crossroadbones666 · 3 years
Emoji spell for high vibrational energy, prosperity and love
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crossroadbones666 · 3 years
Prayers I Make to Hekate, Goddess of Witchcraft 💀🪦🕯
Madame Hekate is my Patroness, and I pray to her almost every night. I may not pray for all of these things in one night but, I pray for them in the need of times.
Hekate is not only the Goddess of Witchcraft. She is a chthonic deity, aiding in the afterlife of the dead. She represents necromancy, dogs, cats, snakes, crows, owls, eagles, crossroads/doors (can equal each other), and so much more.
That every door I open, every path I take leads me to safety and a valuable lesson on my journey throughout life.
My beloved dog to remain safe outside, healthy, to rest well at night, and to stay for as long as she can.
The dog I puppysit for to receive anxiety relief, to be able to relax, and comfort as she sleeps through the night. (She has major anxiety issues)
The stray cats I help care for to have a dry and warm covering, find some sort of food, have a source of water, and to remain warded from predator animals and moving vehicles.
To all the spirits who passed this day and night, unwilling to cross over, lost, not missed by their families or people who never knew them. I pray for them to return to her to find their way home.
When a person/animal I find out passes, I pray they go to Hekate to find their away across the veil and do not remain lost if they are.
For safety, every single night. No harm done to my home or my loved ones. My family to make it through the night and to rest as well as I possibly can.
To warn me if something is to go wrong. If my family is in trouble, if an evil kiss was sent my way, and so forth.
To protect me from the dark, unknown entities, and all of the things I am afraid of. Not only protect me, but help prove to me that there is nothing to be afraid of at all. The night is peaceful for many creatures. She is apart of the night, I have no reason to be afraid.
Hekate grants my prayers if they’re genuine and needed. She knows what’s best for me and my journey. She’d never do anything to harm me, scare me, or make me fearful of her as my Patroness. I know she is here to hold my hand throughout this life, along with my Patron, Lucifer.
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crossroadbones666 · 3 years
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Hekate, Goddess Of Necromancy 💀🪦
I have created this beautiful piece for my Patroness, Hekate. I had given her the choice of 3 different offerings, and she chose two, because all were too good to let time waste them.
Make something similar, for your Deity. I will give the process of making mine. I ask that you please, change or make something different for your own creation. Thank you 🖤<3
Hekate Pillar Candle 🕯🔮
Pillar candle of some kind. I had gotten mine from Goodwill. It’s a white center, dipped in purple wax as an outer coating. It’s basically a mask of the fact that it’s a white candle - but it was cheap, some of her scents, and she loved it. (Scents were cherry, berry, lavender, etc.)
Black chime candle to create drips around the edges once done. Simply for decoration and adding the strong color of black.
Jute cord to hold onto the key.
Decorative/charm key I have left over from my Etsy shop.
An oil I made specifically for her, some of her herbs (lavender, mugwort, etc.) infused with grapeseed oil.
Herbs of her liking that I currently have; lavender, mugwort, bay leaves, sea salt.
Carving knife to create all sorts of sigils and symbols of her; her 3 sigils I associate with her, keys, a thank you note, her name, moon, sun, etc. (Yes, Hekate represents the sun. She represents all planets, as she rules all realms. My personal association with her)
Black & white dog hair. I puppy sit a dog that she had sent to me, she loves her greatly. I found the hair at the bottom of a dried water bowl. I did NOT pluck the dog. And will NEVER pluck her for my workings.
Cleansing tools, incense, florida water, etc.
I suggest cleansing all items first, carving the sigils, rolling in oil, herbs, hair, and then doing drips and the key pendant.
I hope this gives inspiration to others!! She gave permission for the photos and posting. She hopes to inspire others as well. Enjoy! <3 🖤🖤🖤
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crossroadbones666 · 3 years
Hekate 💀🪦
🪦 Who is Hekate?
Hekate, also can be known as Hecate, the Goddess of the Underworld, Goddess of necromancy, the moon, the Queen of all witches and witchcraft. She is known for her torches, her triple faces, death hounds, slithering snakes, and moon above her head. There is so much, to this goddess. Too - much that most who work with her will never know truly the half of it. I would like to share my personal experiences while working with her on this profile. I may go into depth on some posts, I may not. I may simply short answer with 1-3 words. Either way, I hope to come across a follower/practitioner or potential follower/practitioner of this earth shaking Goddess.
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For this first post, I’d like to share how I came across her in my life. How she came to me, how I brought up the courage to work with her, how I have become completely devoured in her energy in the time we’ve had.
🪦 How I began working with Hekate.
