terichii · 3 years
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I' M C R Y I I I N G G
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terichii · 3 years
Stalking | Haitani
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Warnings: clumsy english text, typos
Can I just write something before I see these beautiful boys in the new episode?
You knew for sure that you had already seen this guy. By a stupid accident, one day he helped you collect your things that were scattered all over the street. Since then, he surprisingly often began to catch your eye. You noticed him on the way to and from work when you went to the store or just walked around the city. Sometimes he was passing by you and smile, which was confusing, but sometimes you noticed how he was watching from afar. In the end, it was like being paranoid. It seemed that you were about to see these two braids that callused your eyes, sitting on the sofa in your living room.
And you've come to terms with it. Almost. Until something happened.
"You've been finishing up pretty late lately."
"Eh?...",- the familiar voice sent shivers down your spine. You froze, unable to move. But you didn't want to turn your head because you probably knew it was him. Now it was just like a terrible dream that did not want to let you go.
"Do you need a ride?"
Swallowing, you turned around. Yes, it was him. That creepy guy with those stupid braids that you hated. Leaning on the steering wheel of the bike and propping his chin on his hand, he looked at you with a narrowed eye and a grin.
"Uh...n-no, thank you, I'm not far here...", - but you're lying and it seems that he understands this. The time was really late, and you live far away. But right now you were thinking about how to escape from him. You walked further along the street, periodically glancing at him and speeding up your pace. If you had the opportunity, you would have run with all your might now, but you knew that this opportunity was not there. You definitely can't overtake a bike.
The guy caught up with you, looking right into your face, the grin became even wider when he realized what was going on, it seemed that he felt you too well, - "Are you afraid of me?"
"What?? Of course not", - the words, full of indignation, literally burst out of you. No, you weren't afraid of him, you were already sick of seeing him. Isn't that right? Right? ...
From your harsh words, he looked thoughtfully somewhere up into the night sky, before turning back to you, - "That's how...but…"
But you're already gone.
Pausing in mid-sentence, Ran began to look around, peering into the depths of the dark streets. He pursed his lips when he realized where you went – to a remote alley. The place is not the safest.
Your rapid footsteps echoed hollowly from the concrete walls of the narrow alleys. Hoping to take a shortcut and get out of here as soon as possible, you wound through unfamiliar courtyards until you once again came to a dead end.
"Damn",- your thoughts began to get confused again, a tight lump rose somewhere in your throat, you felt panic. If you go back, he will be there. But you're tired of looking for a way out.
"Hey, baby, are you lost?"
Lost in your thoughts, you did not notice how three criminal-looking guys turned out to be nearby. One of them came up to you with an imposing gait, unceremoniously grabbing you by the waist, the disgusting type pulled you closer to him.
"Why are you so tense, relax, we can help you with this, right, guys?", - the guy looked at his friends and laughed, they also took up his initiative.
Unpleasant laughter causes a headache, for a second you thought that you could just give up, that this is not happening to you and it has gone too far.
"Take your hands off!!", - pushing him away from you with a sharp jerk, you jumped back a couple of steps.
The guy staggered, but stood on his feet, although an unpleasant aching pain spread over his chest, which caused his cheerful mood to instantly evaporate, giving way to anger, - "Catch this bitch."
After these words, you immediately slipped back into the narrow alley along which you came, when the others ran after you. Out of the corner of your ear, you heard threats flying after you. You ran, running out of strength until you found an even narrower alley with containers behind which you could hide.
Footsteps and voices echoed past your shelter, sweat broke out on your face, and your legs were buzzing because of the heavy load, but you were still sitting stiffly on the cold, dirty asphalt, unable to move and breathe calmly.
But the panic again covered you when the steps were approaching in your direction, and the shadow fell on the wall of the building opposite. But you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the tall figure of a guy you already know. It seems that for the first time you were happy to see him.
"Are you okay?", - an excited expression appeared on his face as he looked you up and down and held out his hand to help you up.
"Yes, I was just a little scared...", - you accepted the help and got up on your numb legs, brushing off your clothes from the dirt, - "Thank you for...oh...you have blood on your cheek", - you didn't understand why you were worried about him, seeing only a small scratch on his face, but...from this angle, you noted that your pursuer was very cute, which made your cheeks turn pink.
"Hmm?", - passing his hand over his cheek, he looked at his fingers, which really had smeared blood on them, but..- "It's not mine", - the guy smiled gently, which caused you confusion, but you were calm.
