theshapethatimin · 1 year
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theshapethatimin · 1 year
love me tomorrow
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summary - you and Harry are high-school teachers and he loves you. the only issue is; you’re a married woman
warnings: domestic abuse/violence - both emotional and physical, swearing, it’s very much a hurt/comfort piece. this is pretty heavy going and i need you all to know that abuse isn’t okay, and i hope that you reach out to people if you need to. if you ever need a simple friend, for literally whatever reason, i’m always here! xx
pairing: teacher!harry x teacher!reader
word count: +13.8k
Life had been good to you. For the most part.
Life had given you a wholesome family who supported your every choice - even the drastic ones like choosing to live in Namibia for a year. Life had given you an incredible education, leading you on to a fulfilling life of educating the new generations. Life had given you so much love. Life had given you a healthy body and mind which you’d always cherished, up until recently.
Finding ‘the one’ in your life isn’t supposed to be an easy road, but you were challenged with the hardest of them all.
Rodger Cassidy. 
The name of the man who has made life feel meaningless and you feel worthless.
Keep reading
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
So Late Night Phone Call… literally I was in a situation like this w/one of my best friends for 5 years!!! The way you wrote it and the emotions the character was experiencing & rationalizing it & then feeling super awful and guilty after… ughh it literally made me relive all of the turmoil I felt when I had been in that situation. Literally I sometimes still feel guilty about that even if in my case my friend married his gf a year ago, so he chose her. Which I’m happy for them and glad it worked out for them, but sometimes I still feel bad & guilty for what we had done.
You did an amazing job with this series! I loved it!
this just warmed my heart! firstly, thank you so much <3 i created this story because i myself have been through a similar situation and it was heart breaking so i figured i would share my story through this! and secondly, i’m so sorry you had to go through that. this story can be the happy ending we both deserve. thank you for reading! it means the world to me <333
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
if you’ll have me
the late night phone call part ten
word count: 1.3k
y/n and adam were sitting in silence.
but it wasn’t an awkward silence, it was a comforting one. the only sounds heard here and there were y/n’s sniffles and adam tapping him thumbs on the steering wheel. adam agrees to drive because he had sobered up enough, and y/n was in no position to do so. her feelings were all jumbled and she had no words that could accompany how she was feeling right now.
walking away from harry after he had expressed his feelings to her was the hardest thing she’s had to do in her life, at least that’s what she’s feeling like right now. it’s everything she’s ever wanted to hear, so why was their so much pain in her heart?
y/n was pulled out of her pool of thoughts when adam parked the car.
“c’mon babe, i’ll walk you up.” adam spoke after he came around and opened the passenger door for her.
when they reached her door, y/n was fumbling with the key so bad, which caused adam to gently grab the keys from her and unlock the door for her.
she mumbled a thank you as she entered her apartment and took her shoes off.
“you wanna tell me what’s got you so sad, babe?” adam spoke as he shut the door behind him.
“i’m just- im a horrible person, i think.”
“now what’s got you saying that about my best friend?” he responded as they were now facing each other on her couch.
“have you ever loved someone you shouldn’t, adam?” y/n asked him instead of answering his question. adam shifted uncomfortably in his seat before responding.
“uhm, i don’t think so, i mean there is never anything wrong with loving someone, right. it maybe only becomes wrong if it stops feeling good.” adam said.
“you always say the right things... but i don’t wanna talk about this anymore. let’s just watch criminal minds and cuddle, that will make me feel much better” y/n said as she shifted over to him, and that’s how they spent the rest of their night.
until she got a phone call.
henry was sleeping next to the fireplace while adam was snoring after the second episode they had started. y/n heard her phone ringing, so she walked over to her purse realizing she hadn’t taken it out since she got home.
harry’s caller id was displayed across the screen as y/n panicked. before she could make up her mind, the call went away and she was met with her notification screen.
harry: 4 missed calls
harry: please, y/n/n answer the phone.
harry: i need to talk to you.
harry: please, im begging you. just call me back.
y/n didn’t know what to think. should she call back? should she just ignore him?
instead of dealing with the emotional turmoil, she powered her phone off and went to sleep.
