vibingwhilewriting · 9 months
Hey do you write smut???
Short answer: no.
A longer answer: I am okay with implied and more intimate scenes, but not full-on sex.
Thanks for asking!
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vibingwhilewriting · 9 months
Fandom List
SCP Foundation
Band of Brothers
Mandela Catalogue
The Wars by Tim Findley
I am open to suggestions bc this is not a list that encompasses all the fandoms I know, I just cannot think of right now. just drop an ask about the fandom.
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vibingwhilewriting · 9 months
Pls give me some requests. I just moved to university and need writing ideas to get out of this writer's block. I'm open to suggestions on media that is not on the fandom list (it's not conclusive).
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vibingwhilewriting · 10 months
writers will be like "here's my current wip! can't wait to share more :)" and then you never hear about it again
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
Quick PSA, if you get one of those "Work scanned, AI use detected" comments on AO3, just mark them as spam.
Some moron apparently built a bot to annoy or prank hundreds of authors.
There is no scanning process, your work doesn't actually resemble AI writing, it's all bullshit. Mark the comment as spam (on AO3, not the email notification you got about the comment!) and don't let it get to you.
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
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the situation is still out of control
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
I’m kinda regretting making a side blog for my writing instead of making a entirely sperate one.
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
Here are some ideas for the 5+1 trope! (I’ve included prompts for 2 characters and prompts for 1 character)
2 characters:
5 times Person A was Person B’s hero + 1 time Person A needed saving
5 times Person A pranked Person B + 1 time Person B got revenge
5 times Person A wanted to tell Person B they love them + the 1 time they finally did
5 times Person A cheered Person B up + 1 time they couldn’t
5 times Person A embarrassed themselves + 1 time Person B did it for them
5 times Person A thought Person B had a crush on them + 1 time they knew
5 ideas Person A and Person B had for matching tattoos + the 1 they ended up getting
5 times Person A called Person B beautiful + 1 time Person B called Person A beautiful
5 places Person A and Person B have kissed + 1 where they did more than that
5 times Person A saw Person B cry + 1 time they saw Person B laugh
1 character:
5 times Person A thought the world was ending + 1 time it actually was
5 times Person A pretended to be fine + 1 time they didn’t
5 times Person A was afraid + 1 time they faced their fear
5 times Person A almost lost their cool + 1 time they did
5 times Person A knew exactly what to say + 1 time they didn’t
5 times Person A felt alone + 1 time they knew they weren’t
5 decisions Person A regrets making + 1 they don’t
5 secrets Person A will never tell + 1 they couldn’t keep
5 times Person A almost gave up + 1 time they did
5 people Person A thought they were in love with + 1 person they actually were
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
writer survey question time:
inspired by seeing screencaps where the software is offering (terrible) style advice because I haven't used a software that has a grammar checker for my stories in like a decade
if you use multiple applications, pick the one you use most often.
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
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It’s a struggle
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
Hey guys! Just want you to know that school is bashing my head rn and I need to buckle down to catch up, so I’ll see you guys in the flip side.
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
 Gasp, another valentines post from a person with no rizz? Yup!!! And my first band of brothers ficlet. This is your belated birthday gift and hopefully early valentines gift, @liebgotts-lovergirl​!
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Joe Liebgott x reader Valentine’s special
Warnings: I don’t know how to write cocky characters, shit characterization of a tough in public but soft towards a lover
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“Oh give me a break, Liebgott! You’re not going to get with that!”
“Sucks {name}, don’t be that way,” he smirks.
Stomping your foot on the ground, you try to glare at him. Your efforts are futile as a smile slowly creeps up and breathless laughs fill the air.
“Now there’s that smile,” Joe’s cocky grin softens with adoration as he admires his handiwork.
“Just because you made me smile doesn’t mean I won’t get you back for this, Joe!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say.”
“Is that Liebgott over there being soft?”
“Shut up, George! You’re just jealous that a pretty woman isn’t talking to your ugly mug,” Joe heckles back, causing laughs in the crowd.
You look at him and sigh lovingly. You and he always had a dynamic. You don’t know when or how it started, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything. You loved him for all he is, tough but soft. Sometimes so tough and cocky that it makes you want to strangle him, but that makes moments like these sweeter. Moments where his soft side shines through. 
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You leaned onto the crumbling building, heaving. Knees shaking and bruised feet dragging you behind the group. Coughing, you slid down your knees, the world spinning. Trying to stop the bleeding was now futile. With a heavy chest, your eyes start to drop.
“Hey, hey! What are you doing?”
“Hey! Don’t you dare close your eyes!”
“Joe?” you crock out. 
“Yeah! Who do you think it is? What were you thinking? Why didn’t you call for Doc,” he chastises you.
“There wasn’t time to.”
“Bullshit,” he chastised you, pulling you up. “Keep putting pressure on that wound and let's get out of here before you get both of us killed.”
Legs growing numb, you leaned on to Joe. Joe cursed and slowly let you down to the floor. “Hey, Shifty! Cover me!”
“Got it, Liebgott!”
Joe once more turned his attention to you as he readjusted his gear to accommodate yours. “You stupid, stupid girl.”
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“Medic! Medic! Doc, get over here!”
Joe lays you down on the grass and removes your hand from your side. Digging around his pockets, he starts to dump sulfanilamide into the wound. You whimpered, gripping his arms, looking up at his face and trying to see through the blurriness, to memorize his face.
