turnthemasunder-if · 4 months
Just reblogging this
Author's Tale Entries
So Merry Christmas my lovely Readers! Yes! I know that I disappeared for a long time but to summarize it I took a break and life is very hectic as of now.
Writing is resuming and as you guys wait I decided to this. Ever since I was a kid me and my friends use to to this type of thing plus I can use it as practice. I'm sure you guys already stumbles stuff like this but to clarify I will explain it. This will be your story where the outcome is random based on your choice and my let's say whims. So expect the writing style will change as time goes on and such. So without further ado let us begin.
Close your ey- Wait! Haha silly me, your reading not listening so I want you instead to visualize. (Keep them peepers open now!)
A.T. Entry 1
The sun, a celestial artist, weaves an ethereal tapestry through the verdant foliage overhead. It bathes you in its warm, golden embrace, illuminating the colors of the surrounding flora with an intensity that leaves you mesmerized. You draw in a lungful of the pristine air, letting it fill your senses with the harmony of nature, before releasing it with a contented sigh that mingles with the rustling of the leaves.
Every pore of your skin basks in the sun's affectionate kiss, sending a delightful tingle coursing through your veins, a reminder of the life that thrums within you. Your ears, attuned to the forest's melody, catch the harmonious chirping of the birds, their fluttering wings beating a rhythm that resonates with the very heartbeat of the wilderness, shaking of the branches as their talons find purchase on its woods..
Suddenly, an unexpected sound - the crisp snap of a twig - punctuates the serenity. Whirling around, your boots send a spray of loose earth and pebbles scattering. A figure emerges from the dappled shadows, and a doe steps into your line of sight. It regards you with its obsidian eyes, an epitome of tranquility as it absentmindedly munches on some fresh leaves, wholly unperturbed by your presence.
Now, isn't this a sight to behold? You, alone in the heart of nature, sharing a moment with a doe - something straight out of a Disney movie, don't you think? Except, of course, without the singing animals and magic. But hey, who needs that when you've got the real deal right here, in all its untamed glory? It's almost as if Mother Nature herself decided to roll out the red carpet just for you.
So go ahead, take a moment. Savor the feeling. After all, it's not every day you get to play Snow White in the woods, is it?
Finish? Well, it seems the doe's novelty has worn off, hasn't it? You turn your back on it, slightly affronted by its lack of interest, and, dare we say, its judgmental gaze? Well, no matter, there's a whole world out there waiting to be explored. One foot before the other, you march forward, your path dictated not by choice but by the whims of this narrative.
But wait! What's that lurking in the distance? A structure of some sort emerges from the verdant sea of green, its silhouette a stark contrast against the sunlit foliage. Even from this considerable gap, the infectious melody of mirth reaches your ears, a siren's call that tugs at your curiosity. It appears the festivities have begun without you, you old latecomer, you!
Intrigued and slightly affronted (because who starts a party without you?), you press on, drawn towards the distant merriment like a moth to a flame. The harmony of laughter and joyous chatter wafts towards you, carried on the gentle breeze, a tantalizing taste of what lies ahead.
Isn't it just like you, chasing after the sound of fun and abandoning our poor doe friend? But, who can blame you? After all, who can resist the pull of a good party, especially when the soundtrack sounds like a scene straight out of The Great Gatsby? So, dust off your boots and straighten your collar, my friend, for it seems the night has only just begun. And remember, punctuality is overrated when you're the life of the party!
As you draw closer to the establishment, your eyes eagerly roam about, searching for any signs of life. And there it is, a sign looming atop the building, its weathered appearance only adding to its charm. The words "Nature's Embrace" are proudly displayed, the letters slightly faded but still commanding attention. It's as if the tavern has emerged from the heart of the forest itself, nestled in a place where magic and reality intertwine.
Vines boldly crawl up the sides of the building, embracing it with nature's touch, as if the very essence of the forest has claimed this place as its own. The wooden facade, weathered and worn, tells tales of countless adventures and laughter that have echoed within.
As you approach the entrance, the sound of merriment grows louder, seeping through the cracks of the door and beckoning you to step inside. You can't help but marvel at the warm glow that spills out from the windows, casting dancing shadows on the path before you. Laughter and the clinking of mugs intertwine, creating a collection of joy that resonates in the air.
With anticipation bubbling within you, each step on the worn-out staircase seems to echo through the air, the creaking boards adding a touch of suspense to your ascent. The sound magnifies the excitement building inside you, as if the very steps are teasing you with the promise of what lies beyond. (Oh, the anticipation must be killing you, my dear reader!)
Finally, you reach the doorknob, your hand reaching out to grasp the weathered wooden knob. Its rough surface greets your fingertips, creating a tactile connection that heightens your senses. You can almost feel the stories embedded within its grains and the countless hands that have turned it over the years. With a firm grip, you push the door open, revealing a burst of light and life within.
As you step further into the bustling tavern, the noise that greeted you outside is nothing compared to the deafening orchestra that engulfs you now. The air is alive with the vibrant melodies of musicians stationed on the side, their fingers dancing across strings and keys with unparalleled gusto. A lute is plucked with nimble precision, its melody resonating with a sense of longing and whimsy. A harp is strummed, its ethereal notes cascading through the air like a gentle breeze. And the xylophone adds its own playful rhythm, its vibrant tones punctuating the music with a delightful charm. (Don't be shy now, go one shake that hip, tap that foot and get your groove on!)
In the center of the room, a roaring fire crackles in the hearth, casting a warm and inviting glow. Its flames dance with wild abandon, casting flickering shadows that playfully dance across the walls. And what a sight those walls present! Adorned with the heads of majestic animals, each trophy tells a story of bravery and triumph. The mighty bear stands proud, its gaze fierce and unwavering. The boar's tusks gleam in the flickering light, a testament to its untamed strength. And the wolf, frozen in a ferocious snarl, seems to guard the room with unwavering loyalty. Among the trophies, a bow is proudly displayed, its wood gleaming with a polished sheen.
With a spring in your step, you confidently navigate through the bustling atmosphere of the tavern, deftly sidestepping two men locked in a heated brawl. The sound of bones crunching fills the air as their punches connect. You manage to avoid the chaos and make your way towards a vacant table, before skillfully maneuvering around a stumbling drunkard, his ale swishing dangerously in his mug. Just as he nears collision with you, he trips over a misplaced stool and crashes to the ground, his muffled groans drowned out by the raucous laughter of the patrons.
Finally, you settle into the comfort of a sturdy chair at the table, relieved to have survived the onslaught of what the locals call "Happy Hour." The tavern is alive with conversation, clinking glasses, and the occasional burst of raucous laughter. Amidst the lively ambiance, a voice, sultry and captivating, slices through the noise, capturing your attention like a siren's call.
You turn towards the source of the voice and find yourself captivated by the sight of a woman in her thirties. A mischievous smile dances upon her lips, and her amber eyes burn with a fiery intensity. Her cascading hair, the color of autumn leaves, frames her face like a soft halo. "Come here often, stranger?"
In one fluid motion, she reaches for a frothy mug on her tray and takes a seat at your table. "On the house!" she declares, her voice a velvety purr, before sauntering off to attend to the other patrons. The rich aroma of the freshly poured ale wafts up to your nostrils, tempting your senses with its intoxicating fragrance.
Hold your horses, my adventurous friend, for no journey is complete without choosing your class and assembling your crew! With your mug in hand, you survey the area, searching for potential allies amidst the lively festivities. Your eyes are drawn to the far left corner, where a group of armored figures revel in high spirits. One particularly enthusiastic individual jumps onto a table, rallying his comrades with fervor.
