patrol for the night."
I forgot I was even on patrol tonight.
"That would be great, but I might fall asleep during the movie." I chuckled. As I did that my side started to ache more so I grasped it with both hands. "And maybe some ice tonight?"
"How bad was it?" She gave a concerned look.
The ogre man had kicked me in the ribs and gave me a bad bruise. I am sure it is already purple by now. After the ogre did that, Kori came in like a badass and kicked his butt.
"I'll be fine," I said, trying not to worry her. "All I need is rest."
She nodded and pulled into the drive of the Titan Tower. She opened the garage door and parked the car. When the car had stopped, I slowly climbed out of the car, holding my side. I let my cap fall over me, hiding my arms.
Kori and I walked into the tower together. When we stepped into the living room, the TV was on and showed us fighting on the screen. Garth and Jaime were commenting on something before they turned and saw us.
"Kori, Raven!" They jumped to their feet.
"You're on TV." Garth pointed to the screen.
"You did good work," Jaime commented.
"Where are the others?" Kori ignored their looks. I did the same.
"Dick and Damian are having a training session." Garth sat back down. "I am pretty sure one of them has killed the other by now."
"I bet Damian killed Dick." Jaime joked.
"Boys, have you don't your homework?" Kori eyed them.
The boys stood up and slumped out of the room. I followed Kori to the training room.
"If they have been in here the whole time, there is a chance they haven't heard." Kori turned to me. "Let me explain everything."
I nodded and followed her in.
Right away my eyes caught Damian slash at Dick's feet. Dick jumped up and narrowly missed Damian's sword. Dick countered with his bow staff, hitting Damian's side with it. Damian hissed in pain and then swiped the feet out from under Dick.
"Do you yield?" Damian said with his sword to Dick's neck.
"Yes." Dick coughed and sat up. Damian put away his sword and offered his hand out to Dick for help. The brother took it and stood to his feet.
Both of them seemed to notice us standing there.
"Ladies." Damian nodded to us.
"Hello." Kori stepped forward. "I want to explain before you hear it on the news."
Both of the boys looked at Kori. "What?" They both asked. Dick was confused and Damiana was a tad annoyed.
"Well, you see..." She turned to me. "We were going out to eat when we heard of a bank robbery."
"You didn't go... right?" Dick stepped forward, looking right at Kori.
"Well..." Kori backed away.
"We went," I confirmed. "The bank robbers ran from the bank to a warehouse, where we caught up to them," I explained to Dick. "We took care of it."
"Took care of it?" Damian said, pulling up something on his tablet that he had grabbed without me noticing. "It blew up!" He handed the tablet to Dick. Dick started reading.
I was glad for my cap now. I knew that if I had shown any of the guys that one of us got hurt, we wouldn't have heard the end of it. I stood up taller, trying to hide my injury. I wasn't going to let them know.
"We hadn't known it was more than just bank robbers," Kori argued.
"And you didn't call for help?" Dick said, handing back the tablet.
"We didn't have time." Said Kori.
Damian didn't say anything. I turned to look at him while Kori and Dick squabbled. Damian's eyes were on me as if he was searching for something. For some reason his eyes made me feel naked and exposed. I looked away.
"It says here one of the girls was injured." Damian interrupted Kori and Dick.
Dick looked at Kori and then at me. I looked at Kori, pleading with her not to say anything. She understood.
"It was a lie," Kori said confidently.
Damian looked at her. I prayed that she wouldn't crack.
"Well then, if no one got hurt, why does Raven have her cloak on?" Damian didn't turn from Kori.
"I am fine," I say. I knew to sell this lie I had to show him, so I opened my cloak and held myself up, telling my hands not to reach for my side. When Damian seemed satisfied, I put the cloak back around me.  
"Look, it was a small brawl and everything is fine now," I assured them. "We just came here to see if you guys would allow me off patrol tonight. I am beet."
Dick stood up straight and looked between Kori and me. After a second he nodded. "Fine. I'll fill in for you tonight."
"Thank you, Dick." Kori smiled.
He turned to her. "I am still not happy neither one of you saw the need to call us."
"We handled it," I told him.
"The building was destroyed." Damian stepped towards me. "If one of you had been in there, then this would be a whole different conversation."
If only I told him right there that I only escaped by seconds. I could just see his whole head-turning red and steam coming out of his ears. But I won't tell him. I mean what he doesn't know won't kill him.
Shortly after that, Kori and I went up to our rooms and changed into something more comfortable. I was already gaining my strength back, so I teleported downstairs and snuck up a cooler of ice.
Kori and I went to her room and watched The Office. Kori had shown me this show a while back, so now when we have girl bonding time, we usually watch it in silence. Kori and I shared the ice and nibbled on snacks that she hid up in her room.
"Damian was very angry when he read that someone had gotten hurt today." She spoke while the show changed to another episode.
"He did?" I tried to focus on the intro of the episode.
"It was almost as if he cared one of us had gotten hurt?" She said in an almost suggestive tone.
I looked at her, and she was smiling back at me. "I don't think..." I didn't know how to play it off. Her gaze on me made me turn red with embarrassment. "He was just angry, there is nothing to it."
"Hmmm." She said and turned back to the episode.
I tried to focus on the show, but my face was still red. The way she made it sound almost like Damian cared, but that can't really be. It was just an illusion.
We spent the rest of the night watching shows and soon fell asleep. I woke up around one in the morning and teleported to my bedroom for the rest of the night. I was already feeling better, but when I looked the bruise was still on my skin. The bad thing about bruises that even when my body heals, the bruising color stays on my skin for a while.
The Next morning I got up like normal and took a shower. I didn't really feel up to an early morning training, so I decided to go on a walk around the grounds. It was a lovely morning with the birds calling and no one in sight.
I was past the gate before I even realized it. I turned back to look at the giant 'T' in the sky. Titan Tower has been my home for many years now and looking back now, I was lucky to have Zatanna watching over me when I came to earth.
Zatanna was the first person to show me kindness when I came here. She was the one who saw the good in me and got me on the Titans. I owed her so much.
"Rachel?" A voice spoke out from behind me.
I turned and saw Damian in his workout gear. He lowered his sword that he was apparently training with and stepped towards me. I stepped forward, closing in the distance between us.
"Damian." I nodded to him.
"What are you doing out here?" He put his sword into his belt.
"I could ask you the same." I nodded to the sword.
"I was training." He stood straight. "Now you."
"I am going on a walk." I stood straight to mimic him.
He nodded in understanding. I turned back, thinking the interrogation was over. I heard his footsteps behind me before I saw him. He was soon walking my pace by my side.
"What are you doing?" I gave him a sideways glance.
"I am walking with you." He said, looking straight forward.
"Okay." I nodded and continued on my path.
"Where are we going?" He said after a few minutes of silence.
"Not sure," I say, brushing my hands across a bush on the path. It was the perfect time of year where the trees were turning green and it wasn't yet too hot out.
He just nodded and we continued on our walk. Honestly, it was nice to have him walking next to me, and even though we weren't talking, it wasn't boring. If it was anyone else like Garth or Jaime, it would be a long and annoying walk, but with Damian I was fine.
"What are you thinking about?" Damian turned to look at me.
"Nothing." I shrug.
"So are you going to tell me the truth about yesterday's events?" He gave an all-knowing look. I tried to play it off.
"I am not sure what you are talking about." I turn so I am not facing him.
"Raven, you are quite good at hiding things and lying, but you should know by now that I can read you. I have been trained by both the League of Assassins and my father. I know you're lying." He grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking anymore.
"Fine." I turned to him. "There was a hick-up and someone got away," I say, trying to avert his attention from what he was surely asking.
"Someone got away?" He stepped back.
"Kori and I have contacted the Justice League," I inform him.
"If this was a normal bank robber there would be no need for the Justice League to be involved." He looked me right in the eyes with his stern emerald eyes. "What are you not telling me?"
"Nothing." I lie.
"Fine, it was a bit bigger of a situation that we ran into," I tell him. "It wasn't just a normal robbery and to our knowledge, they were working for someone high up than our pay grade, so we handed it over."
"How much high up of a pay grade?"
"Lex Luther," I tell him. "I mean it's a guess, but that is who Kori and I believe it to be."
"What makes you think that?" He tilted his head to look at me. He was adorable like this. Oh shut up mind!
"There were just a few boxes and things there that made us believe Lex had funded that place." I shrug.
"What was inside the boxes?"
"Weapons." I turn away. "As I said it was more than we bargained for."
"And you didn't call because..." He sounded annoyed.
"There was no time." I turned to him. "Look, I know you don't like that we stumbled on this for some reason, but it all happened so fast! There was no time to call for help."
He looked at me as if trying to see if I was hiding anything else from him. I huffed and turned back to the path and started walking. Of course, he followed.
It was a while before he spoke up again.
"And you got hurt?" He said, taking me away from my thoughts. I didn't answer him. "Look, I saw how you held yourself. Even with your cape, I could tell something was off in your walking."
"I was hit by an ogre," I say not looking at him. "It doesn't matter now because I have rested and it has healed."
"Even the skin coloration?" He asked.
How did he know that? I haven't ever told anyone that I heal but the bruising color doesn't go away. I mean a select people know, but none of them on the Titans. HE READ MY FILE!
"Your snooping now!" I turned to look at him, stopping him in his tracks.
"I need to know about everyone's weaknesses and strengths on the team. You should too if you were smart." His words cut through me.
I huffed and started fast walking away. Damian was close on my trail, following me every step. The faster I walk, the faster he did. When I knew I couldn't outrun him, I knew I had to portal.
I stopped dead in my tracks and back kicked Damian in the chest. He stumbled back.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos" I conjured the portal and stepped through, letting it close behind me. I was fuming now. How dare he impose on all of our privacy and then accuse us of not being smart to do the same.
I was in my room, pacing out my anger. I knew this was silly of me to let this get to me, but I couldn't help it. How dare he call me dumb! He had no right to those files. They were only for Kori and any of the Justice League members.
Did Kori give him the files?
No, she wouldn't have let that happen. She would have stopped Damian if she ever found out. Damian had to have gotten the passwords and stuff from his father.  He was insufferable!
"Raven?" Kori's soft voice took me out of my thoughts.
I walked over and opened the door to find Kori with a concerned look on her face. I let her in and closed the door behind her.
"I heard your footsteps in the hall. Are you alright?" She asked me.
"No," I mumbled in anger.
"What happened?" She put a calming arm on my shoulder.
"Damian has access to all the files on every Titan." I clench my fists together. "He has been reading on all of us."
"He can't do that. He doesn't have the codes." She tells me.
"He does too. He read up on all of us." I look her in the eyes. "Those files have private things that I haven't told anyone. He doesn't have any right to read those."
She studied my face. "Look, I will talk to Batman." He gave me an encouraging smile. "But if he has read up on you, I think it only fair to read up on him."
"Don't tell Dick, but on Tamaran, it is only fair that if someone has a one-up on you, that you even the playing fields." She smiled at me. "If you wish, I can give you Damian's file."
"Really?" I wasn't sure if that is what I wanted, but I was interesting.
"Yes, but you can't tell anyone I gave it to you." She nodded. "I will give you the file after breakfast if you wish."
I nodded.
She left the room, giving me one last encouraging smile. When I closed the door I didn't know if I felt any better. I knew that looking at the files would make us even, but it would also be something that my father would have wanted.
There was another knock at the door. I opened it a crack to see if Kori had forgotten something, but it wasn't her.
"I am sorry." He said, pushing the door open wide enough for him to step in.
"Come on in," I said sarcastically, closing the door.
"Look, what I said... I didn't mean it like that." He walked over to my bookshelf and started to look at the collection of books I had created over the years.
"Damian, please go," I asked him.
"Look, I am sorry. I was angry. I am not sure why, but I said those things from anger." He turned his head to look at me.
"So it's not true. You haven't read all the Titan's files?" I questioned.
"No, I have." He nodded. "But you are not dumb for not looking at them yourself."
"Damian, those files are only for the Justice League, they are not for you!" I came closer to him, giving him a piece of my mind. "There are things that some teammates don't need to know about each other!"
"That is not what I was raised to believe." He said a matter of factly.
"I don't care if you were raised to kiss cows!" I point at him in the chest. "You making that choice to invade our privacy is not 'cool' and very unwelcome."
"I am sorry..." He began.
"Save it!" I held up my hand, stopping him. "I don't want to hear it. You are just like my father and invading personal space. If I wanted you to know something, I would have told you!"
I stepped back.
He stepped towards me. "That is not my intention."
I turned so I didn't have to look at him. I heard him sigh in frustration at me.
"Look, I am sorry. I did it a long time ago when I first join the Titans. I haven't looked at them since.  I do have picture memory, so I apologize, but I have changed from the boy I was when I first came." I felt his hand on my shoulder.
I knew I was supposed to be anger at him and push away his touch, but his hand felt warm and welcome. I leaned into his touch for a moment before I realized what I had just done.
I turned to look at him, and our eyes met.
"Raven, I am sorry." He bent down so our eyes were at the same height. "I only brought it up today because I wanted you to admit you were hurt, but I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I am not so angry about that as... mortified," I admitted.
"You read my files. The things on there... They are..." I looked away. "My father was ruthless, and what's on those files is proof that I am weak."
"Weak?" He pulled my head up so my eyes met his. "No, Raven, when I read those files I was amazed by your strength. You stood up to your father even after all the things he had done to you. You could have easily been his pawn all your life, but you changed that."
"No..." I began to protest.
"Raven, when I first came on the Teen Titans, the first real call was against your father and the entire Justice League. You stood firm and faced him." His eyes were hopeful. "You are not weak and those files prove that."
"They still have all those horrible things I had done before I took the leap to come here." I protest again.
"Stop it!" He held onto my face, firm. "You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. I don't care what the file says."
I sigh and lean my face into his hands. He is strong and holds me, and a feeling of safety comes over me. When I open my eyes again I give a small smile, which he returns.
"Breakfast?" I ask, pulling out of his hands.
"Yes." He nods and follows me out the door. When we get into the kitchen we sit down and eat our meals in silence. Garth and Jaime are having a fight over who is the best hero to fight in the dead of winter. I tune them out and eat my cereal.
Kori comes in sometime later with a plain folder. She passes it to me when she sits beside me. I take it and hind it under the table. There was no need for Damian to find out about this folder now.
I ate the rest of breakfast in silence and when I am finished, I head up to my room with the folder. When I get inside I look down at the cover of the folder. I don't really want to look at this now, but something is telling me to hold on to it.
I put it in the top of my desk drawer and put it out of my mind. Damian might have looked at everyone else folders, but I don't want to be like my father and read it for vengeance. I don't need to.  
Bonus (This takes place in the future of this same storyline)
I teleport into my room, exhausted from the workout Dick put me through. When I got into my room, there was a certain green-eyed boy in my room. I bushed my hand on his shoulder and went to my dresser for my clothes.
I pulled out some PJs and turned to Damian, who had yet to acknowledge me.
"Damian?" I stepped closer to him, looking over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. He had a yellow folder in his hands. Oh shit!
"What's this?" He turned up to look at me.
"Um..." I was at a loss for words.
"This is my file." He stood up and looked at me. I was mortified.
"Yes," I said, not able to look him in the eyes.
"Why do you have my file?" He questioned. "How did you get this?"
"Well, um..." I glanced up at him. "Kori might have given it to me when we had that fight a while back about you reading my file."
"That was like three months ago." He looked down at the folder in his hands. "You read this three months ago?"
"No." I look up at him. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. "I haven't read it. I didn't want to."
"Why didn't you?" He looked surprised.
"It would be something my father would have done." I didn't want to hold anything back from him. "I kept it for god knows why, but I promise I didn't read it."
He looked at me in silence for a minute, debating something. Probably to yell at me or kill me. Damian had every right to be angry, he did, but I hadn't even thought about the folder in so long, and I was already so tired.
"Alright." His voice pulled me from my downward spiral.
"Alright?" I asked.
He handed me the file. "You were quite angry about me reading your file. And I don't want to hold anything back from you. You may read my file."
I looked down at the folder and up to him. "What?"
"Raven, I don't want to hide anything from you. I like you, and if you would like, you may read this file. I will answer any questions you may have." He nodded and walked over to the bed, laying down.
I walked over and looked down at him. He looked relax.
"Why?" I didn't understand.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. "I like you, Rachel Roth. I don't care if you know what is in that file. I want to be honest with you." He pulled me for a kiss.
When our lips touched it was like our first kiss all over again. I had been with this boy for a few months but lived with him for years and somehow this boy still managed to sweep me off my feet and surprise me.
I loved him.
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fandompride101 · 3 years
Saving The World
Raven's POV:
"We lost 31% of the earth's molten core, there is nothing we can do," Batman explained to Diana and Clark.
I look over to Damian, who is sitting next to me. His eyes meet mine, and I lean forward for a kiss. When our lips touched, I felt everything that I have been longing to feel for the past two years. I felt loved and no longer alone.
The flash stands up and moves over to Batman and the others. I pull apart from Damian, and we both walk over to the conversation.
"If I just make another flashpoint, we could reverse this." The flash pleads his case.
"No, that is far too dangerous." Constantine steps in. "You could just make another timeline that is ten times worse."
"I don't see any other way." The flash looks at us all. "Do any of you have a better idea?"
There was silence and all you could hear was the wind blowing past us. Soon the earth will grow cold and those who were left on it would surely die. I turn to Damian. I observed his face and I can tell he had no further plan. He looks over at me.
