chaoticproductivity · 7 months
one hundred days - 56
[Originally published on FF.net on Sep 08, 2011. The manga was not finished yet, please take that into consideration while reading.]
Would you find that one you're dreaming of? 56
'Hinata, Sasuke, are you there?', called Tsunade from outside the cabin. When Hinata ran out of the cabin, she also saw Katsuyu near her summoner in a big enough size to carry Tsunade through the barrier.
'Tsunade-sama, welcome!', greeted Hinata with a bow.
Tsunade nodded and explained to Hinata that she was delayed by the new council and the jounin union, which didn't want her to treat a death row convict.
'Frankly, I agree with them, but…', Tsunade paused as she saw Sasuke emerge from the cabin. 'I couldn't deny Naruto another request.'
The Hokage's eyes lingered on Sasuke for a long time, because he seemed... Lighter. The Hyuuga began to tell the story of the first time he went blind, then the second, and the return of Sasuke's vision eight days ago. The blonde listened, but focused more on analyzing the Uchiha who sat sloppily on the cabin's porch, his legs dangling without touching the ground, his arms crossed inside the top part of a gray haori he wore.
Where was that avenging ninja brimming with hate?
Where was that terrorist she had sentenced to death?
Where was the Uchiha Sasuke who no longer had salvation, who had fallen so completely into the darkness of hatred and resentment for the Village and all its inhabitants?
The Uchiha Sasuke before his eyes didn't look the same. The Fifth Hokage took a few steps until she was right in front of him, as she had to admit - under much protest - that perhaps age was making her see things that didn't exist, optical illusions - a cruel dark joke due to the Uchiha's condition. She held his chin firmly and forced him to face the amber orbs. She tried to see something inside of him, but Sasuke only let her see herself reflected in those black mirrors.
She sighed.
Tsunade patted his left cheek lightly, which Sasuke found strange and backed away. Hinata, close to Tsunade, saw the blonde smile as she began to truly examine his eyes. The Fifth spent a good fifteen minutes scanning the condition of the Sharingan-bearer with instruments that the Hyuuga was unfamiliar with, then she examined him using chakra - she was the Hokage, the barrier was nothing to her.
'I'll have a pair of reading glasses made, that's all there is to do to delay your blindness.'
'I said it was useless, Hinata', said Sasuke with finality, getting up from the porch and going back inside the cabin. The two kunoichis waited in silence until the door was closed loudly behind him.
'Hinata!', Tsunade called, going back to where Katsuyu was still waiting. The Hyuuga turned to the Hokage and waited. 'Keep up the good work.'
Tsunade left Hinata befuddled by her words, not really understanding what part of her work was good as it was. Tsunade had not said that for Hinata to fully understand, after all. Actually, if the Hyuuga realized, it may even hinder the progress of the mission that Hinata didn't know she was carrying out. Uchiha Sasuke's sentence could not be revoked, but he still had fifty-six days to enjoy that sunny place.
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chaoticproductivity · 7 months
one hundred days - 64
[Originally published on FF.net on Sep 08, 2011. The manga was not finished yet, please take that into consideration while reading.]
Would you forgive your enemies? 64
Hinata sat up on the futon and stretched, making her t-shirt ride up, exposing her belly. She had moved to the room next to Sasuke's, leaving only a sliding door between the spaces. He knew that the Uchiha must be the proudest creature still walking the face of Earth – much prouder than Naruto or Neji – but upon understanding Hinata's reason for changing rooms, he hadn't complained.
She could see light creeping through the sliding doors that lead to the outside porch that wrapped around the cabin and decided to get up. Without being able to train properly during those days, Sasuke was becoming increasingly bored and even more of a morning person, like a retired old man. 
Heaving a sigh, Hinata put away the futon and blanket. Tying her hair in a bun, securing it with a decorative chopstick - a beautiful set for which she had lost a pair the same day she bought it - and left the room heading towards the bathroom.
Hinata was brushing her teeth when the bathroom door opened. Sasuke appeared on the other side, scratching his eyes, his bed hair the worst she had ever seen, pillow marks on his cheek, the sight of a very casual Uchiha Sasuke that some of the villagers would still kill to be able to see. 
'Good morning', he greeted almost like a normal boy, and not the serious, unattainable and taciturn Uchiha Sasuke that everyone knew – and hated. Hinata had been really surprised the first time he did it, shortly after they broke the sepulchral silence that reigned between the two at the beginning of their acquaintance.
Hinata rinsed her mouth and smiled, returning the greeting. Sasuke was still standing in the doorway when he yawned and stretched like a cat, raising one arm and lifting his dark t-shirt with the other. The pants he wore to bed were hanging low on his hips. The Hyuuga's eyes widened when she realized what she was staring at and turned her back to the shinobi so he wouldn't notice her blush, even though he couldn't see it anyway.
'I-I'm already... Leaving', she said to him in hopes that he would move from the doorway, but he only moved closer to her inside the tiny bathroom. 'Sasuke?'
'You look good with your hair up', his hand went up while Hinata's eyes and mouth opened wide and she turned her body to face him fully. 'But I prefer it down.'
Hinata's hair fell as she turned to Sasuke, her pale face quickly replaced by a happy blush. There it was, next to the small, mischievous smile that the Uchiha was sending her, the sparkle of vision in his onyx eyes. 
She stood still staring at him, trying to convince herself that it wasn't a lie, that he really was seeing again, while the shinobi brought a strand of Hinata's hair, now loose, forward, smoothing it over her shoulder.
With the same feeling that had made her kiss his eyelids the day it happened, Hinata took a step forward and placed her forehead against his chest, her height only able to reach up to his neck. Sasuke's slightly malicious impetuosity melted away as he was caught by surprise by her action. He carefully placed his hands on the Hyuuga's shoulders so he could push her away, but was unable to after hearing her whisper:
'That's great, Sasuke... I'm so relieved, so glad', several times.
He didn't have the strength to push her, so he just let her lean against him in that awkward half-hug. He had a strange feeling gnawing at his stomach from having Hinata so close, but it wasn't bad. It was a feeling that the Uchiha could only define as comfortable: it was comfortable to have someone close to him capable of expressing all the emotions he didn't.
So he just let her stay.
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chaoticproductivity · 7 months
one hundred days - 72
[Originally published on FF.net on Sep 08, 2011. The manga was not finished yet, please take that into consideration while reading.]
Reminisce old memories? 72
Hinata squeezed her fingers as she walked towards the southern border of the barrier, towards the Village Hidden in the Leaf. She technically wasn't allowed to break Sasuke's seclusion, since it wasn't necessary to order and receive supplies, and with Katsuyu checking in on them every ten days, but she couldn't leave him as he was. Her lips hurt, all bruised and dry from constantly biting them out of worry.
She stopped a few steps away from the place she knew she couldn't cross. Hinata took out a kunai from the sleeve of her yukata and cut her finger quickly – she had never understood how other ninjas managed to cut their fingers just by biting on them – letting the kunai fall to the ground to make the summoning seals and crouching down when a small brown owl appeared, the lineage of ninja animals with which she had made a contract not long ago especially for that mission. She had been instructed that that was the only amount of chakra she would be allowed to retain to make a summon that could cross the barrier when strictly necessary.
'I need you to take this to Tsunade-sama', she instructed the owl and put a small roll of paper in her leg pouch. The owl, with a leaf bandana around its neck, nodded to indicate she had understood the message, flapped her wings to leave the barrier, leaving Hinata with a handful of brown feathers.
The girl just sighed and set off on her way back to the cabin.
Hinata finished hanging the last sheet on the clothesline and wiped her hands on the apron he was wearing. Sasuke should probably be awake already, he didn't usually get up much later than her. Picking up the empty basket, she went back inside the cabin, placing the basket on the porch and letting the apron fall inside it as she took it off. Hearing a familiar noise coming from the kitchen, Hinata headed there.
'Sasuke-san?', she called cautiously, but the sound of something breaking prompted Hinata to run. 'Sasuke-san, what happened?'
A cup of tea lay shattered on the floor, a chair was knocked over and the table had moved slightly to the left, the fruit basket over it knocked over, a few apples on the table, others on the floor. The Hyuuga went up to Sasuke, who was leaning on the sink and touched his arm, only to be immediately rejected and brushed off as he staggered across the kitchen. Sasuke grunted as his foot was sliced by a porcelain shard from the tea cup. During all of it, Sasuke had his hands over his eyes, and Hinata realized, horrified, that there was blood leaking from both eyes.
'Sasuke!', she exclaimed worriedly, approaching him without paying attention to the broken glass and the irritating stubbornness he insisted on maintaining about being independent and not needing her care, her concern. But it was inevitable, that was her mission, to take care of him. More than that, it was something that Hinata had accepted by Sasuke's request for her to stay close.
Sasuke tried to push her away again, but Hinata didn't budge this time. She grabbed both of the Uchiha's hands and pulled them away from his eyes. Carefully, she guided him to sit on the chair and pulled out a clean cloth from one of the drawers. Wetting it, Hinata took care of cleaning the blood from Sasuke's eyes, cheeks and hands. 
A little unlike him, Sasuke didn't react, didn't open his eyes.
'Sasuke, wait here, I'll get bandages for your foot', she ordered.
Sasuke, however, didn't let her go, holding her by the wrist and keeping her close without saying anything. His large hands touched her arms a bit until he grabbed both of her hands. Once he had her hands in his, he brought them to his face, placing them over his eyes. Hinata's knees gave out from under her, making her more level with Sasuke, she was forced to hold back her tears and her thoughts on how good her hands felt on his. 
'Do that again', he asked.
'Do what again, Sasuke?', her voice trembling. 
'That thing you did last time, when you asked me to look at you', he grunted, but noticed his rudeness, continued to speak in a more gentle way, 'Do that again.'
