witchreverie · 1 year
☀️Sun Meditations☀️
🌞Drawing in Sun Energy Meditation🌞:
This can be done right before any kind of Sun magic or working with Sun deities. It’s also a easy way to recharge your personal energies. If you’re tired and in need of an energy boost during the day use this exercise to recharge your energy levels. It’s also an excellent way to raise energy for any type of healing work
🌞If possible, sit outside in a sunny spot where you will not be disturbed or, if it’s cold outside, stand by a window where the Sun’s light can shine on you. Sit in a comfortable position.
🌞 Close your eyes. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin. Take 3 deep breaths in-and-out and allow your body to relax.
🌞Turn your hands palm up, raise them to the sky (if that’s comfortable, just resting them on your lap, palms open, works just as well). See the Sun’s energy streaming towards you, and then draw it between your hands until you hold a fiery, golden orb of light.
🌞Slowly lower your hands. As you do, see the Sun’s energy filling your body. See the Sun’s energy filling your head then lower your hands to your chest and see it filling your heart in the core of your being.
🌞Lower your hands again and see the Sun’s energy fill the lower part of your body, going down the soles of your feet. Repeat as many times as you wish.
🌍Grounding Sun Meditation☀️:
This meditation is my favorite way to ground. The sun and earth work in harmony to bring you balance and strength.
🌍 If possible, sit outside in a sunny spot where you will not be disturbed or, if it’s cold outside, stand by a window where the Sun’s light can shine on you. Sit in a comfortable position.
☀️Hold your hands palms up. See a ray of golden light shining on you. Concentrate on the light. Concentrate on emotions being felt and physical sensations. Feel or imagine its warmth on your skin.
🌍Take a deep breath, and as you do, see the sunlight filling you. Take 2 more deep breaths, or until you feel filled with sunlight.
☀️Now place your hands Palm down on the ground to either side of you. Imagine reaching down through the Earth - down, down to the fiery core of the planet.
🌍Take a deep breath and, pulling up the fires that are at the heart of the Earth, take 2 more deep breaths until you are filled with the fires of the Earth.
☀️Place your palms over your heart. See the golden sunlight in the fires at the core of the Earth mix and blend as they fill in circulate through your being.
☀️Say or think:
Fires above, fires below
Within, without I am whole
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witchreverie · 1 year
Motivation Charm Bag
Need some extra energy? Motivation? Creativity? This charm bag is intended to do all that and help you get stuff done.
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You will need:
Motivation: Purple Statice or Lemon
Creativity: Ginger, Nutmeg, or Vervain
Energy: Chamomile or Carnation
Quartz Crystal of your choice
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witchreverie · 1 year
⭐️An easy ‘pick me up’ energy spell!⭐️
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I like to do this spell when I’m feeling a little low and need a push of energy to help me complete my tasks. If you find yourself needing a little help when you’re low on spoons, maybe this could help you!
🌻 Yellow candle
⭐️ White glitter
🌻 Annointing oil of choice
⭐️ Coffee grounds
🌻 Ginger
⭐️ Cinnamon
🌻 Orange peels
⭐️ Sunlight 
Aight so boom. Take your yellow candle and carve “energy” & “vitality” repeatedly into it. Dress the oil with whatever you have on hand (olive oil is good!). Cover and roll it in white glitter, coffee grounds, ginger, and cinnamon. Use a bit of honey or heat the bottom of the candle enough until the hot wax makes it stick to your plate or tin foil. Surround the candle with fresh orange peels (eat it before performing the spell!) and light!
Focus on the flame of the candle. Let the energy of the burning flame fill you with energy as you focus on it. I like to smoke a bit of ganja beforehand to help me meditate and focus, but to also help with any physical ailments and fatigue i might have. 
Take whatever’s left of the candle spell and leave it at a crossroads. Afterwards, take a moment to ground. If it’s sunny, take your shoes off and walk around barefoot in some grass, and find a nice warm spot to stand, close your eyes, and let the sunlight fill you with energy. Go home, and do whatever you gotta do!
