elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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As an Empath I need the channels of communication open and the cards on the table, I know when there are things not being said and have always felt the unease, until I met my True Love, with him next to me I can finally relax in myslef, I feel supported and cared for, I no longer waste my energy wondering what is going on. When you find the right partner for you everything becomes a little easier, you work as a team, understanding and helping each other. Don’t settle for anything less. • • • #witchbride #witchwedding #altbride #altbridetobe #altwedding #gothicbride #gothicwedding #darkwedding #witch #witchesofinstagram #bride #gettingmarried #wedding #witchlove #weddingblog #weddingideas #weddinginspo #witchesofinsta #empath #bridetobe #wedding #truelove #soulmate #twinflame #witchesofig #witchlife #witchywoman #lovewitch #witchyclub #thewitchswedding https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPxbkchRcm/?igshid=18bxr25xnl7d3
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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We want to hear from Wedding Creatives, Celebrants and Real Witch Brides. Would you like to join the directory or be featured on the blog? 🖤 • The Witch’s Wedding is here to build a community as well as a following. We want to connect amazing vendors with Witch Brides to Be and showcase your Magical Style. DM or Email link in Bio for details • • • #witchbride #witchwedding #witchbridetobe #altbride #altbridetobe #altwedding #gothicbride #gothicwedding #darkwedding #witch #witchesofinstagram #bride #gettingmarried #wedding #wildbride #weddingblog #weddingideas #weddinginspo #blackwedding #moodywedding #blackweddingdress #gothicqueen #bride #bridetobe #wedding #thewitchswedding #beautifuldarkness #darkqueen https://www.instagram.com/p/BxjjcLZhcng/?igshid=exr8o7qjgnen
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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Monday morning and I’m up bright and early working on the photography for the website, which is begining to come together and I am getting quite excited 👻
Sneek peek 🤩 This shot is of my engagement ring and my partner’s @heshin_ ❤ sat on some magical welsh slate 😍😍😍 that we collected from Rosebush Quarry, Pembrokeshire on a lovely day out 🖤 • • • #witchbride #witchwedding #engagementring #engagementrings #weddingphotography #weddingstylist #weddingplanner #weddinginspiration #dailyweddinginspiration #witchbridetobe #weddingideas #bridetobe2019 #bridetobe2020 #weddinggoals #alternativewedding #gettingmarried #weddingplanning #justengaged #handfasting #paganwedding #altbride #altwedding #witchcommunity #witch #darkromance #weddingblog #witchesofinstagram #thewitchswedding https://www.instagram.com/p/BxZWTcJhBDl/?igshid=1og2qrrq8gvma
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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I would love to hear from Witch Wedding Creatives, Celebrants, and Real Witch Brides 🌙
Would you like to join the directory or be featured on the Blog? • The Witch’s Wedding is here to build a community as well as a following. If I follow you it’s because I like what you do, not to get your attention 🖤 If I don’t follow you back it’s because I am trying to keep a tight network of wedding creatives that would love to make your witch wedding a magical day 👰🖤 • For those who play the follow & unfollow game remember, what you put out comes back three fold and there is a special level of hell reserved just for you 🔥🔥🔥 • We are looking for #Weddingstyling #weddingplanning #weddingflorist #bridalshops #dressmaker #weddingphotographer #weddingentertainment #celebrant #weddingvenue #witchbride #realbride #paganbride • • • #gothicbride #altwedding #altbridetobe #altbride #altbridalfashion #wedding #bridal #gettingmarried #witch #witchcommunity #witchesofinstagram #WeddingStyling #styledshoot #bride #bridetobe #weddingphotography #rockbride #thewitchswedding https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGJyKMBCQ_/?igshid=cl3qh97z7a0a
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
How To Stop Using Your Own Energy To Fuel Your Witchcraft
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Do you ever feel like you have to wait to be in just the right state to do magic?
Maybe you’ve been told you shouldn’t do magic when you’re sick.
Or maybe you’ve just found that spells tend to flop when you’re tired or sad.
From illnesses to working multiple jobs, raising kids or mental health struggles, life is messy and you just can’t maintain that optimal magic working state all the time.
This can be SO FRUSTRATING but today I’ve got a solution for you!
Now, sadly I can’t fix the parts of your life that drain you or wear you down. As much as I would love to have the ultimate answer to how to have that pinterest perfect life I am in the same boat as everyone else.
