#witch spells
st4rtar0t · 1 day
Enhanced money spell
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Gods of wealth, I call upon thee, To manifest prosperity and set me financially free. May abundance flow to me abundantly, As I ask, so mote it be. With harm to none and good to all, I visualize wealth surrounding me, big and small. Coins jingle, dollars multiply, Financial freedom now is nigh. I express gratitude for all I receive, And take action to achieve what I believe. With each step forward, my abundance grows, As the universe conspires to help me flow. Gods of wealth, hear my plea, This is my wish, so mote it be.
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repeat this spell 3 times to activate.
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lucifersgurl444 · 3 months
✨Tarot tips for beginners✨ pt 1
Wands/Fire- Imagination, creativity, intuition
Pentacles/Earth- Finance, work, material things
Cups/Water- Love, Relationships, Emotions
Swords/Air- Thoughts,Ideas, Attitudes
Fives-Rules and law
Keep a tarot journal
Don’t try to remember every single card
Try to stick to the same deck in the beginning to build a strong connection
Allow your intuition to come through
Don’t second guess yourself always go with your gut
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divinefemmefatalexo · 8 months
Angel numbers & meanings. 🪽4️⃣4️⃣4️⃣
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fanyyy444 · 3 months
Witches Peaceful Home ★
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(Random post because my blog is mine and I can post whatever shit I want)
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999lcf · 6 months
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Laurie Cabot (born March 6, 1933) is an American Witchcraft high priestess, and the author of several books. She founded the Cabot Tradition of the Science of Witchcraft and the Witches' League for Public Awareness to defend the civil rights of witches everywhere. She lives in Salem, where she owned a shop. Cabot claims to be related to the prominent Boston Brahmin Cabot family.The Power of the Witch: The Earth, the Moon, and the Magical Path to Enlightenment (1990)
Love Magic (with Tim Cowan) (1992)
Celebrate the Earth: A Year of Holidays in the Pagan Tradition (1994).
The Witch in Every Woman: Reawakening the Magical Nature of the Feminine to Heal, Protect, Create, and Empower (1997)
Laurie Cabot's Book of Shadows by Laurie Cabot (Author), Penny Cabot (Author), Christopher Penczak (Author) (October 29, 2015)
Laurie Cabot's Book of Spells & Enchantments by Laurie Cabot (Author), Penny Cabot (Author), Christopher Penczak (Author)
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December Prep 2
Let's look into a couple of things this week The first is how to properly study, research and gather information and the second is the various kinds of prompts you will see in the challenge throughout the year.
The basic steps in any research process are
Identify and develop your topic (we will have multiple so it will be important to follow the same steps for each topic.)
Preliminary search for information - we will be gathering a list of resources for everyone before the challenge begins including websites, a list of recommended books, and more.
Locate the information/ materials - Gather all your sources into one place! A folder on your pc, or a bookmark bar in your browser can go a long way to helping you keep this organized.
Evaluate and use Discernment on your informational sources.
Take notes! - self explanatory. Using the resources at your disposal, take notes on your selected topic, gather all of those notes, and keep them organized. You don't need to think of this in exact terms of a research paper, but the idea is the same! All of your notes will be helpful in actually filling and creating the pages for your grimoire! But, you also can just keep the notes as they are in your grimoire!
Now lets get on to the types of prompts you will see!
Meditation/ Journal - these will generally be the end of every week and after every practical prompt, so you can look back at what you've done and learned, in order to help you process what you'd done and how you feel and think about it.
Research/ Study - these will include things like herbs, gems, types of magical practices and topics, tools, history
Practical/ Hands on - at least one a week, where you get your hands dirty, so to speak, and really perform some magic or do the work you're studying.
Submissions - I encourage everyone to share their thoughts, ideas, and physical progress within the challenge. You don't have to share pictures, if you're not comfortable, but thoughts and ideas and a short post about what you accomplished!
