zaragovica · 24 days
bsd fyodor appearance headcanons (AKA how I draw him)
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OVERALL PRESENCE Alluring in a doll-like way. His charm is incredible and yet in equal measure unsettling and inanimate. Many often find him, upon first meeting, a person who triggers the feeling of the uncanny valley. To them, something is off. Nobody they know or have met looks like him, and nobody should look like him. Just like a stunning porcelain doll, he takes the form of a human, and yet there is little to his expression and mannerisms that indicates he experiences humanity. His face is always carved, perfectly made. HEAD AND FACE With long, silky, inky violet hair framing his oval face, the lack of any other embellishments or accessories on his head suggests simplicity and and a natural kind of beauty. His hair's color seems simple enough from far away, appearing black to the naked eye, but upon the direct shine of light, his hair is revealed to be a cold, dark purple. Under direct sunlight, it may earn a bit of warmth and brightness. He has a sharp nose. His deep-set downturned eyes, much like his cheeks, are sunken. These qualities make him appear mature, but not old. However, the dark circles, subtle glazed redness and half-lidded appearance of his eyes make him seem as if he has lived a hundred lifetimes. He knows. He knows that you know. His face is pallid and sickly pale. Though his skin is soft and comfortably cool, he also looks ill. There are small, pale rosy spots on it and there is very little color aside from that. His nose and lips have a subtle blush to them. His lips are dry. SKIN AND BODY
Devoid of warmth, his body is equally as fair and pale as his face. His skin is thin, elastic, translucent, and cool to the touch, creating the appearance of purplish and greenish veins wrapping all around his body like thin vines. Due to the thinness of his skin, any light damage dealt to it that would otherwise not affect other people is met with quick bruising or shallow scrapes and cuts. His skin holds little color as well, apart from some rosy spots and the purples, yellows, and grays of his bruises, just like on his face. His build is distinctly different from other men. For one, he is slender with a perfect mixture of gentle curves and strategically placed sharp angles. Many may opt to call him feminine due to this, but it would be more appropriate to call him androgynous, or perhaps masculine in his own special way. This is also supported by the fact that his appetite is quite poor, and he does not eat a lot as eating until he is full can become overwhelming. He has long limbs and a long torso. Spindly arms and willowy thighs and legs. He has what is described to be the perfect set of hands for playing instruments, specifically the piano, due to their dexterity, flexibility, and length. He is also incredibly flexible, and sometimes that would pose difficulties for him. His joints easily dislocate and he may have issues with any harsh movement or constant action. Sometimes, on particularly worse days, he may even be unable to withstand constant pressure on his legs and feet from standing, and he has to sit down lest it become excruciating. He may also go lightheaded, faint or dizzy at times.
He is reserved and private, and it shows in the way he carries himself. Entirely independent, he is quite distant and keeps his hands to himself unless it is necessary. Despite this, he does not make himself appear smaller, nor bigger. He just exists as he does, and if his presence is imposing, or pitiful, then so be it. It is not his job to police how others view him, unless it gives him an advantage. OTHER STUFF
I unironically think he has iron deficiency anemia
he has Vascular Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (vEDS)
he runs colder than most normal people
his eyes were red as an infant and toddler but as he got older and gained a bit of melanin in his eyes, they turned purple.
He has brittle nails
his individual hair strands are weak and thin but his collective head of hair is very thick nonetheless
his voice can only reach a low-moderate loudness/decibel and if he tries to really scream out loud, screech or yell he risks losing his voice, or otherwise just creating a really unpleasant hoarseness in his throat that makes his throat extremely tender and painful.
That's it, thank you guys
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zaragovica · 24 days
i have A Vision
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thank you for listening :3
[FEATURED SONG: Ethel Cain - Inbred]
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zaragovica · 25 days
i took a 3-hour nap and had a dream where i was in the world of crime and punishment. saw goth razumikhin.
for added context I "woke up" inside the dream, and I was Raskolnikov, and the face that greeted me was a goth. Nothing else in that dream looked out of place (for the time). People dressed like how people would in that era, the conversations were very much like how they would go in the translation I read. Hell, even the interiors of the decrepit apartment closet looked right in the dream. All except for Razumikhin, who looked like he would've belonged more in the 80s inside a Siouxsie and the Banshees concert. Nobody else in that dream questioned it either, yet somehow I was completely aware that his appearance didn't seem to fit right.
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he was also really fucking tall no other comment.
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zaragovica · 26 days
tooth rotting fluff for you touch starved soukoku fans
"You may be difficult to love, but with love, nothing is permanently difficult."
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enjoy :) this won't last. there is so much angst in my google docs.
FEATURED SONG: Leith Ross - We'll Never Have Sex
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zaragovica · 27 days
ATSUSHI you are KILLING IT! ATSUSHI i don’t think it’s MOVING ANYMORE. ATSUSHI you can STOP BITING. (reference meme)
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zaragovica · 27 days
Hey humans and lab experiments
My name is Vincent, call me Vince. I run the account @zaragovica. I am an Asia-based creator. I make horror, gore and psychological art and poetry. Consider me edgelord supreme for I made shit so edgy it can cut through potatoes and carrots and make a hot pot of stew to feed the children. Haha, anyways...
I just post whatever tf here. and at random with no schedule, so if you're expecting constant or consistent uploads, I am definitely not the right place to find that. I post anything I like on a whim, may it be my poetry, my art, sketches, fandom bullcrap, AUs and maybe future projects.
Uhh just a heads up my personality is very awkward and too serious/strange for my own good (autism/STPD strikes again) and I am pretty reclusive. I have cringe swagger and girlfailure rizz. If you wanna interact with me go ahead and do so, but just know that behind the computer I am freaking out over somebody willingly talking to me. Anyways here's some stuff, hello:
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I wish and aspire to bring as much horror to the fandoms I am in just as the artist Borba (creator of the infamous Zootopia Abortion Comic) has brought upon the Zootopia fandom, as well as the disgust and terror that people feel over papa meat and his horrid creations. Because I want to use my skill and talent to fuck with people :3 i think that would be funny (i also just wanna explore deeper, darker topics through the use of my fandoms, to be honest. I find that incorporating fandom into my little fixation on horror art and poetry works so well for me.)
Anywhoozy I will be in my little corner of the internet posting. Thank you for listening to me yap if you reached the end.
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