cinderellana · 10 months
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cinderellana · 10 months
𝘼𝙛𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙋𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚𝙨 🥂 - Thrawn
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Pairing: Thrawn x Fem!OC
Word count : 2k
Warnings : none- jk, creampie, light choking, piv sex, hair pulling, scenting, thrawn speaking in Cheunh, murder scheming. 🔞
A/n : my first attempt at smut 🤷‍♀️
The after-party wooz is always the worst part of the occasion.
Veraloe thinks as she walks to the bed and plops herself face first onto the shared bed. Her groans and muffled words can be heard through the door as Thrawn walks into their lavish hotel suite, situated smack dab in the middle of Coruscant's finest commercial district.
“I thought you decided against the Emerald wine for tonight’s occasion,” he asked dryly, glancing at his wife’s luscious figure. The blue skinned husband knows well of his limits and decided to forego alcoholic beverages completely. Thus his feet do not sway, his posture impeccable, and his firm voice still carries its usual icy strength despite the late time of night.
“I guess Moff Gideon’s inquiry regarding your,” he hesitated but unknowingly emphasized it instead, “”pregnancy” has gotten under your skin, wife?”
The silence hangs in the air as he unclasps his tunic, patiently waiting for Veraloe’s answer. Of course, his question made her seethe all over again.
That damn kriff-headed Gideon has out of nowhere asked the gender of the grand admiral and her upcoming baby. In front of the whole party attendees, in the middle of an unconnected conversation regarding a local moff’s newborn.
She grits her teeth and claws her fingers into the sheets as she recollect the farkled rat’s pompous and satisfied smile as he fake worries over the condition of her body and current mind. Being a pregnant lady and all.
Which she was clearly not.
Even Thrawn, despite donning his usual glacial calm expression, was caught off guard. And thus was of no importance at all, aside from his impassive reaction and soft denial of her pregnancy, which obviously did not work as well as he thought. And the proofing of that false rumour was heaped upon her delicate shoulders.
By the stars, in all honesty, Veraloe loves parties, thrives in it. She adores the secrets shared behind bubbling champagne flutes, the glimmering lights, the soft elegant dances, it all makes the fact that she is surrounded by the very people who participate in the murders of everyone she ever loved easier to bury. It also helps that she is usually the prettiest being in attendance and was often the center of attention and gossip.
But tonight, it was an uncommonly agitating occasion. Seeing how even after drinking several flutes of Emerald wine as a show of her clearly unpregnant condition, some party attendees still came up to her and Thrawn to excitedly offer their congratulations.
During the rest of the party and the airspeeder ride home, she mulls it over in silence. She stole Tarkin’s support on Gideon’s mining land to move it over to another part of a land she owns in order to secure profit for her own gain and it, of course, angers the former Moff.
Quite petty (and smart) that he slighted her by that pregnancy lie knowing damn well he has other mining lands that are equally profitable rather than the ones she took.
Now, People will behold her body and see the extra weight on her hips, the plumpness on her cheeks, dimples in her feet, all mirages that simply aren't there.
Not that getting fatter will reduce her beauty mind you. It just meant that a pregnant wife of the Grand Admiral is considered a much easier target than a Veraloe Monik, billion dollar seductress, that is in the prime of her life.
She grumbles a string of Arduurian curses as she snaps her head back up and crosses her arm as leverage on the mattress. As she puts her chin on her palm, index finger grazing her lower lip, her mind starts to reflect and ponder.
Of ways to doom the insipid little moff of course. She could just outright kill him in secret if she could. Force choked him in his sleep.
She could do it all if she wants to. Certain benefit that comes with being one of the- No, the most sought out Mistress in the galaxy is that she could literally make someone disappear without a trace, be it by hired hands, or by hers.
Whichever that will quench her blood-thirst, and make her skin look even more supple. A well executed revenge does that to a person, that's a proven fact.
She absentmindedly bit her nail as her lip coil in a sinister smirk.
As the plan starts to take shape and envisioned in the compartments of her brilliant scheming brain, she felt the mattress under her dip.
She peered over her shoulder to the view of Thrawn, on top of her, long feet straddling her lower body. She felt his cool calloused palms lay flat on the skin of her shin, moving to her thighs, pushing her white naboo-silk dress up, up, up, as he goes. Exposing her scantily panty-clad bottom to the cool air of the hotel room, his eyes unmoving.
