wolfenm-mlp · 6 years
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MLP-Marvel: Loki: Agent of Asgard by witchcraftywolfen
This design is based on the good Loki from Marvel's <i>Loki: Agent of Asgard</i> comics (he originally appeared this way towards the end of <I>Young Avengers<I> Vol. 2), whose costume was designed by Jamie McKelvie. I used a Pony Bride for the base, cut the mane and rerooted (with hair from a cheap-y children's wig from a dollar store), and painted his skin with iridescent paint. Other than his pants and undershirt, which are painted, various kinds of fabric make up his clothes and scalemaille. The facegaurd s a bit of painted interfacing, with wire armature covered in Model Magic for the horns. I'd meant to do this custom YEARS ago, but after starting it off, I ended up putting it on the back-burner. Now, I've finished it for the "Original Custom Contest" (original here meaning not based on a My Little Pony character) for Pony Fair 2018.
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wolfenm-mlp · 6 years
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MLP: Tempest Shadow by WolfenM 
Done for the 2D art contest for Pony Fair 2018. (This is actually a redux of a sketch I did last Drawlloween / Inktober.) 
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wolfenm-mlp · 6 years
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More images at deviantART.
Done for the "Hasbro-Inspired Custom Contest" at the upcoming Pony Fair 2018. I turned a G1-era  "Pony Bride" (as seen on the left) into Rarity (G4-era pony), of the TV series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I'd read that they'd made Spike the Dragon have a crush on Rarity to demonstrate how beautiful she is supposed to be. To me, the "Pony Bride" is the most beautiiful pony mold. Showing the custom side-by-side with the original pony (well, the same type), so you can see the changes. Instead of re-rooting, I coloured the original white hair with two different Sharpies (which, thank the gods, did not rub off on her, like they often do -- I was prepared to coat her mane in Mod Podge but am very happy I didn't have to). I also painted her body with an iridescent paint. For her Cutie Mark, I used beads, which I pinned in place with wire. I "curled" her hair just by wetting it and twisting it, then letting it dry. For her horn, I ran a wire armature through her head, then used Crayola Model Magic to sculpt the horn. 
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wolfenm-mlp · 6 years
Spike the Baby Dragon Cosplay
Okay, peeps, Mommy wants to know if she should add Spike’s new wings to my cosplay for the My Little Pony Fair in a couple weeks?
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wolfenm-mlp · 6 years
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I originally was going to use this Sweetheart Sister bait and this Teeny Tiny Newborn Baby bait to do Doofensmirtz and Perry, but then after I saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, I got the idea to do Groot and Rocket. Still, it took the upcoming My Little Pony Fair  to give me the kick I needed to finally DO them, LOL! They aren't for sale, but I *am* bringing them to the fair. (June 16th and 17 in Orlando -- I'll be there under the name Moonsget's Meadow, sharing a table with my friend :devRoogna:. More info about the con: https://www.mylittleponycon.com/ )
Groot's bark and Rocket's "leather" are sticky-foam (with help from hot-glue and Zots on Groot). Groot also has yarn on him, painted over; the same yarn is on Rocket's head. Rocket's tail is actually a little swatch of faux-snow leopard fur! And I added a bit of moss to Groot. :)
My Marvel fansite: https://mc.wolfenm.com
My Grootmas Tree: https://witchcraftywolfen.deviantart.com/art/GotG-Groot-Tree-topper-497453017 
More pics of these custom MLPs at my deviantART crafting account: https://witchcraftywolfen.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Marvel-Rocket-and-Groot-743945521
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wolfenm-mlp · 7 years
My Little Pony: The Movie
My review, at Sequential Tart: http://www.sequentialtart.com/reports.php?ID=10609
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wolfenm-mlp · 7 years
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Inside joke with a friend - a "ponysona" for her cat, who is always stealing q-tips, money, & lemons. #mylittlepony
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wolfenm-mlp · 7 years
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Saw My Little Pony: The Movie yesterday, so have some Tempest fanart for drawlloween/inktober. :P Maybe someday I'll do a proper colouring job on it ....
