aitchque · 1 year
The Healing Power of Forgiveness: Why Letting Go is Good for the Soul
Forgiveness is a challenging process that involves letting go of anger or resentment towards someone who has hurt you. It’s not always easy to do, but it can be incredibly rewarding. In this blog post, I want to explore the positive effects of forgiveness and why it can be so healing for the soul.
Benefits of Forgiveness:
Reduced Stress: Holding onto grudges and negative emotions can lead to chronic stress, which can have negative effects on your physical and mental health. Forgiveness can reduce stress levels and improve overall well-being.
Improved Relationships: Forgiveness can improve relationships with friends, family members, and romantic partners. It can also help to rebuild trust and increase feelings of closeness and intimacy.
Increased Empathy: Forgiveness can help to increase empathy towards others. When we forgive someone, we can see things from their perspective and understand their motivations.
Reduced Anxiety and Depression: Holding onto negative emotions can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Forgiveness can help to reduce these feelings and improve mental health.
Improved Self-Esteem: Forgiveness can help to improve self-esteem and self-worth. When we forgive ourselves or others, we can let go of negative self-talk and beliefs that hold us back.
Why Forgiveness is Good for the Soul:
It Releases Emotional Burdens: Holding onto anger, resentment, and negative emotions can be a heavy burden to carry. Forgiveness can release these emotions and allow us to move on.
It Promotes Inner Peace: Forgiveness can bring a sense of inner peace and calm. When we let go of negative emotions, we can find a sense of contentment and tranquility within ourselves.
It Helps Us Grow: Forgiveness can help us grow and learn from our experiences. When we forgive, we can let go of the past and move forward with new knowledge and understanding.
It Strengthens Relationships: Forgiveness can strengthen relationships by promoting trust, understanding, and empathy. It can also help to prevent future conflicts and misunderstandings.
It Fosters Compassion: Forgiveness fosters compassion towards ourselves and others. When we forgive, we can see the humanity in others and ourselves, and treat others with kindness and understanding.
In conclusion, forgiveness is not always easy, but it can bring a multitude of benefits for the person who forgives. It can reduce stress, improve relationships, and promote inner peace and growth. Forgiveness is good for the soul, as it releases emotional burdens, promotes inner peace, strengthens relationships, and fosters compassion. So, take the first step towards forgiveness and experience the healing power it can bring.
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aitchque · 1 year
Amazon Kindle Vella
Searched for my Kindle Vella story on Amazon...and it showed up on page 34. LIKE WHAT? That's unacceptable. There are stories that haven't been updated since 2021 that are listed before my story. Why?
Amazon really needs to do a better job of managing this feature and think about the newer stories first. For those stories that have crowns they need to be moved to their own section.
Overall Kindle Vella needs its own app.
Here's the link to my story. Follow the story so you can access it after you finish reading each episode. The first three episodes are free and don't require any tokens.
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aitchque · 1 year
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Are you ready for a romance that will take you on an unforgettable journey?
Introducing THE WEEKEND, a Kindle Vella episodic story that follows the blossoming of a new summer romance between Tommy and Josie. Experience their connection and the places they explore in this captivating, heart-pumping story.
Cherish each and every moment of this beautiful weekend with Tommy and Josie as they discover new places, share intimate moments, and find out if they will be able to transcend time and distance.
Don’t miss out! Follow THE WEEKEND on Kindle Vella now and start your journey of love today!
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aitchque · 1 year
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Finally got my website done! I love it. She's so slick. But simple.
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aitchque · 1 year
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She is here and ready to read. First three episodes are free.
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aitchque · 1 year
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aitchque · 1 year
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My newest release THE WEEKEND is now available (as of May 1, 2023) on Amazon's KINDLE VELLA platform.
You can find it by searching The Weekend Aitch Que or go to this link: https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0C3T8P4PT
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aitchque · 2 years
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Get a free copy of this new book. Use the QR Code to secure the goods.
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aitchque · 2 years
10 Tips For Writing
This article provides tips on how to write faster and more efficiently. I found these tips to be helpful, but I don’t always use them when I write. But I wanted to share with you what I think could help you write faster, if not better.
Writing can be tedious. The process is long and drawn out. I promise you the tips I’m about to share will help you keep on track, but you always have a way of doing things the way you like.
1. Write first, edit later
As writers, we must resist from editing while we write. I know it’s hard. But resist. I’m telling you this, but it is hard because I find myself going back and editing or revising some things before I can get the entire draft written. But then I don’t churn out books once a year either. So that’s something to consider. Allow your mind the freedom to create the story. Once down, give your mind a rest and then think about how to edit and revise the story later.
2. Use a timer to keep track of your writing time
Use the Pomodoro method. I’ve used the technique many times. Set a timer and get out as many words as you can in whatever time you set in the timer. I believe it’s 25-minute increments with five-minute breaks between the 25 minutes. This may be the trick to help you write faster as you know you’re writing against the clock.