He stops his ministrations and squeezes her plump ass just enough to make it change to a color of his liking.
A small gasp came before she could stop it. Biting her lower lip in anticipation, she decided to be a tad bit cheeky.
“Now what- do you think- you are doing, Admiral?” She fakes a naiveté tone to her obvious rhetorical question.
When she moved to turn her body Thrawn’s hand moved to the small of her back and held her there.
“Stay like this please,” he murmured as he unzipped his pants. “You seem tense tonight, as you should be. Moff Gideon’s baseless assertion has caused a troubling amount of miscommunication for you to smoothen out. No doubt it puts quite a dampen on your mood, even Governor Pryce can tell from across the room.”
“However,” his low voice softened, “you were so composed, so calm despite such aggression.” He leaned down and kissed the back of her head, giving it a slow and deliberate whiff. “Again, you charted the political waters for m- for the good of us both.” A small smile touched his lips and he placed a single gentle kiss on the side of her forehead.
A clinking sound of belts can be heard, signaling he finally slipped off his pants. Possibly taking out his half hard cock in doing so.
“Oh please.” Veraloe turns her body slightly, touching the side of his face in her hand, his glowing red eyes stare deeply into her equally darkened soul. “Your polite yet stern denial of the congratulatory offers gave me assistance as well. Aaand maybe your usual joyless expression helps matters too, no one can look so icy with a baby on the way.” She gently caressed his pronounced cheek. She leans close and puts her lips to his ear. And softly bit it.
“Now,” she licks her lips in anticipation, “you gonna fuck me silly or what?”
A cacophony of moans and noises of slapping skin bounced off the walls as Thrawn pounded into Veraloe from the back. His hand grips the fat of her legs like a vice till the tips of his cool fingers whiten.
He pressed her hard into the mattress, giving her no choice but to take it. Take him.
“Vu- Vurawn, please,” his nickname slips out her moaning lips. Veraloe doesn’t even know what she’s begging for since her husband’s impressive length started to mess her head silly. She can feel it in her throat as he gives a particularly hard thrust.
Thrawn buries his fingers into her scalp, and pulls her up by a fistful of hair. “What do you, hah, want?” He whispers breathlessly into her ear.
Through her haze she manage to form words despite the unyielding pace he keeps on blessing her pussy with, “Fuck me silly, Vurawn,” she grins knowing damn well he’s gonna give her what she wants.
He slams her face into the plush mattress and proceeds to pick up speed. The lewd sound of relentless slapping of skin mixing with screams and grunts are only muted from the rest of the city due to the window’s bulletproof thickness. The smell of sex wafting in the empty air of the suite, The Chiss’s sensitive nose wrinkles as he gulps the smell down his throat, savoring it, making him hazy.
His eyebrows creased as he tunnel focused to the feel of thrusting into her gripping walls, slick and oh-so begging to keep his cock inside. He can feel his saliva start to gather on his tongue, spilling to the side of his mouth.
The warrior falters ever so slightly when he feels her insides clench tighter. The view underneath him he considered a form of art in itself.
Her sheer-covered back glistens with sweat as her spine arches. The city lights sifting through large windows hit her figure just so, intensifying the glittering diamonds freckled all over her skin. In each squirm of Veraloe’s body, diamonds on her skin reflect the light onto their surrounding walls, creating their own brand of majestic aurora.
“P- put your hand here,” Veraloe panted and pats the back of her exposed neck. And he does exactly as she instructed, and more. He grasped her neck to cut off her air flow, maybe even enough to bruise. Just the way he knows she likes it.
Breathless and rough.
“Aaanggghh~ Vurawn!”
A choked moan kept on spilling out even as he grips onto her neck for leverage. Thrawn keeps fastening his pace, however that works. Pistoning into her sopping pussy as if he himself wants to make that lie Gideon spouted come true. He almost unravels just from that thought alone.
The sound of her pussy and his wet cock can make even the other famous whores of coruscant blush in embarrassment.
The blue alien leaned down and sniffed her neck, searing the smell of her sweat and sex into his brain for later use, when the navy requires him to be away from the warmth of her arms, from the firm grip of her delicious cunt.
“Cseo bun, Cseo bun, Cseo bun, Cseo-“ he muttered the cheunh phrase in repetition like a prayer. A prayer for how lucky he is to be able to savor such a taste.