"Come, brothers and sisters! Tonight, we celebrate our initiation as the Lord's instruments of justice!" the helmet-clad leader exclaims, his voice booming across the tavern. The group responds in unison, their voices harmonizing in a resounding chorus of "AMEN…AMEN…AMEN!" Just as the leader raises his mug to drink, he sways precariously, losing his balance and toppling off the table, much to the amusement of his companions.
Curiosity piqued, you continue your search, your gaze now shifting to the shadowy corners of the room. Two individuals stand apart from the revelry, observing the festivities with an air of quiet detachment. Their eyes dart around, filled with a mix of distrust and paranoia. Squinting to get a better look, you notice tattoos adorning their hands, but before you can discern their meaning, the owners quickly roll up their sleeves, obscuring your view.
As you crane your head, your attention is immediately captivated by a group of adventurers gathered around a grand feast. One of them bears an impressive ax strapped to his back, exuding an aura of strength and determination. An elf, with a sleek bow slung across her shoulder, exudes an air of grace and precision. Your keen eye catches the subtle movements of another figure, a nimble thief, his hands disappearing and reappearing in a swift and practiced manner. And lastly, a fair maiden donning a pristine white robe, her head bowed in prayer, murmuring words of protection for her comrades.
Just as you begin to take in their presence, another voice, filled with confidence and charm, reaches your ears. "Listen, lads and lasses, for I shall regale you with a tale of the legendary Sword Dancer!" The speaker, undoubtedly a seasoned storyteller, captures the attention of the entire group. Their appearance suggests they are mercenaries, enjoying a well-deserved respite after a successful mission. Two members of their party, engrossed in a game of Five Finger Fillet, demonstrate their dexterity as the knives dance across their fingertips, the metallic tips dangerously close to their flesh.
As you take a sip of the complimentary ale, its flavors explode on your tongue, a delightful blend of hops and malt that dances across your taste buds. The liquid glides smoothly down your throat, leaving a warm, lingering sensation in its wake. You can't help but savor the moment, feeling a sense of camaraderie with the boisterous crowd that surrounds you.
Now dear readers as you drink your ale in deep thought, let me present to you four enticing classes to choose from. Each class possesses its own unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses, along with their own unique captivating stories and journeys.
Let us begin with the Paladin class, noble warriors skilled in the art of close combat. Their proficiency with weapons and unwavering strength make them formidable adversaries on the battlefield. These warriors seek honor and glory, their journey driven by an unwavering determination to prove themselves in combat and earn the respect of their comrades. However, their reliance on physical strength may sometimes cloud their tactical judgment, leading to challenges that test their resolve.
Moving on, we have the enigmatic Assassins, masters of stealth and deception. These silent predators thrive in the shadows, executing covert operations with deadly precision. Their agility and reflexes make them formidable foes, capable of infiltrating enemy lines undetected and eliminating their targets with lethal efficiency. The Assassins' journey is one of secrecy and intrigue, navigating a world where shadows hold secrets and danger lurks at every turn. However, their solitary nature can sometimes isolate them from their allies, presenting a unique set of challenges.
The Mercenary Class, our third option, consists of battle-hardened warriors with vast experience in combat tactics. These versatile fighters adapt to any situation, whether it be engaging in close combat or providing ranged support. Driven by profit and the thrill of adventure, mercenaries eagerly take on contracts and revel in the spoils of war. However, their loyalty lies with the highest bidder, and their actions may be fueled by personal gain rather than a sense of honor or duty.
Lastly, we have the Bard Mage, a mesmerizing combination of spellcasting and musical enchantment. These magical minstrels wield both the power of spells and the captivating melodies of music. With their harmonies, they can heal wounds, inspire bravery, or lull enemies into a deep slumber. The Bard Mage's repertoire of spells is vast and diverse, allowing them to adapt to any situation they encounter. Their journey is one of artistic expression and mystical exploration.
As you contemplate these four intriguing classes, the possibilities unfold before you. The allure of glory and honor beckons as you envision yourself as a valiant Paladin, standing on the frontlines of battle. Perhaps the thrill of adventure and the promise of lucrative rewards draw you towards the life of a Mercenary, where each new contract brings both danger and excitement. Or maybe, just maybe, the enigmatic world of shadows and secrets calls to your soul, tempting you to become an elusive Assassin, a master of stealth and deception. Alternatively, the enchanting melodies and spellcasting prowess of the Bard Mage may resonate within you, offering a path of magic and artistic expression.
Dear readers, the choice is yours. So, weigh the pros and cons, let your imagination soar, and select the class that ignites a fire within your heart, guiding you towards the adventure that awaits.
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
Happy WBW! In honor of Idalia and her looming approach on the SouthEast US, what is the most dangerous natural threat to your world?
Good Question.
Well I device an idea on how to rank the supernatural threat on my IF.
For the Supernatural Creatures we have the following types. (T stands for Type and the next letter corresponds to their power level or danger)
TS: In here you got the most epic of a kind monstos, Alpha leaders of a pack, Ancient leader of a vampire clan, etc. Basically the top chain of a certain archetypes of supernatural. Put here the Archangels and top tier-demons and devils(Note: Demons and Devils are not the same)
TA- Second Danger level, think of them as the right hand man/woman of the T.S. You got Betas(Thinking of a better name honestly) Vizier(Vamp lieutenant), then it depends on the monster capability
TB- Then the 3rd dangerous level that the team can face, not that powerful nor that weak. It said that this types were granted powers(More like perks or power-ups) by the T.A so not ever underestimated for they're crafty and unpredictable.
TC&TD: Now we have reached the final two, the weakest of them all. This types are likely to be troublesome for not the power they posses but for being annoying. We got here goblins, changelings, fairies, ghouls, strays, etc. Basically its your unlucky day when you faced this a waste of time and energy.
Although there are rumors of this beings possessing treasure and wisdom that if your cunning and smart enough they can bestow it to you as a reward for besting them. Oh also trolls and ogres, can't forget about those classics.
Then we below the Types we have the Code Level
Code Moon: A gatherings of supernatural that can either be beneficial or harmful to mankind. The top level threat that can blare back in HQ. When this is on show, you better prepare and keep up your guard. Mostly T.S , T.A, and T.B are present on the vicinity.
Code Set: Cut from the word "Sun-set" Code set is a 2nd level danger zone, think of it as the calm before the storm. Mostly T.A and T.B are present but T.B's being in abundant and the T.A's wanting to make their selves scarce and letting the henchmen do all the heavy lifting.
Code Break: Not too easy nor not to hard, it mostly tackles wolf stays that got turned and going mad from being pack less or from the primal instinct to hunt and maul fresh meat. Ghouls where vampires failed at their rebirth and transformed into zombified vampies.
Or another case is a kid playing summoner with the dark arts and end up opening a portal from the underworld(Believe it or not it happened frequently, Damn kids and their curiosities) Expect T.C and T.D types of encounter and either contain to dispose threats are the mission here.
Code Sun: Ahh the Sun, the missions here a walk in the park. Delivering some package to a Fae Lord, escorting a dwarf princess to a neighboring kingdom as a peace tribute, solving a riddle of pixies to lift up their hex or just purifying some haunted house. A typical clean up job for the crew and most of the time chilling and you can do it with your eyes closed and hands tied behind your back.
So I hope this answer your question Tori and for my Readers out there. Don't worry I will be putting this info on the Codex and bear it to mind that the info here might be subject to change due to I'm still thinking on how to make more supernatural immersive.
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
To those who follows me and curious to know my name. Here you go and hopefully you enjoyed the art.
Greetings My Lovely Readers 😊🥂
So just gonna post this here since you guys follow me here a lot.
Progress have been steady in the past few days and mid terms coming to an end.
And I still need to fix the damn bug in regards to the saving option thingy here.
