commutrans · 8 months
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queerness under apartheid
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commutrans · 8 months
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commutrans · 8 months
Some things about me
I’m a pre-op, fully out transsexual man. I haven’t started yet, but I’m currently going through the process of getting hormones.
✅ Pro 🇵🇸
✅ Marxist
✅ Anti Transmedicalist
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commutrans · 8 months
We get it nothing can be funny and trans people must be in eternal suffering. If trans people coping through humor upsets you, the block button is free. Not everyone wishes to be as depressed as you. It’s a stupid thing to get upset at when there’s an equal amount of criticism you could be mounting at the original post, invalidating trans peoples discomfort in cis dominated spaces.
i've seen too many trans people get comfortable stating that they're uncomfortable around "all strangers who are cishet men." The problem with this statement is you literally cannot discern whether or not they're a cishet man just by looking at that person. you have no clue if that person is a cishet man- the way they dress, act, talk or present themselves does not matter or make a difference.
many, many, MANY transfems do not feel safe dressing or looking feminine and choose to stay in boy mode when in public. that stranger could be gay, bisexual, polyamorous, a closeted trans woman, that stranger could be a trans man, that stranger could be a nonbinary person, a crossdresser, a transsexual, an intersex person, a genderfluid person, a drag performer in or out of drag, or anyone else on the planet. remember that there are in fact trans men who pass so effortlessly that they have a hard time getting people to believe they're trans. just because that person is very masculine does not guarantee that they're AMAB and cis (or het), not that any of these things are inherently bad.
you cannot tell how a stranger identifies just by looking at them, and it is in fact transphobic, transmisogynistic, transandrophobic, and queerphobic in general to assume that every masc person you meet is a cishet man. if we don't like it when strangers make unfair assumptions about our genders, we shouldn't do it to other strangers, either. it will never be okay to make assumptions about strangers based off of their bodies, and it will never be okay to imply that people with certain body types are inherently dangerous or unsafe to be around, or "couldn't possibly be queer."
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commutrans · 8 months
Holy shit I hate this community. Stop doing the leftists = no joke shit ur so annoying and pretentious.
i've seen too many trans people get comfortable stating that they're uncomfortable around "all strangers who are cishet men." The problem with this statement is you literally cannot discern whether or not they're a cishet man just by looking at that person. you have no clue if that person is a cishet man- the way they dress, act, talk or present themselves does not matter or make a difference.
many, many, MANY transfems do not feel safe dressing or looking feminine and choose to stay in boy mode when in public. that stranger could be gay, bisexual, polyamorous, a closeted trans woman, that stranger could be a trans man, that stranger could be a nonbinary person, a crossdresser, a transsexual, an intersex person, a genderfluid person, a drag performer in or out of drag, or anyone else on the planet. remember that there are in fact trans men who pass so effortlessly that they have a hard time getting people to believe they're trans. just because that person is very masculine does not guarantee that they're AMAB and cis (or het), not that any of these things are inherently bad.
you cannot tell how a stranger identifies just by looking at them, and it is in fact transphobic, transmisogynistic, transandrophobic, and queerphobic in general to assume that every masc person you meet is a cishet man. if we don't like it when strangers make unfair assumptions about our genders, we shouldn't do it to other strangers, either. it will never be okay to make assumptions about strangers based off of their bodies, and it will never be okay to imply that people with certain body types are inherently dangerous or unsafe to be around, or "couldn't possibly be queer."
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commutrans · 8 months
You severely underestimate my clocking abilities
i've seen too many trans people get comfortable stating that they're uncomfortable around "all strangers who are cishet men." The problem with this statement is you literally cannot discern whether or not they're a cishet man just by looking at that person. you have no clue if that person is a cishet man- the way they dress, act, talk or present themselves does not matter or make a difference.
many, many, MANY transfems do not feel safe dressing or looking feminine and choose to stay in boy mode when in public. that stranger could be gay, bisexual, polyamorous, a closeted trans woman, that stranger could be a trans man, that stranger could be a nonbinary person, a crossdresser, a transsexual, an intersex person, a genderfluid person, a drag performer in or out of drag, or anyone else on the planet. remember that there are in fact trans men who pass so effortlessly that they have a hard time getting people to believe they're trans. just because that person is very masculine does not guarantee that they're AMAB and cis (or het), not that any of these things are inherently bad.
you cannot tell how a stranger identifies just by looking at them, and it is in fact transphobic, transmisogynistic, transandrophobic, and queerphobic in general to assume that every masc person you meet is a cishet man. if we don't like it when strangers make unfair assumptions about our genders, we shouldn't do it to other strangers, either. it will never be okay to make assumptions about strangers based off of their bodies, and it will never be okay to imply that people with certain body types are inherently dangerous or unsafe to be around, or "couldn't possibly be queer."
