yafavtarotreader · 6 months
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He love my lil weird ass lol
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yafavtarotreader · 8 months
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yafavtarotreader · 9 months
waking up in love feel like you waking up on top of the world
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yafavtarotreader · 2 years
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gemini 💙 :
i see things ending but also beginning this could be cycles, relationships, projects, even a way of thinking that jus isn’t serving you anymore and you finding better ways to go about your independence, creativity, im seeing more so better ways to self assure yourself, looking within instead of out and working through fears that we feel stop us or get in the way of pursuing what’s meant for us but it’s not going to stop anything as long as you keep believing and living within what’s traditional to you or what you feel is for you. it’s okay to go about things differently. as long as it’s within you, your rights, and belief. (also, good intentions lol). i see you realizing the world is your playground and the opportunities are endless and definitely in reach for you in this time.
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yafavtarotreader · 2 years
high standards are sexy and powerful.
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yafavtarotreader · 2 years
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
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Right now is a time of healing for you, its time to dive into which parts of you needs nourishment, a little more love, more healing and i see you feeling emotionally overwhelmed and out of control with your emotions but the universe is saying your on the right track, but this is to help get rid of suppressed emotions and baggage from the past. Focus on moving towards things that you feel drawn to that’s positivity, healing, things that scream yes! This will help you appreciate your body and mind on a deeper level. Try working with the flow of things right now dont hold onto needs to be let go of. Don't resist the change. Take the help around you and tackle those issues that you tried to suppress and ignore from the past. i promise its bliss and happiness in the end and an opportunity to explore new and fresh beginnings. 
* There's an opportunity on the horizon 
* Theres a message your angels have for you so be on the lookout for a sign, and don't take it as another “coincidence” 
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
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I see you literally planting your seeds and watching them grow while enjoying every minute of it along with helping family and friends out when you can. Now I see you feeling as if you just want to chill, tend to self care, and sleep in and your guides want you to stop thinking you're lazy for kicking your feet up, and to find joy in your less stressful days. Enjoy this relaxing time you have because you're only in the middle of your journey. I feel like you have a fear that is blocking momentum from your progress taking off, its time to release and shed any expectations of others, old beliefs, all the way down to guilt from the past. Its time to release old worries and take your power back from all past situations and people. (You can do a releasing bowl ritual). This will help you not feel intimidated when facing new challenges coming your way. If at any point you feel exhausted and just draining your energy back up and handle things on your own.  Affirmations i got was unlikely and in the near future, I'm seeing you have a better planned outcome then you're imagining and its in your highest good. Be open to receiving because your answers are coming fast.
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
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You're going through a massive transformation and I'm seeing cycles that no longer serve you lose momentum, old beliefs, toxic relationships, that path you thought was the way actually coming clear that it's not, staying in this mentality/perspective in life is not going to get me where i really want to be nor bring in the genuine relationships i want/are manifesting. All of the things you really wanted to work out aren't. it's all slowly falling apart, losing energy and you have no exact reason to explain it ending up like this. Most of you are taking this all in and finally seeing clear, but some of you it's causing  you to feel stuck, restricted, and feel as if you can't trust yourself but that isn't the case here. The universe showing you that these people, these relationships, this mentality, these toxic situations are no longer serving you showing you to realise when to walk away from blockages and when it's time to move on because your simply growing out of this and moving into higher vibrations that lead you to your higher purpose and where you want to be. I'm seeing this has to leave you because of an opportunity coming to you that could shift your whole reality. When it come don't be afraid to take that step, you are capable of this great opportunity and spirit wants you to know you will succeed. Keep faith and use logic with your plans. You'll reap the rewards along with your cup overflowing with abundance. 
* Perfect timing.
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
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I see you reaching a good point in life full of bliss, success and happy endings even though you might not see it now things are not as bad as it seems. I see good news coming your way. I see its something your manifesting. I feel its going to be through word of mouth so it could be a phone call or through people or over hearing a conversation between someone else, i feel it coming fast and i do hear spirit saying have patience and that your ready. Know that you will get a clear sign when the time is right to act. Until then keep putting in the work and don't get lazy, Remember to show gratitude for your manifestation coming to life and im seeing so much bliss and happiness.
--put your foot down
- be assertive
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
should i still post the messages for the 4 pics guys??💕🌚
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
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pick one you’re drawn too ✨
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
group 4 - the star
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I see you guys are good together, this relationship is filled with abundance. The love is real here, and the universe is cheering you on but there is a lot of outside interference. When people see you they see success, so both of you have to set the boundaries with these outsiders so that they don't interfere with the relationship and the success yall have as a couple, like I mentioned before the love is real here. I see one of you are very social and your guard isn't always up and that's how these outsiders interfere, set some boundaries as a couple because your love outweighs these outside interferences and issues, trust your intuition because its guiding you right and I do see that its sending you a lot of messages right now but spirit is telling you there's no need to worry because once these issues get handled things will prosper. Some might be traveling but i do see your partner second guessing these travel arrangements due to outsiders.
