bunnys-bookshelf · 3 days
“She’s mine” in dark romance? 🔥💦🫠🥰😍
“She’s mine” in fluffy romance? 😬🤐🫥🤢🏃🏻‍♀️‍➡️
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bunnys-bookshelf · 4 days
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Recommend: oof, hard maybe. Check your trigger warnings and if you have kids, check them twice
I fully intended on rating this book 3 stars. The ending is what got it to 4 stars. In the last 3 chapters, I cried, audibly gasped and checked on my sleeping kids multiple times and it’s now 3:30AM and I can’t sleep. As far as how dark it is, I did expect more based on the hype but as a true crime girly, I’m pretty desensitized but as a mother, I heard those last two little girls cries and my heart broke for them even though they’re fictional. The writing wasn’t exceptional and the beginning was pretty slow but about half way through I was hooked. Zade made me realize I need a ton of therapy because nothing about this book should have turned me on but hey, sometimes a girl just needs to be dicked down in a house of mirrors while her best friend waits outside worried sick. To be fully honest, Adeline annoyed the absolute shit out of me but Daya? I loved her. And obviously, I’m in love with Zade. And Sibby??? I need more of her. I’m excited to read Satan’s Affair now. The spice was a good 3.5 stars. Aside from the house of mirrors scene, some of it was decent, some of it just doesn’t make sense. Never in my life do I want a man to tell me I’m creamy or bite my clit and the car scene really just didn’t make sense. Solid cliffhanger at the end, I wasn’t sure if I was going to follow through with the series but I definitely am now
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bunnys-bookshelf · 8 days
My June hopefuls:
This month I’m basically going to be focusing on finishing the books I started last month because my ADHD got the best of me. So I’ll hopefully be finishing
1. A Court of Mist and Fury-Sarah J Maas
2. Haunting Adeline-H.D. Carlton
3. Her Soul To Take-Harley Laroux
4. Icebreaker-Hannah Grace
5. Butcher and Blackbird-Brynne Weaver
6. Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing-Matthew Perry
7. Midnight Sun-Stephanie Meyer
My eighth book I’m reading is what I’m reading to my kids so I’m not counting that one. If by some miracle I finish all of those books these are what I want to start after.
1. Twisted Games-Ana Huang
2. Love In the Time of Serial Killers-Alicia Thompson
3. Ward D-Freida McFadden(Yes I’m giving miss Freida another chance after that major disappointment)
4. A Court of War and Ruin-Sarah J Maas
5. Hunting Adeline-H.D. Carlton
6. Eyes On Me-Sara Cate
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bunnys-bookshelf · 8 days
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May wrap up a few days late but I’ve been busy. June hopefuls will be next.
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bunnys-bookshelf · 16 days
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Okay, I’m acknowledging I have a problem because I have now started my 8th current read.(I promise there is a method to my chaos) but I couldn’t help but start this one. Friends has been my favorite comfort show since I was little, my dad literally named me after the show and Chandler was always my favorite character. I’ve been searching for this book since it came out and it’s always out of stock. Yesterday I finally got my hands on it and… I cried on the first page. Wish me luck guys.
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bunnys-bookshelf · 18 days
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I’m starting to see why we don’t like Tamlin. He’s giving narcissistic boyfriend during a breakup.