"What?" He whispers.
"I have too," I mumble. I stand to my feet, but Damian grabs my hand.
"What are you doing?"
"I have a plan," I say, just loud enough for the others to hear me.
"And what is it?" Constantine looks as if thinking what I was about to say wouldn't work. He could at least give me a shot.
"You're going to have to trust me." I look at each and every one of them.
Diana steps forward. "I believe in you." She put a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see her face. She nodded at me and I nodded to her.
Then I stepped away into an open area.
"Raven, wait!" Damian steps in front of me. "What are you doing?"
I put my hand on his cheek and for a second he rests his head on it, then he backs away enough to look me in the eyes. "I love you."
I kissed him, holding onto his head, wanting to forever remember this moment. I don't know if this will work, but something inside of me is calling for me to do this. A voice in my head that used to say 'destroy the world is now saying 'save it.'
One thing I have learned in the Teen Titans is that no matter the sins of people, they are all worth saving. The world is worth saving. Damian is worth saving.
I break our kiss and take one last look at him. I step back and levitate to the sky, not looking away from Damian. When I got to the highest I could go, I looked around. The world was in shambles now. Torn up and destroyed by the need for power.
I took one more look down at the people that I have grown to call my family. Clark saved me from... well me, Starfire who is like a sister to me and who guided me for many years. Dick taught me to fight and hold my ground. Damian made me feel like anything was possible. I needed to save them.
I took a deep breath.
"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal the earth. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those that are injured. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring back those we have lost. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring those who died, back to life. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those who have been taken for machines. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" In the name of love!
Then my world goes dark.
Damian's POV:
I looked at her. I watched as she slipped from my fingers and ascended to the sky, almost as if she was ascending to Heaven. She wasn't looking at us anymore, but to the world and the damage that was done.
I didn't know what she was doing, but I could only pray that it would work. She made it seem like goodbye, but I won't let this be the end. I didn't die and be brought back for her to die.
Father steps to my side and watches the sky along with all the others. Dick is in Kori's lap, and she is stroking his hair. The moment they saw each other, Greyson had recognized her. Father places a hand on my shoulder, bring my gaze back to the sky.
There is a flash of purple, but instead of her black raven appearing around her, she is surrounded by a white one. It was almost breathtaking to watch and I even heard a few gasps from behind me, but I didn't take my eyes away from her.
Then there was a flash of white that consumed the sky.
For a moment the world would not come into focus. All around, it looked fuzzy. And then it became clear. I looked over at Starfire and Dick, and they were hugging each other. Starfire's robotic parts were at her feet and she looked as she did two years ago. Dick stood up from the ground and they hugged. It seemed like there was no linger of the effect of the Lazerous pit.
I turned around and was shocked. Robotic pieces were on the ground as the people they belonged to embraced each other in their original forms. Diana was being helped up by Clark, and Batman stood from the ground, no longer in Dark Side's uniform. Raven did it.
I looked to the spot she last was, but she was, falling. I rushed to catch her, holding my arms out for her. She crashed on top of me. She was on my stomach. I sat up.
"Raven!" I grabbed her face and turned it towards me, but she did not move. I tested her vitals. She was weak, but she was alive.
"Raven." Kori came over and reached for Raven's arm.
"She is alive, but her pulse is weak," I say, not looking away from the girl in my lap.
Soon a crowd of people came around us. All asking different questions, like if she was okay or if she was alive. I stood up with her in my arms and turned to the crowd of people who all had worried looks. Clark tried to reach for her, but I did let her go. I was never letting her go again.
"She is alive but in need of medical attention." I turn to Father. "Father, we have to get her somewhere where she can rest." He nodded.
"Bring her to the Batcave. I will tell Alfred you are on the way." Dick came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. He put his other on her arm and checked her vitals. "She is getting stronger."
Just as he said that Raven's eyes flew open. Her amethyst eyes found mine. "Damian." Her voice was hoarse, but she smiled at me.
"Don't speak. Save your energy." I hushed her. "We will get you somewhere safe."
"Did it work?" She asked, looking around at everyone.
"According to my records our molten core is in tacts and the earth's population was restored to the number it was before Dark Side's attach." Father read off his screen. "I am not sure how you did it, but you did. Very good work, Raven." Father nodded to her.
"Zatanna?" Constantine asked.
"Constantine." Zatanna's voice called through the crowd. She stood with a portal open as other Justice League members flooded out.
Raven smiled, and then she turned to me. "I saved you twice today."
"Yes, you did."
Raven's POV:
"Raven?" A voice pulls me from my rest.
"What?" I open my eyes, confused.
"You fell asleep." Damian brushes his hand on my cheek.
"I didn't mean to," I say, trying to sit up.
"No, it's okay." He smiled and helped me up. "I was just worried for a moment. Go back to sleep. The car is here and I will take you somewhere safe." He said. I noticed that I was still in his arms.
"I can walk." I am not sure if it is true or not, but I didn't want him to know that.
"I will carry you anyways." He smiled down at me. My heartfelt warm and tingly, and honestly, I felt like I could curl up into him and sleep forever.
Damian helped me into the seat of the car, putting me in the passenger seat. Then he put the seat belt around me. I gave him a look, telling him I could have done that on my own, but he ignored it.
Damian slid into the driver's seat of the car, but his father came over before he could start the engine. "Drive her right back to the cave. I will be there when I can."
"I will, Father." Damian blew off his father's words.
His father hesitated but stepped away, and Damian started the car, and then sped off. I grabbed the handle above my head, making Damian turn to me.
"Please slow down," I begged.
Damian turned to me, and when he saw that I wasn't kidding, he slowed to almost the speed limit. "Are you alright?"
"I am really light-headed." I close my eyes, trying to focus on breathing. I turned back to look at Damian who looking worried. "But I will be fine."
He holds out his hand and I take it. I close my eyes again and take deep breaths. He squeezes my hand and says, "if you puke... you will have to clean it up." He says, making me laugh.
Back at the Batcave
Well even though the ride wasn't too terribly long, it turned out I will be known as the first person to throw up in the Batmobile. Damian started to speed a little more when I got sick, but he only made it worse.
"I am sorry," I tell him as he helps me out. "I really am."
"It was a joke, I swear. You are fine." He scoops me up into his arms and carries me away from the car.
"I'm sorry," I say as he lays me down on a bed.
"Please stop saying that. It is fine. I will clean it up, but you have to get better. Do what they tell you so you get better. Stop worrying. " He paused and looked at me. "Please."
I smile at him and reach for his face. When I touch his cheek, he smiles and leans into my touch. All of a sudden my bed becomes occupied by another guest. I sit up a bit to see Titus resting at my feet.
"Titus will stay with you and make sure you don't get out of bed." Damian nodded as if making the plan up as he went.
I didn't argue, and then Damian left to go clean up. I fell asleep with Titus' head, resting on my legs.
"What happened?" Batman came in, immediately sitting down at his computer.
I was cleaning up the Batmobile, from the earlier mess that I had made. I should not have sped so much. Then maybe she would not have gotten sick. "I was speeding to get back here, and Raven became ill," I explained.
My father turned around to look at me. "Damian, you should not have sped. She probably is tired and easily susceptible to motion sickness."
"Father, I thought it best we got here as soon as possible, but I admit it was a mistake." I bowed my head.
"So is she the one you were talking about?" He looked at me.
I stayed quiet, unsure of what he was talking about.
"When you said 'save them, save 'her' you meant Rachel Roth?" Father said, trying to piece together the puzzle.
"Father now is not the time or place to be discussing this." I pick up the rag I was using to clean the car and put them in a garbage bag I was using. I stood up and he turned back to his bat computer.
"Her vitals are returning, but she will need rest. I fear this has taken a great deal of energy." Father says as I go over to the panel on the wall and check the camera in her room. She is sleeping, but so is Titus. So much for a guard dog.
"We must give her time." I nod and turn to Father.
Raven's POV:
I woke up in the complete dark. I wasn't sure of the time, and when I pulled out my phone it was dead. Titus stirred and started towards the door. I opened it for him and followed him out. I hadn't noticed at first, but there was a sleeping body on the ground.
I knelt to his side and put a hand on his shoulder to wake him.
"Damian," I whispered.
His eyes shot open and he scanned the room. He stood up so fast that I was almost knocked over in surprise. He turned his head back and forth and soon his eyes landed on me with worry.
"What's wrong? What happened." He grabbed my arms and looked around.
"Damian." I smiled. He was so worried that it was hilarious to watch. I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "Damian, I am fine."
He looked me over and then sighed.
"What's going on, why are you sleeping outside the door?" I reached up and put a hand to his face, gently.
"Nothing. I was just making sure you were alright." He looked at me with those emerald eyes. "Why are you up, you should be resting?"
"I wanted to get something to eat."
"Well then let us go upstairs and get you some food. What is it that you are hungry for?" He offered me his arm to take.
I took it and looked up at him. "Cereal."
"Cereal? It's almost midnight." He checked his watch and showed it to me.
"I just want cereal." I shrugged.
He sighed with a smile on his face. "Fine." He leads me up the stairs and to the kitchen area.
I sat down at the table while Damian went over to the cupboard and grabbed all the cereal brands they had. He set them down and grabbed the bowls and spoons and a gallon of milk. He set them on the table and I grabbed what I wanted. He did the same.
I took a spoon full of cereal and scooped it into my mouth and smiled at Damian.
"Cute." He said, nodding at me, and then he took a bite of his cereal.
We ate our cereal in silence, only hearing the noises of ourselves chewing. I got seconds on my bowl, while Damian stopped after one. He watched me eat for a few minutes before his gaze started to annoy me.
"I am sorry that I eat cereal in a different way." I turned to him. "I am hungry."
He chuckles and leans back into his chair. "I don't think you eat strangely, but I think it is funny to see you stuff your face." He smiles at me.
"Excuse me for using all my energy to save the world." I joke.
"You are right, you deserve to eat as much cereal as you would like." Damian bowed his head in acceptance, but when his head turned up he had an evil look in his eyes.
"Nothing." He leaned back, not losing eye contact.
"Damian, you have that look in your eye." I point at him.
"What look?" He plays innocent.
"That mischievous look that tells me you have a plan that is not going to end well." I lean back to get a better look at him.
"I have no look." He teases.
"Yes, you do," I argue.
"No..." He was about to argue when we were interrupted.
"What are you fighting over?" Bruce Wayne walked into the room. I have never seen Batman out of his bat costume and it was shocking to see him standing before us.
"Father, we are sorry if we woke you." Damian stood and took our dishes to the sink.
"I was already awake." He sat down at the table. He turned to me and asked, "How do you feel?"
"I am better." I gave a weak smile.
"That is good." He nodded. "Now what was this about a 'look'?"
Damian sat in the chair beside me. I looked at him to see if he would explain it to his father or not. When it seemed like he wasn't going to answer I turned back to Batman and explained.
"I believe your son has a look that he gives when he has a plan that he knows you won't like," I explain.
"Oh, that look." Batman nods.
I turn to Damian with a triumphant look. "See, even your father knows of this look."
Damian turned back to me with a smile. "Fine, you win." He put his hands up in surrender.
"How is everyone, Batman?" I turned to the man sitting across from us.
"Everyone has been informed of the events over the past few years and the Justice League plans to hold an official press meeting in the next day or so to go over the details." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and set it on the table. "And please, call me Bruce."
"Well Bruce," It sounds strange to say his name. "What are you going to tell them?"
He looked at me. "We are going to tell them the events of the past few years and explain the treatment, and we plan to have you there by our side. That is if you are well enough." He gestured to me.
"Why me?" I questioned.
"You are the one who saved the world." He looked to his son and then back at me. "The world has been wanting to meet you."
"I don't know." I sank into my seat a bit.
"That reminds me. Lois and Clarke are coming tomorrow to see you. I had to send them home twice while you were asleep." Bruce stood. "Raven, please feel at home here." He said before he walked out.
I turned to Damian who was looking down at the table, scowling.
"What?" He looked at me and his eyes soften.
"What is a matter?" I turn my body towards his.
"You don't have to go to the press release. I told my father that you would need more time." He shook his head.
"Damian, it is fine. If I feel up to it, I would like to go. I want to." I put a hand on his.
"Okay." He hesitated before standing. He gave me his arm and we walked the lengths of the manor together. I wasn't really sure where he was taking me until we reached a door.
"You don't need to sleep in the bat cave." He explained to me and opened the door to a bedroom "You can stay here in my room."
"Your room?"
"If you don't feel comfortable, I can sleep elsewhere." He said, allowing me to walk in.
I stepped in and Damian followed. I sat on the bed and looked at him. "You can stay here," I said, wanting for him to stay here. I almost begged him not to leave.
"Alright." He nodded. "I have some clothes you can wear."
He went over to his dresser and pulled out a hoody and basketball shorts. He handed them to me. I took them and went to the bathroom attached to the room and changed. When I got out Damian had changed into shorts and a t-shirt as well.
I slid under the covers and looked at him. He turned off the lights and made his way to the bed with only the lamp beside the bed for light.
"Good night Rachel." He said after he had turned off the lamp, leaving us in the dark.
"Good night."
Next Day
There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes only to be flooded with light. I buried my head under the covers, blocking out the morning. The person next to me stirred and went to the door, opening it just a crack.
"Morning Master Damian." Alfred greeted behind the door. "Your father is worried that Miss Roth has run off this morning, but I have come to ask if you know where she might be."
"Alfred don't be coy." Damian shook his head. "I am sure by the tone in your voice, you know she is with me."
"I had a hunch." There was amusement in Alfred's tone. "I will inform your father that I have found Miss Roth. Please join us downstairs, we have some visitors." He said just about to close the door. "Morning Miss Roth."
Damian forcefully closed the door and grumbled back to bed. He slid under the covers and his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and took the covers off my head and wiggled around so I could see him.
"Morning," Damian grumbled into the sheets.
"I think we need to go downstairs," I say, trying to free myself from Damian's grasp.
Damian has always been stronger than me, so his hold on me was firm. He was gentle not to hurt me, but his arms were not budging. I turned back to look at him when I gave up trying to get out of his grip.
"Damian..." I warned.
"Five more minutes." He grumbled again.
"You are normally a morning person, why are you like this?" I say, trying to break free again.
"Because for the first time in two years the world is not in danger and I am in bed with you. I want to keep it that way." He growled into my ear, seductively.
This sent shivers down my spine. A smile spread across my face and I leaned back into Damian's grasp. He was right. For the first time, we have been able to be just us without the fear of the world ending or father trying to kill him.
I sighed and then broke away from his hold. I stood up and looked down at Damian who was looking up at me from the sheets of the bed. He did not seem too happy.
"Damian, once we go downstairs and make ourselves known, we can come back up here. I am hungry and want to eat before I fall back asleep." I said, pulling at his arm to get him out of bed. He didn't move.
After a moment I dropped his arm and stepped back. He grumbled "fine." And got to his feet. He went into the bathroom to change into some different clothes I did a simple spell to change close into a shirt and pants.
When Damian came out his hair was wet and he smelled like aftershave. I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him around his chest, taking in a breath. His arms wrapped around me as he continued to pull socks out of his drawer.
When we were both done getting ready we headed out the door and right downstairs to the kitchen. Alfred was at the counter with a stack of pancakes beside him. When I stepped in closer I noticed Bruce, Clark, and Lois all setting at the table. Damian walked over to the table and sat down.
Lois looked up and her eyes brightened when she saw me. She stood to her feet and practically ran to me. She embraced me and then I hear a chair crash to the ground and Clark got in the hug.
"I am so glad you are okay," Lois said into my ear. She held me so tight it was hard to breathe.
"Raven, how are you?" Clark asked, not letting go of me or Lois.
"I am fine," I said, embracing them.
In the past two years, I have grown close to Clark and Lois. Clark saved me from making a huge mistake and ending my life and Lois and Clark took care of me when I grew sick from my father's wrath.
They had become like a family to me. It was nice to be around them again.
Lois realized me and Clark and she stood back to look me over. They looked at me with concerned eyes, but I smiled.
"I am fine," I assured them.
Lois enveloped her hand in mine and led me back to the table. She made me sit in the seat that Clark was sitting in before, but he didn't seem to mind. He went and sat beside Bruce.
"You did it," Lois whispered in my ear when she sat down.
"What?" Whispered back to her.
"You saved the world." She smiled at me proudly. "I knew from the moment Clark brought you home that you were destined for great things."
I smiled. She had told me that a lot throughout our time spent together. She and Clark believed in me when I had lost hope in myself.
Alfred brought over a plate for me and Damian, who was now seated across from me. Alfred smiled at me when he handed me the plate. I couldn't help but blush.
"Raven, are you feeling better? The past few days we have come they told us you were asleep?" Clark turned to me.
"I am better." I nod and take a bite of my pancake.
"Glad to hear." He nodded. "Has Bruce filled you in on the press conference?"
"He said that the Justice League will hold one and that they would like me there," I said after I swallowed my food.
"And do you feel up to it?" Lois asked me in a concerned tone.
"It should be fine for me to go," I answered her.
She smiled at me and grabbed my hand that was resting on the table and gave it a squeeze. I looked at her and she had nothing but love in her eyes. I looked to Clark and he was just the same.
"I don't think Bruce has told you yet, but the Teen Titans have decided to take a season off and most of them are going home to family," Lois said, making me turn back to look at her. "And I know that the only family you had here was your father, and now he is gone."
