talechaser-ffxiv · 3 years
Commission Question Time!
So long story short, lost my job, lost my home, living in parents’ living room, really need some kind of income coming in.  Would anyone be interested in comms of their OCs?  I’m going to be working on sample pages again around babysitting my niece, so just knowing if there’s any interest will help.  Feel free to just leave a comment on this post if you are interested or know anybody that might be.
Sorry to come back after such a long hiatus with something like this, it has been an ordeal.  Made an explanation on my main account, but it’s long-winded.  Hopefully I’ll be posting more actual content soon once I’ve got more time and energy.  Missed you guys big time.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
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A very old post of mine from 3.0 with screenshots of Garlean titles from the Great Gubal Library has gained quite a lot of notes recently. The information in that post has now been outdated for some time, and also contained some errors. It’s a bit annoying that the way Tumblr works means I can’t really edit the original post in a meaningful way so I thought I’d make a new and more comprehensive one instead, with the relevant page from the lore book.  
If you want a more simple reference, the FF Wiki’s page on Garlemald has a written list, but I wanted to post this as it contains some additional information not listed on the wiki.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
Reblog this if you’re totally ok with people who know you from Tumblr interacting with you in-game!
I saw that other post going around and looked at the notes and, wow, we’re a bunch of shy goobers.  Maybe we should just embrace the fact we’re a bunch of awkward nerds and roll with it!
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
Getting Evicted!!!  :D
Hey guys!  Guess what!  We’re getting evicted!
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So yeah, the people who paid for comms a while ago know that I was put on a 2 week notice to find a new contract or a new job, and it turns out, because of the pandemic, I can’t freaking get one.  I have applied to so many jobs in the span of a month, and have been rejected over and over and over.  So, needless to say, loss of income.  Problem is, the leasing office said MONTHS AGO to provide proof of loss of income and they’d review things on a case by case basis… I went to ask what they needed and we were told to just pay what we can and expect evictions to start at the end of August.
So we got served our 30-day notice, and we’re waiting for the trial date notice in the mail.  Problem is, the notice we got from leasing SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS THE PROOF THING, so I’ve written an email straight to the property manager asking for clarification, but the expectation is we’re being evicted, and we’ve got 30 days to move back in with my parents and my sister into a single household because I have no income and unemployment in our state is so backed up that people haven’t been getting income for MONTHS.  We’re lucky enough that we got food stamps, otherwise we’d be screwed.  We’re trying to get some kind of help for medical tho, cuz wife is diabetic and could die from this shit.
All in all, not a good time.
To the people I have comms waiting for: I promise I will try to do them as soon as possible.  We’re stuck between extreme crippling dissociative periods, a mad rush for me to find a job, and an even bigger rush to get our stuff packed AGAIN so we can move AGAIN because we’re going to be homeless AGAIN.  Except this time it’s not because I’m getting underpaid for my job and we can’t afford cost of living, it’s because leasing literally won’t work with us DESPITE their claims that they will.
So, this is mostly an update to let you guys know where the hell I am.  If you see me on FFXIV, then for the love of everything, know that hugs will be greatly appreciated.  I’m barely on as it is because I just.  can’t function well enough to even try.  At least I caught up on MSQ though.  Yay.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
Long time no see! I’ve been much more active on twitter, but  because of dire situations Ive had to open up really cheap commissions. 
Its simple black and white but I need to not take hours on them sadly. If you are interested please dm me.
edit: For a little more clarification, my husband and I are currently burning through what savings we have to pay bills. He started a new job that isnt paying him and while he is looking for another job we are near the end of our savings. We cant move back to the state with his parents because no one is currently allowed in or out of it. And we cannot rightly rely on my parents because they are jerks. I have medical issues that keep me from being able to properly work a job (bad ibs/anxiety/possible immune disorder) so we are really stuck between a rock and a hard place. Our mortgage and bills are not much (2k a month) but making that right now is borderline impossible since no one wants to hire. My husband does not want to go to the job that fired him - the oil fields - because it wrecked his body the few years he was there. Please, if you cannot com thats fine its tough times, but please reblog this so that it can reach those who can.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
I wanna know something
Reblog if it’s alright with you if I name drop or make reference to your muse in an RP you are not in
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
send 📓 and i’ll talk about someone else’s oc that i like!
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
spotofmummery replied to your post “Birthday!”
((Oh no! I'm sorry for missing your birthday -- you share a birthday with my Mom (so I was busy that day and this post slipped past me). I hope you had a great one! I find it funny that you're exactly 10 years younger than I. :D ))
You’re fine!  Also happy birthday to your mom!  :D  I ended up spending the day relaxing with my wife, playing Breath of the Wild, and babysitting our cat while she recovers (and the poor child must endure me calling her “Chicken-Leg” until her fur grows back), so it was a fairly quiet day.
At least until the Poly Squad, in all its infinite wisdom, decided to throw itself at Shinryu EX to see if we could undersize the fight with only 4 people.  (And we can!  :D  Though 5 is definitely easier.)