Her whimpers grew ragged as he kept on pounding into her hole, her legs spread so wide with her pussy soaked, his cock glided in and out with ease. Her manicured nails dug hard into the mattress as she gripped the sheets to steady her body. Air pumped in and out of her lungs as she was harshly shooked back and forth at a relentless pace.
When Thrawn slipped his hand to roll her bundle of nerves with his expert slender fingers, it was over. Veraloe reached her peak with a mix of a wailing cry and a long choked gasp. Throat sore from the lack of air and the abundance of uncontrollable screams she let out.
“I- I’m-“ for a nanosecond, the rarest phenomenon in the whole galaxy happens, the grand admiral stutters his words.
Thrawn follows suit 3-4 thrusts in when he finally ejaculates his hot ample seed inside her. A slew of cheunh curses spill out his lips as he shuts his eyes, reveling in the way his whole body slightly shakes in ecstasy.
They lay still for a few seconds, the out of breath Chiss on top of the heaving Arduurian.
Spent and sweaty, still in half of their respective formal wear.
When Thrawn moved to pull out. Veraloe halted him. “Ngh, no no.”
“What? What do you need, Wife?” He asked, reaching out and wiping away beads of sweat off her temple.
“Just… be still,” she gave a staggering breath, as if desperate for something, “don’t pull out just yet..” She stops before a please slips out her lips.
“I see.”
Nodding in confirmation, the chiss grasped her by the hips and turned to lay both of them on their side. The taller man spooning the other. Limp cock still warm and snug inside her, spent slowly spilling from the sides. Neither really cared much for it anyway.
“Stop sniffing my hair, creep.”
He chuckles, “Can’t help it. You smell divine, Ch'acah.” Thrawn said as he deeply inhaled the Arduurian rose fragrance he was secretly obsessed with.
She huffed, “You better pay me for the laundry tomorrow, this silk dress cost more than your monthly admiral wage.”
Her husband sleepily hums his assent. He rubs her arm up and down in a soothing motion and nudges his nose into her nape. His cool lips land soft pecks here and there.
Veraloe can only huff in annoyance, tenderness and loving caresses wasn’t part of their marriage agreement and she’d like it to stay that way.
But even she isn’t immune to the tug of sleep that so often pulls her down post-coitus.
So she grew silent. And so does He.
Tonight, they felt safe enough to sleep wrapped around each other’s embrace.
Cseo bun : so good
Ch'acah : love
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cinderellana · 1 year
Sneezy Kisses
Jason Todd x Reader
Who knew Red Hood could be such a baby, especially when we was sick..
thanks for requesting,, @princess-pebbles-things <3 hope this was somewhat decent
What started as a runny nose and little sniffles quickly evolved into kitten sneezes and a sore throat. Let’s just say that Jason was not happy.
Even though he knew he was sick, he refused to actually acknowledge it. It was just a small cold, it would go away eventually. Oh how wrong he was. Sometimes you’d watch him walk to the living room, swaying side to side as if the smallest gust of wind could knock him over. Jason felt like hell but he’d be damned if he let that stop him from his work. You let it go on since it was just a small cold, but once again, like all colds do, it evolved.
It was the middle of summer, the sun was blazing, warming the house oh so nicely, but Jason was … shivering. You sighed as you watched him, poor boy couldn’t even keep his eyes open as he pretended to watch tv. With a reluctant sigh, you made your way to him, grabbing his hand and forcing him to follow you.
Jason groaned as he tried to push you away, obviously not wanting to bother you, but you didn’t budge. Sadly, he came to terms with the fact that he was clearly outnumbered. Wordlessly, you forced him into the bedroom, pushing him down onto the king sized bed. “I’m fine.” He tried, but even his small pleas could change your mind. With a hard glare, you turned around, ignoring him as you grabbed a towel, running hot water over it.
Jason sighed, there was just no arguing with you. Once the towel was damp, you sat it down on the dresser. “Take your shirt off.” You commanded, not really giving him a choice. The brunette was going to protest but he opted to just listen to you. After all, you knew best.
"You're infuriating.." He mumbled, acting like a child who didn't get his way. You couldn't help but laugh at that, he was so adorable. "So I've been told.." You retorted, putting the damp towel on his forehead the moment he laid down. A small smile decorated his face once you touched him, he could never stay angry with you.
"Thank you.." He whispered, his eyes locked on yours. "I know I don't say it much, but .. I love you. Truly." His words melted your heart. It was true, Jason never said those few words unless the occasion was special and let's just say that him getting sick was far from special. However, he made this moment special. Your heart fluttered as you leaned down, your lips connecting with his.