TTA is going great with lots of family drama and angst. Not to mention I will be adding a custi option on how your Redemption (Katana) will like. So far I have flames 🔥, sakura blossoms 🌸, dragon 🐉, oni, etc. Designs for you guys to pick.
And how can I forgot?
Happy HOWL-loween, My dearest Mother-peckers(Why the pun? Cause it's punny)
Here's some wolfo and birdo art made by me 😁
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Also to those who are curious about my name, now you guys will know.
For my next project I will be trying to draw Mercy& Vengeance. I been dying to draw them. That's for now kiddos and have fun treating them candies.
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
so i have a question about our sweet little Tarnish
How traumatized are they actually
Hello Reader:)
So how traumatized are we talking here on a scale of 1 to 10 it would be an 11 and I will be amping that number as the story goes. Favorably 20 or more
You guys know that they witness the death of their parents at a young age and would have died if Uncle John didn't arrive in time.
Then sure they survived but they need to deal their sentient Lycan side Alpha who serves as a PTSD trigger for them. Alpha was borned at that very night and not to mention Alpha makes it a hobby to remind Tarnish how weak they were a kid and its their fault that their parents died. If it weren't for them their parents will not be distracted trying to get them to safety.
More will be revelaed in the future Chapters and in Chapter 2 Alpha will start to become a douche. Sure Tarnish likes to flirt and laugh, joke even. However how long can that make them stable?
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
Charles' Notes
The Greatest Weapon
The greater the love The greater the pain will be Cuts deep than any sword
So I did say that Charles' was a writer, so I stole his notebook(Don't tell him about🤐🤫) and drop it here for you guys :)
Hope you enjoyed this haiku from our brooding Vampry
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
Happy WBW! ♥️ What's the section of worldbuilding that's your favorite? Feel free to gush about it or share something you've created!
For me I love creating the myths and supernatural. Like for example the stories that you been reading about vamps and wolves will be showcased in the story. Not to mention the hierarchy of command in certain night creatures.
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
Happy WBW! What part of your world would your protagonist (& others if you want) change? Aaaand go! ♥️
Hello tori, I apologize for your unanswered ask.
Let's see Tarnish wish that fateful night their parents have survived and will be at their side, helping them and guiding them.
Sometimes when they lay on their bed looking at the ceiling. They would imagine their parents teaching them how to hunt the supernatural. Cooking potions in the lab and one wrong mixture it will blow up on their face and them and their parents will laugh.
Then Tarnish will just cry in the night, thinking it will never come to be and its just a cruel tease for them.
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
hello! random question, feel free to ignore. tell me a random fact that may or may not be plot relevant about one of your ocs but you love about them.
Hello Friend, sorry for answering this so very late :)
Random Facts huh? Let's see
Maria: Did you know that she can cook? Yup I'm not shitting you, despite her snarky exterior she's a chef deep inside. Got the recipe? Give it to her and watch her cook. Ever since she's a little child its one of her passion to eat and create scrumptious treats.
Charles: For many years, he kept his talent hidden. But sooner or later the cat will eventually get out of the bag. Our Grumpy Vampy is an Author! You heard me right! He's a writer! He composes poems, construct playshows, write stories, etc. Its one of his dreams to publish a novel of his own in the future.
Chase: Despite he's horny personality, Chase is a family man! Oh yes! Maybe it has to do something with his Lycan side being territorial and over protective. Still Chase is always there for his friends, offering support, guidance and even joking to help ease your worries. This is his side that he's not afraid to show. However he's still a sleazy furbag.
Angel: She's a very smart person! No kidding she's insane alright but she got 120+ IQ or shit! That's why even the most stupidiest contraption she can make it a lethal weapon. Think of her has your Albert Einstein!
Hope that answered your ask and you will see this side of theirs in the story :)
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
Charles, this one is for you.
Just wanted to let you know that I love your resting bitch face and your bad attitude like when a girly pop starts acting grumpy.
You and I, my friend, we can be besties.
So, to my question:
Will you help me make Maria love me?
Kroz I gotta admire your dedication for the woman but let's see how Charles will respond to your ask.
Author: Charles my brooding friend I do say I say I love the look(I point to his(Red Crimson Suit) Not to mention those gold cuffs? Good taste my man.
Charles: (Crosses his legs) Thank you Author but let's cut to the chase, I know you want something from and not here to appraise my attire!
Author: Oh Charles very intuitive as ever(Hands him the paper) Still you're very right!
Charles: (Mouth moving, then moving closer the paper to his eyes) THE HELL?
Author: (Laughing) Profanities, my good man! Is unbecoming a gentle vampyr such as yourself!
Charles: (Composes himself) Apologies!
So this Kroz a good friend of yours, yes?
Author: My friend, my partner confidante!( Drones on)
Charles: I see(Got contemplative look) Well kroz I feel insulted and honored but mostly insulted when you praised my face.
Second, I thank you for offering your friendship!(Bows his head cordially) Although I think that can't come to past.
Now thirdly, the reason why I must decline! OF ALL THE PEOPLE YOU CHOSE TO COURT AND TO FUCK YU CHOSE MARIA????
Author: Someone's getting jealous!(Mocking him)
Charles: (Runs a hand through his face) I'm not jealous!
Author: Then why the outburst
Charles: Its justified! Becuz I can't find any good reasons for someone to love that abomonation.
Author: (Wags my finger in the air) But Charles don't you know that someone adores you?
Charles: (Did a double-take) BULLSHIT!(eyeing me skeptical)
Author: There is!(I pressed) There's a lot of them actually but one remains to be your top follower!
Charles: PROOF NOW!(Getting curious)
Author: Of course, still I found it boring to just give you the person's identity! How about a bet? I even allow you to have two terms for me when I lo-
Charless: DEALLL(Thrusting his hand for me to shake)
Author: So eager(I shake his hand) Name your terms.
Charles: (Gripped my hand tightly) 1st All of us calls you Author we don't know your real name. So reveal it to us and use it from now on as your pen-name!
Second, I want you to reveal your embarrassing romantic moments in your life. (Smiling cruelly at me)
Author: I accept your terms! Although almost all my followers know my real name(I wink at him)
Charles: YOU TOLD THEM YOUR NAME(Letting go of my hand and crossing his arms) YOU TOLD THEM AND NOT US YOUR OC's I FEEL BETRYED)
Author: What a drama queen(I roll my hands) For my term, when your special admirer sent me an ask, you will do that ask without hesitation, questions, whining, nor your free will is out of the window. You will do it whether you like it or not!
Charles: Sure! Because I know that no one can ever fallen for me(Looking smug and hurt flashing in his eyes)
Author: Your hubris will be your downfall my friend.
So @loveandleases you heard the man! Sent what ask you desires for him to do. Have him running around naked in the park, invite him to dinner, make him jump off a bridge! Go nuts! No restrains and bars, go creative if you want.
Charles: Wait your not joking?(He ask getting worried)
Author: Nope!(Smirking at him)
Charles: OH NO!
Author: No takebacks Charles and this mark will serve as our accord(Making a tattoo apperead on his arm and my own)
Charles: I sold my soul to a demon( He sunk to his knees)
Author: Fool! Your soul already mine to begin with!(Cackling with mad delight)
Charles: Please @loveandleases(Crawling to the camera) Have compassion, I implore the goodness in your heart! HAVE MER-
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
I have a question for Maria.
How do you manage to be simultaneously grumpy and cute? Additionally, what type of ring would you prefer for a marriage proposal? Just curious, of course.
Nice question kroz, let me holler Maria for a sec!
