ddesign8or · 4 years
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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No one
Imagine Daisuke Kambe as Shane and Haru Kato as Ryan. 🙌🙌🙌🙌
* Artwork not mine, credit to the owner. 🙌🙌🙌
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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Vector Style digiart portrait ✏✏✏ I can't use stylus pen but somehow it works fine with finger. 🙌🙌🙌🙌 Still need more practice. #firstattempt #peace✌✌✌✌✌😘❤
Tools #medibang #picsart #digiart #vectorstyle #portrait #artoftheday #Quarantinepasttime
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ddesign8or · 4 years
It feels like this coming from Totoro. Totoro looking for adventure. 😘❤
The sky was a soft dark grey as you sat there on the edge of the riverbank, the air filled with moisture that spoke of the past and coming rain, and the soft moss and earth, damp, beneath your hands. To some, it seemed like the perfect moment of peace and solitude…. but you knew better.
Letting out a deep and tired sigh, you lifted your gaze skyward to enjoy the darkened clouds, leaning back on your hands lazily as you called out to the presence you could feel lurking within the thick trees behind you.
“You might as well come out and join me, I know you’re there.”
For a time, all that answered you was silence, but eventually you became aware of the soft sounds of leaves crunching beneath otherwise silent feet, and in an instant you knew exactly what they were, just as you knew that the sound of their approach had been completely intentional. Creatures such as they were all too adept at moving in absolute silence when need be, after all.
It seemed your evening was about to become a lot more interesting.
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ddesign8or · 4 years
It feels like this coming from Totoro. Totoro looking for adventure. 😘❤
The sky was a soft dark grey as you sat there on the edge of the riverbank, the air filled with moisture that spoke of the past and coming rain, and the soft moss and earth, damp, beneath your hands. To some, it seemed like the perfect moment of peace and solitude…. but you knew better.
Letting out a deep and tired sigh, you lifted your gaze skyward to enjoy the darkened clouds, leaning back on your hands lazily as you called out to the presence you could feel lurking within the thick trees behind you.
“You might as well come out and join me, I know you’re there.”
For a time, all that answered you was silence, but eventually you became aware of the soft sounds of leaves crunching beneath otherwise silent feet, and in an instant you knew exactly what they were, just as you knew that the sound of their approach had been completely intentional. Creatures such as they were all too adept at moving in absolute silence when need be, after all.
It seemed your evening was about to become a lot more interesting.
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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Husbando LOKI aka TOM HIDDLESTON from Thor 🙌🙌🙌😘❤ "The thing that keeps you grounded is doing the thing you love." ✏Tom Hiddleston✏ P.S. I asked someone to guess the character. My mom said he's a vampire from a movie... Well okay he had a vampire movie.... Then continued.... I saw him in Twilight with Edward... 🙈🙈🙈 😁✋😂😂 Lol you almost got it xoxox. ❤❤❤❤ A friend of mine chatted he's Joker. I can't even....🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 OMG... I love you xoxox... Made my day. 😁😘
Tools ~Berkeley Sketchpad ~mechanical pencil ~Coleen color pencil (black pencil) ~Derwent watercolor pencil ~vinyl eraser ~cottonbuds ~google reference ~picsart~ enhancement/sketchpadabitgrainy :(
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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Husbando Lee Joon Gi from Scarlet Ryeo UwU. ❤🙈😘😻👏🙌❤😅
I tried my best to get him closer to the reference but I still made some mistake. 🙈😑😰 Well, there's always next time. Ganbatte🙌🙌🙌
Traditional Art
~Berkeley sketchpad
~mechanical pencil
~ coleen color pencil (Black)
~Derwent watercolor pencils (Ink black & bark)
~vinyl eraser
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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Second Horror Story @alexprompts #alexpromptsacollectionofhorrors
Under the Moonlight
When I was young, I used to play hide and seek with my siblings at night in our backyard. There are five of us and I was the third one. Our house was not big, it was a simple, small bungalow with a wide backyard. In our backyard, there used to have a mango tree and a vegetable garden. There were also bushes and fences around our house. It was a bright night and my mom usually call us to get inside at 10 or before 10.