"I love you too, my big baby~" You cooed, peppering his face in kisses. Jason chuckled softly, he could never truly get used to being sprayed in kisses, but he wasn't complaining. Maybe being sick wasn't such a bad thing at all..
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cinderellana · 2 years
by far the most relatable thing about moon knight was Steven aggressively kinning a sad finless little goldfish so much that he was almost offended when said goldfish seemingly re-attained normalcy and left his sad mentally ill self in the dust.
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cinderellana · 2 years
Steven Grant x Original Character
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SUMMARY: Steven took out his girlfriend to shop for mugs. Fluff ensues.
PAIRINGS: Steven Grant x Female Original Character
Description of OC: Valeria Galvez, Black and Hispanic, 178 cm.
“Val, lookit this one!”
Valeria puts down the red and gold mug she was inspecting down onto a table and glances at the one Steven points at.
Of course, another ancient Egyptian print mug. This one has Horus as the center of attention and random hieroglyphics plastered all over the black background. She had to admit this one was actually kinda cool.
“Tacky. Put it away.” She told him with an amused smirk. Still it impresses her how many different ancient Egyptian-esque mugs he could find. (It’s 8)
He chuckles as he puts it back in its place and continues browsing around. A low whistle can be heard from his side a few minutes later as he grabs another Anubis printed mug.
For context, yes, they’re mug shopping.
Surprise surprise, walking with both eyes glued to a new ancient Egyptian history book while holding a hot mug of coffee was not a good combination! The blap and crash can be heard all the way to the loo and Val didn’t even have the chance to check if her ass was wiped because she jumped so fast to see what happened. What happened was just as imagined.
Steven, the clumsy idiot, tripped and there she found him, face planted, glasses and book tossed aside, favorite mug in smithereens. And as a cherry on top, his fingers burnt. Might as well burnt his ears too as he listens to Val’s stern reprimands while she iced his reddening fingers.
“That was my favorite, actually.” He sulked, hair askew and face sullen.
“I know, you should've been more careful then.“ her tone was sharp, but said without any real anger in them. She blew on his burnt patches even though she knew the ice will do the job, so it’s just for good measure. Or maybe she just wants a good reason to hold and inspect the calluses on his pretty hand.
Steven was silent for a moment, (not so) sneakily admiring Val’s beautiful side profile and letting his thoughts settle on how gentle she’s handling his wound despite her harsh tone. A plan formed in his head. Finally, he piped up.
“What time do you get off tomorrow, love?”
“Hm? The usual shit, around 5-ish. Why?”
Thus a mug shopping (date) to take place the next day was proposed and accepted. He picked her up at the library after his shift as a museum gift shop-ist ended. Here they are now in a mug shop, located right beside the paperweight shop Steven frequents. It's not that big but it sells a hella bunch of mugs, as people expect from a shop that sells mugs.
Some sort of fuckin thrift store for mugs heh, Valeria chuckles to herself. He might actually have a knack for finding these types of places.
The shopping trip that was supposed to be an 8 minutes get and go, now becomes some sort of show and tell. Steven excitedly does both work with childlike jokes and glee. As a bonus content (he said) he explains who and which gods are displayed on each mugs he found and the baffling misinterpretation of them. How a single ceramic mug with Anubis art but the name “Ra” painted above it had insulted him beyond relief.
In her perusal, Val’s eyes land for a few seconds at a mug with a smiling hallmark teddy bear hugging a valentine heart. She mindlessly reaches for it, and frowns once she reads the cheesy inscription on the heart. She gagged when she realized it's part of a couples mug, and an identical one with a different colored smiley bear sits beside it. She puts it back with a look of utter disdain.
No shade for people who like those things, but couples stuff gives her the ick. Been there, done that.
Her relationship with Steven is out of the question. So don’t ask.
“Oh!” Steven’s exclamation caught her attention.
“Found one you like?” She walked towards him and leaned on a rack, staring at an old mug in his grasp.
He eyed the mug in wonder, eyebrows close knit, an expression usually reserved to when he’s deep in thought. “Yea, this little bugger caught my eye a bit. You see this?” He points at the art plastered on the mug, featuring an old man and a child surrounded by a green jungle, a promotional art that looks like something out of an adventure series aimed for kids. She nods.