. . .
it had been a couple days since harry’s birthday party. y/n had been keeping herself busy with assignments, leaving her phone at home and taking henry on walks that lasted longer than they needed to, and finding herself doing yoga with her phone in another room. she hated being around her phone because she knew he would call.
she wouldn’t say she was avoiding harry, she was … just acting like the problem wasn’t there. pretending that she was living the life she knew before harry came along. so no, she doesn’t consider that avoiding.
and she was fine. or at least she thought she was. but all that was interrupted on the 5th day of “not avoiding harry” when she woke up to a loud set of knocks on the door.
“coming!” she shouted after the 3rd set of knocks. when she swung the door open, expecting to see adam asking for toothpaste, she was met with a disgruntled harry. her heart sank to her stomach because she felt horrible. of course she was avoiding harry, she couldn’t deny it now, not when he was standing in front of her, looking like he hadn’t slept in days.
“harr- what are you-“
“you haven’t been answering my calls.” he cut her off. venom was laced in his tone, and that was how she knew he was angry, of course he was angry!
“i’ve been busy.” y/n spoke, nervous as she stepped aside and invited harry into her home.
he walked in, with out hesitation. he sat down on her couch as she followed him into the living room.
“do you want anything to drink?” y/n knew why he was here but she wanted to stall, anything to avoid the heartbreak she was expecting.
she had a feeling he was coming here to tell her he couldn’t see her anymore. she had a hard time believing all the things he said to her that day of his party. it seemed too good to be true. the one person she wanted so bad and more than anything, felt the same about her? there’s no way this doesn’t come at a price. she just waiting for the bubble to burst so harry could leave she so she could cry her eyes out-
“i broke up with olivia.” harry said as he interpreted her thoughts. she couldn’t believe her ears.
“wait yo- you what” y/n sat down.
“after you left with adam that night i just- i couldn’t take it anymore. i knew i couldn’t stay with her any longer knowing how i feel about you so, i went over to her place the next morning and i- i broke it off.” harry spoke. seeming very nervous.
y/n was stunned. she completely expected him to leave her, that’s all she was used to.
after her silence, harry continued.
“everything i said that night, i meant it. all of it. i just didn’t realize how much i felt for you until, one day i just did. i never should have put you in the position that i did, it’s just- i’ve never had feelings so strong for someone while i was with someone else. i didn’t want to hurt anyone, yet i ended up hurting everyone, you included. and you didn’t deserve that. i’m so sorry”
“harry i- i just don’t know what to say” y/n spoke.
“say you’ll be with me. we can take things slow. i know the circumstances aren’t ideal but i don’t care, as long as i’m with you. you don’t understand how much i love you and i really wish you did” he said, with the last part being a murmur.
“harry, i mean what we did was horrible. i mean olivia hates me, and for good reason! but i wish i could be selfish and throw everything out of the window but it’s hard.” y/n said, as harry looked down at his shoes, disappointed.
he then kneeled down in front of her and placed his hands into hers.
“y/n, please. if any part of you wants this as bad do, you have to tell me. we can make this work because i love you. i’ve never even loved anyone else enough to tell them those words, not even Olivia.”
“what?” he never said those words to anyone else? is this real? y/n thought to herself.
“you’re the first, and only one. and i want to be your first and only too, if you’ll have me” he placed his head into her lap as he begged her for a chance at a real relationship.
is this what it feels like when you get everything you want? butterflies were fluttering in her stomach, and all the guilt and pain that once filled her heart when it came to harry vanished. she knew he loved her, and she loved him just as much.
she bent down on the floor next the harry, and placed her hands on both of his cheeks. she knew what she wanted, and it felt good to finally have it.
