zefenrian · 4 months
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I can explain myself (I can't)
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zefenrian · 5 months
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In the fifth installation, the series will be renamed Cullen Age. Or we learn that his surname is Dragon and that he was the main character all along. 
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zefenrian · 7 months
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"We won't settle for anything Unless we got everything we take it all We don't care about the consequences As long as we remember that we're not as small As we always seem to be This world is ours, you see" Secondhand Serenade - Right Kind Of Crazy
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zefenrian · 9 months
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Jason Lan
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zefenrian · 9 months
Electric Callboy @ Palladium, Times Square, NYC [09.15.23]
Small disclaimer:
Anyone can reblog this, it's all good. Also, this post is very long.
I have no idea where to even start. The moment my sister (@mrs-kaunisvesi) and I got there, it was pure fangirl chaos for me and her lmao. We were the first ones there and got to see the boys get off their bus.
When they weren't busy hauling their suitcases and what not into the venue, we stopped each of them when we could and took pics with them. The first one we stopped was David.
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David was so sweet. We didn't wanna take up too much of his time because he seemed busy. After taking the picture, I asked for a hug and he smiled and said "sure" enthusiasticly, and gave me a quick hug. I'm pretty sure he giggled because I made a weird noise as I hugged him lmao. When I'm excited I make weird sounds, okay?? Lmao
After that, he went back on the bus. Some time later, he came off the bus, carrying more stuff. Whoever was their camera person that follows them around filming their vlogs was also there? The camera was on David. I have no idea what david was saying because I wasn't close enough to hear, but after talking, he pointed to me and my sister and then the camera panned towards us. Like the idiots we are, all we could do was stand there, wave and smile. So we might be on a vlog?? 😂
The second one we met was Pascal.
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I was a little hesitant to go up to him because he was on his phone and I didn't know if he was doing something important. My sister called out to him and he immediately walked towards us. He smiled and said good morning. He didn't seem to be in a rush, and was very polite. He legit had a small conversation with us, asking why we were there so early and how he was on his way to have a nice walk. After the picture, I asked for a hug. Ngl, his hug had me like 🥴. He was taller than I expected, I felt like my facial expression, as I looked up at him, was like an excited child lol. And... He smelled nice. After the hug, he thanked us for being there and said it was nice to meet us. 😭
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After a while, we met kevin. Kevin was very friendly and I could tell he was happy to meet us and take pics. His presence felt very welcoming and warm. Also, this man got me fucked up. Weak at the knees af. 🥵 I asked for a hug and he said "of course", he then proceeded to give me one of the greatest hugs of all time. This big ass man engulfed me in his arms. It was like someone put a blanket over me. 💀 When I hugged him, I remember feeling his strong shoulder blades and feeling a type of bliss I've never felt before. AND HE SMELLED SO GOOD 😭. His cologne actually clung onto my sweater for a while. Later, I jokingly told my sister that I'd never wash my sweater again. 😂
Next, we met Daniel K.
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Meeting him went very quickly. I don't know if he was tired or just wanted to be alone while he smoked. Hesitantly, my sister asked if we could take pics, he said "yeah". He seemed to be soft spoken. Idk if shy is the right word to use to describe how he was but he was definitely mellow. I was verrrry shy to ask for a hug but I asked anyway, and he he agreed. This time around, I know for a fact that when I hugged him, I made a small squeaking sound of excitement and he giggled gently. I'm definitely over exaggerating here, but I felt like he giggled right next to my earhole because my spider senses started tingling. I blushed internally lol.
Last was Nico. (Please excuse my crazy ass face. Idk what happened to me. 😂)
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I spotted Nico randomly speed walking out of a side entrance of the venue with some crew members. I panicked, slapped my sister's shoulder and pointed at him lmao. He's my sister's favorite and so she chased him down. She called out to him and he turned. She asked for pics and he very politely told us that he can but that we needed to be quick because he was busy. After we took pics he thanked us for coming and walked away quickly. He was very sweet. I wish we could've interacted more but it's all good because this mf made hella eye contact with me during the show lol. Little sis DEFINITELY wasn't jealous at all. 😅
Unfortunately, neither of us got to meet Daniel H. Earlier, when we got there, we were able to shout hi to him when he walked out of the bus. He said hi back and waved to us. Then he went into the venue and we didn't see him again until he was on stage. He's so cute irl with his lil glasses. ☺️
The actual show, was fucking amazing. We got VIP so we were right up against the barricade. There were bodies flying over my head but I didn't care because I was having so much fun singing my heart out and just vibing. It was so wild and hot and sweaty but I was having the time of my life.