“I don’t remember what series or movie this one is about, but I just think it’s ringing a bell. It's like my brain recognizes it but… it doesn’t at the same time.” He contemplates for a while as he stares at the mug, tongue in his cheek.
“Huh.” He concludes.
She eyed him, gears slowly turning in her head and decided to probe him a little further. “Maybe you watched one of the reruns back home? Or… a memory from your childhood?” She asked in a casual manner even though she knows damn well this is a thin line Marc warns and forbids her to cross.
Fuck Marc.
Unfortunately, (fortunately?) she didn’t get anything important out of him as he thoughtlessly answered, “Yeah, yeah, probably one of the two.” With his eyes still stuck on the mug, he hesitatingly puts it back on the rack with the other vintage mugs.
With his thoughts still distracted by the familiar mug, He checks his watch. “Oh deary me, I’m so sorry for keeping you here for so long, Valley. I’ll just get whichever looks nice and be done with it.”
“No. No, baby, you have to get a good one. You loved the damn mug as much as you love that new book you got yesterday, so you gotta at least get something as nice as that, yeah?” She turned and looked around again. Her hand started busy pulling out several mugs that look identical to the former favorite. None of them were approved by Steven. The sweet man did try his best to look like he liked them though, just to appease Val. It didn’t.
When all seems lost, Steven finally found something. He shyly tugs at the sleeve of her jacket to get her attention.
“What about this one?”
She peered into the chosen mug, it’s a soft shade of blue and has a smiling black cat looking to the right on it. With a white heart as an extra decoration.
It doesn’t have any similarities with the old one, size, color and all. So Val eyes him questioningly, what is this?
But then Steven grabs another one off the rack and shows it to her. A similar blue shade, but with a white cat looking to its left.
It's a couple’s mug. When combined, the cats on both mugs look like they’re kissing.
And it’s abso-fuckin-lutely cheesy.
She tilted her head back, snorted and laughed heartily once she put the two and two together. Can’t believe this is happening.
“Aww come on now. At least consider it? They look nice yea? Lookit them!” The man proudly bumped the two mugs showcasing the kissing cat. “Little lovebirds they are.” He gushed, seemingly smitten with the mugs. His dark eyes glimmering with hope as he waits for his beloved’s approval.
The things she’d do for this man.
She knew how down bad she was for Steven Grant right after she decided to put a spare toothbrush on his sink, but still, it surprises her from time to time.
She stepped forward to close their distance, pushed aside the ridiculous mugs, and leaned down to peck his dumb (often creased) forehead. Her dark red lipstick stain was visible once she pulled back. “Let’s go pay for this.” She didn’t give him a chance to pull out his wallet.
The mugs!
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a/n it’s been a while since I post a fanfiction. So enjoy :)
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cinderellana · 3 years
Tender Mornings
Levi x Oc Georgia
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Word Count : 1.2k
GENRE: Mostly fluff, touchy feely, smh theres a baby, anyways.
PAIRING: Levi Ackerman x Original Female Character
WARNINGS: a lil smut at the end
Georgia woke up. The morning sun shone through the curtains, bashing her and her lover’s body in the early warm sunlight.
It is not yet her usual time to arouse, but she would always welcome the sullen morning silence to gather her bearings. It is to prepare herself for today’s duty and process yesterday’s happenings.
She was lost in her own trains of thoughts, as the body beside her stirred, a low grumble emanated from it.
“... fuck, you forgot to close the blinds again kid..”
His already furrowed face furrowing further, Levi rolled his body to face away the impudent light. His arm now warmly encircled around Georgia’s body.
This single doing stopped Georgia’s unstoppable thought lane completely as she took in her beloved’s face. Scarred, but still as lovely as it’s always been. Angry, but warm nonetheless.
She eases his furrowed forehead by rubbing her thumb lightly in-between his eyebrows. This seems to calm him.
At times like this she often thinks of herself simply as a wife, rather than an empress. Conqueror. Warrior. Richest person in the world. Etc.
She can be all of those at the same time if she wants to. But her therapist told her to just be one each time, said it’s to help her consciousness and prevent further psychological damage.
As if she hadn’t already been damaged enough.
As if sensing her darkening contemplation, Levi opens his eyes.
A single Steel grey eye met Georgia’s blue and dark red ones.
He can only see her with one left orb, the other forever closed after the war. But it is enough to fully appreciate her glorious, sometimes ungodly, beauty by the morning light.
He secretly adores this hour’s lighting.
