thewheepingwillow · 1 year
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A CHILD carrying ME.
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thewheepingwillow · 1 year
The event
Hello! So it was the event of my school. He and his band would be performing.
When I arrived, everyone complemented me about how I looked. I then tried to look for him. He was at the backstage preparing. I then sat by my friends.
When it was his band's turn to perform, I cheered for him. I loved the song they were playing. Time change to after the performance.
We then bumped into each other (not literally though). He said "Hi Willow!! You look pretty not gonna lie." I was start struck. My eyes widened with those words. I replied "Same with you! I loved your performance by the way."
He smiled and said thanks. I was called by my friend right after. The event was amazing. It was so fun!
We vibed to bands and sang along. We cheered and had some games. I took a picture with him. That day was unforgettable.
I'm really sorry if this was short. But I hope you enjoyed!
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thewheepingwillow · 1 year
The Library
Hello! So I invited him to hangout with me at the library. Since yknow. I'm a bookworm.
Turns out he was a fellow bookworm too! We even have the same taste in books. When we were dismissed, I looked outside to see if he was waiting. He wasn't there. I thought that maybe he forgot and he was practicing with his band.
I then went downstairs to the waiting area. I saw that he was there with his band. They were practicing. I knew it.
I then put my things down when my friend called me. She knew about our meeting. She is one of my closest friends so obviously. We then talked while he was at the separate side of the space. I glanced at him and we then had eye contact.
I quickly looked back to my friend while hearing him play his guitar. After a few moments he told his friends he had somewhere to go. He then went over to us and said "Hey, Willow. Ready to go?"
I was star struck. He remembered! My friend teased me nonstop while I said yes. I couldn't handle going with him alone. Though I've tried doing it once but not completely alone.
I brought my friend with me. I was too embarassed to go too close to him so I just stayed beside my friend. He just followed us like a lost puppy. I kept glancing his way and every time we would make eye contact.
When we were on the stairs my friend asked me if our skirts showed our... And I said "Well our skirts ARE under the knee right?" and she then agreed. When we arrived at the library, there was a small crowd of college students blocking the door.
When they left my friend went in first and then he went second. He waited for me! He held the door! I was so embarrased. I had butterflies in my stomach.
We then gathered some books and went somewhere to sit. I let him borrow the book I brought to school. His positions was so AGH. Soon after, my friend had to leave.
My other friend then went to the library and saw us. She then took pictures of us while teasing with my other friend. He then said a swear word when he caught them taking pictures. It was a swear word that meant he was surprised though.
When my friends left I apologized to him about the random pictures. He then said in a soft and reassuring tone "Oh, no it's fine actually!" which a chuckle followed after. He received a phone call that broke the silence.
Usually he would walk somewhere else when he received a call. But he was actually comfortable to answer calls in front of me. Wow. Does that mean something? I'm not sure.
He said he had to go after 30 minutes since he had something to do. I said it was okay. Then after a while, I received a call. I had to go. I frowned.
I said to him "Uhm.. (his name) I'm really sorry but I have to go."
He said it was okay and that if he can borrow my book for a bit.
I said sure..
He still has it to this day.
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thewheepingwillow · 1 year
Love Sparks
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I've had crushes before. I would usually grow out of them. I thought I truly liked that person. But he was just another one I added to my list. Usually I would sleep peacefully and not overthink much whenever I had a crush before.
But this time, it's different. You might know him from my previous blogs. This guy is different. My reactions to this guy are different. I've never had a crush who I loved so much I would cry myself to sleep.
I've never had a crush who I loved too much it broke my heart knowing he likes another. I've never had a crush who I loved very much that I wished negative things to the girl who he likes. I've never had a crush who I loved so much I would overthink about myself and ask "Why would he like me?".
Why can't he be like other boys? Many have a crush on me. They look at me while I look at him. This girl that he likes is just taking advantage of him. Making him chase her while she does other things.
She stares at him with a hint of mischief. I have a bad feeling about her. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just a jealous, obsessed girl who likes someone so much it's like a sin. Or maybe I'm just tired..
So much has been happening. I can't handle it anymore. I'm tired of being little miss perfect and following my mom's footsteps and rules. But it's not like I have a choice. When I was 6, I got a 46/50 in a math exam.
I regretted having that score when I got home. After that day, I made sure not to disappoint my mother or have any low grades. I swore to do my very best to stay top 1 or 2. I can't handle it happening to me anymore.
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thewheepingwillow · 1 year
The little interaction
Hello! It's me again and my day has been going well. I passed my science exam! And I had a little encounter with him.
His last exam finished before our last one could even start. He didn't have anymore classes after so he ran around with his friends. I saw him at the school garden. My classroom is at the second floor so I just watched him outside the door.
He was eating chips and talking with his friends while sitting on the grass. They hung out and did funny stuff. They did weird challenges and ran and walked around the garden.
He looked at me and then I made sure it was not clear that I have been staring at him for more than 15 minutes. I then looked back at him to see him talking again. He would glance my direction every now and then.