Feel free to modify the spell to what feels right for you!
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witchreverie · 2 years
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I made this tarot cheat sheet after being inspired on tiktok <3 I hope this can help anyone who needs it!
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witchreverie · 3 years
Magic to Replenish Energy
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(Had to make a new version because tumblr messed with the gif on the original and won’t let me edit my own posts…)
As a spoonie witch, using magic to help regain my mental and physical energy has been extremely helpful. I decided to compile some resources to make life easier!
Mental reboost tea spell
Easy energy tea spell
Energy boost tea
Energy spell
Rejuvenating tea
Morning coffee spell
Lemon cayenne wakefulness potion
*resources for herbal interactions*
Spoonie spell for energy + Spoons spell
Rain energy spell
Electric charge spell (storms)
Solar charged spell
Energy boost spell
Pick me up energy spell
Full bloom spell
Odds and ends:
Energy bath
Energy shower scrub
Recharge yourself (with crystals)
Sun meditations
Motivation charm bag
Spell jar/sachet for energy
“I Shouldn’t Be Awake But I Have to Be” Jar Spell
Sigils for energy: [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X] [X]
Related resources:
What to do when witchcraft drains you
Spells and sigils for energy
Witchy things to do when you’re low on spoons
Simple spell work for low energy days
You may also like:
Rejuvenating witchcraft
Spoonie witch masterpost
Bedridden witchcraft series
Sick witchery
How to return to the craft
Links updated February, 2020 (please inform me of broken links via askbox)
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witchreverie · 3 years
Building a Magical Home
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One of my favorite quotes about the magic of homemaking comes from Cory Hutcheson, host of the New World Witchery podcast. He says, “Home is a transformational act. It is the thing you do to turn a space into a space… that is full of ritual and significance and meaning. So there is sort of this ongoing relationship you have with the space that makes it a home.”
The act of creating a home, of making a space your own, is inherently magical. But if you want to make your space feel a little more witchy, here are some ideas to get you started.
Charms and Talismans
Making your own magical objects can be a powerful way to bring magic into your space. The best thing about making your own charms is that you can make them look however you want, so it’s easy to disguise them as ordinary household objects. You can make a charm for any intention by combining objects based on their magical correspondences.
I’ve talked about protective charms in previous posts, so I’m not gonna spend a lot of time on it here. The simplest protective charm is keeping a large piece of iron under your bed to keep away nightmares, evil spirits, and negative energy. You could also make your own protection charm, like a witch bottle.
You can create a “happy home” charm to bring peace, harmony, and happiness into your home. This charm could include herbs like basil, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, and/or bay leaves, as well as other items that you associate with peace and good fortune, like lucky coins, crystals, or black cat fur. Write your desires for a harmonious and happy home on a piece of paper, fold it up, and add it to the charm. You could store these items in a green bag, bury them in your backyard (in this case, make sure you’re only using biodegradable plant matter — leave out the coins and crystals), or place it inside a household object like a lamp or an end table.
If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep issues, try making a dream charm to help you sleep well and have sweet dreams. To make a simple dream charm, fill a blue or purple bag with lavender, chamomile, peppermint, and any other objects that you associate with peace, restfulness, and sleep. If you want to have lucid dreams or receive psychic messages in your dreams, include a bit of mugwort. Place the charm in your pillow or under your mattress. (I personally swear by this one, as it’s helped a lot with my insomnia.)
Charms are great for homemaking magic because you’re actually creating a magical object, which can then become a permanent fixture of the space.
Magical Decor
You can use magical items to decorate your home to bring certain qualities into that space.
Hanging or displaying a broom is said to bring good fortune, protection from evil, and good hospitality. Cauldrons are used to represent the Goddess, rebirth, and raw potential. Horseshoes hung above door frames bring safety and luck to all who cross under them, and keep unwanted guests away. If you can get them legally and ethically, animal bones, teeth, claws, and feathers can represent the spirit and energy of that animal. You can also put up images of spiritual and occult symbols — I have an image of the Sun tarot card hanging in my bedroom to promote positivity and growth.
