tankism · 2 years
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tankism · 2 years
"In order to build, we must have knowledge, mastery of science. And knowledge entails study. We must study perseveringly and patiently. We must learn from everyone, both from our enemies and from our friends, especially from our enemies. We must clench our teeth and study, not fearing that our enemies may laugh at us, at our ignorance, at our backwardness.
Before us stands a fortress. That fortress is called science, with its numerous branches of knowledge. We must capture that fortress at all costs. It is our youth who must capture that fortress, if they want to be builders of the new life, if they want to be real successors of the old guard."
- J. V. Stalin, Speech Delivered at the Eighth Congress of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (1928)
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tankism · 2 years
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Sketches for posters for the third anniversary of the October revolution, 1920.
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tankism · 2 years
Hey what's a good history book to learn about the ussr that isn't blatant capitalist propaganda
Another view of Stalin by Ludo Martens
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tankism · 3 years
Today I was in the city, walking to the bus stop with my friend when we got stopped by an old man who said I looked like a “nice Jewish girl” and proceeded to follow us and compliment me for the next two blocks. I honestly don’t know if it was because I’m Jewish or not but it was terrifying. Never stop speaking out and don’t forget to advocate for yourselves. Stay safe ❤️✡️
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tankism · 3 years
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Two photos by Esther Bubley, from her series on life in a Jewish boarding house where her sister lived.
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tankism · 3 years
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sigbeqboibe 😭😭 wy hw nugq loko💀iwk
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tankism · 3 years
The Romaniote Jews, Europe’s oldest Jewish Community
The Romaniote Jews are one of the oldest Jewish communities and the oldest community in Europe. For over two thousand years, they have lived in the small city of Loannina, Greece. These Jews are ethnically unique from Ashkenazim and Sephardim and are rather “Romaniote” Jews.
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This branch of Judaism can be traced back to the Roman Empire, and are considered hellenized or Greek Jews. While maintaining their Jewish identity, they also adopted the language and customs of Greek civilization. They speak a dialect called Judaeo-Greek. This is a prime example of acculturating but not assimilating.
In its conservatism and resilience to change, the Jewish community of Loannina reflected the wider Christian community and northern region of Greece in which it existed. It is this quality which kept the community intact for so many centuries, unlike the majority of other Romaniote communities in Greece, Loannina Jews never became absorbed into the prevalent and much larger Sephardic community, adopting neither its language nor traditions.
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Romaniote vs Sephardic customs
The Romaniote customs differ from Sephardic customs in the incorporation of piyyutim (liturgical poems) in a mixture of Greek and Hebrew and the order of the service.
The differences in celebration of holidays is shown with the use of different foods. Sephardic Jews eat rice at Pesach, where Loannina Jews do not.
In a traditional Sephardic synagogue, the tevah is in the center, whereas at a Romaniote synagogue, it is on the far western wall facing the ark with the Torah scrolls.
Like many other diaspora Jews who live in isolation do, the Romaniote Jews have developed customs not practiced by others. One example of this is an Aleph.
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An Aleph is a hand made birth certificate for a baby boy. It includes prayers, date of birth, and a sentence from the Torah. The sentence is then recited by father to child each Friday night.
The Loanninote Jews and the Holocaust
In World War Two, after the axis powers occupied Greece, many Greek Jews were murdered. It is estimated that 86% of Greek Jews died in the Holocaust. Some were even forced to pay for their own tickets to death camps.
On March 25, 1944, 1,860 Romaniote Jews (men, women, children, babies, and the elderly) were loaded into trucks and deported to Auschwitz. Only among 200 of them returned, many moving to the United States and other parts of the world, though some remained in Greece, and there are about 4500-6000 there today.
One Loanninote survivor named Artemis Batis (Miron.) She was just 15 when she was taken to Auschwitz. Upon arrival, her mother, little brother, grandmother, and most of her extended family were sent to the gas chambers, while she was sent into the camp for slave labor. In 1946, after her liberation, she married a man named Yosef Miron and had three children and many grandchildren.
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A memorial for the survivors can be found in a synagogue in Loannina. Appearing on this panel are the names of Artemis’s family.
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These Jews are another example of strength and endurance in the Jewish community. Despite their history of persecution, they still remain.
“If I was asked to sum up the Jewish community of Ioannina, I would say that it was an ancient community that despite two thousand years of different regimes, rulers, and laws, managed to exist and observe its Jewish customs and traditions without assimilating, and for that, it deserves a prize.” - Artemis Miron
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tankism · 3 years
Antisemitism vs Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism is often used as a substitute for the word antisemitism. While seemingly normal, using this rendering is actually harmful to the Jewish community and distorts the entire meaning of the word.
The term anti-Semite was invented in Germany in 1879 by Wilhelm Marr in his pamphlet “The Way to Victory of Germanicism over Judaism.” This term was used to refer to the anti Jewish sentiments of the period and give Jewish hatred a more scientific sounding name.
