twelvetinypelicans · 2 months
Years and years ago, I read a book on cryptography that I picked up because it looked interesting--and it was!
But there was a side anecdote in there that stayed with me for more general purposes.
The author was describing a cryptography class that they had taken back in college where the professor was demonstrating the process of "reversibility", which is a principle that most codes depend on. Specifically, it should be easy to encode, and very hard to decode without the key--it is hard to reverse the process.
So he had an example code that he used for his class to demonstrate this, a variation on the Book Code, where the encoded text would be a series of phone numbers.
The key to the code was that phone books are sorted alphabetically, so you could encode the text easily--picking phone numbers from the appropriate alphabetical sections to use ahead of time would be easy. But since phone books were sorted alphabetically, not numerically, it would be nearly impossible to reverse the code without exhaustively searching the phone book for each string of numbers and seeing what name it was tied to.
Nowadays, defeating this would be child's play, given computerized databases, but back in the 80s and 90s, this would have been a good code... at least, until one of the students raised their hand and asked, "Why not just call the phone numbers and ask who lives there?"
The professor apparently was dumbfounded.
He had never considered that question. As a result, his cipher, which seemed to be nearly unbreakable to him, had such an obvious flaw, because he was the sort of person who could never coldcall someone to ask that sort of thing!
In the crypto book, the author went on to use this story as an example of why security systems should not be tested by the designer (because of course the security system is ready for everything they thought of, by definition), but for me, as a writer, it stuck with me for a different reason.
It's worth talking out your story plot with other people just to see if there's a "Why not just call the phone numbers?" obvious plot hole that you've missed, because of your singular perspective as a person. Especially if you're writing the sort of plot where you have people trying to outsmart each other.
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
Do y’all wanna hear about some absolutely crazy shit going down in the birding world right now
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
The funniest sword fight scene in the history of cinema. 
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
I just can’t get over how easily Rick could have made this lead to a betrayal. But he didn’t! He used this moment to give them an intimate time together and then. Just didn’t use it again. AMAZING. Every other author I know would have sent Percy on a downward worry spiral wondering when Annabeth would betray him, or would have slowly had Annabeth reveal she was going to betray him, or even had Annabeth captured and tortured to reveal that information so Percy had to TRULY fight for his life. But no! Rick have them this moment to make them closer and it was pretty much never brought up again and I love him for that.
one of the most intimate scenes i've ever read i'm so serious
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
Ok, so I use Em Carroll's His Face All Red to begin the horror unit in my graphic narrative course and today I had a student provide my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE TAKE on the comic.
They were like, "This isn't scary at all. It's a perfectly logical set of events."
And the class was like...what?
And they were like, "Clearly, the weaker younger brother didn't actually kill the stronger older brother. He bashed him in the head with a rock and, head wounds bleed a ton, so he thought he'd killed him, but he'd only stunned him. Older brother wakes up, climbs out of the hole, notices his coat is missing a giant chunk, and has a pretty good idea of what younger brother is going to do. SO he orders himself a new coat, has it delivered to a nearby village, waits two days for Amazon prime to show up with it, and then walks back to his home village on day 3 having decided to drive his brother absolutely insane in revenge. And then for the next several days he plays along with his brother's story and digs a hole next to his brother's house, except he doesn't stop there, he digs a tunnel that reaches back to the hole in the woods connecting the two. Because he knows that his brother is going to freak out at some point and go back to check if the body is still here. And when he sees his brother heading off into the woods one night, he hops into the farmhouse-hole and takes the short-cut tunnel to the forest-hole and puts on his old coat and rubs some sheep's blood on his face so that when his brother shows up he can roll over and be like 'whattup' so he'll lose his damn mind."
And then multiple other people in the class were like, "actually, yeah, if my sibling tried to kill me that's exactly how I'd handle it."
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
some of you need to romanticise the fucking paragraph break
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
I would fall into the pits of hell with you rather than face the thought you might suffer alone. A powerful goddess erased all my memories but she couldn’t make me forget the sound of your laugh. You are my tether to mortality and the hand that saved me from drowning. The first time you kissed me I caused a seismic volcanic earthquake. When I met Aphrodite I thought she looked like you. The divine rulers of this universe fear I might burn down the world if you asked. And I would. Without hesitation. Do you get it? Do you understand?
