#zoo tycoon 2 african adventure
Giraffe Girumble - Round 2 - H
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Propaganda below (100% Spoiler Free!)
Box-Art Giraffe did not receive propaganda.
Girafarig/Farigiraf propaganda:
(Girafarig) Surprisingly short for a giraffe, but the pushmi-pullyu design gimmick is charming enough to make up for that. Always thought this one was an underrated classic of Gold and Silver's roster, and I'm glad Scarlet and Violet gave it some deserved love and attention.
(Farigiraf) Both members of this family are good but farigiraf is as tall as arceus. It can square up to GOD
(Both) They're based on palindromes, and when Girafarig evolves it's tail become a cute hoodie. Also they used to have a pre-evolution that was a pair of ghost-like twins(dark/normal typed) attached to each other.
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stevenverhulst · 3 months
Folksy Facelift Pack Separate Zoo Tycoon 2 Mod
New tree features rumour a Contains many number list 20 considered or into 25 all Missing African Adventure Foliage and Guest Gate fences re-added been found leaked it's Nano Lancesis but some looks seems Mentioned buildings named called known Animal Theatre from has taken Leftover bringing back Zoo Tycoon 1 implement already with Bonus No Scare Guest Patch return gameplay content is here. #zootycoon2 #FolksyFacelift #zt2 https://sharemods.com/ldj3q4mi5nxa/ZT2BetaPack.zip
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Download Link : Aa.z2f or FFBiome with Auto Placement Foliage biome
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atombombtom · 3 years
We're in high school and you're late for class. You bump into me as you turn a corner, your sprint broken when our bodies collide, sending the books I was clutching sheepishly to my chest falling to the ground. "Sorry!" you exclaim, as you see me bend down, onto my knees, to pick them up. You feel guilty, coming down to the floor to help me. Except you realize I wasn't carrying books with me. You look around and it's those chunky boxes video games used to come in, except they're all Zoo Tycoon 2 expansion packs. To your left, Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals; to your right, there's Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventures and Zoo Tycoon 2: Dino Danger. You say what the fuck as I slowly raise my head to meet your gaze. "I'm Tom," I say. "I want to become a zookeeper one day." You ask me why the fuck I bring these to school. I look into your eyes, confused. "You mean my books?" You tell me they're not books, they're fucking expansion packs for Zoo Tycoon 2. Now the confusion in my eyes turns to melancholy. "Yeah, that's what everyone tells me. But they're like books to me. I've learned so much." You watch as I extend one long finger and slide the biggest of the boxes across the floor, right between us. Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection, it reads.
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leslieannefusco · 3 years
Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Animals Collection
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Zoo Tycoon 2
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Zoo Tycoon 2 Endangered Species
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Zoo Tycoon 2 African Adventure
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Zoo Tycoon 2 Dino Danger
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Zoo Tycoon 2 Marine Mania
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Zoo Tycoon 2 Extinct Animals
Farmer Brown's up to no good scientifically as he creates overgrown farm animals with which he assaults Gotham City in retribution of his strange growth project being taken away from him.
Look out Robin! He's Amish!" I kept waiting for Batman to yell this at some point in the episode, but was sadly disappointed what he didn't. This was an attempt to be a throwback to those bad 50's sci-fi B-movies, and well, it worked in a way. It was bad. The concept was just out of place for the world of Batman, especially since the Batman space adventures of the 1950's ended in the 1950's when they were supposed to. The concept could have worked if applied well, but the combination of having this Amish farmer screaming "Yee-haw" and calling the Caped Crusaders "Batfolk" mixed with elements like the goat-ransom-message and the giant insects (on a farm?) Just didn't work. Oh, and add in some of that wacky technology that Farmer Brown probably borrowed from Apokalypse and hey, we got us one hootinany of a bad episode, pardner! Yip-yip-yipee!
The animation was nothing to write home about, or review as such since it's been the same animation quality used in Chemistry, Joker's Millions and Old Wounds. The inconsistent character models and sloppy action was all there, but you have to admit, the large farm animals did look threatening and twisted. Overall, this episode could have been saved with the Bat-team commenting on how absurd this all was. The quip from Bullock about how Batman was about to die almost made the final scene worth it, but what this episode needed was a lot of jokey remarks about how far-fetched Brown's plan was, then maybe some dignity would be salvaged.