"Do you see how many problems there are just because you didn't agree to my offer?", - a light chuckle eased the tension between the two of you as he held out his hand to you again, - "So can I give you a ride?"
Confused, even more, you looked uncertainly into his eyes and, not seeing the danger, carefully put your hand in his, - "I think...yes."
"I think it's starting to rain...", - a familiar voice drawled thoughtfully to your's right, while you were standing at the intersection and was waiting for the green light.
From surprise, you turned around and shuddered – in the crowd of people waiting for the signal, there was him - a guy with blond hair and a very ordinary sharp face. The purple eyes shine a little, brazenly looking at your's face. Without turning around, he opens his umbrella right at the moment when the first thunderclap sounds somewhere in the distance.
"Aren't you afraid of getting wet?", - It became obvious that this guy was talking to you, taking a light step past those standing around.
"No", - you whisper, taking a step back.
Suddenly, a beep is heard behind him. The cars on the road freeze, and the flow of people rushes forward, carrying you away. Your thoughts were confused as your legs desperately carried you somewhere ahead. You had already passed the crossing, but something made you turn around. Your heart stopped for a moment, then began to pound wildly – you saw him among the huge mass of heads. His blond, disheveled hair shone like the sun from under a black umbrella. It seems that he also noticed you – a friendly smile appeared on his face. Lifting his umbrella, he waved vigorously at you with his free hand.
This innocent gesture caused a wave of icy goosebumps to run down your back, and you hurried to escape from a crowded place to some courtyards.
You ran for a long time, ragged breath coming out of your mouth until the strength left you, and you stopped. You needed to catch your breath. The rain was beating harder and harder on your head. Your hair and clothes were soaked through
"You'll catch a cold if you keep running like this," - he suddenly heard very close to your ear.
You jumped on the spot and turned around. It's him again! And how does he manage to catch up with you, while maintaining an absolutely calm appearance?..
The guy came closer, taking advantage of your confusion. He held out his hand. Cold…
His angular hand slid onto your forearm and, moving up, pulled uncomfortably on your wet sleeve.
"What do you want from me?...", - you whispered very softly. Your voice was hoarse, frightened. You were shaking all over.
A real hurricane of thoughts was spinning in your head. The first meeting was on a clear evening, a sweet, promising conversation. When did everything go wrong? Now he was following your constantly. At first, he seemed unobtrusive and courteous – he met you, accompany you through dangerous streets to the house. But...after one of the meetings, everything changed. Or not?
"I just want to walk you home", - as always, he smiled warmly with his simple smile, as if he did not understand how creepy he looks now, in their "accidental" meeting. - "Yes, and this rain is so not at the right time. And I see you don't take an umbrella…"
"Fuck off already!", - you screamed and started running again, leaving the frightening interlocutor in slight confusion.
The rain was falling harder and harder, blurring the view with a solid wall. Where did you run to? You didn't care anymore. A straight section, a turn, another turn, a wide street that you run diagonally, ignoring the indignant shouts in the back. The lights of the signs and windows dance around you. Everything merges into a strange nightmare, where bright colors are just decorations. Your heart continues to pound wildly, the noise of blood in your ears is deafening.
That's when you bump into someone's thick carcass. An elastic blow throws you to the wet asphalt. Your hands are burning with pain, and you finally come to your senses.
You were now sitting in some dark alley, where neither lonely windows nor the black doors of various eateries do not go out.
A moment of confusion.
"S-sorry", - you rise, leaning on a skinned palm. It stings. – "I just…"
"Are you lost, beautiful?" - A high-pitched adult voice was heard.
You lookup. In front of you is a heavy man significantly exceeding you in height. He chuckles slightly as he looks at you. And now he was reaching out to you
"Let me examine your hands...", - a hard grip shackles your right wrist, pulls forward.
You are overwhelmed by panic, you can't resist it, are absolutely tired. From despair and pain, you began to howl softly.
"Well, well", - the man encouraged you, smiling maliciously, continuing to pull you to him. – "There's nothing terrible here, dear, now I'll help you get rid of the pain…"
The other hand was also close to your body. It seemed that something irreparable was about to happen.
"Don't...please let me go!", - you whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut in a fit of hopelessness.
And then something happened.
You opened one eye, unable to restrain a strange curiosity. The man let go of your hand, and all his attention was now focused on the guy standing almost between them. With one hand he continued to squeeze the umbrella, the water from which was just trickling down the rough man's neck, and with the other, he was squeezing his fat wrist.
