cuppatea13 · 7 years
And here we have more Remington Steele, because I like that show. And I like those characters. And I really like this fic.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
To the people who write hundreds of chapters for their stories and get no reviews:
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
So...I like this. I think everyone should read it.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
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gifset aesthetic = jyn erso and cassian andor ♡ i’m not used to people sticking around when things go bad. welcome home. 
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
He watched as she sat on the edge of one of the boxes, casually kicking at the dirt with her shoes and looking around the alleyway. Jack had to give her credit; the bored expression and slumped shoulders would have convinced him, had he not known. His mind flashed back to images of a woman with a long back plait and a strategically sequinned outfit, and he frowned. 
Jane is a mini-Phryne sometimes.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
Do you ever think about the fact that when rory was 12 and was so sick she couldn’t eat anything luke made sure to make her mashed potatoes for every meal or how for her 16th birthday he set up a table with balloons and coffee cake or how he went to her graduation or how he helped her move in to college and moved her mattress out, then in, and then back out again. Or how for her 21st birthday he gave her the necklace that belonged to his mom or how Luke stayed up all night sewing dozens of tarps together so that Rory could have a going away party or how the one thing Rory has ever wanted from Chris was to be there and to show up and how time and time again Chris just couldn’t get it together but Luke has been a constant rock for rory who has always been there for every event and birthday since he’s known her, hell hes made her almost the majority of her meals, been there for breakfastes and lunches. He’s always been willing to help her or be there whenever she asked and even the times Rory doesn’t ask. Basically what I’m saying is do you ever think about how ever since she’s lived in Stars Hollow she’s had a dad and his name is Luke
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
First of all, A++ Pride and Prejudice reference in the title there. A+++.
Secondly, this is great and I love it and after that last fic rec I felt the need to apologize with this little gem of happiness. 
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
Bangel. Bangel. Bangel.
Because I can, damnit.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
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i walk a lonely road the only one that i have ever known
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
You wanna cry? Because this’ll make you cry.
Rouge One survives Scariff, but they don’t survive the war. Mon Mothma and Leia try their best to cope with that.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
things I love from The Mummy and The Mummy Returns
the motif of the O'Connell family accidentally knocking over things and reigning destruction in a falling domino fashion 
the Mummy being scared of the cat 
Evelyn Carnahan 
“I am a… librarian!“ 
bad cgi scorpion centaur Dwayne Johnson 
 "what harm ever came from…” lots. lots of harm 
ominous wind 
the fact that Rick and Evelyn’s son is named Alex, probably after the Library of Alexandria (which Evie secretly hopes is still out there waiting to be discovered) 
the camels 
the “no of course we don’t let him go” exchange 
Evelyn O'Connell 
the way Evie reads with her glasses down her nose 
Rachel Weisz’s character; Evelyn
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
Howl watches Sophie sleep.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
why writing takes forever
writer: *stops mid-sentence* damn what's the word I want?
writer: *spends 25 minutes on google trying to figure out the right vocab word*
writer: *gets a paragraph done*
writer: *starts another sentence, stops* what is that really specific fact I need?
writer: *spends an hour trying to figure out this obscure thing that probably doesn't actually matter*
writer: Wait what's that thing called again?
writer: *has no idea how to search for what I need*
writer: *ends up digging through blogs and other archived websites for details*
writer: *needs to reference source material for fact checking*
writer: *has to eat and sleep at some point*
writer: should it be "she regards him with disdain" or "she glares at him with disdain" ??? (hint: it doesnt matter but gunna go back and forth over it for an hour)
writer: *gets distracted by the internet in general*
writer: HOW IS THIS ONLY 800 WORDS???????
writer: fuck proofreading
writer: okay fine i'll proofread.
writer: holy shit this is awful.
writer: *reworks entire sections*
writer: *doesn't think I'm good enough as a writer and stops for a few days*
writer: repeat process as needed.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
I adore how Yahtzee Incorporated so many movie references in one fic. I’m impressed.
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
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cuppatea13 · 7 years
Oh, my darling Bangel. How I adore you.
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