The dawn’s light lands softly onto her pale skin, accentuating her aristocratic features.
Making her look all the more angelic in his beauty starved eye.
The ratty kid he took in years ago no longer there, replaced by a young woman who’s, even after enduring years of continuous pain and murder, has a heart which love dwells frequently.
Love that she graced towards her people, her subjects, her family, him.
Gave it all to reach a higher purpose. Be it as a ruler, or simply as a human being.
He lifted his hand to brush away a strand of white hair from his beloved’s face, and kissed her forehead.
Making her crack a smile.
A single smile that is only reserved for him, and only him.
A smile that he swore he shall cherish until the end of his days.
A smile meant a lot of things to Georgia herself. It meant the ever present of emotions. It meant that in the depth of her stone heart, feelings exist and lie in numbness. Often forgotten.
With him she will peel off all her layers, show him her vulnerabilities and her faults, all which she kept locked inside herself.
This small statured man, basked in the eternal light of dawn, scarred and sleepy, is her haven.
And she’s his.
Her Levi.
His Georgia.
The owning of each other.
Years of yearning and aching. Pain and loss. Resulted in this single moment of love.
Proof where against all odds. They still have each other.
Mornings are love hours, each of them decided. It's a time of honesty, gentleness, desires and kisses. The brief moment in time where they are a couple of lovers, rather than anything else.
Until the sun rose higher, signaling the start of a new day. Time to disentangle themselves from romance and enchantment, and into the world of cruel reality.
Peeling himself off her embrace, Levi sat up. Stretching his back muscles, he looked back at Georgia’s half asleep figure, still concealed by the blanket.
Fondness blooms in his heart, whether he’s aware of it or not.
“Wake up piece you of shit.”
“Go die in a ditch, fucking midget.”
Ah, wonderful love.
Alternate Smut Ending
Mornings are love hours, each of them decided. It's a time of honesty, gentleness, desires and kisses. The brief moment in time where they are a couple of lovers, rather than anything else.
Until the sun rose higher, signaling the start of a new day. Time to disentangle themselves from romance and enchantment, and into the world of cruel reality.
But maybe. Just maybe.
They can prolong this time space, just a bit longer.
Levi lifted his body, hovering over Georgia’s tall sleepy figure, he kissed her.
It was chaste, he’s careful for the morning taste still ever present in both their tongues, but his hands weaved its way all over her clothed body. Groping her in just the right places, lifting her shirt up to slide his calloused thumb over her nipple.
Her moans and soft whimpers started to fill the air, and god does she Love this.
Unbuttoning her night shirt to fully appreciate the warm tender flesh underneath. Kneading her ass and hips as he went, earning a couple lusty mewls. He heat up his touches and peppered kisses all over her body just to hear her melodious voice, again, and again, and again. Highly aware of how much she Adore this, he kept going for minutes. Just exploring her body like he owns every inch of it.
Until She got fed up by his teasing kisses and wandering hands, she finally went in. She bit his lower lip, begging to deepen the kiss. Her hungry hands grasping his head, shoulders, squeezing them as if to say, “please please please I want it please.”
Angling her head, to kiss him deeply, to have more of him.
She’s always been so needy. So Needy for him. This single fact shot Levi’s ego up to the damned stars.
When He grind his clothed member onto her crotch in just the right way, Georgia can’t help but go nuts. Her girlish whimper getting louder, people who heard her would’ve never thought it came from a person such as her.
No matter how much she loved making out with him for hours on end, she’s aching for it.
She wants him now.
Sensing her wetness beneath her pants, Levi was about to slid down both their pajama pants and just fucking plunge into her when the door creaked open.
They moved so fast after that, pulling up his pants, pulling down her shirt, calming their heaving breaths, Trying their mighty best to act all parental, as a small person swung open the door, and poke their little head in.
Their daughter’s eyes still half closed, she dragged her doll and her feet across the room towards her mum and dad.
Putting up her uppy hands for her mum to signal that she is here to stay and nap.
It’s not yet her time to wake, but it is the perfect time to cuddle by her 2 year old standard. Her loving mum did just that by pulling her up and into the soft blankets. Greeting the new bed occupant with a good morning, and a kiss.
Her dad’s not impressed. Levi’s forehead furrow appeared yet again.
He “tsks” and huffed back to his space by the other end of the bed, seeing that the middle is now overtaken by a little pest.