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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If you’re supporting Small Business Saturday, I offer, for your consideration:
~ my crafts at Etsy! https://www.etsy.com/shop/CryingWolfStudio
~ and my yuletide novella collection, The Drosselmeier Chronicles: The Solstice Tales  …
 ….at Lulu (get 33% off  until 12:59 pm on November 27th with coupon code BFRIDAY33) - http://www.lulu.com/shop/wolfen-m/the-drosselmeier-chronicles-the-solstice-tales/paperback/product-22495707.html
… or at amazon (full price) - https://www.amazon.com/dp/1329747291/sr=8-1/qid=1479923755/ref=olp_product_details?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid=1479923755&sr=8-1
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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Roogna - Goth Alter by WolfenM (Circa 2005)
Part of an art trade with Roogna. This is an alternate, SHS version of her MLP character, Roogna. 
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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MLP: Luna and Celestia by WolfenM (Circa 2012)
From My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Princess Luna, who oversees the night, and her elder sister Princess Celestia, who oversees the day. This was my entry for one of the contests (the one for MLP-inspired artwork) at the My Little Pony Fair and Convention 2012. Note: the moon in this image is my own photo.
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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MLP: FiM - Discord by WolfenM (Circa 2012)
Done for a friend who is friends with John De Lancie's rep, and said they were looking for something they might be able to use on his convention tables in some way. They didn't end up using it for the table, but he did sign a copy for me! :)
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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MLP: FiM - Spike by WolfenM (Circa 2012)
In 2012, a friend of mine who is the booking agent for Lee Tockar (the voice of Snips on My Littlle Pony: Friendship is Magic) said she was looking for fanart to make prints of for Lee's table, and that John de Lancie's agent was also looking for fanart of Discord; I did art for both of them. Cathy Weseluck [link] saw my art and told my friend that she wanted me to draw her FiM character, Spike for her.  I love Spike, so of course I said yes!
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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MLP-HP: Nacissa + BabyDraco 3D by witchcraftywolfen (Circa 2010)
Narcissa Malfoy and baby Draco, of Harry Potter, as MLPs. I did a 2-dimensional version of Narcissa and baby Draco [link] a few years ago, as a gift for -- she was my very first 100th favouriter on any image at my main account, ~WolfenMoondaughter. A little over a year ago, my crafting muse, Hern, suddenly got it in his head that I should do a "live", 3-dimensional version of that image (I think my 2-D art muse, La, put him up to it.) Between life and difficulties with the dress and Draco's wings, though, I ended up putting it aside, and so most of the supplies to make it have been sitting on my crafting table for ages. Recent computer troubles have prompted us to finally biting the bullet and upgrading my desktop to Windows 7, so while we were waiting for the disc, I decided to get back to this project so I could put things away, finally -- as well as put the project in the spot I left open for it in my Harry Potter collection! LOL Yeah, okay, it didn't turn out *quite* the same, but I'm fairly satisfied. Narcissa is a Sweetheart Sisters MLP; I removed her original, glittery marks with Goo Gone Extreme Remover (otherwise the texture would have shown through), ad painted over her in acrylic. She had a hole in her right ear from an earring -- I filled it in with Crayola Model Magic and painted over it. I used the remains of the earring as the center of her narcissa blossom pendant; I used Model magic for the petals, painted it all with Royal Violet acrylic, and painted over it all with glossy Mod Podge. There was a post in back of the earring, so I poked a hole in her chest and pushed the post into it, to secure it. I cut off her hair and replaced it with embroidery thread, which I knotted and pinned in place. Her dress is a somewhat stretchy velour, which I basically just wrapped around her and hot-glued in place. Then I added swirls in silver glitter paint. The collar is a green cotton fabric with a faint rose design. For the Slytherin shield, I cut the shield out of a Pop-Tart wrapper, then cut out a snake from printer painter, painted it with metallic green paint, and glued it to the shield. Note that it's pointing in a different direction from the snake on the shield of the two-dimensional image -- it occurred to me that it would make a nice "S" for Slytherin!  Her snake bracelet is made of Model Magic, painted with both silver acrylic and silver glitter paint. The eyes are glass beads. Draco was a baby pony, obviously -- I cut his mane short and then coloured it with a yellow Sharpie. I then strung a bit of wire through his back, in such a way that not only was there armature for the wings, but also a loop between his shoulders for stringing fishing line through, to make him "fly"". I shaped wings out of Sculpy by sketching one out on a piece of paper, pressing the clay down on it so that the pencil graphite would stick to the clay, then cutting it with an exacto blade. After attaching the wings, I then baked him in the oven, as per the Sculpy instructions. He was a little jelly-like, but he didn't warp or anything, and happily went back to normal after cooling off. I painted him in acrylic, then printed out the symbol I'd done for the 2-D image and cut it out with an exacto (which was *not* easy), coated it with gloss Mod Podge, and glued it on him. His shield was made the same way that Narcissa's was. I’ve since had to replace his wings (they cracked; this time I made tissue-paper wings), thus necessitating I repaint him, though I tried for a similar green. For the room set, I used a flat, flip-top cardboard box. The green wall behind them is the samw "wallpaper" I used for the 2-D image, using a pattern brush I made for another "Draco in Malfoy Manor"-related image ( [link] ). Alas, you can't see the patten very well, and I had to do it in sections because the paper wasn't big enough to do it all in one sheet. I coated it with packing tape so it wouldn't get wet or tear, but that made it look worse  -- I may redo that part someday .... For the floor, I cut up the backing of an empty canvas pad, then painted it with glossy Mod Podge. I covered an old check box with white satin to make the mattress, and more of the velour for the wall behind it and the canopy curtains. The tie for the curtains is silver pipe cleaner. I attached a hanger to the flap overhead, to tie Draco's fishing line to, and secured it with more pipe cleaner in the back. The mirror, which is based on one I originally did for that other image of Draco in Malfoy Manor and reused for the 2D Narcissa and Baby Draco image, was made similarly to the bracelet, with the addition of more Pop Tart wrapper for the actual mirror part.