Hyuuga Hinata took a deep breath and tried to remember the words she had used that first night that Sasuke lost his sight. As she reflected, Sasuke's hands held her forearms to stop her from going anywhere, even though he knew Hinata would never leave him in that situation. The small hands moved, leaving the Uchiha's cheeks and sliding through the dark locks of his hair that fell, straight and frizzy, over his temples. It had become long, but she didn't know if he wanted to cut it. She returned her hands to his pale, slightly sunken cheeks and felt Sasuke's hands go up her arms and place themselves over hers, perhaps to keep them in place and hurry her along.
Hinata stood up suddenly, but remained close, always keeping her hands on the Uchiha's face, and brought her face closer to his, her lips to his closed eyelids, kissing first his right eye and then his left. Uchiha Sasuke's surprise could not be described, but even surprised he did not open his eyes, not until Hinata said the words:
'I'm right in front of you, Sasuke, open your eyes and see', she asked, actually begging for her prayer to work a second time.
Carefully, Sasuke opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Hinata waited with her face level with his, but her onyx eyes didn't focus on anything, they were just a black void once again.
Hinata's hands stayed in his face, Sasuke's hands on top of hers, until the girl realized that she was no longer going to be able to hold back the tears and the shaking, so she excused herself to go grab the bandages for his foot. Once outside the kitchen, Hinata let herself cry quietly. She didn't want to cry in front of Sasuke again. Sasuke never cried, except those bloody tears, so she had to do it for the both of them.
'I'm back, Sasuke', after the event two days ago, they simply banned formalities and started calling each other only by their first names. Interestingly, both seemed not to realize they were doing it.
'Welcome back', he replied, sitting peacefully on the porch at sunset.
Since the incident, Sasuke only kept his eyes open when he knew Hinata was nearby - even though he was blind, the Uchiha's keen ninja senses were still good enough to perceive obstacles and other beings around him. Hinata believed he was still waiting for her to chase the darkness away, like she did before, only she blamed herself for not being able to reenact her miracle.
'I sent a message to Tsunade-sama to come and examine you.'
Sasuke didn't answer, but she had a good idea of what he was thinking: why bother if he was going to be executed anyway?
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chaoticproductivity · 7 months
one hundred days - 79
[Originally published on FF.net on Sep 08, 2011. The manga was not finished yet, please take that into consideration while reading.]
Would you call those friends you've never seen? 79
Sasuke had just left for a run, giving Hinata enough time to take a proper bath under the waterfall. She grabbed the wooden bucket she used to carry water into the cabin and filled it with her hair creams, soap, and two towels. Wearing only her white yukata, the girl entered the river. Looking over her shoulders and still listening attentively for any sound that might indicate Sasuke's return, she removed the yukata and stood naked in the river, letting the cool water cover her up to her shoulders. Hinata wished she still had her Byakugan, it would have been useful to avoid being caught naked by Sasuke.
On the day Sasuke admitted that he needed her, the night, clouds, and wind hinted at an impending storm. On the day that Sasuke admitted that she was needed by him, the night, the clouds and the wind foreshadowed a storm. In fact, the downpour had lasted until the day before, when the dark clouds finally gave way to a big, strong sun, as if reborn from a few days of rest. It was finally summer in the Land of Fire and it promised to be unforgiving in its heat. The river water was warm on the surface and refreshing at the bottom, giving Hinata goosebumps.
Returning to the reasonably flat stone where she had left the bucket with her things, the kunoichi took the red fruit-scented cream to apply to her long hair, smoothing it with care and affection, without worrying about taking too long. It had been a while since she had taken a while to wash herself. When Sasuke was close by, she only allowed herself for a quick waterfall rinse. With him away, running all the way around the barrier, Hinata could allow herself to linger.
After scrubbing her body vigorously with the vanilla scented soap, she submerged to get rid of the sud. She went under the waterfall and let the strong current rinse her hair. The weight of the water massaged her back for a few minutes while she tried to make a whole of her diffuse reflection on the water's surface. 
She didn't know about this isolated area above the Hokage mountains, otherwise she could have spent her training years there, in peace, to perfect her jutsus instead of having to do it in the other waterfalls that surrounded the Village, much more unsafe, because they were beyond the gates, and quite popular for night dives in the summer, therefore not very private for her particular training method.
She dived and swam to the middle of the river, moving away from the waterfall and entering the deep, cold part. Those constant workouts in the water had helped her get good breathing for long dives and she forced her arms up to stay on the bottom as long as possible. 
Hinata closed her eyes and opened them, imagining herself with the Byakugan activated. She began a sequence of fist movements that she had been putting together since a few weeks ago, when she was still on a diplomatic mission for the Village and the Hyuuga Clan in the Land of Iron, a small thank you for their help in the war. She could put those moves into practice using chakra and her bloodline when the hundred days were up and she and Sasuke were...
Hinata stopped moving and left her arms floating by her sides. She let some bubbles come out of her mouth and felt her lungs complaining a little, but she could still stay under the water for another minute or two. Her mind rewinded a bit: in just 79 days Hyuuga Hinata would be allowed to return to her usual normal life, going on missions with her friends and dealing with her unrequited love for Naruto. She would probably get married in about five years to someone from the Clan, if she didn't find someone else to love, and have at least two children. If she didn't die on a mission, she would comfortably live out her retirement as leader of the Hyuuga Clan and raise her children differently from the upbringing she received from her father.
And in just 79 days Uchiha Sasuke would be subjugated under the Leaf's laws and made to take responsibility for his choices.
The sound of something heavy falling into the water made Hinata look up and back, towards the waterfall, thinking it must have been a tree trunk falling downstream. When she turned around, a wall of bubbles surrounded something that had fallen just over three meters away from her. 
As the bubbles went up, Hinata saw Sasuke at eye level, shirtless, with the legs of his shorts raked up by the impact with the water, showing his pale, muscular thighs. She had never noticed Sasuke's legs, since he only took the shirt off to go running and train taijutsu. She blushed at the thought and shook her head to divert herself from thinking such things about him, then looking up to onyx eyes glued to her. The Uchiha looked at her, but not at her eyes. 
'What is he...?', the question was interrupted in her mind when the brunette remembered what she was previously doing at the waterfall: washing herself.
Very much naked, indeed.
Thin arms hurried to cover her nakedness, but the fright made Hinata open her mouth, releasing the last bit of air she had in her lungs, followed by a desperation for air that had her swallowing a good mouthful of water. She choked and the embarrassment for her state of nudity was quickly replaced by the panic of drowning. Hinata tried to move her arms and kick her legs, but her limbs wouldn't obey her as her mind focused on the searing pain of burning lungs crying out for oxygen.
"Damn, Hyuuga!", thought Sasuke as he watched the brunette's reactions; she didn't even look like a kunoichi.
He swam over to her and grabbed her arms to pull her towards him, grabbing her around the waist before kicking his legs to get them to the surface as quickly as possible, then swimming to shore. Once they were out of the water, Sasuke inhaled large amounts of air, but Hinata remained inert in his arms.
The shinobi dragged her over a large, flattened rock. He didn't bother with her nudity at the moment, starting a steady cardiac massage with his hands between her breasts. It didn't take much for the Hyuuga to expel the little water she had swallowed, almost right in Sasuke's face. 
Sasuke stood up as Hinata regained focus on what was happening and knelt on the rock, curling up and placing her arms over her heaving chest. Sasuke pulled the first reasonably large piece of cloth he saw on the clothesline and threw the sheet over her, which Hinata immediately grabbed.
'Hyuuga', called Sasuke, forcing Hinata to look at him despite the awkwardness of the situation. 'Are you an idiot?'
Hinata blushed. Not because she was offended by the question – since she couldn't help but consider it, at least in part, true –, but because of the trace of anger and concern that she could still see in his eyes, that same look used by parents to reprimand children for reckless and dangerous acts.
'Sorry', she said as an answer.
'Finish washing up', ordered Sasuke, ending the conversation, walking towards the cabin. 'And don't you dare to do something like that again.'
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chaoticproductivity · 7 months
one hundred days - 84
[Originally published on FF.net on Sep 08, 2011. The manga was not finished yet, please take that into consideration while reading.]
Donate every dime you had? 84
Three more days. 
Fortunately, three more days with Sasuke still able to see the world. And as if he wanted to make sure of that, his black eyes were constantly glued to the Hyuuga. He only stared at her when he thought she was distracted, as if she would not notice him. Hinata was almost calling him out for it, wanting to shout that, by heavens, she was also a ninja, even though people thought she was a weak kunoichi without all the prestige that ninjas like Uchiha Sasuke himself, Uzumaki Naruto or Haruno Sakura had. 
Could there be a bigger cliché than that? The three ninjas trained by the three legendary sannin were now the strongest ninjas there were. Pathetic!
But the Hyuuga only started walking these nonsensical thoughts because she didn't want to admit, even to herself, that Sasuke's gaze made her extremely uncomfortable. And worse, it wasn't a bad discomfort. 
In the end, she just wanted to ask him why he was watching her so intently, but she lacked the courage. Just as there was a lack of courage – perhaps on both sides – to talk about what had happened that other night.
When the Uchiha was watching her, she sometimes couldn't help but stare back. At these moments, the onyx orbs faltered and, a few seconds later, Sasuke was looking at any point other than Hinata, maintaining an air that bordered on spoiled and noncommittal. 
Last time Sasuke looked away they were sitting on the porch on a night that predicted a storm. The wind was starting to get stronger and colder, but it didn't bother them. Between them lay half-drunk cups of green tea, with the smoke still swirling and losing itself in the atmosphere.
'Sasuke-san...', Hinata tried to start saying something to break the silence and, if she could, ask him about the looks or the nightmare.