“i love you so much harry. and i want this, i want this so bad, if you’ll have me.”
a/n: IM SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER but i really hope you guys liked this!!! let me know what you guys think please please please, all feedback is soo so so appreciated <3
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Part 10?? 😭😭😭
it’s coming i promise!!
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Hi bestie!! I hope you’re doing well! Will we be getting part 10? I just binged that entire story and would love to see who she picks!!
hi bestie!! i’m doing well, and i hope you are too! we are getting a part 10 and i’m posting it super soon! i just wanna finalize b4 i post! tysm for reading <3
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
i love u sm thank you <3
you can check out these blogs masterlists!! @fkinavocado @mindofharry @watchmegetobsessed @watermelonlovershigh @for-fucks-sake-h @jarofstyles @jawllines @londonbelow @erodasfishtacos @hes-writer @fool-for-harry @meetmymouth @harryhoney-bee @lollypopsx @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy @haroldloverboy @sunfleurry @missluckycharms @harryforvogue @moonchildstyles @justice4canyonmoon @swiftmendeshoran @permanentcross @theasstour @theshapethatimin there’s definitely more but these are some tumblr writers who are incredibly talented and i love <33
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Omg what is about to happen with these two I gots to know!!!!
posting the final part very soon <3 tysm for reading!!
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Are you doing a next part to late night phone calls?
yes! the next part will be the last <3
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
i love you so
the last night phone call part nine
word count: 790
warning: angst
“you what?” y/n spoke as she turned around slowly, merging harry’s somber gaze. she couldn’t believe her ears.
“y/n/n, i love you. i have since the moment i’ve laid eyes on you. please you can’t- i need you, you- you can’t just fucking leave.”
y/n was speechless. harry said loved her. the man she’s wanted more than anyone. the man who she never thought she couldn’t have was here in front of her, telling her he feels the same.
she should be running up to him and confessing her undying love, but her feet were stuck. it’s as if they were glued to the deck. she couldn’t move, couldn’t think, and couldn’t speak. with her silence, harry continued.
“i know i haven’t shown it, but that’s just because i have olivia. i’m selfish, i know that, but i’ve never loved someone while i was with someone else so i’m didn’t know what to do, y/n please” harry reached out to her but she backed away with our even thinking.
this was too much for her. way. too. much. first olivia, now this? what was she supposed to think, was she being set up? there’s no way all of this could happen in one night, is what y/n was thinking to herself. she was waiting for the camera to come out and tell her that this was a huge prank.
“harry, i- i cant. please, just let me go. you’re just saying things because- i don’t know why you’re saying that to me but they’re just words. your actions speak louder, harry!“
y/n could tell harry was becoming frantic by the way he started inching closer to her and running his fingers through his hair with panic.
“i didn’t know how to show you! i felt guilty sneaking behind her back but i’ve realized that the thought of losing you hurts way more than losing her. so here is me choosing you.“ harry said. y/n had never seen him like this before. he was so on edge. his eyes were darting around her face, trying to read her expression. y/n didn’t know what to do.
“harry, you let me be your second choice for almost a year now, how am i supposed to believe anything your saying? and i can’t even be upset with you, because i stupidly fell in love with you, knowing you had a girlfriend! i-“
y/n was cut off as she felt harry’s lips smash against hers. she didn’t push away, she gave in like she always did, against her better judgement.
“you love me too.” harry stated matter-of-factly, breaking the kiss while still holding her face.
“harry i always did, and you knew that. but that doesn’t mean just because we said it, that things can just magically work! for fucks sake harry, you’re still with olivia! and i’m still a- a horrible person for doing the things i did with you. i mean why me?“
“what do you mean?“ harry said, his palms still placed on her cheeks as she spoke.