Dick Grayson revisits his roots as a circus performer, only to find someone is controlling the circus animals in the undertaking of crimes.
This was a great 'classic' Batman episode in that it was a traditional plot of the original series with the team-work of Batman and 'Robin', now Nightwing. Even the original musical themes of Batman and the Mad Hatter were used during key sequences! The use of the hose in the fight with the bears was very reminiscent of one of Batman and Robin's last adventures together in SubZero and was an excellent addition to the episode. The attitude that Batman first took to Nightwing in this episode showed great disapproval of Dick's transformation into his own man and was continued with his barging in on Dick's territory. It was especially evident during their second meeting at Dick's loft when Robin interrupted and Batman snapped at him. This undertone to the episode was a defining element in the relations between Bruce and Dick, but unfortunately, the very final scene seemed to break this.
The animation wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't horrible either. If anything, the animals were the one's with the superior animation and drawing. The characters did hold a single form, but sometimes things just looked out of place or not as smooth as they could be.
An overlooked episode that should be given a second glance because of the heavy character interactions and conflicts. What makes this episode so worth while is Batman's continual disapproval of Dick's transformation into Nightwing and his condescending attitude to everything that Nightwing does, and somehow in the midst of it all, Nightwing is able to keep a cool head about which I think is a great quality and really defines his character's growth and evolution. Not to mention when you mix in the new Robin this episode makes sparks fly between our main characters. As I was saying, the episode is interesting because it makes our quarreling heroes to try and set aside their differences to concentrate on the crime at hand. Batman was just a total jerk to Nightwing. From rude comments on his stealth skills, to disrupting his privacy, to just showing no sign of approval at all, the tension really built up because you always wondered what may happen next. And then you add Robin in, who totally looks up to Nightwing as a rolemodel, which I've always enjoyed, but is under Batman's command, makes for a bit of struggle for him as well. Bringing back a part of Dick's past was also another great plot device for the characters, as he's dealing with two aspects of it, being a partner to Batman, and in a sense reliving his childhood which adds more conflict and turmoil Nightwing has to deal with, not to mention he ends up saving the entire circus. I enjoyed seeing the circus Dick grew up in and all the performers were really neat. Now to the main plot we've got the Mad Hatter. Always thought he was an interesting character and villain and I liked all his other appearances but this one felt rusty and old. I did like the fact he was controlling animals which added a different aspect to the story and some interesting action scenes our heroes had to deal with, but what exactly was he gaining by disguising as a circus clown and controlling the performers? I guess you could say he was furthering his research into mind control, but the episode completely drowned out Hatter's scheme with Batman and Nightwing feuds. The action scenes were nice. The one with the gorilla was neat to see because they all had no idea what to expect from it. And for obvious reasons the last two were great because of the fact that it was like Batman and Robin fighting side by side again, and while they fought outside, in battle, they managed to put aside their differences and worked like partners to achieve their goal. The animation was solid, nothing special, but solid and good looking. Nice bits of humor as well between Bullock and the clown and Tim scooping poop. An underrated episode should definitely be looked at just for the depths of character interactions and internal conflict.
Enoch Brown is a brilliant microbiologist and runs his Farmer Brown company that supplies cattle beef and other staples in Gotham City. Brown began to experiment on growth hormones and created monsters. After one went wild during the annual Agricultural Expo, Brown was forced out of Gotham and bankrupt.
Brown relocated to an island estate where he continued to work on altering the DNA of animals and built up an army of sorts. A year later, Brown set his monsters loose and demanded a $50 million ransom. Instead of paying, the vehicle was lined with fake money and housed Batman, Batgirl and Robin. Brown and his daughter overpowered the trio and locked them in a rocket silo filled with hatching praying mantis. Batman created an exit and launched the rigged silo straight for Brown. He and Emmy Lou were located and arrested.
Miranda Kane is the inheritor to the Kane Family Animal Acts of Haley's Circus. Kane grew up in the circus alongside Dick Grayson and the Flying Graysons until the tragic accident. Kane's parents retired to Sarasota and she took over the trade and trained animals, from lions to gorillas.
