ask-thetaintedones · 5 months
NEW ACC: https://www.tumblr.com/re-tainted
Im prolly gonna end up ret-conning a LOT more than I thought-
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Messing with brushes
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No, Cross isnt canonically a Tainted. and I dont plan on him becoming one. I kinda just had a random idea for a Tainted Cross based on that one moment in underverse when Cross controls Fell... it became this lil' bastard's entire concept.
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Just gonna put this here, Horror is getting reworked slightly. Some previous posts might get some retcons if they involve him. I will be labeling which, but i just want to make sure nobody gets confused or anything when it happens.
Never been more thankful to have procrastinated making a post before. I dont have to rework an entire Horror report xD
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Another character has been added to available asks! Cross, he finally got enough lore to work with. Some minor context:
Cross is a veteran who owns a martial arts school. He has history with Killer and his best friend/roommate is Epic, a standup comedian and fellow veteran.
Yes this basically skyrockets Cross to being the character yall know the most about, ill try and get some minor info on other characters, depends if i get around to it.
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
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Drew this during school, alot of the drawings might end up like this from here on out-
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Heya! Just wanted to ask, but Horror; Do you know, what shepherds pie is? If not, here’s a recipe! Trust me it’s really good! /Especially with human meat/- *Coughs* or beef and venison! Bye now! *Quit pat on head and just vaporizes.*
Horror rumbles, he appears to have not seen this before. He rumbles over to Killer, who nods and sprints off on all fours. In a while he returns with a phone, of which Error is begrudgingly linked to. Horror rumbles once more
"How to work the link? ...You just tap it, your big hands should be able to manage that, yes?" Error explains, pointing Horror along as he does so. Given some time, Horror eventually figures out how the ask board works, as well as links. Thankfully, once he has the hang of it, he's almost immediately trying to pull together materials for the recipe! Actually, Horror never had his own electronics growing up. So he’s still a bit lost when handling them. Thank god for tech support...
I mean Error.
Note: small, barely noticeable “retcon” occurred here. (Mostly just a rephrase)
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
To Killer:
How's the harem, my lovely fur-fuck. Daps up.
Killer daps you up, grabbing a knife from his jacket pocket. "Been doin' great mate!" spinning the blade in his hand, he continues, laughter present in his voice. "If ya wanna, you can join the ha-" A kick from Dust comes flying in from the side, landing square in Killer's face, cutting off his sentence. From there what seems like an argument(?) insues as you slowly inch away from them. Nope nope nopety nope.
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Can I like… hug you guys?
This is for the tainted ones! :)
Killer: Hell yeah! Bring it in! *You hug the demonic-gremlin-furry-thing... you feel a sharp pain in your back. dislodging from the hug, you can see Killer laughing like a maniac... you should probably get that /wound/ checked out, yeah?* *Dust flutters his wings angrily, ignoring the choking feeling in your throat... You don't think Dust wants hugs right now.*
Error: Sorry not sorry dearie, but I'm afraid this handsome devil is off hugging-limits~ *You leave that be, given you don't want to be tied to a tv today.*
Nightmare: Killer, explain to me what this "hugging" thing is supposed to be? *Killer in the background: Dunno either bossy, but you should TOTALLY do it!*
Nightmare: My answer is no, purely because Killer suggested it to be a good idea.
*Killer in the background once more: FUCK-*
*Horror makes a soft rumble, it seems friendly. You try to hug him; his gaping jaws being closed shut so it seemed... Your hug seems successful; however, you notice Horror isn't letting go of you. A wet feeling on your head as you look up. That feeling was saliva as Horror hungrily opens his jaws, revealing rows of teeth and what seemed to be an almost bottomless pit of a mouth. Its only now that you truly feel the wound from killer, the tightening feeling in your throat from Dust... only now do you realize that /fear/. The rest of the group watches, awaiting blood to be shed... until a single voice can be heard amongst the crowd. It is that of Nightmare. * *Nightmare sighs*: Horror, we'll find you something else to eat, refrain from killing the Anon. *He shoots a glare at you as Horror backs away from you, his one good eye staring at you. For what reason has the house's master given you mercy? Perhaps you will never know... All you know is that you're alive somehow, and boy are you thankful for it. As you run from the house, only one place is on your mind, The Star Investigators HQ.*
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Doodles lol
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Just havin' some fun, felt creative in the middle of the night.