I think he knew I was staring but I'm not sure. My friend then saw me looking at him and came over to me. She knew I liked him so she decided to tease me. "Awww. You're such a lover girl, bro." She said.
I smiled but I didn't look at her. I stayed in my position, staring at him. She then shouted his name so loud so that he can hear. He looked at me confused while I pointed over to my friend. I kept making signals that it was her, not me, like shaking my head and hands signaling "no".
He then smiled and chuckled a bit and pointed to my friend while raising his eyebrow. I then nodded to let him know that he was right. he nodded back while laughing/chuckling. He continued hanging out with his friends while I continued staring at him.
He kept looking at me while I tried to make him think I wasn't looking by looking at other stuff or by doing random things. We would always have eye contact.
He would sometimes smile at me. One time he was running with his friends in my direction while I was peacefully making a flower crown with my favorite flower, Plumbagos. He recognized me even if I was wearing a mask and facing another direction.
I could still see him and his reaction though I was focusing on my flower crown. He smiled when he saw me and called "Hi Willow!!". He sounded excited, happy, and joyful. He then stopped running and just started walking. I said "Hi (His name since I'm not telling you guys yet)."
He kept smiling and I thought it was just normal since he really smiles almost all the time. After I greeted him back his reaction was all smiley and his mischief-planningsomething-silly-extremelyenergetic mood then disappeared.
He would act very nice to me. We would keep getting eye contact where we don't stop looking at each other and he just smiles. I melt whenever he does that. He's amazing, I know.
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thewheepingwillow · 1 year
Get to know me!
Name: Willow
Birthday: June 6
Hobbies: Writing, singing, dancing, drawing, crafting, painting, crocheting, and reading
Fav colors: Neutral colors, brown, purple, and green
Aesthetics: Dark academia, coquette, and a bit of cottage-core
Fav flowers: plumbago, sampaguita, rose, hydrangea
Crown/tiara (weird ik)
A bouquet..
a locket necklace!!!
A flower crown
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thewheepingwillow · 1 year
Hello. My name's Willow. I've had a crush since... I have no idea. We met at school.
His classroom is just next to mine. He is a year older but that doesn't change anything. The thing here is that... I'm in love with this guy.
He has a band! It's called heartstroke. He knows how to play a couple of instruments and let's just say.. I've always had this thing for "musicians".
So far my previous crushes either have a talent relating to music, or they know how to play instruments or be in a band. I don't know but I guess I've just got a thing for "music guys". Let's start talking about what kind of guy he is.
He is very friendly! He is extroverted. He has an older brother who is 2-3 years older. He is pretty funny. HE IS SO CUTEE!!!
So I first met him by the stairs. I wanted to say hi but instead my introverted self just stared at him nervously. I really wanted to get closer to him and be his friend.
My best friend's older sister is classmates with his brother. She is very nice. She helped me by giving me some info about him (not in a weird way I swear). As I got to know more stuff about him, I gained more interest in asking to be friends with him.
My shy self couldn't do it alone. My friend gave me his contact (since I asked). And so far we have gotten pretty close. We even decided to meetup at lunch! I kept asking if I would be a burden and if he was sure about it.
Why would he want to hangout with a random girl who wants to be his friend? He could just hangout with his other friends as always. But he really reassured me that it was no problem and that he wanted to get to know me too.
He really is a gentleman! He really tries to make people happy. When it was time for our meet, I went out of the classroom and braced myself. I am not social at all. I kept getting second thoughts. It took me ATLEAST 14 minutes before I went outside the doorway.
He was literally in front of the door at the other side. The only thing between us was the doorway. He was holding a guitar and playing a fun melody. "He must be practicing for his band to play at the upcoming event" I thought.
Some of his classmates were surrounding him and watching him play. His smile was adorable. When he saw me. He looked amused and excited.
He then stood up and brought his guitar with him. He was tall for his age. My height is literally until his shoulder. We went to a much more private and not so crowded spot. My friends really did follow me.
I think it weirded him out but in the same time he looked so joyful I'm not sure what to think. We talked and talked and got to know each other pretty well. He's adorable (I'm not sure how many times I said this).
After that day, We've gotten so much closer. Since it's periodical exams week, and our chairs are outside of the classroom since there's no more space since they had to separate them, we get to see each other. Don't forget that our classrooms are just beside each other. Once I finished answering my test, I glanced at him and he hadn't finished his yet.
The way he reacts is just... Amazing. Everything he does is amazing. When I finished the last exam for today, I looked over at him.
We made eye contact. I then looked away as fast as I can, it can be normal right? Just a little glance... After a moment, I looked at him again. And he was still looking.
Every school day, we don't really talk since I don't do the first step ad he talks with his other friends. All we have is eye contact and he greets me too.
Why does he keep staring at me? I usually catch him staring. My classmates catch him staring at me too. They keep teasing me about it.
What could it mean? I have no idea
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