Slow down and have patience and keep faith
You know what to do
Big happy changes
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
group 3 the bronze sun -
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So I instantly see issues that need to be corrected and lies being exposed within the relationship, if you have been lying to yourself about your person i'm seeing you coming to a point where you can’t run from it anymore. For some of you its a third party situation and for others it's certain things your partner does that just doesn't sit right with you. Regardless on the situation i see it coming out and you having no choice but to deal with it, and i see you having an honest conversation with your person and yes, it might end things for some of yall but for others it could lead to a new start in this relationship but dont think this is “karma” or bad luck this is simply happening as a lesson and it’s forcing you to listen to your intuition and knock out anything that not in you highest good. You got two yes cards so whatever question you were thinking about and whatever you have that iffy feeling on within your relationship, you're definitely spot on, you're correct. I do see another set back within the relationship, i see your partner starting to wonder with their eyes and i see you really second guessing if this is what you want because the interest and passion is fading fast, if you want this to work i would suggest waiting and get to know eachother better before a deeper commitment. listen and follow your intuition, your higher self is trying to send you answers to your problems so stop ignoring them. Some of you are going to release fear of leaving this toxic relationship and moving in a more positive direction in life. I see some of yall going to have to fight for this relationship to not let this third party take over, if you really want this relationship you need to step up now. spirit wants you to start forgiving yourself for past mistakes and from staying in situations that made you feel lesser than what you are and stand for.
Drink more water
Go look at some water
Take a sea-salt detox bath
Let go of fear for the future and hold positive thoughts and intentions
Stop worrying about money
( if you're in an abusive relationship this is not to tell you to stay, definitely leave if someone is hitting you or harming you period in any way.)
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
group 2 fairy on the moon -
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I'm seeing that your partner is a divie partner, it’s real love here and if this isn't already a long term relationship then you can expect a long journey with this one. For those who have been in the relationship for a minute already I see that you're thinking about moving commitment to the next level, thinking about kids and marriage right now, and for those that just begun your new relationship you're wanting a deeper commitment. some of you are apart from your person and this is a message that you guys will be coming together soon! Im seeing arguments and just being on eachother heels lately i see one of you are very insecure which is causing jealousy, and this is making you feel as if you're ready to backup from the relationship, making you feel there's no growth and your just stuck in this same cycle which makes you lose the excitement cause of that feeling “here we go again” or “nothing is giving” but there is. it's just that commutation needs to be clear in this relationship, speak up on past issues that keep reoccurring and actually come to an agreement. changed actions. once communication is clear and your partner knows that all opportunities presented are for both of you in the relationship, there will be big happy changes. that spark will b back full of passion n excitement. The messages I got closing your reading was don't make any sudden moves, slow and steady is best right now, honor your sensitivity and stay away from negative people,crowded areas, violent music and situations.
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
Group 1
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Im seeing you and your partner going through a tough time but its only because you guys decide to ignore all the opportunities to come out and express how you really feel regarding to the relationship, both of you are starting to realize the relationship isn't working out but one of you are scared of being alone and you're more frightened of starting over with someone new or just starting over alone period. I see both of you using manipulation when it comes to talking about how you both truly feel and if you want to continue being in this relationship. I see you holding onto so much hurt and anger from betrayal from the past im seeing in the present too (some of you are unaware that theres a third party STILL involved and i feel as if some “friends” that are around you know about it but aren't bringing it up to you) and are trying to find out how to forgive but its just not happening or playing out as you thought and you're beating your partner up for this hurt but at some point you will have to come and face the issue head on and figure out if you're still gonna be in this relationship. If you thinking about marrying this is a sign to reconsider, don't marry for money love. Your angels want you to know there is something better for you out there and you need to get outside to meet new people and connections to bring that fulfillment your looking for in. if its notion your highest good reconsider and talk with family for support.
Give the kids some chores
Be a better team player
You need to retreat to a quiet place and meditate
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yafavtarotreader · 3 years
I wanna start doing pick a piles so i’m finna see how ts go lmao ✨✨
if you in a relationship and need some clarity or just overall wanna kno what’s going on in the relationship then pick the pile you’re drawn to 🎯
comment the pile you’re drawn to and i’ll post the messages for each pile later today 💕
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