The term Semitic referred to a group of languages originating in the Middle East. Today, these languages are spoken by millions across Western Asia and North Africa. Following this semantic logic, the conjunction of the prefix anti with Semitism indicates antisemitism as referring to all people who speak Semitic languages or to all those classified as Semites. The term has, however, since its inception referred to prejudice against Jews alone.
According to the definition, antisemitism has been accepted and understood to mean hatred against Jews. The Oxford language dictionary defines it as hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.
Antisemitism is not the hatred of Semitism or Semites. It is the hatred of Jews. Especially since there are some Semites/those who speak Semitic languages that are antisemitic.
In the 1900s, the term Semite provided a class used to categorize humans based on racist pseudoscience. At the same time, journalist Marr was using it to spread anti Jewish campaign. The modern term gained popularity in Germany and Europe incorporating traditional Christian anti Judaism, political, social and economic anti Jewish manifestations that arose during the Enlightenment in Europe, and a pseudoscientific racial theory that culminated in Nazi ideology in the twentieth century. Although the historically new word only came into common usage in the nineteenth century, the term antisemitism is today used to describe and analyze past and present forms of opposition or hatred towards Jews.
By separating the two terms, you are legitimizing this race based pseudoscience. Jewish Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer says “Anti-Semitism is altogether an absurd construction, since there is no such thing as Semitism to which it might be opposed.” 
At a time of increased violence and rhetoric aimed towards Jews, it is important to use the correct terms when speaking about Jews and antisemitism. The word antisemitism should be read as a unified word. There should be no room for confusion when dealing with antisemitism.
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tankism · 3 years
The United Partisan Organization
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Formed January 21, 1942, the FPO (labeled after its Yiddish initials) became the first Jewish resistance organization that was established in the ghettos of occupied Europe during World War II. It brought together socialist, right wing, Marxist, and bundist Jews all in the name of protecting themselves and preserving Judaism.
The goals of the United Partisan Organisation were to establish self defense in the ghetto, sabotage the German industrial and military activities, and to join the Red army’s fight against the Germans.
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For many months, the underground resistance worked towards liberation and achieving their goals, improving the lives of those kept in the Vilna ghetto as much as they could. They all took care and protected eachother.
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The members of the FPO were able to flee into the forest and reached the Soviet partisan units, where they joined and fought to liberate Vilna in 1944.
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tankism · 3 years
The last Jews of Radauti: a photoessay by Laurence Salzmann
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Laurence Salzmann is a Philadelphia born and based photographer and filmmaker. His work documents and focuses on the lives of marginalized groups, both in the United States and abroad.
In 1974, Salzmann traveled to Romania. Over the next two years, he photographed and lived in the town of Radauti, at that time home to a dwindling Jewish community. A community that was tore down and largely displaced by the Holocaust. Salzmann notes, "Six thousand Romanian Jews perished during World War II; some died in concentration camps in Transnistria, but most did not survive the initial hardships of deportation. At the end of the war, a few returned, only to find their homes gone and the life they had known swept away."
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tankism · 3 years
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tankism · 3 years
The fact that thousands of Jewish families across the United States are being forced to decide whether to send their children to their first day of school or observe their religious practices is just more proof that antisemitism is culturally Ingrained and that westerners never cared about diversity or considering religious and ethnic minorities. Having one of the most important school days on one of the most important Jewish holidays (Rosh Hashanah) is so tone deaf, especially with the increasing amount of antisemitism and violence against America’s Jewish community this year.
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tankism · 3 years
the absorption and integration of people, ideas, or culture into a wider society or culture. (Oxford English Dictionary)
Cultural assimilation is the process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group. ... Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group.
Over the course of the last couple of millenia, the Jewish people have been forcibly assimilated and our identities have been colonized. Whether that be through mandated conversion, expulsion and ghettoisation, or practice theft, our culture has been taken, stolen, twisted, and watered down. Most Jews nowadays are incredibly distanced from Judaism, and those who are connected to their culture are still extremely assimilated. The latter must work to deassimilate, while the former, in order to deassimilate, must also establish a connection to their Judaism.
The process of connecting to Judaism is a hard one, which is why so many Jews have little to no affiliation. I was lucky enough to be raised in an orthodox Jewish home and taught all about my culture, but for those who have not had that privilege I would recommend finding a local Jewish community or talking to a Rabbi. People are extremely friendly and you will be welcomed with open arms, even just to connect culturally and not religiously if that is what’s right for you. This is an important part of decolonizing your Jewish identity: reclaiming the culture and practice that was stolen from you, even in small ways like lighting candles on Friday nights or going to Temple once a month. Not only will you be more connected to G-d, you’ll be more connected to your people and your ancestors who were forced to let go of these traditions or slaughtered for continuing them.