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commutrans · 8 months
Rules For Being A Trans Man
Don't be feminine. If you're feminine, you're just a cis girl trying to be special and you're not even trying to pass, are you? You're a faker and you're just trying to steal resources from the real transgenders.
Don't be masculine. If you're masculine, you're a threat. And really, why can't you just wear a dress? Clothes don't have gender, you know. Oh, stop with the toxic masculinity. Come on, try on a dress.
You have to want to transition. If you don't want to transition, you're not really trans, just attention seeking. You're making us look bad. Transtrenders like you are ruining our community.
You're not allowed to transition. If you transition, you're disgusting. Testosterone is poison. Why would you want to mutilate yourself with surgeries? Your body is beautiful just the way it is, don't ruin it.
Don't be gay. If you're gay, you're fetishizing gay men. You're homophobic. You're a rapist. You're not really a man if you like men. You're basically just a straight girl. Stop invading the gay community.
Don't be straight. If you're straight, you're a pervert and a misogynist. If you find a woman attractive, you're objectifying her. You're a straight man, so you're the oppressor now. You can just be a butch lesbian, you know. Everyone would like you better if you stayed a lesbian.
Don't be any sexuality other than straight or gay. Those aren't real.
Don't be trans.
Don't exist.
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commutrans · 8 months
“can’t men just be feminine? can’t two men just be friends?”
no. they’re all trans & dating each other & having gay sex, not sorry.
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commutrans · 8 months
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commutrans · 8 months
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seeing other trans people be happy and enjoy being trans is not a threat to you. to doubt their transness because they're (perceived as to be) not as miserable as you is, however, a threat to them. - transmonstera
[IMAGE ID: "to measure the validity of other transsexuals by their misery is to hold the cissexual narrative higher than your own right to joy" in bold white text. the background is a number of yellow measuring tapes and rulers. the base of the measuring tapes has a sad face sticker on the side. the background is solid black. END]
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commutrans · 8 months
Hey trans people I just want to remind you that your experience is your own and there is no wrong way to describe it.
If you feel like you were "born in the wrong body", that's fine.
If you feel like you "used to be X gender but now you're Y gender", that's fine.
If you feel like you "were an X gender who chose to be a Y gender", that's fine.
If you feel like you've "always been Y gender", that's fine.
If you look at things with your deadname on or pre-transition photos and feel a sense of connection or recognition, that's fine.
If you look at things with your deadname on or pre-transition photos and feel like it's a completely different person, that's fine.
If you feel like you "killed the X gender you used to be", that's fine.
If you feel like "the X gender you used to be is still here but they're Y gender now", that's fine
Personally, I like to say that the little girl is still around, she just lets me do the talking now.
It's your experience and you can describe it however you choose.
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commutrans · 8 months
I’m the 1800’s “call me a woman and I’ll pull out my pistol” type of transsexual
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commutrans · 8 months
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I try to stay positive, tho
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commutrans · 8 months
I swear people who shit on sex work are always massive communists about sex work exclusively.
"but it's a way for the rich to exploit the poor" that's literally every job. I swear every social science course I've taken turns into marxism 101 when we start talking about sex work. you can absolutely devastate class discussions by just saying "that's most jobs" to every point made by someone who's against sex workers.
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commutrans · 8 months
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commutrans · 8 months
Awesome book I started reading today. Makes me want to start writing cryptic flowery poems like a gay Victorian man mourning his first love
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commutrans · 8 months
Yk what? Fuck it.
Shout out to my trans men/transmascs who aren’t feminine.
Shout out to my trans men/transmascs who don’t break any norms with their gender, who aren’t GNC, who just…aren’t connected to their “fem sides” or who just don’t have “fem sides.”
It’s ok. You don’t have to be feminine. Not even a little bit. You are not betraying anyone. You are not hurting anyone. You are not less than anyone else because you are masculine.
You don’t have to try to be feminine to be “better”, either. It’s totally ok if you’re just masculine. It’s totally ok to be “just a dude.”
I promise, you’re still valid. You’re loved. It’s ok to be you.
And anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is just an asshole. Live comfortably and happily.
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