akuraviolin · 2 years
A short list of some animes that are really good, but would be even better if you could magically ignore the icks:
Season 1 of Sword Art Online (if you ignore all of the second arc)
Noragami (if you ignore Hiyori)
The Irregular at Magic High School (if you ignore all the 'lovey dovey siblings' moments) (and that there are 13-16 year olds with sanctioned and encouraged combat experience)
Cardcaptor Sakura (if you ignore that her Dad was a student teacher when he met her Mum and they got married when she was 16 and apparently had Touya when she was 17) (also the middle schooler 'engaged' to their teacher) (and Kaho, as a student teacher, dating Touya when he was in MIDDLE SCHOOL meaning 13-15 years old) (and that episode where for a long time it seemed like her Dad was fine with her hanging out with a random old man who dressed her up in pretty clothes and fed her cookies over summer) (there's more but I'll stop)
Kamisama Hajimemashita (If you ignore the weird, audio overlapping intros into the ending song) (and that everyone's being gaslit by a god)
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akuraviolin · 3 years
FMA Brotherhood Reacts Pt 4
Soooo apparently last time I did this was around episode 21, and then I didn't watch anything for ages only to binge the rest in the past 4 days whoopssss.
I'll do an actual reaction to the series as a whole at some point (because holy shit what a series) but for now some final reaccs before I forget things! Definitely out of order because, y'know, it's been 40 episodes buuuut let's be real these are more for me than anyone else so whatever.
The second Hoenheim was revealed to be a philosopher's stone I was like welp, I guess Daddy's dying to give his kids their bodies back
I'm absolutely loving the fact that Al casually won the affections of foreign royalty while still being a giant suit of armour (and being completely oblivious) just because he's THAT nice. Kids got game.
Gotta love that for a large amount of time Scar just ended up with a band of merry misfits out on an adventure to read a book. Absolutely thrilling content and I for one am here for it
Can we talk about Briggs and how Commander Marie reminds me of Balalaika from Black Lagoon? Gotta love strong, blonde women who cultivate teams that would die for them but also can just get on and get things done - the trust!!!
I love that Miles being Ishvalan is meant to be a secret, hence the sunglasses yet literally everyone he runs into he's like to, *takes off glasses*. It's pretty great.
I don't think words will ever cover how much I freaking love Riza and Roy and I can't wait til they are the Overlords it's going to be pretty sweet
Speaking of Riza, literally threatened by Pride by herself where no one will notice her go missing and she just gets info and says "You can't kill me" ahhhh she's so cool!
Ntm all these methods of sending messages that everyone has handy, from flower cart ladies to chats about friends, so good!
We also Stan a leader who's given the power to fix his eyes and immediately is like yo man that's cool but fix my subordinate first I miss Jaclyn
Greed did everything I wanted Tyki Mikk from D-Gray Man to do and it was pretty amazing. All I want is for them to have a bunch of friends worth fighting for AND MY MAN CAME THROUGH
Izumi sensei and her hubs are the best and nobody can convince me otherwise. SHE SPENT A MONTH STEALING FROM BRIGGS AND NOBODY CAUGHT HER man she is good. And those wash closet slippers? Iconic.
Also I know King Bradley is the worst and kept getting in the way but man idk what they did with his animation but I absolutely loved all of his fight scenes - so clean! So precise! This old man just living his best life!
Also as soon as Selim started tapping on Al's hat I was like noooooo dude stop that take your head back he's gonna bring the bad guys here AND I WAS RIGHT
Also low-key shipping Scar and Miles as like brothers in arms to maybe something more I need to start deep diving into the fanfic verse now that I know what's going on
That's all for now but seriously what an amazing show!!!
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akuraviolin · 4 years
Yo I finally changed the voice language back to English on Hyrule Warriors, why does the voiceover man give me major Pegasus from Yu-Gi-Oh vibes xD
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akuraviolin · 4 years
It's been years now and I'm still excited about the fact that I can use the Switch as both a handheld AND tv console! So much choice~
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akuraviolin · 4 years
Can we all just take a moment to appreciate how good the BGM for Crown Tundra? Especially the Freezington theme - someone get that tune into a music box stat!
(Thanks Junichi Masuda & Team!)
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akuraviolin · 4 years
When the announcement for a BoTW prequel drops and you have 2 months to brace yourself for not only more fun game times (playing as the champions anyone???) but also heartbreak because you know how the story ends.
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akuraviolin · 4 years
FMA Brotherhood Reacts Pt 3
The fact that they're painting Papa Elric in a shady light makes me think that maybe he's fighting the good fight now. That said I might just be looking too far into it haha.