“why me? why did you pick me to do all of this with when you could’ve had anyone. you could’ve picked someone who was prettier. who had more experience. i mean i’m a virgin for fucks sake harry? why would you want me?” y/n spoke, the insecurity oozing from her tone. harry house a confused look on his face before responding.
“because of the way you smile. the way you always ask me if i’m okay and how i’m feeling as soon as you see me. because of the way the butterflies in my stomach start to flutter every single time you answer the phone. because i know i’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life, not even my own fucking girlfriend. i didn’t know what love was until i met you. you taught me that it exists, and i know it’s real because it’s standing right in-front of me. i chose you. and i will for the rest of my life if you’ll have me. y/n/n please. say you choose me too, and i swear it i’ll leave her right now. tonight.” y/n started to feel the tears well up in her waterline again.
just as y/n was about to open her mouth, she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. she pulled it out to see adam’s contact name in bright white letters across the screen. she slid the button to answer the phone. “hey adam.” she said into her phone, not breaking eye contact with harry.
“hey babe, been looking for you everywhere. i got the car warmed up, you ready to go?”
part ten
- i was listening to “i love you so” by the walters while writing this :,) i hope you enjoy! as a new writer, all feedback is very much so appreciated <3
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Hi love! Don’t know if you’re taking requests but If you want to write some fluff stuff, could you write something about Harry and Reader doing stuff like in this video? It could be so cuteeee🥺🥺 https://twitter.com/theharrylibrary/status/1521163649712275456?s=21&t=SvkQW4wsxu8c5MSiPKxPOg
fruit punch
word count: 715
warning: none, just harry being cute
based on this gif!
harry had a little more to drink than he would like to admit. y/n could tell. it wasn’t because he was being sweet with her, he always was. it was how sweet he was being that tipped y/n off on how many wine glasses he had finished.
sarah and mitch got engaged a couple days ago, so they invited their close friends and family to celebrate at their house. y/n being harry’s best friend, it was no shock they they showed up together. they had been attached at the hip for years. y/n knew she loved harry in a way that friends weren’t supposed to love each other, but she was okay with being just friends. at least that what she told herself.
they were all sitting on the couch, harry with his back pressed against y/n’s front while his head was nuzzled into her shoulder. she then wrapped her arms around him to get more comfortable. she thought he smelled like vanilla, and she couldn’t help but smile at that.
“,,, and then, when i got down on one knee and pulled out the ring, she smacked the box out of my hand! then she kissed me and said yes before i even got to ask!”mitch said, explaining how his proposal to sarah went.
the whole room laughed, and y/n watched harry as his nose crinkled and he threw his head back further into her shoulder. she thought he was just the cutest thing. he was laughing so hard, he was even moving y/n with him.
later that night, music started to play as mitch asked sarah to dance. everyone else quickly followed them, grabbing a partner and swaying to the lovely music.
“may i have this dance, darling?” harry stood in-front of y/n with his hand out.
“i guess so. i can’t leave you all by yourself.” y/n said with a smile as she stood up and fixed her dress.
she payed close attention to how he was pulling her in. he started with her forehead on her shoulder, whispering how beautiful she looked tonight. then that’s when she felt a soft press of his lips against her neck. y/n knew he was affectionate when he had some alcohol in him, but this was new to her. she was having a hard time controlling her breathing.
“i can’t keep my mind off you, wish you were mine” he spoke softly, looking into her eyes. y/n wanted to believe him, but she knew he had been drinking so he must have just been talking out of his ass.
“harry, don’t be silly. how much have you had to drink anyways” y/n said with a smile, trying to hide the fact that her heart was beating extremely fast.
“i haven’t drank one sip of alcohol tonight, love. and i’m not bein’ silly, i just want you. i’ve wanted you for a while” he said with a low voice, looking into her eyes as they swayed to the music.
“h, you’ve have at least 5 glasses tonight! i’ve been watching you, mister” y/n laughed as she spoke while giving him a pseudo grimace.
harry broke them apart for a second to grab the glass he had been nursing since they stepped foot into mitche’s home.