'Hyuuga', he interrupted her. 
After the desperate situation of Sasuke's supposed blindness ended, three nights ago, they returned to using the suffix of respect and their surname, imposing a distance in their relationship that no longer seemed appropriate, or even necessary.
Hinata waited, letting him continue. He closed his eyes and made an annoyed sound with his tongue, as if he wanted to scold himself for some mistake or for being ridiculous. For a moment the kunoichi didn't believe that the seventeen-year-old boy at her side was the Uchiha avenger, the renegade ninja who had murdered Uchiha Itachi – even with all the regret on the younger man's part after having done it –, the Council of Elders of the Village Hidden in the Leaf, and Uchiha Madara. 
Here, Sasuke just seemed like any other teenager in the Village, a Sasuke who never had his entire family massacred and who hadn't gone through all the things in his life that led him to be sentenced to death. 
Here, disconcerted, with a blush so light that Hinata almost didn't notice, he seemed to have been purged from his past.
The girl smiled tenderly, liking the Uchiha Sasuke that still existed within the unreachable persona he had created.
'Stay with me', he continued so suddenly that Hinata, being distracted as she was, almost missed it. 
She looked at him, letting the tender smile disappear from her face. Sasuke looked straight ahead, his forehead a little creased with worry. The kunoichi didn't quite understand the request.
'Somehow, when I look at you...', turning to her, Sasuke extended his arm and his hand reached Hinata's face. He held her cheek, hot to the touch, of the blushing Hyuuga, feeling as if he was holding a small, but bright flame, a light that would not let him fall back into another darkness. 'I look at you and darkness does not exist.'
Ah, so that's what he wanted. It was the first thing that came to Hinata's mind, but the words quickly disappeared, like the ethereal smoke of tea. Her mind went blank, feeling only Sasuke's touch and the satisfaction of being useful for something. She could do something for him, even if it was just staying by his side.
'Thank you, Hinata.'
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chaoticproductivity · 7 months
one hundred days - 87
[Originally published on FF.net on Sep 08, 2011. The manga was not finished yet, please take that into consideration while reading. Not all 100 numbers are used, it's an interrupted count down.]
Would you live each moment like your last? 87
Dark. Everything was dark, but even while being unable to see, Sasuke was running. He felt like he was in a corridor, his footsteps echoed a little, the sound whipping against narrow walls. He had chosen to think about a corridor because the space felt cramped, but endless. Where was it leading to? When could he see the light? That place was suffocating, it reminded him of Orochimaru's old hideout, the one where Naruto had found him after three years away from the Village Hidden in the Leaf.
The sound of his echoing footsteps changed, now he could feel it going further away, taking a while to reach the walls and then return to his ears.The feeling of being in a cramped space gave way to the feeling of a place that was too big, like an immense vaulted hall. But everything was still dark. He felt lost, abandoned by his most faithful companions: his eyes.
'Sasuke-san! Please open your eyes!'
Open his eyes? But they were already open. In fact, he was wide-eyed as it was. He made a few seals as he felt a worm of apprehension slither in and lodge itself in his stomach. He called upon his bloodline and, for the first time since he first activated it – on the night of the Uchiha Clan massacre –, his Sharingan failed.
The darkness hung heavy like a huge black cloak on his shoulders. The restless worm of apprehension in his stomach started to climb, taking the path to become a voice.
The worm was stuck behind his last barrier before it could be transfigured into a scream. The brunette's body moved instinctively, placing him sitting on the futon. Sweaty, panting, with widened orbs. His right hand gripped the blanket, his left gripped something thin, soft and warm. Where was Kusanagi if not next to his bedside, where he always placed her before sleep?
'Sasuke...' Now he heard it. Hinata's voice came from his left side, low and still a little desperate from trying to get him out of the nightmare. It made him remember where he was and the situation he was in.
'Hinata.' If she was going to say anything more at the time, he didn't let her continue. With a cracked, hoarse voice, a voice he never thought he would hear coming from the lips of the imperious last Uchiha, he murmured, 'I can't see anything.'
Hinata's clothes rustled as she moved. Sasuke then realized that the something thin, soft and warm that he was holding in his left hand was the Hyuuga's pulse, he could feel its accelerated heartbeat. He loosened his grip but didn't let go. Holding her, he knew he was awake and that, painfully, this wasn't another nightmare. 
Small, gentle hands held both sides of the Uchiha's face. Gently, Hinata turned his onyx eyes in her direction. As she knelt, his eyes became at level with hers, but they were no longer the pair of shiny black onyx that would stare at her in an icy and intense manner. Now the Uchiha's eyes were two opaque circles. He really wasn't seeing her.
'I'm right in front of you, Sasuke', she said, controlling her stutters and sobs. Without letting him hear the plea in her voice, Hinata begged - to him, to his chakra, to his kekkei genkai, to whoever was listening, 'Close your eyes, open them slowly and see, I'm right here.'
Sasuke obeyed and Hinata suppressed a sob when he began to slowly open his eyelids again. Nothing happened. The brightness of his dark eyes didn't take focus, Sasuke's voice didn't speak either.
"No!", Hinata cries in her thoughts, remembering Tsunade's words about the vision problems that could appear due to the exhausting use of the Mangekyou Sharingan that Sasuke had made even after Itachi's eye transplant, but the Hokage had also said that the likelihood of him suffering from complete blindness by the time of his execution was very low. 
She started to shed silent tears, her hands began to shake where they still rested against his face, feeling the roughness of his light stubble, and she sent all her self-control to hell, still pleading in her mind, "You can't go blind too. It's excessive punishment!"
She closed her eyes and grit her teeth, not letting the sobs escape, thinking he would find it very disrespectful for her to be crying over his misfortune, when Sasuke himself was just standing still, silent, like a beautiful ivory statue in the darkness. But a hot statue, with unfocused eyes, who must have been suffering alone in his mind. 
In just thirteen days, Hinata had discovered much of Uchiha Sasuke's individualistic personality. He liked tomatoes, exercise, preferred to suffer in silence and had terrible nightmares. He was also his own brand of kind and unintentionally attractive... And lonely.
Because there was already all this loneliness in his soul, Hinata believed that he would not be able to bear the isolation and even greater helplessness that blindness would provide.
'Hinata.' She opened her eyes. The black glow had regained focus and now his eyes saw the silent tears on the Hyuuga's cheeks. Without showing any feelings, in expression or voice, Sasuke announced like a bad omen, 'It will happen soon.'
Of both his still seeing eyes – but for how long? – Uchiha Sasuke cried tears of blood.
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[Part 2]
It was only the second day of January when the letter arrived. 
Duke Hyuuga had always cultivated a long and courteous relationship with the neighbouring dukedom, the Uchiha, especially because both current dukes had attended college together.
Hinata remembered them, from when her mother was alive, because both duchesses had shared a season in the ton. Mikoto got married to Fugaku in her first season, but Hikari had to wait two to finally snatch Hiashi, who was doing business overseas.
They used to play together, Hinata and both the Uchiha boys, when she was still quite young. Itachi was much older and was sent to boarding school when Hinata was still a toddler, but Sasuke was only three years older than her, so they were able to spend a little more time together. Three summers, to be exact, from when she was 6 to 8.
She hadn't seen him in 15 years.
So yes, she could say that she really met him at the funeral.
Since Itachi was the heir, Sasuke had lived mostly unnoticed and didn't really have a reputation besides being the absent son of Lord Uchiha, always travelling to far away lands.
No one knew Itachi had poor health, not even the family, not even the wife! Itachi, apparently, had hid it too well.
"I-i-i..." The widow was inconsolable. "I-i ha-had... No..." Mikoto was beside her, also crying, but in a more restrained manner. "I had... N-no idea... He was even... Sick..." She was trying to justify her ignorance while gulping air and crying her eyes out. Poor thing.
The wake was held three days after the letter arrived and it was clear not many people had been invited. The Hyuugas, Marquis Jiraya and his adopted son, a few selected inferior Uchihas, no more than half a dozen of other important, close families.
Naruto passed Hinata, nodding politely, followed close by his pink haired wife. Neither of them gave any indication they remembered who Hinata was. 
Sasuke looked... Detached. It was known he and Naruto were close friends, having attended boarding school and college at the same time, then travelling together for a few years, but Sasuke had remained serious and stoic, cold even, when exchanging a few words with Naruto. He was polite when addressed, but Hinata noticed early on that people refrained from approaching him.
There weren't many flowers around, it was winter afterall, blossoms were hard to come by. The Hyuugas had a winter garden, therefore were able to send three vases to decorate the mourning hall, for which Mikoto was most grateful.
Sasuke helped carry the casket the short distance to the family burial ground. So did the duke. And Neji, to show respect. The widow had to be carried by the women, she simply could not stand on her own. The only good thing was that the snow had stopped falling. 
All in all, it was a quick affair.
When the people started to leave, Sasuke remained, a dark figure against the white and grey of the landscape. When she saw he was not walking back to the house, Hinata stopped. His shoulders were shaking, the telltale of crying. Hinata left him be, tragically beautiful, not senseless enough to pretend she could offer him any comfort.
A few days later, she learned Sasuke was still at the Uchiha property neighbouring the Hyuuga estate, because she saw him riding a black horse near the border of their properties while coming back to the mansion after an afternoon walk. He was riding too fast to make notice of her.
"Well, yes, he is to be duke now", her cousin explained when, at tea time, she told him of having seen Sasuke. "He can't just go travelling whenever he pleases, anymore. Now he is expected to attend to Itachi's duties and to get married."
"What about you, cousin?", asked Hanabi, coyly. Neji coughed, knowing what she meant. Where was his wife since he was also to be duke? Neji changed the subject.
