ernestowens · 2 months
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ΑΦΑ | Rho Chapter | SP 24 | #10 | Da’ Scribe
LIMITLESSNESS: I’m honored to finally announce that I’m a Proud Brother of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. –  the first Black intercollegiate Greek-lettered fraternity in America!
Entering the fold by way of the Mighty Rho Chapter – the only single-letter alumni chapter in Alpha Phi Alpha and first to become “mighty” – makes all of this even more incredible.
Being initiated with these 12 incredible men – we're the 13 Pharaohs of Fire & Ice – was a journey well taken. We each possess and have gained even more unique qualities and gifts that made us all better line brothers and men of distinction. I look forward to what we will all contribute to Alphaland, the Divine 9, and the world!
To my Phrozen Dean, ADPs, Sponsor, Recommender, and Rho Brothers – thank you all for leading us towards the light and showing us the spirit of brotherhood.
And lastly, for those who know my story, you know why all of this is full circle for me. 
I’ll say this for anyone who can relate: Don’t let anyone tell you when, how, and where a chapter in your story begins, continues, and ends. You can be who you truly are, stay true to your principles, and arrive at where you’re supposed to be on your own terms. Some things are debatable, while others are a birthright. 
This is my birthright. 
“Standing strong, standing bold, for the Mighty BLACK & GOLD!”
I did it.
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ernestowens · 7 months
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SUPER ECSTATIC! As if 2023 could be any more rewarding, I’m honored to be recognized as PABJ’s JOURNALIST OF THE YEAR!
This must be how Leonardo DiCaprio felt when he finally won the Oscar after 6 nominations – seriously, I never thought this moment would happen. 
To be acknowledged right now by my peers in the industry is touching. This year, I’ve been a political reporter, author, nonprofit leader, media professor, entrepreneur, food editor, radio show host, podcast producer, and so much more. In previous years, I never knew what more I could do until now – but “when it’s your year, it’s your year” my mentor told me today. 
What’s very humbling about this honor is that I join a prestigious list of past PABJ leaders who have been honored while serving the organization simultaneously. Over the years, there've been journalists, PR professionals, and communication experts who have loyally served on PABJ’s board that excelled in both the org’s leadership and their career work at the same damn time. It’s not easy to balance such work and I’m truly touched that I’m being recognized alongside some legendary journalists. 
Congratulations to all of the other honorees (personally thrilled for Natasha Brown, Tiffany Bacon, Troy Wilmore, Steven Taylor, and Jeannine Cook) and to have the inspirational Ukee Washington emceeing this star-studded event as well!
Thank you to the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, those who nominated me from the industry and community, and every single one of you who have supported my work!
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ernestowens · 7 months
Communication management grad Ernest Owens’s new book “The Case for Cancel Culture” seeks to reframe the conversation about this controversial topic. He points to a more mature definition, its use throughout history and how normal people don’t need to be afraid of being canceled.
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ernestowens · 7 months
Official Bio of Ernest Owens
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Ernest Owens is an award-winning journalist and CEO of Ernest Media Empire, LLC. He is the the Editor of Eater Philly, Political Writer at Large for Philadelphia Magazine, President of the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, and Regional Vice President of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences (Mid-Atlantic Chapter). He is a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. He is the executive producer and host of the hit podcast “Ernestly Speaking!” and host of Philadelphia City Council Live on WURD Radio. He’s the author of the book “The Case for Cancel Culture” that’s published by St. Martin’s Press, an imprint of Macmillan Publishers. As an openly Black gay journalist, he has made headlines for speaking frankly about intersectional issues in society regarding race, LGBTQIA, and pop culture. In 2018, he launched his growing media company that specializes in multimedia production, consulting, and communications. 
In June 2016, he made a viral post on Twitter that called out superstar Justin Timberlake during the BET Awards. The tweet got a response from Timberlake that prompted a national discussion on cultural appropriation. For several years, his extensive reporting on racism in the LGBTQ community received national attention as he revealed acts of racial discrimination in Philadelphia’s Gayborhood. His coverage was cited by the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations as reviving a decades long issue in the community that finally led to local government intervention, an anti-discrimination bill being unanimously passed, and the city's pride rainbow flag to now include black and brown stripes to acknowledge racial inclusion. His versatile talent has taken him from Ghana to the White House, where he’s interviewed countless political leaders (such as Vice President Kamala Harris) to Hollywood where he’s interviewed industry heavyweights (such as Oprah Winfrey and Academy Award winning screenwriter Tarell Alvin McCraney).