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This screenshot is technically from the day after, when a friend of ours joined the fight for further science.  We still got him down to 1% with just us 4, and that was only because we didn’t realize melee fighters had to jump off in the final push.
((Also I am indeed highly amused at being exactly 10 years younger than you, nice round number.  :D))
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
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I will never forget you or your crazy Allagan doof.  I can’t help but be amused at the realization that P’shali as a character is younger than Amon (by a whole two months!), though his blog is older (by a whole 2 months.  See why I find it amusing?).
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I remember you were one of the first people to make me feel truly welcome on this site.  You were the very first I person got to meet in-game, too!  I still remember it distinctly: a chance meeting at Dhoro Iloh while I was in my “I’m just grinding crafting with beast tribe dailies because life sucks rn” phase.  As I’m flying in, what should my eye spy but a fabulous hat and a familiar name.  It was a bright spot that I sorely needed that day, and even now I love to throw random emotes at Amon if I see him online.
Both you and Amon have been a delight since the start, lighting up my dash with more than a few spots of mummery and being there for me since the start despite us not knowing each other so well.  I don’t know if I would be where I am now if I hadn’t met you or gotten to know Amon, I can never be grateful enough.
Here’s to you, to Amon, and to hopefully more fun years to come!
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2 Year Anniversary Thanks!
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Last year on this day, I took a moment to reflect back on Spot of Mummery and a little bit about its history. I want to do that again this year, but first, I want to thank all of you for the part you’ve played in encouraging me (and Amon) on our creative journey!��
The above screenshot was the first I ever took of Amon - from that one scene we all know and love at the beginning of the MSQ. Based on the file name, I created Amon September 19, 2017 on Mateus. Back then, Mateus was just finding its feet as an RP server, and there wasn’t a whole lot of representation on Tumblr yet. 
-Trying to RP-
I repurposed this Tumblr into a RP blog, and started tossing out little one-shot posts of Amon’s day-to-day discoveries in Eorzea as I leveled him. I wanted to get involved with the RP scene, but had no idea how to do so. I just started flinging stuff into the void and… 
…Eventually gave up on it a few months later when nothing seemed to stick. Only one post actually remains from that time. 
-Two Years Ago-
In 2018, had the itch to write, and decided to join July’s Camp NaNo. So, I started weeding through my FFXIV characters to determine who had promise for a story that I could eventually transition into a foundation for RP. 
I looked on Mateus, saw Amon, and started to delete him. I figured I’d never do anything with him. 
Yep. Amon almost got deleted. 
But then I logged on - as I tend to before I push that button - just to see if he had any special event items that would make him worth keeping. (He didn’t.)
And I saw this face: 
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I couldn’t do it. 
Suffice to say, Amon worked his charm on me. Instead of deleting him, I sat down and began to plot out the story that eventually became Coming Together. 
-Building a Tumblr-
I was a little nervous about trying to connect with the RP folks, especially since I was attempting to write for an NPC. I know that’s not always embraced, but I found most people on Tumblr to be welcoming. 
I also discovered due to barrier of entry (that has now been removed), many people interacting with me on Tumblr back then had never run the Crystal Tower raids. Therefore, they didn’t know who Amon was (or that he was an NPC). I remember running a number of folks through ST their first time – after they learned he was a boss in those raids. I wonder if they just wanted to beat him up. :)  
Last year, when Shadowbringers dropped, Syrcus Tower suddenly became relevant again. Never did I imagine THAT would have happened when I decided to write for what I thought was an obscure NPC back in 2017. I was, and still am, really excited to see where the lore is going to take the Crystal Tower. 
It’s been a wild ride! I’m happy to still be kicking around two years later. There’s plenty more story I want to tell for Amon and friends! 
Thank you all again for your kindness and acceptance of my crazy Allagan doof, and here’s to more mummery to come! 
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
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Hey guys!  As of roughly 8:30 am this morning, I turned 32!  Huzzah!
It’s been a rough week, so I’ve definitely been bouncing back and forth between YAY and AUGH a lot, and I really wanted to say thank you guys for being so amazing and supportive.  You are all amazing and I love you so much.
I’ll be chilling online, idling at the poly squad’s house while I work on comm stuff and keep an eye on my cat during her recovery.  If you happen to be on Mateus for the day and you happen to see me online, feel free to shoot me a /tell and say hi!
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
YCH Commission Time
Yep, commission time.  I’ve been wanting to do these again for a while now that I’ve gotten the hang of drawing on my old iPad, but I wanted to wait until a better time.  Between the pandemic and the protests, I could not justify asking for help.
Unfortunately, that was before my wife ended up in the hospital for three days and my cat Calypso was diagnosed as having a tumor that urgently needs surgery at risk of losing her foot.  SO.  Here we are.
We’ll be able to handle the hospital bill thankfully due to insurance, but Calypso’s vet bill is the big one.  Surgery is no small matter, and given that this is a tumor, our budget is going to need padding if she needs more treatment later.  (I’m still waiting on an estimate from the surgeon, which is why I haven’t started a fundraiser).
