Confessions of a Disney Employee pt 1
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The TV show Parenthood makes me so damn happy. 
If you havent seen that show yet....you need to, you'll look like me after every episode.
(this is me of course^)
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one of the funniest scenes in the show...!
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Adam Braverman, hippin’ it up. 
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beauty and grace
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Congratulations to all accepted into DCP Spring 2013 !
Wanted to share some updates:
I have an arrival date/departure date!
I shall be arriving January 22, 2013, leaving Aug 9th!
I am in Spring Advantage and have been accepted for attractions.
I am 22 and my friend and i are looking for roommates (Chatham/Patterson). I filled out a survey a few days ago, check it out!
If any of this matches what you are looking for then lets talk!
Im so excited to meet new people and create friendships at Disney World!
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this is amazing!
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I dream of the day i see the tardis appear in my town with Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant in tow.
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I don’t even know why this is funny, it just is. 
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yes...yes i do!
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i want one. :(
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Last summer flowers.
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how can you say no to those eyes? 
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Supremacy - Muse
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Disney College Roommate Survey
Roommate Survey!
Roommate Survey WDWCP
  Accepted For: Spring ADVANTAGE 2013
NAME: Hello! I’m Tiffany,
GENDER: Female
BIRTHDATE/AGE: I am 22 years of age, born on November 5th.
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, CA
College: Santa Monica College
MAJOR: Communications/Public Relations/ Human Resource
ROLE: Attractions!! (so excited!)
TERM: Spring Advantage 2013 (7 months!)
Arrival: Currently deciding and trying to factor in the roommate situation.
DEPARTURE: Currently figuring that out (read above).
FLYING IN OR DRIVING: I’ll be flying!
  WELLNESS/NON-WELLNESS: I definitely want the freedom so NON-WELLNESS for me.
BUILDING: Chatham sounds awesome, I am shooting for that. 
NUMBER OF ROOMMATES: I would prefer to room with 3 other people, so 4 roommates total.
I COULD NOT LIVE WITH A ROOMMATE THAT:…does not communicate. If you can not talk to the people you are living with for 6 and a half months then you are going to have a rough time. I could not room with someone who does not pull their weight and is inconsiderate of others. Someone who goes through mine or anyone else’s things without permission does not respect others privacy and or rules, that person is not welcomed.
WHAT I WANT IN A ROOMMATE: I would love to share an apartment with someone trustworthy, someone who is genuine and open-minded. I love trying new things and taking adventures so someone that shares an interest in that will be amazing company. I need communication, not a brick wall or someone who runs off when the going gets tough.
  DO YOU DRINK? I drink in social settings. 
DO YOU SMOKE? No, It isnt for me.
MEDICAL CONDITIONS? Thankfully none.
MESSY OR TIDY? I do my part, wash dishes/laundry/ vacuuming…etc.
DO YOU LIKE TO COOK? I work a lot so I don’t get a chance to cook much but I love looking through cook books and giving new recipes a try.
  FAVORITE CHORES? Not necessarily favor a particular chore but I find doing laundry and sweeping pretty relaxing.
LEAST FAVORITE CHORES? Im good about chores, I know they are needed to live in a happy and healthy home.
HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING? Im not stingy or selfish, if you need something don’t hesitate to ask.
DO YOU SNORE? Softly at times, who doesn’t?! lol
WHAT TIME DO YOU USUALLY GO TO BED? My bed time differs depending on the activities of the day whether it be work or socializing. I currently work late so as of recently my bed time has been probably 2am/3am.
WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP ON FREE DAYS? My body wont let me sleep past 11 am, if I wake up any later than that I feel like ive wasted my day.
I PREFER TO SLEEP IN A ROOM THAT: Has windows that open. 
  THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE YOU: I am friendly, open-minded and honest.
ONE GOOD QUALITY: I love an adventure!
ONE BAD QUALITY:  sometimes i can be a bit stubborn
FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Breaking Bad, Dexter, Malcolm In the Middle, The Office, Parks and Rec, Switched at Birth, Parenthood, The Big Bang Theory, Futurama, American Dad, Felicity, Doctor Who, Arrested Development …ahhh so many!!
FAVORITE MOVIES: The Harry Potter Series, Back to the Future, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Matilda, Richie Rich, Mean Girls, The Parent Trap, Austin Powers, Drive…and many more!
FAVORITE MUSIC: MUSE. (Who is going to the Muse show in Orlando?!), Inspector, Zoe, Café Tacuba, Incubus, Interpol, The Temper Trap, Foster the People, Queens of the Stone Age, Opeth, Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, Tiger Army, Lilly Allen, Kimbra, Mumford and Sons, and Muse(…did I say that already?). I love music.
INTERESTS: Books, movies, music, hiking, cycling, meeting new people, Harry Potter, Theme Parks, Bars, Dancing.
  FAVORITE MOVIE: The Lion King, Pocahontas, Finding Nemo, Monster’s Inc, Wall-e, Up, Toy Story.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: Simon and Pumba, Eve from Wall-e, Mike Wazowski, Mulan.
FAVORITE PARK: ive only been to Disneyland and California Adventure and they are a ton of fun!
FAVORITE RIDE: Indiana Jones, Tower of Terror, California Screamin’, Radiator Springs Racers.
NUMBER OF TIMES AT DISNEY? Ive been going to Disneyland since I was 4 years old, too many to count!
WHAT ARE YOU MOST EXCITED ABOUT AT DISNEY? I am most interested in the adventure, living on my own, meeting people from all walks of life and working with such an amazing company! I cant wait!
MESSAGE ME if you are interested, Thank You. 
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ok, its official...getting my nails done LIKE THIS.
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hahahahaha im more like the cat!! if ppl are chatting in the room i swear i hear those 2 words even if im wearing headphones and have music blasting!
This is me when someone mentions Harry Potter. Reblog if this is you as well!
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