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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GB-MLPs: Ed+Ky+Slimer by witchcraftywolfen (Circa 2009)
Eduardo (originally Bright Night, a pinkish-purplish SHS), Kylie (originally Strawberry Swirl, a G3), and Slimer (originally Cheerilee, a Ponyville happy meal toy, second series), of Extreme Ghostbusters fame. I do wish that the SHS and G3s were more proportionate to each other, so Ky's head didn't seem like 5 times bigger, LOL! I suppose I could have used a G3 for Ed, or even a G1, but the tallness / slenderness of the SHSs suits him, I felt -- and wouldn't have suited Ky .... Anyway, I got the idea to do them last October (2009) -- bought the ponies off eBay & everything -- but it took seeing someone else doing a GB pony ( [link] ) to get me to finally do it! XD For those who missed this 1997-98 season animated series, it was a sequel to The Real Ghostbusters, which in turn was a ... well, alternate reality to theGhostbusters movies. The premise of Extreme Ghostbusters was that it took place about a decade after the original animated series ended: the 'busters had disbanded long ago, and Egon had been teaching a class on paranormal studies at a local university. The semester at the start of the series found him with four students: Kylie, the goth paranormal expert; Eduardo the slacker; Garrett the extreme sports fanatic (despite the fact that he's also wheel-chair bound) & a big OGB (Original Ghostbusters) fan, and Roland, the mechanic/engineer. When the city is over-run by a plague-carrying demigod, Egon's students take up the ghostbusting mantle, becoming the next generation. This is one of my fave TV series ever, and I think it's a damn shame that it was cancelled after only one season (but at least it had around 40 episodes!). I am a die-hard Eduardo/Kylie shipper, hence ... well, this. Slimer was painted green & then covered in hotglue to make him look slimy. Granted, he's not slimy-looking in the series, but ... well, I had to do something to make him more visually interesting! XD He was also painted in glow-in-the-dark paint. I wish my camera could show it how it looks in real life. Eduardo's shirt and Kylie's "armour" are made of Crayola Model Magic clay. I probably should have just painted Eduardo's shirt on, but I wanted more dimensional shirtsleeves & collar. Due to anatomy, Eddie's vest had to be improvised (if I had sewn one together, it wouldn't have gone on around the forelegs, and there's not enough space between the forelegs for a "chest" anyway). Kylie's armour, too, had to be adjusted for a pony's differing proportions from human ones. The way it ended up, I didn't bother with the straps she's supposed to have on the sides, connecting front & back -- I think it would have been too awkward, both to make & to look at, and I think painting them on would have been even worse. The elbow & knee pads are placed according to the pony's joints rather than human anatomy. What we think of as the knee on the front legs of a horse are actually the equivalent of a *wrist* -- they have reaaaly long hands, and their elbows are up by their ribs. What is often referred to as a "reverse knee" on the hind legs is actually an ankle -- there is a knee, higher up. But I thought it would look really weird to put the pad on the ponys' actual elbows and knees, so I put them on the wrists and ankles, and in the direction where they would actually protect the joint. XD
Eduardo's jeans are made from a jean belt that was double-layered, so they made great pant legs for ol' Eddie. I suppose I could have cut off the stitching towards the top ... ah well, hindsight, yadda yadda. The brown suede on their forehooves are "workgloves". The yellowish pack on Ky's back is the "girls'" version of the proton pack. (It should be yelllower. Ah well.) The pack is pinned into place, as the hot glue kept ripping the paint off. XD Please note, I DID **NOT** make her proton gun or its cord, or the ghost-trap -- I filched them from one of my Kylie action figures. Kylie's hair is black yarn rooted to a mod-podge-soaked bit of felt, which was then hot-glued on (pretty much everything was). Eduardo's mane is the original mane, cut & then coloured with a marker (note: if you use this method, the marker never seems to *fully* set, so don't touch it or let it touch the pony's skin after). Ed's goatee is white yarn coloured with the marker & hotglued in place. Ky's eyeshadow was done with black coloured pencil, to give it that smokey look. I faintly shadowed Ed's cheeks, as he has really prominent cheekbones in the series.
