hi. i made some images.
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feel free to take them and use for whatever you may need them for. no credit required
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Link to the official PDF transcripts of the ICJ hearing, with South Africa's argument being "Verbatim record 2024/1" and Israel's argument being "Verbatim record 2024/2".
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Disabled Queer Flags - Part 1
Gay, Bi, Lesbian, Aro, Pan, Ace, Trans, Nonbinary, & Genderqueer
Flags for disabled peeps who want to show their pride!
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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Credits: @dpargyle​ for his original disabled trans design and permission to create flags inspired by it, @whimsy-flags​ for his more eye-friendly palettes, and The Accessible Icon Project.
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Another day, another crisis that we hope will be hilarious in comic-form one day: our ceiling collapsed today! Twice!
No kidding. Part of our bedroom and living room ceilings collapsed and the rest of the roof on that entire side of the building is sagging, so we're a LITTLE terrified we're going to be hurt or generally covered in plaster.
We need to budget for a hotel while we're getting the landlord to fix this (and maybe let us temporarily stay somewhere else [and doubly-hopefully not kick us out before we have someplace to stay.]) So! Any assistance would be highly appreciated while we're figuring out where we land. I was just excited to have Rx money earlier today, haha!
Thank you so much in advance, we'll keep everyone posted!
Venmo $FindChaos
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this user has dyscalculia userbox! flag by @distinct-disability-flags
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Patreon has laid off their security team
I know this isn't an update on my interactive fiction game but I just wanted interactive fiction creators and other people who have Patreons to be aware about this issue.
Whitney Merrill on Twitter: "Whoa @Patreon laid off their ENTIRE security team. Wouldn’t trust my data there. Also there’s some amazing talent to scoop up." / Twitter
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For creators with a Patreon, I would recommend using a password manager to generate a randomly generated password so that when Patreon has (another) security breach, your password will be unique.
For creators that may want to migrate their Patreon content to another website, there is a WordPress plugin that can be used with a WordPress membership plugin that lets patrons access your content like on Patreon.
Ko-fi is also a good alternative that I know a lot of interactive fiction creators use for their work.
Hopefully there won't be any serious security breaches with Patreon but who knows what will happen...
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Autistic Flags
for lgbts with autism ! in order: lesbian, gay, bi, trans, pan, nonbinary, asexual, aromantic, genderfluid
DO NOT INTERACT if you are bigoted, ace/aro/pan exclusionist, support mspec lesbians/gays, or support endogenic/non-traumagenic systems.
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Still on hiatus, but would like to wish y'all a VERY belated Pride Month and (currently living up to the meme) Wrath Month!
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"Hello to all 300 of you," I say, sitting on the floor on my ripped airbed and sucking apple-banana puree out of a children's GoGo Squeez, "Hope y'all lives aren't kickin' your asses like mine is right now."
Have faith this hiatus will end... Eventually.
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I know I've been radio silent for a while, but here's the trailer for a queer student short film I've been looking forward to seeing!
Seeking Stars is a Sapphic short film created by an almost ENTIRELY queer cast and crew!
Please help these queer students create more cinema by funding the film here: (seriously 1$ helps huge, and we have cool perks) You get your name in the credits if you donate any amount!
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Here's a heart ❤️ because people do care about you
Aw, thanks!
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Me @ my Social Security case manager, who hasn't responded to my attempts to contact her and change my address and get SNAP benefits back for months. I'm alive, by the way, how are y'all doing? I'm sorry for letting this blog stagnate, life's just been... A Lot.
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I'm not dead, have an apartment, and social security is finally getting back to me about my SSI claim! It'll still take a bit for this blog to finally come out of hiatus, but things are looking up regarding being able to start cranking out those sweet, sweet flags again sometime soon.
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Fully vaccinated, fully depressed, and fully waiting for SSI and my Rehousing Case Manager to f-ing get back to me.
Oh yeah, I'm alive and haven't forgotten the hiatus on this blog.
It's still ongoing.
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Hey All.
I know I haven’t really been around lately. I’m sorry about that. I’ve been technically homeless for almost the past 5 months after being kicked out by my family on the day of my discharge from a psychiatric ward, and I haven’t found the time, space, or energy to create content for this blog. I’m currently in a shelter hotel trying to apply for SSDI, with less than $25 in my credit and savings accounts combined, not eligible for either of the stimulus payments due to having been a dependent in 2019, and with an alter who through a rant about our current state just possibly burnt bridges with my mother (who is still the source of my mail and laundry). I feel so disgusted at myself for doing this, but if you’re enthusiastically willing and able, please spare a penny for this poor pathetic pauper through this paypal.me link? It’ll mainly go towards food and securing stable housing.
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hey I don't need a new flag or anything, I was just wondering is there a way to search your flags, or alternatively, is there something like trans system pride, trans PTSD, or femme PTSD? I feel like those things (or something close) would be really cool to have because I want to share symbolocly with others who have similar histories, and the overlap is a lot.
If nothing specific exists already, is there a way to see what PTSD flags you have?
Thx so much
I tag with identities and "actually" disability tags: for instance, "aroace" and "actuallyadhd"! I've found that without the actually, there are a lot of unrelated, stigmatizing, or romanticizing by NTs (if mental) things in tags like JUST "depression", "schizophrenia", etc.
I don't think I've actually made just trans and PTSD combinations yet, so they might be easy projects to maybe get back into the swing of things. Some of the tags included for them would be "transgender" and "actuallytraumatized" or "actuallyptsd".
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