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SOLO - $45 COUPLE - $60 PRIDE MUG - $30; PRIDE SWEATER - $40; PRIDE FLAG - $50
- All of these will be clean lineart, with the exception of the Pride options; Pride options will be in cel-shaded greyscale, with the chosen item colored in a pride flag of your choice.
- I may open color options later, I just need to better learn the program before I can comfortably offer anything of the quality I prefer, and this is a bit of an emergency.
- All body shapes and heights are available!  These are guides, not bases.  I will do my best to accommodate major height and body shape differences (though it may result in characters standing on boxes–I’ll try to be creative about it)
- Due to these being guides, I will allow for simple changes to the poses.  Expressions will be based on request or what I can glean from the character’s personality
- Due to the nature of the situation, payment is due up front.  However, I am willing to provide a rough sketch before I start the inking process–it is at this point that I will allow for the option of a refund if the sketch is not to your liking
- I will not draw nudity, and I will not accept changes that could make the image more suggestive
- I have the right to refuse a commission if I am uncomfortable with it
- Humanoid characters preferred, but I will do my best to draw anthro characters
- Prices are subject to change based on complexity.  Horns and scales, will be case-by-case
- Image references please!  I’ve got aphantasia, so having the visuals helps for accuracy
- OCs are preferred, but I’m open to drawing canon characters too
- Final product is for the commissioner’s personal use
Feel free to shoot me a message if you are interested.  Otherwise, reblogs would be a big help.  And please, please please please do not feel bad if you cannot help financially.  It’s been a tough time on all of us, and there have been major movements that have needed financial assistance.  We appreciate any help that you can give, even if it’s just spreading the word.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
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guess who leveled botany on yet another alt for NPC lookalike purposes
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
Reblogging here because I want to extend this to my fellow FFXIV players as well.  Lalafell, Hrothgar, Roegadyn, Au Ra, all OCs big and small.
Thanks for reading.
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YCH Commission Time
Yep, commission time.  I’ve been wanting to do these again for a while now that I’ve gotten the hang of drawing on my old iPad, but I wanted to wait until a better time.  Between the pandemic and the protests, I could not justify asking for help.
Unfortunately, that was before my wife ended up in the hospital for three days and my cat Calypso was diagnosed as having a tumor that urgently needs surgery at risk of losing her foot.  SO.  Here we are.
We’ll be able to handle the hospital bill thankfully due to insurance, but Calypso’s vet bill is the big one.  Surgery is no small matter, and given that this is a tumor, our budget is going to need padding if she needs more treatment later.  (I’m still waiting on an estimate from the surgeon, which is why I haven’t started a fundraiser).
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SOLO - $45 COUPLE - $60 PRIDE MUG - $30; PRIDE SWEATER - $40; PRIDE FLAG - $50
- All of these will be clean lineart, with the exception of the Pride options; Pride options will be in cel-shaded greyscale, with the chosen item colored in a pride flag of your choice.
- I may open color options later, I just need to better learn the program before I can comfortably offer anything of the quality I prefer, and this is a bit of an emergency.
- All body shapes and heights are available!  These are guides, not bases.  I will do my best to accommodate major height and body shape differences (though it may result in characters standing on boxes–I’ll try to be creative about it)
- Due to these being guides, I will allow for simple changes to the poses.  Expressions will be based on request or what I can glean from the character’s personality
- Due to the nature of the situation, payment is due up front.  However, I am willing to provide a rough sketch before I start the inking process–it is at this point that I will allow for the option of a refund if the sketch is not to your liking
- I will not draw nudity, and I will not accept changes that could make the image more suggestive
- I have the right to refuse a commission if I am uncomfortable with it
- Humanoid characters preferred, but I will do my best to draw anthro characters
- Prices are subject to change based on complexity.  Horns and scales, will be case-by-case
- Image references please!  I’ve got aphantasia, so having the visuals helps for accuracy
- OCs are preferred, but I’m open to drawing canon characters too
- Final product is for the commissioner’s personal use
Feel free to shoot me a message if you are interested.  Otherwise, reblogs would be a big help.  And please, please please please do not feel bad if you cannot help financially.  It’s been a tough time on all of us, and there have been major movements that have needed financial assistance.  We appreciate any help that you can give, even if it’s just spreading the word.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
I'm talking to you, RPers on the Crystal DC! I've a new blog and new character and really need to get some cool people on my dash!
If you are an active RP blog on the Crystal DC, give this a re-blog or toss me a follow and I'll return the favor!
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
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Lil miner shalloweye. Done for a relaxing side project for FF14 fun.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
Thank you <3
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Ramora and Ger (in modern AU clothes)
I had a really rough week, especially with final exams lol but I’m finally free! I spent a lot of time on tumblr trying to keep the stress down, and thanks to some of my favorite content creators, I did! So as a thank you, I made some messy doodles of their muses! I’ll be cleaning these up a bit more over the next few days, but this is what they look like for now!
Thank you @windupnamazu, @whitherliliesbloom, @ancientechos, @spotofmummery, @maiden-born-in-snow, @amarioko, @mintdrop, @meepsthemiqo, @wysteria-ffxiv, @windup-dragoon​! You guys are great and I love seeing your posts on my dash! 
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