The spare is how seconds sons are called. Collateral in case the first one doesn't make it. Hinata's father had really taken the short straw by having two daughters, but he was fond enough of his deceased twin brother's son, Neji, to be content with their predicament of the dukedom going to him instead. The Uchihas, particularly Fugaku, did not seem quite so glad that Sasuke was now the heir.
Hinata dragged Hanabi to have tea with them one afternoon mid January, that's how she learned the widow would now move in with the inlaws at the main estate. She was quite overcome with grief and Mikoto thought best not to leave her alone. At the same time, the duke was eager to go home, so they would do it in a couple days.
"Sasuke will stay behind to take care of Itachi's affairs a while longer." Mikoto turned to Hinata then, grabbing her hand. "Would you keep an eye on him for me, dear? Just to make sure he is in good health."
"Of course, Your Grace."
If Mikoto was any other mama, and if she had not just lost a son, Hinata would think she had other intentions with that request, but she knew better. The duchess saw Hinata as she was: a safe spinster.
The Uchihas left. 
Sasuke stayed behind, riding his horse through their fields. He was a creature of habit, Hinata noticed quickly. He would ride everyday, at the same time, except when the weather was unforgiving. 
At one of those evening rides, Hinata grabbed her own horse and went the opposite way, to his house. There she waited, under the gaze of curious servants, for she was an unmarried lady waiting for a bachelor, alone.
"What are you doing here?" Was the very rude question she was greeted with when he entered the drawing room where Hinata was waiting for him.
"Waiting for you."
"Your mother asked me to."
Calmly, Hinata drank the last of her tea and stood up, grabbing a sugar cookie.
"Your mother worries, as mothers do." Hinata approached him, unfazed by the enraged dark stare. She looked him up and down a couple times, then, without warning or shilly-shallying, grabbed his arm, pinching it. 
"Have you gone mad?" He recoiled like an offended snake, flushing a little.
"Good, you seem to be in good health." Hinata gathered her coat and gloves that were draped over a side chair. "Good day, sir."
Hinata left a quite flabbergasted Sasuke behind, wondering what had just happened. How dare she... And alone... His mother? How? Why? When had she... What had just... Who she thought she was?
Sasuke was still trying to make sense of her when a note came the next day inviting him to dinner at the Hyuuga Manor. His first instinct was to decline, if not for the rather impressive encounter with the pearl eyed woman the day before. 
He barely remembered her from his childhood. They were playmates, briefly. He did not, however, remember her name. She was Miss Hyuuga, that much he knew, but what was her first name again? 
It was Neji who received him in the drawing room of Hyuuga Manor when the servant directed Sasuke to wait there.
"Uchiha, you came."
"Hyuuga", Sasuke answered as a greeting. He knew Neji from society. There were not that many dukes, after all. "Thank you for the invitation."
"My cousin insisted."
Sasuke nodded. He had not yet elaborated a full opinion regarding Miss Hyuuga and the previous day's encounter, but since she had been there alone, maybe Neji did not know about that particular excursion.
"Oh!" Sasuke turned to where a girl was standing, staring at him. He had not seen her before, but she looked the spitting image of the gentleman in the room with him. "Sister, he really came for dinner."
Not a second too late, Miss Hyuuga was standing beside the smaller girl in a beautiful light blue dress. Her hair was up with ribbons, a lace ribbon also around her neck, and long white gloves. Hanabi was dressed in a similar manner, and Sasuke realised even Neji looked ready for a ball at the ton. Sasuke, with his nice evening coat and simple cravat, felt suddenly underdressed.
"Yes, Hanabi", the woman smiled and prompted her sister to enter the room, nodding at Sasuke as a greeting when they were close enough. "He said so in his note."
"Good evening." Hiashi entered the room after his daughters.
"Lord Hyuuga", said Sasuke. 
"Uchiha", Hiashi also closed the distance. "We thought better to leave you be after your brother's passing, but feel free to come visit if you so please. You are welcome here. Itachi was always a kind neighbour."
Sasuke's expression did not change, for good or for bad.
"I thank you, sir.''
Hiashi seemed quite pleased with himself.
Before any of them could say anything else, a servant came to announce that dinner was served and it went by quickly and mostly silently. The food was exquisite, so Sasuke did not feel bad for focusing his attention on the plate. Afterwards, Hiashi retired upstairs right away, leaving the youngsters to socialise. Before, he would remain amongst the inebriated gentleman for whiskey and cigars while his Hikari had her own fun with the ladies. Now, he had Neji to chaperone his daughters when the need arises. 
"Uchiha", Neji approached passing Sasuke a glass with two finger's of an amber liquid. "Given the circumstances, will you be joining us this season?"
"It is going to be my first season", Hanabi piped in. "I convinced father that I needed more dancing lessons and was able to avoid being presented last year."
"You did need more dancing lessons." Neji commented as someone that had had his feet stomped on too many times. "And still do, for some rhythms."
"It is good enough." Hanabi retorted. "Sister has impeccable dancing and is still unmarried, which proves that dancing is not what a gentleman is really looking for in a wife."
The information caught Sasuke's attention. How come Hinata was unmarried and had gone to his house, had been alone with him so unceremoniously?
"It might be the thing a gentleman is looking for in you, Hanabi."
"Oh, please." Hanabi threw herself at the dessert plate. "Look at Hinata! I don't stand a chance of getting married if she received only 4 proposals after six seasons."
Hinata! Yes, that was her first name. The mention made him look at her. Hinata was uncomfortable, Sasuke could tell from the other side of the room. She faked well, looking out the window sipping her tea. 
"Yes", Sasuke finally answered Neji. "Given the circumstances, I might attend this year."
"Prepare yourself. You're going to be the talk of the season." Neji downed his drink. "And the highest prize for the plotting mamas."
Sasuke downed his drink too. Neji seemed like he knew what he was talking about, at least regarding that. Naruto had said something similar about the season when he was looking for a wife himself - the search was cut short because of his indiscretions with Sakura.
"That may be a good thing", Hinata said. "If you are looking for a suitable wife, you'll have the first pick."
Sasuke approached the drinks tray on the other side of the room and decided to switch his liquor for some tea. He still had a ride home to take and the last thing he wanted was to fall from the horse and die in a muddy ditch. Fortunately for him, it was not snowing or raining. Unfortunately, it was a very cold night.
"Want me to serve you?"
"No need."
Hinata turned to the window again and Sasuke used that time to observe her. She was not a very tall woman nor horribly thin. Her skin tone was so white she could pass as a sick person if not for the rosy cheeks. She was well-mannered, discreet, and didn't seem to take up much space; loyal, if the checking up on him by his mother's request was any indication. Being the eldest daughter of a duke and motherless from a young age, no doubt she was capable of running a household. 
How was such a lady still unmarried?
"You are staring."
And spilling the tea, he noticed. Sasuke tried to recover when she came to his aid, simply tipping the tea cup a little so the excess was caught in the saucer and then dumped the saucer's contents into the teapot. 
"There." Hinata smiled and he saw the blush in her cheeks. "You should've let me pour you a cup."
How was she still unmarried?
"If you need assistance this season, let us know." 
"My cousin should also be looking for a wife, but he insists on marrying us off before doing so." Hinata was fixing her own cup, which made it impossible for Sasuke to look at her eyes. "Hanabi has yet to have her chance, but it's too late for me and I hope he realises that."
"What do you mean?"
Hinata did not answer. She took the cup to her lips and sipped, looking over to her cousin and her sister. Sasuke was curious, feeling like that was the answer he needed to truly understand her, but she stepped away without another word and he did not know her enough to pry.
A week later, Sasuke attended dinner with the Hyuugas again, this time dressed up a little more. Five days after that, it was afternoon tea. When the snow started to slowly melt, he went hunting with Neji. And every so often, would stop by to exchange a few words with Hiashi about the properties and dukedom affairs. On one occasion, he even walked from the village with Hanabi and her maid, and she told all the details to her older sister upon arriving home, like it was some kind of miracle. 
As for Hinata, she kept on visiting him, at his house, all by herself. 
After the third time, he got quite used to it.
After a couple more visits, he started to expect her.
She never stayed much, the doors were always wide open, sometimes the maid who brought tea would stay in the room, in the corner. For Hinata's sake, Sasuke noticed. They could be their servants, but the Hyuugas were the sires of that county, and there their loyalties laid. Or maybe, just with Hinata. She knew his servants by name since the first visit, he learned.
She never stayed much, the doors were always wide open, sometimes the maid who brought tea would stay in the room, in the corner. For Hinata's sake, Sasuke noticed. They could be their servants, but the Hyuugas were the sires of that county, and there their loyalties laid. Or maybe, just with Hinata. She knew his servants by name since the first visit, he learned.
During the five minute visits, she would not even sit.
For the fifteen minute ones, she would make time for a cup of tea.
One day, she stayed for half an hour, engrossed in a book. Sasuke entered while she read and sat, looking at her, both in perfect silence. Hinata took the book with her.
Sometimes, they would meet coincidentally along the way and walk together. It was an easy conversation. She was well-read in most topics and an expert on the society affairs that Sasuke had kept away for so long. All she asked in return were tales from his travels.
"Naruto was with me that time, it was raining and all the hotels were full, but we needed a place to stay, so without thinking we entered the first brothel we..." Sasuke interrupted himself, palling. He looked up at Hinata, but she simply sipped her tea. "Forgive me", he said, very stiff. "It's not a tale appropriate for a lady."
"Why not?"
Hinata put the cup back in the saucer and grabbed a cookie. 
"Do you think well-bread ladies don't know about brothels?" Her question was delivered without stuttering, but not without blushing. "Or that we don't know what happens inside them?"
"Do you?" Without waiting for the answer, he followed. "How?"
