danistudynotes · 3 years
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Sound Note - take notes while you record audio
Evernote - notetaking that syncs across platforms
Paper 53 - minimal notetaking that syncs
Microsoft OneNote - collaboration and syncing, best for Office users
Google Keep - jot things down, best for Google suite users
Notability - take notes and annotate PDFs
Mindly - create mind maps
Day One - a digital journal
Flash Cards
Quizlet - the quintessential flash card app
StudyBlue - another commonly used app
Cram - best for its “cram mode”
Eidetic - uses spaced repetition for effective memorization
My Study Life - schedules, tasks, reminders, and more
StudyCal - keeps track of tasks, exams, and grades
24me - automated reminders and event planning
iStudiez - schedule and prioritized task list
Google Calendar - a calendar, best for Google users
Glass Planner - a calendar and to do list with incredible functionality
To Do List
Clear - organized to-do and reminders
MinimaList - simple to-do and focus timer
Trello - collaborative project organizer
Todoist - clean and functional task manager
Default notes app on your phone
Time Management
Forest - plant trees by staying focused
Pomotodo - pomodoro timer with to-do list
Timeglass - custom timers
Tide - pomodoro with white noise
Alarmy - forces you out of bed 
Pillow - smart alarm that tracks sleep cycles
Workflow - automate tasks
Habitica - turn your habits into an RPG
Continuo - simple, colorful activity tracking
Freedom - block distracting apps
Free Learning
Coursera - free MOOCs
TED - listen to Ted Talks
Duolingo - language learning
Memrise - spaced repetition language vocabulary
Khan Academy - free video lessons
Ambient Noise
8tracks - curated playlists
Spotify - online music streaming
Coffitivity - cafe ambience
Noisli - background sound generator
Rain Rain - rain sounds
Binaural - binaural beats
Rockin Ramen - recipes based on ramen
MealBoard - meal planning
Lifesum - healthy eating
Stop Breath And Think - mindfulness meditation
Pacifica - mental health management
Sworkit - personalized video workouts
Waterlogged - hydration tracker
WolframAlpha - Google on steroids
Oxford Dictionary - all of English at your fingertips
RefMe - citation generator
PhotoMath - solve math problems by taking a photo
Mathway - step by step math help
Desmos - free graphing calculator
Wikipedia - not the best source, but it’s handy
Companion - stay safe when walking alone
Mint - money management
Toshl - finance manager
Tiny Scanner - scan documents
90K notes · View notes
danistudynotes · 3 years
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Sunday study session in the cold:))
39 notes · View notes
danistudynotes · 3 years
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studying on a rainy day:))
75 notes · View notes
danistudynotes · 3 years
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3 notes · View notes
danistudynotes · 3 years
this is so incredibly genius! :))
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An Overview of Note-Taking Styles
Note-taking is one of the most essential skills a student should master. It allows you to record and review information to be used in the future. But what’s the best way to do so? Here’s an overview of note-taking styles that can help you maximize your learning!
56K notes · View notes
danistudynotes · 3 years
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blank Spotify wallpaper for lock screens:))
8 notes · View notes
danistudynotes · 3 years
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19 notes · View notes