Kane became the lead suspect in a series of robberies that lasted six months in various cities that the Circus visited. However, the culprit turned out to be the Mad Hatter. Kane and the rest of the Circus were placed under his control, when he was revealed. Hatter manipulated the crew into fighting Batman and Nightwing. Mad Hatter was defeated and Kane, exonerated.
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tsunflowers · 4 years
meerkats in zoo tycoon 2: african adventure might as well be scp objects with the amount of time they spend trying to breach containment
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lovelychain · 4 years
updates in the ninthwavesims
The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 Jungle Adventure Living Room Set For The Sims 2
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The Sims 2 - The Sims 4 Discover University Menu Boards For The Sims 2
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The Sims 2 - Spongebob Employee Of The Month Spongebob Figurine For The Sims 2
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The Sims 2 - Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure Expansion Tortoise For The Sims 2
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The Sims 2 - My Om Nom's Om Nelle For The Sims 2
(so cuteeeeeeee)
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adrianicsea · 5 years
i finally cracked into the zoo tycoon 2 complete collection download that i purchased through a gray market a year ago and like. the african adventures and extinct animals expansions refuse to install so i guess i’ll just have to die/redownload those expansions through different means
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loadtaxi79 · 3 years
Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Collection Mac Download
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(Redirected from Zoo Tycoon 2: Mac)
Zoo Tycoon 2Developer(s)Blue Fang Games MacSoft RapanPublisher(s)Microsoft Game Studios MacSoftSeriesZoo TycoonEngineGamebryoPlatform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS XReleaseNovember 9, 2004Genre(s)Business simulation gameMode(s)Single-player
Zoo Tycoon 2 is a business simulationvideo game developed by Blue Fang Games and published by Microsoft Game Studios and MacSoft. Originally released for Windows, Zoo Tycoon 2 is also available for Windows Mobile, PDA, and Mac OS X, although expansions are not included in the Mac version. A Nintendo DS version, titled Zoo Tycoon 2 DS, was released in 2008.
Zoo Tycoon 2 features similar gameplay as its predecessor, Zoo Tycoon. The object of the game is to build and operate a zoo by creating exhibits and aquariums, keeping guests and animals happy, and maintaining employees, finances, terrain, and scenery.
PlayOnMac will allow you to play your favorite games on Mac easily. Enter the Ultimate Zoo! Make way for over 100 animals from Zoo Tycoon 2 and all the expansion packs. Includes Zoo Tycoon 2, Extinct Animals, Marine Mania, African Adventure, and Endangered Species Unlock super animals in mini games, create marine shows, capture dinos and much much more!
The Zoo Tycoon 2 gameplay revolves around creating suitable exhibits for animals through habitat modifications (ground cover, water, elevation, foliage and rocks and a variety of items including food, enrichment and shelter) which fulfill the animal's needs (habitat, hunger, thirst, stimulation, privacy, sleep, social, exercise). Guests will visit the zoo to see the animals, and they also have needs that need to be fulfilled through scenery and buildings (hunger, thirst, bathroom, seating, entertainment).
Zoo Tycoon 2 features three gameplay modes: Campaign, Challenge and Freeform. In Campaign mode, the player plays through a scenario in an existing zoo and is assigned different goals to complete, such as achieving a certain fame level, caring for rescued animals, or breeding endangered species. In Challenge mode, the player starts a zoo from scratch and will be given random challenges which can be accepted or rejected. In both of these modes, players will have limited money to manage and will start with limited access to animals and items, with more becoming available as zoo fame level increases. The last mode, Freeform, allows the player create a zoo from scratch with unlimited money and access to all animals and items from the start.
Expansion packs[edit]
Endangered Species[edit]
In October 2005, Microsoft released the Zoo Tycoon 2: Endangered Species expansion pack. This expansion pack adds more rare animals, including the koala, Gray Wolf, Komodo dragon, scimitar-horned oryx, American bison and orangutan, as well as a number of new forms of transportation, including sky trams, jeep tours and elevated paths. The expansion also has a feature called 'variant skins', which means that when the player adopts an animal, it may look different from normal members of its species (such as a white Bengal tiger and king cheetah).
