aforlornvampire · 2 years
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Gabriel Pozzo, To Feel Infinite and Boundless, 2021 
Oil on wood panel, 12 x 16 in
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
for april fools we’re deleting this entire site sayonara you weeaboo shits
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
why do ppl keep giving condescending tutorials on the basics of tumblr to new users telling them the stupidest shit like "don't forget to change your icon, here's where u can get a new one!". this is a kill or be killed place. if someone doesn't know to change their icon we should tear them limb from limb
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
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i’m a new person (crazy)
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
you know I really have never seen the casting of any other fantasy adaption be done so well as they have done in shadow and bone. like there's not a single actor you'd object to play the character they've been casted for because they all just fit that perfectly into their roles.
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
jack wolfe struggle tweets for your viewing pleasure:
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aforlornvampire · 2 years
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AU: Jesper meets Wylan, the new stableboy.
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
I just think that Jordie and Inej would have been best friends and they would gang up on Kaz and tease him together and Kaz would act so annoyed but really he loves them both and loves that the two most important people in his life get along so well and yeah
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
*favorite character comes on screen* *traces a heart around them with my cursor*
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
i love it when a new month begins and the tumblr girlies start posting poem excerpts about current month
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
people talk about abuse like it's pathologically aberrant behavior but it's more like the logical conclusion of a variety of structural and interpersonal factors, particularly the nuclear family model, which depends on gender ideology as well as the codification of children as property. but it's much easier in many ways to perpetuate the idea that some people are "just evil" (/diagnosable) than to acknowledge how the behaviors we call abuse are not only culturally excused but actually encouraged and enforced. of course, that would implicate virtually all adults in a complex and nuanced way instead of demarcating a specific group of Bad Men To Be Punished, so.
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
it takes years to develop your craft. do not romanticize the idea of an ‘overnight success’. be a student. grow organically. get really good. hate your work. start over. find new ways to express the same ideas. the student becomes the master. your time will come.
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
Clothes are ultimately supposed to be what you live in, make memories in, drink in, dance in, run through the sand and grass in, toss off to skinny dip, eat in at candlelit dinner parties, what you look at and you actually have favorite pieces that mean something that are your favorite prints to wear over and over again, that your man looks at you and says I love it when you wear that dress or that skirt or that sweater because he’s actually used to seeing it because you DO wear the same things not only twice but over and over again and it’s a part of you as much as your most loved perfume or your hairstyle, Clothes are supposed to be something that you purchase and save with the thought that you may pass it down someday for someone else to love, clothes are supposed to be lived in, to make you feel beautiful and happy in. We have to take back the relationship we have with clothes, and bags and shoes and accessories, they are not supposed to be trophies that only sit on a shelf to take a picture or video in front of, they are NOT supposed to be purchased to impress other people!! they are not supposed to bleed you dry, break your back, stress you out max out your credit cards and make you start to do crazy things to obtain them, they are not supposed to be a marker for success or the starting line of a never ending race to see how much bullshit you can hoard before you ultimately die.
“Buy less, Choose Well, Make it Last” - Vivienne Westwood
And LOVE what you wear and what you have and breathe in it and let it be quality and let it be special and let it be curated and let it be you; your clothes shoes and bags should be there for you, not for you to live around them please Remember that
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
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aforlornvampire · 3 years
fuck it’s august??? what’s next? 2022???? can’t do this anymore
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