"I think they told you to let go," - he said seriously, looking straight into the small, surprising beady eyes.
"What?", - that's all the boar said, after which he tried to crush the stranger with his mass, stepping forward.
What happened next, you remembered vaguely. More precisely, you just didn't have time to remember exactly what happened. The guy only smiled rapaciously at the fat man's movement, after which he made several blows so fast that you simply did not catch them all. Just sharp shadows under the light of a lone lantern suddenly crashed into a thick carcass. The pig didn't even say anything, just fell back, collapsing on the garbage bags against the wall.
Realizing that it was all over, you turned her gaze to your pursuer and were amazed. He stood there, absolutely calm, smiling affably and holding out his hand to her.
"It's dangerous to go home alone. Can I walk you out?"
A lump rose in your throat, but you immediately overcame herself and took the stranger by the hand. - "Yes, I think I should agree"
You smiled sweetly back at him, then obediently stood under a wide umbrella, and together you moved to the exit of the alley.
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terichii · 3 years
Your second meeting - Baji
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Warnings: clumsy english text, typos Part 1 Part 2/6
The bump on the head continued to ache even after a couple of days. Lifting the curls, you tried to look at this in the mirror. "In this city, even if you don't want to, you will become a participant or a victim of these showdowns." The not-so-pleasant thoughts were followed by a sigh of disappointment. The weekend was hopelessly ruined and now you were standing in the hallway, looking at your silhouette before leaving the house. But all your thoughts were occupied only by this guy.
"Would I like to see him again?"
But the reflection in the mirror only repeated your question.
The key clicked in the lock, the sun mercilessly baked your back and you already hated this day. But as soon as you got out on the road…
Fortunately (or not), it's as if the universe itself has answered your question, with which you used to torture your second self on the other side of the mirror. "Baji...", - a slight blush covered your cheeks, you felt awkward, like a second-grader watching a guy she likes, - "What are you doing here?"
But he himself couldn't really answer this question.
"I wanted to check on you", - his cheeky grin disappeared from his face and he looked away somewhere to the side,- "Are you going somewhere?"
"Ah...yes..part-time job…"
There was an awkward silence. Probably right now you were experiencing conflicting feelings. You wanted to run away somewhere, hide, but you were so comfortable with him and you wanted to grab his attention so much. You knew you liked him. After a few days of reflection, you realized that this is not just a nice guy in front of whom you felt awkward and shy at the first meeting.
"Do you want to ride a bike?", - the grin appeared on his face again, he looked at you with a challenge, waiting for you to accept it or not.
"Do you want to give me a ride to work?", you giggled at his sudden suggestion, but he cut you off abruptly
"I want you to ride with me."
"Eh?" - unfamiliar feelings came over you in a new wave, a small tremor broke through your body, mixed with bewilderment.
Suddenly, a helmet was put on your head. And for a second, you were back in the same position as before. His hands are a little rough and clumsy grabbing your head. And his face is right in front of you.
"Baji, I'm…"
"So that your head doesn't get hurt again," - his mischievous smile inspired confidence, but still…
"What about work?"
"To hell", - Baji climbed on his bike and looked at you over his shoulder, - "Jump in"
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♡ don't forget to subscribe, my little peaches 🍑 Thank you!
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terichii · 3 years
hello! i dont know if ur currently taking requests or not - if not feel free to delete this!
can i request for mikey, where he and his s/o argues about something serious and he accidentally says something that’s sensitive to the reader - causing them to suggest a break up out of the blue and how would mikey react? thank you!!
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Okay, as I said, English is not my native language, so I hope I understood the request correctly, anyway I hope you like it ~
Warnings: clumsy english text, typos
You always knew that these games of "cool guys" could one day turn into something serious. Often you were a bystander to their meetings, their fights, their problems. But one day it stopped being a carefree youth…
"That's crossing the line, Mikey"
And this is not the first time you have tried to convince him. But every time something happens in his fate that gives him even more confidence for such a decision. He was depressed. You knew that. You wanted to help.
"You can't influence my decision, [Y/N]"
You were exhausted. You understood that your paths were diverging, but you didn't want to let this happen.