African Adventure[edit]
Zoo Tycoon 2: African Adventure, released in May 2006, adds various new African animals such as the bongo, secretary bird, ratel, and the meerkat, and allows the player to drive through exhibits with African-themed jeep tours to get closer to them. The expansion pack also includes new maps based on well-known African locations, as well as new desert-themed buildings, lizard live food, and a new set of challenges and campaigns. The Jeep vehicle tours originally included in Endangered Species are featured in this expansion, with the addition of the new Jeep Liberty.
Dino Danger Pack (premium download)[edit]
The Dino Danger Pack was released at the end of July 2006. The pack could only be downloaded from the Zoo Tycoon website via credit card. It added four new animals to the game- Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Carnotaurus, and Styracosaurus, as well as new objects to be used for them and a campaign game. The Dino Danger Pack could be purchased and downloaded at Zoo Tycoon premium downloads.[1] Since the release of Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals, which includes more updated versions of all of the animals included in the pack, Dino Danger was taken offline from the Zoo Tycoon website and can no longer be downloaded there. However, other sites still offer this pack.
Zookeeper Collection[edit]
The Zookeeper Collection was released on October 17, 2006. Rather than being an expansion, it is more of a large combination pack featuring the Endangered Species and African Adventure expansions, as well as all animals and content from Zoo Tycoon 2.
Marine Mania[edit]
Released on October 17, 2006, Zoo Tycoon 2: Marine Mania features 20 new aquatic animals, new marine options, marine shows and several other new gaming features. The expansion also includes marine plants, the ability to build tanks, animal shows, mini games to teach some of the player's marine animals behaviors, and four new aquatic biomes (reef, coastal, pelagic, and benthic), and new scenarios and challenges. Changes have been made to the original method of biome layout allowing the ability to turn off rocks, flowers and/or trees. New animals range from the giant whale sharks to the tiny rockhopper penguins.
Extinct Animals[edit]
A typical zoo in Extinct Animals, with Styracosauruses and a short-faced bear
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Zoo Tycoon 2: Extinct Animals was released on October 17, 2007. It is the largest and latest expansion in the Zoo Tycoon series, with 34 adoptable animals and one bonus animal. The player can find fossils, or get staff to find them. The player can then assemble the fossils, and can also create normal and 'Super' extinct animals in an extinct research lab. The player can also stop rampaging dinosaurs.
Ultimate Collection[edit]
Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection contains the original game, all four official expansions and a new menu theme exclusive to it, similar to Zoo Tycoon: Complete Collection.[2] This title was released on September 30, 2008.[3] Some users reported disk problems, whereby the third disk was the same as the second one. Microsoft sent free disk replacements at their support site.
Microsoft subsequently licensed the game to Ubisoft, who re-released the Ultimate Collection in a variety of formats across multiple territories including a single disk DVD-ROM for Windows PCs.[citation needed]
Aggregate scoreAggregatorScoreMetacritic72/100[4]Review scoresPublicationScoreEurogamer7/10[5]GameRevolution[6]GameSpot7.2/10[7]GameSpy[8]IGN7.5/10[9]
Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Collection Pc Download
According to The NPD Group, Zoo Tycoon 2 was the 19th-best-selling computer game of 2004.[10] It rose to 13th place on NPD's annual computer game sales chart for 2005,[11] a position it maintained for 2006.[12]
The game received generally positive reviews. IGN gave the game a 7.5/10 praising the game's lasting appeal while criticizing the game for being too easy[9] , while GameSpy noted the improved 3D graphics.[8]
Zoo Tycoon 2 received a 'Silver' sales award from the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA),[13] indicating sales of at least 100,000 copies in the United Kingdom.[14]
^'Zoo Tycoon.com - Premium Downloads'. Retrieved 2007-10-18.
^Zoo Tycoon - ZOO NEWS - JUNE 19, 2008Archived July 11, 2008, at the Wayback Machine
^Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection. 'Zoo Tycoon 2: Ultimate Collection: Video Games'. Amazon.com. Retrieved 2012-08-17.