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
Things Percy Jackson remembers in Son of Neptune:
Annabeth exists
I met Annabeth at a camp
Annabeth and I kiss sometimes
Fuck Ares
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
i miss cd drives. how could you just take her pussy away. likes its nothing
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twelvetinypelicans · 3 months
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twelvetinypelicans · 4 months
That light that fills our lives with emotion, passion and why not… some spice and drama.
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Leo Rising: The noble heart
Natives with a charm and charisma perceptible from a distance. People who seem to have it all, but have come a long way to assert themselves. A strong will and a desire to go far in anything they are passionate about. Friendly personality but unreachable appearance, royal vibes but deep down they hide a perfectionist and demanding essence with themselves. Many times they give the impression of being difficult to approach, and it is that they tend to project themselves as distant, they seem to be very well on their own, but behind that independence there is nothing more than a noble, generous heart and willing to love madly. They may have felt very vulnerable when they were younger, causing them to become independent and defensive. 
They have an incredible eye for detail, especially those related to aesthetics, particularly their own. They can earn the title of models or very attractive people and it is just for Virgo in the 2nd house. This overlay makes them pay close attention to their style, their appearance is very important to them and they tend to be too critical of their body and personality, let's remember that this house also shows self-esteem. It is very likely that they pamper themselves with gifts or go shopping constantly, as this is a way to improve their self-esteem. Their self-esteem may have been damaged in the past, they may feel less strong or capable than they are. At some point in their lives they could question their value as people excessively, if they deserved some things or if they were worth it. Behind that facet of an empowered person there is someone with a couple of insecurities and a self-critical tendency that sometimes seems to be very noisy. They tend to have in mind that they want money from a young age, and many of them can have a very strong ability to earn and manage finances. Finding a mutable sign on this cusp can indicate various economic ups and downs at an early age, but being an earth sign it augurs stability. Increases the possibility of having multiple sources of income. They are very careful people with their possessions, however they can be very generous people, it is very likely that they will financially support those who need it most. They stand out for their attention to detail with others, they love to help others selflessly. They are people who have sincerity, kindness and hard work very much in mind, these values ​​being of the utmost importance to them.
They are excellent and charming communicators, they speak in such an engaging and wonderful way that it seems that you can fall in love in just the first conversation. I welcome you to the paradise of Libra in the 3rd house. These natives love to talk, no matter how serious they are because of other placements, giving their opinion and communicating is of the utmost importance, they love to feel curious about things, they love to learn new things and experiment with new things but that they provide them with a certain degree of comfort. . Although it may be hard for them to admit it, many of them can think of love in a very dreamy way, they dream of finding a partner with whom they connect in every way. And speaking of connections, this overlay makes them be people with many connections or with the possibility of being liked by others more easily than the rest. And it is not that they are necessarily social butterflies [which some are], but rather that they always treat people with respect, and that is what guarantees them a place in the hearts of others. They are very careful with their relationships, particularly friendships. In case of having siblings, this placement can give us one of two scenarios, either having a harmonious relationship with them [since it is ruled by Venus] or having a somewhat subtle type of competition for others, they may be constantly compared and even some tinge of envy from the sibling to the native. They could have an interest or huge ability to appreciate art, and in fact, they can be very talented at it. They have a talent for any creative expression, especially writing, they can become the most moving poets you will ever meet. 
Behind that smile, behind that charm, they hide an emotional intensity that is often difficult for even them to understand. With this Scorpio in the 4th house we see people with lasting emotions, when they know they want something or are sure of something from the bottom of their hearts, there is nothing to stop them. They will seem very carefree, spontaneous, but deep down these natives may fear going deeper into their emotions and even into some experiences of their childhood. They are very afraid of being vulnerable to people, opening their hearts can be difficult. They are afraid of feeling a need to be with someone because their independence and need for autonomy would prevent them, they are afraid of opening their hearts and being ignored or abandoned. Despite this, natives need emotional security, and deep down they crave emotional intensity and durability, meaningful connections, and a devoted commitment to another person in whatever bond. They feel comfortable with direct and totally sincere people with their emotions, who do not make them doubt, who give them constant intense displays of emotions. They hate to doubt, they hate what is not sure and what confuses them. They ask for clarity, because they know perfectly well that they give clarity and honesty in return. They tend to fear this side of themselves, they fear seeing themselves as extremists or very intense, but deep down they are just people who know exactly what they want and know how to get away from what they don't want. Even if they express what they think, being totally open with someone makes them insecure, they don't like that a person knows more about them than they do about the other person, deep down they hold in their hearts a desire of someone loving each part of their identity, of their minds and each part of their body. With them you will not have any doubt. They will give you certainty and they will be there for you. Even if you don't believe it at first, they will give you that security and you will find in them the most loyal and committed partner, friend and person.