I was IT that time and I was counting 1 to 10 leaning on the Mango tree. After counting, I started running around the yard searching for my other siblings. After a while I got tired running, I couldn't find their whereabouts, so I shouted and asked them to show themselves and go home instead.
As I went back to the Mango Tree to check for the last time, I saw a girl behind it. I couldn't figure out who she was but I could tell what she looked like since the moon was shining and the night was bright. She had a long black hair and she was wearing a white shirt. I couldn't see her face because she was facing the mango tree and she looked kinda pale though, which I just shrugged it off thinking it was just my older sister. I tapped her shoulder and told her I caught her declaring she's the IT. Instead of facing me and made a reaction. She ran around the tree instead~ like a usual thing to do to a person who doesn't want to be an IT~. I followed her and look around, but I didn't see her there or around the house. I wondered how she ran that fast and hid quickly. Still, I keep searching near the bushes and fences, but I couldn't find her anywhere. So, I gave up thinking she might be hiding at home.
I went home to our house and a bit furious with my sister, but when I got inside I was shocked to see all my siblings in the living room watching TV. I was angry for leaving me behind and nagged at them to where were they hiding when I was searching for them. They told me they were all inside this time.
They said Mom called us to get inside when they're about to hide. They thought I heard Mom calling us so they didn't bother beckoning me, but when Mom noticed I wasn't inside for a while she asked my older Brother to look for me outside. My brother couldn't find me so he went back home and watched TV with my other siblings. Then, I remembered the girl I saw outside on the Mango tree. A chill ran down to my spine and got goosebumps all over my body. I ran to the other room where I saw my Grandma who was about to go out to the living room and clutched on her and dove on her skirt while crying really loud.
My mom and my father who were in the kitchen that time heard me and gathered in the living room with my siblings and Grandma asking me what happened. I told them everything about what happened while I was outside that night. My Grandma told us I might get spirited away if I hadn't gone inside and my mom wasn't a believer, though she scolded us not to play outside again at night. I hadn't slept well that night thinking about the girl on the mango tree, although it happened many years ago and I haven't seen her again. We promised never played hide and seek in our backyard ever again.
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ddesign8or · 4 years
I'd like to see a crossover for this. ❤❤❤❤
Prompt I will never do anything with: instead of being given to the Dursleys, Harry Potter is put up for adoption and is adopted by the Addams Family
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom.   If this be error and upon me proved,   I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
- Shakespeare's Sonnet CXVI
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Fate separated our path
That could never mend.
Though my love for you is forever true.
Goodbye my love...
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I'll take Revenge for both of us.
Silent Short Story 🙈😅
Ddesignator D.T
Google stock photos
I made this for a while before my stylus pen broke and unfortunately, I couldn't finish the last page but anyhow you can still guess what happened at the end so nvm.
I also think this fits for the collection of horror stories. I hope its okay to tag this for the #alexpromptsacollectionofhorrors @alexprompts
Hello Guys!!!
and my friend suggested The Death in Quarantine cuz the girl died when she went out during quarantine...🙈😅 i dunno it doesn't feel right and my brain can't come out with a good name. ... 🙈
So if you're kind enough to make one. Be my guest. I love to hear your ideas. ❤❤❤❤❤
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ddesign8or · 4 years
I love them both ♥♥♥
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gal_gadot: “Make love, Not war ❤️ @brielarson #oscars2020”
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ddesign8or · 4 years
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No one:
Just a random thought *Sen* in Japanese means  = *1000* one thousand
and *Ku* means = *9* nine 
I just realized it’s *1009* . 
Does it signify anything? I have thought this for a while.
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ddesign8or · 5 years
While in the antique shop something got your attention, A gleaming metal cuff bracelet at the dusty and rarely visited part of the shop lying on the cabinet took your interest and bought it, without knowing the fact it’s actually more than just a metal cuff. 
You tried wearing it at home in front of the mirror doing a crossed arm defense when your bracelet glimmered and turned so bright that blinded you for a while. You’re confused on what was happening, you shook your head a little and scanned your bracelet which looked different before it turned bright.
Then you noticed something odd about what you’re wearing. You looked yourself up in the mirror and realized you were wearing an armor the one Spartan or Roman-Greek warrior wearing.