Holiday/ Seasonal posts - We'll have posts for the typical holidays and some that not so common.
Divination prompts - On occasion we'll have a divination prompt. It won't necessarily require you to perform any divination if you're not comfortable or don't know how, but the option will be there!
Cooking prompt - We've all seen those cool witchy inspired cooking posts on this site. So why not do one? Why not learn to make bread? Or mead? Or cute little pastries? Or anything. This'll be a new prompt, one I encourage everyone to take part in and share!
There may be more of these added as we go, but in general this is all of the types of posts we'll be seeing!
What else is there to do?
Well if you’ve already got notes somewhere (a notebook or files on your computer or what have you) you’re gonna want to actually design a grimoire right? And this is a grimoire challenge right? So let’s look at different design and style options!
If you’ve seen the video I posted of my grimoire pages, they’re very scrapbook/ junk journal styled. Which is a fun and totally customizable option.
Let’s look at some note taking methods, to help us take notes as well as design our grimoire pages, and some scrapbook supplies and ideas for ways to decorate our grimoires.
These are just a few links for some ideas.
Your grimoire should suit you, no matter how you choose to design and decorate it. It could be a scrapbook like mine, a bullet note journal, or a leather bound tome with thick ink lettering in a cipher that only you can read. However you want to design it, it should be an expression of you and your practice.
I am excited to be running this challenge again, and to be helping all of your find inspiration for your practices and grimoires!
Good luck and happy crafting!
Mod Hazel
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kali-chaotic-neutral · 3 months
Easy Money Bowl/Jar
I have tried multiple different types of Money bowls and jars, from various different videos on Youtube or posts on insta or tumblr and a few of them have worked out for me, but not fully. I then had decided to try and make my own with the knowledge I got from those videos/posts I watched and it works well enough.
Get a jar/bow. I've used old small dishes that my family doesn't use anymore, and I am currently using an old instant coffee jar. It can be a plastic bowl or a jar as well, use what you have.
Cleanse it. You can use incense, moon water to spray the insides and wipe it with a clean cloth, any way you cleanse really. While you cleanse, visualize and charge it with your money intention. For me my intentions are so that I can treat myself to a restaurant or simple outings with friends. The money will vary with intention.
Add a simple base. I'm using rice, I saw a video where someone used Quinoa.
Then I put cinnamon, it can be powder or sticks, anything.
Then add some salt (table salt, pink himalayan salt, sea salt, any salt darling)
Then i put coffee. It can be those you put in a french press/machine, it can be instant coffee (even the ones with the milk solids or whatever it's called) or even coffee beans if you have them.
Then finally add some money. I add coins, since I'm from India, I put Ten and five rupee coins and probably 50 rupees in. And then I close it (because mine is a jar rn)
If yours is a bowl, I've had money come in when I light incense in it or if I put fresh incense ash in it. Also I used to put chips of Clear Quartz in it, but I lost quite a few so I don't anymore.
Keep the bowl/jar in your altar or a part where you can see it everyday. Light a candle beside it or place a crystal on top to charge the bowl/jar. Add some more coins or cleanse it every Thursday as (i think) it's the best day to manifest money.
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yourlocalchaoswitch · 4 months
Healing Spell Bowl
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[ ] pink candle
[ ] olive oil (optional)
[ ] pink salt
[ ] lavender
[ ] rose
[ ] apple(optional)
[ ] bay leaf
[ ] citrine
[ ] eucalyptus
[ ] lemon balm
[ ] lemon
[ ] sunflower
[ ] rosemary
[ ] rose quartz
[ ] clear quartz
[ ] coffee
1. Cleanse bowl, candle, and crystals
2. Add in pink salt, visualizing fulfillment in your life. think of the salt filling the bowl as love filling the cracks in your soul
3. Add in your herbs. As you scoop each herb, make sure it knows what it's job is. Many herbs have many different properties, so be clear with your intentions. Thank each herb after it's been added, as it's doing a service for you. If using crystal chips, you can add them at this time as well
4. Stir your herbs clockwise while thinking of all the areas in your life you'd like to heal, how you intend to do that, and what you'd like to be brought into your life. Think of it as if you already have it