My biological Mom was having surgery on a Tuesday morning, around 6 am. My sister and I had stayed up to speak with her and reassure her for her big day. I eventually needed to go to sleep. I am not a fairly big night person, and I enjoy the morning anyways. (We all can maybe take a huge guess at if I am a night person now - or not.) I was super drowsy and headed to bed asap after meditating and praying with my Goddess, Lilith, and my Patron God, Lucifer. I prayed for my Mom’s safety and so on. Put their candles out, welcomed them to stay, and snoozed.
I woke up at 5 am, to help my Mom pack her things. I knew I had dreamed a little bit, but didn’t remember much as I got up. My Mom left with my sister to go to her appointment. I sat on the couch with the TV, just gazing at the walls. It was still dark outside, as it was still in the winter when this happened - March to be exact. I got this sudden deja vu type of remembrance. I had a very intense dream. I was sitting at an altar, purple candles in my hand. To the left of me was a statue, purple candles, purple gems, purple and black. I could feel thick feminine energy, hear a deep but coaxing feminine voice. I knew it was Hekate. I don’t remember if I had said her name in the dream, but in the dream - I KNEW it was Hekate, if that makes sense. I took that as a major sign, but I waited a bit more to be sure.
I eventually over the next couple days, brought it up to Lucifer and Lilith. Lucifer’s reaction was quite - shocked haha. His words were somewhere along the lines of, “She - what? She’s early. Damn she’s early. She’s REALLY early.” I sat in confusion with my eyes closed holding crystals. He explained that she was meant to come in about 3-4 years, which is super long in our realm and planet life. I then remembered, I had a protection ward that stated you are not allowed to enter unless invited (spirit wise). I asked Lilith and Lucifer, “How did she get into here? I didn’t invite her into my space..” They kind of chuckled perhaps. “You realize, we can invite others as well?” Lucifer had said. Lilith wasn’t really phased at all, she was really chill and honest. “She’s early, but for a reason. She’s been around for a very very long time. She’s just decided to open her doors for you years before expected.” Lucifer spoke about her and him having a talk, about why this time, why now, why can’t she wait. She explained, I was told, I was needing it now. I was ready, let me take a step into her way of practice.
I wasn’t opposed to the opening of Hekate in ANY way. I was honored, grateful. Having two deities and a guide though - I began to feel a bit of pressure as I was fearing how I would create a schedule or sense of routine for all of them. It was a bit stressful, not going to lie. I felt overwhelmed. But, Lucifer explained that she won’t truly go away. Whether I take the time to accept, or decline.. She’ll still kind of be here, she had to. I got the hint, that perhaps she was my Patroness. I asked Lucifer, he said “That’s for you to discuss with her.” I asked Lilith, “It is not our place to discuss personal relationships with other Deities.” I said okay, shrugged it off, and contemplated accepting her open arms. I am so glad I went under her wing.
I would see eagles every now and then, crows still yelling at me - as Lucifer likes to send them. Spiders crawling on my walls, seeing snake posts online, dandelions overcrowding my entire back and front land, seeing black dogs everywhere I went. I was almost crowded with her. She truly wasn’t going to settle down any less. I took the time to want to accept - I was honored to be called by her. I was ready. I created a smaller beginning altar for her, black candles, a necromancy book I already had, a purple glass, small keys, etc. I waited until the night came around, called upon Lucifer, Lilith, and I believe my guide, Joelynn. I made and offering, small but enough for beginning. I could feel her energy almost immediately. Her energy is thick, coarse to a sense, but so comforting and empowering. We had conversations, she hung around with me, got my energy, and ended the night with a “You’re welcome to stay, if you would like.”
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Overtime, with my workings with her - it wasn’t even necessarily “work”, such as spells, personal rituals, etc. I gave her offerings, spent time with her energy, researcher her, read books on her magick, the moon, etc. and I would do a small ritual every new and full moon. That’s how I built my relationship with her. Most deities won’t go right away to helping you in spellwork, making you face major fears, showing up at random times, etc. They’ll most likely enjoy just seeing you do your daily things with their candles lit, meditating with you, and reading with you or another form of learning. That’s how we truly built our relationship, to where she now can aid me and encourage me in so many things that I need. I learned she IS my Patroness, and has been around my entire life, and will continue to be around until my body rests. She’s been my Patroness in many lives - this life - is just one of the very few that I’ve fully accepted it. I am so glad to have her in this current life.
I personally make an offering to her every single day, even if it is as small as a glass of moon water. I speak with her every day. But, that may not be for everyone, all practitioners are different. I’m very glad and honored to have her as my Patroness. I want to create more posts about her, who she is, and tips for anyone who is or going to be working with her.
This is my first post, be nice haha. I haven’t used this platform in SO long. Thank you!!!
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