I wasn't sure where she was going with this. Lois nervously turned to Clark and when I turned to him he just nodded with a smile on his face.
"We were wondering if you would like to come home with us." Lois turned back to me.
I looked at her in shock. She wanted me to come live with them? Clark and Lois were asking me to come to stay with them for the while the Teen Titans were away.
"What?" I said, not sure I understood all of this.
"Come stay with us, Rachel," Clark said across the table.
"What do you say?" Lois said in a cheerful tone.
"I..." I didn't know what to say. I have never felt more welcome.
"Father, surely she would be better staying with us." Damian's gloomy tone made me turn to him. He was upset and glaring daggers at his father.
"If Rachel would like to go with the Kent's then she is the one to make that decision," Bruce said sternly. "But, she should stay here for a few more days while we track her vitals and such."
"So what do you say?" Lois asked again.
I looked at Clark and Lois and then at Damian. For the past two years, the Kent's have held me together and given me love that no family has ever. I knew what I was going to choose, but I only wished Damian wouldn't hate me.
"Yes," I said, turning back to Lois. "When the press conference is over, I would like to come home with you and Clark."
Damian stood up and stomped out of the room. I winced at his footsteps but I knew what I wanted to do. Damian and I are just starting something, but I knew that I wanted to be with Kent's
"When we go back to Metropolis, I would like to introduce you as my daughter," Clark spoke up.
"Your daughter?" I turned back and forth at Lois and Clark to see if this was real.
"You are family and if these past two years prove anything, it is that you are a Kent." Lois squeezed my hand again. "Even if you are not by blood, you are."
"Thank you, guys." I smiled at the two of them.
"Rachel, would you mind if Clark, Lois, and I have the room?" Bruce spoke up. "We have a few matters with the press conference that need to be finalized."
I nodded and stood up. I left the room quietly, still smiling. I couldn't believe this. I didn't think about what would happen when I woke up. Clark and Lois took care of me for all these years, and I just thought when all of this was over they would lead their own lives, but now they want me to join them? I was happily surprised.
I was walked back to Damian's room. I didn't know how I was going to explain this all to him and I knew by the way he reacted he would not be happy, but I wanted to explain this all to him.
I knocked on the door.
I knocked again and this time when nothing happened I turned the nob. Damian was sitting at his desk in his room, writing something. I walked over to him and waited for him to finish. When he set the pen down I spun his chair to look at me and sat on the bed.
"Damian, I am going." I start.
His eyes were murderous.
"I love you." I put my hand on his. "I would stay with you forever, but over the past two years... It was the Kent's that took care of me."
I let go of his hand and put it in my lap. I looked down at my hands, not wanting to face Damian.
"I wanted to die. I mean it. I wanted it to be over. If I killed myself, Father would have never been freed and you would have been safe." I toy with my hands. "And I couldn't be with you because of it."
It was hard telling Damian this. I never admitted this to anyone before.
"When Clark showed up and took me in, he and Lois gave me something that I needed. Hope." I glance up and then quickly back down. Damian was staring at me like hot lasers. "They gave me a home and made me feel loved."
They were the parents I never had.
"I am going with them because they have become my family. Like the Titans, but with a stronger bond." A tear slipped. "I love you and this doesn't mean I don't. Just because I am leaving doesn't mean I am leaving you." I looked up at him, finding my courage. "I will portal here to see you whenever, but I need to do this."
Damian was silent for a second and I let my head drop. Maybe he didn't believe me or didn't want to hear this, but it needed to be said.
I felt his hand reach my face and I looked up to him.
"I love you." He said in almost a whisper. "And though I will hate having you far away, I understand." He nodded. "But I tell you this. I will gain your love enough one day to be considered the only family you will ever need." He said in a wild tone. "And on that day, you will be my wife."
His words were wild and truthful. I knew he meant this as a promise to me and it warmed my heart. I smiled at him as he whipped a tear from my face.
"We can portal to see each other and spend the nights." He grinned at me. "But for now, if this is where you want to be, then I will not fight."
I smiled at him.
"I love you," I said, meaning it with all my heart.
"And I love you." He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
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fandompride101 · 3 years
So good!!!!
I'm not who you think I am
Azarath metrion zinthos...
Azarath metrion zinthos...
Azarath metrion zinthos...
The Titans alarm blared through the tower, distributing Raven's meditation session. She mentally groaned today was not the day to be dealing with villains.
For the last few weeks, it seemed like the world was out to get her. Between dealing with her own emotions, her father, Garfield and Jaime arguing over petty things that they would more likely forget about later, and Kori breathing down everyone's necks, she was bound to lose it at any point.
The only person in the tower that really didn't seem to give her any trouble was Damian. I mean, they were a couple after all, and even if they weren't, it wouldn't be anything new. However, in this case, Damian would always be the person she'd go to when she needed a break from everything and vice versa, but he had been gone for a little over a week on some, what Raven liked to call, 'Batman business', and wasn't expecting to be back for another few days. Sure, they had phone calls and video chats, but they would always come short because of something happening and one of them having to leave, leaving them barely any time to talk.
Raven ran down to the main area of the tower where her teammates were waiting. "What's the emergency?" She asked as she walked down the small flight of stairs.
"The Fearsome Five is causing a ruckus in the city." Kori began, leading the team out the door. "I've received reports of destruction, robbery, anything you could possibly think of, really."
"You know with Rob gone this ain't gonna be an even fight." Garfield said.
"We've taken The Fearsome Five down before without Damian." Raven said with a slight snap in her voice.
"Yeah, I know." He whined. "But it's a lot faster when he's here."
"Well, he's not." Now she was really snapping at him. Though she didn't really mean to. She was just frustrated with everything going on and, if she were honest, she desperately missed Damian and wanted him home. She muttered a quiet apology and walked ahead of her team.
The city was a mess. Buildings were crumbling on both ends of the street, some even catching on fire, bank alarms were ringing, children were crying and clinging to their mothers who were trying to find their way out of the ruckus. The entire scene made Raven sick. It reminded her of the destruction of Azarath, just to a minor degree. How someone could do something like this was beyond her.
The culprits in question emerged from the smoke and ash holding backs of money in each of their hands.
Jinx looked at the four, counting silently to herself before smirking, "Where's the pretty boy?"
Raven wasn't very appreciative of the cocky tone that came from the sorceress before her but still answered her calmly, "He's away. It's just us."
"What a shame. Just my luck, right?"
She threw an energy blast at the team and all hell broke loose. Starfire seized after both Shimmer and Mammoth, Blue Beatle came for Psimon, and Beast Boy after Gizmo, leaving Raven to deal with Jinx, blocking her attack with a shield of her own energy magic.
Both sides struggled for a while. Blast after blast and hit after hit, neither side seemed to be slowing down any time soon.
Raven was growing angrier at her fight. Jinx had been making snarky comments and taunts since the fight started and it was starting to drive her nuts.
"Is it true what they say?" Jinx as the two finally clashed, "That the little crystal on your head has your dad trapped?"
The question threw Raven off guard, causing her to weaken herself and giving Jinx the upper hand on pinning her to the ground.
"If it is true..." the sorceress began, leaning down towards the empath's face, "then I wonder what happens if I do this..."
She touched the small stone, sending a shock of magic through her fingers and into it. Raven's eyes went wide. She could feel herself losing all sanity she had left. All the anger and frustration she had built up until this point was about to make itself known. Her vision went from black to white, to red in a matter of seconds before she had completely blacked out.
Raven awoke in a cell. Her wrists were chained with cuffs that halted her magic. She recognized the cell from her visits to Damian's home: this was a cell in the Batcave. For a moment, she wondered how she had got there before bits and pieces came back to her. She remembered screaming of citizens and the yells of her friends trying to stop her. She remembered nearly killing everyone in sight and destroying nearby buildings and roads. Then she remembered a plane: the Batwing coming into Jump City.
"I must have fought Batman himself..." then, she realized, "Oh no... I must've fought Damian, too..."
She begins to think the worst at that point. She had feared for a while that Damian was only with her for research reasons because he didn't trust her. Because of this, she refused to ever look into his emotions. She couldn't bear the thought of finding out it was the truth. Thought, if that is, in fact, true, she'd definitely find out about it now.
She heard some yelling going on upstairs. She recognized the voices to be Bruce and Dick. It was difficult from where she was, but she tried to listen in on what they were saying.
"...ruce, aren't you being a little rash?"
Dick, she decided.
"She's a chaotic monster, Dick, she has to be restrained somehow."
"Look, all I'm saying is that we don't know what happened. This could be one huge misunder--"
"What misunderstanding, Dick?! You were there, you saw what she did, for God's sake, Dick, she tried to kill us!"
"You don't see the Titans every day, Bruce. I've seen this girl every day since she arrived and trust me she is anything but a monster. The only reason you--... Did you hear that?"
"Came from the roof."
"Wait is that..."
"She's getting away! Still think she's good, Dick?"
"Shut it."
There was running before silence filled the air.
"What was--" Raven began, but was cut off by a familiar voice.
"A distraction."
Raven snapped her head around to see Damian holding a pair of keys in his hand.
"Distracting him with his own holo-tech. Grayson's idea, actually. Still, we should hurry, my father is no fool." He unlocked the door and got the cuffs off Raven, who only looked down at her freed wrists in confusion. She snapped out of her trance when she saw Damian reach for her hand, leading her to a nearby motorbike that he was obviously planning to use as a getaway vehicle.
"What about your dad? Won't he come looking for us?"
"Grayson said he had a plan for convincing him to reconsider his wishes. Is it a good plan is still in question, but it's the only plan we have."
"Whatever you say..."
They were silent the whole way back to the tower, leaving the Empath to her thoughts. She mentally scolded herself for allowing Jinx to get that close to her but was madder at the fact that she caved into her advances so easily. She knew she was stronger than that, and wondered why she would have allowed herself to be overtaken by a low leveled witch. It was then she decided that Bruce was right, that she was too monstrous to be a hero.
The couple finally reached the doors of the tower. Raven put a hand on Damian's shoulder, stopping him from going inside.
"Wait, Damian..." she hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I wasn't sure you'd actually save me... thank you."
The boy wonder scoffed slightly. "You should know by now that I do not care what anyone else thinks. I will always back you up."
"You didn't let me finish... I think your father is right."
She crossed her arms and gave him a serious look. "Damian, half the city is destroyed because of me. Hell, I tried to kill people I care about... besides, it's not like you probably trust me anyway. You've always been skeptical of people, even your friends, and family. And especially people who have done something like this." She flung a hand out, pointing at the city where reconstruction was still happening. "And not just that..."
"Then what else?"
"If I may be so blunt: you're not exactly the most hideous person in the world, and it doesn't help you share the blood of the biggest billionaire out there... you could've had anyone. You could have had someone better than me--someone more heroic than me... so why me? Why trust me? Why love me?"
He was silent for a moment. Shocked at what came out of the girl he loved so dearly. Truth be told, he loved everything about her. Even her faults. After a moment, he finally was able to respond, "Because you are the only one I want. You always have been... is that really so hard for you to believe?"
"Damian, listen..." She put both of her hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye as she spoke. "I'm not who you think I am... I'm a demon who has her own demons. Ones you can't possibly imagine. And I don't want to hurt you because of those demons."
Damian smiled a rare but genuine smile. "And I pray one day you will allow me to meet them. But until then, I'm just pleased to stay by your side. You have already proven to me that you are trustworthy, Raven, time and time again. I know you believe that your outward appearance and your family history makes you a horrible being, but trust me, it doesn't... I think I'm a pretty good example of that. And even with recent events, I know this isn't fully your fault. I've already been in contact with Koriand'r, she told me everything. Besides, as you said, you, yourself, have demons."
Raven couldn't say anything. She only looked at him pleadingly to just leave her and live an at least semi-safer life, but he only continued to smile, saying, "You cannot convince me otherwise, beloved."
She sighed in defeat. "I figured as much... though I should warn you that there may come a day you regret that decision."
"Highly doubtful."
"You heard me. You should know I could never regret you. Not for a moment."
Raven smiled, seeing as though there was no point in arguing with him. "You should probably go help Dick."
"Sadly, yes. You should get inside. I'm sure everyone is worried." He said, walking towards his bike. "I'll return shortly." And with that, he drove off.
Raven let out a sigh before turning a heal to walk into the tower, smiling slightly to herself.
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fandompride101 · 3 years
So funny!!!
I want a baby!
Rose Wilson: “raven i'm bored!”
Raven: *sigh* “I have an idea! Why don't you help me clean my house? That I'm letting you stay rent free...”
Rose: “nah...”
Raven: *mutters* “unbelievable...”
Rose: *Light bulb* “Let's do the “Text Your Boyfriend ‘I Want A Baby’” Challenge!”
Raven: “we don't have boyfriends...”
Rose: *smirk* “no but we have boys who are friends...”
Raven: *shivers* “Why do I feel like you're plotting something?”
Rose: *picks up ravens phone*
Raven: “ROSE DON'T!”
Rose: *sent message*
Raven: *shocked* “YOU SENT THIS TO DAMIAN!!!”
Rose: “yup! Damn, I wish I could see his reaction.”
Raven: *rolls eyes* “Please, Rose, you don't actually believe Damien will fall for this right. ”
Rose: *shrugs* “you'll never know!”
~3 hours later~
Rose: “IT'S.BEEN.3. HOURS! And nothing!”
Raven: *washing dishes* “I told you, he wouldn't fall for it. Now why don't you do something useful and go to the supermarket and buy some groceries.”
Rose: “Fine!”
~1 hour later~
Raven: *walked out of bathroom wearing nothing but a pale blue silk Robe* “Where the fuck is Rose with the groceries?”
Raven “must be rose...”
~opens door~
Raven: *shocked* “Damian! What are you doing here!”
Damian: “You. Me. Bed. Now!”
Raven: “HUH!!!”
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fandompride101 · 3 years
I love this!!!
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Damirae week 2020 day 5: Soulmate
"I've been standing here my whole life,
My heart beating faster,
I know what I'm after..."
You guys, sorry for very very late entry for day 5, this comic is really unplanned and I had to do it. 😭😭 It took all of my soul into it and I hope you guys love it ♥️
thank you for 2.3K!!
my dear new and old followers, my fam, welcome to my blog where I post memes , shit post and of course, priceless otp of my drawing 😅😆😂😂.
I hope you guys enjoy this entry. Marriage au hopefully not as many as this 😂😂😂
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Love this!!!!
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New Universe DamiRae AU
This takes place after Justice League Dark: Apokolips War.
New universe, new stories.
Despite their victory, the damage is already done. Constantine convinces Flash to create a second Flashpoint, after knowing he created the first while freeing him, to undo Darkseid’s work despite knowing the world will not be the same as it was before.
I stan that DamiRae will meet again in the new universe. Not gonna change my mind.
Headcanons about this AU:
Damian al Ghul
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“The true Ra’s is gone… replaced by my son, Damian.”
He is raised by his grandfather Ra’s al Ghul, and by his mother Talia al Ghul
Through his mother, he knows Bruce Wayne/Batman is his father but he doesn’t care about him
Damian was not adopted by Bruce since his mother didn’t leave him to his father’s care
His grandfather died when he was 10
His mother Talia becomes the new Demon’s Head until Damian comes of age
The League’s goals of reforming decadent civilizations around the globe draws the attention of the Bat Family and the Teen Titans
He’s cold and ruthless, unlike his DCAMU counterpart
As a civilian, he secretly investigates Batman and the Teen Titans in order to take them all down
During his time as a civilian, he meets Raven and the Teen Titans
He finds his battles with the Titans, especially with Raven, amusing
He reluctantly teams up with the Titans when necessary, but still— he believes teaming up with them for the time being doesn’t change the fact that they were still his enemies
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“Only the living have the privilege of saying they’ll fight to the last breath, and words like conviction and resolve don’t mean much to a dead man.”
Her origins is the same as on DCAMU. Raven unknowingly summons her father, Trigon and destroys Azarath along with her mother, Arella
She was adopted and raised by Zatanna and later with Constantine, while teaching her some magic
Zatanna and Constantine joins the Justice League, while Raven reluctantly joins the Teen Titans with Starfire as their leader
The team goes to the carnival to celebrate Raven’s one-year anniversary as a member of Teen Titans where she meets Damian
When Damian temporary teams up with them, she accidentally enters his mind with her powers
I think that’s it for now… 
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Girls Gone Wild
Raven's POV:
"Exit on the third floor. Take a left!" Kori's voice guided me on the intercom. I followed her directions and took a sharp left. I ran down the long hallway, the lights flickering as I went. "The door on your right!"
I swung open the door and chased down the stairs as fast as I could. I could feel it though. This place was about to blow and I was still in it. I couldn't portal because I didn't have the strength, but I ran with all my might.
I reached the first floor of the building, pushing the door open with all my strength. The light from outside blinded me for a few seconds, but I ran anyways. I got past a building and sunk into the alleyway.  
There was a load explosion.
I sank to the ground, keeping my back against the cold building. I took a few seconds to breath and get my head on straight.
"Rachel!" Kori's voice cried out in panic as she searched for me. "Rachel!"
"I'm over here, Kori." I said weakly.
She rushed over to me and helped me to my feet. I put my arms around her for support as the tall Tamaran helped me over to the Titan car. Once we got close enough to the car, I let her go and climbed into the passenger seat.
"Kori, the next time you ask to have a girl time..." I turned to look at her as she started the car. "Remind me not to go." I sank into my seat and clutched my aching side. Even though it was already healing, I was so weak that it would take time for this bruise to heal.