Levi is clearly annoyed by the sudden turn of events, realizing that his needs will have to wait until much later. His lover reaches around the small snoring mound and kisses him lovingly.
“My sincere apologies, Levi.”
He’ll have no choice but to fuck her raw later anyway.
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cinderellana · 3 years
i'm SO laid back, i only care about like 3 things in the world:
books, hot chocolate, my favorite fictional character, coffee, music, classic literature
every person on this earth and their opinion of me
the crushing psychological weight of being alive
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cinderellana · 3 years
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All Din knows is fly ship, shoot gun and love son
Peak himbo Din for @fan-of-encouragement
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cinderellana · 3 years
I haven’t been on tumblr for quite as long as a lot of people but over several years I’ve noticed this interesting gradual sorta,, shift in the general culture? that it went from this mostly depressed, nihilistic outlook where people would regularly joke about hating themselves and being hopeless and depressed, to a wave of vehemence of “STOP hating everything actually the world is Good and you deserve love!!!” type posts, to now, where those aggressive ‘PSAs’ have faded away and instead I regularly see people romanticizing simple things like stars and hot tea and rainy mornings, and waxing poetic about their friends, and just trying to put love out there. and I don’t know exactly what that means (someone who knows more than me could probably say something smart about generational expression and trauma or popular perception of mental health and whatnot), but I do know that it makes my heart very full to see people learn to love the world and themselves by extension, and a whole userbase adopting healthier coping mechanisms, and therefore teaching the younger users to do so as well. I might just be following different people, but I really do think we’ve grown. everyone has grown. five years ago it wasn’t unusual for the next post on my dash to be a scathing commentary on why nothing matters or an anon ripping into someone they barely knew or someone complaining about how pathetic their interests are. now I have mutuals who get excited and spam reblog art of cows and friends I see tagging each other in pictures of frogs and strangers writing paragraphs about how much I matter. it makes me happy. idk. just an observation I wanted to make. I think people are good and everyone’s just trying their best at the end of the day
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cinderellana · 3 years
this is going around twitter rn but im also super curious: please tell me your top four comfort movies that you’re always down to watch bc my friend thinks mine are ridiculous and now we’ve realised everyone’s version of “comfort” is hilariously different
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cinderellana · 3 years
dog tags & storage units
summary: two things in this world belong to bucky. his tags, and you.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
warnings/synopsis: possessive bucky, smut, that gah’ damn metal arm. basically bucky getting sick of everyone trying to cop a feel of his best girl. based off of this ask
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Keep reading
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cinderellana · 3 years
“uh oh” i whispered as i began to ship it
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cinderellana · 4 years
tfw someone calls you their friend for the first time
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cinderellana · 4 years
My curse is that I have so much bottled up oc lore but can only talk about it when someone asks very specific questions about my characters
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cinderellana · 4 years
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cinderellana · 4 years
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cinderellana · 4 years
It physically pains me to see people post awesome fanfiction to tumblr and nowhere else. Tumblr moves so fast! By tomorrow people who didn’t look in a tag at the right moment won’t know it existed. By next week even people who did read it won’t be able to find it back to reread. Finding anything on tumblr via search function is practically a fluke. For all intents and purposes, your hard work has a halflife of about a week at most.
People who come into that fandom in a month, a year, even a decade will be able to find your work!
People can bookmark it!
People can rec it to others!
People can reread it into infinity! (and people like me can do that and comment every time!)
You can get comments & kudos until the endtimes because people will keep finding your work! (seriously I still sometimes get new people finding and loving my work from ~2013)
And best of all, people can SUBSCRIBE to your work so they will get email about new chapters and stories! (I’m seeing people do manual ‘Tag you in the next chapter’ lists and seriously, physical pain, this wheel has already been invented and it is rolling beautifully)
“But I need an invite for AO3!”
Yes, and the waiting list is currently 2-3 days. That’s hardly worth not doing this for, right?
“But I only read fic, I don’t post it”
here is a post on why having an account just to read fic is also very worth it!
Lately I’ve been the tumblr person who jumps onto people who post cool fic to tumblr and going HEY HAVE YOU POSTED THIS TO AO3, YOU REALLY SHOULD, HIT ME UP FOR AN INVITE CODE and I hereby invite all you fellow fic readers and posters to join me into spreading the good word.
Please reblog this and tag your favourite fandoms and pairings! Spread this post to the people who need to see it! Save great fic from the tumblr void!
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