vivswords · 1 year
Hi everyone,
Feel free to drop requests :)
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vivswords · 2 years
Imagine you have a big exam, and you’re heading towards the classroom. You get in the line just behind the person you’ve been sitting next to for the whole course, since the teacher randomly assigned seats. You want to say hi, but notice they have their earphones on, so you refrain. You also notice that their hand is resting on their belly, though it seems to be an unconscious move.
Suddenly, they turn around and look at you, smiling brightly as they take their earphones off.
“Hi, ready?” They ask, and you nod.
“You?” You ask back, working hard to keep your eyes from floating towards their mid section, where their hand is still resting.
They nod.
“Are you feeling okay?” You ask, not being able to keep it to yourself. You consider them to be a friend, and you want them to be okay.
They nod again, “Yeah, why do you ask?”
“Oh I just thought your stomach was bothering you or something” you say, looking at their hand over their belly. They immediately remove it with an awkward chuckle.
“I’m okay, just nervous.” They assure you.
The line starts moving and you both get inside and sit down on your assigned seats. This time, they are seated on the row to your left, a couple of seats ahead of your own. You see how their hand floats back to their belly just as they sit down.
The exam goes by, and you notice them squirming around, keeping a hand on their belly at all times. There’s something different though, this time, their usually flat stomach is quite distended, their palm resting on the medium swell.
You finish your exam, but stay seated, looking at their belly and noticing how it basically grows by the second, their hand applying gentle pressure as they try to get though the exam.
You get up and hand over the test, and they follow suit. Just as you were getting back to your seat to gather your stuff, they let out a moan of pain and run out of the classroom.
You quickly grab their stuff too before heading out, following to make sure they were alright.
You find them running into the bathroom, and even though following them into that bathroom wasn’t ideal, you do it too. As soon as you step inside, you can hear the moans of pain bouncing off the walls. The school was deserted, the only people still there were back in the classroom.
They were sitting on the floor leaning their back against a wall, grabbing their now really distended tummy with both hands and pushing into it hard as they moaned in pain.
“Please go away, I’m okay” they bite out, but you don’t care. They’re not okay.
You walk closer and kneel in front of them, offering them a reassuring smile and placing a hand on their shoulder before gently trying to push over their shirt to see the damage.
“Ow!” They whined.
You revealed the big bloat and noticed they looked at least seven months pregnant, though their abdomen was flat before the exam. Their jeans were digging painfully into the bloat, and red angry marks were on his skin. You ask if it’s okay, and then unbutton his pants, letting the huge tummy hang, almost touching his extended legs.
You gently start pushing at it, trying to find the most sore places and trying to help them work through the cramps. They tried hugging their belly multiple times, but you kept them in place, murmuring soothing words and wiping a few tears off when you pushed really hard on a sore spot.
Their belly was still really big after fifteen minutes of pushing and rubbing, but it seemed to feel a bit better, so you helped them up. Their balance was not good at the moment, so you slipped an arm around their waist and helped them out the bathroom, into your own car.
“I’ll drive you home.” You said, and they didn’t object.
You drove in silence as they still traced small circles around their own belly, and stopped right outside their home.
“Come on, I’ll help you out.” You said, running over to their side and helping them get out, wrapping the same arm around their back and being able to touch the bloat.
“You’ll be okay?” You ask, and they nod and thank you.
You turn around to go back to your car, when you hear them speak again.
“Please stay.”
You turn around and see them leaning against the door, holding their undertummy with both arms.
Will you stay?
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vivswords · 2 years
So I know I don’t usually post NSFW stuff on this blog, but I thought I would post this one.
It’s a belly ache/ bloating fic that has sex, but the main ideas are tummy aches and tummy rubs.
14 courses. Zach had eaten 14 courses since they had arrived to this banquet; someone from his office was retiring, and the office had thrown him some sort of party to say goodbye. But, it was a classy party, and there was a buffet plus some waiters to bring dishes from the kitchen.
Astra had been Zach’s plus one, and was currently sipping on a glass of champagne, talking to one of his friend’s husband. Both Chris and Mark worked at the office, and the three of them had gone to college together. They had both tested him relentlessly when he first told them he was in love with Astra, telling him he was whipped even though they had been dating for a long while and were more in love than anyone.