“here, let me prove to you that i’m not fibbin’. open up.” harry grabbed y/n’s jaw lightly, opening it so she could taste what he had been drinking. when the red liquid that y/n thought was red wine went down her throat, her eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
“harry, is this- is that kool-aid?” y/n said as she couldn’t control her giggles. harry set his glass back on the table and grabbed y/n by the waist, and began to sway back and forth like they were before.
“minute maid fruit punch, to be exact” he said into her ear with a grin. y/n couldn’t believe harry was completely sober. she couldn’t wrap her head around it. he was being so sweet with her, he had to have been drunk. but he wasn’t. he wanted to be extra sweet with her.
“now, please y/n. will you be mine? i can’t wait any longer.” harry said, no hint of joking on his face.
y/n tightened her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his to give him a feather like kiss.
“i thought you would never ask.”
my first request!! if u have anymore please feel welcome to send them in! i hope you liked it <3 plz lmk what u think!!! 💕 not proofread so i apologize for any typos.
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Crying until we get a part 9
please no tears :,( it’s coming i promise <3
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
Boi if you love her stop being in a relationship with someone else 🙄 Harry got me worked up!!!
bestie me too!!
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
love love love u thank you <3
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Continuar a ler
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
CRYING thank you so much omg <3333333
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Keep reading
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
me and you
the late night phone call part eight
word count: 1.3k
warning: angst
y/n was never someone who was good with confrontation. it made her all flustered and it caused her palms to sweat. it’s never anything she enjoyed being apart of, so she always made sure to make the right choices in life, in order to avoid any of the said confrontation.
so as olivia shut the sliding door behind her and started walking toward y/n, she started to panic. her shaking hand lifted to put the hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear as olivia began to speak.
“you know, y/n, you’re not as clever as you think you are.” olivia started, walking to stand right in front of her at the edge of the deck.
“i don’t know what you-“
“i see the way you look at him. you could at least try to make it less obvious, it will save you some embarrassment. i’ve tried to keep it kind with you, i’ve made sure to keep my distance because i’ve never really had anything nice to say to you. you know the saying, don’t say anything at all right? but tonight, i decided i’ve had enough. you think i don’t know what’s going on?”
olivia was steaming with anger, and y/n finally started to understand why olivia treated her so horribly when they were around each other. she never knew, until now.
y/n felt the tears welling up in the waterline of her eyes. she was sure that this was the end. all the guilt she had been suppressing for months started rising to the surface of her stomach. she was stuck with panic, so she couldn’t bring her self to speak. with y/n’s silence, olivia continued.
“i know you have feelings for my boyfriend. i knew it from the day i met you, but i tried to tell myself i was crazy. then, i kept seeing the way your face would fall, and the way you would literally frown every time i would come around. i thought you just hated me for some odd reason but then i started to realize it wasn’t about me, it’s about him! you’re in love with my fucking boyfriend!” she said with a laugh.
“you don’t know what you’re talking about.” y/n said with a shaky voice. she had never been in a situation like this so she really didn’t know what to do. or say for that matter.
“oh but i think i do, y/n. and i would suggest you quit playing dumb with me. i’ll say this once, and maybe it will help you move on: he’s in a relationship with me, which means he doesn’t see you that way, y/n.” olivia paused before speaking again. “woman to woman, it’s actually really sad to see you pining after someone who clearly doesn’t want you. he’s happy with me, why can’t you see that?” olivia spoke with bitterness in her tone.
while olivia was going on her rant, y/n started to realize something: olivia doesn’t know.
she doesn’t know about the late night phone calls.
she doesn’t know that harry gets jealous over any guy that looks y/n’s way.
she doesn’t know that harry wants y/n to himself.
she doesn’t know about the things they’ve done behind closed doors.
now it was y/n’s turn to laugh. there’s no way she knew because if she did, they would be having a completely different argument.
because y/n came to this realization in the middle of olivia yelling nonsense at her, she started laughing without even thinking.
