weird-hag · 3 years
Subtle Witch Tips - Lammas / Lughnasadh
Happy Harvest!
I created a list of subtle witch tips for folks who are looking for some low-key harvest celebrations during this busy time.
🌽 Bake a loaf of Quick Bread - Unlike most breads which take hours to prove, quick breads are just that - quick! Have a search around Pinterest or your favorite recipe places and find something that strikes your fancy. I happen to be partial to beer cheese breads with caramelized onions. While mixing your dough be sure to infuse it with thankfulness for all that you have been granted this year.
🌻 Do a ritual centered around your goals for the year - Make a list of everything you hoped to work on this year and evaluate how far you’ve come. Make offerings in celebration of all you’ve accomplished and meditate on what you can best do to manifest everything you’ve hoped for. 
🌽 Go for an early evening walk - Bask in the warmth and light that continues to suffuse the later hours of the day. As the days grow darker, you will come to miss the greenery and easy evening productivity. There’s no easier way to be grateful for something than to acknowledge it in the moment and be fully present in the world.
🌻 Let go of regrets with a burning spell - Lughnasadh is also a period of reflection as with the bounty of life comes the memory that death is not far behind. Sit quietly and meditate on what plans you had that are not working out, or what endeavors you should be letting go of. Write all your regrets and what you want to rid yourself of on pieces of paper or corn husks if you’re feeling particularly seasonal. Gather all of them up and burn them one by one to release yourself from such burdens as we go into the tail end of the year. 
🌽 Tidy Up - While we usually think of harvest time as a period of abundance, for farmers it is also a time of cleaning. Once the bounty of the fields is collected, work begins to prepare the ground for more crops, or for the soil to sit under a sleepy blanket of snow until spring. Take some time out of your Lughnasadh celebrations to clean your space - your altar, your home, or even just your bed or desk. Evaluate that which is no longer serving you and consider donating unwanted items so that others may benefit from your abundance!
Wishing you all a very happy first harvest! ☀️
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weird-hag · 3 years
Lammas Masterpost
Lammas, also called Lughnasadh, is a celebration of the first harvest of the year, marking the annual festival of wheat. 
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Date: August 1
Themes: The first harvest, blessings, hearth and home, celebrating hard work and accomplished goals, abundance, transformation and change, prosperity
Lunar Phase Association: Disseminating Moon
Colors: Gold, Orange, Yellow, Green
Herbs: Ginseng, Rosemary, Sunflowers, Chamomile, Mints
Stones: Amber, Citrine, Sardonyx, Tiger’s Eye, Rose Quartz
Scents: Fresh Bread, Sweet Preserves, Flowers, Mint
Foods: Corn, Peaches, Pears, Bread, Berries, Beer or Mead, Honey, Rice, Apples, Jams, Cookies, Strawberries, Corn Bread, Potatoes, Pies
Offerings: Roses, Sunflowers, Buttercups, Wheat or Corn, Beer or Mead, Myrrh, Beeswax Candles, Mint, Sweet Wine
- Traditional Irish Soda Bread
Things to Do:
- Crafting 
- Baking (Bread in particular) or make preservatives
- Make a Bonfire
- Donate time or money to a food drive
- Make Sun Water
- Celebrate the Sun
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weird-hag · 3 years
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…Lughnasadh…my celebration… in my fairy garden…
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weird-hag · 3 years
Offering: Leaf Envelopes
Recently I saw a very cute post about using leaf envelopes as a vessel for offerings and prayer. So in honor of Lughnasadh, I decided to try a few!
I started with large leaves (elephant ear) cut into 10cm x 10cm squares, and folded two corners inward like so:
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Then fold the bottom corner up as well, and glue in place.
For one I made it to help with my Mental Health.
Inside: Rosemary (healing)
Ginger (success)
Sage (wisdom)
Blessed Thistle (purification)
This was charged with Abalone, Bloodstone and pink, blue and white candles.
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Another I made for devotion to Arianrhod.
Inside: Lavendar (healing)
Sage (prosperity)
Bay leaf (protection)
Rose Petals (love, luck)
This was charged with Moonstone, Selenite, Smoky Quartz and purple and white candles.
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Last step is to fold down the top corner, and seal with wax. To add to the wax I used a seed on silver wax for Arianrhod and part of a pinecone on blue wax for Mental Health.
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These are very customizable and pretty easy to put together! I love the way they look on my altar, and I have two more planned that I'll add when I make them.
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weird-hag · 3 years
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Witchy tip
Alright so this might be slightly controversial but here it goes, if I want to do a quick spell with out much preparation. I take my cauldron and put a bit of handsanitizer in it. Then I add whatever I want be it salt, herbs, acorns or flowers. Do a quick incantation or prayer and set it ablaze. The handsanatizer will burn for a minute or two long enough to do a quick spell. You can even add a drop of essential oil for a nice smell.
I know some may have an issue with this or consider it unpure. But as far as I can tell in my research it’s relatively safe. Perhaps do it with proper ventilation. If anyone has any knowledge of a genuine health risk I emplore you to enlighten me. In any case I have been doing this for years and it’s a real life saver on a full moon when you have forgotten to prepare a proper spell.
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weird-hag · 3 years
STEM witch ideas
1. Use periodic table abbreviations as sigils for the element it stands for and that element’s correspondence
2. Use the official Latin word for animals as mantras/spells to work with what that animal represents
3. Use chemistry knowledge and utensils to make potions.
4. Develop rituals that coincide with psychological techniques and log the psychological effects rituals have on you
5. Create spells by making math equations adding and subtracting numbers based on their correspondences (+ what you want to attract, - what you want to banish, × what you want to increase, ÷ what you want to lessen). The solution can be used like a sigil.