Zach tried to focus on finishing his 15th plate, but his eyes kept wandering back to Astra, specifically, to her slightly distended tummy. It was barely visible to anyone who didn’t spend as much time as he did with her, but she was slightly bloated. Zach thought it must be the champagne, considering it was sparkly and all.
His own stomach was incredibly bloated, and he was able to feel the food tightly packed inside along with the sparkling water he had drunk earlier to the point of it being uncomfortable, but his pride wouldn’t let him relax his belly when so many people were around. So he squeezed it in so hard he could barely breathe.
Astra looked back at him and shot him a smile, excusing herself from the conversation and making her way towards him. She sat down on the chair next to him, and started speaking.
“You know you don’t have to eat all that if you don’t want to, right? It’s okay not to finish it” she said, clearly concerned because he had been eating for the whole event.
“Oh I know, but I want to”, he answered.
“Alright then. You good to go as soon as you’re done?”
“Yeah just give me a minute… there, done.” Zach said happily, stuffing the rest of the food on his mouth and painfully swallowing the food. He felt the exact moment it landed on his stomach, and stayed there. Tightly packed.
Astra looked slightly surprised, but to her credit, she did not say a word. She simply went around, said goodbye to the few people she cared to say goodbye to, and told him she would wait in the car. Zach couldn’t even fathom the thought of walking around saying his goodbyes, so he simply left. He couldn’t wait to be in the car and be able to let his belly out with no one to judge him. Astra would probably be worried about its size, but he would be okay,
He headed towards the car, got in, turned on the ignition, and started going home.
“Whoo” he said, letting his belly out for the first time in hours. “Wow, I ate so much”
“You’re really bloated, you okay?” Astra asked, concerned.
“Yeah, it’s just packed. It’ll go down”
The steering wheel was pressing into his belly, and the weight felt comforting, so Zach leaned into the hard touch and let out a small moan of relief.
“That feels good?” Astra asked. He nodded. “Alright then, I’ll rub your belly when we get home.”
Zach couldn’t wait to feel the relief of Astra’s hands on his bloat.
The belly rub made everything worse.
Astra stated digging her hands into the huge belly as he laid on the bed. At first, it felt good, but then it started hurting so bad he had actually cried out in pain.
Cried out in pain and hugged his belly as he rocked back and forth.
Astra didn’t know what to do, so she just apologized and held him tightly as the pain passed.
Once it was gone, they tried the belly rubs again. This time, they worked better, as Zach found comfort in them, and stopped feeling so full. Still the big smell of his belly was not going down.
“Did I tell you you looked so beautiful today? I mean, you’re always beautiful, but blue’s definitely your color.” Zach said.
“Is it now?”
“Yeah. And that dress… wow. You looked so hot. You look so hot right now.” He continued, pulling her down and switching positions with her so she would be laying down on the bed, and him on top.
“Now? You’re not feeling sick?” Astra asked, surprised but pleased.
“I’m okay. And yes, now if you want to, of course.”
“I do want to” she said, moving to take off his pants.
God, he was so hot and so attractive with his belly hanging out.
He took off her dress, and she mumbled “Oh I’m so bloated”.
“You look beautiful” Zach said, not seeing the bloating she was taking about, until she slipped the shape wear out.
“Oh wow Astra! You’re so big!” He exclaimed
“I know. I’ve been dying to take this off but we were surrounded. I think I overdid it too.”
“You’re beautiful. Hot.” He said, but grimaced, falling to the bed besides Astra.
“I’ll go on top, Zach. I feel okay. Your belly looks really heavy to be on top right now”
He didn’t object. They were both naked, bellies out, Astra on top.
“Oh Astra, you’re so wet” Zach ran a single finger across her pussy.
“You know what your belly does to me” She laughed and pressed her hips against his.
Soon, Zach was hard.
Astra thrusted her hips against his, this time feeling his dick inside her. Zach moaned in pleasure and then in pain as a cramp seized his belly. Astra moved her hands to both sides of the bloat and massaged as she continued thrusting up and down.