"Women can get to know the world too, we just have to be extremely more careful than men." Her words weren't bitter where they should be, but resigned. "We are doomed to a much bigger sentence for a much more insignificant sin."
"That's the reason why you are still unmarried?"
"Oh no", she smiled. "My reputation is pristine. Maybe too much so."
They finished going up the hill from where Hyuuga Manor could be seen beyond the woods and the field.
"At three and twenty, and so many seasons, I've learned society is more than willing to sweep some indiscretions under the rug. Not all of them are plotting all of the time, you know."
"So even someone like you has been indiscreet."
"Yes, even someone like me..."
"That's why you think it's too late for you?"
"No, I think it's too late for me because that's just how things are."
They made it down the hill, into the woods.
Sasuke realised he wanted her.
Like a man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man back, he wants her.
More dangerous still, he realised that he could have her. In that way, she would most likely let him. 
Why else would she be so honest and candid in their conversations?
Why else would she let him know she was not so innocent?
She trusted him.
Why did she trust him?
"The new season starts in two weeks."
"Yes." Sasuke was not looking forward to it.
"You'll find a wife, and when you do, treat her well." Hinata took a step closer to him. 
Hinata trusted Sasuke because, for her, he was safely just out of reach.
Sasuke had the time to notice the dots of light from the gaps between the leaves illuminating her. No, it was not that he had the time, but he wanted to notice how it illuminated her, how it made her eyes even more pale.
Sasuke realised he wanted her.
Like a husband wants a wife, like a person wants an equal, like wanting a partner, a friend. 
He wanted to ask her to marry him there and then, but he had a feeling she would say no for whatever reason, and for no reason at all, and he could not afford that.
Instead, he took a step closer.
"Let me tell you more about the world."
She nodded.
They kissed. 
And kissed and kissed.
And the new season began.
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[Part 1]
At 17 years old, on her debut into society, Hinata was afraid. Her head and her heart had been filled with horror stories by her maids:
"Never be alone with a man!" 
"Be aware of his hands when you are dancing!"
"Do not encourage inappropriate conversation!"
"Always stay close to you chaperone!"
"Do not wander alone!"
"Do not let a man get too close!"
"And never, never be alone with a man!"
And so on.
At the same time, apparently her sole purpose in life was to find an agreeable man to marry.
How would she manage that, considering she was terrified of getting too close to the other sex, thanks to her maids' warnings?
Therefore, her first two seasons were wasted away on barely touching dances, brief and shallow conversations, avoidant eye contact and constant supervision.
She was labelled exceedling shy.
Hinata did not receive a single marriage proposal. Hiashi, her father, did not look impressed.
Not that she wasn't grateful for her maids' concern for her purity, considering they were the ones to raise her after her mother died, when her sister was just an infant and her father was often away.
In her third season, she met Ino. She was french. It was quite a bit scandalous around the ton when Sai entered the first ball of the season with her, introducing her as his wife. 
Hinata didn't understand why, at first, until she went home and told the maids. Apparently, albeit being high born, Ino used to work! Imagine that!
On the second event of the season that Hinata attended, she had the opportunity of talking with Ino. She was rather pleasant and had the most beautiful eyes. Ino praised Hinata's pronunciation of her language. It was obvious she was eager for a friend, any friend. Hinata, deep inside, after being so recluse given her fear and her family’s protection, was longing for a friend just like Ino.
Third season, again no marriage prospects for Hinata. This time, even her father seemed surprised. She was a Duke's daughter, after all.
At 20 years old, on her fourth season, all the other girls that had debuted with her were already married, some even pregnant. 
It was the third ball when she met Naruto. Of course she knew of him, being the unpredictable adopted son of Marquess Jiraya, but Naruto was quite fond of travelling and not so much of being tied down, the reason why he had never attended high society's marriage market.
Naruto waltzed in, all bright smiles and booming voice, the image of a highly eligible, quite handsome, young gentleman. Jiraya was right behind him, daring anyone to say anything about their lack of blood relation. No one would. 
Mamas all over the hall started whispering, some went to grab their daughters from the company of other gentlemen that seemed a perfectly adequate match only one minute before. 
Hinata did not move. She was alone. Her cousin, serving as her chaperone for the night, was nowhere to be found, not heeding the warnings of her maids. Ino and Sai were not in attendance. The attention was elsewhere, her dance card was empty, so Hinata did one of the things her maids advised her not to do a long time ago: she went wandering by herself.
Not for the first time.
Naruto found her sitting at a stone bench, her feet dangling over a shallow pond. She was not far from the open doors leading to the ball hall, could still hear the music, the merry chatter and laughter, candle light spilling out, hitting her just enough to not be completely in the dark.
He didn't say a word, just sat beside her, facing the party as she had her back to it. The act startled her, but Hinata faked well. Part of her wanted to get away, the part that won wanted to stay and discover what he intended.
She turned to look at Naruto. His blue eyes glowing from the lights coming from the ballroom. He smiled the same bright smile he had arrived with.
"Have we been introduced?"
"I believe not, sir."
Wasn't she engaging in another of the things that her maids told her not to do?
"I saw your eyes the moment I walked in there."
It was a lie.
It must be.
She wanted to believe him.
Just this once.
"Do you dance?"
"Mustn't we all?"
This time, he laughed.
Naruto extended his hand. Hinata turned around on the bench before taking it. He led her to the dance floor, the rumour mill running as soon as the mamas caught up who he was dancing with. They did not talk much, but danced twice. 
Hinata was quite happy on their ride home, her cousin much less so. He advised her against Naruto, but at that moment she did not have the ears for it. It was the very first time she was approached for something that resembled courtship and she was letting herself dream for once.
Two days later, they met again at a soiree and Naruto spent half an hour sitting by her side, talking in a low voice, almost to her ear. Hinata could feel his hot breath on her neck. It made her hot all over. She was allowing him to get very close.
A week later, they were all invited for a dinner party at Ino's house. She had become famous for her intimate gatherings and the ton longed for invitations, but it was all very exclusive, even among the society. On a lone corner, beside an enormous bouquet - Ino's house was always brimming with flowers -, Naruto kissed her. 
For being her first kiss, it was devastatingly good. His hands wandered and Hinata let them. Her hands wandered and she felt bold, wicked, vindicated against all the things that terrified her.
She could be ruined by that, yes, if anyone saw.
No one saw.
Naruto did not take action to marry her in respect for her honour.
In any case, she did not feel dishonoured by a kiss.
It was their little dirty secret.
Naruto ended up marrying Sakura at the end of that season.
They probably had a secret of their own.
Hinata attended the wedding ceremony.
"I fell in love with your eyes first of all." 
Hinata cried as they recited their vows.
Naruto was her first kiss, her first secret ruin, her first heartbreak.
In her father's and maids' opinions, not wed after four seasons, Hinata was well on her way of becoming a spinster. Hinata herself had made peace with it, especially because, at 21, she was not terrified of men anymore, the shyness had subsided, and the warnings and vigilant eyes became less frequent, convinced by her character.
Kiba was someone she met off season, at their estate. He was a soldier. It was around New Year's after her 21st birthday. 
With him, both of them knew it was doomed before it even started.
She would meet him on her way into town, a path she walked often, even in the winter, especially in winter.
Kiba let her explore his body and showed whatever she was curious about. Explained what only married women ought to know, how to put a baby inside. They kissed. His hands wandered too, but only his hands, and hers as well.
Then, one day in mid February, she arrived at the shack where they used to meet to find only a scribbled note saying his regiment had to leave earlier than expected.
Saying goodbye.
Hinata liked to think that they had an intimate friendship more than a romantic relationship.
Her fifth and sixth seasons came and went, uneventful. At least, not the event her family expected. Under curtains, in hidden broom closets, unwatched gardens, her secret little events kept on happening. If she was already deemed unmarriable, her fun could not be of any harm for her current reputation, if kept quiet.
Hinata could say she had become quite the matchmaker. Three out of the three men she had kissed ended up married at the end of each season. Therefore, out of tacit agreement, her secret was safe.
At 23, three months before her seventh season - and this one she was quite dreading giving her advanced age -, their neighbour estate, one of the smaller properties of another duke, sent them most disconsolate a letter: their eldest son and heir had passed away from disease at 33 years of age, married, but childless.
Hinata met Sasuke at a funeral.
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If you assume... [Part 8]
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It was all perfect, in the end. 
The gold statue was of remarkable resemblance to Bilbo. 
The food and drinks were plentiful, the music invigorating, and the base of the mountain was brightened by merry laughter. 
Gandalf's fireworks illuminated the night sky with butterflies, birds, flowers, horses, even ships. 
And the wizard himself had been as pleasant a surprise as the hobbits Drogo and Primula, since Mithrandir was the one responsible for them arriving safely at Erebor.
Now Bilbo was dancing with his cousins while the dwarves cheered them on. With red dusting his cheeks from drinking and having fun, both coat and vest were discarded, and one of the suspenders was hanging from his shoulder. He looked lovely.
And yet, Thorin was beating himself up while downing mug after mug of very good quality mead.
Bilbo had thought Thorin intended to leave him.
While Thorin was thinking he was being very clever and attentive preparing a surprise birthday party for his husband, said husband thought him a traitor.
Bilbo had sought him out, Thorin had avoided him.
Durin's beard, Thorin had almost rejected him, and would have if he had followed through with the sleeping apart plan for Bilbo not finding out.
Thorin gulped down the rest of the mead.
The party was perfect and the King Under the Mountain felt miserable for putting doubt of his feelings in his beloved's heart and mind, even for a minute.
"Thorin!" Bilbo came running to sit by his husband's side. "There you are. Almost did not see you here in the dark." The hobbit took a sip from the goblet of wine he had brought along, Dóri's chosen one. Then he took a better look at his husband. "You are brooding. Why are you brooding?"