Kori chuckled and shook her head, as she started our drive home.
Kori had begged me yesterday to go for a girls day out. She had in shopping and spas in mind, not almost dying. I had said yes on a whim. I really don't get to spend much time with other girls and honestly I didn't have anything better to do.
What started off with eating lunch on a nice pear, ended up being a chase down with some bad guys that robbed a bank. They ran from the bank to some wear-house, where we followed and caught them. Of course they bombed the place and a few of them got away.
"Dick will not be very pleased." Kori shook her head. "He had told me not to go on any calls today and enjoy the day with you."
"Hey, we had fun." I smile. "You kicking that ogre of a guy's butt was pretty awesome."
"And you are getting quite good at hand to hand combat, Raven." She smiled at me. "You are right, it was a pretty good day."
"But next time we should stay in and do a movie night." I tell her, being completely serious. Today had been a close call and had drained me more than I cared to admit.
"You are right." Kori gave a tired smile. "When we get home how about we watch movies. I can get the guys on patrol for the night."
I forgot I was even on patrol tonight.
"That would be great, but I might fall asleep during the movie." I chuckled. As I did that my side started to ache more so I grasped it with both hands. "And maybe some ice tonight?"
"How bad was it?" She gave a concerned look.
The ogre man had kicked me in the ribs and gave me a bad bruise. I am sure it is already purple by now. After the ogre did that, Kori came in like a bad ass and kicked his butt.
"I'll be fine." I said, trying not to worry her. "All I need is rest."
She nodded and pulled into the drive of the Titan Tower. She opened the garage door and parked the car. When the car had stopped movie, I slowly climbed out of the car, holding my side. I let my cap fall over me, hiding my arms.
Kori and I walked into the tower together. When we stepped into the living room, the TV was on and showed us fighting on the screen. Garth and Jaime were commenting on something before they turned and saw us.
"Kori, Raven!" The jumped to their feet.
"You're on TV." Garth pointed to the screen.
"You did good work." Jaime commented.
"Where is the others?" Kori ignored their looks. I did the same.
"Dick and Damian are having a training session." Garth sat back down. "I am pretty sure one of them has killed the other by now."
"I bet Damian killed Dick." Jaime joked.
"Boys, have you don't your homework?" Kori eyed them.
The boys stood up and slumped out of the room. I followed Kori to the training room.
"If they have been in here the whole time, there is a chance they haven't heard." Kori turned to me. "Let me explain everything."
I nodded and followed her in.
Right away my eyes caught Damian slash at Dick's feet. Dick jumped up and narrowly missed Damian's sword. Dick countered with his bow staff, hitting Damian's side with it. Damian hissed in pain and then swiped the feet out from under Dick.
"Do you yield?" Damian said with his sword to Dick's neck.
"Yes." Dick coughed and sat up. Damian put away his sword and offered his hand out to Dick for help. The brother took it and stood to his feet.
Both of them seemed to notice us standing there.
"Ladies." Damian nodded to us.
"Hello." Kori stepped forward. "I want to explain before you hear it on the news."
Both of the boys looked at Kori. "What?" They both asked. Dick confused and Damian a tad angry.
"Well, you see..." She turned to me. "We were going out to eat when we heard of a bank robbery."
"You didn't go... right?" Dick stepped forward, looking right at Kori.
"Well..." Kori backed away.
"We went." I confirmed. "The bank robbers ran from the bank to a warehouse, where we caught up to them." I explained to Dick. "We took care of it."
"Took care of it?" Damian said, pulling up something on his tablet that he had grabbed without me noticing. "It blew up!" He handed the tablet to Dick. Dick started reading.
I was glad for my cap now. I new that if I had shown any of the guys that one of us got hurt, we wouldn't have heard the end of it. I stood up taller, trying to hid my injury. I wasn't going to let them know.
"We hadn't known it was more than just bank robbers." Kori argued.
"And you didn't call for help?" Dick said, handing back the tablet.
"We didn't have time." Said Kori.
Damian didn't say anything. I turned to look at him while Kori and Dick squabbled. Damian's eyes were on me as if he was searching for something. For some reason his eyes made me feel naked and exposed. I looked away.
"It says here one of the girls was injured." Damian interrupted Kori and Dick.
Dick looked at Kori and then to me. I looked at Kori, pleading her not to say anything. She understood.
"It was a lie." Kori said confidently.
Damian looked at her. I prayed that she wouldn't crack.
"Well then, if no one got hurt, why does Raven have her cloak on?" Damian didn't turn from Kori.
"I am fine." I say. I knew to sell this lie I had to show him, so I opened my cloak and held myself up, telling my hands not to reach for my side. When Damian seemed satisfied, I put the cloak back around me.  
"Look, it was a small brawl and everything is fine now." I assured them. "We just came her to see if you guys would allow me off patrol tonight. I am beat."
Dick stood up straight and looked between Kori and I. After a second he nodded. "Fine. I'll fill in for you tonight."
"Thank you, Dick." Kori smiled.
He turned to her. "I am still not happy neither one of you saw the need to call us."
"We handled it." I told him.
"The building was destroyed." Damian stepped towards me. "If one of you had been in there, then this would be a whole different conversation."
If only I told him right there that I only escaped by seconds. I could just see his whole head turning red and steam coming out of his ears. But I won't tell him. I mean what he doesn't know won't kill him.
Shortly after that, Kori and I went up to our rooms and changed into something more comfortable. I was already gaining my strength back, so I teleported downstairs and snuck up a cooler of ice.
Kori and I went to her room and watched The Office. Kori had shown me this show a while back, so now when we have girl bonding time, we usually watch it in silence. Kori and I shared the ice and nibbled on snacks that she hid up in her room.
"Damian was very angry when he read that someone had gotten hurt today." She spoke while the show changed to another episode.
"He did?" I tried to focus on the intro of the episode.
"It was almost as if he cared one of us had gotten hurt?" She said in an almost suggestive tone.
I looked at her, and she was smiling back at me. "I don't think..." I didn't know how to play it off. Her gaze on me made me turn red with embarrassment. "He was just angry, there is nothing to it."
"Hmmm." She said and turned back to the episode.
I tried to focus on the show, but my face was still red. The way she made it sound like almost made it seem like Damian cared, but that can't really be. It was just an illusion.
We spent the rest of the night watching shows and soon fell asleep. I woke up around one in the morning and teleported to my bedroom for the rest of the night. I was already feeling better, but when I looked the bruise was still on my skin. The bad thing about bruises that even when my body heals, the bruising color stays on my skin for a while.
The Next morning I got up like normal and took a shower. I didn't really feel up to an early morning training, so I decided to go on a walk around the grounds. It was a lovely morning with the birds calling and no one in sight.
I was past the gate before I even realized it. I turned back to look at the giant 'T' in the sky. Titan Tower has been my home for many years now, and looking back now, I was lucky to have Zatanna watching over me when I came to earth.
Zatanna was the first person to show me any kindness when I came here. She was the one who saw the good in me and got me on the Titans. I owed her so much.
"Rachel?" A voice spoke out from behind me.
I turned and saw Damian in his workout gear. He lowered his sword that he was apparently training with and stepped towards me. I stepped forward, closing in the distance between us.
"Damian." I nodded to him.
"What are you doing out here?" He put his sword into his belt.
"I could ask you the same." I nodded to the sword.
"I was training." He stood straight. "Now you."
"I am going on a walk." I stood straight to mimic him.
He nodded in understanding. I turned back, thinking the interrogation was over. I heard his footsteps behind me before I saw him. He was soon walking my pace by my side.
"What are you doing?" I gave him a sideways glance.
"I am walking with you." He said, looking straight forward.
"Okay." I nodded and continued on my path.
"Where are we going?" He said after a few minutes of silence.
"Not sure." I say, brushing my hands across a bush on the path. It was the perfect time of year where the trees were turning green and it wasn't yet too hot out.
He just nodded and we continued on our walk. Honestly it was nice to have his walking next to me and even though we weren't talking, it wasn't boring. If it was anyone else like Garth or Jaime, it would be a long and annoying walk, but with Damian I was fine.
"What are you thinking about?" Damian turned to look at me.
"Nothing." I shrug.
"So are you going to tell me the truth about yesterday's events?" He gave an all knowing look. I tried to play it off.
"I am not sure what you are talking about." I turn so I am not facing him.
"Raven, you are quite good at hiding things and lying, but you should know by know that I can read you. I have been trained by both the League of Assassins and my father. I know you're lying." He grabbed my arm and stopped me from walking any more.
"Fine." I turned to him. "There was a hick up and someone got away." I say, trying to avert is attention from what he was surly asking.
"Someone got away?" He stepped back.
"Kori and I have contacted the Justice League." I inform him.
"If this was a normal bank robbers there would be no need for the Justice League to be involved." He looked me right in the eyes with his stern emerald eyes. "What are you not telling me?"
"Nothing." I lie.
"Fine, it was a bit bigger of a situation that we ran into." I tell him. "It wasn't just a normal robbery and to our knowledge they were working for someone high up then our pay grade, so we handed it over."
"How much high up of a pay grade?"
"Lex Luther." I tell him. "I mean it's a guess, but that is who Kori and I believe it to be."
"What makes you think that?" He tilted his head to look at me. He was adorable like this. Oh shut up mind!
"There was just a few boxes and things there that made us believe Lex had funded that place." I shrug.
"What was inside the boxes?"
"Weapons." I turn away. "As I said it was more than we bargained for."
"And you didn't call because..." He sounded annoyed.
"There was no time." I turned to him. "Look, I know you don't like that we stumbled on this for some reason, but it all happened so fast! There was no time to call for help."
He looked at me, as if trying to see if I was hiding anything else from him. I huffed and turned back to the path and started walking. Of course he followed.
It was a while before he spoke up again.
"And you got hurt?" He said, taking me away from my thoughts. I didn't answer him. "Look, I saw how you held yourself. Even with your cap I could tell something was off in your walking."
"I was hit by an ogre." I say not looking at him. "It doesn't matter now because I have rested and it has healed."
"Even the skin coloration?" He asked.
How did he know that? I haven't ever told anyone that I heal but the bruising color doesn't alway. I mean a select people know, but none of them on the Titans. HE READ MY FILE!
"Your snooping now!" I turned to look at him, stopping him in his tracks.
"I need to know about everyone's weaknesses and strengths on the team. You should too if you were smart." His words cut through me.
I huffed and started fast walking away. Damian was close on my trail, following me every step. The faster I walk, the faster he did. When I knew I couldn't out run him, I knew I had to portal.
I stopped dead in my tracks and back kicked Damian in the chest. He stumbled back.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos" I conjured the portal and stepped through, letting it close behind me. I was fuming now. How dare he impose on all of our privacy and then accuse us of not being smart to do the same.
I was in my room, pacing out my anger. I knew this was silly of me to let this get to me, but I couldn't help it. How dare he call me dumb! He had no right to those files. They were only for Kori and any of the Justice League members.
Did Kori give him the files?
No, she wouldn't have let that happen. She would have stopped Damian if she ever found out. Damian had to have gotten the passwords and stuff from his father.  He was insufferable!
"Raven?" Kori's soft voice took me out of my thoughts.
I walked over and opened the door to find Kori with a concerned look on her face. I let her in and closed the door behind her.
"I heard your foot steps in the hall. Are you alright?" She asked me.
"No." I mumbled in anger.
"What happened?" She put a calming arm on my shoulder.
"Damian has access to all the files on every Titan." I clench my fists together. "He has been reading on all of us."
"He can't do that. He doesn't have the codes." She tells me.
"He does too. He read up on all of us." I look her in the eyes. "Those files have private things that I haven't told anyone. He doesn't have any right to read those."
She studied my face. "Look, I will talked to Batman." He gave me an encouraging smile. "But if he has read up on you, I think it only fair to read up on him."
"Don't tell Dick, but on Tamaran, it is only fair that if someone has a one up on you, that you even the playing fields." She smiled at me. "If you wish, I can give you Damian's file."
"Really?" I wasn't sure if that is what I wanted, but I was interesting.
"Yes, but you can't tell anyone I gave it to you." She nodded. "I will give you the file after breakfast if you wish."
I nodded.
She left the room, giving me one last encouraging smile. When I closed the door I didn't know if I felt any better. I knew that looking at the files would make us even, but it would also be something that my father would have wanted.
There was another knock at the door. I opened it a crack to see if Kori had forgotten something, but it wasn't her.
"I am sorry." He said, pushing the door open wide enough for him to step in.
"Come on in." I said sarcastically, closing the door.
"Look, what I said... I didn't mean it like that." He walked over to my book shelf and started to look at the collection of books I had created over the years.
"Damian, please go." I said.
"Look, I am sorry. I was angry. I am not sure why, but I said those things from anger." He turned his head to look at me.
"So it's not true. You haven't read all the Titan's files?" I questioned.
"No, I have." He nodded. "But you are not dumb for not looking at them yourself."
"Damian, those files are only for the Justice League, they are not for you!" I came closer to him, giving him a piece of my mind. "There are things that some teammates don't need to know about each other!"
"That is not what I was raised to believe." He said a matter of factly.
"I don't care if you were raised to kiss cows!" I point at him in the chest. "You making that choice to invade our privacy is not 'cool' and very unwelcome."
"I am sorry..." He began.
"Save it!" I held up my hand, stopping him. "I don't want to hear it. You are just like my father and invading personal space. If I wanted you to know something, I would have told you!"
I stepped back.
He stepped towards me. "That is not my intention."
I turned so I didn't have to look at him. I heard him sigh in frustration at me.
"Look, I am sorry. I did it a long time ago when I first join the Titans. I haven't looked at the files sense. I do have picture memory, so I apologies, but I have changed from the boy I was when I first came." I felt his hand on my shoulder.
I knew I was supposed to be anger at him and push away his touch, but his hand felt warm and welcome. I leaned into his touch for a moment before I realized what I had just done.
I turned to look at him, and our eyes met.
"Raven, I am sorry." He bent down so our eyes were at the same hight. "I only brought it up today because I wanted you to admit you were hurt, but I didn't mean to hurt you."
"I am not so angry about that as... mortified." I admitted.
"You read my files. The things on there... They are..." I looked away. "My father was ruthless, and whats on those files are proof that I am weak."
"Weak?" He pulled my head up so my eyes met his. "No, Raven, when I read those files I was amazed by your strength. You stood up to your father even after all the thing he had done to you. You could have easily been his pawn all your life, but you changed that."
"No..." I began to protest.
"Raven, when I first came on the Teen Titans, the first real call was against your father and the entire Justice League. You stood firm and faced him." His eyes were hopeful. "You are not weak and those files prove that."
"They still have all those horrible things I had done before I took the leap to come here." I protest again.
"Stop it!" He held onto my face, firm. "You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. I don't care what the file says."
I sigh and lean my face into his hands. He is strong and holds me, and a feeling of safety comes over me. When I open my eyes again I give a small smile, which he returns.
"Breakfast?" I ask, pulling out of his hands.
"Yes." He nods and follows me out the door. When we get into the kitchen we sit down and eat our meals in silence. Garth and Jaime are having a fight over who is the best hero to fight in the dead of winter. I tune them out and eat my cereal.
Kori comes in sometime later with a plain folder. She passes it to me when she sits beside me. I take it and hind it under the table. There was not need for Damian to find out about this folder now.
I ate the rest of breakfast in silence and when I am finished, I head up to my room with the folder. When I get inside I look down at the cover of the folder. I don't really want to look at this now, but something is telling me to hold on to it.
I put it in the top of my desk drawer and put it out of mind. Damian might have looked at everyone else folders, but I don't want to be like my father and read it for vengeance. I don't need to.  
Bonus (This takes place in the future of this same story line)
I teleport into my room, exhausted from the workout Dick put me through. When I got into my room, there was a certain green eyed boy in my room. I bushed my hand on his shoulder and went to my dresser for my clothes.
I pulled out some PJ's and turned to Damian, who had yet to acknowledge me.
"Damian?" I stepped closer to him, looking over his shoulder to see what he was looking at. He had a yellow folder in his hands. Oh shit!
"What's this?" He turned up to look at me.
"Um..." I was at a loss for words.
"This is my file." He stood up and looked at me. I was mortified.
"Yes." I said, not able to look him in the eyes.
"Why do you have my file?" He questioned. "How did you get this?"
"Well, um..." I glanced up at him. "Kori might have given it to me when we had that fight a while back about you reading my file."
"That was like three months ago." He looked down at the folder in his hands. "You read this three months ago?"
"No." I look up at him. I didn't want him to get the wrong idea. "I haven't read it. I didn't want to."
"Why did you?" He looked surprised.
"It would be something my father would have done." I didn't want to hold anything back from him. "I kept if for god knows why, but I promise I didn't read it."
He looked at me in silence for a minute, debating something. Probably to yell at me or kill me. Damian had every right to be angry, he did, but I hadn't even thought about the folder in so long, and I was already so tired.
"Alright." His voice pulled me from my downward spiral.
"Alright?" I asked.
He handed me the file. "You were quite angry about me reading your file. And I don't want to hold anything back from you. You may read my file."
I looked down at the folder and up to him. "What?"
"Raven, I don't want to hide anything from you. I like you, and if you would like, you may read this file. I will answer any questions you may have." He nodded and walked over to the bed, laying down.
I walked over and looked down at him. He looked relax.