The thrusting soon upset her belly too, making the water inside it slosh and turn, making her queasy. Still, she felt like she was about to come. A warm sensation pooled in her lower belly and her lags started shaking slightly.
“Hold my tummy” she moaned, and Zach pressed his hands to her belly grabbing it tightly as she rocked back and forth and thrust and thrust up to the point where they were both moaning in pain but in pleasure too because it felt so good to fuck while they were holding each other’s bellies. Astra ignored the pain in her belly and focused on the delicious release, and so did Zach.
“That was amazing”, Zach said, and Astra nodded, falling onto the bed next to Zach, trying to catch her breath. Soon, a cramp seized her own belly and she was the one to curl her arms around the bloat.
“It hurts” she explained.
“Let me help you” Zach offered, and he did.
Astra whined as Zach dug his hands into her distended belly, his own still hanging out. He traced figures on the bloat and applied gentle pressure that felt delicious and made Astra moan gently.
She could see Zach’s erection, as they were still naked, and he could tell she was wet.
Once Astra felt a bit better, Zach smiled and dragged a finger across her pussy once more, feeing just how wet she still was.
“Can I?” He asked, and she nodded.
He started applying more pressure to her pussy with his finger, rubbing her clitoris until she moaned, and then slipping his index finger inside her. The next finger followed, and then a third one. He fit three fingers inside her, wiggled them around a bit, and then pulled them out and slipped them right in. Over and over again, he helped her fuck his hand. He used his other hand to hold her belly and to play with her bellybutton.
He slipped the fingers out and continued playing with the clitoris rubbing it until her legs shook even harder, the warmth in her lower belly pooled even faster, and she pressed herself against him, trying to make the release come faster.
“Does it still hurt?” Zach asked her,
“A little, but it’s better. Yours?” She answered, pulling him back down and wrapping him in a hug so tight their bloated bellies pressed against one another.
“Better.” Zach smiled.
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vivswords · 2 years
okay but your characters Zach and Aatra are so cute!! I was wondering if you could write about them again? like a scenario where they're at a dat but Zach gets bloated and gassy cause of the food and she helps him out once they're home cause it's painful for him and he's burping so much? (no emeto if possible, but if you want then go for it!) 💙💙
I can definitely do that! I’ve missed writing about them so i’ll try to make this one really good. (this is a kinda long one! 1850 words)
“Happy anniversary, Astra. I love you.” Zach said, raising his flute of champagne and clinking it against his girlfriend’s. 
“I love you, Zach. Happy anniversary”. Astra answered, grinning as widely as she had on their first date. 
Even after so many years together, the love that swarmed Astra’s eyes whenever she saw Zach, hadn’t lessened. On the contrary, Zach felt even more loved with each passing day, which was why he wanted to take her out to a really fancy restaurant for that year’s anniversary. Astra and Zach weren’t the kind of couple to attend fancy restaurants often, not because they couldn’t afford it, because they definitely could, but because they usually felt out of place and preferred more casual settings. But that night was a special occasion of celebrating so many years together, and their love that had persevered through ups and downs. 
Soon, the first course arrived. A good-looking salad with mustard dressing. They both started eating, their smiles as wide as ever and not being able to take their eyes off each other. 
“Okay I just feel like I need to say this. Thank you, Zach. Or being my favorite person, even before we started dating. For being the one person I can always count on. For loving me, and just… thank you for all these years. You coming into my life was the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Astra said, her throat suddenly tight as tears clouded her eyes. She carefully dabbed them away with the napkin, careful not to ruin her makeup. Sitting there with the love of her life, celebrating their life together… it simply made her wonder how she ever got so lucky, and she was so thankful for him. 
Zach took her hand on his and squeezed it for a moment. “Likewise, my love. Each day with you is a blessing.” 
They finished the salad and continued talking, as conversation was never hard between them. They somehow always had something to say, and on the rare times they didn’t, the silence was comfortable enough. 
“Excuse me, I’ll be right back.” Zach said suddenly, and headed towards the restroom. 