An innovative millennial, Ernest has already become an emerging media mogul in his own right. He received his B.A. in communication from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master’s degree in communication management from the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. He’s an adjunct professor at Cheyney University, the nation’s first Historically Black College and University (HBCU). His work has been featured in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Rolling Stone, CNN, NBC, and other prominent media outlets. He’s also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists, the Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists, and the Online News Association. 
He has earned countless honors, which includes landing on the 2023 City & State PA Pride Power 100 list, the 2022 Most Influential African Americans list by The Philadelphia Tribune, winning the 2020 Sigma Delta Chi Award from the Society of Professional Journalists, and other honors from Forbes, American Society of Magazine Editors, National Association of Black Journalists, National Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists, Pen & Pencil Club, and City & Regional Magazine Association. In 2022, he was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for his writing at Rolling Stone magazine. 
He can be found on Twitter and other social media platforms at @MrErnestOwens & ernestowens.com.
 For Virtual and In-Person Speaking Inquiries: 
Sean Lawton 
Collective Speakers 
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ernestowens · 8 months
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I'M BACK! Tune in every Thursday at 10 am on WURD Radio as I interview elected officials and dig into the biggest political issues of the week! Callers are invited to join in on the discussion as well!
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ernestowens · 8 months
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NATIONAL FALL BOOK TOUR IS HERE! Three times a charm! The third and final leg of my National Book Tour for “The Case for Cancel Culture” is here and what a ride it’s going to be!
I’m touching down from the east coast to the west coast (and even the midwest) to hit up several new cities and states! There’s going to be some incredible new special guests I’ll be in conversation with and I can’t wait to meet my faves from all over!
If you’ve been trying to come to a book signing – don’t miss out!
After this tour, I’ll only be doing in-person signings during paid speaking engagements where my bookings will be wherever the money resides. I’ve had the pleasure of being able to hit all of the major cities that have shown love for the book and beyond. I can’t wait to wrap up my 16-city tour this fall as I prepare for the next chapter in my author journey!
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ernestowens · 9 months
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HONORED! After seven consecutive years of being snubbed, today I had the honor of accepting the 2023 Excellence in Journalism Award from the Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists!
I was honored with the Excellence in Long Form Journalism Award for my Rolling Stone feature story “Jussie Smollett Wanted to Be a Hero. Instead, He Destroyed His Career.” After following the Smollett trial, I wrote something that sparked a lot of controversy within various personal and professional circles I was a part of. But as a journalist, these are the moments when you lean into public discomfort to challenge people to wrestle with their biases and the strangle that celebrity culture has on us all.
To win for this writing in particular and be recognized by this NLGJA at this moment in my career is very timely. While certain journalism institutions (that I’m no longer interested in naming), have made it the point to try to silence and exclude the voices of Black queer journalists – to see several others embrace me so loud and proud is touching.
Back in 2016 when I was the LGBTQ editor for Philadelphia Magazine, a lot of my work was often siloed in the industry as simply being from a Black journalist. But I would often push back and make it a point to name myself as a Black queer journalist because I always saw my work through an intersectional lens. Whether it was covering racism in the Gayborhood, writing commentary on my very Black queer wedding, or reporting on hate crimes – I always made it a point to say it’s not either/or – it’s BOTH.
I want to thank all of the editors throughout my career who’ve understood that. I want to especially thank Rolling Stone, Editor in Chief Noah Shachtman and Deputy Editor Sean Woods for giving me the platform to continue to tell these now award-winning stories every year. I want to thank NLGJA for putting the performance above politics and recognizing my work in this remarkable way.
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ernestowens · 11 months
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PROMOTION! I’m so thrilled to finally announce that I’ve been promoted to Political Writer at Large for Philadelphia Magazine! It’s a new role the publication has created and it speaks to the evolution of my work and elevates the coverage Philly needs now more than ever.
