thecatchatwriters · 2 months
I have multiple stories to post here, and update, but right now I am going to go forward with what we have now, and then come back to the old ones.
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I will be sharing Rebekah Palmer's story soon, as well, which was actually the first posted on the blog for this prompt. And mine should hopefully be coming soon. It's been quite a start to the year.
You can read Jessic's story here: https://thecatchatwriters.blogspot.com/.../the-rental...
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thecatchatwriters · 2 years
A new story is up!! The second story based on our prompt “It was only the wind.” This one is by Rebekah Palmer, and SO different from Jessica’s take on it, which I absolutely adore. I will post the third story (mine) soon!! I hope you all enjoy this story!! Please comment, and share!! We TRULY appreciate it SO MUCH!! 
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thecatchatwriters · 2 years
Our next prompt is a line of dialogue (mostly). And our first story up is by Jessica VanderWerff. The prompt we are working with is, "It was just the wind." Jessica's story is eerie and creepy and perfect for the Halloween season. Please enjoy and feel free to please comment!!
Trigger Warning: Abuse and Gore
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thecatchatwriters · 2 years
Our third story has arrived!! I love how different all of these stories are. This one is from Rebekah Palmer, and is titled "Wisconsin Comfort." We hope you enjoy!!
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thecatchatwriters · 2 years
Now for story number two, by Amanda Leigh!!
I wasn't sure at first what I was going to write for this prompt. Then I was lying in bed and a single image popped into my head, with a description to go along with it, which is how this story started. Then another image came into my mind, and I wrote the middle to bring these two images together. It ended up with a fantasy spin on it, which I really love. Enjoy this short story, and please feel free to leave a comment and share. :)
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thecatchatwriters · 2 years
The first short story is here!! The first short story is here!! 😀 Can you tell I'm excited??
  SO!! The first prompt that we all agreed on is, "A stranger makes an odd request. " We all went forth and began to write on this prompt, and the first person to finish was Jessica!! Therefore, below we have her story. She read it to me and I loved it. I hope you love it, too. Feel free to comment below with your thoughts. We would love to hear from you. Without further adieu, here is Jessica's story, You can click on the link to be taken to the blogger post. :) 
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thecatchatwriters · 3 years
The Cat Chat Writers: Introduction: What We're Doing Here, What Inspired It, and Who We Are
I'm (Amanda) reading a book called The Curiostiies. It's a book of short stories by Maggie StiefVater (one of my favorite authors). Tessa Graton, and Brenna Yovanoff. The stories came from a blog they started together where they wrote and shared short stories. As a way to practice, and improve their craft. And to have fun. I thought this was a really cool idea, so I went to three of my closest writer friends and asked if they were interested in this idea. Luckily, they said yes! So, this is what we're going to do here. Share short stories. Either free form, or we'll all pick the same prompt and write on it, which we think would be really cool to see the way all three of us would write on the same prompt. Honestly, we're not yet totally sure how often we'll post on here, we're just going for it!! That being said, read on for a little introduction and information about each of us. And be sure to come back to this blog to see the stories we share!!
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Hi, my name is Amanda Leigh!! As I said above, I had this idea because of the book that I'm reading. I thought the concept of having a fiction blog with a couple of writer friends was a really cool idea. Lucky for me, my friends agreed, and here we are, diving right in!! I write multiple genres. I write poetry as well as fiction. As for fiction, I've published Paranormal Romance, Contemporary Romance, Women's Fiction, Dark Paranormal Romance, and Horror. I've also written a Romantic Historical Suspense, and am writing a Fantasy novel. I am definitely a multi genre writer. I do think I love the more fantastical. Things like Paranormal and Fantasy. And also things that are on the darker side. I like to play around and not be boxed in by one genre. I have a cat named Sawyer who is the love of my life. I'm madly in love with a couple of fictional characters (and have crushes on dozens more). I love reading, cooking, art, Psychology, Marvel, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Elvis. I'm really looking forward to this blog!!
Amanda's Author Website: https://www.authoramandaleigh.com/
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Hey, I’m Jessica and I love writing poetry and short stories about nature, dreams, and memories. My favorite genres to read are historical fiction and fantasy. I decided to join this blog project because writing with friends is both fun and inspiring to me.
Find Jessica on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Jessica-VanderWerff/e/B01D94M2RW
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Hello! My name is Rebekah Palmer and I have been practicing the craft of writing since 2012. During 2020, my writing was limited to social media posts and not much extra curricular. When Amanda Leigh messaged me about a blog run by three of us authors, I decided to join in because I need to get back into the habit of what has been my work identity. I am excited to be contributing to this space with two of my writer friends and I hope others find our content intriguing.
Rebekah's Website: https://rebapalmer87.wixsite.com/authorrebekahpalmer
We're excited to get started in this, and hope that you'll enjoy it, too!!
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