"Why?" I didn't understand.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. "I like you Rachel Roth. I don't care if you know what is in that file. I want to be honest with you." He pulled me for a kiss.
When our lips touched it was like our first kiss all over again. I had been with this boy for a few months, but lived with him for years and somehow this boy still managed to sweep me off my feet and surprise me.
I loved him.
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Saving The World
Raven's POV:
"We lost 31% of the earth's molten core, there is nothing we can do." Batman explained to Diana and Clark.
   I look over to Damian, who is sitting next to me. His eyes meet mine, and I lean forward for a kiss. When our lips touched, I felt everything that I have been longing to feel for the past two years. I felt loved and no longer alone.
   The flash stands up and moves over to Batman and the others. I pull apart from Damian, and we both walk over to the conversation.
   "If I just make another flash point, we could reverse this." The flash pleads his case.
   "No, that is far too dangerous." Constantine steps in. "You could just make another timeline that is ten times worse."
   "I don't see any other way." The flash looks at us all. "Do any of you have a better idea?"
   There was silence and all you could hear was the wind blowing past us. Soon the earth will grow cold and those who were left on it would surely die. I turn to Damian. I observed his face and I can tell he had no further plan. He looks over to me.
   "What?" He whispers.
   "I have too." I mumble. I stand to my feet, but Damian grabs my hand.
   "What are you doing?"
   "I have a plan." I say, just loud enough for the others to hear me.
   "And what is it?" Constantine looks, as if thinking what I was about to say wouldn't work. He could at least give me a shot.
   "Your going to have to trust me." I look at each and every one of them.
Diana steps forward. "I believe in you." She put a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see her face. She nodded at me and I nodded to her.
Then I stepped away into an open area.
   "Raven, wait!" Damian steps in front of me. "What are you doing?"
   I put my hand on his cheek and for a second he rests his head on it, then he backs away enough to look me in the eyes. "I love you."
I kissed him, holding onto his head, wanting to forever remember this moment. I don't know if this will work, but something inside of me is calling for me to do this. A voice in my head that used to say 'destroy the world' is now saying 'save it.'
One thing I have learned in the Teen Titans, is that no matter the sins of people, they are all worth saving. The world is worth saving. Damian is worth saving.
   I break our kiss and take one last look at him. I step back and levitate to the sky, not looking away from Damian. When I got to the highest I could go, I looked around. The world was in shambles now. Torn up and destroyed by the need for power.
I took one more look down at the people that I have grown to call my family. Clark who saved me from... me, Starfire who is like a sister to me and who guided me for many years. Dick who taught me to fight and hold my ground. Damian who made me feel like anything was possible. I needed to save them.
I took a deep breath.
   "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal the earth. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those that are injured. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring back those we have lost. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Bring those who died, back to life. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" Heal those who have been taken for machines. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" In the name of love!
   Then my world goes dark.
Damian's POV:
I looked at her. I watched as she slipped from my fingers and ascended to the sky, almost as if she was ascending to Heaven. She wasn't looking at us anymore, but to the world and the damage that was done.
I didn't know what she was doing, but I could only pray that it would work. She made it seem like goodbye, but I won't let this be the end. I didn't die and be brought back for her to die.
Father steps to my side and watches the sky along with all the others. Dick is in Kori's lap, and she is stroking his hair. The moment they saw each other, Greyson had recognized her. Father place a hand on my shoulder, bring my gaze back to the sky.
There is a flash of purple, but instead of her black raven appearing around her, she is surrounded by a white one. It was almost breathtaking to watch and I even heard a few gasps from behind me, but I didn't take my eyes away from her.
Then there was a flash of white that consumed the sky.
   For a moment the world would not come into focus. All around, it looked fuzzy. And then it became clear. I looked over at Starfire and Dick, and they were hugging each other. Starfire's robotic parts were at her feet and she looked as she did two years ago. Dick stood up from the ground and they hugged. It seemed like there was no linger of the effect of the Lazerous pit.
   I turned around and was shocked. Robotic pieces were on the ground as the people they belonged to embraced each other in their original forms. Diana was being helped up by Clark, and Batman stood from the ground, no longer in Dark Side's uniform. Raven did it.
   I looked to the spot she last was, but she was, falling. I rushed to catch her, holding my arms out for her. She crashed on top of me. She was on my stomach. I sat up.
   "Raven!" I grabbed her face and turned it towards me, but she did not move. I tested her vitals. She was weak, but she was alive.
   "Raven." Kori came over and reached for Raven's arm.
   "She is alive, but her pulse is weak." I say, not looking away from the girl in my lap.
Soon a crowd of people came around us. All asking different questions, like if she was okay or if she was alive. I stood up with her in my arms and turned to the crowd of people who all had worried looks. Clark tried to reach for her, but I did let her go. I was never letting her go again.
"She is alive but in need of medical attention." I turn to Father. "Father, we have to get her somewhere where she can rest." He nodded.
"Bring her to the batcave. I will tell Alfred you are on the way." Dick came over and placed a hand on my shoulder. He put his other on her arm and checked her vitals. "She is getting stronger."
Just as he said that, Raven's eyes flew open. Her amethyst eyes found mine. "Damian." Her voice was hoarse, but she smiled at me.
"Don't speak. Save your energy." I hushed her. "We will get you somewhere safe."
"Did it work?" She asked, looking around at everyone.
   "According to my records our molten core is in tacts and the earth's population was restored to the number it was before Dark Side's attach." Father read off his screen. "I am not sure how you did it, but you did. Very well done Raven." Father noded to her.
   "Zatanna?" Constantine asked.
"Constantine." Zatanna's voice called through the crowd. She stood with a portal open as other Justice League members flooded out.
   Raven smiled, and then she turned to me. "I saved you twice today."
   "Yes, you did."
Raven's POV:
   "Raven?" A voice pulls me from my rest.
   "What?" I open my eyes, confused.
   "You fell asleep." Damian brushes his hand on my cheek.
   "I didn't mean to." I say, trying to sit up.
   "No, it's okay." He smiled and helped me up. "I was just worried for a moment. Go back to sleep. The car is here and I will take you somewhere safe." He said. I noticed that I was still in his arms.
   "I can walk." I am not sure if it is true or not, but I didn't want him to know that.
   "I will carry you anyways." He smiled down at me. My heart felt warm and tingly, and honestly I felt like I could curl up into him and sleep forever.
   Damian helped me into the seat of the car, putting me in the passenger seat. Then he put the seat belt around me. I gave him a look, telling him I could have done that on my own, but he ignored it.
   Damian slid into the driver's seat of the car, but his father came over before he could start the engine. "Drive her right back to the cave. I will be there when I can."
   "I will, Father." Damian blew off his father's words.
   His father hesitated, but stepped away, and Damian started the car, and then sped off. I grabbed the handle above my head, making Damian turn to me.
   "Please slow down." I begged.
   Damian turned to me, and when he saw that I wasn't kidding, he slowed to almost the speed limit. "Are you alright?"
   "I am really light headed." I close my eyes, trying to focus on breathing. I turned back to look at Damian who looking worried. "But I will be fine."
   He holds out his hand and I take it. I close my eyes again and take deep breaths. He squeezes my hand and says, "if you puke... you will have to clean it up." He says, making me laugh.
Back at the Batcave
   Well even though the ride wasn't too terribly long, it turned out I will be known as the first person to throw up in the Batmobile. Damian started to speed a little more when I got sick, but he only made it worse.
   "I am sorry." I tell him as he helps me out. "I really am."
   "It was a joke, I swear. You are fine." He scoops me up into his arms and carries me away from the car.
   "I'm sorry." I say as he lays me down on a bed.
   "Please stop saying that. You are fine. I will clean it up, but you have to get better. To do that you have to stop worrying. " He paused and looked at me. "Please."
   I smile at him, and reach for his face. When I touch his cheek, he smiles and leans into my touch. All of a sudden my bed becomes occupied by another guest. I sit up a bit to see Titus resting at my feet.
   "Titus will stay with you and make sure you don't get out of bed." Damian nodded as if making the plan up as he went.
   I didn't argue, and then Damian left to go clean up. I fell asleep with Titus' head, resting on my legs.
   "What happened?" Batman came in, immediately sitting down at his computer.
   I was cleaning up the Batmobile, from the earlier mess that I had made. I should not have sped so much. Then maybe she would not have gotten sick. "I was speeding to get back here, and Raven became ill." I explained.
   My father turned around to look at me. "Damian, you should not have sped. She probably is tired and easily acceptable to motion sickness."
   "Father, I thought it best we got here as soon as possible, but I admit it was a mistake." I bowed my head.
   "So is she the one you were talking about?" He looked at me.
I stayed quite, unsure of what he was talking about.
"When you said 'save them, save 'her' you meant Rachel Roth?" Father said, trying to piece together the puzzle.
"Father, now is not the time or place to be discussing this." I pick up the rag I was using to clean the car and put them in a garbage bag I was using. I stood up and he turned back to his bat computer.
   "Her vitals are returning, but she will need rest. I fear this has taken a great deal of energy." Father says as I go over to the panel on the wall and check the camera in her room. She is sleeping, but so is Titus. So much for a guard dog.
"We must give her time." I nod and turn to Father.
Raven's POV:
I woke up in the complete dark. I wasn't sure of the time, and when I pulled out my phone it was dead. Titus stirred and started towards the door. I opened it for him and followed him out. I hadn't noticed at first, but there was a sleeping body on the ground.
I knelt to his side and put a hand on his shoulder to wake him.
"Damian." I whispered.
His eyes shot open and he scanned the room. He sat up so fast that I was almost knocked over in surprise. He turned his head back and fourth and soon his eyes landed on me with worry.
"What's wrong? What happened." He grabbed my arms and looked around.
"Damian." I smiled. He was so worried that it was hilarious to watch. I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. "Damian, I am fine."
He looked me over and then sighed.
"What's going on, why are you sleeping outside the door?" I reached up and put a hand to his face, gently.
"Nothing. I was just making sure you were alright." He looked at me with those emerald eyes. "Why are you up, you should be resting?"
"I wanted to get something to eat."
"Well then let us go upstairs and get you some food. What is it that you are Hungary for?" He offered me his arm to take.
I took it and looked up at him. "Cereal."
"Cereal? It's almost midnight." He checked his watch and showed it to me.
"I just want cereal." I shrugged.
He sighed with a smile on his face. "Fine." He lead me up the stairs and to the kitchen area.
I sat down at the table while Damian went over to the cupboard and grabbed all the cereal brands they had. He set them down and grabbed the bowls and spoons and a gallon of milk. He set them on the table and I grabbed what I wanted. He did the same.
I took a spoon full of cereal and scooped it into my mouth and smiled at Damian.
"Cute." He said, nodding at me and then he took a bite of his cereal.
We ate our cereal in silence, only hearing the noises of ourselves chewing. I got seconds on my bowl, while Damian stopped after one. He watched me eat for a few minutes before his gaze started to annoy me.
"I am sorry that I eat cereal in a different way." I turned to him. "I am hungry."
He chuckles and leans back into his chair. "I don't think you eat strange, but I think it is funny to see you stuff your face." He smiles at me.
"Excuse me for using all my energy to save the world." I joke.
"You are right, you deserve to eat as much cereal as you would like." Damian bowed his head in acceptance, but when his head turned up he had an evil look in his eyes.
"Nothing." He leaned back, not losing eye contact.
"Damian, you have that look in your eye." I point at him.
"What look?" He plays innocent.
"That mischievous look that tells me you have a plan that is not going to end well." I lean back to get a better look at him.
"I have no look." He teases.
"Yes you do." I argue.
"No..." He was about to argue when we were interrupted.
"What are you fighting over?" Bruce Wayne walked into the room. I have never seen Batman out of his bat costume and it was shocking to see him standing before us.
"Father, we are sorry if we woke you." Damian stood and took our dishes to the sink.
"I was already awake." He sat down at the table. He turned to me and asked, "How do you feel?"
"I am better." I gave a weak smile.
"That is good." He nodded. "Now what was this about a 'look'?"
Damian sat in the chair beside me. I looked at him to see if he would explain it to his father or not. When it seemed like he wasn't going to answer I turned back to Batman and explained.
"I believe you son has a look that he gives when he has a plan that he knows you won't like." I explain.
"Oh, that look." Batman nods.
I turn to Damian with a triumphant look. "See, even your father knows of this look."
Damian turned back to me with a smile. "Fine you win." He put his hands up in surrender.
"How is everyone, Batman?" I turned to the man sitting across from us.
"Everyone has been informed of the events over the past few years and the Justice League plans to hold an official press meeting in the next day or so to go over the details." He pulled out his phone from his pocket and set it on the table. "And please, call me Bruce."
"Well Bruce," It sounds strange to say his name. "What are you going to tell them?"
He looked at me. "We are going to tell them the events of the past few years and explain the treat, and we plan to have you there by our side. That is if you are well enough." He gestured to me.
"Why me?" I questioned.
"You are the one who saved the world." He looked to his son and then back at me. "The world has been wanting to meet you."
"I don't know." I sank into my seat a bit.
"That reminds me. Lois and Clarke are coming tomorrow to see you. I had to send them home twice while you were asleep." Bruce stood. "Raven, please feel at home here." He said before he walked out.
I turned to Damian who was looking down at the table, scowling.
"What?" He looked at me and his eyes soften.
"What is a matter?" I turn my body towards his.
"You don't have to go to the press release. I told my father that you would need more time." He shook his head.
"Damian, it is fine. If I feel up to it, I would like to go. I want to." I put a hand on his.
"Okay." He hesitated before standing. He gave me his arm and we walked the lengths of the manor together. I wasn't really sure where he was taking me until we reached a door.
"You don't need to sleep in the bat cave." He explained to me and opened the door to a bedroom "You can stay here in my room."
"Your room?"
"If you don't feel comfortable, I can sleep else where." He said, allowing me to walk in.
I stepped in and Damian followed. I sat on the bed and looked at him. "You can stay here." I said, wanting for him to stay here. I almost begged him not to leave.
"Alright." He nodded. "I have some clothes you can wear."
He went over to his dresser and pulled out a hoody and basketball shorts. He handed them to me. I took them and went to the bathroom attached to the room and changed. When I got out Damian had changed into shorts and a t-shirt as well.
I slid under the covers and looked at him. He turned off the lights and made his way to the bed with only the lamp beside the bed for light.
"Good night Rachel." He said after he had turned off the lamp, leaving us in the dark.
"Good night."
Next Day
There was a knock on the door. I opened my eyes only to be flooded with light. I buried my head under the covers, blocking out the morning. The person next to me stirred and went to the door, opening it just a crack.
"Morning Mast Damian." Alfred greeted behind the door. "You father is worried that Miss Roth has ran off this morning, but I have come to ask if you know where she might be."
"Alfred don't be coy." Damian shook his head. "I am sure by the tone in your voice, you know she is with me."
"I had a hunch." There was amusement in Alfred's tone. "I will inform your father that I have found Miss Roth. Please join us downstairs, we have some visitors." He said just about to close the door. "Morning Miss Roth."
Damian forcefully closed the door and grumbled back to bed. He slid under the covers and his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and took the covers off my head and wiggled around so I could see him.
"Morning." Damian grumbled into the sheets.
"I think we need to go downstairs." I say, trying to free myself from Damian's grasp.
Damian has always been stronger than me, so his hold on me was firm. He was gentle not to hurt me, but his arms were not budging. I turned back to look at him when I gave up trying to get out of his grip.
"Damian..." I warned.
"Five more minutes." He grumbled again.
"You are normally a morning person, why are you like this?" I say, trying to break free again.
"Because for the first time in two years the world is not in danger and I am in bed with you. I want to keep it that way." He growled into my ear.
This sent shivers down my spine. A smiled spread across my face and I leaned back into Damian's grasp. He was right. For the first time we have been able to be just us without the fear of the world ending or father trying to kill him.
I sighed and then broke his hands free. I stood up and looked down at Damian who was looking up at me from the sheets of the bed. He did not seem too happy.
"Damian, once we go downstairs and make ourselves known, we can come back up here. I am hungry and want to eat before I fall back asleep." I said, pulling at his arm to get him out of bed. He didn't move.
After a moment I dropped his arm and stepped back. He grumbled "fine." And got to his feet. He went into the bathroom to change into some different clothes I did a simple spell to change close into a shirt and pants.
When Damian came out his hair was wet and he smelled like aftershave. I smiled and walked over to him. I hugged him around his chest, taking in a breath. His arms wrapped around me as he continued to pull socks out of his drawer.
When we were both done getting ready we headed out the door and right downstairs to the kitchen. Alfred was at the counter with a stack of pancakes beside him. When I stepped in closer I noticed Bruce, Clark and Lois all setting at the table. Damian walked over to the table and sat down.
Lois looked up and her eyes brightened when she saw me. She stood to her feet and practically ran to me. She embraced me and then I hear a chair crash to the ground and Clark got in the hug.
"I am so glad you are okay." Lois said into my ear. She held me so tight it was hard to breath.
"Raven, how are you?" Clark asked, not letting go of me or Lois.
"I am fine." I said, embracing them.
In the past two years I have grown close to Clark and Lois. Clark saved me from making a huge mistake and ending my life and Lois and Clark took care of me when I grew sick from my father's wrath.
They had become like a family to me. It was nice to be around them again.
Lois realised me and Clark and her stood back to look me over. They looked at me with concerned eyes, but I smiled.
"I am fine." I assured them.