Author: MARIAAAAAAA!"(Shouting very loudly)
Maria: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU SCREAMING AT 12 IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT?!(Rubbing the sleep of her eyes and in her panjamas)
Author: Got an ask for you sister!(Hands her the paper)
Maria: (Reads said paper) Who is this?(She ask while staring at the paper dumbfounded)
Author: Her name is kroz and she's your admirer
Maria: Uh Huh? And she wants to know what ring I preper for a marriage proposal?(Raising a eyebrow at me)
Author: She is very curious!(I nod my head at her)
Maria: (Walks to the camera) Listen here kroz and you listen good! Im about to dish out facts and better take down some notes!
I don't care what ring you give becuz truly I don't give a shit about that glorified rock, give me and I will throw it back to you. What I want is fucking commitment and loyalty no more and no less!(Points a finger towards you)
Second, Grumpy and cute? Thank my parents for that traits becuz what you see and hear about me I got it all from them!
Author: Umm Maria
Maria: WHATTT?
Author: She made you this!
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Maria: Ahhh Fuck! How can I stay angry at you when you made this for me!(She grumbles) Just don't this shit again Author! And you kroz better ask some good questions in the future!(She walks away)
Author: Well I hope kroz and readers that you loved our bunny here. Also, don't mind Maria's attitude she's just very tired but when you get to know her on a deeper and personal level she's the sweetest thing ever.
Maria; SHUT THE FUCK UP AUTHOR!(She throws me a slipper in the face)
Author: Ouch!
End Transmission
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turnthemasunder-if · 6 months
Been had this on my mind….😂 How would RO react if they find out their pregnant with Tarnish (or male Ro finds out that tarnish is pregnant with their kids)
Alrighty time to clean my mailbox. Let's see
The sound of a baby can be heard in the dead of night.
MC: Chase its your turn now, Dan is crying!" (Groaning and kicking Chase)
Chase: My baby howls not whine, thank you very much!(Turning to the side)
Then like a sick twist of fate, the cries turned to howling.
Chase: OH C'MONNNNNN(rubbing his face and getting up from bed.)
MC: Thanks sweetie!(Kissing sounds)
Chase: Thank Dan not me(Grabbing a pillow and fluffing it)
MC: What are you gonna do with that piilow(Curious)
Chase: Imma kill Dan with kindness( Grinning devilishly at MC)
MC: Bad Chase(Reach for spray bottle on the bed table)
Chase: (Got squirted) Water? Re-AHHHHHHHHHH(Get burned due to silver feelings mixed with water)
Carrying the baby in her arms happily.
Maria: Aren't you a sweet little thing Alexia(She coos at the baby)
MC: I thought I'm your sweet little thing?(Pouts and getting jealous)
Maria: That's what you thought MC( Leaving MC and singing a lullaby)
MC: Your ignoring me for Alexia(Little hurt and amused)
Maria: Arghhh!(Irritated) Fine! You can lay on my lap and I see the both of you a lulaby! Happy?( Sitting down on the couch, patting her lap and smiling at MC)
MC: Yipeeee!( Clapping thier hands)
MC carrying your baby in their arms and you holding them close to you, eyes darting side to side with distrust.
MC: Relax Edgy(Teases you)
Charles: MC your still gonna call me that?(You suppress the urge to smile)
MC: Why? I know you want being called Edgy!( They poke your stomach with their elbow)
Charles: Stop it!( Trying to stifle a laugh)
MC: Relax for a bit Charles if you can't do it for me then do it for our Dennis(Giving you puppy eyes)
Charles: (Looking deadly serious but MC's puppy eyes intensified) Alright you win!( Groaning out)
MC: Knew that you can't resist my charm!( Kissing your check)
Charles: (Sighing) Black Magic more like it!(Chuckling warmly)
Head propped on her chin watching her baby in the crib sleeping soundly.
MC: You should get some rest Angel(Hugging you from behind)
Angel: (Holding MC's hand) I know but 5 more minutess preety pleaseee(Begging)
MC: Your more a baby than Amber here!(Chuckles with mirth)
Angel: Hey if I will be your baby then I will be happy to be so(Squezzing MC's hand)
MC: May I ask what were you thinking while watching our bundle of joy(Kissing Angel's neck)
Angel: Nothing much just how she will raise hell on Earth and will rule this world without contest
MC: Your joking right?(Getting worried)
Angel: Secrettttt(Being playful)
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turnthemasunder-if · 7 months
Oh also meet our mascot (Horsecot more likely) Merideth the skeleton horse.
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"Greetings, Reader!
You are about to enter a world of darkness, danger, and deception.
A world where a child has been sold to the most powerful underworld company known as the Fates. A world where you will have to make life-or-death decisions for them. This is not a typical story of an orphan or a survivor.
This is a story of a child who has to learn how to kill, lie, and manipulate in order to survive in the dark side of New York City. A city where crime never sleeps and where the Fates control everything from the shadows.
You are not just a passive observer of this story. You are an active participant. You are the voice, the intuition, the gut feeling of the child protagonist. You will have to guide them through their trials and tribulations, their choices and consequences, their victories and defeats. But be careful, Reader.
The Fates are watching your every move. They have plans for you and the child. Plans that may not end well for either of you.
Are you ready to take on this challenge, Reader? Are you ready to face the Fates? Reader I beckon you to join them on this extraordinary adventure, where danger lurks at every turn, and the stakes are unimaginably high.
Through your unwavering presence, you will empower our young hero to face their fears, outsmart their enemies, and ultimately shape their own destiny.
Prepare yourself for a thrilling and immersive experience. Brace for the adrenaline-pumping encounters, the unexpected alliances, and the heart-wrenching decisions that will test the limits of our protagonist's resilience.
Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary journey, dear Reader? The fate of our young protagonist lies in your hands. Choose wisely, for their life depends on it. Then come closer, and let me tell you more about this story…"
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Elizabeth Baker, The Rider of Death
"Appearances can be deceiving. I don't have to be gentle with my words to save your life."
She was once a respected doctor at a prestigious hospital, admired by colleagues and loved by patients. Her passion for saving lives and talent for surgery were well-known. However, everything changed when she uncovered the hospital's dark truth. They were charging exorbitant fees while using second-hand equipment and expired drugs. The medical director was involved in a corruption scheme, siphoning off millions of dollars.
When Elizabeth confronted him, he responded with threats and violence. In self-defense, she accidentally killed him with a scalpel. Fleeing the scene, she left behind her career and reputation, going into hiding. In the underworld, she became a freelance doctor, offering services to criminals and outcasts.
Operating in secret locations, she used whatever tools and resources she could find. Her prices were high, but she maintained high standards. Morality and legality didn't matter to her clients as long as they paid well and respected her rules. With a sharp tongue and a cold heart, she became the most sought-after doctor in the underworld.
Over time, her skills grew, and she began performing complex procedures like organ transplants and limb replacements. You and your mentor have made countless deals with Death, even cheating him a few times, so you know how to handle someone like her.
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Nate O'Neil, The Rider Of Conquest
"The beauty of an explosion's light surpasses that of a sunrise!"
Nate is an unpredictable force within the group. He excels at causing explosions and demolishing obstacles, making him the go-to person for such tasks. Nate embodies chaos and has a twisted love for destruction.
Recklessness defines Nate. He thrives in dangerous situations, embracing the adrenaline rush that comes with each explosive endeavor. With a devil-may-care attitude, he charges into any situation, leaving destruction in his wake. His disregard for personal safety often leaves his comrades on edge, unsure of what he might do next.
Nate's passion for pyrotechnics is unmatched. He finds beauty in the chaos and destruction that fire brings, taking pleasure in watching things go up in flames. His eyes light up at explosions, and his laughter echoes through the chaos as he revels in the fiery spectacle. He is a true pyromaniac, using the world as his canvas to paint with flames.