-.-- --- ..- / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / - …. --- ..- --. …. - / - …. . .-. . / .-- .- … / .-.. .. -.- . --..-- / … . -.-. .-. . - / .-.. --- .-. . / .. -. / - …. .. … / --- .-. / … --- -- . - …. .. -. --. ..--.. / -. .- …. --..-- / .. .----. -- / -- --- … - .-.. -.-- / .--- ..- … - / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / … . . / .. ..-. / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / -… --- - …. . .-. … / - --- / - .-. .- -. … .-.. .- - . / - …. .. … .-.-.- / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. / - …. .. … --..-- / .. - / -- . .- -. … / -.-- --- ..- / -.. .. -.. --..-- / … --- / .. / --. ..- . … … / -.-- --- ..- / -.. . … . .-. …- . / .- / .-. . .-- .- .-. -.. .-.-.- / …. -- -- -- -- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.- / …. --- .-- / .- -… --- ..- - / - …. .. … --..-- / .. .----. .-.. .-.. / .-.. . .- …- . / … --- -- . / .-.. --- .-. . / …. . .-. . / .- ..-. - . .-. -….- .- .-.. .-.. -.-.-- / . -. .--- --- -.-- / .- / …- .- --. ..- . .-.. -.-- / .. -. - . .-. . … - .. -. --. / -.-. …. .- .-. .- -.-. - . .-. / --.- ..- --- - . -.-.-- / --. --- --- -.. / .-.. ..- -.-. -.- / --. ..- . … … .. -. --. / .-- …. --- -- / .. - .----. … / ..-. .-. --- -- / --- .-. / .-- …. .- - / - …. . / … .. --. -. .. ..-. .. -.-. .- -. -.-. . / --- ..-. / .. - / .. … / - …. --- ..- --. …. -.-.-- / .-..-. .-.. .. … - . -. / -.. .-. . .- -- --..-- / .. / -.- -. --- .-- / .. .----. -- / .-.. -.-- .. -. --. .-.-.- / .--. ..- - - .. -. --. / ..- .--. / - …. .. … / ..-. ..- -. / .-.. .. .-.. .----. / .- -.-. - --..-- / -- .- -.- .. -. --. / .----. . -- / - …. .. -. -.- / .. / -.-. .- .-. . / .- -… --- ..- - / - …. . -- ..--.. / .- .-.. .-.. / .- / --. .- -- . --..-- / .-. . .- .-.. .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / - …. . / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / -.. --- -. .----. - / -- .- - - . .-. --..-- / --- -. .-.. -.-- / - …. .. -. --. / .. / -.-. .- .-. . / .- -… --- ..- - / .. … / .-- …. .- - / - …. . -.-- / . -. -.. / ..- .--. / --. .. …- .. -. --. / - --- / - …. . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. .-.-.- / .-- …. .. -.-. …. / ..-. --- .-. / -- --- … - / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . --..-- / … .- -.. .-.. -.-- / .--- ..- … - / .- .. -. .----. - / -- ..- -.-. …. -.-.-- .-..-.
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Tainted 1-2 "Killer"
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Abilities: Superior intelligence and agility compared to other Tainted, noticeably capable of using tools and seems to prefer doing so. Able to go into a shadowy state, of which increases his speed significantly.
Weaknesses: Very cocky. He tends to go out of his way to show off when attacking someone, even if it may jeopardize the whole kill. When in the shadowy state, he lacks good motor control, and he seems to be more reckless. Due to killer's physique, he is quite fragile.
Other details: Killer has been reported to be quite talkative compared to other Tainted, even being flirtatious. As well, he has been observed to be very hyper, to the point of almost never sitting still. Killer's murders are marked in a way that is shockingly similar to that in which a notorious serial killer here in London uses to claim kills. We at the agency have a theory that there might be a tie between the two figures.
Height: 3'9
-Authors note: This may be formatted differently than other posts, as this was written on pc as opposed to on mobile. Things are expected to change, and are not set in stone.
