thattotalloserrain · 6 months
Stone Heart - Chapter One (Intro)
(TW: Remus being Remus, threats, swears)
The kingdom of Briston all fell into sorrow the moment they lost their crowned prince. A prince who took time to listen to those that needed to be aided. One who would visit the city with a warm smile. He was absolutely perfect and was loved by all. Yet, too dangerously by one he used to call his true love.
Now, a single tear trickled down the stone features of the prince. His petrified form lay abandoned amidst the overgrown foliage of the castle’s garden, as if nature itself had rejected him. The flowers and vines refused to touch him as if he were to turn the rest to stone. The sky was duller, and gloomier than it once was. The air was thick with the scent of dying roses, their petals littering the ground like blood-red snowflakes. The castle's workers, although heartbroken, sensed something amiss, kept their distance from the cursed statue. Their eyes filled with a mixture of fear and sorrow. It had been just a few months since the day the prince's jealous lover had turned him to stone, not wanting him to find love in another's arms.
Prince Roman of Briston was loved by many, and they lost hope bringing back the one who held their kingdom together.
What others seemed to forget, that under Roman’s unforgettable light, that his twin brother was just his shadow. Yes, Remus could care less about his royal heritage. He didn’t mind Roman as the face of the kingdom. The brothers had a mutual understanding that it’s just how their roles played out. Yes, they argued constantly, sillishly so. Remus knew that if he had an opportunity to leave the kingdom, he would. It wasn’t his forte. Now, his royally idiotic brother decided that turning into stone was a fantastic idea. That meant leaving Remus to be ambushed by people he hardly remembered talking to.
“What will you do now that you’re filling in Prince Roman’s shoes as the crowned prince, as the heir to the throne.”
“You have to get your act together now, Prince Remus. As this kingdom will fall into you now.”
Just shit like that. Remus wanted to scream, and rip his hair out. And not in a fun way. This was the most overwhelming feeling he felt. The most scared he felt. He isn't even responsible. He would run across the corridors, slide down the stair rails. He would knock things down without a care and carry on his day. He couldn’t just fill the role of Roman now! It was Roman’s job!
Of course, now that annoying Logan and his need for him getting things done didn’t help at the moment. It wasn’t just normal paperwork stuff. It was planning to say goodbye that Remus had to plan. Finally, he snapped. “ARGH!!! Just stop! I don’t want to do this! Fuck you! Fuck this!” Remus boiled over. All the other castle workers moved their attention to the prince, watching this breakdown.
With a heavy sigh, Logan looked down at Remus firmly. “Prince Remus, I understand your frustrations. This is just a matter you cannot refuse any further. You must come with me to—“
“No!” Without any warning, Remus sprinted off down the halls of the castle. He didn’t want to do it. He didn’t want to prepare for a funeral for his brother like he was gone forever. He wasn’t. He could come back. He had to come back. Remus skidded into a stop, his boots making a harsh squeak against the polished floor. He glared down at a set of guards that were next to the door that led to the castle's garden. “Move.” He hissed out harshly. A bit freaked out, both guards opened the door for Remus.
The young boy stepped outside, feeling the huge change of atmosphere the second he breathed the air in. Remus felt his legs grow heavy, having to force his way toward where his brother stood frozen. Running his fingers through his hair, Remus let out a shaky laugh. “You just had to do this, didn’t you?” He sneered. “Leaving me with all your shit for me to do, huh?!” Remus didn’t realize that his tears were spilt out. He felt his knees grow weak and collapsed onto the grass. “I hate you Roman. I hate that you fell in love with some prick we can’t even find.” He gripped the grass underneath his hand and pulled it out. “When I find him, I swear, I’m going to make him want to be dead. I’ll shove his own cut off hand up his ass so far down that—“ Usually, Roman would be scrunching up his face in disgust and to tell Remus to cut it out.
These two had a complicated relationship. They could be talking for weeks, and then the next they would avoid anything by being near each other. At the end of the day, no matter who viewed it. Remus loved his brother, as disgusting that would sound coming from his mouth but still… he did. Remus stared into Roman’s empty eyes. His expression was left with sorrow. No fear, no anger. Roman’s last feeling was being heartbroken. Remus hated that. Remus hated all of this. “I can’t do this without you, Roman. Come back. Fucking come back.”
Virgil’s heart felt like it was going to burst. This was a bad idea. Such a bad idea. How did he get himself into this and not out of this? Remember, your sister. Swallowing back his anxieties he stared at the castle's walls from a distance. Gripping the strap to his satchel, he breathed in and continued on to his destination.