Heaven is an experience that can be brought down to earth, and this overlay is the absolute epitome, as Sagittarius in the 5th house gives some lucky mortals a taste of what it's like to be taken to the highest and most satisfying pinnacle of heaven. Heavens. These natives change a lot when they fall in love, they are filled with positivity, they radiate happiness and it becomes practically impossible for them to hide their love for someone. They see love as a learning experience and a way to reconnect with the purest form of their emotions. They intoxicate their partners with the most genuine happiness, with unforgettable and positive experiences and have a devoted way of loving even with spiritual overtones. They are looking for a partner with whom to destroy the routine, someone with whom to have an incredible time talking from the deepest to the pointless, but they not only ask for that, they want a spiritual union that makes them improve as people not only them, but to their partners. They have a great appeal, spread a lot of joy and radiate charm. The fun with them is guaranteed and their confidence makes them unconsciously put themselves under the spotlight of many. They may have great luck attracting people with whom the feeling is mutual. They will always be interested in topics that allow them to delve deeper into themselves. There is a touch of mystery in that daring smile and in that defiant gaze, there is a charm that makes it impossible for you to look away. Their playful attitude can confuse you, since they want to be taken seriously.
If there's one thing they don't get as much credit for, it's their high level of devotion and great work ethic, this is where a beloved Capricorn in the 6th house comes into action. They are stronger and more solid people than they think, they inspire confidence and it seems that they are sure of every move they make, they always have their priorities in mind and they hate wasting their time doing things that are not worth it. Sometimes they will prefer to spend time on their own doing things that genuinely add something to them or they like. When they consider that something is really worthwhile, they will invest all their time and effort in it, hence they can stand out a lot in their work life. This house also governs routines, being ruled by Saturn we can see how difficult it can be for them to do a routine for them, such as being on a diet, exercising or simply scheduling things, but what we can also see is a lot of dedication once you have defined that it is worthwhile or that it will do them good. They are very demanding of themselves, and tend to place high expectations on who they should be and become, and can sometimes be just as demanding of others, especially if they are in a position of authority at work. They are people very prone to low health due to stress, stress that can cause bone pain, muscle pain or headaches. Melancholia and periods of little motivation can be something frequent in them.
They leave a unique and indelible mark on other people, fill your life with novelty and make you feel such a renewed freedom, thus showing their Aquarius in the 7th house. They unconsciously project themselves as very unique people, it is not surprising that they stand out from the crowd more easily. They seem to be very intelligent, to be somewhat detached and to be fantastic with no one by their side. Despite this, they want a lasting connection and one in which they can be totally transparent, reflecting their two rulers, Saturn and Uranus. They may be somewhat fearful of intimacy, the idea of ​​someone being very close to them and then hurting or leaving them. Some of these natives may have an avoidant attachment, appearing to fear getting too close to someone and acting friendly only. Precisely because of this they do not reveal much of themselves to others and remain mysterious to a certain extent. Despite having great social skills and being able to connect with people no matter how different they are, they have a hard time feeling like they fit in with people or that they click with someone. But when they feel that, the intrigue devours them from the inside, and you value very much who they connect with on such a level. Despite their playful and aloof personality, they are among the most loyal once they decide to settle down, since they are ruled by Saturn after all. They need their space a lot, of course, and they are fascinated by people who are the same or more independent than they are, they are usually fascinated by intelligent people and with something unique about them, someone difficult to decipher.