What I can do is show you how to work magic anyway.
You have to stop relying on your own energy. I know it sounds a little nuts, energy is literally what magic runs on and now I want you to just remove it from the equation?! What?
I promise I haven’t lost it and YES, that’s exactly what I want! Or at least I want you to make energy way less of a key player in your magic.
I want you to never have to worry about whether or not you have enough energy to work magic ever again.
This is all explained in detail, including energy work and getting past all of the things that are stopping your from practicing your craft, in my new program Old World Witchcraft.
You achieve this by using other sources of energy to fuel your work.
Pulling energy from other sources is a way to fuel spells when you’re low on energy yourself or you’re working on something very big that needs more than you can safely offer.
Basically what you’re doing is finding an alternative source of energy and channeling the energy you take from it into your work in much the same way you would channel your own energy into it. Instead of being the source of energy in this case you’re simply a conduit, connecting power source to magic and allowing the entire framework to run without needing your input, only your direction.
The first step in this process is finding a good source.
This source can be anything;
The earth
The moon
It’s important to take into consideration that if you’re pulling from a living source you must ask permission first. It’s usually easiest to choose a source that you’re comfortable with, if you don’t work with plants much using plant energy in your magic is going to feel clunky and unwieldy, stick to what’s familiar.
Once you’ve found a source it’s time to connect your energy to it. If you’ve ever grounded and connected your energy to the earth it’s much the same. Take a deep breath, close your eyes and feel for the energy of your source. Visualize your energy and the sources energy connecting and mingling together.
Begin gently pulling the energy from your source into yourself, it might feel a little odd to do this so be careful during this process. Often pulling too much energy into yourself can cause some unpleasant symptoms such as lightheadedness, nausea, and giddiness. For this reason I suggest you have whatever you’re channeling the energy into at the ready so you can immediately pass the energy from the source, through yourself and into your spell.
You do NOT want to use yourself as a holding bay for that energy any more than you absolutely must.
It can take a bit of practice to get this technique down well enough to be used in spell work. I would suggest starting with training exercises to get comfortable before trying to use it for any big spell work.
As an example, you could try pulling energy from a plant or the earth and passing it into a stone or crystal and then back again. As you get more comfortable you can work up to transferring different energies and in greater quantities.
This technique can be used in a variety of ways, obviously, as I suggested, it’s good for adding a little extra power to your spells but it could also be used to store energy for later spells in crystals or tools. You could use it to heal yourself by channeling the energy into your own body where there are deficiencies causing pain or illness. You could even do this in reverse to deactivate a spell (it’s suggested that you not deactivate a spell by channeling into a living being, the earth is best in this case).
It’s always a good idea to thank whatever has leant its energy to you, fertilizing or watering a plant, cleansing a crystal, picking up litter for the earth, whatever you can manage to show your thanks and be respectful.
After using this technique it is always advised to finish by grounding yourself. Moving large amounts of energy can pull your own energy out of balance leaving you with too much or too little or even leaving residue of whatever you were moving stuck to your own energy. Plugging into the earth and allowing your energy to equalize and come back to a balanced state will prevent any negative side effects.
Do you have a better grasp on how to outsource your energy needs? I’d love to hear about it in the comments!
And if you want to know more about how to become a witch and work magic the smart way, go check out my program Old World Witchcraft!
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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Beltane Blessings to all, I wish everyone who is Marrying or Handfasting today good luck and Congratulations 
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
So I have a new Blog, please like and follow for witch asthetic weddings and planning tips and advice.
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
Wow 😍
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the old saints
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
Witchcraft is Free
Sorry for the odd title, but I’ve noticed a worrying trend in various witchcraft and magical circles. I’ve seen tons of witches, new and experienced, worry if they can practice witchcraft on a tight budget. This is mostly because of the materialism that is pervasive in our culture.
Think about it. When you think “witch,” you think about expensive crystals, athames, an extravagant altar, and more. The image of the witch has been tainted by marketers who want to make a quick buck selling the image of a witch.
Truthfully, witchcraft is free. The magic is within you. Tools and supplies can help amplify and focus your spells, but you can cast a spell with nothing more than your own willpower and some ingredients you can scavenge outside.