If you need to be a little more subtle with your witchy decorations, working with the magic of color is a great way to do that. Gathering a lot of items of a single color in one room changes the energy of that room. Here’s a quick guide to give you some ideas:
Yellow is associated with divination, mental clarity, the element of air, success, communication, and inspiration.
Purple is associated with divine power, spiritual awareness, mystery, astral travel, magic, and authority.
Blue is associated with healing, psychic abilities, the element of water, peace, truth, and patience.
Red is associated with protection, the fire element, sex, power, vitality, and love.
Orange is associated with ambition, creativity, breaking through blockages, and career success.
Pink is associated with romantic love, friendship, self love, compassion, and emotional well-being.
Green is associated with nature, herbalism, the earth element, money, wealth, prosperity, and luck.
Brown is associated with grounding, animal magic, stability, and balance.
White is associated with purification, cleansing, the full moon, new beginnings, healing, and spiritual growth.
Black is associated with protection, truth, outer space, banishing, and transition.
Decorating your home with colors that are meaningful to you can create a powerful magical space. You may also have your own color associations (for example, yellow is a very “happy” color for me), so feel free to incorporate those into your decor as well!
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Growing Magical Houseplants
Most witches feel a very deep connection to nature and draw power from the natural world, but we can’t all live in a cottage in the heart of the forest. Even if you live in a tiny apartment in the city, you can still bring nature into your space by keeping houseplants. Many popular houseplants have magical uses, and many popular magic herbs can be grown inside. Here are a few to get you started.
Aloe. This is one of my favorite plants. Aloe brings luck and protection, especially protection on an energetic/spiritual level. I like to keep aloe in my bedroom to protect me while I sleep, as well as to bring luck and inspiration while I’m working at my desk.
Basil. Basil is very popular in money spells, and will attract prosperity and luck to your home. However, it also has protective properties — both spiritual protection and protection from bugs, since basil is a natural insect repellent! Basil can also be used in love spells, and is just generally a good plant to have around for good vibes.
African Violet. This flowering plant attracts positive spiritual energy into your space. It has associations with the moon and the water element, and is very good for promoting spirituality and psychic power.
Rosemary. Rosemary is one of those herbs that every witch should have on hand. It’s so darn versatile, it can be used as a substitute for virtually any other herb, and can be used for almost any intention. Some of the most common magical associations for rosemary include: cleansing, purification, protection, healing, mental activity, and enhancing memory. According to author Deborah J. Martin, there’s an old English saying that, “Where rosemary grows, the woman rules the house.” Like basil, rosemary is a natural insect repellent.
Lavender. Lavender brings peace, love, and gentleness, which makes it a perfect addition to any home. It can be used in spells for cleansing and purification, enhancing psychic abilities, and stress relief. Lavender is also a powerful addition to love spells. Keeping lavender in the bedroom can aid in restful sleep, while lavender in the kitchen will bring harmony to the home.
Sage. Sage is the most talked about cleansing herb, and with good reason. Unfortunately, a lot of the sage bundles you can buy at metaphysical stores are made with white sage (Salvia apiana), which is sacred to Native American peoples and is endangered due to overharvesting. Instead of buying those, why not grow your own garden sage (Salvia officinalis), which has a lot of the same magical properties? Growing sage in your home will purify the space and protect those who live there. Sage also has an association with wisdom and mental prowess.
Hoya. Hoya is a common houseplant that you’ve probably seen even if you don’t know it by name. It has a distinctive appearance with waxy, dark green leaves and clusters of white, star-shaped flowers. Hoya aligns and balances the energy centers within your body, as well as in the surrounding space. It’s associated both with grounding and with spiritual openness, so it can be great for balancing the two.