Seduction, charm and a sexy and enchanting nature. Leo Rising people seem to live for the exciting, the fun and the passionate, but is this always the case? Yes. It is. Only that in this sector, it takes on the deepest and most idealizing tints, and this is when we meet their Pisces in the 8th house. They seek to live a romance that allows them to connect and get to know their partner in detail, to be oneself with the one they love. They don't just see sex as something passionate, they see it as something magical, something that allows the relationship to deepen. Love for them is a way to escape with their partner, to take them to a perfect world in which they know only the most pleasant sensations. However, these natives are highly selective with the people with whom they seek emotional and physical intimacy, they can even be seen as picky, this is due to two factors: one of them is their surprising social skills, it does not mean that they are very extroverts, but they know how to read people, both what they really are and the hidden truth of their hearts. And secondly, that they can be somewhat distant to the idea of ​​being very intimate with someone that is just “anyone”. These natives are excellent at making their partner's fantasies come true, they know how to make you feel desired, loved and very attractive. Sex with them can be addictive and they are people who easily become an obsession for you.
Contrary to what could be intuited with this placement, having Aries in the 9th house can be quite a spiritual overlay. Let’s remember that Aries = "I am". This position tells us that the person takes their beliefs, their religion or their faith seriously, they are people who are their beliefs and have them very present in their day to day. They will defend their point of view with skill and endless arguments, they won't let you make them feel embarrassed or bad for having a certain belief, and they can quickly lose interest in people who make skeptical or harsh comments about their beliefs. They are people who can find fun in drama, they may like to spice things up with a friendly debate or teasing. This house also represents travel, so the journeys that the native undertakes can be very beneficial for them, since it will bring more self-awareness and small transformations. At university the native can stand out a lot, he can have the ambition or desire to be either the best in the class or the best version of himself, this thought can make many have a feeling of competitiveness with the native. Something that this placement also affects is that it will cause the native to have conflicts, differences or discussions with teachers. They hate feeling or appearing like cowards, they like the idea of ​​having well-defined ideas and opinions.
Grace, elegance, good aesthetics and a beauty that steals your attention immediately are some of the flexes of Taurus in the 10th house. In the eyes of others, these natives seem to have it all in life, they seem to be too perfect to be true, and they can give the impression of being in the best point of their life or being very stable people. Rich vibes, many of them could give the impression of being people with a high social or economic status. Being ruled by Venus, favors the rapid acceptance and respect of the public, the labor progress can be something easy, fast and comfortable for these natives. They are very hardworking people and dedicated to their work and despite being very loved people, with connections or good relationships with the rest, they can be somewhat reserved with their lives. They share trivial things, but never what is very deep. They can have a touch of mystery in their aura and put some distance. They actively seek ways to feel like jobs, to have a job that gives them all the luxuries they want and the life they deserve. They are looking to finally have a stable point in their lives.
They come to stand out a lot for their intellect and that ease to connect with people regardless of distance or anything else that seems to be a limitation, their Gemini in the 11th house makes them people with great possibilities to succeed in something related to the internet or the networking. They seem to know a lot about many subjects and have the most creative and fascinating ideas, thus earning the title of original people who put things in trend. They are fun and chatty friends, the ones you spend hours texting or calling with, the one you ask for opinions and advice. They value communication a lot, for them it is very important to have constant communication with their friends, keeping in touch regardless of the circumstances is a priority for them. It is very likely that at some point in their life they will face two-faced friendships, someone who behaved very friendly with them but turned out to be envious of them for their brightness or talk about them behind their backs. This placement favors a smarter choice of friends after that kind of event. They usually look after their friends and despite their playful and carefree behavior, deep down they look out for the well-being of their friends.
An internal emotional struggle, needs or fears, feeling or holding back. Is it too much? My emotions overwhelm you as much as they overwhelm me? Cancer in the 12th house makes your inner world make you stop a little bit and think a lot. Projecting yourself as a person who is charming, quite charming in fact, but who cannot be vulnerable in any way. They do not allow themselves to depend on someone, they do not allow themselves to be seen as weak or as someone who needs a lot from others, but at the same time they fear that their needs or requests will be ignored. Past experiences that get stuck in them, ones where they felt ignored, abandoned, disappointed or betrayed in some way. You are afraid to experience all this again, but you wish, you long to find a sense of home, to feel the warmth of someone holding you and saying that everything will be alright, you long for complete acceptance, someone who accepts and is amazed by that sweet heart that you protect from all that you perceive as a threat. They want to finally feel like they can let their guard down and allow themselves to feel without any inhibition. Melancholy can be a recurring enemy, especially on nights when they may have difficulty sleeping because of this and insomnia. The family can be a complex issue for you, you may not feel their support, have a changing and unstable relationship with them or feel little warmth. It is very likely that the words they [family or people you considered special] said to you many years ago are still etched in your mind, phrases that, although indifferent to them, had an intense weight on you. As time passed, you no longer feared being on your own so much, in fact it is very likely that you have found comfort in solitude at some point in your life and have only allowed yourself to be completely vulnerable when the spotlights go out and the eyes no longer are on you, you may not even allow yourself to be vulnerable in the comfort of your loneliness. Take the time to do with your heart what you do with the hearts and lives of others, lighten it up and let it fully express itself. Allow it to be happy, allow you to feel and allow yourself to live.