As the first-ever Political Writer at Large, I will be exclusively focusing on covering the city’s political class in longform profiles and investigations in the pages of the magazine. I’m grateful for my editor Brian Howard and the rest of the publication’s leadership for recognizing my passion for politics and investing in my personal vision to take things to the next level.
Across America, especially in Pennsylvania, there’s been a lack of Black political journalists. Throughout my career, I’ve had to fight to break through the doors of City Hall and speak truth to power. The erasure of Black reporters discussing politics in our region has served as a massive disservice to our diverse community.
I’m super excited to have the time, resources, and space to widely cover the upcoming primary/general elections, a new mayor, and new City Council with greater depth and focus. I hope this moment inspires other newsrooms to shake up the political news desks with more people who look like me.
There’s already some great stories to come – as always, stay tuned!
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ernestowens · 1 year
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RE-ELECTED WITH A NEW ROLE! I’m pleased to announce that I've been re-elected to the Board of Governors of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (Mid-Atlantic Chapter) for another term and will now serve as the Regional Vice President!
Being a part of NATAS these past few years has been a blast! I’ve had the pleasure of connecting with broadcast talent from across the region. There’s so much talent in front of and behind the camera that are doing great things both commercially and independently. The scholarship money we’ve been raising for the future of the medium has been incredible and has been making an impact. As Regional VP, I plan to advise and implement great ideas to advance the mission of the organization in Philly and Eastern Pennsylvania. I’m grateful to the members of the Academy for re-electing me and my fellow board governors for voting me in! 
See you all at the Regional Emmy Awards in October and let’s get to work!
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ernestowens · 1 year
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BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! I’m proud to officially share that I’ve been recruited as the new Editor of Eater Philly! After years of eating my way throughout the region, my passion for the food scene (and all that it entails) has led me to now leading one of the most exciting culinary publications in the nation! Before the tabloids start – No, I’m not leaving any of the other media outlets I already work with. You will continue to read, watch, and hear me in all of the various places I’m STILL at. This opportunity is an extension (not a reduction) of the content that I love producing overall. This moment is full-circle. Five years ago during June of 2018, I released one of my most personal stories about “Dining While Black” in Philly. I shared about the racial discrimination I faced in the food scene and the lack of representation of local diverse voices in culinary leadership roles in the kitchen and media. To now be one of the few Black food editors for a mainstream publication like this years later isn’t a coincidence – but a testament to what change looks like when you’re invested in seeing things progress with time. I want to thank the Eater family and Vox Media for the opportunity to take things to the next level. I look forward to shaking the table (literally and figuratively) when it comes to covering Philly’s food scene and making it reflect the diverse communities/restaurants who shape it. I also look forward to recruiting new freelancers who have something bold, unique, and interesting to say about what, how, and where we eat! Can’t wait to officially begin in July, but all I can say for now is bon appétit and stay tuned! 
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ernestowens · 1 year
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Back on the road this summer to promote a book that's still a hot topic -- we're going to Baltimore, I'm making a stop in my hometown of Houston, NOLA is happening -- and yes, I'm making my debut at the Vineyard!!! There's going to be several special guest surprises along the way and I can't wait to see so many of you!!!
Mark your calendars now! 
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ernestowens · 1 year
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NOW YOU CAN DINE WITH MY BOOK! This might be the coolest thing I’ve done in a while and I’m excited to finally announce that on Friday, June 23rd – the public can now experience an out-of-this-world tasting menu inspired by my book at Restaurant Aleksandar in Rittenhouse! Yes, on this special night, I’ll be kicking off the summer with a six-course tasting menu called “The Cancel Dinner.” Curating this menu alongside Chef Montana Houston and Chef Ja’mir Wimberly-Cole, two Black chefs I’ve admired for a while, was a delectable experience. I've been a longtime fan of Restaurant Aleksandar and the dining risks that they take with each dish. For this special tasting, they are incorporating pivotal elements of my book into something delicious and out-of-the-box. I can't wait for guests to go on this culinary and literary journey with me as we explore the history/inspiration behind these entrees and more. There will be two seatings that you can make reservations for on this special occasion (5:30 pm and 8 pm). I will be at both of them discussing the courses as they come out and signing copies of my book “The Case for Cancel Culture” in collaboration with Harriett’s Bookstore! There’s so many more surprises in store!!! RSVP here before reservations fill up!
