tahir7262 · 3 years
Motivation is the most important thing to spend happy and perfect life. There are different reasons for the Lost Of Motivation. Before discussing the reasons for loss of motivation, we will discuss some benefits and importance of motivation that helps to understand the values of motivation in our life and normal activities.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
The mind is the central part of our body. It plays an important role in the controlling and functioning of our body.  Our mind is the most powerful part of our body.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Positive thinking has great value in our society. There are so many benefits of positive thinking. Positive thinking is a beautiful part of the character of any person. A person who has positive thinking and mindset has a unique shine and fragrance in his behaviour and attitude.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Every person wants to live a happy and comfortable life. For a happy and comfortable life, every person should focus on some common and important things to live. Here we are discussing a very important point that makes a man strong and comfortable in his life.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
It is a very important and most asking question, “how to impress a girl”? Girls are the basic component of our society. They play an important role in our society. They help every person in a different field. They are working like a man in our society.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Self-care is the most important factor in our life. Here we are discussing some remarkable importance of self-care.
If any person wants to know that how can he care for himself from hard and critical conditions, then he should read the book "180 BAYS OF SELF-CARE". This is so informative and knowledgeable book for every person. It helps to understand the behaviour of a human being in different conditions and situations.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Thinking is the most powerful and effective thing in this universe. There are so many inventions and discoveries that happen based on thinking. If any person wants to know all the basic and important values of thinking, then he should read “THE POWER OF THINKING”
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Psychology is the most important part of our life. There are so many values of psychology in the life of every person. Here we are discussing some important values of psychology. Before that, if you are interested in detail about the values of psychology, then you should read the book of ATOMIC HABITS.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
It is very important to know about different experiences of life. Those experience give good and beneficial advantages to different people. If you want to take a good idea for life experiences, you should read the following book that is helpful and knowledgeable.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Social psychology is such a type of psychology that helps us to scientific study about thinking and thought of different people. It also plays an important role in the study of the feeling, emotions, behaviour, and attitude of different people in society.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Thinking is a natural process and mechanism that is the spontaneous action of a human being. There are different types of thinking and thought that are coming into our mind concerning time and conditions.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Human behaviour is an effective factor in our life. There are so many types of human behaviour. Some of them are good and beneficial but some are so harmful to any person and any society.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
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psychological fact about confidence
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tahir7262 · 3 years
The mind is the non-physical part of the body that control our emotions, attitude, and behaviour. Our mind also controls our body and the movements of body parts.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Human behaviour is a factor that directly affects our society. Here we are discussing some important psychological facts about human behaviour because human behaviour is such a factor that affects the attitude, mindset and thought process of a person in different societies.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
Women are the basic part of our life. They play an important role in our life. So there are different types of women who live in our society. Here we are discussing all the important and essential points and things about women.
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tahir7262 · 3 years
If any person wants to be successful in his life, then he needs to motivated at different stages of his life. So, here we are discussing some important points about the motivation that help to give so advantages in different levels of life.
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