Ten minutes had passed, and Astra was starting to get worried, when Zach walked back and sat down. 
“Hey, you okay?“ she asked, and he nodded with a smile. “Yeah, of course. There was a long line.” 
Astra didn’t think much of it since it was a big restaurant and the restroom was probably small. 
A couple of minutes later, she started noticing him getting more quiet, and she didn’t miss the slight movement of his arm, which was hidden under the table and moving as if he was rubbing his stomach. 
Her eyebrows adopted a worried frown as she asked, “Are you feeling okay? Is your stomach bothering you?” 
Zach shook his head rapidly and put on a bright, tight smile. Fake. “No, I’m quite alright. Let’s order a second course.” His words sounded clipped and she noticed the exact moment in which he felt a sharp pang of pain. The slight quiver of his lip, how his smile broadened as if he had the intention to hide it. She had learned to read his body language throughout the years, and she knew he wasn’t feeling well. 
“Come on, Zach. I know you.” She said as she waived a waiter over. 
“Sorry, do you by any chance know what was in this dressing?” Astra asked, and the waiter nodded and proceeded to recite a long list of ingredients; half of them being dairy. She thanked him before muttering a silent “Shit”, as realization settled into her. 
Zach was incredibly lactose intolerant. Incredibly. The slightest taste of it usually gave him a belly ache, but the pain was much worse whenever he had it in big amounts. Like a salad dressing. 
“Oh Zach, how bad is it?” 
He winced. “Not too bad, just feels uncomfortable but I’m okay.” 
She still asked for the check and handed out her credit card when the waiter brought it over. Zach protested and reached for his wallet, but Astra waved him off. 
“Come on, baby. Let’s get you home.” Astra said, walking towards his side of the table and helping him up. She wrapped an arm across his back as usual, her hand coming to rest against his waist. She could feel part of his distended stomach which was rock hard, but she decided against saying anything. Zach was really self conscious about his belly whenever he was bloated, and comments about how big his belly was usually upset him even more. It looked incredibly uncomfortable, though, and Astra thought he must had been in really bad pain, but pretending he wasn’t. 
She reached inside his coat pocket and retrieved the car key. They walked together towards the car, and though he protested against it, she helped him get into the passengers seat. 
They were halfway home when Zach let out a small burp. Astra glanced at his abdomen, and found half of his belly spilling over his paints, making the buttoned shirt he was wearing so tight she wouldn’t be surprised if a button snapped. 
“You doing okay?” She asked, though she knew the answer. 
“Hmm” Zach answered, closing his eyes and finally giving in and resting a hand against the bloat. 
Astra helped him out of the car once they got home, and walked him upstairs to their bedroom. 
He fell into the bed almost immediately, not even bothering to change before he brought his knees to his chest and clutched his belly, rocking back and forth and whining. 
The pain had started just thirty minutes after they started eating the salad, which meant the reaction was fast and bad. 
Astra sat on the bad next to him and cleared the hair off his face. “It’s okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay.” 
“Ughh I feel so sick” Zach finally admitted, opening his eyes just for a moment. 
“Are you going to be sick?” She asked, he shook his head, saying no. No nausea then. 
“What does it feel like?” She wondered. 
“Tight. So tight, and now it’s cramping so it hurts like stabs” he answered. 
“Zach let me help, I hate seeing you in pain.” 
“Ughh but I’m so bloated and big. I’m gross. It’s not attractive.” 
“I’m always attracted to you, Zach. Even at your worst. I love you too much not to be” 
Some of the tension seemed to leave him with her words, and he sat up with a groan and shifted slightly so she could gain access to his middle. 
She started unbuttoning the really tight shirt, and so his belly spilled freely over his pants. She tried palpating that part of the belly, but it was so tight that nothing was moving around. 
“I’m going to take your pants off now, only that. Is it okay?” She asked, and he nodded. 
She unbuttoned the pants and slid the fabric off his hips and then his legs. His belly was now at full display, and he seemed to shy away from her touch now. 
“I love you, baby. And for the record, I think you have a beautiful body, even when something doesn’t sit right with you.”  She murmured comforting words before helping him lay on his back. 