Never in his life he would find himself sneaking inside the castle to help steal someone so valuable. Yet, when a guy shows up demanding Virgil to go in and threaten his little sister's life, there was little control he could do in this situation. He had to be desperate. He had to be careful and get this guy what he wanted. Just go in there, and help find an opening. The thing was, he was told it would take a few hands to move this thing. Which caused Virgil to be weary if this was ever going to succeed or not. How would they sneak this thing out? What would they do if someone questioned if they haven’t seen him before. What would he say? What would you do without your sister?
Once again, Virgil took a deep breath and stopped in front of the castle's gate. “And you are?” A guard asks, questioning the boy who approached. “Uh, I’m… I was sent to start working here? I, here-“ Virgil fumbled through his satchel. A bit slower realizing that the guards were just being cautious of what Virgil would pull out. He took out an un-forged paper, addressing the permission for work. What a way to screw up a dream too, Virgil.
“Ah.” The guard glanced at the paper and back and Virgil. “A new gardener, ey? I’m sure there’s a reason they decided to do that considering.. er… Well, welcome in, kid. You’ll find someone to escort you where you need to go. Go ahead.”
Virgil moved past the gate, and onward into the castle. There was no backing out now. There couldn’t be any mistakes. He had to get this done.
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thattotalloserrain · 8 months
I cant
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He's really sick.
Based on this hard-hitting scene in Spy Kids 2
God I love that movie.
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thattotalloserrain · 10 months
My Hate for April O’Neil (2012) Analysis
I want to be clear, even if I put my biases aside, there will still be things in my perspective that may not change. I wasn't a fan of April growing up. Now, as I'm older and more mature, I think I can conclude something better than "she's a b____."
Throughout the entire franchise, this is the first time we see April as a teenager. In other adaptations, April was that supportive adult (female) character. (Where men loved the write about women, without women's input.)
This is also a 'children' audience show. (I think 12+) Still a show where adults and older teens or children can still enjoy it with that barrier. In a LOT of cases, children's shows wouldn't have top-tier writing on average. Let's just put that in perspective and understand the flaws (and pros) of the writing in the show.)
New York is very, very empty for being a city that never sleeps.
The love triangle with Donnie, Casey, and April
Or Romance in general
I’m sure there’s more but that’s the gist of it
Fighting was top tier (still is)
CGI is still really good at the time (Don't look at the human hair)
Splinter's and Shredder's backstories (as well as Karai’s)
Balance between 'seriousness' and 'humor'
Now let's really start talking about April.
As stated in the beginning, April is the first time we actually see her as a teenager, and not in an adult supportive role. In season one, it just doesn't feel like she had any other purpose but to be a friend. Which... also seemed to be very lacking.
"April, you don't count. We saved your life, you have to like us." Mikey (New Friend, Old Enemy)
A lot of our (my) feelings towards her is the relationship between her and Donatello which... Growing up, I even thought it seemed super toxic. There is a clear understanding that Donatello in fact has a deep crush on April. (We'll get into his character analysis later in another post.) Then as we think April feels the same way, but THEN Casey gets in the picture. Even before that, she just off-handedly rejected Donnie's affection towards her even after planting a kiss on his cheek. (This girl can't be that oblivious to know how Donnie feels. I'd like to hope.)
This must make her such a horrible person right? Leading on our favorite purple turtle, just for him to get hurt over and over again, right? Even if they both might be at fault, April was the worst one, as we thought. She’s not the brightest, even with her hot redhead-temper. (As I am)
We forget how we even met April in the first place.
The Kraang. Oh Yes. The sweet, lovely, alien species that has actually been around on Earth for years, suddenly KIDNAPS HER AND HER FATHER. She was kidnapped! Yet of course, the turtles saved her but, her father still was with the Kraang until the end of season one (Sort of back.)
I am not saying that anyone should have a free pass for being not a nice person, but this is something we completely ignored. Trauma can literally affect you in so many ways without realizing it. From an outside perspective, we don't see any struggles with a person sometimes.
So of course April's feelings toward Donnie are a bit unstable, to say the least. She just lost her father, and she now is being taken care of by her aunt. April even says to Casey when he finds out about the guys, that she hadn't had anyone to talk to about them. (Season 2, Fungus Humungous) Have you ever been in that kind of situation before? I'd like to hope not. But to know no matter what you can say, you can't because no one would understand. Then mess that is the love triangle with Casey and Donnie just doesn't help anything because they were all going through the stress of the Kraang evasion.
April really isn't the horrible person I thought she was before, sure she still has a lot of flaws but yet that's what characters need to be able to feel alive, or be able to relate to them. The only thing she does that is questionable is not keeping any boundaries when she sets them, but breaks them herself. It’s hurting everyone.