Then comes the problem of assimilation. Assimilation is part of the reason so many diaspora Jews are so disconnected from their Judaism; it’s hard to maintain that cultural identity in melting-pot countries. A lot of this assimilation happened because of antisemitism: Holocaust surivors and other Jews decided to let go of their Judaism in a post-Holocaust world, either because of trauma or new antisemitism in the countries they moved to. They were, ironically, doing exactly what a lot of antisemites wanted them to do, which was to completely integrate into society, to stop being a “disloyal” and separate people.
However, I do not advocate against assimilation simply to spite antisemites. As we saw in the Holocaust, assimilation does not save us from the stronger forms of antisemitism. The Nazis did not care how culturally integrated you were, because to them Jews weren’t just a cultural menace, they were a racial stain. Jewish people, to the Nazis and to the white supremacists of today, are not white or black or any race except Jewish, no matter the color of our skin. Assimilation will not save us, it will only cause us to lose our culture and the means to protect each other. When we hold onto our community, we are much more able to ward of violence towards us.
To deassimilate we must reject the ways we can integrate into society and blend in. Many of us have Jewish ethnic features, but those are not totally distinguishable and usually go unnoticed. To be visibly Jewish, express your Jewish culture: wear a kippah or a tichel, wear your Magen David, put a mezuzah on the doorpost of your apartment and say Shabbat Shalom to anyone you pass on Shabbat, whether they are Jewish or not. You can reject your Judaism, fade into the crowd, and have connection to your nationality’s culture only, but by doing so you are accepting the cultural geniocide that has been waged against Jews since the diaspora began. By doing so, you are accepting white supremacy and letting it win. For Jews to truly deassimilate, we must become a people, as we used to be, not only so we can stand together when antisemitism rises above demanding cultural integration to genuine violence, but so that we can play our part in dismantling white supremacy. Our identity has been kept from us for so long; do not allow us to lose the remains of our peoplehood.
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tankism · 3 years
Hi, anarcho-communist here, I want to get an understanding of what a Marxist Leninist, I think I have a good grasp on Marx, it's just the theory of Lenin that I don't quite get What should I read?
Some basic stuff :))
Basic principles of Marxism Leninism: a primer (Jose Maria Sison)
The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism(Vladimir Lenin)
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism (Vladimir Lenin)
The Proletarian revolution and the revolution Kautsky (Vladimir Lenin)
What is to be done? (Vladimir Lenin)
State and revolution (Vladimir Lenin)
Lenin’s texts against revisionism and opportunism:
The foundations of Leninism (Joseph Stalin)
Anti-Dühring part I (Friedrich Engels)
Anti Dühring part II (Friedrich Engels)
Anti Dühring part III (Friedrich Engels)
The German Ideology, chapter 1 (Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels)
Socialism: utopian and scientific( Friedrich Engels)
On contradiction (Mao)
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tankism · 3 years
The idea that Jews are innately good with money is among the oldest Jewish stereotypes, one that continues to impact perceptions of Jews today. While the notion that Jews control the world economy or banking system is an obvious canard, it is true that Jews have long been well represented in the fields of finance and business. But this wasn’t simply because of their Jewishness and instead, for the fact that Jews were barred from doing much else.
The roots of antisemitism can be found all throughout ancient history. While antisemitism existed prior to Christianity, it increased considerably following the rise of Christianity in Europe.
Christianity became the dominant religion in Europe, and various laws were introduced that discriminated against the Jews. These laws limited Jews’ freedom. They stretched into almost every area of Jewish life, including work.
Jews were not allowed to own land, and often confined to ghettos, and therefore could not become farmers. Jews were also banned from joining Christian Guilds , and so as more and more craftsmen formed guilds, the choice of work for Jews was dramatically reduced.
Christians were banned from banking and money lending as it went against their faith, so it was one of the only jobs a Jew could have. Many turned to trading, which was also a job that included the handling of money. The historian Howard Sachar has estimated that in the 18th century, "perhaps as many as three-fourths of the Jews in Central and Western Europe were limited to the precarious occupations of retail peddling, hawking, and street banking."
This lead to a stereotype that Jewish people were greedy and sinful. In modern times, there are still conspiracies about Jews running the banking field, when in reality this just stems from these medevil stereotypes.
Jewish business and financial success has more often than not been a major driver of antiSemitism, often referred to as economic antisemitism. Supposed Jewish control of the global financial system was a major theme in Hitler’s war against European Jews, Father Coughlin’s antiSemitic rants in the United States, and the czarist forgery The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
Seeing it's detrimental affects on Jews, this is a very harmful stereotype to push. It is important to recognise the origin of it and speak up for Jews.
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tankism · 3 years
I don’t think I’ve ever made a proper introduction on here, so hi! My names Reviva (she/her) and I’m currently studying philosophy at the university of South Carolina. I’m a Marxist Leninist and have been politically active for about two years now. I enjoy hiking, reading, quantum mechanics, horror movies, and Russian music. I’m also Jewish and have devoted myself to advocating for my religion and people. And my favorite holiday is Rosh HaShanah lol. If you ever have any questions or just want to talk I’m always open to DMs!
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