"I'm begging you, Mikey, just listen to me. You don't need this, you understand??", - in each such conversation, your voice broke into a scream, tears welled up in your eyes, it was a hopeless situation, - "Why don't you think about me??! Together we will cope with everything, I promise you!!", - you clung to his shoulders, grabbing for the last hope…
But you knew that it was all useless. Every time you looked into his empty glass gaze - you didn't see the old Mikey there. Each time, he stood silently in front of you, his head lowered. There was tension in the air, he looked straight into your eyes, but there was not a single emotion on his face.
"[Y/N]...I have my reasons for this, which do not concern you", - despite the strong grip, he removed your hands and was about to leave.
You couldn't leave it like that.
"But why do I have to tolerate such an attitude on your part??!", - your voice was gradually filled with anger, for the fact that he didn't appreciate your relationship, for the fact that he stopped appreciating you, you did not hesitate to yell at him for this, it was painful, it was insulting, - "It's your own fault that you are loosing!! You are doing this right now, but it will all end when you realize that the reason is your inadequate desires!!"
"Shut up…Fuck, how much do you need to be a stupid hysterical bitch to constantly tell me this fucking shit??"
His angry look and aggressive words devastated you. You're tired of all this. You're tired of Mikey.
"Let's break up."
You looked at him with a challenge. Right now, there was no love, there was no tenderness or compassion. It's your turn to look at him with an indifferent look.
"[Y/N]...", - something inside him shrank when he looked at you like this, right now it seemed to him that he was looking at himself from the outside, the words stuck somewhere in his throat, he can't let this happen, right?, - "[Y/N]... please forgive me...", - he slowly came up to you, hugging and held you close, his chin pressed into your shoulder, his nose buried in your neck and this time you heard his voice break, - "Please forgive me...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I'm sorry", - the apologies flowed in an endless stream, - "I love you, [Y/N]...I can't lose you...not you...not again...I really love you"
You were the only thread in his heart that he could not allow to break, so as not to lose himself.
♡ don't forget to subscribe, my little peaches 🍑 Thank you!
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terichii · 3 years
Heyyy there friend. I was wondering if I could get draken with a fem s/o who was feeling a bit insecure cause she feels as if she not pretty enough.And she tells him she was jealous of how him and Emma were close. She tells him that , didn't want to ruined thier beautiful relationship.
Have a nice day 😊
Warnings: clumsy english text, typos
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The room was in a soft semi-darkness, broken only by the faint glow of the moon, escaping from the crack of the half-open window. On the crumpled blanket of the disassembled bed lay a muddy silver print, trying either to touch or to cover the traces of those feelings that filled the room. Those feelings were now slowly eroding into the street.
From the wall opposite the window, dozens of eyes from photographs were looking at the bed, shimmering in the dark and, until recently, causing embarrassment and awkwardness…
And to the right of this wall, passing through a narrow door, a light draft rustled the remnants of clothes hanging on the bedside hanger, after which it was carried away from the room into the open corridor door, from which came the ringing female moans mixed with a symphony of creaking beds…
You leaned your bare shoulder against the cool wooden surface of the board with photos. A huge advantage of cork boards is the aroma of wood, which never fades and sets the mood for memories. Photos, hobbies, woody fragrance – all in one place. So nice. Such nostalgia. A small finger traced invisible threads from photo to photo. You knew every name. Mikey, Mitsuya, Baji, you were so cute, weren't you? You smiled at your thoughts until you stopped at the photo that was located in one of the most prominent places. Caught your eye every time you walked into this room and looked in the direction of the blackboard. "Emma..."
"...so beautiful"
"Oh," you just realized that your thoughts broke out into the real world, but continued, - "Emma is very beautiful"
"Yes? I think it is"
You looked at Draken sadly. The guy was leaning on a bookshelf, he was holding a phone in his other hand and seemed to be typing a message to someone. His face was relaxed but focused, a few curls of loose hair stuck to his temples. A thin sheet covered his nakedness, but you could see his broad shoulders and torso. After all, he was just yours, so why are you so sad now?
"Do you...like her?", - you ask this question hardly, the words didn't want to come out and stuck in a lump somewhere in your throat.
"What?",- this time, Draken was surprised.
You looked from him back to the photo of them together. A beautiful couple, right? She is so sweet, kind, stylish. Does she have any disadvantages at all? Why then...Why did you rush into their relationship like a hurricane and ruin everything? But on the other side, why did you have to let go of a person who was driving you crazy? It's just that at one point you and Emma became rivals. And what if because you hurt her, then it will hurt you later?