I'm not going to get too in-depth with her powers. Yet I think it's interesting to point out how it's literally a symbol of her losing herself. She tends to feel so overshadowed and has a need for her powers to become more important and less useless to the team. It just became to a point where she couldn't ask for help before she could see herself needing it. And before she could ask help from the stress with it all… The person inside her that wasn’t her ended up potentially killing Donnie. That will put a lot more mental strain onto her.
So my conclusion…
I still don’t like April, I don’t like how the writers wrote her, I don’t like how she continues to make the problem worse because she’s asking for bad behavior when she tells Donnie and Casey to stop… But holy heck as I said before, this was the first adaptation that we saw April as a teenager, so I could imagine why it felt so off at first why I thought she wasn’t the best. I can see why the writers messed up so horribly at this one because they were probably used to the 80’s April where she was merely only know as today as the most- ehem, most romantically alluring to older guys (I’m not leaving out the ladies or the non-binaries.) Not saying that it was okay, but that’s just what happened.
So yeah, I don’t like her.
What do you guys think about her? After Mutant Mayham came out, I think she is definitely the worst of the three teen-April’s.
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thattotalloserrain · 10 months
Terms in this post
Adoptive - The person that was adopted into the family
Adopted - The person who adopted a person into the family
As I notice new fans continue to enter the TMNT fandom, (or people are starting to talk about it more) I’m going to talk about 2012 especially because a lot of people are missing the points of writing flaws, and people are arguing for the wrong points and defending very problematic relationship issues.
I’ve came across this post, and it was really… concerning. I’m not gonna name them, or point them out, (And I can’t find the post, so I don’t know if it was deleted or not) but if you know what I’m referring to then just be respectful, I don’t mean any disrespect either because at the end of the day… It’s a cartoon, and we can still enjoy things while there’s still questioning things about it. The only harm that may come to conversations like these is because it can be very serious in real life. Yet, I find it strange how people are defending the wrong things for the same problem: the writing.
Let’s paint the picture.
The turtles are just now starting to go out to the surface, and with Leo’s situation, he ends up fighting a girl from the Foot. Romance is in the air, and he definitely falls in love with her. He never met her in his life, but he knew that he was the daughter of his fathers enemy- his adopted brother. (Let’s keep the adopted part in mind for later) So they already knew she was related in some way, blood or not.
Okay this is fine, it’s normal, and it’s trop that writers like to do- good guy falls in love with bad guy- it’s great. Until…
Now, Splinter has to tell Leo something after he also discovered it. His new born daughter that he thought perished that same night he lost his wife , and that so happened to be the girl Leo was fighting with. (And falling for) Is alive.
My 11 year old self at the time when he told that, made me widen my eyes.
I want to point out that TMNT 2012 is my favorite, and always will be. But that doesn’t mean I won’t point its serious flaws that the writers have done. For example,
Writing Donnie to be a stalker, (He is. There’s no argument about it. Following a girl, and getting caught after being told NOT to, is stalking behavior! Even when there’s good thought behind it! Poor Donnie doesn’t deserve to be written like that, though.) But as soon as we see that character development be “Yeah, I shouldn’t do that. I will stop.” The same girl she falls for is like “NAH, it’s okay because you’re my mutant~! Doesn’t help anything either.
Having Donnie, April, and Casey in this weirdest love triangle ever. (She tells both of them that she needs space at some point, but whenever they DO, she does something that makes that behavior more acceptable at that time. She goes back and forth between them clearly. And again it’s not April’s fault when she has bad writers)
We have Mikey that’s just doing his thing but ends up having something between Renet (whom isn’t born yet, but what the shell, at this point it fits the writing themes beautifully.) and Shinigami (Who wouldn’t, she is literally so hot.)
Now, I KNOW people are going to smite me for this but it’s only fair I still point things out in one of the best ships of the show so I can try to remain as unbiased as possible- Raph meets an alien in space. No questions between if they’re even equivalent to the same age or near, and already starts making out with her only within an episode (perhaps a few days) Kind of just like how Donnie also did with falling for April.
And we don’t see much with Yoshi having a relationship with Tang Shen until season 4, because she’s literally dead, and we haven’t seen any other interaction with her besides Splinter standing ground to his loyalty of his clan.
Do we see the similarities of why these writing flaws is happening? Do you see what they are common with?
They’re all relationships. The entire shows writing flaws, nearly every single one has to do something with relationships.
Every. Single. One.
The writers wanted to put romance into it, and failed miserably.
If you’re still reading this, congrats. I’m not done yet.