I made a TON of eye contact with Daniel H. He winked at me a few times and gave me some cheeky looks. 🫠 Whenever he looked over at me, I was really feeling myself and unintentionally would stare into his eyes while singing the lyrics to whatever song that was playing. I say 'unintentionally' because we would randomly just lock eyes when it was least expected, and I'm NOT just gonna look away lmao.
Nico winked at me and we had small moments where it felt like we were singing to eachother.
I remember at some point when it was quiet and the guys were having one of their talking points, I screamed kevins name and waved, he smiled and waved back. 😭
Important piece of context for this next bit:
The night before, my sister made me make a sign for David. Originally, I didn't want to because I was shy and didn't wanna feel dumb holding it up. Also, I'd never made a sign for anything or anyone in my life. Eventually, I gave in and made a sign asking for a drumstick. (pic included further down)
During one of the first talking points, I screamed David's name. I waved, got his attention, and held up my sign. The moment he squinted, I shit myself because I knew he was trying to read my sign. He gave me a big smile and waved... I was sent to the after life. 😂
I was able to get David's attention multiple times because I have an obnoxiously enormous crush on him and I'm loud af. All I did was scream his name the whole time lmfao. And every single time, he'd either wave, or point at me and wink. 💀💀💀
At the very end of the show, the band was throwing guitar picks and setlists. David walked up to the front of the stage and threw drumsticks out to fans. I remember, he had 2 drumsticks left in his hand and when he also noticed that, he kind of looked at me and with his body language told me to wait one second. He threw one of the 2 drumsticks into the air, and then finally he was down to one. He then walked as close to the edge of the stage as possible, kissed his drumstick, leaned over, gave it to me, and bowed, like a fucking prince handing me a rose.
.......The blood flow to my brain shut off 🤯
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I honestly don't know how in the fuck I was able to function at all after that. I was the happiest person on the planet at that very moment. I'm tearing right now just thinking about it.
After the show was over, we decided to wait outside to see if we could finally meet Daniel H. Unfortunately, again, we weren't able to get a hold of him. As he was leaving the building, he had a ton of stuff on him and I didn't wanna make him put his stuff down for us so we just told him goodnight and he smiled at us before disappearing.
We ended up waiting for the rest of the guys too.
When I saw David leave the building, I froze up. My sister dragged me by the arm while calling his name and asked, "can my sister hug you?". (I heard someone behind me say "aww" and I felt like curling into a ball and rolling away.) David literally stopped walking, parked his suitcase with his stuff next to some crew members, and turned around. He looked at us and was like "Yeah, I saw you in the front row", and smilled gently. He turned to me and gave me a proper hug. I hugged that man so tight, I could smell his cologne. While hugging I told him I loved him and I was so deliriously flustered that I don't even remember if he said anything back. He might have thanked us for being there. He hugged my sister. Then went to talk to other fans that were there briefly.
We also saw Nico, Kevin, and Pascal, but they seemed too busy to stop plus they had all this luggage with them. We did all manage to tell eachother goodnight. ☺️
And that was it! There might've been a few small things I forgot to talk about but the Majority of it is there. This was a lot for me but in a good way.
Greatest night of my life and I'm so happy that I was able to share it with my sister (and mom, she was there too).
If I could do it all over again, I would.
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zefenrian · 9 months
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A quick sketch of Astarion, had him do some embroidery. Thank him for his accompany over the past three years.
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zefenrian · 9 months
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zefenrian · 9 months
extremely funny when AI artists feel the need to put watermarks on their images
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zefenrian · 11 months
Gosh, I miss him so much...
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"Watch me clinging to the beat I had to fight to make it mine That religion you could sink it neat Just move your feet an' you'll feel fine" Culture Club - Church Of The Poison Mind
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zefenrian · 1 year
This is...
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"All of my life, I've been looking But it's hard to find the way Just reaching past the goal in front of me While what's important just slips away And it doesn't come back but I'll be looking All of my life" Phil Collins - All Of My Life
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zefenrian · 2 years
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"Just like the waves down by the shore We're gonna keep on coming back for more 'Cause we don't ever wanna stop Out in this brave new world you seek Oh the valleys and the peaks And I can see you on the top" Tim McGraw - Please Remember Me
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zefenrian · 2 years
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Portrait of Josephine Cherette Montilyet, Ambassador of the Inquisition
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zefenrian · 2 years
What really counts
The wind blew icy and somehow loudly around the battlements of Skyhold. Feathered companions took advantage of every breeze to be carried even higher into the puffy clouds. 
And down in the courtyard, brave people were recovering from the strains of the moment. 