"You know, I know how much she liked you. She still likes you. I've ruined your relationship. The ones that are now. The ones that could have been. I don't know, maybe I was just...jealous? I don't know, but these thoughts are driving me crazy, Draken, I…"
Suddenly, you felt his strong arms wrap around your bare stomach and press you against his chest. The sudden warmth of his still hot body sent shivers down your spine. His hair tickled your neck as he approached your ear:
"You're beautiful. And for me, you are the most beautiful girl. I love you, [Y/N]"
♡ don't forget to subscribe, my little peaches 🍑
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terichii · 3 years
Your first meeting - Baji
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This is a large project that will include 6 parts. 6 characters: Mikey, Draken, Mitsuya, Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora (maybe I'll add someone later). There are 6 stories per character. Subscribe to my blog so as not to miss new parts and favorite characters.
Warnings: clumsy english text Part 1/6 Part 2
Finally, you have a completely free day. Today you abandoned all your household chores, all your hobbies, it was a useless lazy day. All you had to do was go to the store to buy some delicious treats and spend the rest of the day on the couch. Which you did. The bag was full of food and you decided to cut through the park. At the same time, at least take a little walk before locking yourself in a stuffy room.
The moment was right. There was no one in the park this morning. The sun was breaking through the rustling leaves, birds were chirping on every tree and the summer heat had not yet had time to accumulate in this park. You took a deep breath of fresh air and already forgot about the heavy bag in your hands. For a second, you thought about spending an hour or two here, walking along the paths, sitting on a bench by a small lake that was in the depths of the park, and having a snack with something from the stocks you just bought.
"Hey, watch out!!"
The relaxed smile on your face was replaced by surprise when you looked in the direction where the voice was heard, but before you realized it, you were knocked down. The collision was strong enough, you felt everything jump inside you, the bag flew out of your hands and you landed right on the path covered with stone chips and sand, hitting your head painfully on a flat curb. It got dark in your eyes and you lost coordination. The place of the blow burned, and a nagging pain began to spread all over the head.
"You fucking bastards, what the fuck??!"
"Mmm...", - you tried to sit up, while in the distance you heard voices and sounds...sounds of blows? Your instinct for self-preservation was turned off, or maybe you just didn't feel the danger.
"Girl, are you okay??", - a guy runs up to you, clumsily threw himself on his knees in front of you, and grabbed your head with his hands.
"Oh, damn...", - you reflexively grabbed his hands, but at that moment you saw him. He was a young guy with long black hair that framed his pale face. He was focused on what he was doing. There were few drops of blood on his cheeks, his eyebrow and lip were split. In general, he also didn't look very good.
You looked behind him. There was no one there anymore. An empty path leading deep into the park.
"Were you beaten up?.."
"Huh? What? No, of course not."
"Your face…"
"Scratches. I missed a couple of punches while I was looking to see if you were alive there", -the guy grinned, - "Come on", - he threw your arm over his shoulder, and the other one put his arm around your waist and in one moment put you on your feet.
"Oh...", - a strange pulling feeling appeared in your stomach from such proximity, your cheeks immediately turned pink, and fingertips tingled, - "I'm really fine. Thanks."
"I'm sorry"
"I say, I'm sorry", - his fingers tightened on your waist, - "I don't know how it happened."
"No, no, I understand everything", - you smiled shyly, - "But the best excuse would be if you help me get to the bench and collect all my snacks."
On his face that cute grin that charmed you so much appeared again. He put his jacket on a cold bench and helped you sit down, - "Hey, don't you think it's unsafe to walk in such shorts in a deserted park?", his gaze lingered on your bare, scratched legs.
"I can also stand up for myself, you know", - you smiled, feeling his smooth jacket under you. Even so, you could his smell and feel his warmth. You immediately recognized the notes of cool vetiver, which undoubtedly suited his character and even his appearance. Right now, he was painstakingly collecting everything that was scattered on the path and lawn, you couldn't look away, he seemed so beautiful to you. Maybe it's all because of the hit? Thoughts followed each other in your head. This day has suddenly become the most terrible and happy in your life. "Maybe I have a chance...?"
"Hey, I'm done."
You looked up and came across his radiant smile. "What's wrong with him, damn it, what's wrong WITH ME??". You turned away from him and continued to reproach yourself for such behavior. Of course, exists cute boys who you pay attention to a little more than you would like, but what is it?? You heard the creak of the wet boards of the bench and felt his warmth. "why why why why why"
"What's your name?"
"Excuse me?"