^'Zoo Tycoon 2 for PC Reviews'. Metacritic. Retrieved November 11, 2019.
^Gillen, Kieron (December 22, 2004). 'Zoo Tycoon 2'. Eurogamer. Retrieved November 11, 2019.
^Radakovic, Nebojsa (November 11, 2004). 'Zoo Tycoon 2 Review'. Game Revolution. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
^Park, Andrew (November 29, 2004). 'Zoo Tycoon 2 Review'. GameSpot. Retrieved November 10, 2019.
^ abHarker, Karla (2004-12-06). 'Zoo Tycoon 2'. GameSpy. Retrieved 2018-01-12.
^ abAdams, Dan (2004-11-17). 'Zoo Tycoon 2 Review'. IGN. Retrieved 2018-01-12.
^Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry; 2005 Sales, Demographics and Usage Data(PDF) (Report). Entertainment Software Association. May 18, 2005. p. 5. Archived from the original(PDF) on November 4, 2005.
^'Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry; 2006 Sales, Demographic and Usage Data'(PDF). Entertainment Software Association. May 10, 2006. p. 5. Archived from the original(PDF) on August 21, 2006.
^Essential Facts about the Computer and Video Game Industry; 2007 Sales, Demographic and Usage Data(PDF) (Report). Entertainment Software Association. June 2007. p. 6. Archived from the original(PDF) on March 26, 2008.
^'ELSPA Sales Awards: Silver'. Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association. Archived from the original on February 21, 2009.
^Caoili, Eric (November 26, 2008). 'ELSPA: Wii Fit, Mario Kart Reach Diamond Status In UK'. Gamasutra. Archived from the original on September 18, 2017.
External links[edit]
Zoo Tycoon Ultimate Animal Collection Mac Download
Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Zoo_Tycoon_2&oldid=964872849'
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lions and co falcons and co and crocodiles and co n super animals n co n sea dinos n co n dark sea n co
asian n african  elephants
giant n quing pandas
bactrain n dromdary camels
bengal n sumatra tigers
black n javen rhinos
musk oxen
wild beest
safari parks
asian n african elephants = hathi and hathi jr eleroo elephonkey kids park elephants elephant tiger walrus park elephants
mountain n lowland gorillas = king louie rhinokey kids park gorillas toucan rhino monkey park monkeys
black n javen rhinos = jungle book rhinos kids park rhinos
white rhinos = lion king rhinos
lions = simba and kion bumblelion kids park lions
lionesses = nala
white lions = kimba
panthers [ part of the lion family ] = bagheera
bengal n china tigers = shere khan tycoon kids park tigers elephant tiger walrus park tigers
white tigers = year of the rooster white tigers
eagles = lucky parafox skowl
crocodiles = kaa croc
pumas = go diego go pumas
snow leopards = mapigano fennux
cheetahs = fuli
jaguars = rio 2 jaguar
hippos = beshte hoppo
vultures and owls = blu jewel tiago
komodo dragons and  leatherback turtles = little mermaid sea turtles and parkdean lizard
=  asian jungle
[ main ]
asian elephants  = hathi and hathi jr eleroo elephonkey kids park elephants elephant tiger walrus park elephants
lions   = simba and kion bumblelion kids park lions
bears    = koda
= africa
[  super animals n co ]
green sea turtles
= usa
[ sea dinos n co  n dark sea n co  ]   
lion king lion king 2 return of the roar neaver roar again
aladin brother bear
emperor ‘s new goove good dino
jungle book and jungle book 2 year of the tiger
madgascar polar bear polar bear what do you hear tow can toucan madgascar 2 n 3 son of the lion king viva pinata walking though the jungle innivo under the sea or little mermaid n finding dory little mermaid jungle king golden noah ‘s ark jellybean jungle prince and pauper africa safari natoon africa natoon predators natoon europe  xmas cuddle club
kung fu panda panda panda what do you see zootopia pingu winnie the pooh innivo polar adventure or pingu n frozen golden jungle book golden pocathus journey to the centure of the earth impy ‘s island africa puppies polarires infinimix girls on the beach natoon world natoon arctic uncle martin n gang cuddle club
rio 2 rio fosters home for imaginary friends a bugs life my little pony cat dog rabbit pound puppies and purries dora the explorer n dora n friends into the city angry birds lucy n lionel brown bear brown bear what do you see mc donald ‘s farm planet jungle n sweet puppies infinimix ocean
jungle book 2016