Lois enveloped her hand in mind and led me back to the table. She made me sit in the seat that Clark was sitting in before, but he didn't seem to mind. He went and sat beside Bruce.
"You did it." Lois whispered in my ear when she sat down.
"What?" Whispered back to her.
"You saved the world." She smiled at me proudly. "I knew from the moment Clark brought you home that you were destined for great things."
I smiled. She had told me that a lot throughout our time spent together. She and Clark believed in me when I had lost hope in myself.
Alfred brought over a plate for me and Damian, who was now seated across from me. Alfred smiled at me when he handed me the plate. I couldn't help but blush.
"Raven, are you feeling better? The past few days we have come they told us you where asleep?" Clark turned to me.
"I am better." I nod and take a bite of my pancake.
"Glade to hear." He nodded. "Has Bruce filled you in on the press conference?"
"He said that the Justice League will hold one and that they would like me there." I said after I swallowed my food.
"And do you feel up to it?" Lois asked me in a concerned tone.
"It should be fine to go." I answered her.
She smiled at me and grabbed my hand that was resting on the table and gave it a squeeze. I looked at her and she had nothing but love in her eyes. I looked to Clark and he was just the same.
"I don't think Bruce has told you yet, but the Teen Titans have decided to take a season off and most of them are going home to family." Lois said, making me turn back to look at her. "And I know that the only family you had here was your father, and now he is gone."
I wasn't sure where she was going with this. Lois nervously turned to Clark and when I turned to him he just nodded with a smile on his face.
"We were wondering if you would like to come home with us." Lois turned back to me.
I looked at her in shock. She wanted me to come live with them? Clark and Lois were asking me to come stay with them for the while the Teen Titans were away.
"What?" I said, not sure I understood all of this.
"Come stay with us, Rachel." Clark said across the table.
"What do you say?" Lois said in a cheerful tone.
"I..." I didn't know what to say. I have never felt more welcome.
"Father, surely she would be better staying with us." Damian's gloomy tone made me turn to him. He was upset and glaring daggers at his father.
"If Rachel would like to go with the Kent's then she is the one to make that decision." Bruce said sternly. "But, she should stay here for a few more days while we track her vitals and such."
"So what do you say?" Lois asked again.
I looked at Clark and Lois and then at Damian. For the past two years the Kent's have held me together and given me love that no family has ever. I knew what I was going to choose, but I only wished Damian wouldn't hate me.
"Yes." I said, turning back to Lois. "When the press conference is over, I would like to come home with you and Clark."
Damian stood up and stomped out of the room. I winced at his foot steps but I knew what I wanted to do. Damian and I are just starting something, but I knew that I wanted to be with the Kent's
"When we go back to Metropolis, I would like to introduce you as my daughter." Clark spoke up.
"Your daughter?" I turned back and forth at Lois and Clark to see if this was real.
"You are family and if this past two years prove anything, it is that you are a Kent." Lois squeezed my hand again. "Even if you are not by blood, you are."
"Thank you guys." I smiled at the two of them.
"Rachel, would you mind if Clark, Lois and I have the room?" Bruce spoke up. "We have a few matters with the press conference that need to be finalized."
I nodded and stood up. I left the room quietly, still smiling. I couldn't believe this. I didn't think about what would happen when I woke up. Clark and Lois took care of me for all these years, and I just thought when all of this was over they would lead their own lives, but now they want me to join them? I was happily surprised.
I was walked back to Damian's room. I didn't know how I was going to explain this all to him and I knew by the way he reacted he would not be happy, but I wanted to explain this all to him.
I knocked on the door.
I knocked again and this time when nothing happened I turned the nob. Damian was sitting at his desk in his room, writing something. I walked over to him and waited for him to finish. When he set the pen down I spun his chair to look at me and sat on the bed.
"Damian, I am going." I start.
His eyes were murderous.
"I love you." I put my hand on his. "I would stay with you forever, but over the past two years... It was the Kent's that took care of me."
I let go of his hand and put it in my lap. I looked down at my hands, not wanting to face Damian.
"I wanted to die. I mean it. I wanted it to be over. If I killed myself, father would have never been freed and you would have been safe." I toy with my hands. "And I couldn't be with you because if I let my father slip for even a second, he would have killed you."
It was hard telling Damian this. I never admitted this to anyone before.
"When Clark showed up and took me in, he and Lois gave me something that I needed. Hope." I glance up and then quickly back down. Damian was staring at me like hot lasers. "They gave me a home and made me feel loved."
They were the parents I never had.
"I am going with them because they have become my family. Like the Titans, but with a stronger bond." A tear slipped. "I love you and this doesn't mean I don't. Just because I am leaving doesn't mean I am leaving you." I looked up at him, finding my courage. "I will portal here to see you whenever, but I need to do this."
Damian was silent for a second and I let my head drop. Maybe he didn't believe me or didn't want to hear this, but it needed to be said.
I felt his hand reach my face and I looked up to him.
"I love you." He said in almost a whisper. "And though I will hate having you close by, I understand." He nodded. "But I tell you this. I will gain your love enough one day to be considered the only family you will ever need." He said in a wild tone. "And on that day, you will be my wife."
His words were wild and truthful. I knew he meant this as a promise to me and it warmed my heart. I smiled at him as he whipped a tear from my face.
"We can portal to see each other and spend the nights." He grinned at me. "But for now, if this is where you want to be, then I will not fight."
I smiled at him.
"I love you." I said, meaning it with all my heart.
"And I love you." He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Wayne Galla Part 2
Raven's POV:
Damian grabbed my hand, helping me off the grass. We had been setting there for who knows how long. Damian had pointed out that we had missed supper though at that we needed to get back to the Galla before we are missed.
I knew my lips were red from his kisses, but I didn't mind. We had laid on the grass and looked up at the stars with an occasional kiss.
Damian held out his arm for me and I took it. I followed him back to the house, straightening out my dress and hair before I walked through the doors to the party. Damian smiled down at me and then opened the doors for us.
Then we walked in. We found Dick and Kori and talked to them for a while. Damian and I snuck off to grab some food because we missed supper. We ate in the kitchen.
"This is good." I said, eating my salad.
"Father didn't believe in getting anything for vegetarians even though there is three of us here." Damian explained while eating his bowl.
"No matter." I smiled.
We ate quickly, smirking at each other. Damian and I sat beside each other, but our chair seemed to be growing closer and closer. Damian would grabbed the leg of my chair and pull it closer to his.
"Damian, what are you doing?" I eyed him.
"Nothing." He said innocently.
I laughed and finished my salad. I was about to get up but Damian pulled me into his lap.
"Not yet." He said and then he kissed me.
I kissed him back, sitting on his lap. It felt so right to be like this. It felt like I belonged here, with him. When we finally pulled apart Damian smiled and looked at me. I slowly got off his lap and grabbed my plate and brought it to the sink. Damian did the same with his.
"Let's go back to the party." He smiled down at me.
"Yes." I agreed and took his arm. He led me back to the party.
Alfred's POV:
I knew something was up this morning when Damian took his plate to the sink and apologized for saying what he had. Damian was never like this.
From the moment Raven stepped into the ball room, Damian only looked at her. He would nod and walk past someone just to get to her.  She was already working wonders for him.
I watched as they went to the dance floor and started dancing. Damian has always been a tough person too read and sharp with people, but I have never seen this side of him before. He was kind to her and genuine. It brought a smile to my face.
When the dance ended the two made their way over to their teammates. I looked around to find Master Dick and Koriand'r dancing to another song. Bruce wasn't a fan of Dick dating someone, but over the years he has come to be more open to the idea.
Dick and Koriand'r were a lovely sight. Koriand'r and Raven have been nothing but wonderful guests in the manor and such a nice addition to the house. If only Dick would gain the nerve to ask for her hand already.
I might be an old butler, but I see what goes on in this house better than most. Dick has had a ring for almost a year and still hasn't asked. What a shame. I shook my head and turned back to Raven and Damian.
Raven was now standing alone with some of her teammates and other guy was very close to her, talking. Damian came into view and even from across the room I could see the anger in him. I was about to move over to him when Raven grabbed his arm.
With one look Raven calmed the boy. She was truly a God-send. I smiled at the thought. Those two left the room. I followed not to close behind, worried for Master Damian. The two walked a far distance from the house.
I watched as they sat on the grass. Then I saw them. They were kissing.
I turned away, not wanting to intrude on their privacy. I walked back into the ball room with a smile on my face. I ran into Koriand'r and Dick and Master Bruce.
"Alfred?" Bruce questioned the look on my face. "Are you alright?"
"Oh yes." I smiled and nodded to them.
Dick and Koriand'r gave me a questioning look but shrugged it off. And the night went on.
***** Raven's POV:
I stayed beside Damian most of the night. We went around and greeted different people afterwords Damian told me how he knew them. Most of the people worked at Wayne enterprise, but not all of them.
Damian snuck in a few more dances with me, and we would steal kisses when we were sure no one was looking. If father would see me now he would be disappointed in me for acting like this, but I really couldn't care less.
It was ten o'clock when the guest started to leave. Damian and I stood at the doors and nodded as they left. Dick and Batman were at the other doors saying goodbye. Eventually it was just just the Teen Titans and Batman left.
"As a custom, guest of the manor and family of the Wayne's get to enjoy the final dance of the night." Alfred said when everyone was in the room.
Bruce said something about being late and wanting to check on some things, and then he left the room.
Damian turned to me. "Care to dance?"
"Yes." I said and took his hand. Kori and Dick joined us on the dance floor as the final song played.
"So do I win?" Damian whispered in my ear.
"I believe you did. But it was a close one." I joke.
"Well, winning is winning." He smiled at me. "I don't know what I will ask for a prize yet, but when I do, you'll be the first to know."
I sighed and rested my head on his chest with a smile on my face. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him and I held him around his waist. We slowly danced until the final song ended.
Damian led me slowly around the house and to the main hall.
"Would it be bold of me to ask if you would like to spend the night with me?" Damian said when we were out of ear shot of everyone.
"Bold indeed." I smiled. "But sure." I followed him down the hall and to his room.
He opened the door for me. I walked into his room. It smelled like him and filled my noise in his amazing sent. I head to lock on the door click, so I turned to look at Damian.
He had an evil look on his face. "I think I know what my prize is going to be."
"What is that?" I smiled at him, backing into his bed.  
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fandompride101 · 4 years
So cute!!!!
‘A Little Adjustment’                                         a damirae fanfic
Chapter three
Monday 12:30 p.m 
“Damian!” Donna rushed up to catch up to him in the hall during their passing period, “So it is true, you are back!” 
Oh right, he forgot he never really did tell the team he was back. Not even his brothers knew, though he guaranteed his father already told them.
“I wasn’t planning on informing anyone. I’m assuming Jon told you?” 
Donna lifted up her eyebrow taken aback, as if he said something unbelievable. “Are you kidding me? You’re the whole schools talk right now. Everywhere I go–” lifting up her hands gesturing at nothing, “it’s Damian Wayne this and Damian that.” 
Keep reading
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Please use ‘read more’ links on your fics so it doesnt completely take over whatever tags you use! Makes it especially tough for people on mobile @.@
Oh, I am still new to this all. I will try to. Thank you for the tip!
0 notes
fandompride101 · 4 years
Damirae FanFics
So By now you should all be seeing some of my stories that i have written on the app Wattpad. If you guys enjoy my fanfiction, please feel free to follow me or go to my wattpad account to read more!
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fandompride101 · 4 years
Wayne Galla
Raven's POV:
Sitting in my chair, reading my new book The Princess Bride, I was sipping tea in the living room of the Titan Tower. Lucky for me Titus was sitting on my lap. I was petting him while reading.
Titus' head raised, making me look up.
"Raven, oh am I happy to see you." Kori came over and sat at the other end of the couch.
"Kori." I set my book down and looked at her.
"We have exciting news!" She beamed. "Bruce Wayne has just invited us all to the famous Wayne Galla!"
"A Galla?"
"Yes. Dick just brought the invitation." Kori handed me a letter. I didn't need to look at it.
"Kori, I am not much of a "Galla" person." I hand her back the letter.
"It is not a negotiation. It is another mandatory event, Raven." She handed me back the letter. "Raven you and I are the only girls. We need to get our dresses!"
I groan. "Kori I am not one for fancy dresses and what not."
"Nonsense." She grabbed my hand, pulling me off the couch. Titus stirred and looked at me with his head tilted. "Come now. The ball is in one week."
"Are we going shopping now?" I said as she pulled me out of the room and down the hall.
"What a wonderful idea." She pulled me down to the Titan garage and into a car. "I know of this place that sells beautiful dresses."
"And what about patrol?" I had to be on patrol in twenty minutes.
"Dick has taken your shift." She said as we pulled out of the garage. "I believe you had shift with Damian, no?"
"Yes." I said slightly embarrassed. Why was I embarrassed? It was only patrol.
"Then Dick will inform Damian of the change when they meet for patrol." Kori said pulling out of the driveway.
It was a fifteen minute drive to where ever Kori was taking me. I sat silently in the car, listening to her go on about what we all needed.
"Oh and we have to make sure we get makeup." She said as she parked. "Dick said that the night before we will be set up in rooms, and that day we will use to get ready."
"The whole day just to get ready?" I got out of the car. "Doesn't that seem a little much?"
"The Galla starts at one in the afternoon and last almost the whole day." She smiled and locked the car. "So we have to get up and get our hair and makeup done and then get dressed."
"That just seems a little excessive." I shrug and follow her into a store.
Right when I walked in, we were surrounded by dresses. They were all different colors. They were so bright and so... unlike me.
I sighed and looked at Kori. She smiled and walked over to a rack of dresses, already looking over some choices. I went over beside her and started to look at some of them.
"Hello, welcome to Barnes. Is this your first time shopping here?" A lady walked up to us.
"Oh yes, my friend and I are looking for nice dresses for a Galla." Kori smiled at her.
"Oh how wonderful." She stepped closer. Turning to Kori she looked right at her. "I think I have the perfect dress for you."
Kori followed the lady over to another rack as the lady pulled out a pink dress. Kori smiled so bright that it was hard to look at her in Thai state.
"This is just stunning!" Kori grabbed the dress and turned to me. "Rachel, I am going to try this on. Go look for a dress for yourself."
The same lady from before came over to me. "I can see that your not a bright colored person like your friend." She smiled at me.
I nodded.
"Well, I might just have something for you." She started walking to the back of the store. I followed her. "I just got this dress in and it is absolutely stunning."
She gestured me to follow her into the way back of the store. I walked into the doors and followed her farther back.
She stopped short and moved to the side so I could see the dress. It was a stunning sleeveless dress that was a dark blue that it almost looked black. There were silver accents on the top, and the dress had a sheer fabric with a shimmer to it.
It was stunning.
"It was a mistake. We ordered it in a perl color, but it came in the gorgeous dark blue. But because we didn't order it, well it's half off." She smiled. "So, how about we go try it on?"
I nodded as she grabbed the dress and brought me to the dressing room. She handed me the dress and left me to get changed.
Putting on the dress felt like a sin itself. It was a soft material that was light. It had a slit in the leg that revealed my leg, but I didn't mind.
When I had the dress on, I looked at myself in the mirror. It fit me perfectly and made me feel confident. I stepped out just as Kori did.
"Oh my goodness." She looked me over. "You're ...stunning." She said, making me blush. "That dress is so you."
"Thank you." I looked down. "And your dress is amazing."
"You think?" She twirled.
"The. It seems like we don't need to try on any more dresses. We have found ours." She smiled at me.
"Yes." I nodded at her. I went back into my dressing room and looked at myself in the mirror. I didn't want to take the dress off. I am not the type of girl to wear dresses, but this was stunning.
When I got dressed into my normal clothes, I put the dress back on the hanger and made sure not to wrinkle it. I walked out and met a smiling Kori.
"Dick has given me a credit card to pay for these." She said as we walked to the counter.
"So did you like it?" The lady before asked me as she went behind the counter.
"Oh yes." Kori said while she put her dress on the counter.
"Yes." I answered the lady and put my dress on the counter.
"Well lucky for you both the dresses are both on sale." She said as she scanned the tags.
"Wonderful." Kori handed over the credit card. "These are going to be perfect for the Galla!"
"Well, enjoy." The lady handed over the dresses in nice bags. "Come back soon!"
We walked out with our dresses. Kori was grinning from ear to ear and I had a small smile on my face as well. I had to admit, today was much better than I had thought it would be.
"Well, next we need shoes and makeup!" Kori said as we got into the car.
After about two hours of shoe shopping and makeup tests we finally had everything that we needed. I got simple shoes and makeup that made it look like I wasn't wearing any at all. I don't like to wear makeup.
My feet were killing me by the time we got into the car. Kori was still giddy with excitement, but I could tell she was getting tired as well.
It was a short ride home where Kori was complementing our outfits and accessories. She was so happy that I didn't mind hearing her all the way home.
When we got home I grabbed my bags and brought them to my room. I put the dress in my closet so it would not get wrinkled. Then there was a knock on my door.
I went over to the door and opened it up. "Damian?"
Damian walked into my room. "Where did you go? We had patrol?"
"Sorry, Kori took me shopping for the Galla. As you know I didn't have a choice." I sat on my bed and pulled out the shoes that I just bought. "Did something happen?" Damian was unreadable.
"Okay then, is there something you needed?" I set the shoes on my bed.
"I was just wondering where you were." He leaned back on my desk. "I had patrol with Dick."
"I bet that was fun." I said sarcastically.