"I'm tired of calling you "hey", tell me your name", - right now he was looking in your direction, looking right at your face, you felt it, it's so uncomfortable, so embarrassing.
He sat up straight and looked somewhere in front of him, out of the corner of your eye you saw that he was thinking, and then he grinned again, " [Y/N]...I'm Baji"
There was a sudden silence. You heard that rustle of leaves again, which you heard when you first entered this park. Right now, your heart was pounding like crazy. He was so...so…
"Well", - Baji abruptly got up from the bench, and from such a sharp movement you flinched, it seems that now you can expect anything from him. You felt that you were even a little afraid of him, after that strange phrase about your shorts, especially. Too unpredictable. He helped you up, threw his jacket over your shoulders, and took a heavy bag, " I'll walk you home"
"Oh my God"
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terichii · 3 years
Hii~ If it’s fine can I ask for a draken x fem reader where she’s a worker at the same brothel he lives in and he’s there really close and he’s pretty protective of her since they’re dating and one day she meets takemichi along with hina and emma and he accidentally trips and kind of gropes her, and draken gets kind of mad he threatens takemichi but she stops him b/c she knew it was an accident after that draken apologizes and makes it clear she’s his girlfriend and how he’s protective of her :3
(And everyone is aged up and if you can, can there be a jealous Emma to I love her but I also love draken😭)
Hi, sweety, your request first in my blog and I'm so glad that this story was so unusual and interested experience ✨✨✨ I hope I have understand your idea and you will like this ♡
Warnings: clumsy english text
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Should not hide the fact that you have been communicating with the Draken for quite a long time. He was always an attentive companion, sweet and kind. When you needed help, he helped you. When you were sad, he supported you. At some point, you began to understand each other's feelings and emotions. He had a busy life, since adolescence he was a participant in serious conflicts, and the older, the more difficult. You didn't come here because you wanted to, either. Over time, both of you sank lower and lower, but everyone began to change random events.
"Why the fuck should I pay such money for such a stupid whore?!", - a thick-set man was shouting at the top of his voice in the hall. His face was bright red with anger, while you were standing, covered with a sheet and with your head down. All the waiting visitors looked out to find out what was going on.
"Describe briefly what did not suit you, so that we would assess the situation and return the money to you", - the man behind the counter was not affected by his screams and enraged state, he remained calm and was indifferent to the situation as a whole, which further enraged his interlocutor.
"I don't fucking have to explain how this girl provided services, come on, ask her yourself", - roughly grabbing your wrist, the fat guy pulled you on himself, - "Let's ask, well", - he looked at you with angry eyes, - "What did you do??"
"I would ask more politely…"
"SHUT YOUR MOUTH", - interrupting the man, he began to squeeze and shake your hand painfully, - "Come on, answer, slut...though...you know what, if I didn't get the service, then I don't have to pay and other people need to see the defective product from afar..."
The fat guy raised his hand to strike, which you just squinted at because he held you too tightly for you to get out and stand up for yourself. But you didn't feel the impact. When you opened your eyes, you saw how Draken intercepted his hand, then twisted it behind his back.
"Should I break your hands so that you don't raise them on girls, you bastard?"
This memory has remained as vivid to this day. Then you started communicating even more, and you didn't realize that you were developing feelings for him. It was becoming increasingly difficult to serve clients. You felt disgusted when you provided services to various ugly types. But one day you realized that you were representing Draken instead of all these people. You saw his focused face, how his hair falls over his shoulders, and how perfect his cock is for you.
"Hey, [Y/N], what are you thinking about?"
"I just remembered something", - you smiled at your memories, now it was nice to realize that he is always near.
You were walking through the evening streets of Shibuya. A warm breeze pleasantly blew over your face, illuminated by the rays of the setting sun. You took his hand in a desire to be even closer to him. Draken smiled gently, hiding behind his smile a slight blush that appeared on his cheeks.
"Draken-kun!!", - your idyll was interrupted by a familiar voice, to which you both turned, - "Unexpectedly to meet you here", - Takemichi smiled at you with his brightest smile, that after this it is simply impossible to be angry with him.
"Oh, are you with Hina and Emma? Shopping? "
"Something like that...", - the guy showed you a bunch of shopping bags that he had to drag.
"Yes, and we decided to introduce Emma to someone", - Hinata intervened in your conversation, laughing playfully, although she noticed that her friend wasn't laughing, - "Emma?"
"Oh, no, it's alright", - the blonde forced a smile, apparently still tormented by old feelings.