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twelvetinypelicans · 5 months
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hmm no wikipedia i didn't know that. i mean that's pretty high praise tho how impressive could it beOH GODDAMNIT IT'S THE COOLEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE
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twelvetinypelicans · 5 months
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Abandoned Son of God
1. The War of Vaslav Nijinsky Half-light: Collected Poems by Frank Bidart // Milan Pieta, Sant Alessandro Church by Benedict Cacciatori, 1887 2. Sun Bleached Flies by Ethel Cain // Ecce Homo by Guido Reni c. 1639-40 3. Head in the Wall by Ethel Cain // Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers // Agnus Dei "The Lamb of God", by Francisco de Zurbarán c. 1635-40 // Crucifixion by Unknown Artist 4. Long Sleeves by Gracie Abrams // The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath // Motion Sickness by Phoebe Bridgers // Christ Crowned with Thorns by Unknown Artist 5. Not Strong Enough by boygenius // Ecce Homo by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo c. 1670 6. Chinese Satellite by Phoebe Bridgers // Hozier // Sometimes by Nick Lutsko // The Crucification of Jesus Christ by Wilhelm Kotarbinski 7. Swan Upon Leda by Hozier // Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain // Anguish by August Friedrich Schenk, 1878 // Pietà sculpture, Templo Expiatori 8. Strangers by Ethel Cain // A House In Nebraska by Ethel Cain // mirrorball by Taylor Swift // You're On Your Own, Kid by Taylor Swift // Christ In The Wilderness Desert by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoi, 1872 9. oh darling, even rome fell by @madzieloss // Unknown 10. the priest's favorite sacrificial lamb by @rollercoasterwords // Ecce Homo by Guido Reni c. 1639-40
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twelvetinypelicans · 5 months
when I was a little kid at some point I got upset with my parents because I didn't have a crucifix in my bedroom and they did- I was like why do YOU get to be safe from vampires??? you're okay with me getting my blood sucked???? so we took a little trip to the catholic store but the one closest to us was run by a group of nuns that had been moved here from romania. I got a little baby pink cross and this sweet old nun was like 'aww, is this a baptism gift?' and I was like no. I need to be protected from vampires. and she immediately got SO serious and was like 'this is the best one we've got, you'll definitely be safe' and since she was literally from vampire land I was convinced she was like, van helsing. like the whole time my parents had been laughing about how cute my fear was but she literally Knew dracula and was taking my concerns seriously I held this over my parents for so long lmfao
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twelvetinypelicans · 5 months
look, I know I've talked about this essay (?) before but like,
If you ever needed a good demonstration of the quote "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic", have I got an exercise for you.
Somebody made a small article explaining the basics of atomic theory but it's written in Anglish. Anglish is basically a made-up version of English where they remove any elements (words, prefixes, etc) that were originally borrowed from romance languages like french and latin, as well as greek and other foreign loanwords, keeping only those of germanic origin.
What happens is an english which is for the most part intelligible, but since a lot everyday english, and especially the scientific vocabulary, has has heavy latin and greek influence, they have to make up new words from the existing germanic-english vocabulary. For me it kind of reads super viking-ey.
Anyway when you read this article on atomic theory, in Anglish called Uncleftish Beholding, you get this text which kind of reads like a fantasy novel. Like in my mind it feels like it recontextualizes advanced scientific concepts to explain it to a viking audience from ancient times.
Even though you're familiar with the scientific ideas, because it bypasses the normal language we use for these concepts, you get a chance to examine these ideas as if you were a visitor from another civilization - and guess what, it does feel like it's about magic. It has a mythical quality to it, like it feels like a book about magic written during viking times. For me this has the same vibe as reading deep magic lore from a Robert Jordan book.
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twelvetinypelicans · 5 months
hrghh another long and difficult day... TUMBLR!! fetch me a photo of The Fictional Character .....
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