corvus-terquine · 2 years
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I want to keep feeling emotions even when it's hurtful, I want to keep feeling life even when it's making me cry but unfortunately one day I will have to stop feeling emotions cause apparently it makes one weak but am I actually not powerful enough??
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corvus-terquine · 2 years
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"why did I ever believe that you and me can ever be a thing"
-Corvus Terquin Fontaine
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corvus-terquine · 2 years
What is Art?
In my interpretation, art is everything from breathing to dying, I like to believe that it is like God, it is in everything and it is everything.
Not just literature, not just painting or drawing, Art is so much more than that. It isn't a talent, it isn't an ability.
Death is an art , dying is an art. Which many fail to notice.
Art doesn't have any exact definition, it only has interpretations , different people have different interpretations. Nobody can conclude one common definition of it though there are certain definitions in dictionaries but those are for people who don't like to think much.
The word art in itself is so small yet has such vast diversities.
According to me Art is undeniably the best thing but it can also be evil. But who says being evil , trying to be the devil isn't a form of it. Being a villain , creating a villain is much more difficult than people might think. Art is difficult.
Art can also be used to create and admire beauty. Admiring one's beauty is a nobel form of it. Beauty just like art is limitless and standardless. Art is beautiful.
Now the question arises if art is easy or difficult?
Art can be easy and difficult both at the same time. It can make you come to realizations and make things easier for you to understand but not everytime are these realizations are there to help you solve the problems, at times they just make things more difficult and problematic. So, it's on you and the situations you choose to be in, whether it is easy or difficult?
One more thing, not every time easy things are good forms of art, difficulty is needed. Life isn't easy and never will be but does it make 'life' a bad form of art?
Now some people will say that defining everything as a form of art is me trying to romanticize my life but isn't romanticizing a form of it in itself?
Writing and Reading
Speaking and listening
Creating and destroying
Living and dying
Everything is Art
And art is in everything
It's on you, what will you perceive as art?
-Corvus Terquin ✨
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