Peppermint. Peppermint has a variety of magical uses, but my favorite way to use it is for gently opening up blockages and getting things moving. It’s great for cleansing, but is more gentle than rosemary or sage. Place it in any room where you tend to do a lot of healing work, or where you could use some peace and love. Peppermint is also used in dream magic, so growing it in the bedroom may bring on vivid or lucid dreams.
Orchid. Orchids are used in magic for love and lust. Historically, orchid has been used in folk medicine to promote male virility and “Jezebel root,” used in American folk magic to attract wealthy male lovers, is a type of orchid root. If you live with a significant other, try growing an orchid in the bedroom to promote passion in your sex life. Otherwise, grow orchids in your home to promote love or to attract romance.
Catnip. If you have cats, they’ll love this one. Catnip is actually a type of mint, and has strong lunar associations. It’s said to make one more charming and attractive, and is especially useful for attracting women. At the same time, catnip promotes courage and fierceness. It is also, of course, associated with cats and feline deities, so this is definitely a plant you’ll want to keep around if the cat is one of your animal guides.
If you have a yard space that you can turn into an outdoor garden, your magical plant options are limited only by your local ecosystem. Some outdoor plants that have magical uses include roses, sunflowers, rue, lemon balm, and strawberries.
Creating an Altar
Altars are focal points of magical and spiritual energy. Many people, both witches and non-witches, find that having a designated space for their spiritual practice creates a deeper sense of sacredness and purpose.
An altar can serve lots of different purposes. Many witches use their altar as a magical work space to prepare spells, meditate, and do divination. You may choose to dedicate your altar to a deity, your ancestors, or some other spirit(s) you work with. You can also build altars for specific intentions, such as a money altar or a love altar — performing rituals at this altar everyday is a powerful method for manifestation. You altar may be some or all of these things, or it may just be a place to sit and connect with the spiritual.
You can set up an altar on any flat surface, like a shelf or table, or inside a container like a jewelry box. Your setup can be as simple or as elaborate as you like. An altar can be huge and complex, with statues and candles and flowers, or it can be as simple as a tealight and an incense burner. It’s all about what appeals to you.
New World Witchery pocast, “Episode 143 — The Magical Home”
Southern Cunning: Folkloric Witchcraft in the American South by Aaron Oberon
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
“Candle colors and their meanings” by Michelle Gruben on the Grove and Grotto blog
Green Witchcraft by Paige Vanderbeck
A Green Witch’s Cupboard by Deborah J. Martin
“The Magic of Orchids in Wiccan Love Spells & Rituals” on the Art of the Root blog
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witchreverie · 3 years
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witchreverie · 3 years
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🎕 🎕 🎕
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witchreverie · 3 years
Charm Bag - Drawing Out a Latent Talent
In a small draw-string bag (perhaps orange in color) about 1-2 inches deep, put in a pinch or two of each of the following:
licorice root 
Once assembled, hang the bag outdoors at sundown. At midnight, remove the bag and place it around your neck. You must wear it for the next 24 hours. After the first 24 hours, you can place it under your pillow the night before anything important where you feel you need some extra help with reaching your full potential. Remember this charm is to bring out your existing talent, not give you one you don’t already have.
Source: Spellbound by Katrina Hobbs.
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witchreverie · 3 years
Unmute !
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witchreverie · 3 years
This is by no means completed, up-to-date, or the only way you can view or perceive witchcraft. These are just some posts, found on my blog, put together in a list for easier access.
This is also being updated as I go through my archives, and whats on the list as of [Sept 22nd, 2018] is from start - August 2018. This list will be updated as often and as quick as I can possibly manage.