5. Grab your bay leaf and write a healing sigil on one side, and your name and DOB on the other. Set aside.
6. Grab your apple and carve a space to set the candle in. The apple should function as your candle holder in the bowl
7. Carve your name on one side of the candle, and "healing" on the other side
8. (Optional) Anoint your candle with a premade healing oil, or just olive oil. Dress it with rose, lavender, and rosemary.
9. Set the candle in the apple, then cup your hands around the bowl. Visualize yellow, pink, or white energy going into the bowl while also focusing on what it is you plan to accomplish.
10. Light the candle and burn the bay leaf
11. Let candle burn all the way out
12. Dispose of materials as you see fit (DO NOT PUT SALT IN THE GROUND!!)
Happy Witching!!!
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debora-goth · 1 year
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cajunwitch101 · 10 months
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enchanting-jewel · 9 months
Super Easy Money Bowl Tutorial:
You are welcome to swap out some of the ingredients with anything else you feel is money or abundance attracting or calls to you. A few suggestions are:
Alfalfa… quick witch tip: store some in your cabinet so you never go hungry!
Basil… if you’re trying to attract money for your business
Blackberry… leaves and berries attract wealth
Blue violet… for good fortune
Buckeye… good luck and attracts money and wealth
Clover… luck and attracting money
Comfrey… use the root for money
Dill… money and luck
High John… obtaining success, to win at gambling, luck and money
Irish Moss… luck herb, gamblers herb and ensures a steady flow of money
Jasmine… draws wealth and money
Jezebel root… money and achievement
Job’s tears… attracts luck, wishes and money
Lo John… money, success and luck
Mandrake… prosperity
Mint… draws in customers into a business, brings wealth and prosperity if you rub it on money
Nutmeg… attracts prosperity, brings luck, and money
Oak moss… luck and money
Oat straw… draws in money
Patchouli… draws in money
Peony… good luck, good fortune prosperity and business success
Periwinkle..: attract money
Red clover… money
Rice… attracts money
Star Anise… brings luck
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Some crystals you can add are:
Green Jade
Clear quartz
Tigers eye
Rutilated quartz
Moss Agate
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And as mentioned in the video, you don’t have to use real money until you acquire some. You can use play money or coins. Just replenish whenever you obtain money and constantly feed your bowl.
Add anything else that resonates with you and obtaining your goal for this bowl. Instead of salt on the bottom, you can replace with rice. You don’t have to sprinkle cinnamon, you can use the sticks just the same.
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I hope this inspires you to make your own bowl and you receive all the blessings you deserve. If you have questions or if I left something out, please let me know!
Love and light witches! Follow for witchy vibes full of spells, tips, and loads of information!
Oh and this is literally my first voice over EVERRRRR so please be easy on me I was trying to speak clearly and I was nervous bc I hate my voice. Haha
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st4rtar0t · 5 months
Money spell ✨💸💵🪙💰
Gods of wealth, hear my plea
To be prosperous and financially free
May abundance find its way to me
For ask and I shall receive
With harm to none and good to all
This is my wish so mote it be!
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lucifersgurl444 · 3 months
Grimoire Ideas✨ pt 1
Candle colors and meanings
Moon phases and their meanings
Different deities
Herbs and their uses
Crystals, their uses and meanings
Sigil dictionary
Tarot meanings
Divination types
How to scry
Elemental correspondences
Day correspondences
Magickal tools and uses
Alter set up
Energy work
Types of witches
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divinefemmefatalexo · 8 months
Flower Magick 🌺🪷
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fanyyy444 · 2 months
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Me in my room at 3am doing my secretly secret witchy thingz🤭
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999lcf · 6 months
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