“what the fuck is so funny? do you think i’m joking?” olivia said with her eyebrows furrowed.
“yeah actually, i do think you’re joking. and you wanna know why i think it’s so funny? because the ‘boyfriend’ you’re defending so hard right now was just-“ y/n was cut off by the sound of the back door sliding open. her and olivia’s heads both snap to the direction of the noise.
harry walks onto the deck with an expression on his face that looks like shock mixed with confusion. he shoves his hands in his pockets and walks closer toward them.
“what’s going on?” harry spoke with a stern voice, looking at olivia.
“nothing baby, we were just having a girls chat, right y/n?“ olivia smiled at her.
y/n kept her angry glare on olivia.
“okay… uhm, olivia, sarah’s been looking for you inside.” harry spoke.
olivia glared back at y/n before giving harry a kiss and walking toward the sliding doors. before she walked inside the house, she turned around and started to speak.
“oh and y/n? just keep in mind what i said, i think it will really help you out with your situation.” she said with a smile before walking into the house and sliding the door shut.
harry walked over to y/n with his hands still in his pockets, giving her a hard look.
“you wanna tell me what that was about?“ harry said.
“you came at just the right time, i was about to tell your girlfriend about how i had my mouth all over you less than an hour ago” y/n said with a smile.
she was never this cold, never this mean. she was always sweet to everyone she knew. and that’s what everyone loved about her. but she was angry, livid even, so she didn’t care too much about watching her tone.
harry looked concerned. she knows he’s never seen her this angry.
“y/n/n, what happened? what did she say to you?” harry spoke softly. she was expecting him to be angry, but he was actually quite the opposite.
y/n glared at harry before turning away and putting her head down. the anger that was housed in her quickly turned into sadness at the sounds of the nickname harry gave her. she felt tears welling up in her eyes again. harry used his thumb and his index finger to grab her chin and lift her head up to him so they were making eye contact again.
“hey don’t shut me out, please tell me what happened.” he said.
“harry i can’t- i don’t think i can do this with you anymore. olivia’s right, you’re with her and i should let you be happy.” y/n said between cries.
“y/n/n please, what are you talking abou-“
“you deserve to be happy and clearly i’m not making you happy. i’m not enough for you anyways, right? that’s why i’m your second option? h- how do you think that makes me feel harry?”
“y/n, please, what did she say to you?”
“it doesn’t matter what she said. what matters is that i want you so bad and you obviously don’t feel the same. i’m doing this for both of us so please just let me go” y/n said with tears flowing down her face as she began to back away from harry and walk toward the doors leading into the house.
she had to do this. she had to leave him because even if olivia is wrong, she didn’t want to hold harry back from being with his girlfriend. after all, it wasn’t okay anymore. not to y/n.
“y/n/n please don’t do this, please i need-“ harry said with watery eyes as y/n cut him off.
“i- i can’t. this isn’t good for you, and this isn’t good me. goodbye harry.”
“wait, if you would just listen to me for one sec-“
“harry please, you’re making this too hard for the both of us. i’m going to find adam, and i’m leaving.”
y/n turned toward the door again after seeing the tears leave harry’s eyes, it was too much for her and she didn’t want to give in after standing her ground. just a few more steps, and this will be over.
“no no, please y/n/n, you can’t leave with him, please. if you would just liste-“
“listen to what? what could you possibly have to say harry?!”
“i’m in love with you!” harry shouted in y/n’s direction.
she froze in place, she couldn’t believe her ears.
“i love you, y/n.”
part 9
part 9?? anyways, thank you for being so patient w me! feedback is always very much appreciated <3
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theshapethatimin · 2 years
part 8 pleaseee i need to know the endingvajsjdjejsbsbs 😭
ask and you shall receive ,,,,, stay tuned bestie <3
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