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Perpetua and Felicity, patrons of martyrs, executed for the crime of being Christian. Persecution over religious beliefs has never gone away. It has been said that in the 2000 year history of Christianity, far and away the majority of the martyrs have died within the last 100 years.
“It’s twice as hard for us young ones to hold our ground, and maintain our opinions, in a time when all ideals are being shattered and destroyed, when people are showing their worst side, and do not know whether to believe in truth and right and God." -Ann Frank
Perpetua and Felicity, pray for us.
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On Dispatching Vampires
“How do we make sure they won't come back?” asked the young apprentice.
“Well,” answered Maximilllian, “the first thing you do is go after them in the daytime while they are hiding from the rays of the sun and are at their weakest. It’s a rookie mistake to go vampire hunting in the middle of the night. Then take that wooden stake and nail them into their grave. Don’t just stab them with it and expect them to disappear in a puff of smoke, that’s Hollywood. You actually have to nail them down so they can’t climb out. Then cut off the head with a knife or sword, stuff the mouth with garlic, sew it shut, and then burn everything, head, body coffin and all, and scatter the ashes to the four winds. That’s the old school way.” 
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Happy Birthday Tadeusz Kościuszko (b. Feb 12 1746). A hero of the American Revolution, Kościuszko attained the rank of Brigadier General in the Continental Army and was instrumental in the American fight for independence from Britain.
The British advance force nipped hard on the heels of the outnumbered and exhausted Continentals as they fled south. Major General Philip Schuyler, desperate to put distance between his men and their pursuers, ordered Kościuszko to delay the enemy. Kościuszko designed an engineer's solution: his men felled trees, dammed streams, and destroyed bridges and causeways. Encumbered by their huge supply train, the British began to bog down, giving the Americans the time needed to safely withdraw across the Hudson River. (Wikipedia)
“I find it difficult to pronounce your name,” General Washington said apologetically.
“Why?” asked Kościuszko, “it has the same number of syllables as Washington.”
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The Hero Embraces the Fight
The hero is of a different sort. He does not shun the combat or “bear” its burden. The hero sees beauty and goodness in the fight, When the fight is in defense of the good and virtuous, it becomes in and of itself good and virtuous. So therefore rejoice in the fighting and have courage.
(Paraphrased from nobility.org)
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The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn't look like there's a light at the end of the tunnel, he's going to keep digging, he's going to keep trying to do right and make up for what's gone before, just because that's who he is.
Joss Whedon
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Some are born to be a hero, some achieve the role of hero, and others have it thrust upon them.
“You are a Templar,” the Saracen declared to the captive.
“I am not,” denied the Knight.
The battle had been brief but fierce. The knight was traveling in the company of two Templars, escorting pilgrims to the Holy Sites, when they were attacked. He fought as fiercely as the warrior monks but “Templar” was not a title he could claim. Still with his shaven head and full black beard, it was a distinction lost on his captors. His death was certain and he could take comfort only in the fact that the pilgrims managed to escape to safety.
“You are a Templar,” the Saracen stated again, “and you will share their fate.” The Knight did not look at the two headless bodies laying nearby in the sand. Instead he turned his eyes to Heaven were he saw the souls of his two slain comrades, beckoning him to join them.
“Then by the grace of God, I AM A TEMPLAR!” They were the last words he spoke as the blade came down upon his neck.
And so it was that the Heavenly Hosts received that day, three Poor Knights of the Temple of Solomon.
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“In the Sacred Heart, every treasure of wisdom and knowledge is hidden. In that Divine Heart beats God's infinite love for everyone, for each of us individually.” http://angelicsupply.com/product/sacred-heart-sticker/
#SacredHeart #ArtPrint #Sticker 
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The virtue of kindness has the power to change the world.  What’s your super power?
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Keep your notes, thoughts, and dreams all in this Griffin notebook.
“Human indeed we are, but it is no human strength that we fight our battles. The weapons we fight with are not human weapons, they are divinely powerful, ready to pull down strongholds.”
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Have you chosen to live for Evil and feel caught in a cycle, unable to escape? Thankfully, each day is a new day, and new decisions can be made. Move forwards toward Good – it is never too late to embrace the light. 
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The Dragonslayer
The Knight stopped before the small gathering that blocked the road ahead of him.
“Undoubtedly a contingent of the village elders,” The Knight thought to himself, “come to thank me for taking on this most dangerous task.”
“Good morning, Sir Knight,” said one.
“Good morning,” answered The Knight.
“Do we understand correctly that you have come to slay the dragon that ruins our village economy, steals our children, and creates an air of fear and oppression that hangs over us like a dark cloud?”
“I have.”
“Oh but you can’t, you mustn’t.”
“What?” asked The Knight, genuinely surprised. “Why not?”
“Because,” answered the elder, “we really like the dragon.” 
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In the village of Kingdom’s Cross, the Archangel Michael is of some renown, as he is throughout the world. This famous Archangel offers us God’s protection. Michael is our champion, fighting against the devil on our behalf, rescuing souls from the clutches of evil.
Have you ever been protected from something in a way that defies all rational explanation? Perhaps it was Michael.
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Kindness is a Superpower art print. ($4.00)
While the flashier powers get all the headlines, do not forget the great powers that you already possess, powers that can change the world. 
5″ x 7″
view in our store (link)
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“God has created me to do Him some definitive service. He has committed some work to me which he has not committed to another.
I have a mission; I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next. I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons; He has not created me for naught.
I shall do good – I shall do his work. I shall be an angel of peace while not intending it if I do but keep his commandments. Therefore, I will trust him.”
Record your lofty and noble thoughts for all prosperity. http://angelicsupply.com/product/pegasus-notebook/
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“Ultimately my goal is to help people in their spiritual journey by offering images that keep our eyes ‘fixed on the light.’ Our products are things meant to be shared and passed around to others who need gentle reminders that we are all involved in the spiritual war against evil. Sadly, we have an entire generation that is in danger of losing their faith; if a postcard, or a vinyl sticker, or a notebook, can draw someone’s interest to learn more about where the images come from, perhaps even motivating them to learn more about the faith, that is a goal worth every effort.” –Deacon Lawrence Klimecki http://angelicsupply.com/
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St. John of Damascus defended the Church’s understanding of images and explained the faith of the Church in several other controversies. He was a learned writer and preacher, who combined prayer with his talents to become one of the most powerful preachers we’ve ever seen.
“All things which God makes, He makes good, but each one becomes good or evil by his own choice.” –Saint John of Damascus, Doctor of Christian Art http://angelicsupply.com/product/saint-john-damascene-art-print/
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Be A Hero, pt II
So you have found your cause, that wrong that screams to you to be made right.
Next, you must determine your resources, what are your superpowers? It is understandable to be in awe of those with the more flashy abilities, like flying or or invisibility. But we all have amazing abilities, usually untapped, that we can bring to bear on our work as heroes. Perhaps it is the power to understand people, their motives and desires. Perhaps it is the power of single minded determination to accomplish a goal no matter what. Perhaps your superpower is kindness or generosity or creativity.
Do not dismiss these seemingly ordinary abilities. Not everyone has them in equal quantities. Those who recognize their unique powers have done extraordinary things and become heroes in their own right.
What is your hidden superpower?
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