"In that case, do you mind if we..." - the next step for Takemichi turned out to be fatal. Tripping over the uneven asphalt, which he did not notice because of the large number of packages, the guy with a grimace of horror and confusion flew straight at you. All the bags flew out of his hands with a crash when he tried to somehow soften his fall, but everything turned out to be useless. All you felt next was pain. However, you were smarter and managed to land without injury.
It doesn't matter what happened in the past between Takemichi and Draken, but he's not going to tolerate this. It was enough for him that you met in a brothel. A tight vein appeared on his temple, and his fists clenched by themselves.
Your chest ached from the received blow, as you understood, with Takemichi's forehead, plus, he convulsively tried to apologize to you, because of which he buried his knee in your crotch and, even more embarrassed, in an attempt to correct the situation and justify himself to the Draken, touched your boobs, after which he experienced the whole spectrum of horror.
Grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and lifting him off you like a kitten in one movement, Draken pushed the guy away from him and swung for a blow, but…
"Ken, wait!!"
"Eh?", - he looked at you in bewilderment but did not injure Takemichi.
"Stop it, it's too much", - you looked at the frightened poor thing, who was barely holding back his sobs, here they are, the consequences of a hopeless situation, - "Nothing terrible happened, so you shouldn't apologize", - you smiled your sweetest smile to defuse the situation and took Draken by the hand, - "You don't need to be so aggressive, honey."
"Tts", - Emma, who was happy about the situation, suddenly drooped and threw a dissatisfied look at you.
"So you are...dating?" - Hinata covered her mouth with her hand in surprise and smiled, - You look very cute together, don't you, Em ... ma...?
"A great couple, considering that it was possible to choose..."
"That's it, we went, Takemichi, right?" - the girl began to push her friend to continue the evening shopping and not create even more ridiculous situations.
"Uh ... but.."
"Come on, Takemichi!!"
You two just stood there, holding hands and looking after the people who were leaving.
"They are, of course, funny, but was it just my imagination or Emma is jealous?", - you looked into Draken's eyes, excitement crept into your heart, because once upon a time you saw photos of Emma in his room, - "Do you think she...?"
"No", - the guy interrupted you, - "But even if so, everything is long in the past, and now..." - Draken leaned over to you and pressed his forehead to yours, - "...now I love only you", - followed by a long, filled with his love, kiss.
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terichii · 3 years
Your first meeting - Mitsuya
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Warnings: clumsy english text Part 1/6
"Excuse me, I search Takashi Mitsuya"
A tall, slightly creepy-looking guy with a shaved head on which you could see the bluish hue of his hair and the pattern on his temple, stared at you blankly.
"Sorry, I search...HEY", - you didn't finish the sentence as the guy silently walked on, leaving you in complete disbelief, - "God, I knew that this school is strange, but this is too much…"
You were lucky enough to meet the girls inside the school, who kindly escorted you to their school club. There was a sign on the door that said "Home Economics Club," which at first confused you a little. The classroom inside was furnished with tables with countless sewing machines and various fabrics. The sun was setting, so there was only one person in the club – probably, Mitsuya.
"Excuse me, are you Takashi Mitsuya?"
You imagined it quite differently. First of all, when you were told that the sewing master is a guy, you were a little surprised. Secondly, you imagined him as a shy, reserved boy who would be afraid of girls, like the guy at the entrance to the school. Third, you didn't expect him to be so...stylish? And a little intimidating, of course.
"Yes, it's me. I'm sorry about that guy you met at the school gate. He has a bit of a communication problem", - Mitsuya smiled warmly at you and showed you the screen of his phone where a text message from that guy had just arrived, - "So what can I do for you?"
His soft smile and relaxed gaze made you feel warm somewhere inside. Right now, you felt so comfortable, like you were walking into a room that was too warm.
"A...um, yes, my friends recommended you to me as a sewing master and, if possible, I would like to make an order", - you frantically took out a piece of paper folded in half with all the information and handed it to the guy.
He was surprised, but he took the note out of your hands.
While Mitsuya was carefully reading what was written on it and thinking about it, you felt embarrassed.
"What's wrong with me...I couldn't have liked him so suddenly..." - following your thoughts, your cheeks also flushed, for some reason it was getting hot here.
"Oh...your face is red, is everything okay? This room is well heated, so we usually open the windows", - the guy removed the measuring tape from his neck and put it in one of the lockers, - "I'm done for today, so you came in very timely. Are you ready to discuss the details?"