"I am not brooding."
"I can see you brooding all the way from Lake City." This time, Thorin frowned at his husband, but Bilbo pressed. "What is the matter?"
"There is no..."
"Do not try to fool me, Thorin Oakenshield. I may be a little tipsy, but I know you better than that. At least, when you are not trying to throw me a surprise birthday party."
Thorin flinched and Bilbo knew where the injury lay.
"What is it? Was there something not to your liking?"
"No. You seem to be enjoying yourself."
"And I am, thank you very much." Bilbo was trying his hardest to be patient and coax the truth out of his husband about his dark demeanour at his party when they were supposed to be having fun together. "But I will not be for long if you keep hiding things from me."
Thorin sighed and the hobbit knew he had won.
"I am sorry, love."
"Whatever for?" Bilbo's brown eyes rounded in surprise.
"I had no intention of lying to you to the point you thought I might be unfaithful." Thorin finally admitted, but was unable to look Bilbo in the eye. "I had to do things behind your back because it was a surprise, but never thought you could think I was being deceitful, that I could ever think of replacing you."
"Oh Thorin."
"I had no intention of placing doubt in your heart."
"You did not." Bilbo put the goblet down and turned fully to face his husband. "I placed doubt in my own heart. You were only trying to make me happy while also dealing with my nosiness."
Thorin finally turned his head up to look at Bilbo, standing in front of him while the King remained sitting. That made it easier for Thorin to grab him by the suspenders and pull the hobbit closer between his legs.
"You are indeed very nosy, burglar." The dwarf's blue eyes sparkled.
"And here I thought that was the prerogative of a good burglar."
"You are a very good burglar, then."
"Well, I was able to rob a dragon of its treasure." Bilbo's smile grew as he looked at his husband. "And a King of his heart."
"A very good burglar indeed", said Thorin before stealing his husband's lips.
(Bilbo's POV)
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If you assume... [Part 6]
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"Thorin, you know how dear you are to all of us, to me", Balin pleaded. "But Bilbo has become just as loved, so can you not see what all of this ordeal is doing to him?"
The King Under the Mountain looked long and hard to his trusted counsellor.
The party was in three days. The day before, Fíli and Kíli had reported that the hobbit was upset enough that he wanted to go back to the Shire. For good, they said.
Bilbo did not spend the night in their chambers.
"It's just for a couple more days, Balin."
"This cannot go on even for another hour!" the older dwarf almost yelled.
Thorin was so blinded by love that he couldn't see his loved one distancing himself, pushed away by the secrets, the going ons behind his back, the whispers, the lies. Dull, blatant lies.
"This surprise you want to do for him is all well and good, but would Bilbo not be as happy if it was a celebration he knew of?" Balin wanted to grab Thorin by the front of his tunic and shake some sense into him, but did nothing of the sort.
"The damage is done", Thorin answered quietly, as if to convince himself. "He is already suspicious of something, if he does not already know it is his birthday party. I cannot tell him now, I need to go through with it. For him."
"Oh lad", lamented Balin. "You are set on doing so much for him..." The older dwarf squeezed his King's shoulder once. "Remember that what really counts is doing things with him."
(Bilbo's POV)
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If you assume... [Part 4]
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"Uncle!" Fíli and Kíli exclaimed.
Thorin immediately turned to his nephews running to him across a stone bridge. When they were close enough, Thorin seized them by the shoulders of their tunics and looked around before hiding all three of them under a flight of stone stairs.
"Report", the King demanded. "Quietly."
"Bombur will receive the last of the ingredients for the cake within this week", said Kíli. "Lake City had a shortage of wheat flour, but it was settled with a handful of gold coins."
"And Thranduil agreed to let us harvest the berries within Mirkwood, as long as we kill any spiders we encounter and do not ask for anything else for five years", Fíli rolled his eyes.
"Good, make it ten." Thorin hated the idea of depending on Thranduil's favour from the beginning, but it was too late in the season for them to plant and harvest berries in time for Bilbo's birthday, so the dwarves had no other choice than resorting to the elven folk.
"Dóri finally settled for the best wine and cheese combination, so we ordered 15 wheels and two dozen barrels."
"Yes, the menkind size, too."
"Too bad they do not make the troll-sized anymore."
"Aye, Glóin tried to strike a bargain by quantity, but no deal", lamented Fíli.
"Bifur said the statue is settling, a few more days and he will demold it."
A week had passed since Bilbo caught them scheming - discussing -  the matters of his surprise birthday party, and since then Thorin had increased the secrecy. He didn't like being sneaky around his husband, but he was determined to make it a surprise and it would be a surprise indeed with everything they were preparing. 
It would be a party he'd never forget.
If everything went smoothly.
And if Bilbo didn't find out.
Because the hobbit was snooping. Very much so. To the point that Thorin was seriously considering sleeping elsewhere in case he babbled something in his sleep, ruining everything.
But then he would miss his husband's warmth and that was worse.
"Bilbo caught Bofur working on the wooden toys for the children attending the party, but Bofur said he went with the story of the Solstice dinner", Kíli continued. "Bilbo then asked if all the hundred toys were for Nóri's unborn child, to which Bofur answered yes, so he may be onto us there."
Thorin closed his eyes with that last bit and wiped at his face with his hand wondering how that crew had the wit to slay a fire-breathing dragon, but not to come up with a more believable lie for the mass-production of wooden toys.
"Oh, almost forgot", Kíli rummaged through his robes, fishing for a piece of parchment.
"The reason we were looking for you in the first place, uncle", completed Fíli with a smile.
Thorin seized the letter from his nephew's hand, opening it with haste.
“Word from Gandalf?" the King asked.
"Better", Fíli answered.
"We may have struck better luck than a vein of Mithril", said Kíli.
Thorin turned the letter and saw the broken seal of The Prancing Pony.
"Bilbo's relatives have agreed to come", Fíli reported, being the one with permission to open the letters addressed to the King. "Drogo and Primula Baggins will be attending the party."
"They arrive the morning of the party." Fíli may be the one with permission to open the letters, but Kíli had not been prohibited from reading them after being opened.
Gandalf's fireworks be damned, they had indeed struck Mithril.
(Bilbo's POV)
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If you assume... [Part 2]
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"Uncle, it is not looking good", Kíli deadpanned as soon as the door closed behind the last dwarf of the Company.
"Aye, you have been sending letters north and south for over six months now, and still no answer from Gandalf." Fíli, as per usual, was standing next to his brother.
"He might be dead, for all we know", said Bófur.
"Or worse", completed Óri, going pale just to think about what could be worse than death. A woman, probably. A darrowdam, for sure.
"We may have to start on plan B", Glóin looked expectantly at Thorin, then at Balin, always the brain of the operation, but neither looked any the wiser. "Do we have a plan B?"
"We have the statue", Nóri chipped in. "The mould is ready, and it is quite handsome, if I can say so myself."
"But the statue is Thorin's present", countered Fíli. "Gandalf is an attraction. Well, his fireworks are, at least."
"So, no plan B", finished Glóin.
"It would not be very smart to set fireworks inside the mountain, I reckon", Bófur started preparing his pipe, talking to himself.
"They would be set outside", Óri retorted, but then was taken aback with doubt. "Right?"
"That is beside the point right now", Dwalin interrupted, his patience thinning. 
"If we do not have Gandalf, then we do not have the fireworks, and without the fireworks we have to think of something else to distract Bilbo in order to bring the statue for the surprise." Balin resumed.
Thorin had been silent the entire time, contemplating the last letter he had written in yet another attempt to reach Gandalf.
"Bilbo spoke very fondly of Gandalf's fireworks", he said quietly, almost talking to himself. "And he has been very inquisitive recently. You lot better not have told him about his birthday surprise."
A big chorus of "of course not" and "I would rather lose my tongue" erupted among the dwarves, followed by a high pitched "if he offers me cake one more time I will certainly crack" at the back that Thorin forced himself to pretend he didn't hear.  
"He is indeed growing suspicious", Dwalin crossed his arms looking at Thorin under his heavy brows. 
The King Under the Mountain raised his head as if to acknowledge Dwalin, folding the parchment in his hands, and looking at the door on the opposite side of the room from where his husband had just walked in, a curious glint in his eyes.
The room fell in an awkward silence born from seeing their subject entering.
“Nice weather we have been having lately”, Glóin proclaimed loudly.
Thorin refrained from punching the other dwarf, but Balin did not refrain from rolling his eyes.
“What are we discussing?” Bilbo asked sweetly.
“Dinner!” Bofur proclaimed at the same time Kíli screamed “The solstice” and Nóri said something about his wife thinking she might be pregnant.
Remembering the letter in his hand, Thorin tried to conceal it before Bilbo could get a glimpse. 
"Well", started Bilbo. "Are we planning on slaying another dragon, perhaps? I remember I was included last time."
"Nothing of the sort, love", Thorin approached him quickly. 
"Yes, it really was about the solstice..." Fíli went with them as soon as he saw his uncle guiding the hobbit to leave the side room.
"...dinner, the solstice dinner!" Kíli joined them on the other side. "With Nóri's pregnant wife!"
"Oh." Bilbo didn't look the tiniest bit convinced. "Lovely."
Besides being suspicious, Bilbo looked upset, and Thorin's heart was pained. His husband would have the best birthday party the gold of Erebor could buy, and wizard magic could produce, even if he had to go looking for Gandalf himself.
(Bilbo's POV)
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Dear all,
I’ve been doing it gradually, but now I’ve decided to migrate all my stories to AO3 for good.
Fanfiction.net will remain my archive as long as it lives.
I know the people who read me here on tumblr will most likely still be reading here, but some of you always make the effort to go to those other platforms, and I’m very grateful wherever you read me!