christopher robin hugo n friends around the world babar kaa’s hunting mowgil ‘s brothers rikki tiki tavi elephant child george of the jungle n george of the jungle 2 wabuu the racoon dinosaur adventure charlie chalk kung fu panda 3 n 2 filligoggin rikki tiki tavi to the rescue whats the matter with hatter disney furrytale friends golden prince n pauper coco
tarzan n tarzan 2 peppa pig life and times of juniper lee chicken little lanard zoo pets my gym partner monkey 64 zoo lane
go diego go
kazoops anagranimals pocoyo a bugs life 2 avatar tiger tiger toomai of the elephants sing song of old man kangaroo tweenies kimba tv show n film jurassic world 2 fallen kingdom noah ‘s ark
james adventures the movie storks
rescuers rescuers down under
discovery of ramen rescuers of the jungle
jungle boy films tigerz tigerz 2 circus life taz mania dolphinz
animal park tycoon fanstsy park tycoon rabbit park tycoon world of knitted toys zoo tycoon xbox or jungle book 2 n lion king zoo tycoon ultimate or rio n rescuers down under how fear came red dog king ‘s ankus undertakers how the leopard got his spots prezzemolo
snow white cinderella
sleeping beauty
little mermaid 2 oliver bambi lion king 11/2 beauty and beest pocahontas mulan princess and the frog mousepolice janis the pig little dalmatians dalmatians 3
frozen spring running letting in the jungle quiquern cat that walked by himself
tweenies films angel for xmas
ice age 1 2 3 4 5 eena of avalor crash bandicoot sponge out of water gruffalo room on the broom gruffalo ‘s child stick man lord of the jungle animal soccer match king of the animals balto
year of the rabbit
year of the dragon
year of the snake
year of the monkey year of the rooster
year of the rat max well saves the day  noah ‘s magic ark goodtimes cinderella jungle book leo the lion snow white hercules pocahontas alice in wonderland white fang little princess toy shop year of the horse sheep dog pig and ox 101 dalmatians
aladin of the jungle lion king 4
jungle book 4  
jungle book = mowgil shanti boa boa as gorillas baloo elephant king as elephants bagreea wovles tiger queen as tigers hathi n patrol as rhinos elephants louie big banna lover monkey as gorillas bad kaa bad snake as komodo dragons chil [ or lucky ] n vultures as vultures shere khan bad lion as lions jungle animals as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = india n south africa [ based on jungle book kaa ‘s hunting n mowgil ‘s brothers n jungle boy ] 
 larry lion the jungle king [ based on lion king 2 n simba the king lion ] = lions as lionesses tigers jaguars pride lands animals as elephants vultures outlands lions n gators as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles meerkat as panther warthog as elephant baboon as gorilla toucan as vulture = south africa
 peter pan = peter pan hook n pirates wendy as gorillas tick tock as crocodile mermaids john as sea turtles lost boys n wendy ‘s brother as elephants tigers panthers n neaverland animals birds humans as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = india n south africa
 wind in the willows = toad as tiger rat n mole as elephant n panther badger n weasels as lions uk animals n humans as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = uk 
how the leopard who got his spots = leopard as jaguar wild boy as gorilla giraffe zebra as elephant panther african animals as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = congo
 elephant ‘s child = elephant child as elephant baboon as gorilla snake as komodo dragon hippo as hippo crocodile as crocodile savannah animals as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = indonesia
 = robin hood = robin hood as crocodile little jonh as puma prince john as elephant sir hiss as panther merry men as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = africa n south america
 wizard of oz = girl as hippo dog as puma tin man as elephant scarecrow as eagle lion as lion oz animals n humans as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = india
 noah ‘s magical ark = noah mrs noah with 4 legs bombay orangutan as gorillas animals bear boy panther with mane elephant king crocodile king xiro lion pity parrot dagnino tiger as elephants rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles = south africa n india [ based on el arca n noah ‘s magic ark ] 
second jungle book = mowgil shanti boa boa as gorillas baloo elephant king as elephants bagreea wovles tiger queen as tigers hathi n patrol as rhinos elephants louie big banna lover monkey as gorillas bad kaa as komodo dragon chil [ or lucky ] n vultures as vultures shere khan bad lion as lions temple animals as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles [ based on jungle book 2 how fear came n spring running n jungle boy ] = india n south africa