Let's start episode 21~
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akuraviolin · 4 years
Life goals is to have half as much gumption as Pinako does.
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akuraviolin · 4 years
FMA Brotherhood Reacts Pt 2 - post Episode 19
Holy crap shit hit the fan all at once!
Prediction updates:
Awwwww yeah my man Mustang destroyed the Humonculi lady and got his (partial) revenge for Hughes death! EVEN WHILE SOAKED! Someone give this man even more medals he deserves them all.
Papa Elric decides to turn up right about now? Sus-pi-cious!!! He's either the most evil person or the most hardworking Dad that has been stuck due to circumstances, there is no in between!
Following on from Riza getting a killing shot - her Hawkeye skills are definitely going to get some use in the future!!! Does it count if it was her dog that got in a bite when Gluttony was distracted by Riza?
And now just generally....
I have been waiting for a non-rainy day to see just what Colonel Mustangs muster is made of and man that man did not disappoint. Colonel Mustang I love and stan. This man deserves to run the country and I will not take no for an answer. Extra prediction, this man totally made a bunch of fake bodies during the war and is part of the reason why so many Ishavalans still exist
Of course his coded language is flirting with his Lieutenant. Also who knew Jacqueline had such slick moves??
It was also really good to have Al and Elric seperate for a bit, I feel like Al's growth tripled and he got to be his own person for a bit rather than just Ed's younger brother ^^
Also it was good to see his relationship with Winry!! They're both childhood friends too~~~
Also side note, how come Greed didn't know Wrath? Was Wrath a new version after the original one died or something? Their creator doesn't seem like the kind to make incomplete sets.
Anyway, time to see what Papa Elric has been up to (and to try and suss out which extreme side of good and evil he lands on) and how Mr. Wrathful Cyclops and co will deal with everything that's happening.
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akuraviolin · 4 years
So I've finally gotten around to watching FMA Brotherhood and:
Did not realise this would be this intense
Or realistic (look at those flaws and character development!)
Damn it really does NOT shy away from any topic. Good.
Some early reactions on the back of episode 14:
I FRICKING NEW THE FUHRER WAS IN ON IT. Yeesh. These not-people-people seriously have some moves
What's the bet that Mr. Mastermind is none other than the Elric brother's one and only Dad? I see those convenient shadows predict a plot twist!
Point adjacent, is he Voldemort and are the seven sins his horcruxes? Inquiring minds need to know!
Idk when it's not going to be raining but when it isn't, Colonel Mustang is going to burn everything down with style and finesse - quite possibly Mr. Ultimate Cyclops too
Riza Hawkeye will, at some point, be the deciding factor in a major battle. Quite possibly by shooting someone while they focus on monologuing at one of the more 'main' characters. I also get the feeling that at this point she way die :(
Oh god or if not, she'll survive Roy and end up being the person in charge after Roy is killed in battle T.T
Mustang will be the one to kill Lust and avenge Hughes
Scar probably has some good reasons for doing what he's doing but just WHAT he is trying to achieve is beyond me atm. I think he'll end up being a bud at some point after some kind of life-changing-we-must-work-together-to-survive-troll-in-the-dungeon event
I think that's it for now, although I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe the 'person' they meet who shows them the truth is some kind of version of themselves? Perhaps a doppleganger.
Let us see how things continue~~~
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akuraviolin · 4 years
Must be nice
to consider shaking hands
a life skill
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akuraviolin · 5 years
BOTW Notes #16
Ever stayed up til 6am, crying on and off as you read BOTW fanfiction because fuck, war is the absolute worst and yes there will be rebuilding and recovering but everyone lost so much, Link had to go through so much shit, so MANY people died and left loved one's behind and ultimately, at the end of it all, nobody ever really won.
War isn't a zero sum game, everybody just loses.
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akuraviolin · 5 years
BOTW Notes #15
When you spent over a year procrastinating defeating Ganon because you just didn't want the journey to end, only to do so and realise that it was never an ending, but a new beginning.
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akuraviolin · 5 years
Good morning to everyone except people that open a room door to talk to someone and don't close it when they leave.
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akuraviolin · 5 years
On today's episode of MHA...
Saying nice things about people while they're not there.
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akuraviolin · 5 years
'Baby Give It Up' is on the radio and all I can think about is everyone's heads exploding in Kingsman.
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akuraviolin · 5 years
Misogynists seem to just be a bunch of men wondering where to put their dicks when the answer is: Away.
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