She started touching the distended bloat, trying to find a spot that wasn’t as icky so she could start massaging. She pressed into the lower belly with little strength, and he released a fart. Pressed a little further up, and a long burp left his body. He apologized profusely, but she didn’t think much of it. It was what she wanted to do, she wanted to help him get rid of the gas. 
The craps started getting worse, and she found that the only thing that helped was when she applied a lot of pressure into the place where it was cramping. So she dug her palms deeper and deeper all over his tummy, and he groaned and moaned in pain every time, but relief eventually found him when the cramps ceased. 
She started rubbing deep circles into his tummy, and he released another burp. And another, and another, and another. Each one longer than the last. It seemed to be working. 
“Ughh there,” Zach grabbed Astras hand and placed it over a specifically tender spot as the cramping returned. She smiled slightly at his willingness to let her touch his stomach. 
She started digging her fingers into the spot, and then her palm when it wasn’t enough. Suddenly, the bad cramping was back and Zach rolled over to his side in pain. He clutched his belly so so tightly, and he started trembling. 
She found the spots again, and this time started massaging with her fists. His eyes were watering because of the pain now, and it absolutely broke her heart to be the cause of his tears, but she was trying to help him feel better soon. 
“I’m so sorry you feel so sick, Zach. We should’ve asked about the dressing before ordering.” Astra shook her head and rubbed up and down his belly. 
A sequence of belches and burps followed. 
“It’s okay. The cramps do suck, though. And the bloating. I swear I don’t know how my belly can get this big in so little time.” He answered. 
She offered him a smile, and he returned it. 
“I’m sorry we had to leave or anniversary dinner. It just came into me so fast… It wasn’t that bad when I went to the bathroom, but as soon as I sat back down, my pants felt too tight and I could feel my belly growing.” He shook his head. 
“Then the cramps just came out of nowhere. Just stabbing pain. I know you noticed, and I’m really sorry. I tried to play it off so we could stay but it was too much.” 
“It’s not your fault, Zach.” Astra said, “It happens sometimes. I’m only upset about you feeling sick, I hate when you’re in pain.” She explained. 
“I know you do, baby. But I think I’m better now.” He said, adjusting the pillow and stretching his arm. An invitation. 
Astra climbed into bed again laid down next to him, her head resting on his chest as his arms wrapped around her body. 
She placed a hand over his bare tummy, which was still a bit bloated, but apparently not painful anymore. She slowly moved her thumb back and forth a couple of times, tracing soothing patterns. Soon, they both drifted off. 
Zach waked up a couple of times throughout the night when a cramp or two plagued his belly, and Astra helped him through them by applying the same pressure they’d found that worked. 
“Happy anniversary, Zach. I love you more with each passing second. I really do.” She said drowsily, about to fall asleep again. 
“Happy anniversary Astra. I do too. I love you with  every beat my heart has taken and will take. Thank you for taking such good care of me always.”, Zach said. 
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vivswords · 2 years
Hi everyone!! It’s been a while. So I think i’ve got my life together (at least for now) which means I can spend more time here, writing :) Please feel free to leave any requests for stories or pov’s or anything, really. I miss this!
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vivswords · 3 years
a caretaker having an s/o who gets bratty when they’re too full, and soothing them and massaging their tummy no matter how bratty they get
A being the s/o and B being the caretaker.
A and B had gone over to a thanksgiving dinner with all of their close friends.
They were both incredibly exited for it, considering it would be their second thanksgiving as a couple, and they would get to be thankful for one more year in each other’s company, and with each other’s love.
Both A and B had an amazing time from the start, chatting with their best friends and drinking heavily before dinner had even started. Now when they all sat down to eat, A was so exited for another thanksgiving with their love, that they ate plate after plate after plate after plate. Never taking enough time to consider if they were too full to eat the next serving. The dinner hosts were delighted with A eating so much, and enjoying it, that they didn’t say anything when A filled up their 7th full plate, and ate it without a second thought. Or when A stood up and walked towards the dessert table and cutting a big fat piece of pie. And then another. And then another.
