cappuccino-blood · 1 year
Subaru: Sis, I am ugly?
Akame: Non sense, I’m looking at you right now. You’re the most beautiful boy in the world!
[Akame hugs Subaru]
Shin: Akame I am ugly?
Akame: Very much.
[Akame runs away and Shin chases after her]
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
Akame how you feel For having a family?
Happiness of finally having someone by my side, someone who will some support me and that I’ll support. And that I’ll protect
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
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I just feel like talking about Akame’s trauma…😀
First thing, having to deal with her mother’s death. Even though her brothers had abusive mothers the fact that they have an alive mother figure couldn’t be ignored, making her feel lonely. Getting to the point were she would ask the servants to give her some motherly love.
Dealing with her step-mothers was hard, Beatrix was the nicer of the three but she was strict and didn’t see her as a daughter at all. But Cordelia and Christa were to another level. Cordelia punishing her every time she could, trying to get her to play with some of her lovers, treating her worst than a servant, and a long list of inhuman treatment. Christa was nice sometimes, but when she had her hysterical attacks she would get hit and degrade her for being a child from Karl and also being the daughter of Karl’s first wife.
Having to assume the role of a mother for her brothers was literally a sacrifice, having to sacrifice her emotional and mental stability for the sake of his brothers was tiring, but still nice; having to study with Shuu, playing chess with Reiji, playing with the triplets, hiding them from Cordelia, take care of Subaru like if he was her own child, etc. But she knew that if she was not for her brothers, who will? Giving her a glimpse of hope for a future where they’ll leave this castle and have a normal life.
Royal activities, even thought she is not the heir she still had responsibilities especially because she was a lady, the stress caused by the amount of things she had to learn; how to react, how to walk correctly, how to talk and more. Transformed into her rebel personality, but still keeping that calm and elegant vibes. Several times she wished she was a normal girl, a normal vampire living in a village, not eating fancy foods all the time, not having to wear long and uncomfortable dresses…She would sigh deeply while asking the stars to make her dreams true. Plenty of time she planned an escape but was stopped by the servants and her own will, she would always thought about her escape being something selfish she could finally have a normal life, but what about her brothers? They’ll lose the only person in the household that brought them happiness…
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
Akame: So does anyone knows what a hyperbole is?
Shin, Yuuma and Subaru: …
Akame: Nobody? Okey…
Akame looks at Shin
Akame: Shin! Your forehead is bigger than the fuck!ng sky
Akame: See see? That was a hyperbole
That was a hyperbole!
Shin losing his sh!t
Akame: Because I’m not saying that Shin’s MASSIVE forehead—
Shin: WHAT!?
Akame: Is actually bigger than the sky
No, I’m just saying that it’s pretty fuck!ng big
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
miss Akame you have a kid?!
Yes, she’s not exactly my kid but I take care of her like if she was mine
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Her name is Amai
[Shows a picture of her]
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Isn’t she beautiful?
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
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Fun facts about Akame
- She’s a lesbian of heart! She always wanted to date some of the brides but sadly all of them died before she could make a move or they chose her brothers :((
- Her familiars have scarfs! Reiji has advised her about taking those off because it could make her familiars a easy target for vampire hunters but she doesn’t care, her familiars need to look good >:))
- Has easy anxiety attacks so she usually isolates herself in her room until she calms down completely.
- Akame doesn’t like strong smells (candles, perfumes, etc).
- She loves kids :3
- Akame looooves dancing and balls but hates having people’s attention during those moments, dancing with someone is really intimate and significative for her :((
- Has a paint of her mom in her room and her jewelry too.
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cappuccino-blood · 1 year
Who is better?! Your mom or dad?
My mother is better than my father in any sense.
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cappuccino-blood · 2 years
Ask any of them to my muse Akame! (・∀・)
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TIDBITS HEADCANON PROMPT - For multimuse blogs, please specify muse.
How does your muse relax?
Is your muse a good kisser?
Describe your muse’s ideal holiday.
What does your muse wear to sleep?
What does your muse normally wear?
What is your muse’s earliest memory?
Describe how your muse greets others.
Describe what education your muse has.
What plans does your muse have for the future?
What physical trait is emphasized on your muse?
Is your muse good or bad at learning new things? 
What type of music does your muse enjoy listening to?
Would the muse get along with the mun? Why/why not?