Thank you! 💚
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Love in 3 A.U. - Middle
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Y el amor que perdura no es siempre igual Porque un amor siempre igual nunca dura por siempre
The mid-March chill no longer knew whether to bring late snow or early rain, but the wind was sure to blow as cold as it could and the green foliage didn't want to hear about showing up. Sasuke had managed to clear the chimney in the only room in the house that had a fireplace, so that's where they were, sprawled out on the rug between covers and pillows.
'Here.' Sasuke came back from the kitchen with the hot chocolate. He didn't like such sweet things, so there was tea in his own cup. 'It's hot.'
'Hum, thank you.' Hinata sat cross-legged as close as she could to the crackling fire. Sasuke got to one side and a little behind her, one blanket on his back, one on her lap, a pillow to support his elbow for the had holding the mug and started blowing on the tea like she was already doing with the chocolate.
It hadn't even been half a year.
'I love you.'
Sasuke stopped with the cup halfway to his mouth. Hinata had her back to him, sitting on the cozy bed of blankets they had created several weeks ago and which they always said they were going to undo, but then they woke with their backs stiff and decided they could leave to wash the covers when the temperature got hotter in a month or so – purposely omitting from their minds the fact that they had a dryer.
'I love you.' Came the words again, without hesitation. Hinata was making sure he understood what he had heard. She turned slightly, just enough for their eyes to meet. She was flushed and it was hard to tell in the orange of the fire, but Sasuke knew it, saw it in the glint in her teary eyes, in the slight tremor in the hands that held the mug. 'It's a love that might change or that might even end, I don't know, but here, today… I love you, Sasuke.'
Hinata wiped her eyes with the hem of the sweatshirt sleeve she was wearing, turned back to look at the fire and sipped more of the hot chocolate.
It wasn't a confession, a declaration, an outburst.
It was...
Sasuke knew.
He understood.
He was taken by the same inevitability.
Sasuke set his cup aside to approach Hinata and pull her onto his lap as gently as possible. The position was awkward, but it was enough to assuage the need for contact produced by her words.
'Here and today, I love you too.' Sasuke felt Hinata shiver slightly. 'And I hope that changes so that I love you tomorrow... And a year from now... And yesterday... And the next minute... And in our past and next lives...' Sasuke punctuated the pauses with kisses on Hinata's shoulder, on her neck, on her forehead, jaw, ear. 'That's enough for us to be together.'
Hinata turned to him, there were no more tears in her eyes. She nodded, kissed his nose, was happy to give and receive that changing love, whether it lasted forever or only until...
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Love in 3 A.U. - Middle
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Y al final (ya se van) Ya se van Aunque las primeras veces se nos van
Itachi went to visit Sasuke in Konoha three months later.
'He doesn't live here...'
The eldest of the Uchiha repeated Naruto's words slowly as if they had been spoken in a foreign language he had little knowledge of.
He had sent Sasuke to Konoha to stay with Naruto and Gaara, because he knew it would do him good, as Naruto was a solid constant for his little brother. And since Sasuke now refused to use a cell phone, the news he received from the village mayor was the only way for Itachi to keep track of what the other was doing.
But the Uzumaki had failed to tell him that his brother hadn't been living under the same roof as him and his husband for at least two months.
'And where else could he live?'
'Hum…' Naruto scratched his cheek with his index finger. Gaara, next to him, was very amused, though his expression didn't reveal anything of the sort.
'He's living in your house, Itachi-san', replied the redhead.
'My house?'
Itachi noticed that he was holding the teacup loosely as he processed the information and pressed his fingers more firmly against the ceramic.
Sasuke was living in the Uchiha house.
The one in the middle of the woods that held the old family business, timber harvest.
The one that hadn't been inhabited for at least fifteen years.
The one that was in the process of changing owners by adverse possession.
The one that would be given to the new owner, because the lawsuit had been favorable to her.
The one that already had a person living there, since that person had won the lawsuit by adverse possession.
Itachi was surprised. Not surprised as he had been to receive Sasuke's call from the police station requesting his presence and services as a lawyer because he had been arrested in an anti-corruption police operation accused of tax evasion and fraud. Still, quite surprised.
'My house... The house where Hinata-san lives?'
Gaara sipped tea from his own cup not understanding exactly why the older Uchiha was having such a hard time understanding what he was being told and why Naruto looked like he wanted to disappear in smoke: Sasuke was living with Hinata in the forest house. What was the problem?
'Huh, Itachi grumbled, raising his eyebrows for a second and smiling slightly against the rim of his cup. 'It's a bit...'
'Crazy?' Naruto offered.
Itachi returned the empty cup to the saucer on the coffee table next to the papers from the lawsuit of handing over the house to its new owner. He had come to visit Sasuke, first, and also hand over the new scripture. The house was an inheritance, yes, but the case was simple and solid: Hinata had lived in the house for more than ten years, Itachi didn't want it, Sasuke even less, having sold his part to Itachi years before when he tried to start a business, so giving it up for a token amount was all very simple.
The things revolving around Hyuuga Hinata all seemed to be very simple and easy indeed.
'Are you sure you don't want me to go with you, Itachi-san?' Naruto asked for the third time.
'No, it's okay, Naruto-kun', Itachi replied with a small smile. The day was cloudy and chilly, ideal for a walk. 'I would like to walk alone for a while.'
Naruto nodded and watched Itachi's back disappear.
The path to the old house had been paved and signposted, which was very helpful for pedestrians, and was still familiar enough for Itachi. The trees were the same, the markings on the fences, the crops, even the small altars to the spirits of the forest. Only, of course, older.
The call, familiar and strange, made him stop in his tracks.
Sasuke hadn't called him that in years.
When he turned around, he almost didn't recognize his younger brother in the man coming towards him on an old bicycle. Physically, there was nothing different about Sasuke; he hadn't changed his haircut, he hadn't gained or lost weight, he hadn't grown a beard, he hadn't tattooed his face. He didn't even change his expression when he saw Itachi on the road, he just pedaled a few more meters, stopped the bike next to his brother and dismounted with one leg on either side of the center barrel. He didn't smile on the outside, but his eyes and his entire being vibrated with something Itachi couldn't name.
'What are you doing here, nii-san?'
'Came to see how you are doing', replied the eldest. 'Among other things.'
Sasuke dismounted the bike completely. The basket at the front was filled with returnable shopping bags. Behind, tied to the croup, a box of fruits and vegetables.
'Back from shopping?'
They started walking together the rest of the way. At the top of the hill they could see the two pillars that flanked the entrance, now without a gate. They crossed in solemn silence as if they were entering a high court in a fantasy world for the first time.
'I was with Naruto and Gaara earlier. That's when they told me you weren't living with them.'
'Hn', Sasuke agreed. 'That's why you were on your way to the house.'
'That, and because I need to deliver the deed to the new owner.'
'Will Hinata be able to keep the house?'
'Hinata, is it?'
They both stopped walking at the mention of the woman's name. Sasuke was staring at Itachi and Itachi was staring back, both trying to read the feelings behind the mask of indifference they were trying to maintain.
Giving up, not because he felt he had lost something, but because it made no sense and there was no reason to hide anything from Itachi, the younger shrugged his shoulders, nodded and started walking again, pushing the old bike that went on creaking. 
Itachi smiled and followed him.
'We're together', Sasuke explained as his brother placed himself beside him on the trail again. 'Hinata and me.'
'I think I got that part, little brother.'
'Why didn't you tell me that the house was occupied and almost being rendered over?'
'You had already sold your share to me and you didn't want to hear about Konoha, I didn't think you would mind.'
'You're right', Sasuke conceded and Itachi smiled a little.
'What have you been doing around here?'
'Whatever there is to do', Sasuke sounded satisfied, which was better than resigned. 'I help Hinata with the house and Naruto with city affairs. Old Sarutobi needed someone to help with the chicken coop, Ino needed help with the florist's accounting system, and there are many parents who need someone to help their kids with their homework.'
'You, taking care of children?'
'They are not my children, which makes it easier.'
The house loomed before them, decrepit on the outside, looking like a witch's house in a children's movie. Itachi stopped, but Sasuke kept walking until he noticed that the older man's footsteps had stopped.
'Nostalgic?', asked Sasuke.
'It would be impossible not to be.'
The youngest of the Uchiha nodded in agreement. He left Itachi there for a few minutes while he went to the cabin next to the house to put away his bike. He slung the bag handles over his shoulders and took the box with both hands, heading for the main entrance of the house.
Itachi looked away from the house to focus on his brother who almost didn't look like his brother. No. He did, yes. He looked like the imaginative boy playing make-believe with Naruto in the woods; he looked like the ambitious young man who wanted more for his life; he looked like the enterprising man who wanted to be on top of the world. He looked like the brother Itachi forgot still existed inside. 
'Sasuke-kun, did you remember to buy potatoes for the curry?'
The front door opened and Hinata walked out, already talking to Sasuke. The man didn't smile, but his posture relaxed. He handed one of the bags for her to inspect and Hinata smiled brightly when she spotted the potatoes. Then Itachi.
'Who is it?'
'My brother.'
'Are you not going to invite him in?'
'It's his house', Sasuke replied, but it was obvious he was teasing her. 'Or rather, it's yours now.'
'Hinata-san', Itachi took a few steps forward, greeting her with a brief bow, to which Hinata responded in kind. 'I came to deliver the new deed to you personally.'
Hinata nodded and smiled, taking a few steps to meet Itachi. He lifted the folder as if to give her the papers immediately, but the woman interrupted him.
'Stay for dinner', she invited.
'It's getting late...'
'The more reason to stay, no use going back now.'