But Nate is not just a reckless demolition expert; he is also the life of the party. With his larger-than-life personality, he fills the room with infectious energy. His boisterous laughter and dark jokes keep everyone entertained, even in dire circumstances. Nate can turn any situation into a comedy show, ensuring there is never a dull moment.
He possesses an innate talent for determining the right amount of explosive power needed to achieve the desired result, whether it's breaching a secure facility or creating a distraction with a chaotic firework display.
Nate is also one of the most loyal members of the group. He always has their back, regardless of the situation. He willingly puts himself in harm's way to protect his comrades and will fight fiercely for them if necessary. His bravery knows no bounds, and while his recklessness can sometimes lead to trouble, it is ultimately his heroic actions that make him the beloved daredevil he is today. Nate O'Neil is a wild card, a dynamo of destruction, and the heart of humor in the group. He reminds everyone that even in the darkest times, laughter and explosions can still exist, and he is always ready to ignite excitement wherever he goes.
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Haley Jones, The Rider Of Famine
"When I look through the scope, all I see is you."
Haley, a Texan country girl, was born and raised on a ranch. She had a fiery spirit and a talent for precision. While she was no stranger to hard work and the thrill of the open fields, it was the touch of cold metal and the weight of a sniper rifle that truly ignited her passion.
From a young age, Haley displayed an uncanny talent for marksmanship. Her ability to hit headshots with unwavering accuracy earned her the title of the best sniper in her town's academy. Instead of pursuing a military career, Haley chose to become an assassin, targeting key figures who committed heinous acts.
Haley's movements were as precise as her shots. She never missed a target and always completed her missions efficiently. Her sass and flirtatiousness added to the mystique that surrounded her. She often used her curves to distract opponents, giving her time to get into optimal shooting position. People said that if you heard Haley's rifle, it was already too late - you had been marked and there was no escaping your fate.
Despite being an elite assassin, Haley never lost sight of her roots. She took pride in her Texan heritage and maintained a strong work ethic. After every assignment, she would return home to the ranch to decompress from the chaos. Among familiar faces, she would tend to the fields or go horseback riding, finding solace in the simplicity of her upbringing.
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David Garcia, The Rider Of War
"I don't engage in meaningless conversations. Prove your worth or go away."
David is a mysterious and versatile individual. In private, he is quiet and reserved, preferring simple communication. However, during missions, he surprises even his closest allies with his various personas.
David is quick-witted and can easily become a charismatic trickster. With his clever wordplay and silver tongue, he can turn the tide of a battle without using force.
Flirtation comes naturally to David, and he uses it to manipulate and gather information. It's hard to determine his true intentions when encountering him.
Regardless of the roles he assumes, David is always dedicated to completing his missions. He will do whatever it takes to accomplish his tasks, whether it's infiltrating an enemy stronghold or uncovering a sinister plot.
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turnthemasunder-if · 7 months
Ask ask
To celebrate reaching 600 followers, I will be conducting interviews with our beloved ROs. Send your question and specify which RO(s) you would like to answer it. Both King's Despair and Shadow of Styria casts are available for this.
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turnthemasunder-if · 7 months
Something Fluffy
So decided to write something different and plus I gave my word that I will write a snippet for a friend of mine. Here you go
//''(Lucas POV)''//
You look yoursef at the mirror, hands clenching and unclecning at your sides, you can feel your fingers digging into your skin and the small metallic scent of your blood. Yet your face betrays the unease and turmoil your body is going through. Those deep azure eyes of yours remained calm, looking back into your reflection and lips shut in a easy line.
People always have asked you how do you remained calm under pressure. You find it absurd that all of the people living here in this kingdom they will ask you that stupid question. Do they think that your some God walking among them? How many times have you felt nervous for every coming battle, how your nerves flutter for every time their Majesties will asked your opinion on their grand decisions on Tiara.
Yet you answer every single time. "I don't!" then you will leave them to ponder your words. Your ears can hear the songs of the bird, your skin the warmth and light of the sun invading your room, your sight can perceive the wrinkles on your white tuxedo and when your raised a hand to smooth them, the texture of the smooth silk brushing your skin. Every senses heightned as well as your worries and fears for this monumentous day.
The day you have been preparing for months, the day that will change your life forever. This white tuxedo, like a second skin adorns every inch of your body, fitting perfectly and highlighting the contours of your body. The golden buttons on the front are gleaming against the white fabric giving it a delicate touch of elegance. An ivory tie is tucked under its collar, lifting up your chin and making you look forward and not back.
The people surround you seem to be gathered inside this room, although they're still quite far away from you. The air swirling around them like a living being itself as they whisper amongst each other sharing what's going to happen today. You can hear them talking about what their expectations are and what's going to come out from this event.
Your surroundings feel thick with anticipation as all their faces turn towards you with expectant eyes waiting for something grand to happen. But instead of feeling scared, it gives strange sort of comfort knowing that somewhat even the servants are bound to duty they're here to be there and support you. As you stood before the ornate mirror, adjusting the cuffs of your finely tailored suit, a servant girl approached your side, her steps hesitant yet determined. She bowed her head respectfully and addressed you, her voice filled with a mix of deference and curiosity. "Master Lucas, is it to your liking?"
You tore your gaze away from your reflection and turned to face her. A warm smile played upon your lips as you reached out and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. You could feel the tremor that coursed through her body, a mixture of nervousness and relief. "It's fine, and please, don't call me Master. Lucas is just fine," you reassured her, your voice filled with genuine kindness.
She raised her head, her emerald eyes meeting yours, filled with a mix of awe and uncertainty. "Are you sure, Mas-" she began, her voice faltering as a blush crept onto her cheeks. She quickly looked away! "Lucas?" you finish her sentence with a reassuring nod and a chuckle. "There you go. It's much easier to say one word than a title, isn't it?" Your attempt at humor helps ease her nerves.
The servants and the lower class had always held a special place in your heart. You had witnessed their struggles, the pain and suffering etched into their calloused hands and scarred bodies. They toiled under the unforgiving sun and soil, working tirelessly to grow the food they needed to survive. Their resilience and unwavering spirit had earned your admiration and respect.
"Yes, I very much like it. Please send my salutations to the tailor of this magnificent masterpiece!" you declared, bowing your head to the servant girl. As she turned to leave, you caught a glimpse of her gasping, her eyes wide with surprise. It was a small gesture, but one that held great significance to her.
"Very well, Lucas!" she replied, bowing her head once more before quickly retreating from your presence. Only the countless servants remained, their eyes filled with a mix of admiration and awe. You couldn't blame them; a Royal Protector acting with kindness towards those of lesser stature was a rarity.
The door creaked open, and you watched as the servant girl exited the room, a chorus of giggles trailing in her wake. You return your attention back to the mirror, your fingers making some final adjustments to your countenance, striving for perfection. The door swung open once more, and a symphony of shuffling, bows, and curtsies filled the room. A pang of disappointment tugged at your heart. Respect like this was reserved for nobles or those of higher standing. You, on the other hand, harbored a disdain for those born into wealth and privilege. Life was undeniably unfair, and the fates seemed cruel. Yet, you knew that all you could do was play your part and offer assistance to those less fortunate.
You remained focused on the mirror, your eyes fixed on your reflection, unaware of the approaching presence. The mirror, unfortunately, was positioned to the side, denying you even a glimpse of the intruder. The footsteps drew nearer, but you chose to ignore them, paying no heed to the advancing visitor.
Suddenly, hands covered your eyes, and your initial reaction was one of irritation. "I'll have you know that only my family and loved ones are allowed to do that!" you growled, your blood simmering at this unwarranted intrusion.