Eduardo's earrings are supposed to be gold, but none of the gold chain links I had were big enough or round enough, so I used jump rings (I *think* they're stainless steel). Getting them in his ears & closed again was the hardest part of the whole project! Especially his right ear, as that one wasn't pre-pierced like his left .... Instead of using the real No-Ghost logo, I used the variant I made for a contest: [link]
Note: Kylie doesn't actually wear a No-Ghost logo, but as MLPs typically have an emblem (”cutie-mark”) on their hindquarters, I gave her one there. On both of them, I printed out the logo, mod-podged it, and glued it on. I didn't do one for Slimer because I just didn't think it would look right. I couldn't put my signature mark on his hooves either, but Ky & Ed each have it (the red spiderish thing -- it's both a "W" over an "M", and also an alchemical symbol for prosperity).
I showed this to Tara Strong, voice of Kylie -- and of Twilight Sparkle on My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. She suggested I send them to a My Little Pony museum, but I couldn't part with them ....
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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MLP-Marvel: The Amazing Spider-Pony by witchcraftywolfen (Circa 2012)
A pony version of the Andrew Garfield Spider-Man, made from a "Playful Pony" blue sparkle fakie (ie, not a real My Little Pony). I got this "bait" (a pony not in collectible condition, and therefore fair game for customising) from my friend ~Roogna. He's a bit heat-deformed, especially in the head. Not long after I got him, he just screamed Spider-Man to me (probably because I had just seen the movie, my review of which you can find here: [link] ). Granted, he's not the right shade of blue, but I think he turned out well, especially given the difficulty I had in translating the accents on the costume onto a pony body. (I made some simplifications, and I can't really tell for sure from the photos I found what red parts have the webbing and which don't.) I used masking tape for most of it, but still ended up having to scrape away some excess paint. I also added some glitter paint to the red areas, to match them more to the glittery blue of the pony's body. The "webshooters" are glass beads pinned in place. You can't really tell from the photos, alas, but the "shoes" are silver paint and the mane is wire with opalescent-white embroidery thread hot-glued to it. The tail is the same thread, simply knotted and pinned in place, and easily removed. (The mane can also be removed, but probably not be so easily reinstalled.) In the top pic, with the pseudo cityscape, one of his hooves is pinned in place by a thumbtack poking through from behind the board. The bricks are a pattern I made for photoshop, & the buildings are a manip of one of my own photos.) One of these days I'll do a better set for him. XD The symbol on the back of his right hoof is my pony-custom signature, the alchemical symbol for "prosperity" -- and also my initials, "W" and "M", on top of one another. It's especially appropriate on this custom, seeing as it looks a bit spider-like! XD You can find more of my Marvel fanworks at my Marvel fansite: [link]
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wolfenm-mlp · 8 years
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MLP-Marvel: Thor + Kid Loki by witchcraftywolfen (Circa 2011/2014)
It was too windy & sunny to do the photos outside, as I normally do. Then I got an idea to build Asgard in my room, using a Cinderlla's Castle throw, some black fabric, and fabric that looks like the Rainbow Bridge from the Thor movie! This is the most fun I've ever had both customising and then photographing the finished customs! I think Loki turned out especially well. The image of Loki riding on Thor's back was inspired by a scene from the comics, in Thor issue #619.
Marvel Kid Loki writers Kieron Gillen and Matt Fraction both tweeted their approval, LOL! You can see pics/read about the making of the Thor pony here, and the Kid Loki pony here. You can find more of my Loki-centric fanworks at my Marvel fansite, mc.wolfenm.com
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