Hinata's smile, her calm and sincere manner, was refreshing. Itachi felt relaxed and was able to understand a little better what was different about Sasuke. He knew and understood that women had no duty or responsibility to be "safe havens" and "therapists" to men, but he knew at that moment how a person like Hinata could do someone like Sasuke good.
Itachi nodded, needing no further encouragement.
'Have you eaten the curry that Sasuke-kun makes, Itachi-san?'
'Not in a long time.'
Sasuke was no longer waiting for them at the door, having gone inside to put away the groceries. Being winter, night falls fast, although there was still some time left before dinner.
'I'm glad you took the trouble to come personally, Itachi-san.' Hinata bent down to pick up the shopping bag with the potatoes she had left on the porch. 'And that you're still taking care of him.'
'You too.'
Hinata didn't answer, but shook her head once to indicate that she had heard. He entered the house and went straight to the kitchen, leaving the eldest at the entrance to look at the changes she had made to the house that had once been his childhood home. Hinata smiled to herself, because Sasuke used to do the same thing, with the same hazy look.
Itachi took a deep breath. It no longer had the oppressive smell from his memories. He heard Sasuke and Hinata's muffled voices in the kitchen talking about the dish and the ingredients, about putting away the groceries, about something they had to do the next day. Sasuke chuckled and the sound of a cork being removed from a bottle of wine brought the older man out of the trance he had been in.
Uchiha Itachi didn't live there – had not been in twenty-five years – everything was different, nothing reminded him of his childhood except the general architecture and surroundings, because inside there wasn't a single remnant of furniture or wallpaper from the past. He walked in, looking around, feeling like it was the first time.
He walked to the kitchen entrance and a warm feeling hit him as he saw Sasuke roll up his sweater sleeves to wash the potatoes and carrots and Hinata welcoming him with a glass of red wine. Uchiha Itachi didn't live there and he felt at home.
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Love in 3 A.U. - Middle
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TW: mentions of sex, explicit language.
Cuando las mariposas tímidas no vuelen Cuando tú me das un beso, yo sé que habrá más que darnos Porque el amor es más que química y las leyes de la física Prometen que aquí vamos a quedarnos
Sasuke and Hinata started a romance – a relationship – very simply.
Sasuke had always been a practical person and Hinata had managed to get rid of her complications when she moved to Konoha.
They weren't that young anymore, their families were unknown to each other and to the world, there was no fame and no arranged marriages, no past relationships haunting them, no war, no disease, no major traumas - other than those common to human beings - and, being adults, relatively well-adjusted, they were able to talk about any other impediments.
Hinata's occupying, renovating and trying to take possession of his childhood home didn't upset Sasuke in a way that would make this story a drama.
Sasuke had told her about the tumble downhill his career and his life had taken before Itachi had sent him back to Konoha and Hinata had told him about the intense unease she felt in the place where she found herself before and the need to run away, more from herself than anyone else, until she finally found herself in Konoha.
Both had been built and taken down, redone, remodeled, they'd taken down foundations, put them back in, had pilled bricks, concreted walls, lots and lots of holes, in the mind and in the heart. Like everyone in the entire world, they were and would forever be in constant change.
They were the little-used literature cliché of soulmates who are already on the other side of the crescent of the years. Their experiences, their insecurities, had all been worked out enough for them to reach a level of relative monotony in their feelings.
There were very few firsts left as individuals, but infinite firsts when choosing to be together.
'I thought you worked as a waitress at the Shadow.'
Hinata built an open, bright and cozy office at the back of the house, where the Uchiha's living room had once been with a huge television always on some news channel that the boy Sasuke could never change, so he had learned to be content to sit on the upholstered benches of the huge bay windows facing the trees that surrounded the house. He kept imagining all sorts of creatures wandering among the woods, and when he did, he always scared himself to sleep.
She was sitting in a pretty swivel chair in front of a large work table with a huge monitor, colored pens and fabric swatches scattered both across the table and the comfortable-looking armchairs that made up the room. It was a place, like the kitchen, full of plants and foliage and vines, made entirely of cherry wood and white paint. In the room's division, tied to the central beam of the ceiling, a rope swing separates the office from the now living room and library – former Uchiha dining room.
'Hmm?' The pearly eyes looked up from the huge iPad propped up on her knees bent against her body. The pen stopped moving and Hinata smiled, finally catching what he said. 'No, I only help Shikamaru-kun sometimes.'
'Stylist?' Sasuke didn't look at her, preferring to investigate the fabric samples.
'Oh, I wouldn't say that...' Hinata blushed and scratched her head with the Apple pen, uncertain. 'I design some accessories and purses for smaller brands, sometimes prints...'
Sasuke nodded in agreement. All he knew about style was limited to good brands of suits and sportswear to wear to the clubs he frequented in his past life.
From everything she had done in the house and the quality of the materials on the table and all around, Sasuke dared to assume that they weren't as small brands as she was trying to make them out to be - Sasuke didn't quite understand why she wanted to diminish her own work, if it was pure self-deprecation or fear of revealing too much to the man she'd been sleeping with for only two weeks.
When he got close enough to her, Sasuke handed her the coffee mug he had brought. Hinata lowered her legs and left the device she was holding on the table, accepting the offer of the steaming drink. It was only the third or fourth time Sasuke had been responsible for making coffee, but she had already learned to appreciate the way he did it better, strong and sweet.
'Do you have anything urgent? Need to work on it today?'
It was a Thursday morning. They'd come back early from the Shadow the night before, because the only reason small-town residents went to bars on Wednesdays was for watching sports, but the games ended by 10pm, which meant the staff got to go home before midnight.
'No, not until next week.'
The man leaned forward, supporting his body with his hands on the arms of the chair, framing her. His nose landed on her left temple, inhaling the shampoo and the heat of her skin, before speaking loud and clear so there was no mistaking his interests and intentions:
'Let's get something to eat, because then I'd love for you to spend the day taking turns sitting on my face and on my cock until you can't talk anymore.'
Hinata couldn't remember the last time she got wet so fast. It had certainly been happening in abundance since she'd met the Uchiha.
She blushed and smiled. Once she would have blushed and passed out.
Hinata glanced at his erection very visible against the fabric of his gray sweatpants, imagining him inside her. Her clit throbbed deliciously, interested. She gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek before pushing him up by his forearms so she could stand.
'Let's go, then, looks like we'll have a busy day.'
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Love in 3 A.U. - Middle
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Con el tiempo no podremos conservarlo todo Sé que cambiaremos de algún modo Cuando se terminen las primeras veces
It was colder than it should have been from the fact that he was in a bed, under the covers, in a room with all four walls up and the windows closed, so Sasuke pulled the heat source beside him closer. Hinata went, pliant, letting the man hug her and placing the soles of her feet against his shins. She could feel they were chilled even through the layer of flannel socks. He breathed in her hair that smelled like shampoo, some sweet perfume and beer, remembering the night before.
Sasuke sat at the bar until the movement increased, then until Naruto decided to go home, leaving him with a squeeze on the shoulder and a smile, until the movement died down, until Shikamaru appeared, greeted him with an impolite raise of an eyebrow, looked at Hinata and walked away, sighing, until all the glasses were clean, all the chairs were on the tables, the entire floor had been swept and mopped. He sat until Hinata came over, placed a hand on his thigh and leaned in to kiss him for the first time as if it was something they always did in the gloom of an empty bar in a sleepy, forgotten country town.
Both blushed a little, but not like the redness of the first time.
'What now?'
'Now, nothing.' She shrugged. 'I liked you as you liked me and that is enough for us to be together.'
Sasuke had imagined that there must be something more magical when two people who liked each other got together, especially for the first time, even if it wasn't the first time for either of them anymore. He sighed and felt relieved again, embracing well-deserved magic that things could be that simple. Easy, so easy, incredible, painful and magnificently easy, and Sasuke savored the ease of her lips.
They left the bar on Hinata's Vespa, which only had one vintage helmet – 'all part of the aesthetic', she said – and headed back up the hill along a newly paved and curiously familiar road, framed on both sides by forest.
They stopped in front of the mansion with the exterior in a bad state of conservation. Hinata left the motorcycle in an adjoining cabin, the only thing that looked new in comparison, built of wood and painted white with moss green roof and door. The front porch light was one.
She was living in the old Uchiha house.
'You live here?'
'Yes, have for years now.' She went up the front stairs. Sasuke followed, almost in disbelief, but feeling nothing more. He had left this place much longer than she had been living in it. 'I filed the paperwork to get it by adverse possession.'
'Hn.' The door creaked when she opened it.
'The interior renovation is almost done, but there are limitations to what I can do myself, so it's taking longer than I had planned.'
'You're doing it yourself?'
'Yes, what I can. Many people from the town help me from time to time. I mostly do it in the warmer months.' 
The house inside looked different: the varnish was all sanded off and new layers of paint covered the walls, the wooden floor gleamed, there was furniture and decorations that Sasuke had never seen, as well as new entrances and hallways. She had redone part of the interior structure, opening walls and moving rooms. In one corner were the typical tools used in renovations: paints, brushes, wood and piles of plastic.
Sasuke had no interest in going back to that specific place on his return to Konoha, much less renovating it, but seeing what Hinata had done on her own, he felt good, refreshed, content.
With long strides, Sasuke reached Hinata, who had entered the house, turning on lights along the way, and was now in the kitchen – completely different, full of plants, varnished cherry wood cabinets, black metals, decorated, cozy, but elegant – and pressed her against the kitchen passage – no doors, open concept.
He kissed her, again, as if he'd been doing it all along.
'I want you.' Sasuke couldn't remember the last time he felt an urge as intense, maybe the last time was the urge he felt to leave that place.
Hinata smiled again as if she knew something Sasuke didn't.
'All right.'
And she returned the kiss as if she had been doing it all along.
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