deepoceanedreamer · 9 months
….You ever feel needy?
…longing for attention from someone
…but not just anyone?
…you ever become so transparent that you complain to your friends that you want more and you’re feeling needy
But their kind response of offering a listening ear….just doesn’t suffice
I want you
I want your attention
I want you to crave me the way that I crave you
I want you to feel agonizingly pained by the amount of passion you feel flooding your chest
I want you to want my company to talk for hours and experience new things and not just with the goal in mind, of getting undressed
I hope you feel this tension for me and when you do I hope I don’t care
Cause nothing is worse than how I’m feeling right now , sitting in this feeling and unable to share
With you the desperation inside
It makes me angry , it makes me hate you and let me face it , by you, I can’t be satisfied
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deepoceanedreamer · 9 months
How can I be patient when life is so short?
If life is short then I should rush as quickly as possible
And seize everything the moment I decide it’s mine
Why wait? Why hesitate?
…But life is short
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deepoceanedreamer · 9 months
I hate that you have so much power over me
So much that now that we aren’t talking and I have to text 10 friends just to make up for our lack of conversation….
And you’re only ONE person….just you
YOU ALONE had me satisfied
Now not even 10 convos with 10 different people feels the same as when I would talk to you….
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deepoceanedreamer · 10 months
I’m confused, conflicted what else is new
Trying to avoid loosing my mind over you
I sent a text to said Good Morning & that I hope you’re having a good day.
I got no response and as usual is just seems like a big screw you
You don’t have the decency to just tell me your busy? It takes 10 seconds to formulate a reply
Maybe it’s not me, maybe it’s you and your hectic mind
You say you care for other people, you say you spread yourself too thin
But who buys themselves, new clothes , new shoes, who is constantly concerned about their appearance?
You may be kind at times, caring at times, even selfless
However, I feel you spend more of your time in your head, thinking about yourself, what you want and your problems
You should worry , but not to the extent where that’s all you do is drown yourself in big fat woe is me fest
And I can’t even get a text back. So screw you too.
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deepoceanedreamer · 11 months
Here we go
My heart is getting my excited and for the first time in a long time
It isn’t afraid
You’re slowly cracking me open
You’re slowly working your way in
You’re putting forth effort consistency , things I’ve never been given
You really open up , you really dont hold back. You’re sure, you’re confident, I just I wish I had ways of speaking about you in a way I have not yet expressed towards others
That is the downside of having too many lovers
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deepoceanedreamer · 1 year
In The Car, In A Parking Lot
“Can I have permission to invade your personal space for just a moment”?
“By all means” you smile as I climb over to the drivers seat to sit on your lap
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deepoceanedreamer · 1 year
Through It All
You’ve touched my soul with your need for smooth r&b vibes
I crave the same slow jams
I long to hear your voice, tell me what’s on your mind, tell me where you see you & I in time
Why lie? I want you to be mine, I want to be around for your best moments and for your worst
Show me every side, I won’t back away 
Tell me every little thing that lingers in the back of your mind
I’m here to stay 
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deepoceanedreamer · 1 year
This One Is For You
I’m so afraid of you
Have I ever met someone so....extraordinary?
My guard is no longer up, the walls fell down after our first phone call and I don’t know if I should keep myself in check...
Or just allow myself to free fall
It is all in the little things..
How you fit my name into nearly every sentence
How you make me laugh so effortlessly
You constantly run your mouth and I don’t care like, talk all you want, I want to know everything, every little detail
From your first love to what you ate for breakfast
If I meet no one else, I am content
If this goes nowhere, I am content
Your mind is a endless wonderland of ideas, knowledge and humor
My doubts have faded, the past doesn’t mean a thing...
You make me nervous, you make me scared,
You make me want to take that chance, you make me want to hand my heart over....to you...this poem is for you
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deepoceanedreamer · 1 year
I hate the anxiety of meeting someone new
The possibility they could be all that you’ve wished for
The possibility they could bring out the worst in you
It’s a risk
I’m not sure I want to take
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
Have you ever fallen for a voice? 
The slight rasp to it takes you to the woods , filled with pine trees and a cute cabin with a warm fire blazing inside
Welcoming you into the unknown world of this new voice, that feels so safe
Because they always know what to say when things go south
Because they always pick up when you give them a call
Because they have little mannerisms that you like so much you start to enunciate your words the way they do
But as you know, nothing lasts forever....
And things come to an abrupt halt when you finally meet face to face
And that voice...does not match the photos they sent
And that voice...even sounds slightly less masculine than it did over the phone...
And that voice...now belongs to a stranger and they are no longer your home.
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
A parent plays a large role if involved in their child's life
If I think too deeply about it I become concerned for myself 
My mother suffocates my siblings and I with rules and restrictions
This doesn’t help keep us in line, it only forces us to want to rebel
She often questions why I have trouble listening to her and its simple.
Her demands and commands don’t sound right or genuine to me, it sounds like she’s just nitpicking because she is unhappy with herself and her life, not because I’m doing wrong
I don’t understand why she doesn’t comprehend the negative effects she has on all of us, she didn’t live a perfect obedient life
So why expect us to? We are going to make mistakes, that’s how you live and learn. 
I hope she comes to this realization one day and stops hovering over my siblings and I like a helicopter. 
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
What does love really look like? 
How does it feel to have a best friend and a lover all in one? 
I thought I experienced this once.....
But I was sadly mistaken...
Does such a sentiment exist? 
To love and to truly be loved back?
Or is it all a fantasy? 
I can imagine it, but I can’t grasp it
And that thought alone scares me into thinking
Such a person...does not exist for me
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
Tumblr media
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
When will I come face to face with you
I’m beginning to wonder if you exist
A man that knows how to be honest and not look other ways when things get difficult
I’ve met a few but none that cause my eyes to spark with excitement
Perhaps, it’s all a silly fantasy of mine
Too magical to truly take place
Love has never loved me, I was never the one to be chased
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
Pouring rain always makes me wanna cuddle with someone and listen to it with them
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
I would LOVE to meet someone like Batman
He’s tall, dark, mysterious
Yet kind and caring in his own way
He keeps to himself and isn’t super cocky
He has his own dark past that he chooses to share with those he is super close with
I just love everything about him
He’s attractive but doesn’t know it
He’s smart
& I like that he doesn’t talk a whole lot
y’all get where im coming from?
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deepoceanedreamer · 2 years
Mood Always
I just wanna go to the beach at night just to listen to the waves
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