B on the other hand, had eaten two plates of food and half a piece of dessert as they took small sips of their champagne.
B watched as their significant other ate and ate and ate, and they were amused for a while, glad that they were enjoying themselves so much, but started worrying after the 5th plate. There was no way A could eat so much without being sick later, and they knew how embarrassed and down they’d be if the entire party saw them get sick.
B started saying their goodbyes around midnight, claiming that their significant other was too drunk and that they needed to go home. A of course, didn’t want to leave. They were slumped over a couch, half asleep, holding a hand over their swelled belly. A thin line of sweat shining on their forehead.
“Come on, A, let’s go. You clearly don’t feel well.” B said, sitting down next to A and placing a hand on their shoulder.
A slapped the hand away, “I feel fine”
B rolled their eyes and pulled A to their feet, forcing them to walk. Or stumble, more like it. A pouted and complained, but made it to the car. B put on A’s seatbelt and then sat on the driver’s side of the car.
“We’re going home now, okay? We’ll get you some medicine and you’ll feel better soon.” B said softly, daring a glance at A’s side.
A was clutching their bloated, full belly and moaning softly, yet, they opened their eyes and said. “Stop this, I feel fine. Leave me alone”.
B knew that A got bratty when they were sick or uncomfortable, so they endured it and drove home.
Once they had arrived, B helped A out of the car, to which they responded with “I can do it myself”, followed by them slipping and almost falling down again when they got up too quickly and their tummy protested.
Once they were inside of the house and A kept protesting and swatting at B every time they tried to help, B got tired of it and pulled A into the couch. A being in too much pain and too full to fight back.
“A, you ate way too much. You’re too full, just look! Your belly looks like it’s about to explode. That can’t be comfortable, are you not in pain?”
A tried to stand up to leave, but they quickly bent over in pain and wrapped their arms around their big belly. B stood up and helped them sit back down.
“Here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to sit back, and I’m going to massage your tummy to help with the pain, okay?. Deep breaths, love.” B said as they gently lifted A’s shirt to reveal the tight, swollen tummy.
As B placed their hand over A’s belly, they could feel it being soft because of the food, but tight. So, so tight, at it’s full capacity. It was worse than they thought.
Still, B started working. They started at right side of the swell, and started rubbing deep circles up. Then they continued on the left side from up to down, rubbing circles and hearing the belly swooshing.
As B massaged their belly, A moaned in pain and tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall. Until B started massaging the center with both hands, tracing very deep and uncomfortable circles on A’s swell. The tears started falling.
“Stop-“ A cried and moved to clutch their belly again, but B held them back and softly wiped their tears with a thumb, placing a small kiss on A’s forehead.
“I know. I know. But you’ll feel much better soon, baby I promise” B comforted before returning to their work on the tummy.
After what felt like hours of crying and massaging, A started feeling a bit better, and the swell started to go down. B sat down next to A on the couch and let A rest their head on their chest as they cuddled and started a movie, not moving to the bedroom yet because they didn’t want to upset A’s tummy further.
“I’m sorry I overate so much… I was so exited for thanksgiving I almost made myself sick” A apologized.
“It’s okay, I’m glad you were exited and I’m glad you’re feeling better now.” B smiled.
They stayed in that position until A was fine enough to go to sleep in their own bed.
// hope you enjoyed this!!! feel free to send more requests :)
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vivswords · 3 years
Do you write for Marvel?
Yeah!! As long as it’s a request regarding the character and not the actor/actress :)
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vivswords · 3 years
Hey! Are you still taking requests?
Yes!! feel free to send anything. I have a couple to go through but I will try to do that this week, so if you send one now you should get your story soon :)
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vivswords · 3 years
Omg I loveeeee your bloated belly ache story. I’m also a sucker for extremely bloated aching belly, the more bloated, the better. Kudos for such wondeful work, keep it up!!!
Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed the story, and I'm a sucker for a bloated belly as well hahah. I will try to write more stories like that and post them soon!
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vivswords · 3 years
hi friends!! so I’m trying a different writing style for this. It’s written in first person (though it did not actually happen and it’s a work of fiction.) I hope you enjoy!