But even in the immediate vicinity of healers and caring helping hands, some souls closed their tired and sad eyes for all time. 
It was not easy, for anyone, yet there was more confidence than despair. 
No one could say exactly why hope reigned instead of gloom. People died and fought, but they also laughed and loved. 
Tevinter lay high in the north. A land of knowledge, of power, noble, modern and magical, in the truest sense of the word. 
The weather further north was incomparably mild. The inhabitants there were wise and blessed with picture-perfect beauty. Dark skin, silky hair, eyes filled with the fire of wisdom. And the language of the ancestors had such a fascinating effect that it was pure joy to listen to poems in Tevene until the new morning showed its smile. 
The nondescript middle-aged man they now called Herald and Inquisitor had his hands full. 
Not just bravely going into battles, not just holding hour-long audiences, not just spending time with the advisors to make it a little more bearable for everyone....
Lord Trevelyan laughed, lived and loved like never before in his life. 
Fair ladies of nobility?
Dignified women of the middle class?
Lovely yet destitute creatures of all stripes?
The posh and flamboyant lord from distant Tevinter gave the head of the Inquisition the strength for ever new ideas and crazy deeds, but he also stood by his side when the situation seemed hopeless, things got dicey and bitter losses had to be recorded. 
Pavus was handsome, a beau, a charmer, an articulate luxury edition of the male species. He had to endure a lot of hostility; after all, he came from a country where slavery reigned, where certain races were humiliated in the most heinous way, where blood magic was a kind of popular sport. 
This Altus from Qarinus was bold, well-read, strong and strong-willed. Despite his ironic and sarcastic attitude towards his homeland, Dorian seemed proud of the Empire. He was also proud to be part of the Inquisition. And he was proud of his amatus. 
Though they did not want to shout their affection over the battlements of Skyhold into the frosty wind, they were nevertheless sure of mutual and unconditional love for each other.
Often they stood at the top of one of the plateaus or at one of the small windows in the tower and looked out into the seemingly endless expanse over mountains and valleys.
Then they simply kept silent, enjoyed the little time out and held hands. 
Or Dorian would hug his beloved close and tight from behind and sigh contentedly. 
You can try so many things in life, even if you don't always achieve everything immediately. But you can always hope for more, because that is all that counts....
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(Art by: @sic-sempervirens )
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zefenrian · 2 years
WIP meme
Thanks to @dafan7711​ for the tag! ————–
“Good morning, Magister.” Gared appeared beside me.
I hid my start of surprise, gave him Warm Smile: Acquaintance Edition. “Good morning! And please, it’s still just Dorian.”
“Of course, though that will take some getting accustomed to.” He smiled back, and only my extensive experience with social artifice kept me from recoiling. The night before, his smile had been normal; perhaps even a little understated. The one he turned on me now was a feral, tooth-baring stretching of the lips, as if he’d only read about the act of smiling and wasn’t clear on the mechanism. Fortunately this grimace shut off just as quickly as it had appeared, settling back into expressionlessness. At no time had any trace of good humour made it to his eyes.
He set his hands on the railing, leaning on them as he gazed straight ahead. “I was wondering…”
“Yes?” I took a sip of my coffee, watching him carefully.
“As a necromancer, you can raise the dead, right?”
“Among other things, that is in my repertoire,” I agreed.
“When you do that…do they look as they do at whatever stage of dead they happen to be in, or can you bring them back fully so they look as they did when they were alive?”
I considered making a comment about his restoration ambitions extending beyond houses now, but didn’t want to see that awful smile again. “Generally speaking, I’m afraid it’s the former. I raise the dead, I don’t repair them.” —- From Of Wine and Spirits
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New chapters up on AO3!
Tagging @johaeryslavellan, @shield-maiden-of-sherwood, @oftachancer, @whenmysoulsings, @rachelleofalltrades, @myrddinderwydd and anyone who has something they’d like to share!
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zefenrian · 3 years
Must read.
Something a little different – Dorian is starring in his very own gothic ghost story, “Of Wine and Spirits”
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With Kai away, Dorian finds himself at loose ends until he receives a letter requesting his help. That the request came from an estate called Deathfall should probably have been his first clue things weren’t going to be easy, but what he finds there threatens his very existence.
First chapters up now, updates on Mondays and Thursdays.
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zefenrian · 3 years
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Meet my …… kids.
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zefenrian · 3 years
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“I hate you both.”   Scene from Jordan L. Hawk’s Necropolis (part of his Whyborne and Griffin series): Whyborne meets Daisy the camel for the first time and unwillingly acquires a fez. Designed and rendered in Daz Studio, postwork in Photoshop.
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