This isn’t really as organized as I would like it, but I broke it down into categories and alphabetical order such as:
Moon Shit:
2017 Lunar Calendar 
August 2018 Lunar Schedule
Full Moons Of The Year
Lunar Eclipse Dates
Lunar Phases
Magick Of The Moon Phases
Moon Magic 
Moon Magic Grimoire 
Moon Phase Runes
Top Stargazing Events of 2018
Herb Shit:
5 Herbs Every Witch Should Have In Their Garden
Anti-Anxiety Herbs
Big Witchy Guide On Herbs And Flowers
Dangerous Herbs
Gardens  Of The Witches
Herb Masterpost
Herbs For Hexing
Herbs For Protection
Indoor Plants For The Space Conscious Witch
Poisonous Herbs
Reasons Herbs May Not Work
Sacred Herbs Of The Gods 
Top 10 Magical Herbs
Crystal Shit:
Crystals Every Witch Should Have
Gems For Depression
Taking Care Of Your Crystals
Emoji Spells Shit:
Easy Sleep
Spells Shit:
4 Free Spells
A Method To Cleanse And Ward After Unsavory People Leave
Anti-Anxiety Charm
Anti-Anxiety Jar
Bad Habits Tarot Spread
Bad Luck
Bandage Sigils
Banishing Nightmares
Bath For Sunburns
Belladonna’s Spell Page
Celestial Nail Polish Magic
Change Your Luck
Crow Bone Hex
Curse A Bitch
Dreams and Nightmare Protection
Easy Cleansing Ritual
Elemental Ideas
Forest With Me
From My Grimoire
Glamour Enchanted Jewelry
Hail The Glow Cloud
Hex For 2017
Icelandic Staves
Increasing Emotional Tolerance
Lavender Self Love Jar
Love Enhancer
Love / Protection 
Memory Aid
Mermaid’s Breath
New Year Purification Bath
Peppermint Spell
Return To Sender
Ritual For Positive Thoughts 
Ritual Of Gratitude
Self Love And Healing Jar
Seven Useful Powder Spells For Every Occasion
Sew Closed Your Heart
Simple Protection 
Sleep Spells And Sigils
Steps To Strengthen A Romantic Relationship
Stop Nightmares
Using Glitter In Spells
Ward Types and Components
Warmth In Winter
Advice Shit:
10 Common Misconceptions of Baby Witches
10 Daily Witch Things
10 Plants To Survive A Zero Sunlight Bedroom
10 Terms Every New Witch Should Know
26 Activities To Help Your Mind, Body, And Soul
A Collection Of Witch Tips
A Long List Of Ways To Spiritually Protect Yourself
Astral Temple Meditation
Aura / Energy Colors & Meanings
A Secret Witches Guide To Concealing Your Craft
Back To School Magic
Basics Of Kitchen And Cottage Witchcraft
Beginner Masterlist
Beginner Witchcraft 
Being A Witch
Blood Magic
Breaking Astrology Down
Candle Uses & Meanings
Charging/Activating Sigils
Cosmic Witch Masterpost
Daily Witchcraft
Discreet Little Witchy Things
Discreet Witchcraft
Earth Element Correspondents 
Enchanting Items
Everyday Magic Is Easy
Faerie List
Fire Safety
Hearthandhold Reading List 
How I Draw My Sigils
How Runes Work
How To Learn Witchcraft
How To Make Your Own Sigil
How To Use A Sigil Wheel
Incense Uses
Inexpensive/Free Witchcraft
Jarring Tips
Keeping Yourself Protected
Knot, Thread, and Cord Magic
Little Tips For The College Witch
Low Energy Tips
Magic For School/Education
Magical Herb
Modern Polytheism
Modern Witches
Modern Witches
My Advice For Baby Witches 
New Witch Budget Tips
Nik’s Tips For Discreet Witchcraft
Reading Tea Leaves
Rose Water Is My Religion
Salt & Witchcraft
School / Work Grounding
Some Things To Track
So You Want To Talk To Spirits?