6. Create mini temples, either mapped out in blueprints or made physically for offerings
7. Build model rockets or airplanes and write affirmations on the side (write it in pencil or on a whiteboard surface if you want to reuse) and launch that spell way up there
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weird-hag · 4 years
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Statue of Neptune, Melenara Beach
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weird-hag · 4 years
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New Pirate Aesthetic🕯💀
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weird-hag · 4 years
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Abandoned lighthouse on Sakhalin Island, Russia. 
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weird-hag · 4 years
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weird-hag · 4 years
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My Current Altar
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weird-hag · 4 years
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weird-hag · 4 years
The Myth of Davy Jones
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(artwork is Davy Jones's Locker by William Lionel Wyllie)
Davy Jones's Locker is historically not quite what it was in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. A figure of speech popularised in the late 1700s, it came to mean death at the bottom of the sea or ships whose wrecks were lost to the ocean. Alternatively, it can refer to the very devil of the ocean itself.
The first known use of the name Davy Jones was in 1726, by Daniel Defoe. An early description of the man Jones himself can be traced to 1751 in Tobias Smolett's The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle.
"...Davy Jones, according to sailors, is the fiend that presides over all the evil spirits of the deep, and is often seen in various shapes, perching among the rigging on the eve of hurricanes:, ship-wrecks, and other disasters to which sea-faring life is exposed, warning the devoted wretch of death and woe."
In the story, Jones is said to have three rows of teeth, horns, and a tail, as well as having smoke coming out of his nostrils.
On the other hand, not all feared Davy Jones. For sailors crossing the equator, chaotic celebrations were sometimes held in which the eldest person who had crossed before became King Neptune, and Davy Jones would be his assistant.
But where does the name come from? Jonah is a Biblical figure who was thrown into the sea, while duffy was a term for a potentially malevolent spirit, used by black people in the West Indies. However, the name may also refer to a real- though unknown- pirate named Davy Jones, who sailed the Indian Ocean in the early 1600s.
Davy Jones, Devil of the Seas.
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weird-hag · 4 years
“I lived in a house in Moscow once, where the beams and floorboards were made from an old ship’s timbers. When there was a storm at sea, the timbers used to creak and groan, even though the air around the house was quite still. The house was very old, and those timbers hadn’t been near the sea for a hundred years or more, but still they remembered. In their dreams they heard it sing.”
— Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, Anna 
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weird-hag · 4 years
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🏴‍☠️🍺 “Drunken Sailor” Spell Bottle 🍺🏴‍☠️
Spell bottle for ease of worry/overthinking, happiness, humor, and de-stressing. Indulging in things that bring you joy (even if they feel pointless).
Inspired by the song & other sea shanties cuz I think they’re funny ☠️
Basil (courage)
Sea Salt (release negativity)
Lavender (de-stress)
Chamomile (peace)
Catnip (happiness)
Orange Peel (positivity)
Sage (good vibes)
Sugar (attract happiness)
Additional herbs that you just like & put you in a good mood 😄
Citrine (confidence and happiness)
Amethyst (reduce mind chatter)
Clear quartz (mood lifting)
Scroll of paper with sigil/rune (happiness)
Frankincense incense smoke (stimulate positive vibrations)
Ocean Potion
Vanilla Extract (ease anxiety/worries)
Bergamot oil (stop overthinking)
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weird-hag · 4 years
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Pirate Witch aesthetic
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weird-hag · 4 years
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Hey that rhymes
A potion to harness the power of the sea. I find the sea to be a very universal energy, it is both calm & powerful. Embrace your freedom, let your hidden treasure/potential shine, self-disovery, spontaneity, get in touch with your emotions, and let your wild side out. 🐬🧜🏼
*some items may be eliminated/added, this is just my personal version*
Full Moon Water 🌊
Sea Salt 🐚
(1 or All) Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Aquamarine, Pearl, Lapis Lazuli, Hag Stone 🌊
Crushed & Whole Sea Shells 🐚
Sand 🌊
Seaweed and/or Moss 🐚
Jasmine Essential Oil 🌊
Blue Lotus 🐚
Rolled Paper with water element (written in blue ink) 🌊
Before making, place the crystals in whatever vessel your using to charge it, then take them out ⚓️
Mix the (crushed) sea salt in with the moon water (if you have real sea water you can add a bit, but I’m landlocked) 🐋
Add the shells and sand⚓️
If you have mini crystals of amethyst, clear quartz, aquamarine, add them in too 🐋
Add moss/seaweed and lotus ⚓️
Draw a sigil or the elemental sign for water in blue ink. Roll up the paper and put it in there. 🐋
Basically, you just put everything in a jar and shake it up, but take your time and use intent⚓️
*Use as you see fit, these are just some ideas*
Put a few drops in a spell bottle
Carry a small amount in a vile with you 
Pour a bit into a bath
Soak a piece of paper, let it dry, write a sigil or rune
Just use it to represent the ocean, place it on your altar
🦀 Tips & Notes 🦀
This is not a consumable potion!
It helps if you have real sand, real shells, real seawater, but don’t let that stop you. I live in the Midwest, far away from any ocean, but I still practice sea witchcraft.
I’m a Cancer, but you do NOT have to be a water sign to use this/ feel connected to the ocean (and don’t let anyone tell you different ;) 🦀
Play ocean sounds & music while making this. Here’s a playlist I made for all you sea witches: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3wkFXlzmUj14kYSecRd55c?si=lKQG9A7LQFiDja9smC90BA 🌊
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