“It hurts, Joe. It really does. I’m sorry. So, so sorry.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know. Just keep those eyes open for me, yeah?”
“I’m here! I’m here,” Roe says as he drops to his knees beside Liebgott. “How long?”
“I don’t know. I found her during the retreat but don’t know how long she had that gunshot.”
“Doc? I don’t feel so good. It’s getting dark and I’m so tired.”
“Jesus, put pressure on that wound, would you Joe? Okay, {name}, keep awake.”
“Is she going to be okay?”
Roe looked up and met with Joe’s. This time, just this time, he lied, “Of course.”
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You still remembered the fear in his eyes, the urgency of his touch, the silent panic. It didn’t occur to you then, but it was his way of caring for you. Those were the first signs that he did care about you on a much deeper level than just comradery forged by Sobel’s tyranny.
“Come on {name}, quit starin’ at me! I know you’re planning something.”
I looked him in the eye and smirked, “last one to the tent is a rotten egg and has to pay our next bar tab!”
I booked it past the group and to our camp giggling with a cheek-aching smile.
“Hey! Get back here, you don’t get a head start! I’m not paying that bill.”
The rest laughed and followed suit. “I think you’re getting got, Liebgot!”
“Oh, how the great Liebgott has fallen!”
“Shut up!”
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Joe pulled me up by the waist from behind and spin me around, “No! Don’t you dare drop me, Joe! No, stop!”
“Not until you take back your deal with the tab!”
“Nope, I won fair and square!”
“Oh really now? Let’s see what you’ll say with I throw you into the lake!”
“You wouldn’t.”
“Try me,” he said with his iconic smirk.
“Alright, you love birds. Let’s not get too carried away.”
“What makes you think that I would stoop so low as to be in love, Lip?”
He huffed and shook his head, “whatever you say, Liebgott.”
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“You’ve really gone soft, Joe,” I whisper as I run my hand through his hair.
“Only for you, sweetheart,” Joe whispered back into your chest. “Once this war is over we can finally get married.”
“Sounds like a plan big guy.”
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
M*A*S*H Walter Radar O’Reilly x Reader Coffee Shop AU
Hello, everyone! For this valentines, I will be attempting to write something. How is this going to work out for me when I have no rizz? I don't know. Enjoy the ficlet, belated birthday present and valentines gift @multifandomlover01!!!
I never watched m*a*s*h so forgive me for grasping for straws.
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“Welcome to the Coffee Corner!”
The greeting resounded through the shop just as the bell hanging from the door did. I adjusted my satchel as I stepped into the cozy coffee house. Smiling, I walked toward the counter, admiring the decor. The infectious atmosphere was entrancing.  “Good morning! Can I get a-”
“Raspberry hot chocolate?”
“Ye-yeah, how did you know?”
“Just intuition.”
“Yeah, I would like a Raspberry hot chocolate,” I said with an awkward smile. I looked at his name tag. Radar it says and I look back at his face again. 
“That’ll be $7.35.”
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It was always corners and libraries that gave the most comfort. If it was learned comfort from being in them or just a psychological, you don’t know, but it didn’t bother you. You were glad that there was a quiet gem of a coffee shop that had an attached library.
Pulling the satchel off your shoulders, you collapse onto the surprisingly comfortable wooden chair and prepare for your latest study session. Taking off your beanie and scarf, you start pulling out the materials needed to take notes and succeed in the first aid examination.
“Ma’am, your drink is ready.”
You flinch in surprise and look up. “Oh, thank you!”
“You’re welcome.”
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As you return to the shop for more drinks and study sessions, you gradually get to know Radar and his coworkers better. Laughter fills the shop as relentless teases are thrown and all awkwardness and stiffness went away. Small talk and banter between you and Radar became more common. Comfortable silence Radar, tangents and Radar’s coworkers teasing his little quirks is a slice of life that you didn’t expect to receive when you entered university, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You don’t know if it was his naivete, his warm personality, how cute he is or a mixture of those that did you in, but you just knew.
“Hey, Radar?”
“Would ya go on a date with me?”
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“Hey, Radar! You’re usually 15 minutes early! Did something happen,” Hawkeye called out as Radar walked behind the tills to the changing rooms.
“Hold up Hawkeye. Radar, your skin is clearing up!”
“You’re right, Trapper! You’ve been getting into more self-care lately?”
Both Trapper and Hawkeye followed Radar to the back, “Well, I got this friend.”
“Well, who is she?”
“Look, he’s blushing!”
“I am not! My cheeks are just red!”
“Aw, Radar, come on! You can tell Uncle Trapper.”
“And Aunt Hawkeye.”
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Hope that you enjoyed it! Sorry that there's little to no plot here. I wish I could given you more for Valentine's day but school has been bitch slapping me lately
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
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Low quality meme I made
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
why the fuck does english have a word for
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but not for “the day after tomorrow”
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
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vibingwhilewriting · 1 year
Guys, we've done it. I've been unshadowbanned. Still miffed about my writing not being visible in the time frame that most people would see it, but what can a writer do.
Edit: I still can't see my stuff in the tags smh
Edi#2: YES, I can see my stuff in the tags now. Please check out my other stuff that got shafted by the glitch on my blog.
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