Spell Books
Stoner Witch Tips
Tarot Cheat Sheet
Tech Witches
The Wiccan’s Glossery
There Comes A Time When You Need To Stop Researching And Just Practice 
Tips For Discreet College Witches
Tips For Writing Incantations 
Types Of Witches
Types Of Witches And Witchcraft
Understanding Concepts In Witchcraft
Urban Witch 101: House and Home
Violets Witchcraft Masterpost
Ways To Start Feeling Again
Water Magic
Witchcraft In The Shadows
Witchcraft PSA
Witch Resources
Witch Tips For City Witches
Witches With Depression
Witchling Endeavors
Witchy Grimiore Ideas
Witchy Podcasts
Witchy Tips
Recipe Shit:
Anti-Nightmare Pouch
Apple Cider Love Bringing
Black Salt
Budget Witch DIY
Calming Sugar Scrub
Charming Lip Balm
Cleansing And Calming Salt
DIY Gemstone Necklace
Drawing Out A Latent Talent Pouch
Drying Out Roses
Infused Water Magic
Milkshake Magic
Moon Spell Cakes
Moon Water
Peaceful Sleep Sachet
Potion For Sleep
Rose Water
Smoothie Potions 
Soothing Dreams Sachet
Communication Shit:
Crystal Hand Of Prosperity
Dead Dash
Earth Witches Reblog…
Hey There
Like/Reblog if you…
Looking To Follow
Money Bear
Money Pentacle
Witchcraft Asks
Witches reblog if…
Witches Reblog If…
Witchy Asks
Wonderful Weekend
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witchreverie · 3 years
💐five herbs every witch should have in their garden💐
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🌜lavender every witch has used lavender in their time practicing witchcraft. lavender is a very balanced herb, as it promotes healing from depression. it is great in sleep and love spells. when burned, spread the ashes around your home to promote protection.
🌜sage sage is often used to promote self purification and to bring wisdom. it also promotes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health. many people burn sage to eliminate any negative spirits.
🌜rosemary rosemary is also an extremely versatile plant, as it can be carried and used in healing poppets for good health. it can be used in love spells, worn to improve memory, used in dream pillows to prevent nightmares, and burned as incense for purification and removing negativity.
🌜basil basil can be used for love, exorcism, wealth, sympathy, and protection. it dispels confusion, fears, and weakness. it drives off hostile spirits, and it can be carried to promote moving on from negative times. it can be strewn on floors to provide protection from evil. wear or carry to aid in attracting money and prosperity.
🌜chamomile great for love, healing, and reducing stress. add to a sachet or spell to increase the chances of its success. sprinkle an infusion of chamomile around the house to remove hexes, curses, and spells. it can be burned or added to prosperity bags to increase money. burn as incense for de-stressing, meditation, and restful sleep. wash hands in an infusion of chamomile for luck before gambling, playing cards, etc. it can also be used in bath magick to attract love.
facts found from twilights-children
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witchreverie · 3 years
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witchreverie · 3 years
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Eclipse solar del 14 de diciembre de 2020, Santiago.
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witchreverie · 3 years
Witchcraft 101: The Basics of Wards & Warding
I tried looking for some informative posts about wards and warding, and there are a few out there, but I thought ‘hey, why not bung all of the information you’ve gathered into a nice little post of your own!’, and thus, this post has come to be.
So, what are wards? Well - to put it simply - wards are a means of protection against negativity, negative energies and any form of ill-will that seeks to harm yourself, your loved ones or your home. They are a form of ‘psychokinetic shield’ if you want to use the fancy terminology, - a thing to deflect nasties. Wards can be cast on objects and items, in the home or a space that you want to protect, such as a workplace or communal space, or they can be cast in certain rooms. Some wards can be cast around the whole perimeter of an area - grounds included. 
When is the best time to cast these, wards you speak of? Well, my hard rockin’ friend, the short answer is this: whenever you feel is best. I find that whenever your home has been busy, or a high-traffic area, you may want to take down old wards and cast new ones, or perhaps after you’ve had a mad deep clean in your home. That works best for me, anyway!
Alright, Rowan you’ve got me hooked. Where do I start?