Book: A Court Of Mist and Fury- Sarah J. Maas
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bunnys-bookshelf · 24 days
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New books❤️
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bunnys-bookshelf · 29 days
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Sometimes these books really have me thinking I need a grippy sock vacation because why is he so hot😭🥵
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bunnys-bookshelf · 29 days
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Rating: ⭐️
Recommend: No
Where do I start with this one? Disappointment is an understatement. This was my first Freida McFadden book after hearing so many good things about her books. The writing was average at best. The plot had potential but she didn’t deliver. The “twist” was predictable and underwhelming. The ending was corny. Overall, the whole book was boring. Tricia went from being this scared, fragile, pregnant woman to this confident, clever murderer within a matter of minute but wait, she didn’t just kill one person but six. Did that have anything to do with the story? No but did she throw it in there? Yep. The death scenes should be the most action packed right? NOPE. Adrienne’s death was so underwhelming. Throwing Luke back into the story at the end was pointless. There wasn’t one part of this book I enjoyed
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bunnys-bookshelf · 29 days
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Recommend: 1000x yes
Holy shit guys. Y’all told me this was the worst book in the series. Y’all said it was slow and I would have to push through it and the series gets better. Why was it 4 stars then? Why do I feel like I died and came back to life as a High Fae just like Feyre???? I lowkey love Tamlin but I’ve heard he gets worse in the series. Lucian? I have no words. I’ll take him and his metal eye every day of the week. FUCKING RHYSAND?! On my knees. The second he was introduced, I was on my knees. His intro gave Howl(my studio ghibli babes will understand) and that’s all I needed. But tbh, Amarantha had me on my knees too👉🏻👈🏻 like I was glad when she died but idk I just have a thing for master manipulators and red flags. I had to pick up ACOMAF immediately after finishing this. The world building, I guess, can get boring for people but I ate that shit up. I was hooked on the first chapter. Fayre was giving Katniss Everdeen and that’s all I needed. Now literally the only reason this book was four stars and not five is the riddle. I got the answer immediately and I felt like I was screaming at Feyre because it was so easy for me BUT the book wouldn’t have been half as good if she didn’t have to do all the trials so SJM don’t listen to me.
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bunnys-bookshelf · 29 days
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I just started ACOMAF(don’t worry, my review for ACOTAR will be posted today)
Anyways, I know this isn’t a super spicy book and the spice here is mild compared to what I’m used to but this part right here has me feeling some type of way🥵
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bunnys-bookshelf · 1 month
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bunnys-bookshelf · 1 month
In Twisted Love (spoilers):
Alex: you’re not my type
*a few months later*
Alex:… if you want, I would burn this world for you
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bunnys-bookshelf · 1 month
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Recommend: 1000% yes
Review: I listened to this at work(would not recommend) there were several times this book had me SOBBING which earned me some concerning looks from my coworkers. I was a huge iCarly fan as a kid and Sam was my favorite character. Now, I cry for her. The strength Jennette McCurdy has to not only survive the emotional and physical trauma she did but to tell her story to the world and grow from her trauma is remarkable. I knew this book was going to be heavy but there were quite a few things that I just did not expect. And to listen to her tell her own story out loud made it that much more emotional.
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bunnys-bookshelf · 1 month
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Mini book haul from target! So excited for all of these, I’m already three chapters into Butcher and Blackbird and I’m loving it so far.
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bunnys-bookshelf · 1 month
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(Not my image, I’m too lazy to go grab it from the shelf lol)
Rating: 3.5 stars
Recommend: Maybe
⚠️Contains spoilers⚠️
I’ll be honest, I started this book months ago, got like four chapters in, then got bored and DNF’ed it. I only picked it up again because I had literally nothing else to read. But I’m so glad I did because I finished her in a day. So let’s start with the stuff I didn’t like, the beginning was slow, like really slow. Also, I’m not the biggest grumpy x sunshine fan so Alex, was infuriating to read. Once it twisted, it got kind of cheesy, don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the twist but the dialogue drove me crazy. It almost seemed like I was reading a different book once Ava and Bridget got kidnapped. Last, the romance was so slow burn until it wasn’t, suddenly they’re this whole couple and he has a soft heart for her. There wasn’t a ton of transition. Now for the stuff I did like. I love when I’m wrong about an ending. Not only did I just flat out not expect the twist but once I started putting things together, she throws another little twist in there to throw you off. Granted I did, predict it before I got to the actual ending but I’ll give her credit for initially surprising me in the first place. While Alex was infuriating to read, I loved Ava’s character and was genuinely heartbroken with her when Alex refused to tell her the truth after the whole kidnapping scene, another reason I hated him. And, of course, the spice. I don’t know what I expected, but that level of spice wasn’t it and I was pleasantly surprised by it. Now the ending, I’m torn on, I loved it because it was a cute little happy ending for them but it also didn’t make sense after the whole kidnapping, her knowing Alex killed his own uncle and the months of no contact that they were that happy and in love afterwards. I know it takes place some time after the fact but I just feel like it was a little too happy for the events that took place. Overall, I enjoyed the book, I’m excited to read the rest of the series since I’ve heard it only gets better.
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