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Hello! How are y’all doing? Here, have some freshly baked bread I made! *insert handing all of the tainted bois bread 🍞 *
*Dust would take the bread, heading over to house library and storing it behind his favorite shelf. He does not make eye contact with the Anon.*
Error: “Why thank you darling, how charming of you. Aswell, im doing amazing, thank you for asking.” *Error proceeds to grab the bread, of which glitches as he touches it. They then proceed to devour the bread horrifically*
Killer: “FINALLY A GOOD GODDAMN SNACK-“ *He’d snatch the bread, cutting it up with his claws. Only leaving the crust, of which he wears on his head, proceeding to eat what remains of the bread.* “THANKS ANON!”
Nightmare: “Bread? I like how that sounds. Alright Anon, fine, for now at least.” *Nightmare takes the bread*
*Horror makes a soft rumbling noise in thanks, patting the Anon on the head. He seems content being given food.*
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ask-thetaintedones · 8 months
Hey Star boys! How are each of you feeling as of late??
*Im assuming Star boys refers to the star investigators*
Ink: Doin’ great! Swap is teaching me how to make tacos and I only caused a /small/ fire this time!
Swap: As Ink said, Im trying to teach them how to cook something other than TV Dinners- Other than that I got a new scarf yesterday!
Dream: Doing alright, I’m going to be seeing someone tomorrow. They we’re hospitalized not too long ago in a Tainted attack, they claim to have seen a human with the Tainted.
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ask-thetaintedones · 9 months
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Killer finds a gun.
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ask-thetaintedones · 9 months
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Tainted 1-1 “Dust”
Abilities: Gliding, Wings shed tiny scales that can suffocate those who inhale it, powerful kick attacks.
Weaknesses: If proper protection is worn the shed scales do no harm. Dust is prone to tripping due to his thin legs. Natural attraction to light.
Other details: Highly aggressive, moreso than the other known Tainted. Those who have survived encounters with him report him mumbling things about his brother. He commonly gets into fights with Tainted 1-2 “Killer”, seemingly due to excessive taunting(?). Strangely, Dust has never been observed to yell, or even raise his voice. He will always speak in the same quiet mumble, no matter how angered he is.
Height: 4’11
-Author’s note: The numbering system is as such, 1 means that the tainted in question is relatively grounded in reality. Tainted labeled with “1” can be touched like you could a tree or a person.
“0” means that the tainted cannot be touched, this will be apparent later when the “0” tainted is shown. A creature under this label isn’t fully grounded in the real world, maybe they’re a living computer virus or something.
The second number *the one after the dash* is just the order in which the report is posted.
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ask-thetaintedones · 9 months
:3 How are y’all doing? (For any of them.)
Killer: “Glad ya’ asked sugar~”
*Just then the sound of a kick to someone’s ribcage could be heard, accompanied by apologies from Killer and a stern rumbling noise from Horror.*
Nightmare: “We’re doing alright”
*Meanwhile with the Star Investigators!*
Dream: “I- Im doing fine, thank you for asking. Though paper work can be a struggle sometimes…” *he’d chuckle*
Ink: “Go to bed Dream it’s 4 in the morning-“
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ask-thetaintedones · 9 months
Asks are open!
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ask-thetaintedones · 9 months
The Tainted Ones is an Au of sorts of Undertale, its a similar type of Au to things like Empireverse or Fgod.
Here, everyone is indeed a human, and it is set in a city. I guess you could say its more of a mystery-horror type of genre.
The star sanses are investigators/Law enforcement looking into the disappearance of Dream’s brother, of which had happened a year ago.
The Bad Sanses are beings called “Tainted”, of which are humans who were turned into monsters by Corrupted!Nightmare. The Tainted can only be created if the victim agrees to be transformed.
Asks may be answered with art, or with text-based dialogue. It mostly depends on if I feel like drawing at the time.
1- Asks are preferred to stay on topic.
2- Do not post your question more than twice.
3- If I do not answer your question immediately, do not get upset.
4- Im new to this whole “ask” thing, so just please have patience and common sense-
Characters available to ask questions to-
-more TBA
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