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ernestowens · 1 year
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ERNESTLY SPEAKING WON A NATIONAL AWARD! I just received word that I won the Hometown Media Award from the Foundation of the Alliance for Community Media for my work on voter education on Ernestly Speaking! These awards are presented to the most creative programs that address community needs, develop diverse community involvement, challenge conventional commercial television formats and move viewers to experience television in a different way. I’m super ecstatic to be winning for this work in particular! I’m so grateful for my PhillyCAM family for nominating me for this, and to actually win is truly an honor! Shout-out to my producers Roland Boyden, Debbie Rudman, and the incomparable Gretjen Clausing for encouraging me to hit the small screen once again to do this important election special. Since 2010, Ernestly Speaking has evolved from a college radio show, public access TV show, and now a podcast. Philadelphia Community Access Media has been my television home since the beginning and it was truly a homecoming to reunite with the incredible staff and volunteers who’ve encouraged me for years! I look forward to accepting this award in person in Brooklyn, New York next month! Thank you to everyone who continues to prove that community media matters and that local politics deserve acknowledgement in a changing news landscape! “And as always: Be well and be best!”
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ernestowens · 1 year
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IT’S OFFICIAL! I’M THE NEW HOST! It is with great honor that I’m pleased to announce that I’m the new host of Philadelphia City Council Live on @onwurd Radio! ✨
Every Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm, you can expect to hear me live during each weekly Philadelphia City Council session. 🔥
After years of making guest appearances and being featured in segments, I’m glad to finally be a consistent fixture within the WURD family! ❤️
It has always been my dream to host this show. From my years in college as a City Council communications fellow to now being a political journalist, this show has always been a staple in how I studied and kept up with local politics. To my predecessors who have hosted this show before me, I’m truly humbled and inspired by the talent and wisdom you brought to this very important program. 
This is my first-ever dive into broadcast journalism in this capacity and I’m super excited. Shout-out to all of the producers and programming staff at the station who trained me for this major move. I’m super grateful to WURD CEO Sara M. Lomax, General Manager Ashanti Martin, and News Director Jamyra Perry for believing in my vision for this iconic program!  I’m so glad to be a part of a landmark Black radio station like WURD and be a part of PROGRESSIVE Black media! ✊🏾
My debut is Thursday, May 25th, at 10 am when City Council returns to session. Please tune in wherever you are! For those who want to support me, WURD, and great programming like this show – I encourage you all to become a “Forwurd” member of the station. There are annual memberships and monthly memberships as low as $5 a month. Support local Black-owned, woman-owned, media right here.
It hasn’t dawned on me that a month ago at this same time, I was having a completely different life experience – and here I am – days away from electing a new mayor and City Council – having a completely different one. That’s faith in action. ❤️
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ernestowens · 1 year
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BOSTON – Tonight was a dream. 
I was the keynote speaker at the launch of Northeastern University's Center for Communication, Media Innovation, and Social Change! In a packed auditorium of students, faculty, and the public, I spoke about the power of cancel culture and how to reclaim it as an unruly tool for democracy. I was truly moved by the engagement of the audience. They were everything!
Thank you Dr. Meredith Clark for considering me and amplifying my voice. I appreciate you and your team for supporting my new book! To the countless community members who came out and made sure I signed your copies – I'm forever grateful! Moments like these empower, encourage, and excite me! The level of joy and gratitude I'm feeling right now is immense. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 
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ernestowens · 1 year
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New Official Headshots, 
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ernestowens · 1 year
Journalist, guest writer for Rolling Stones Magazine and author Ernest Owens joins Writing Black to talk about his new book "The Case For Cancel Culture." After his Twitter feud with Elon Musk, Owens decided to talk with Maiysha about the importance of cancel culture, how cancel culture has been around for centuries, how it can get abused and why so many people in power like Dave Chappelle, Joe Rogan and even Barack Obama are afraid of cancel culture.
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