So please, don’t stress if you can’t afford all the things your favorite social media witches have. Those tools aren’t required to be a witch, and you aren’t less of a witch if all of your supplies come from discount shops or are found objects. Don’t let social media convince you that witchcraft is inaccessible.
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
Artist Witchy things
Watercolors with charged water.
Making r e a l l y decorative sigils.
Hiding sigil in your sketches or under paint
Color correspondences
Using your words with intention in song
Devoting music to your gods (if youre religious)
Weaving spells into jewelry
Enchanting your tools to not lose them and have them work properly
Meditating during doing your art
Working a spell into a painting and depicting a representation of what it does.
Mixing your own paint using herbs for the magickal properties.
Anything else?
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
Yall…. Stop bathing in grocery store rose petals.
Stop using them in teas and salves and skin toner too.
Mass produced roses like the ones we find in grocery stores of flower shops are beautiful! - By design.. And “by design” I mean by chemicals and pesticides. They’ll wreck your skin far more than help (especially if you have sensitivities or allergies[ @ me] ). Make sure ANY flowers or herbs or roots you use are certified for culinary or therapeutic use. Get them from credible places. And use common sense.
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Free advice, take it or leave it.
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
Yes 😍
I didn’t choose the Craft. The Craft chose me.
I was born one. I had to learn how to control my power and harness my energy. It took decades for me to identify and listen to my spirit guides and ancestors. I took the hints of my deities and deciphered Their messages over time. I had to learn to trust my intuition. I watched my parents and listened to the wisdom of my elders. My Craft just became fun about a year ago. I didn’t ask for this.
So, I don’t relate to all of this newer stuff. Not all of the techno magick makes sense to me. These “witch aesthetics” and “types of witches” don’t always speak to me (and sometimes, actually insult me). My magick traveled across oceans, over millennia to come alive in me. I won’t sugarcoat it or water it down. It’s not always pretty or cute. I carry ancient magick. And I know it.
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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Imbolic Blessings my fellow witches,
This day we should be contemplating,  quickening, hope, renewal, fertility, purification, hearth & home and return of the light.
I have been silly busy lately but have some amazing stuff to show you just gotta list it all on etsy 🌟
But today I will be celebrating with my magick family ⚡⭐🌙
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
Random Witch Advice
That (mostly) doesn’t have anything to do directly with practicing, but is useful anyway.
Don’t test your abilities. Don’t try and see if your abilities are real. The universe can and will overpower your spiritual input and basically call you out on your bullshit and tell you to start being confident about your craft.
The best ingredients tend to be the most simple ones. You don’t need these expensive as hell materials to have a successful spell. Honestly, I’ve had spells where I get had a piece of paper, a pen, and a lighter, and guess what? They worked.
Moon water is such a useful tool. And so easy to make. Just make it if you don’t have any, even if you don’t need it right then and there. You might want it soon.
Are crystals necessary? No. Do they help a shit ton? Yes. Do you have to buy expensive ones? No. You could literally go to a craft store and find semiprecious gemstone beads - just make sure the beads aren’t man made replicas. Sometimes it can be hard to tell, so watch out!
You don’t need a black mirror or crystal ball to scry. Just grab a bowl, fix its energy, and fill it with water. Bam. Scrying instrument.
You don’t need a physical witchcraft journal to be an Official Witch. Sometimes, it’s just so much easier to make a labyrinth of links on a free make-your-own website and call it a day.
Tarot apps are better than no tarot.
If you can’t find a label for your craft and feel like you need one to be an Official Witch, you don’t. Just vibe, honey. Just go with it. You have a label that works enough on its own. It’s the word “witch”.
Check. Your. Sources. If someone posts something that seems sketchy, search into it. If someone posts something that’s to good to be true, search into it.
To follow up on the last one, when you notice misinformation, point it out (respectfully)! If the witch on the other end doesn’t budge, well, you tried, friend.
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
He died on my birthday in 2010 😥 but was born on this day in 1962
So today .....
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
I need Music while I work…..
I Wanted to like the idea of Witch House but I prefer my bass much heavier so I made a playlist of the darkest stuff I could find, hope you enjoy, if you have any suggestions to add to the playlist let me know 
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elementalinkcraft ¡ 5 years
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Blessed yule,
Really excited to announce 👻
New collection Lilith Witch in store now, 40% off with code MAKEMERRYZAZ
Show your devotion to your path with the Lilith Witch Ambigram to seal the deal
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