The stranger leaned in close, their warm breath caressing your ear, and their voice, sweet and oh so familiar, sent shivers down your spine. "You wound me, my beloved," they purred, their words a tantalizing tease. "Do I not count as one of your loved ones?" they purred, their words sending shivers down your spine and an ache of longing deep within your chest. It was a voice that you knew all too well, a voice that held the power to both ignite and soothe your soul.
A chuckle escaped your lips, and you placed your own hands over theirs. "Of course, you're included, my sweet Nora," you replied, your voice laced with mock exasperation, your desire barely concealed. "After all, you're my future."
With that, you removed her hands from your eyes and turned around to face her, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. Nora stood before you, her eyes sparkling with mischief, her presence a welcomed interruption in the midst of the grand event unfolding around you.
As you stood there, your heart pounding in your chest, your eyes were drawn to her. She was a vision of elegance and beauty, dressed in a breathtaking gown of deep blue. The color seemed to dance against her fair skin, highlighting her ethereal presence. Her lips, a vivid shade of red, added a touch of allure to her already captivating appearance.
But it wasn't just her clothing that held your attention. Her hair, flowing in soft waves down her back, was the same enchanting shade of blue as her dress. Each strand seemed to shimmer in the light, adding to the mystique that surrounded her. As she moved, the waves cascading like a waterfall, it was as if she carried the essence of the ocean itself. As you gazed at her, a feeling of warmth and safety overtook you. Nora had been the one constant in your life, always offering unwavering support and guidance, no matter the circumstances. You knew that you could always count on her to be there for you, to offer a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold. Your heart swelled with love and affection as you took a step towards her, your arms outstretched, inviting her into an embrace. Without hesitation, she took a step forward, her arms wrapping around you in a tight hug. You felt her warmth and softness
It was no wonder that you had fallen for her; she was everything you had ever wanted in a partner, and more. "I'm sorry to interrupt, Lucas," she said, her voice soft and gentle. "But I wanted to wish you luck before everything starts. You look stunning, by the way," she added, her eyes raking over your form, appreciation evident in every line of her body. You chuckled softly, a feeling of warmth spreading through your chest. "Thank you, my love. You look stunning as well, as always," you said, your eyes fixed on hers.
Nora gazed at you with a mix of adoration and concern, her lips curling into a tender smile. But her eyes, oh, her eyes betrayed the worry that gnawed at her heart. It was as if they held the weight of a thousand unspoken fears. She reached out and took your hand, gently placing it against her soft, warm cheeks, closing her eyes as she savored the caress."Lucas, I can see the nervousness in your eyes." she murmured, her hand tenderly raising yours to rest upon her cheek. You obliged, your fingers brushing against her soft skin as she closed her eyes, savoring the sensation of your touch.
Your touch on her delicate skin was hesitant, as though you feared she might vanish like a wisp of mist beneath your fingertips. The thought of losing her, of her slipping away from your grasp, terrified you to the core. But you couldn't let her see your fear. "It's fine, my sweet," you assured her, mustering all the strength you had. "I must be strong for you, for both of us."
Nora opened her eyes, her gaze shifting to your hand, palm facing upward. Her concern deepened as she traced her fingers along the scars etched onto your skin. "Why do you have scars here, my love?" she asked, her voice laced with worry and curiosity. "Why do you draw blood upon yourself?" Her words preyed upon your soul, a painful reminder of the hurt you caused her, the hurt you caused yourself.
You took a deep breath, struggling to find the words to explain the inexplicable. "It's a part of me, Nora," you said, your voice thick with emotion. "A reminder of the battles I've fought, the demons I've faced. I've hurt myself to cope, to feel something amidst the chaos inside me. But I promise you, my love, I'm trying to heal."
Nora's eyes glistened with unshed tears, her love for you evident in every glance, every touch. "Lucas, you don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders," she implored, her voice a plea. "Let me share your burdens, your fears. We are a team, my love, and together we can face anything."
The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in this intimate moment. Your hands remained entwined, a symbol of your unwavering connection. With a tender smile, you leaned in and pressed your lips to hers, a silent promise of your love and the shared journey that lay ahead, your heart swelling with gratitude for Nora's unwavering support. "Thank you, my love," you said, your voice filled with a mixture of relief and determination. "I will lean on you, just as you lean on me. We'll face the darkness together, and find the light within."
You gently brushed away the tears that streamed down Nora's face, your heart heavy with regret. The sight of her crying tore at your soul, knowing that it was your own selfish actions that had caused her pain. "Hush now, my love," you whispered, your voice filled with remorse. "Tears are not a worthy sight for an angel as divine as you."
Nora's sobs continued, her voice trembling as she spoke. "Every tear shed for you, Lucas, is worth it," she choked out, her words filled with a raw and undeniable emotion. With a trembling hand, she reached out and placed it on your cheek, her touch both comforting and heartbreaking.
As you leaned in to kiss her forehead, a mixture of longing and sorrow filled the air. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if aware of the weight of this moment. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of Nora's sniffling.
Her voice, filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination, broke the silence. "I can't bear to see you hurting like this," she whispered, her breath warm against your skin. "I would endure a thousand tears if it meant easing your pain."
You could feel the conflicting emotions swirling within you, a storm of anger, sadness, and regret. The scent of Nora's perfume mingled with the salty tang of her tears, creating a bittersweet symphony that filled the room.
As you gently stroked her hair, her sobs began to subside, her breathing growing steadier and more even. She leaned back, her gaze fixed on yours, her eyes red and puffy. "Promise me that you will be open to me!" she looks at you expectantly. "All your fears, sins, worries and burdens. Promise me that you will share them with me." Her words echoed in your mind, a plea, a prayer, a promise. A surge of emotion rose within you, threatening to burst forth in a torrent of tears and anguish. But you remained strong, unwilling to break down in front of her.
"I promise, Nora," you whispered, your voice hoarse with emotion. "I will lean on you, and together we will face the darkness. We will find the light within." As the words spilled from your lips, you knew that they were true.
In this moment, you were one. You and Nora, together, were unstoppable. The world may have thrown obstacles and challenges your way, but it was you who would prevail. You leaned in and pressed your lips to hers, a silent affirmation of your love and commitment. Her arms wrapped around you, and you felt her warmth and softness. She was everything you had ever dreamed of, and more.
As you and Nora stood in the room, the air heavy with anticipation, the tranquility was shattered by a sudden commotion in the hallway. Gasps and exclamations filled the air, a mixture of surprise and excitement. The door swung open, revealing the grand presence of the Royal Guard, adorned in their finest uniforms. Their faces displayed a combination of awe and uncertainty as they approached you, their heads respectfully bowed.
"It's time," one of the guards announced, his voice filled with a deep sense of respect and deference. "We are here to escort you to the plaza, Master Lucas and Lady Nora. The priest is waiting, ready to bless your holy union."
The guard took a step back, bowing once more before leaving your presence. You turned to Nora, your eyes filled with excitement and admiration. "Shall we, my dear?" you asked, extending your arm towards her, inviting her to link with you.
Nora wiped away the remaining tears from her eyes, a newfound courage and bravery shining through. "Let's shall!" she replied, nodding her head at you, her eyes sparkling with determination. Taking your arm, she intertwined it with hers, a gesture of unity and trust.
Seeing her radiant happiness, you couldn't help but let out a joyous laugh. "Oh, my sweet, sweet Angel, how lucky am I to have you!" you whispered, the words filled with adoration. With every step, you could feel the weight of the moment, the gravity of the occasion.
Together, you began to make your way towards the exit of the room, your steps echoing with purpose and love. As you passed by the servants who had surrounded you, you addressed them with warmth and sincerity, their expressions a mixture of disbelief and gratitude.
"Everyone, you are dismissed," you declared, your voice carrying the weight of your emotions. "Please, consider yourselves all invited to my wedding, and extend the invitation to your friends as well."