"So much." Damian rolled his eyes.
"I am sorry I didn't warn you." I gave a small smile. "You know when Kori has an idea you just have to go with it."
Damian nodded.
We starred at each other in silence for a minute before Damian stood up straight and bowed his head at me. Then he left, closing the door behind him.
Six days later
Tomorrow was the Galla and everyone in the tower was packing for the event. The boys had gone out a few days ago and bought their tuxes. I was in my room, packing the last of my clothes. We had to pack for tonight, the Galla and the day after.
"Are you almost ready?" Kori knocked on my door and came in.
"Almost." I said, walking over to my bathroom and grabbing the bag of makeup and my personal bag.
Kori watched as I got everything into my suit case. When I was finished I turned to Kori and levitated my bag off the bed. "Portal?" I asked.
She nodded.
I conjured up a portal to the car and we stepped through with our luggage. We beat most of the boys downstairs and Kori lifted both of our luggages into the back of the car and waited for the others to come. Dick was taking a few of the boys and I was riding with Kori and Jaime.
"Let's get this party on the road!" Garth shouted as he pulled his luggage with him. It must have been heavy because he was in gorilla form.
"Garth, you are riding with Dick." Kori told him. Garth brought his suit case to Dick's car.
I am not sure where Dick is, because he is not out here at this time. "Maybe he is getting something from inside." I thought. Just as I finished the thought, Jaime and Damian came out followed by Dick.
"Now that we have everyone, let's load into the cars." Dick said in a tone I couldn't quite understand.
"You know it would be much faster if I took my bike." Damian grumbled to his brother.
"And it would also be faster is Raven teleported us all there, but that is not going to happen." Dick told Damian as he walked over to his car. "We were given instructions to drive."
Damian huffed as he put his bag in the car.
I went to the passenger seat, as Kori climbed into the drivers. We waited for Dick to go first, because we planned on following him, but not even five seconds later Damian got out of the car and came to ours.
"May I travel in your car?" He asked Kori when her window was down. "I know the directions."
"Yes you may." Kori nodded and unlocked the door for Damian.
Jaime was already in the far back with a movie playing on his phone. He only nodded as Damian climbed into the car. I turned to look at Damian, but he was scowling out the window. I turned back to face the windshield.
"Damian, how is your training doing?" Kori asked as she drove out of the driveway. "I have seen your improvement, but how do you feel you are doing?"
Kori means well and is trying to start a conversation, but I can sense that Damian is still in a fowl mood. Just when I thought Damian wouldn't answer he mumbled.
"I could be better." I looked behind at him, and he was looking at me. "Koriand'r, it's the next turn. On the left."
I turned back in my seat and watched as Kori took the turn as instructed. She didn't seem to notice Damian's mood or wasn't caring, because she went on making conversation. "Dick tells me that you are quite good for your age. He fears that you will surpass him."
I turned to gage Damian's reaction, only to see a small smirk growing on Damian's face. Damian has always claimed to be the best Robin, but hearing this from the girl that is dating a past Robin probably made him feel superior.
"It's only a matter of time." Damian nodded.
"Rachel, how are you fairing with online school?" Kori turned her head to look at me and then back at the road.
"It's fine." I mumble. Truth was I hated it. I hated not being able to be in a classroom and hated always having to converse with a teacher over email.
"All 'A's?" Kori questioned.
"Yes." Even though I hated school, I was taught at a young age by the best demons so school did come rather easy to me. School was just one of those things the Justice League thought we needed, but I didn't really.
"That's good to hear." She smiled.
Then there was silence. It lasted for a long time, but I didn't have anything to say or add, so we just road along in silence. I watched the landmarks we passed and counted the dead animals I saw along the way.
One thing I always hated about road trips are seeing the road kill. Father would think I am weak for having sympathy towards the dead animals, but I couldn't help it. No matter the sins of the world, these animals were just trying to live their lives, and are killing by humans who did not slow for them.
"Rachel, what seems to be on your mind?" Kori asked, pulling me from my thoughts.
"Nothing." I lie. Kori would go into this who story about how it was a way of life for the animals and how they were in a better place now, but I didn't want to hear it.
"Damian, are we getting close?" Jaime said, pulling himself away from his phone for a second.
"Twenty-four minutes and we will be there." Damian said, making me turn back and look at him.
"That is a very specific time frame." I said, trying to avoid Kori's worried looks towards me.
"I live there. I know how far away the manor is." Damian said like it was obvious.
"What are the plans when we get there, Damian?" Kori looked at him through the rearview mirror.
"You will be shown your rooms. Then have about an hour too unpack and we will all come together for supper at approximately seven o'clock." Damian said without thinking about it.
I nodded and looked out the window. Before us was a 'Welcome to Gotham' sign that was covered in graffiti. I had heard many things about Gotham and how it has a run down area with a lot of crime. No wonder the bat family has resided in this town.
Time passed as we drove deeper into the heart of the city. There was sky scrapers and shiny building surrounding us, and it almost looked like the streets of Star City, except for the bat symbols that were painted on the street corners.
"What do they mean?" I turned to Damian.
"It means Batman will protect this area and not to mess around." Damian grumbled and looked out the window. He didn't seem happy to be back home. "The next right, Koriand'r." Damian instructed.
I watched out the window at the citizens that were walking with a purpose. I had seen this before when my father was tyrant of hell. These people had fear motivating their movements. It was sad. I could feel their fear. This whole town was engulfed in it.
"Jaime, Rachel, I don't think I need to remind you, but I will..." Kori started. "Be on your best behaviors. We were asked here as guests."
I nodded and Jaime mumbled a response. Damian said nothing, he only looked out at the buildings and the people. To my right there was a huge building. It had the name Wayne on it. That must be the famous Wayne enterprise that funds the Titans.
It was a huge building, all black with shiny glass and big bold letters on it. Honestly if there was ever a building that would scare you, this would be it. I gulped as we passed it.
It was only a few more minutes before we pulled out of the city and were in a long stretch of land that only had trees and grass on it. Kori explained that this was all part of the Wayne manor. It was hard to believe because the land stretched far, but soon enough there was a huge mansion in front of us.
When Kori pulled too a stop, Damian jumped out of the car and opened the back up before she could even pull the key. He grabbed his bag and went into the house. As soon as he stepped through the doors another, older, man stepped out.
I got out of the car and grabbed my bag from the pile as Kori grabbed hers. I levitated my luggage over to the man.
"Hello." I said, nodding to him.
"Hello, I am Alfred Pennyworth." He nodded to me. "Might I help you with your bag Miss Roth."
"Rachel, please. And I have got it, but thank you." I said, showing him the levitating bag.
"Very well, Rachel." He nodded.
We waited for the others to come along, and slowly we all huddled around Alfred. "Master Bruce is on a call, but once he is done he will address you all. For now I will show you to your rooms."
We followed him into the house and up the stairs to the second floor. He showed everyone their rooms, one by one, and then when it came time for mine and Kori's room we went across the hall.
"Ladies, you will have the rooms on this side of the hall. Tomorrow when you are getting ready, food will be brought to you so you can get prepared." He nodded to a room. "This is yours Koriand'r."
Kori opened the door and walked in with her bags. I followed Alfred a few more steps down the hall and on the same side he showed me to the next room.
"I have been informed that you enjoy reading and gardens,  Rachel." He opened the door for me and allowed me to step in. "If you were to go down at the end of the hall and to your right there is a library. And if you went down that same hall and to your left, that stairs will lead you down to our garden outside."
I set my bag on the bed. "Thank you Alfred." I gave him a small smile. "I much appreciate the help."
He nodded and closed the door as he left. I unpacked all my clothes into the dresser and hung my dress up in the closet. There was a small bathroom and when I opened the door, I found that it was attached to Kori's room. She was already in there putting her makeup on her side of the counter.
"What a pleasant room." She hummed when she saw me.
"Indeed." I nodded and set my bag on the counter.
"Once you are all unpacked, we can go downstairs and see if they need any help setting up for supper." Kori suggested.
Back at the tower Kori would cook the food and I would set the table. I agreed and closed the bathroom door in my room to finished unpacking. I put away my shoes in the corner of the room and spun around to make sure everything looked emasculate.
When I finished I left my room and knocked on Kori's door. She swung it opened and let me in. "I am almost done, just a few more things."
Her room looked like a mess. Her dress was laid out on the bed and her shoes were scattered on the floor. It looked like she dumped her suitcase on the ground. She grabbed her phone and assured me out of the room with her.
"Alfred might enjoy some help. Dick tells me he prepares all the meals alone." Kori said as we walked down the hall.
As we walked into the kitchen we were greeted by Alfred. He was humming away and stirring a pot of something on the stove. "Ladies, is there something you needed?" He asked us.
"No, we are here to help you with dinner preparations." Kori walked over to the counter. "What might you need help with?"
"My, I don't usually have people offering to help me." Alfred's smile grew. "If you wanted to chop up the celery for me, that would be wonderful." He said to Kori.
I stepped closer to the two of them, just as Kori went around the corner and grabbed a knife for cutting. "Would you like me to set the table."
"That would be great. The mats are in the drawer under the photo." Alfred gestured to a photo. It was a photo of two people. One with dark hair and one with blond. They looked happy. I went over to it and opened to drawers and pulled out the mats.
I set them at each place and once I was done a found the dishes and silverware to go with. I grabbed glasses for each setting and put water in them. At the tower you must have one glass of water before you get any other drink.
Once I was done I went over to the counter again. "Alfred, is there anything else?"
"Why I just about have the soap done." Kori brought over the celery she cut and Alfred through them in and stirred. "Now it's complete."
Kori stood back and smiled. The kitchen smelled just amazing and the soap was already making me hungry. "Alfred, you have outdone yourself." Kori complemented.
"Yes." I agreed with her.
"Thank you ladies. Now, I believe it is time to call the house hold down for supper. Please have a seat while I get everyone." Alfred left the room and Kori and I took our seats at the table.
"What at elegant house." Kori said, looking around.
"Yes." I nodded.
Soon Garth came bolting in the room followed by Jaime. They sat across from us. Dick came in next and sat on the other side of Kori with a smile. Alfred was the next to come in and sit at one end of the table.
Damian came in and sat across from me. He nodded at me when he sat down, and I nodded back. Something was off though. I couldn't quit read him, but something was bothering him. He looked down at the place setting and didn't look up.
"Hello." A deep voice greeted us.
I turned away from Damian to a man who sat down at the end of the table. He looked like Damian, but he wasn't. This was Bruce Wayne. I had seen him so many times on the screen, but never without the mask on.
"Hello." Kori greeted in a cheerful tone.
"Supper smells good." Bruce said to Alfred.
"Thanks to the lovely ladies over here." Alfred nodded to me and Kori. "They helped me in the kitchen."
Bruce nodded to us. "Well done then ladies."
"Thanks." I mumbled as Kori said something along the same lines.
"Well, let's dig in." Dick said, picking up his spoon.
Everyone started to eat. It was amazing. The soap practically melted in your mouth and tasted so rich that I almost didn't want to eat it all. I savored every spoon full, and took my time. So did the others. We ate in almost complete silence, only talking to complement the food.
We all finished out bowls around the same time. "Well, Alfred, that was just amazing." Kori nodded her thanks to Alfred.
"I am glad you liked it." He stood up and took his bowl to the sink. I stood and collected my bowl up. "No need Miss, I will get the dishes."
"No, I will help you." I argued and brought my bowl over.
Alfred nodded his thanks to me. As people started to finish and push their bowls aside Alfred and I would go and collect them. Alfred went to take Bruces bowl away and I went over to Damian who pushed his aside.
"Can I take that?" I asked him in almost a whisper.
He looked at me with his emerald green eyes and my heart almost flipped. "I will take it." He stood up and set his bowl in the sink. When he came back over to me he said, "Thanks though." In a whisper.
Once everyones dishes were in the sink, I went over to the sink and started to fill it with water. Alfred came to me right away. "Now I must stop you here. You have been wonderful, but I must do the dishes. It is what I get paid for miss."
"Alright." I gave up and stepped back.
"Thank you though." He smiled at me. "I don't always get help around the house." He glanced over at the table. He must be referring to Dick, Damian and Bruce. I smile in understanding.
I went back to my seat, and listened to the ongoing conversation. "So the guys are helping with final set up?" Garth asked, talking to Bruce.
"If you would like. It is not mandatory to help, but if you find yourself bored, then by all means..." Bruce answered.
"Father, what are the plans for the event?" Damian said in a cold tone.
"The Galla begins at one o'clock." He nodded to Damian. "You and Dick must be there before to greet the guests. The other Titans may come down when they choose." He nodded to us all. "For those who are not yet twenty-one, there will be no drinking." Batman was giving us all a stern look.
Damian leaned back into his seat. "And what if an emergency, we all can not leave at once."
"Damian, it has been thought of already." Bruce looked at his son. "We have other on patrol for the night, and we won't be called into action."
Damian didn't seem to happy with this answer but didn't push any farther. I nodded, understand the plan. Kori and Dick further discussed plans of the party.
"Kori, Rachel, tomorrow you will have all of the morning to get dressed and ready." Bruces words brought me out of my thoughts. "If you need anything, call Alfred and it will be brought to you."
"Thank you, Bruce." Kori said for the both of us.
"Well, I believe that concludes supper. Thank you Alfred." Bruce stood up. "You all must get your rest for the Galla will take a lot of energy." With that, Batman left the room.
I stood up and put my placemat back into the drawer where it came from and then left the room. I was going to go back to my room when I remembered what Alfred had told me about the library. "It wouldn't hurt to take a look" I thought to myself.
I opened the door and to my surprise the room was larger than I thought. There were custom bookshelves on each wall that are just filled with books. I stepped out into the middle of the room and spun around to look at the entirety of the room.
I stepped closer to a book case and saw that there were famous books and books I have never heard of before. Even some books that were just tied together with string. As I looked around I even found a case of scrolls. These place seemed to have everything.
I brushed my hands on the spin of the books, taking in all the titles. Some of the books looked warn, while other looked brand new.
"You found the library." A voice scared me out of my thoughts. I turned to see Damian step through the doors.
"Yes, Alfred told me about it." I real a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"He did?" He took a step closer to me.
"Yes." I said, gaining more confidence.
"Well, did he show you the gardens?" Damian's lips twitched up.
"He told me about them, but I haven't had the chance to see them myself." I shrugged.
"Would you like to see them?" His left eyebrow came up as if he was planning something evil. "I could show you."
"I am not sure what you are up to Mr. Wayne..." I joke, "but I do wish to see the gardens myself."
"I am offended Miss Roth, that you would think of me like that." Damian put his hand to chest and pretended that he was hurt.
"I did not mean to offend you." I smile. "Alright, you may show me the gardens." I walked to his side.
He gave a smirk and then put out his arm for me to take. It was a sort of game now, and I wasn't prepared to lose. I took his arm and wrapped mine around his. We walked in step out of the library doors and across into a room of stairs.
We walked down the steps, looking ahead. Once we reached the bottom, Damian let go of my arm and opened the door for me. "Miss." He gestured for me to go through the door. I nodded at him and stepped through.
Once the door closed behind us, he offered me his arm and we walked along side each other in sync. My arm was tangled with his as we walked the path to the garden.
"Father tells me that these flowers were planted from his mother." Damian explained as I knelt down to smell a pretty purple one. "Alfred had managed to keep the garden alive."
"How wonderful." I nod along as we continued to walk.
"Father doesn't come out here much." Damian said, turning to look at the garden.
"Do you?"
"Do I what?" He turned back at me. Our eyes locked and we stopped walking.
"Do you come out here?" I starred into his emerald eyes.
"In times when I need quite..." He paused. "Yes."
"This does seem like a wonderful place to meditate." I agreed.
"You haven't even seen the best part." A smile grew on his perfect face as he guided me to another place in the garden.
He stopped just sort of a bench. Surrounding it was flowers and a willow tree thats branches and leaves covered the bench. It was almost like a wall, keeping out the outside world.
I let go of Damian's arm and walked over to the bench. I sat down on it, looking around at the pretty flowers. This place felt secluded and almost like a piece if heaven itself. Damian walked through and sat beside me.
"This is perfect." I said breathlessly.
"I thought you would love it." Damian said, looking around at the leaves. "Alfred wanted to cut the leaves and open it up, but I told him not too."
"Is so... wonderful." I turned to face Damian.
He looked down at me and our eyes met. "I knew that you would see its beauty."
I didn't have the words to respond, so I just nodded, starring into his eyes. He leaned back in the bench and starred up at the night sky.
"There is beauty in the quit." He said without looking away from the stars. I looked up and watched them myself. "I come out here sometimes just to see the stars."
"I would to if I lived here." I said into the night sky.
We were silent for a while. No one speaking or moving. We heard each other's breathing but didn't say a word. The night sky was so bright and the stars were just calling out to me. I wanted to reach up and touch one, but also didn't want to disturb the night sky.
After a while my eyes started to grow heavy and I knew sleep was calling. I turned to Damian who was still looking at the night sky.
"Damian?" I said softly, not wanting to disturb him.  
"Hmm?" He hummed to me, looking at me.
"It's getting late." I said in a whisper.
"That it is." He said softly back to me. "You have a busy day tomorrow."
"So do you." I smiled.
"Oh but I don't start getting ready the moment I wake up." He smiles in a joking tone.
"I don't see why everyone thinks it will take me that long to get ready." I huff. "It would take me an hour at most."