What type of music does your muse not enjoy listening to?
What would your muse describe as ‘comfortable clothing’?
Does your muse enjoy snacking? What do they snack on?
Does your muse pour milk before cereal or cereal before milk?
Does your muse prefer to be in the company of others, or alone?
How does your muse sit? Do they take up space, or keep to themselves?
Describe your muse’s nighttime/whenever they get ready for sleep routine.
If your muse were to go on vacation, what would be the first thing they packed?
Is your muse a breakfast person? If yes, what do they normally eat for breakfast?
What is your muse’s ideal environment (e.g. big city, forest, mountains, desert, e.t.c.)?
If social media existed in your muse’s universe, would they be on it? Which plattform/s?
What is your muse’s opinion on gossip? Do they ever gossip, encourage it, discourage it?
What is the first thing your muse does in the mornings? Bonus: Describe their morning routine.
Does your muse pour milk/sugar in warm beverages (e.g. coffee/tea/e.t.c.), or prefer them plain?
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cappuccino-blood · 2 years
Why does brownies are your favorite food?
Em…Brownies were the first recipe I learned to do.
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My mother taught me how to make them and I have been doing them since then.
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cappuccino-blood · 2 years
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Hi dear person anon! Welcome to my home…If i can call it like that.
[Is this really a good presentation?]
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Well, I hope you like this place and ask some questions…if you want.
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cappuccino-blood · 2 years
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Akame's Biography
逆巻 あかめ
Sakamaki Akame
Physically 20 years old
178 cm (5'8)
59 kg
December 15
Brown and White
Staff of Ryoutei Academy High School
She’s very caring and protective (of her brothers, brides, or weak people) due to her past, she wanted to protect everyone from her father (including her mother). Loves to help others with chores, homework, etc. But when she’s angry her personality complete changes, she can punch and insult people without hesitation. She once knocked Ayato out because he wouldn't behave.
Also she needs time to herself, being around others is tiring so she spend time in her room reading and doing small drawings in her little sketchbook.
She can be very spiteful towards people who hurt her (like her father and Cordelia), has a long blacklist of people who hurt her in the past. She can harm them physical or mental (including in other ways). Like her brothers she also a has a sadistic side which she tries her best to hide.
She was the first child of Karlheinz, her mother called Isabella was a high-class vampire of the Demon World that was forced to marry him only for the convenience of her parents. Isabella got pregnant with a girl, Karlheinz was disappointed because a woman could not reign and be the heiress, and they tried to have another child but was impossible due a weird condition that Isabella had. So Karlheinz got interest in other women and got married with them, and yes, they gave him what he wanted. Isabella felt tossed aside, but still she’ll remind loyal to her husband even if he didn’t treat her as the others. In the other hand Isabella tried to be the best with her daughter, teaching her manners, how to cook, take care of herself, etc.
During her childhood she always avoided her step-mothers but never her brothers, she was always with them playing and teaching them different kind of things. Akame also protected them from their mothers, like studying with Shu and Reiji, hiding the triplets from Cordelia or just listening to Subaru venting. Her brothers where her weak point which Cordelia and Karlheinz took advantage of. Cordelia was definitely her and her mother enemy, she’ll always try to show her superiority over Isabella.
Akame's spiteful personality was a result of her mother's dead. Cordelia was really envious abouth Isabella, so she decided to killer her in front of everybody during a family party where she stabbed Isabella with a silver knife in her heart. After Isabella’s death, Akame used a facade to not worry her brothers and avoiding conflict with her father.
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cappuccino-blood · 2 years
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❦「The only female in the Sakamaki household with a curious appearance 」 ❦
☕️Character - Akame Sakamaki
‣ Headcannons
‣ Answering asks
‣ Scenarios
‣ Drawings
‣ No incest ships.
‣ Do not force my character into relationships
‣ Hate towards the admin or character is not allowed (Joking or teasing is okey)
‣ Add TW or NSFW tags to your asks
‣ No explicit asks (r*pe, dr*gs abuse, etc) just light NSFW
‣ I use this picrew
✉️Oc Info:
‣ Biography
‣ Sprites
‣ Fun Facts
‣ Feel free to correct me if I do grammatical/spelling errors, english is not my first languaje ⊂ (◉‿◉) つ
‣ Credits to the creator of the Picrew!
‣ Admin's pronouns: She/her
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