With that, you left the room, the door closing behind you, and walked down the corridor, Nora by your side. The anticipation in the air was almost tangible, a sense of destiny and unity filling your hearts as you embarked on the path that would bind you both in holy matrimony.
As you stepped into the grand hall, the towering stone walls seemed to close in around you, amplifying the weight of the moment. The polished marble floor reflected the soft glow of the chandeliers above, and the scent of fragrant flowers filled the air. The echoing footsteps of the Royal Guard behind you only added to the gravity of the situation.
Turning to Nora, who walked beside you with her arm gracefully linked with yours, you couldn't help but share your deepest fears. The vulnerability in your voice was palpable. "I'm scared," you confessed, your gaze locked onto her eyes, searching for reassurance. "What if I fail?"
Nora's compassionate gaze met yours, and her voice carried the soothing promise of unwavering faith. "You won't, Lucas," she whispered, her words a lifeline of conviction and hope.
A faint smile played on your lips, though the unease still lingered. "How can you be sure? What if I can't protect you? What if you suffer because of me?"
Nora halted, her delicate hand reaching up to cradle your cheek, her touch warm and tender. "My love," she began, her voice filled with resolute determination, "you are a skilled warrior, a Royal Protector. You possess the strength and power to safeguard Tiara. You will not falter."
You locked your gaze with hers, captivated by the depths of her emerald eyes, which sparkled with emotion. Her voice quivered with emotion as she continued, "And beyond that, you are my lover, my partner, my one and only. You will always come for me."
Her words washed over you like a soothing balm, carrying a blend of sorrow and longing. Without hesitation, you drew her close, her head resting against your chest, your embrace providing comfort and strength. "Nora, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe," you murmured, your voice thick with emotion.
She lifted her head, her eyes locking onto yours with unwavering confidence mixed with a hint of uncertainty. "I know," she replied, her voice resonating with determination.
Nora's words had a magical effect on you, as if her soothing assurances were a tonic that eased the tension in your shoulders. A soft smile graced your lips as you clasped her hands, squeezing them tenderly in a silent gesture of gratitude. "You always knew what to say to me beloved!"
She chuckled, a melodious sound that danced in the air. "Is that the reason you fell for me, then?" she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously.
Your laughter filled the corridor, the echoes bouncing off the grand walls. "Among many other enchanting qualities," you replied, your voice brimming with affection.
The Royal Guards stood behind you in silence, their presence commanding and their heads bowed respectfully. Their eyes, however, betrayed a hidden curiosity as they watched you intently. It was as if they were unable to resist peeking into a world that was not their own, their interest barely concealed.
You turned your gaze to Nora, the love of your life, and a mischievous smile played on your lips. The corners of her mouth curled up in amusement as her eyes flitted to the guards. There was a certain sparkle in her gaze, a glint of mischief that made your heart race with anticipation. "So we do have an audience, my dear," you whispered, your voice filled with affection and excitement.
Nora's smile grew wider, and she leaned closer to you, her eyes never leaving yours. "I wonder what they make of us, of this moment," she murmured, her voice laced with a hint of playfulness.
You let out a shrug, a crooked grin forming on your face. "I suppose there's only one way to find out," you responded, your voice filled with a sense of adventure. Your shoulders relaxed, and your own lips curved into a crooked grin. Nora had a way of making you embrace moments like these, to let go of your seriousness and indulge in the pleasures of life. With her, you felt lighter, as if a heavy burden had been lifted from your shoulders.
You couldn't resist the urge to play along. "Tell me, gentlemen," you quipped, your voice filled with mock curiosity, "what do you make of this moment?"
The Royal Guards remained steadfast, their expressions unchanged as they maintained their respectful posture. You couldn't help but chuckle at their unwavering stoicism, their commitment to their duty.
"Come on now, I don't bite!" you prodded, a mischievous glint in your eye. You were eager to break their silence, to elicit a response, and to share a moment of camaraderie with them amidst the grandeur of the occasion.
The burly guard with the scar running down his cheek cleared his throat, and after a moment of hesitation, he decided to speak. "Master Lucas, we are not in a position to comment on such matters," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty and a touch of trepidation.
You couldn't resist a playful wink as you encouraged them to share their thoughts. "Then I give you the position to say what's on your mind!"
The two guards exchanged glances, and one of them finally shrugged, breaking the silence. "Master Lucas, we found your connection with Lady Nora to be… surprising."
Intrigued, you probed further, "Why is that, gentlemen?"
"Well, it's not often that a Royal Protector marries a commoner," one of the guards began, "and it's even more uncommon for a noblewoman to marry a man from the lower class. It's just…"
Nora's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and frustration, and she couldn't help but interject, "It's not like we chose our stations in life. Love is love, no matter the circumstances."
The guard nodded, appreciating Nora's sentiment. "That's a rather poetic way of looking at it," he admitted, his eyes gleaming with a newfound appreciation for your relationship.
You glanced at Nora, a warm smile spreading across your face. Her unwavering support and her ability to see the beauty in the simplest of truths had always touched your heart. "Love is love, indeed," you agreed, your gaze locked onto Nora's, silently expressing the depth of your adoration and commitment.
With a hearty chuckle, you turned back to the guards. "Well, thank you for your input, gentlemen. But may I have your word that you will drink to your heart's content with me at my wedding? You and all the royal guards are welcomed to join me in my celebration."
The guards' gasps of surprise echoed through the hall, their faces twisted in shock. Disbelief hung heavy in the air, and their wide eyes revealed a mix of confusion and wonder.
"Master Lucas, we don't deserve such kindness," one of the guards stammered, his voice tinged with genuine astonishment. "You have done so much for the kingdom, and yet, you continue to show compassion and generosity towards those beneath you."
With a mischievous glint in your eye, you playfully teased, "Don't say that, my dear friend. Besides, I'm sure you're secretly hoping that Master Lucas gets married every day just to keep him in a jolly mood, aren't you?" You couldn't help but click your tongue at them and even gave them a finger gun gesture.
The two guards blinked in surprise, then burst into laughter. "HAHAHA!" they chuckled heartily. "Well, we won't turn down a free party, Master Lucas. You've earned our respect, and we are honored to share this moment with you."
The warmth of their laughter and camaraderie filled the room, dispelling any lingering tension. You felt your heart swell with pride and admiration as their words washed over you. "Thank you, gentlemen," you whispered, your voice brimming with gratitude.
"It is us who should be thanking you, Master Lucas," the guard replied sincerely. "Your generosity and kindness are truly remarkable, and we are fortunate to witness such a momentous occasion."
Your eyes filled with determination, stepped forward, his voice resonating with a newfound resolve. "Gentlemen, I may have done much for the kingdom, but it is your unwavering loyalty and dedication that inspire me every day. This celebration is not just for me, but for all of us, for the strength and unity we have forged together."
A hush fell over the room as the guards listened intently, their hearts swelling with a mixture of pride and gratitude. "Let us revel in this moment, not just as subjects and master, but as friends and allies. Together, we shall forge a future filled with compassion, kindness, and generosity. For it is in these moments of unity that we find the true essence of our humanity."
The guards put thier gaunlted over their chest! "We would be honored, Master Lucas," one of the guards replied, a smile spreading across his face. "Your wedding will be a grand celebration, and we shall raise our glasses high in your honor."
ears welled up in the corners of your eyes as you were overwhelmed by the praise and gratitude from the guards. With a heartfelt nod, you turned to Nora, your voice quivering with emotion. "I am forever indebted to the love and support you have shown me, my dear."