"Father knows nothing of women and guest that would be how long it took you and Kori to get ready." Damian laughed. His laughter melted something in me.
When his laughter died down I smiled at him. "At least I don't have to greet guests."
He turned to me in a less happy tone and said, "Father wishes that of me, so I must."
"Care to make tomorrow fun?" I gave him a mischievous look.
"How Miss Roth, would you prepose to do that?" He said. I had peaked his interest.
"We could make a wager." I shrugged with a devilish smile (Not really a devilish smile, because that was my fathers thing). "I bet you that you can't be nice for the whole Galla." I said confidently.
"When am I not nice?" Damian pretended to be hurt.
I gave him a look like 'really'. He shrugged. "You have to pretend to want to be there the whole time."
"So I have to act kind like a true gentleman and and if I can I win?" He asked as if trying to understand the wager.
"And what do I get when I win?" Damian raised an eyebrow.
"Well IF you win, you can choose you prize, and if I win then I want you to..." I had to think about it. What did I want from this wager? "I want you to..."
I couldn't think of anything.
"Who ever wins may choose their prize later." Damian suggested.
"Yes." I nodded. "If you can be a gentleman the whole night, then yes."
Damian held out his hand as if making a deal. I shook his hand.
I stood up. "I think I will go off to bed then." I turned to Damian.
Damian got up and followed me back to the door. As we walked the steps side by side we didn't say anything to each other. Damian walked me to my door and I stopped just before opening it and turned to him.
"Thank you for tonight." I said in a soft whisper. I was pretty sure everyone had gone to bed by now.
"It was nothing." He nodded.
I stepped into my room and closed the door behind me. I heard his footsteps leave after a moment. I sighed out, not sure why I was holding my breath. I got dressed into my night clothes and slid into bed. Sleep took me fast and I was out like a light before I even had a chance to process the bet that was made.
The Next Morning
There was a knock on my door early in the morning. I sat up in bed and when I heard it again, I knew it wasn't in my dreams. I came to the door and opening it.
"Good morning Miss Roth." Alfred greeted me with a tray of food. "I have your breakfast."
I opened the door wider for him to come in. "Thank you, Alfred. You didn't have to bring me the food. I could have come down and ate it."
"No sense, you have to get ready this morning, so I thought I would just bring it up to you." He smiled. "Damian tells me you are a vegetarian like himself, so I made you the same meal as him."
"Thank you." I said taking the tray and setting it down on the desk in the room.
"No problem." He smiled and walked out the door, closing it behind himself.
I lifted the top of the plat to see an omelette. It smelled just delicious and made my mouth water. I sat down at the desk and started in on breakfast. I was almost done when Kori opened the bathroom door to my room and walked in.
"Good morning, Rachel!" She said in an excited tone. "I see you have your breakfast."
"Morning Kori." I nodded to her. "How did you sleep?"
"Well. And you?" She came over to me.
"I slept fine." I said and then took the last bite of my breakfast. "Should I bring my try downstairs?"
"No, just leave it outside your room door. That is what Dick told me." Kori shrugged.
"I don't think that is kind. I might just drop this downstairs." I said standing up with my tray.
"Then I shall bring my tray with." Kori said and she followed me out the door. When we passed her room she picked up the tray beside her door and carried it down the stairs with me. We walked into the kitchen with it.
Damian, Dick and Bruce where sitting at the table, eating when we walked in.
"Good morning, Ladies." Batman nodded at us when we stepped in.
"Morning." Kori smiled.
"Was something wrong with your meal?" Bruce looked at the trays in out hands.
"No. We are just bringing them down for Alfred." Kori smiled and we walked our trays to the sink and set them in. "You don't need to do that." Damian said in his normal cold tone. "Alfred will pick them up."
"He might, but there is nothing wrong with helping." I looked right at Damian as I said that. Damian sat back in his chair and nodded.
"You girls going to get ready for the Galla?" Bruce said, looking at Kori.
"Yes." Kori nodded. "We just wanted to get our trays downstairs." She turned to Dick and said, "Good luck with getting all the guys ready."
Apparently Kori and Dick had sectioned off and were in-charge of getting their own people dressed and ready. Kori only had me while Dick was in-charge of all the boys.
"Thanks. I might need it." Dick joked.
Alfred walked in the room just as he said that. "Well, good morning ladies. How was breakfast?"
"Good." I nodded my thanks. "We brought our trays down."
"You didn't have to do that. I could have go them." He smile dat Kori and I. "But I thank you. At least there are some people in this house with manners." He looked over at the table at the guys.
I smiled at that.
"We have manners," Dick argued.
Kori and I both silently laugh. Even when he stayed at the tower he left his dishes all over.
"Why have help when you have someone else to clean up." Damian agreed. I turned face Damian.
"Damian, that is rude." I said in a shocked tone. "Alfred cooks for you. The least you can do is clean up every once in a while."
Damian's face changed and he looked at Alfred. "I am sorry, Pennyworth. Where are my manners." He stood up and brought his dishes to the sink. "Thank you for the meal." Damian nodded to Alfred.
"It was my pleasure." Alfred nodded to Damian.
Damian turned to me. He came over to me and whisper, "Sorry."
"Ok." I nodded at him.
Then he left the room. When I turned back everyone was starring at me. Kori and Dick had a smirk on their face and Bruce and Alfred looked to be almost shocked.
"What?" I questioned.
"Nothing." Alfred said with a growing smile on his face.
Bruce stood up and took his dished to the sink. "Thank you, Alfred." He said before leaving the room.
Dick smiled and stood up when Bruce left. He went over and put his dishes in the sink and walked out of the room with a smirk on his face and shaking his head.
Alfred turned to us girls when the guys had all left. "You girls have taught those guys manners. I have been trying to teach them that for years." He laughed. "Master Bruce has never brought his dishes to the sink in all the years I have been with him. I was even here when he was but a baby."
"Sometimes it just takes a women's touch." Kori looked at me.
"Well, thank you." Alfred smiled at both of us. "Now you better be getting ready. It is nearly ten already."
Kori looked at the clock and nodded. She grabbed my hand and rushed a thank you to Alfred as she ushered me out the door with her. She dragged me all the way up the steps and to our rooms.
Went we got to our rooms I went in mine and she went in hers. Of course I didn't know what to do first, but lucky for me Kori came through the bathroom.
"I am not sure where to start." She said.
"I have no clue." I shrugged.
"Maybe with hair?" She came over and sat on the edge of my bed. "We can put on a movie in my room and style each others hair." She suggested.
"Sure." I stood up and followed her into her room.
"What would you like your hair to be?" She said, moving out a chair for me. I grabbed the remote and sat down on it.
"Nothing fancy." I tell her, turning on the TV.
"How about if I curl you ends just a little?" She gave me a sweet smile.
"Sure." I say, flipping through channels.
We settled on watching Ghost Whisperer on tv. Kori took her time and did my hair with such care that it felt as if a mother was doing it. Kori has always been the closet thing to a mother figure I have ever had beside my real mother.
"I have always wanted to do my sister's hair like this." Kori said as she was working on my hair. "As I am sure you know, my sister has never been the type to want to do things like this with me. Komand'r has always been distant." Kori sighed.
"Well I have never had a sister or really a mother, so this is...nice." I say to her. "Thank you."
She smiled and nodded to me. She finished my hair up quick after that and put spray in it to make it hold all night. The spray was a lot and made us both cough a bit, but I didn't mind. I was actually having a good time with Kori.
"Go take a look in the mirror." She said, stepping back.
I stood up and walked over to the mirror. My hair looked perfect. It was just enough of a curl that it made it look fancy, without going overboard. I turned to Kori. "It's beautiful. Thank you."
She just smiled at me. I took one more look at myself in the mirror and walked over to chair. "Now it is my turn. I am not good with all the hair stuff, so I am going to use a spell." Kori nodded. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos"
And just like that, Kori's hair was put half up and half down. She looked stunning and so mature. "There." I stepped back. She went over to the mirror and looked at herself.
"Oh my!" She felt her hair. "This is wonderful!"
We talked a bit and put some spray on her hair to hold. When we looked at the time it was already noon. Alfred came in with some lunch.
"You look lovely, ladies." He said before he left.
Kori and I hurried to eat and then did our makeup together. Kori helped me with some of my makeup and then she did her own and we both looked lovely. As we finished our makeup we rushed into our dresses. Maybe Batman was right about giving us all that extra time to get ready, because we were rushing now.
Kori and I went to our separate rooms to get dressed. I slid on my soft dress, looking at myself in the mirror. The dress still looked as stunning as the day I bought it. The dress hugged me perfectly.
Kori knocked on my door.
"Come in."
"You look stunning." She said as she stepped into the room.
I turned and saw Kori. She looked like a true princess. She was beautiful and smiling so bright at me. I mumbled a thanks and looked at my feet.
"Dick and the boys went down already. Damian and his father are receiving guests as we speak." Kori said, stepping into the room more.
I slid on my shoes. "It's time for the Galla?"
"Yes." ******
Damian's POV:
It was noon when the guests started to arrive. I didn't even get the chance to finish my meal before Father summoned me. As son's of Bruce Wayne, Dick and I had to stand and greet the guests as they came in.
It was going to be a long hour, but because of the little wager Raven had placed yesterday, I wasn't quite dreading it. I didn't know what I would do when I won, but it was a bet that I didn't want to loose.  
I had to had to act like I wanted to be there. I had to act excited and ready to greet people. So when I found Father already talking to a few guests, I walked right over.
"Hello." I said, putting on a fake smile. Only I knew it was fake though. The guests looked happy. "Welcome." I shook the man's hand and nodded to the lady.
"Oh, hello. Damian isn't it?" The lady asked.
"Yes." I nodded to her.
They nodded and walked away. Dick looked at me completely stunned. Father too looked wary of my actions.
"Where is Damian and who are you?" Dick said to me.
"Don't be over dramatic, Greyson." I said in my normal tone.
"There he is." Dick pointed at me.
Another guest came over and father greeted them first. Then Dick and soon they passed to me.
"Hello, welcome." I smiled and nodded to them.
When they passed, Dick was look at me again. His jaw was dropped. Seeing Dick's reaction was almost enough to make this whole night worth it in itself.
"Stop staring, Greyson." I looked forward.
"What is going on?" Dick asked, stepping in front of me.
"I am winning a bet." I answered. Another guest came over before Dick could ask any more questions. Soon we were swamped with people coming in. I put on a smile and greeted every one of them.
Dick would shoot me sideways looks and so would father, but I just continued to act. After what felt like forever, people started to slowly stop coming. Father checked his watch.
"It is time to start to Galla." He walked towards the doors. Dick and I followed him inside the ball room. We had spent most of the morning moving tables and things to make room for all our guests. The room was in immaculate shape.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am please to welcome you all tonight. As a tradition my mother started all those years ago, we keep this Galla going in her memory. So, I would like to take a moment to thank all of those who has made this night possible." Father turned to us. "And to my boys, who were able to come tonight." He raised a glass. "Cheers!"
Everyone in the room raised a glass and said, "cheers!"
Father set down his glass and started talking to people. Dick stood beside me, looked around and nodding at people who waved.
"What are you doing, Greyson?" I said as I waved to someone across the room.
"I am trying to figure out what you are up too." He said, waving at someone else.
"I am not up to anything." I smile at someone passing by.
"Oh really. Then why are you not in some corner being gloomy?" Dick turned to me.
"I made a bet." I looked at him. "I intend to win it."
Dick nodded as if trying to understand it. "Why?"
"Because." I didn't feel like explaining.
Just then the doors opened on the second floor of the ball room. Kori and Raven stepped out and descended the stairs. Raven had on a dark blue dress, and as she scanned the room, my heart started to speed up.
She was stunning. Kori and her seemed to be talking and when Raven smiled at something my heart almost stopped. She was perfect.
Dick seemed shocked at Kori's appearance as well, because he didn't even move or say anything. I cleared my throat and got him out of it. I watched Raven as she was introduced to some of the people around. She shook a few hands and then her amethyst eyes caught mine, I  felt a tug in my heart.
I started walking over to the girls. I waited for Raven to shake a guests hand before I approached.
"Hello, Damian." The lady said, noticing me.
"Hello." I nodded to her with a smile.
The lady said something to Raven that made her turn red, but when she left I went over to her. "Raven." I said, standing beside her.
"Damian." She smiled. "Are you being a gentleman?" She joked.
I leaned into her ear. "Always."
Raven's POV:
"Always." His voice was low and sent shivers down my spine.
I turn to face him, but when I did our faces became so close that our noses touched. I was speechless. I swallowed hard and then leaned back to look into his eyes.
"Kori, you look stunning." Dick said, walking over. I pulled away completely and turned to look at Kori and Dick. I was burning red. Was it hot in here?
"Thank you, Dick." She smiled and took his arm.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a dance is it not? Please join us on the dance floor!" Bruce's voice came from in the crowd. I couldn't see him, but soon enough the music started playing.
"May I?" Damian reached out a hand.
"Oh course." I smiled at him and took his hand. He led me on the dance floor. I put one arm on his shoulder and he held my other arm in his hand as he led us through the dance. He was quite good.
"You are a really good dance." I said to him, looking him in the eyes.
"I was trained in the art of dance when I was younger. Mother thought it was a skill that everyone should know." He smiled at me.
"Trigon thought I needed to learn to dance as well. He gave me the best teachers and they taught me." I told him. "Father believed that dance was vital."
Damian laughed. "Vital? No, but fun? Maybe."
"Agreed." I smiled. The dance started to speed up and Damian and I moved closer together, closing the small space between us. Our torsos were now touching.
"I have greeted everyone with a smile, and if you need proof you may talk to Dick." Damian led us around the room. "Dick seemed shocked."
"Of course he was shocked." I grinned. "You are never so nice."
"Hey, I am nice." He argued with a smile.
"No, you are stern. But that is how you were raised." I looked into his green eyes, almost getting lost once again.
"Well, not always, but I guess you are right." Damian bowed his head.
"I was taught to be like that." I said, trying to make him feel better. "Father taught me to always take things for granted, but that is why I don't anymore. If he wanted it, then I must do the opposite."
"Being the daughter to a demon, I guess that is a good way to live." He nods.
I glanced around us. There were eyes on us. Many.
"Damian, people are starring." I looked up at him.
"Let them." He grinned.
I got lost in his eyes. Soon the dance ended and I took Damian's hand as he lead me through the crowd. As we passed we were stopped by a few people. Damian was kind and introduced me. I would nod and say hello to them.
When we finally made it across the room, we went over to were Jaime and Garth were standing. They were chatting and didn't see us coming, so when they turned they almost jumped out of their seats.
"Hello." Damian nodded to them. He turned to me. "I am going to get us drinks."
Then he left.
"Raven, you look nice." Jaime smiled at me.
"Thanks." I nodded to him.
I watched the crowd for a while, seeing all these people as they dance and talked to each other. They were all dressed so nice and fancy.
"Hello." I heard someone beside me. I turned to see Conner AKA Super Boy.
"Conner." I nodded to him.
"What a nice party." He stood closer to me.
"Yes." I nod and look back at the crowd.
"Of all the people in this room, you are by far the fairest." Conner whispered in my ear. I turned fast and took a step away, and was about to say something but was interrupted.
"Conner." Damian practically growled. I stepped towards Damian, not really sure why, but felt I need to be by his side so he didn't make a scene.
"Ah, Damian Wayne, what a pleasure." He bowed his head at Damian. "I was just tell Raven here how nice the party is."
Damian said nothing but rage was steaming off of Damian. I grabbed his arm and wrapped my arm around his. Damian turned to me with rage in his eyes, but soften when he looked at me. He stood up a little straighter and turned back to Conner.
"Thank you." He mumbled to Conner.
"Damian, would you mind walking outside with me? I need fresh air." I said, trying to get Damian out of the room.
"Of course." He nodded and led me outside.
"Damian, are you alright?" I asked as we got out of ear shot from the guests.
He didn't say anything as he lead me further outside. We walked down the main steps of the house in silence. I could still feel Damian's anger with my empathic abilities but there was also something else. I couldn't put my finger on it.
We we reached the grass area of the yard, Damian let my arm go and handed me a drink. I took it, taking a sip. He walked further and further, and my feet were starting to hurt in my heels, so I quickly pulled them off and carried them in my hands.
I caught up with Damian and turned back to the house. We were about a half a mile away from the house now. Damian started to slow down and soon he just stopped. After he didn't walk anymore for about three minutes I sank to the ground and sat on the fresh grass.
I watched Damian, as he looked down at me. I patted the ground beside me for him to sit. He hesitated but then sat down.
"Damian..." I looked him in his emerald eyes. "Are you okay?"
The next thing I knew his hand was on my face and he guided my lips to his. When our lips touched I felt sparks. My heart sped up as our kiss continued. When he pulled away I touched my lips where his used to me.
"I am better now." He said looking at me.
I looked at him and a smile grew on his face. It was so contagious that a smile grew on my own face.
"Not that I am complaining, but what was that for?" I said, not able to stop smiling.
"Because I wanted to kiss the most beautiful girl in the world." He worlds melted my heart.
I was speechless with a smile on my face. I am sure I looked dumb, but I couldn't help it.
"Damian?" I said when I finally could muster the words.
"Yes?" He leaned forward.
I put my hands on his face and pulled him towards me. He looked me in the eyes and smiled at me, one of those rare, real smiles that makes my heart melt. I pulled him forward until our lips collided.
Best Galla Ever.
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