A guy I’m talking to asked me to go to a party with him a couple of nights ago, and so we went. It was a really fun night, and there was a lot of creative drinks to have, but I stuck to my water in case I had to drive back or something. He had a couple of drinks, but nothing too heavy. Around 1 am, I started noticing his smile was getting a bit forced, but I thought nothing of it; we had been there for a couple of hours and i thought he was just tired. But after a while, we were sitting and talking, when he suddenly closed his eyes and gripped the armchair really hard.
“You okay?” I asked him, instinctively placing a hand on his shoulder. He just shook his head.
I asked him if he wanted to leave, and he said yes, so I asked for his keys and helped him get up let him lean on me as I walked him to his car. I decided to drive, since he was pretty much bending over and shutting his eyes every 30 seconds.
I figured I would drive him home and then take a cab from there, or just walk home myself, but más I kept driving, I asked him what was wrong. He said that something just hadn’t settled well in his stomach, probably one of the weird drinks, and that he really wasn’t feeling well.
Once we arrived to his home, I helped him out of the car and into his bedroom, since he was leaning heavily on me to walk. I told him that he should change into something more comfortable, and go to bed to see if that would make him feel better, and so he went into the bathroom and changed before he came out, pain plastered all across his face.
He climbed into bed, and I left his car keys in the nightstand before I told him I should get going, and asked if he was going to be okay. He nodded, but as I was heading towards the door, he asked me to stay.
It wasn’t the first time I had been at his home, and it wasn’t the first time I slept over, so I accepted and sat in the bed, stroking his hair as he tried to sleep.
Sleep couldn’t find him because of the pain, and he kept turning around clutching his middle and groaning. At some point, I climbed into bed with him and let him rest his head on my shoulder. I tried stroking his arm to help soothe him, but it didn’t help much, considering the pain was coming from his belly.
After pondering for a while, I cautiously brought a hand to his tummy, which was now painfully bloated, and started caressing gently, making sure not to push too hard and make it worse. I whispered soothing words to him as I traced circles with my thumb over his belly, sometimes using my whole palm to apply light pressure that seemed to help.
After a while of that, he finally fell asleep on my shoulder, and I continued circling his tummy with my thumb gently. He only woke up a couple of times when his bloated stomach cramped so badly I could feel it stiffen under my hand. When that happened, I made sure to hold him tighter against me, and to apply stronger pressure with my palm, to help him ride the cramp out.
It was definitely one hell of a night. I didn’t get any sleep, considering I was up all night soothing his belly and taking care of the crams and pain when he woke up, but I didn’t care about not sleeping. The next morning he was feeling a bit better, but still not well. He was extremely ashamed for his “whimp” behavior the night before, but I told him he was feeling sick and that it was okay. After he heard that, he asked me to spend that day in bed with him too, and so I did. We spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed and watching movies, and we actually had a much better time than at the party the night before.
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vivswords · 3 years
if you’re familiar could I request some fin4l fant4sy 7? I’d love to see aerith sick (maybe after pushing herself too hard to take care of everyone else?) and cared for platonically by anyone else in the party!
I'm not familiar with it, but I could definitely do some research!
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vivswords · 3 years
ooh what fandoms do you write? are you more comfortable writing fandom stuff or ocs? I like your writing and I’d love to send you some prompts! —sickstarlight
I can write for most fandoms! and yes, I'm comfortable writing ocs and stuff like that as long as it's not real people like an actor/actress! feel free to send me prompts!
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vivswords · 3 years
Okay so I think we all have some sort of tiny things that just gets us every time, and I thought I’d share some of mine! Two things do it for me; when the girl finally accepts what's coming and heads for the bathroom. It's even hotter if she has to rush the last part of the way. Also when she starts hypersalivating and spits, because she's afraid to swallow.
Hey there! I definitely agree with you about everyone having things that just gets us going every time. Well, at least I definitely have a bunch ahaha. Thank you for sharing yours!, I'm sure some people around here will agree. Maybe I could even write a short fic about it, if they are topics of common interest. Have a nice day!
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vivswords · 3 years
Requests !!