I feel as if I need to put some of my life experience into this to hope you all see the point I’m trying to make, and I know people that may have experienced similarly, that they still could have very different opinions to my own.
I’m adopted. And I only found that out when I became a teenager. Just as Karai has. I was lied to over and over and OVER again until I was finally told.
I’m not going to label Leorai something to extreme, but the ways people are defending it, is almost making it look like they know it is at some way, and are trying so hard to make it look like it’s completely fine, and you know what I’m talking about if you’re still reading this post, or you’re catching on to what I’m saying, I’ll make it very short and simple. And it’s really gross and scary how people think it’s okay.
Leo, and the rest of the turtles is related to Karai. Being a sister, or not. If they truly can’t be siblings, they are at least cousins, if we’re going to argue about how they weren’t raised together at all which… doesn’t make someone not related to someone.
And it was established that they both have romantic feelings for each other.
An argument that I saw was that the turtles aren’t technically adopted, or shares any DNA with Karai. (And honestly perhaps not, but we literally can’t rule anything out because we don’t have anything like mutagen in OUR world, so we can’t even argue anything about science because guys, come on… They’re four giant human turtles, and then there’s a literal trash mutant, so I don’t think we can say we’re experts on how mutagen works in this world or not.) So therefor, Leorai doesn’t count as (insert extreme label) And Splinter is also a harsh teacher, so Therefor- they aren’t his sons in any way because he can’t legally make them his sons. What?
Splinter is a mutated rat, and he may have just bot four baby turtles as a human, having no idea what is about to happen. Where is he going to go to the city, and find someone who would let him adopt four mutant turtles, to be his legally, official sons that he loves so much? Are we kidding? We’re going degrade the way that Splinter died and Mikey literally cried out “Papa.” And the thousands of times he calls them his sons and they their father and teacher? Fathers and mothers ARE our life teachers. And splinter KNOWS, that if NONE of them can defend, or fight for themselves, they would be killed easily from the harsh world. Of course his teachings will see VERY harsh. But he is literally preparing them for the worst, because he knows it can happen because he experienced it when he lost his wife to his adopted brother. And comparing to his brother, his brother literally kidnapped his daughter after murdering her mother and attempted murder of his adoptive brother! Why are we saying it’s okay for this heartless man to have the right to have Karai when Splinter can’t even do anything legally because he’ll get killed just from being a mutant?
Why is this even a point to make it seem like Leorai is okay or not? It literally makes no sense to use this as a reason why it is or shouldn’t, it has nothing to relate to it whatsoever. And at the end of the day, this entires shows romantic relationships isn’t okay. It’s just degrading a good father, and praising a horrible one for doing the ‘legal’ and ‘better’ thing??
Okay, another point that I saw was that none of the turtles weren’t raised or even knew Karai to begin with. That is true. They didn’t know she existed; and when they met her, they all didn’t know how she was related to them either way. Until they knew that Karai was Shredder’s daughter, then they definitely knew that the could be in some way. But like… if I find a sibling out there, adoptive, blood or not, I would back the heck out. It’s not the 1800’s where it’s fine to marry your cousin or aunt/uncle. And apart if the argument is that they can’t help their feelings or change them in anyway. (Pardon my language, but what the f*ck.)
Do you know who in the show was raised to be brothers, and ended up hating their guts, like literally? Splinter and Shredder. They changed they way they felt. And yes, it is more extreme comparing it to Leorai, but it’s also stupid not to point it out because it’s obvious.)
People are trying so hard to make it look like Leorai is fine in anyway, and it isn’t. It just plain isn’t. But again, the way people are defending (insert extreme label) They are still related. They. Are. Still. Related. Blood or not, they are. It is not okay to okay this behavior and or/writing that it is.
And people are defending this SO much they really believe and can say that it’s not (insert extreme label) because it only has to have two people be related by blood to make it (insert extreme label). Which isn’t the case, if someone is related to someone in anyway, then it is (inset extreme label.) and if you’re this person, your painting yourself as a person that is okay with in*st in anyway. I said what I said. If people can defend things like this, I can say my thoughts as well.
Get your head out of those sewer apples and GROW up. It’s fine to admit your wrongs and realize that things about your favorite show just isn’t okay. The writers wrote very problematic things, it’s the writers fault, and it’s okay to still like this specific show as a whole. Don’t let nostalgia make you look like you can also defend other problematic things.
Congrats; you made it to the end. Have a pizza 🍕
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thattotalloserrain · 1 year
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I love him
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thattotalloserrain · 5 years
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R.I.P... Memories (Part Two)
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thattotalloserrain · 5 years
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Rewatched Requiem. R.I.P Hamato Yoshi (Part One)
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