In shocked, you almost screamed and then bit your lip so not to make any noise and disturbed your neighbors. You went out of your room and as you opened the door, the handle broke. You were shocked at how strong you are and you were panicking trying to put the door handle back but instead you ripped off the door.
You were rattling and panicking until you did the crossed arm defense again as you rolled down on the floor. The metal cuff turned bright again and everything went back. That’s the time you realized you took a magical bracelet.
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ddesign8or · 5 years
Entry#99 Every time you sneeze the person in front of you turn into an animal…
 Their transformation depends on their personality. 
“One day a pollen reached to your nose and you started sneezing, just in  time your friend arrived and ask you if you’re okay… while in the mid-sentence, you sneezed in front of them and they turned into a SNAKE!”
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ddesign8or · 5 years
I wasn’t ready with the revelation  about my family and why we avoid eating meat.
GOD, Chill what’s wrong with you. I’m just asking if you eat MEAT?!... It’s not like I’m a racist or something.
Stupid... I already told you before, I thought as I rolled my eyes from her and took the menu from Jiya. I bit my lower lip as I scanned the available vegetable menu.
I’ll have  Caesar salad and avocado smoothie- weird pair though. 
The waitress took our order and went away. 
So.. You told me before that your family are vegetarians. What’s the reason, though?, She leaned near me with a wide eyed and curious face as she waited for my answer.
I’m not sure, Maybe a family tradition or our religion, I don’t know... I shrugged. But actually- I know.
I was inquisitive when I was young and I always wondered why do we need to avoid meat- from, chicken, pork, beef... any kind of bloody flesh. I always asked my Mom about that every now and then but she always ignored me, not until before I turned thirteen. 
We went to my Nana house, which I called to my Grandma. She lived in a small town where people live with a distant away. The place is beautiful, full of trees - wide fields and some creeks. We usually spent my summer days in my Nana house. But that time, we went there on my birthday, which was very unusual. I wasn’t ready with the revelation about my family and why we avoid eating meat.
Our ancestors have been a faith healer since our great great great grandfather who made a deal to the earthly Spirit. His power was granted, but he needed to avoid meat because something bad will happen if he doesn’t follow. I think someone in our family ate meat, but I never heard what happened to them since it was never mentioned and it always avoided to talk about. They always said they died, in an unusual circumstance.
I don’t really care, but I just follow anyway because my Mom would start being worried if I don’t oblige.
I was updating my Instagram when our order arrived. Jiya handed my order, I wasn’t paying much on what I’m eating, but the Ceasar was good.
I took a bit on my Avocado toast, which taste funny.
Jiya, did you hand me my toast?
Jiya who was sitting across me kept on giggling while holding her phone.
Haha, what’s funny?... , I swallowed a bite, again, and another again.
Hey, Clara... you should look on what you eating.
I stopped and look at her... 
Why? , that’s the time I realized she’s taking a video of me.
Why are you filming?! Hey, !!!...
That’s the time, I realized she switched my toast with her sandwich with MEAT...
I was shocked... and almost throw up in front of her...
I went to the bathroom. I was waiting for something to happen, 5 mins, 10mins, 30mins, nothing happened so I went out.
I payed my bill and went home and that was the last time I to Jiya.
Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry.. It was just a prank..., Jiya texted. 
I ignored her messages and calls. I didn’t tell my Mom because she might get a heart attack, knowing the fact she’s easily paranoid about things.
I stayed home for a few days and just called the school that I was sick. My mom kept checking and asking me what happened. I just told her everything’s fine and she doesn’t have to worry.
 It’s been days, at first everything was fine when one day. I started feeling a tingling and burning sensation in my whole body. I was sweaty cold and was losing my appetite. I couldn’t dare eating because I eventually threw them up.
One night, Nana visited our house which is very odd because she never traveled far from here home. This is the first time that she visits us so it’s kinda big deal to us. I was wearing my black hoodie, looking pale for not eating much trying to look fine to my Nana. I put my arms on my hoodie pockets as my fingernails are turning purple- almost black.
I didn’t tell anyone about what happened, when she suddenly straight forward dragged me to my arms and confronted me. My mom was shocked and confused with what happened.
Did you eat meat?! , her voice was hoarse and cracking a bit but sure.
I was shaking my head, even though I know I have no way out in this situation.
