chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
Mob Psycho 100 Sitcom
Reigen enters the kitchen
*audience applause*
Reigen: Katsuya, have you seen my tie?
Serizawa looks up from the stove, he’s frying burgers: Which one? They’re all the same color.
*audience laughter*
Reigen: All of them! They’re all missing! I can’t show up to my big exorcism tomorrow without one. I don’t want the client to think I’m shady!
*audience laughter*
Teru enters from the side door
*the audience whistles and cheers*
Teru grabs a burger out of the frying pan and begins to stress eat: Darn school was rough. It was dress like your hero day and I couldn’t find any of your ties to wear!
*the audience Awws*
Shou and Tome suddenly burst through the side door and shower money everywhere
Shou: Today was dress like your hero day and everyone at school wanted to be you because you’re internet famous, Reigen!
Tome: We made a fortune selling your ties!
*audience laughter*
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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Turnabout storyteller but you have to defend the disaster of a man known as the 8th generation yuurakutei yakumo (there was another post tht posed an idea like this bt i cant find it !!!!! Op if you’re out tthere … your mind..-)
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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Say it louder.
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
“You’re…different. I’ve never met a girl like you.”
She stares at him, hands stilling over her sword. “What?”
“All the girls in my village are so boring,” he says. “So focused on finding husbands that they don’t bother learning about the world.”
“Girls in your village aren’t allowed to own property or vote,” she says, somewhat incredulous.
He winces at her tone. Need she be so harsh? “Well…it’s not like they’ve ever needed to, we’re a very progressive village and I always vote in favor of their needs. You’re not like that though, you fight for your rights yourself.”
“They are fighting for their rights,” she says. She sets down her sharpening stone, a frown stretching across her face. “No voting, no property, no wages of their own to purchase necessities. Besides finding a kind husband, what else do you think they can do to find a good future?”
“Th-they could leave,” he says. He did not expect the conversation to go this way. He expected her to blush like she had when he complimented her sword skills. He finds himself oddly defensive. “The men in my village aren’t slavers. The girls can leave any time.”
She snorts. “On foot? Your village is a hard, three day ride from the nearest city and that’s by horseback. And, even if they made it, what skills do they have? What references? The risk is too high for any woman to leave, that’s as good as trapping them. The fact that it takes me holding a sword for your opinion of women to change just shows how small-minded you are.”
 He bristles, unable to refute her. “Look, I was just trying to pay you a compliment! There’s no need to attack me.”
“Trust me,” she says, standing when he moves to loom over her. They’re of near equal height and, if he was trying to intimidate her, he fails. “You’ll know it when I’m attacking you. This isn’t it.”
He doesn’t seem to hear her, flustered to be seeing her eye-to-eye. “Furthermore, I think I’d know what sort of girls I grew up with! They’re timid and lack a desire to explore the world.”
“The world you created for them doesn’t take long to explore,” she says. Her sword is bare in her hand. “Marry or descend into poverty. Bear an heir or be cast into poverty. Behave or be thrown into poverty. I was there for a week and figured it out. But,” she continues, looking him up and down, “maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to judge. After all, you’ve lived there your whole life and you still haven’t figured it out.”
He splutters. “That’s not–there are other options–”
“When the revolution is done,” she says, coldly, “and your people are forced to give women rights, see how many stay and how many leave. See how many suddenly discover their wander-lust. See how many end up like me.”
She leaves him there and stalks off to the edge of camp. She leaves him there with his mouth opening and closing, and heart pounding in his chest.
She leaves him there with the unsettling realization that he doesn’t want the women in his village to end up being like her, so different and strong. Because, if they did, where would he be? Where would his home be?
It’s an upsetting realization to have, mid-revolution. No chance to back out now.
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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this is how he sits in canon
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
We’re now at 48 hours! Please, please signal boost or try the demo out!
There’s less than a week left for this Kickstarter, and it’s 75% funded. Please consider signal boosting and trying out the 2-hour demo! It’s so good, and I’d hate to see the opportunity wasted.
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
There’s less than a week left for this Kickstarter, and it’s 75% funded. Please consider signal boosting and trying out the 2-hour demo! It’s so good, and I’d hate to see the opportunity wasted.
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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5am doodles instead of sleeping :)
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 Episode 12 - Chapter 90.1 Manga Panels
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
Psychic Villain: we have your dad
Mob: my dad is home, I just dropped him off
Psychic Villain: he made us reevaluate our life choices and now we feel really bad so you can come pick him up
Mob:oh my god you have Master Reigen
Psychic Villain: I’m going to become a painter
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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So uh, Reigen with slicked back hair, huh?
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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Love Shore is a visual novel game that takes concepts we’ve always loved in sci-fi, action, and horror and blends them together to create something wild. It features a queer, diverse cast, a seemingly endless city, and a story of coming into yourself and doing what you think is right…with a heavy dose of drama and violence mixed in for good measure.
You can download our demo on our kickstarter! It features the “First Chapter” of Love Shore and acts as a World/Character introduction to showcase the art, music and storytelling that will be present in the completed game. 
Love Shore is made by a diverse team who wanted to make games that had characters like themselves in them. We hope you enjoy it and consider supporting us!
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chew-ie-blog ¡ 5 years
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(original post)
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