Nora waved her hand dismissively. "Yes, yes, we're all thankful now. Can we get moving, please? I'm dying to finally kiss my husband on the lips!" She turned her gaze to the guards, a hint of threat underlying her tone. "I hope you two boys won't object to the vows?"
"Of course, Lady Nora. We would never dream of standing between two lovers," the guard replied, his tone filled with a mixture of amusement and respect. "We will wait patiently outside the chapel until you are finished with the ceremony."
Nora's mischievous smile danced on her lips. "I hope you boys won't get bored while waiting."
The guard shook his head, his eyes locked onto Nora's. "Boredom is the last thing on our minds, my lady. The anticipation and excitement of this moment are palpable, and we are eager to bear witness to your union."
With a nod, the guard signaled to his comrade, and they made their way out of the hall. "Let's go," he ordered, his voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and pride.
You and Nora continued walking, the anticipation building with each step, until you finally arrived at the venue of your wedding. It was a breathtaking sight. The plaza was adorned with flowers and decorations in vibrant hues, casting a magical aura over the entire place. Soft music filled the air, setting a romantic and enchanting tone for the occasion. Guests had gathered, their eyes filled with joy and expectation, as they eagerly awaited your arrival.
At the acenter of the fountain, the priest stood, an embodiment of solemnity and reverence, ready to bless your union. As you approached, your heart pounded in your chest, a whirlwind of emotions flooding over you—excitement, anxiety, and the overwhelming sense that this was the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
With every step you took, you couldn't help but gaze at Nora, your eyes locked onto hers. Her beauty was ethereal, enhanced by the glow of happiness and anticipation. She was everything you had ever dreamed of and more.
This moment, this venue, this love—it was all perfect. You knew that together, you and Nora could face anything, and the future held nothing but promise and endless love.
Nora's concerned voice pulled you from your thoughts. Her eyes bore into yours, searching for answers. "Lucas, is something the matter?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine concern.
You shook your head, trying to dispel the unsettling effects of your battle-honed instincts. "It's nothing, my love," you replied, forcing a reassuring smile. "Just an old gut feeling, a remnant of my days as a Royal Protector. There's nothing to worry about."
In truth, you knew that this was a different kind of battle—one that didn't require swords or armor. It was the battle to let go of the constant vigilance, the readiness to protect, and to embrace a life of peace and love with the woman who held your heart.
As you stood at the altar, surrounded by the beauty of the wedding venue, you couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had brought you here. The dread that had briefly gripped you was fading, replaced by a profound sense of gratitude and happiness. This was your moment to be at peace, to settle down with the love of your life, and to face the future together with unwavering love and devotion.
The priest, a tall figure in flowing robes, stood at the altar, his gaze fixed on you and Nora. His aged face was etched with lines of wisdom and his eyes held a deep sense of purpose. With a gentle clearing of his throat, he commanded the attention of the area, and the air grew heavy with anticipation.
We are gathered here today to witness two wonderful souls come together in holy matrimony!"
As the priest continued to speak, his words fading into the background, you couldn't shake the feeling that had gripped you earlier—the ominous sense of impending danger, like the sword of Damocles hanging perilously close. Your senses seemed to slow, the world becoming a haze of sounds and colors. Without warning, Nora's grip tightened on your shoulders, and she spun you around with a force that took you by surprise. Confusion clouded your mind as you tried to comprehend what was happening. And then, you saw it. A flash of pain filled Nora's eyes, her body swaying slightly. The world seemed to move in slow motion as blood poured from her lips, staining her once pristine gown.
Time stood still as the realization hit you like a tidal wave. Nora had been shot. The room erupted into chaos, but your focus was solely on Nora, on the pool of blood spreading rapidly beneath her. Panic and terror consumed your every thought, threatening to suffocate you.
The priest's voice faltered, his eyes widening in shock. Guests frantically scrambled to help, their voices a blur of urgency and fear. But your attention was fixated on Nora, on her fading breaths, and the desperate need to save her.
You dropped to your knees, your hands trembling as you pressed them against the wound, desperately trying to stem the flow of blood. "Nora, stay with me," you pleaded, your voice quivering with fear and desperation. But it was futile. The life was slipping away from her, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Amidst the chaos, a voice rang out with righteous anger, "For my Father, Royal Protector!" But you were oblivious to the commotion that followed. All that mattered was Nora, the love of your life, slipping away from you.
You heard the clash of swords and grunts of pain, but it was distant background noise. Your world had narrowed down to the lifeless body in your arms, tears streaming down your face. The reality of her sacrifice hit you like a ton of bricks. Nora had taken an arrow meant for you, giving up her own life so that you could live.
Future Denied Past Broken And Erased From History Present Full Of Pain And Madness
Nora is very wordly for Lucas. They are destined for each other. Their love is a once in a lifetime kind of love. They are each other's soulmates, but sometimes, fate has a funny way of working. Lucas and Nora are about to get married, but before they can say "I do," an arrow pierces Nora's heart, leaving her lifeless and bleeding out in Lucas' arms. Now very ironic for the phrase till death to us part! Ever since Lucas was in the service to their Majesties, he always ponders why he is always the one who live to see another day, while his friends and loves one always dies. Maybe, just maybe? This how the fates plans to torment him for the rest of his life, mocking him, goading it to his face that he will always be alive to see the life of his loved ones leave their eyes.
"NORAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" he screamed her name one last time to the heavens!
(AN: You thought it was fluff? But it was Angst all along
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So I hope you enjoyed the story Readers
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turnthemasunder-if · 7 months
So hello there, I'm working on TTA next and I hope you guys enjoyed the Update on DE but upon reading my own work. Hot Damn there's still codes that I missed! Whews! I will be trying to fix that after I'm done with this Update for this IF.
As thanks for reading this post here's a tiny drabble.
Just as the tension reached its peak, a voice cut through the air, coming from behind us. "Hey! What the hell is happening here!" We all turned to see Maria, rubbing her eyes and yawning, blissfully unaware of the oversize furbag that now stood in our midst. Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of the hulking creature before us. ''"HOLY SHITTTTT!"''
Angel rushed to Maria's side, grabbing her arm and trying to lead her away from Alpha's menacing presence. "Morning, Sleeping Beauty!" Angel quipped, attempting to lighten the mood. But Maria wasn't having it. Her frustration and confusion boiled over, and she began to curse up a storm.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING! AND WHY THE HELL IS THERE A FUCKING LYCAN IN TARNISH'S ROOM?" Maria fought against Angel's grip, her movements wild and uncontrolled.
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turnthemasunder-if · 7 months
All are welcome just be wary of the ideas we might dish out 😂
Discord server!
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Hello, dear.
Just wanted to let you know that @dragonedged-if and I have created a Discord server for those who are interested in joining us.
In this server, we'll be chatting and sharing content related to our IFs. Feel free to ask us questions, engage in discussions, listen to music, and simply chill out.
We also want to extend a warm welcome to other writers out there.
If you're a writer, don't hesitate to join us as well. We'd love to have you!
Don't be shy, come and join us!
Let's be friends? 💜
DISCORD SERVER LINK -> https://discord.gg/PwWTmNr9
Or simply click HERE.
I can't wait to see you there. 😉
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turnthemasunder-if · 7 months
Just reblogging this
Chapter 5 Drop
He...he...he...ha...HA...HA! Don't mind the crazy laugh but I'm just to damn happy to finally drop this update. So what's to expect let's see.
Chapter 5
Many characters will be making a special apperance
One RO will be suffering my angst the most(Who? Why don't you read it and find out!)
I inserted a special scene in Chapter 2 where you and Lucas are walking after eating a pudding(So better back read for that)
I decided to polish my earlier Chapters(I hope I got the codex fixed and grammars done.
And I think that's it hope you guys enjoyed it as I enjoy making the RO's suffer.
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