Slinging his school bag over his shoulder, he went to the door and opened it for you. Indeed, when you stepped out into the corridor, a cool breeze touched your face, which immediately cooled you down. A light switch clicked behind you and Mitsuya locked the classroom, inviting you to walk with him until you left the school, - "If you're happy with everything, then come to the address I gave you. We will take measurements, select the fabric and I will tell you exactly how long it will take. Okay?"
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terichii · 3 years
Your first meeting - Draken
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Warnings: clumsy english text Part 1/6
"I think it's here"
You were standing along with the tall buildings of the central Shibuya district. The huge bright signs attracted all your attention, you carefully studied each of them, looking for even the smallest signs to find the name of the company. Crowds of people hurried about their business and a little disturbed you. You've finally found what you were looking for. A relatively small building that housed several companies. You went inside and entered the elevator by pressing the button for the right floor. At least, that's what you thought…
The elevator doors opened with a distinctive clang, and several people immediately looked at you.
"Welcome",- the man behind the glass automatically greeted you, as he would any other customer, and returned to the conversation with the other man standing at the counter.
One of the girls smiled warmly at you, - "What time do you have an appointment?"
"Um ... I didn't have an appointment", - you were a little confused by her appearance, a rather young girl in a very short skirt and a tight top, "But it's summer, right? I think this is normal"
"Then let me make an appointment for you. What services are you interested in? You can view the flyer and choose a girl for an additional fee."
"Excuse me?.. Choose...a girl?"
"Oh, please, don't be shy. We have a very wide range of intimate services for women."
Her sweet smile baffled you. There was definitely something wrong here. Looking around, you realized that the walls were hung with posters of naked girls. Somewhere there was a giggle and a loud slap, and then a girl ran into the hall in her underwear, which also looked so ... erotic? You were clutching a flyer that had been given to you, which had the same photos, as well as prices and a list of services. All you wanted to do now was falling through the ground, your face burning with shame and embarrassment, while your interlocutor was still smiling sweetly.
"No-no-no-no-no, you misunderstood!!... Oh, my God, I... I just came for an interview!!", - you waved your hands furiously to justify your presence here, but only then did, you realize that you had said something even more embarrassing.
"Excuse me, in that case, how old are you?", - the girl looked at you skeptically, - "Can I bring you a questionnaire?"
"No, I...I...",- you could only make a pitiful squeak, like a kitten, lost in your own thoughts, you just wanted to suddenly wake up and realize that it was just a bad dream. You've never been so ashamed before.
"What's going on?", - a tall guy with blond hair walked into the hall, his clothes looked different, and overall he was very different as if he didn't fit the place. "What's the matter?", - raising his voice a little, he frowned at the man standing at the counter.
"No, Kenchin, it's all right", - the girl in underwear grabbed the guy's arm, pulling him away from the terrified man, - "It's just that we're going to have a new girl",- she giggled and pointed in you.
"No, IT'S NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL", - your voice broke, and you almost shouted the last phrase, - "I came for an interview at [company name, at your discretion] on a part-time basis!! But I got here by accident. I'm not interested in your services, sorry, It's a mistake ...", - there was tears in your eyes, you were ashamed and embarrassed, and when this strange guy about your age showed up, things got even worse.
"I'll walk you out."
You looked at the guy who came closer. Up close, he seemed even bigger, and you swallowed.
"N-No, just tell me where to go...", - you wiped away your tears and smiled at him. You were sincerely glad that in such a situation there was a person who understood you and didn't laugh at this ridiculous incident.
"And you can get lost again? You know, there are plenty of places like this."
You both got on the elevator when it arrived, and you felt awkward that this guy was helping you, but it was so comfortable beside him that you forgot about this destructive feeling of shame. In the small elevator, he was standing so close that you felt protected.
"I'm Ken Ryuguji. But everyone calls me Draken."
Perhaps he felt something similar. After all, what's the point of telling your name to a girl you'll never see again?
"Nice to meet you, Draken...I'm [Y/N]."
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terichii · 3 years
Wanna tea with me?
Hey ~ A little bit about me and my blog -> 1. I accept requests (Tokyo Revengers only) So text me A lot 2. Really love Ran 3. Draw a little So in my blog you will see • STORY (of course if you send requests) • arts and screenshots • my oc and her story ...and many other pieces Warnings: I am SO sorry if there are mistakes in my stories, because English is not my native language. Anyway, I'm waiting for you ~
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