Hey everyone, please feel free to send me request of pretty much any kind and I'll try my best to please you. I’m in the mood to do some writing! 
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vivswords · 3 years
Just thinking about sick, warm, bubbly tummies pressed against a hard surface as an attempt to relieve some of the discomfort, but ending up making the pain worse. 
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vivswords · 3 years
Character A and character B had been dating for a while. They go to the same college, and most of their classes are pretty close by, except for one. Character A has a class on one side of campus whilst character B has their class on the other side.
They both ride to school together every morning, the driver usually alternating. That day, they had taken character B’s car, and they had their keys with them throughout the day.
Around the time they had classes across campus, character A started feeling very sick, as if lunch just didn’t agree with them. They called character B, not caring that they were both in class, and when B heard the pain in A’s voice, they hurried out of the lesson and started running across campus to get to them and take them home.
Meanwhile, A had managed to walk towards the nearest bench, and they were lying down over it, clenching their stomach as it felt like it was being ripped apart.
They were close to tears when B arrived and helped them up, telling them to lean their weight on them so they could walk better.
After a couple of steps, A collapsed on their knees, crying and hugging their bloated middle in pain. The sight was enough to break B’s heart; they scooped their significant other up, and slowly but surely carried them to the car.
“You’re going to be alright, love. You’ll feel much better soon.” B reassured as they started driving home. A kept crying and clutching their tummy.
Once they were home, B carried A inside and put them down on the couch, sitting down besides them and rubbing their arms gently as A rest their head on A’s lap.
“It really hurts...” A whimpered, and B gently reached out and pulled up their lover’s shirt, revealing a really bloated and swollen belly. They gently put their hand over it, noticing how tight it was. B asked A if they remembered overeating, but they said no, which left A with no explanation.
B slipped out from below A, and kneeled in front of them, gently pressing their ear to the big bloat. A squirmed in pain and panted, trying to catch their breath as B apologized and rubbed the sore belly.
A couldn’t stop crying, and B’s belly rubs were doing more harm than good, since the belly was incredibly swollen yet empty. It was painful air that they couldn’t release.
After a while, B carried A up and put them down on the bed and cuddled with them for the rest of the day, gently resting their hand on their significant other’s big belly, and saying reassuring words when the pain was too much to bear.
It was a really long day, and an even longer night.
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vivswords · 3 years
things I'm a sucker for
Okay so I think we all have some sort of tiny things that just gets us every time, and I thought I'd share some of mine!
- when a person is way too sick to move. whether it’s from a headache or nausea, stomachache, backspin, hangover or whatever... when they’re just too sick to move. 
- when a person is really sick but their usual caretaker is away/ simply can’t be there for whatever reason and they have to nurse themselves back to health.
- belly rubs. 
- anything related to stomach sickness tbh, I'm a sucker for those. 
- when a person tries to hide their bloated stomach under their shirt/hoodie. bonus points if the caretaker lifts it at some point and it’s more bloated than ever.
- stomach aches / bloating that make it impossible for the person to sit up. a belly so big that it’s hard to sit.
- a belly so distended that it hurts to even breathe.
- when usually tough people act all cuddly and clingy when they’re sick.
- caretaker giving their s/o a deep belly rub.
- when a person cradles their belly protectively.
- caretaker helping sick person throw up by gently pushing on their belly.
- okay this might be a bit unpopular, and I don’t /always/ like it so much,, but character a having a huge painful tummy and character b helping them rub it, ending up in sex. So basically, sex with big painful bellies. 
- soft touches. I love deep belly rubs that make the sick person’s gut cramp, but I also adore soft touches just over the distended bloat that are just enough to bring a bit of comfort.
- when a person’s tummy is so big and painful that the caretaker can’t even help them rub it. 
- insecurities are nothing to be joked about, so this is exactly why I love when a kind caretaker reassures the sick person about their body. eg: when a character is self conscious of their big bloated belly and their s/o tells them they are beautiful. 
these are just 15 of the things I love the most !! let me know if you want another part of this, and please, feel free to make requests! 
I’m open to anything. name scenarios or just ideas, and I'll try my best :)
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