BE HONEST GIRL!!! ... ANSWER ME ... DID YOU EAT ANY MEAT ... EVEN A LITTLE AT ALL???!!!, her voiced was raising but still steady on her accusation. 
I don’t know how she knew but I need to stop pretending that everything’s alright.
I slowly nodded my head with a feeling of regret. I was teary eyed and hugged my Nana. My Nana stroked my hair and hugged me back, my mom who was confused and terrified joined us. After all  the commotion, we all seated down and started narrating about what happened to our missing relatives. 
It’s all started when our Ancestor made a deal with the Earthly Spirit for power to heal any diseases and to exorcist evil spirit, but of course everything has a price. He’s not allowed to eat meat and everyone of his family and blood line are not allowed to eat meat. 
Nana, was reaching inside to her bag as she continued. - You’re not the first who violated this. I had a sister once, but now she’s gone because of what she did. She’s always curious on what happened to her if she tried meat, even a single drop of blood.
Nana took a small vial, with a dark liquid inside. I don’t know what happened, but the burning sensation started to get. I didn’t know what I was doing, I was fixated on the vial. The odor from it was too tempting. I almost lost myself when my mom gripped my hand and was crying in front of me. I was stunned and realized that I was heavily drooling. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. Mom saw my fingernails, she gasped and was sobbing uncontrollably.
What’s going on? What’s happening to me?!... Mom,m-om I.. I’m scared. , my heart was skipped fast. I was so scared of what would happen to me.
My sister was inquisitive liked you but she’s different. She’s not scared and would dare to violate things as she wanted. -- My Nana continued as she took another thing from her bag. It was a wooden stake. 
Nana, why do you have that?... Na-na what are you going to do?, I was pleading her to answer me.
I understand you didn’t mean to violate but it’s too late. incurable, we don’t want anything would happen to you or to other people. After three weeks, you would start to change. You start craving for blood and you would unknowingly kill the people you know... She paused and slowly walking towards me... and to People you love.
I tried to run away, when I noticed my hands were handcuffed on the metal railing of the air ventilation. My mom who was holding my hands a while ago slowly walked away and tossed the key away. 
No-No!!! NO NO NO!!! MOM!!! HELP ME! Mom!, I cried to her, but she didn’t budge even a little. She was just sobbing at the corner, not knowing what to do.
I can’t get off the idea that Nana will stab me with that stake. 
I’m so-sorry my Dear... Please forgive me, she raised the stake firmly reaching into my heart. I was crying profusely while trying to get the cuff away.
I didn’t know what happened next, I think I was loosing my sanity. My mind was slowly floating away from my consciousness and I saw the beast inside me with her bloodshot eyes and sharp teeth.
Just let go... Let me take over you
Just let go...
I don’t know who was that, but I’m letting go. I closed my eyes for a moment and let go to the infinity.
I woke up with a hazy memory. I don’t what happened right after, I think I’m dead but maybe not.
Hello, Miss Stoker, I’m Detective Smith ... How are you feeling today?
I don’t know, I thought I’m dead.. I sighed
Do you know what happened yesterday night?
I’m not sure, I forgot..., I lied.
Well, first of all..., she paused, - I’m so sorry for your lost. 
what are you talking about ? who are you?!... I exclaimed.
Your Mother,.. and grandmother was found dead,.. her voice was calm even she’s delivering that bad news.
Tears rolled down my eyes, I couldn’t believe what happened. Did I kill them, didn’t I? I felt so terrible and guilt shrouded over me.
The Detective held his hand offering some tissues. I took it and wiped my tears. 
I hope you can help to what happened... So far the evidences were unrecognizable, so we need more answer from you. I hope you’ll cooperate with us.
What do you mean? Unrecognizable? I didn’t kill them, right? is that what you mean?, I thought. 
I just nodded to the officer and I thought over and over again. What happened that night who killed my parents. I looked at my fingernails, which is now all black. It looks like I painted it with black nail polished. I hope I could get some answers about me and the deal my Ancestors made so I can fix myself.
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ddesign8or · 5 years
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I was trying to find this photo. 
I don’t know if I should laugh or sympathize him, that looks so sad and funny at the same time. I’m so sorry…
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ddesign8or · 5 years
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I’m still going to stay Spooky, even it ends. xD
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