3. Keep a “to-write” list for when you have writer’s block
I do this often. When I sit down at the computer, I have an idea of what I need to write.
4. Write in chunks, rather than writing for hours on end
Some days I write 100 words and other days I write 500 to 1000 words. I break up that time. It depends on what I have going on in other areas of my life. I have to break it up.
5. Get up and take regular breaks to get your blood flowing again
This is the same as breaking your writing up into chunks. If your mind gets stuck on a storyline, focus on other things. I will go watch a movie or a television show. Work on another project, take a walk or if one of my children is home, I will talk with them. Anything to take my mind off the writing process. I have also allowed this step to interrupt my flow. Sometimes it will be days or weeks before I go back to writing. Not because of writer’s block, but because I just don’t feel like writing. Excuses, I know. But this is the life of a real creative writer. No sugar coating here.
6. Minimize distractions like social media and email alerts.
So this one isn’t that hard. If you have an iPhone, you can set a focus time and it will block out everything coming into your phone. Not just social media or email alerts, but text messages, too. I have a focus set for when I record my videos for YouTube. I also set it at night sometimes when I don’t want to get text messages while I’m asleep. This is a great feature. But if you don’t have this on your phone, you have to stay away from these platforms and from checking email. Make the time to sit and write without any distractions. You will thank yourself later when you have a completed draft.
7. Plan out what you want to write before you start writing it.
Are you a planner/plotter or are you a pantser? What’s the difference? Planner/plotters outline their manuscript from beginning to the end. Every chapter, every scene. Then all they have to do is write. Pantsers they might do a loose outline, but mostly they just write and let the story take them whatever it takes them. I do both. Plan my stories. I jot the down the essence of each chapter with some light thoughts about what is happening in each scene. And then I let the pantser fly off. Depending on what’s going on in the scene, I could see an opportunity to expand the scene into the multiple scenes and/or introduce new characters. Or what ever is needed to make the story work.
8. Establish specific goals for each day of the week and make sure you’re meeting them.
Yeah, I don’t do this. I just know I need to sit down and get to writing. I have a full-time job along with writing. If writing is your career and you’re getting paid to do it, then you already know what’s up.
9. Write in a more conversational tone than a formal tone.
Write in your tone. Find your voice. Find your style. Find how you like to write. I will say, I am of the school of no adverbs in creative writing. Adverbs do not show, they tell.
10. Find someone else to write with.
Depending on what kind of piece you’re writing will depend on if you want a co-author. The only creative written work I’ve co-authored was a poetry book.
I’ve decided even though these are good tips. They will work for some people, but in the end, it’s just a matter of doing what is best for you. The most important thing is to do it. GET TO WRITING!
(PS. My non-fiction book Get to Writing will drop soon. Lol. Seriously. I’m writing it now.)
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
The Daily Beast Is Lying To You: Why Amber Heard's Evidence Was Not Allo... https://t.co/zVl1dba3As via @YouTube — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Aug 3, 2022 August 02, 2022 at 09:09PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
@advoc8_K_K I did. I'm still in vacay mode! lol Eventually I will return. I just needed a break...so much negativity. lo How are you? — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Aug 1, 2022 August 01, 2022 at 10:16AM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
RT @MichelleSCarey: 3 Friends, 1 Love Triangle all in 3 Books, 1 Bundle. On sale now at #Amazon, #barnesandnoble, #GooglePlayBooks, #applebooks #kobo for #ebook and paperback at Amazon… #reading #readingnook #kindle #kindlepaperwhite #bookrecommendations #amreading #BookBoost #BookTwitter https://t.co/nSZC5rxbln — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jul 25, 2022 July 25, 2022 at 11:57AM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
I watched this at least 10 times and I'm still like I don't know if I can do it. lol https://t.co/1TChRGuNuw — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jul 17, 2022 July 17, 2022 at 04:04PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
RT @E_J8one: Amber Turd's had her bookdeal cancelled 🤣🤣🤣 cos of her new lawsuit against insurance company #JohnnyDeppKeepsWinning — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jul 17, 2022 July 17, 2022 at 04:03PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
RT @marquezwindsor: When the wedding felt like a funeral, I felt that something was very wrong and that someone had done something very unpleasant behind the scenes.I'm not surprised by tom bower's book #TomBower #meghanmarkleisanarcissist https://t.co/jFH7eGcDjh — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jul 17, 2022 July 17, 2022 at 04:03PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
RT @GellertDepp: Yeah I’m sure Gina would like a chat about silencing https://t.co/TipB69634j — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jul 17, 2022 July 17, 2022 at 04:02PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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aitchque · 2 years
Aitch Que
RT @buitengebieden: Cooling down on hot days.. 😊 🎥 IG: comugi_corgi https://t.co/WO3zS0dj7b — Rando #21 🤙🏽 Aitch Que ♠️🏴‍☠️ (@AitchQueX) Jul 17, 2022 July 17, 2022 at 04:02PM via Twitter https://twitter.com/AitchQueX
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