The first thing you need to do is cleanse.  Cleansing is used in witchcraft all the time; we cleanse our tools and spaces often to make sure no residual energies or nastiness is in, on or around our stuff. It’s the same with wards and warding. When warding, you’re essentially creating a shield using energy and this is often done by visualising and forming a sort of… bubble. Cleansing any tools you plan on using and cleansing the space you intend on protecting (if this is your aim, of course) will wash away any left over energies or anything that you don’t want with the bounds of your ward(s).
You can cleanse using any of your preferred methods, such as smoke cleansing using incense, or by washing your area/tools/items in a charged water.
Right, so I’ve cleansed my things. Now what?
You’re clean, and you’re ready. Okay, cool beans. Let’s get down to business (to defeat, the Huns!). You need to decided on just how you want to cast your wards as there are various ways and means of doing so. You don’t have to stick to just one - you’re more than welcome to dabble and to experiment, or use combinations of methods as long as it’s safe and suits your wants and needs.
I like using sigils and symbols! 
So, you like sigils, do ya’? Me too! Sigils are a great way of establishing wards in and around the home. You can either choose a sigil that befits your intent, or craft your own - either is fine, and using incense smoke, oil blends or simply your finger and a little bit of visualization and a lot of focus on your intent, draw your sigils on the doors and windows of your home (primary access points), and on door frames and windowsills. If you’re creating wards for a property as a whole, you can engrave or draw sigils onto gates and fence posts too.
Incense floats my boat, Roe.
Ah, good old incense. Now, bear in mind that sometimes using incense smoke may not be possible or appropriate, or perhaps you don’t do well with smoke - totally understandable, lots of people don’t. If this is the case, you can cast wards using water and oil blends instead! This can be done by putting the blend into a spray bottle and then by ‘spritzing’ your object or area.
When you’re creating an oil blend or an incense, try your best to make sure that your protection herbs (rosemary, bay, cinnamon, salt, etc,.), are authentic because the magick is in your herbs!
A Quick Step-by-Step Guide to Incense Warding:  Smoke or spray/spritz your item, if it is an item that you are warding. If it’s a room/building or space, you need to pick a place to start. If you are not drawn to any area in particular, then starting by your altar (if you are that way inclined!) or at a doorway, would be best. *If you’re warding more than one floor, begin at the very top and work your way down.
Next, begin smoking/spritzing the room. You do this by moving clockwise around the room (to the right). As you do so, visualise the smoke or spray enveloping everything it touches; forming an impenetrable layer on all around you - a shield, if you will. If you have problems with visualisation, then simply focus on your intent: protection, protection, protection. If you’re setting up specific wards, e.g., ones to stop bad spirits or fae, focus on that.
As you work, follow the layout of the space you are warding. Work from room to room. If you aim to set up a ward that protects an entire property, you may want to establish a perimeter. You do this by walking full circle, including the ground and gardens, if applicable.
What if I work better with energy, Roe?
Then, my friend, the bubble/wall wards will work for you.
Some people are naturally very good at working with energy and so this form of warding may work best for you, if you are one of those people. Using visualisation, take your object (if, again, that’s what you’re doing, if not and you’re warding a space, apply the following steps to the space you are working in), and channel your energy into it. Do this by envisioning, as best you can, a cord or light or a tendril of some form, coming from yourself and into the object. During this time, focus solely and intently on your intent. Put as much power as you can muster into this.
If you are a proficient energy worker, you may be able to build a dome/wall/shield of energy that is capable of warding larger areas.
To add a little… oomph, to your wards, you may want to chant or add some vocal spell-work into the mix. If you do want to do this, you’ll need to find an applicable chant or create one of your own and then, as you walk through your space, you will need to repeat it over and over, keeping your intent in mind. As you cover you home, or space, you’ll need to speak it in each room you wish to protect!
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witchreverie · 3 years
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Marie Antoinette (dir. Sofia Coppola, 2006)
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witchreverie · 3 years
A Curse on DJT
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filled with intent, a taglock bound in twine, hurricane water, rusted nails, broken mirror, spiders, ash from a manifestation set on fire, black dye, and raw rage - sealed with black wax - shaken to activate 🖤
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