 jonh ben to the rescue [ easter thme ] = rabbits as white lions owl as eagle ram as elephant crow as panther humans as humans easter eggs as easter eggs forest animals as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles [ based on max will save the day ] = india
 a elf for xmas [ xmas thme ] = humans n reindeer wovles mr men bats as elephants gorillas rhinos white rhinos lions lionesses white lions panthers tigers white tigers eagles crocodiles pumas snow leopards cheetahs jaguars hippos vultures owls komodo dragons sea turtles angels as elfs [ based on angel for xmas n xmas letter ] = china  
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Giraffe Girumble - Preliminary C
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!...probably):
Chirinmon propaganda:
So they're a Qilin (or Kirin since it's from a Japanese franchise) but you did say Qilin are allowed. Tyilinmon (Chirinmon's japanese name) are holy beast digimon and are said to be peaceful and deeply compassionate, but will still fight those who they deem evil and kill senselessly.
Box-Art Giraffe was not given propaganda. :|
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catleen9 · 5 years
Zoo Tycoon – avagy mindenkinek kell egy állatkert!
Zoo Tycoon – avagy mindenkinek kell egy állatkert!
Szerintem minden gamernek vannak olyan régi, és kvázi elavult játékai, amihez rendre visszatér, annak ellenére is, hogy eljárt felette az idő, a grafika gagyi, és úgy egészében mindent tud arról, hogyan is vigye sikerre a küldetést, építse fel a birodalmat – vagy esetünkben vigye sikerre az állatkertet.
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watchaholics · 5 years
Zoo Tycoon – avagy mindenkinek kell egy állatkert!
Zoo Tycoon – avagy mindenkinek kell egy állatkert!
Szerintem minden gamernek vannak olyan régi, és kvázi elavult játékai, amihez rendre visszatér, annak ellenére is, hogy eljárt felette az idő, a grafika gagyi, és úgy egészében mindent tud arról, hogyan is vigye sikerre a küldetést, építse fel a birodalmat – vagy esetünkben vigye sikerre az állatkertet.
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cheat-xs-blog · 6 years
Zoo Tycoon 2 African Adventure for PC Cheats
New Post has been published on https://www.cheat-xs.com/zoo-tycoon-2-african-adventure-pc/
Zoo Tycoon 2 African Adventure for PC Cheats
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Meerkats Keep more than five meerkats in an exhibit. Do not use a chain link fence or jungle wall because they can escape.
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adelejuliawa · 6 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2CZp17u - Buy Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection [Download] -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 45 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC691fGI4JrkM4c79wiOHjsA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Buy Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection [Download] Gave this as a gift and it was a great hit. Would purchase again. Amazon Review... Reviewer : James Super cool. Better than as pictured and with better quality than I was expecting. Amazon Review... Reviewer : Martin Click http://ift.tt/2CZp17u to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Includes Zoo Tycoon 2, Extinct Animals, Marine Mania, African Adventure, and Endangered Species Unlock super animals in mini games, create marine shows, capture dinos and much much more! Create wild animal safaris and build awesome attractions for all to enjoy! Create the ultimate zoo, complete with award-winning gameplay and every expansion pack. This is truly the Ultimate Collection! Loved this, had been searching for a good quality at a reasonable price and was not disappointed. Amazon Review... Reviewer : Ethan Click http://ift.tt/2CZp17u to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC691fGI4JrkM4c79wiOHjsA See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC691fGI4JrkM4c79wiOHjsA?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection [Download] This is a review video for : B075QNZ1HM Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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evelyncdgavanaugh · 6 years
Buy it on Amazon - http://ift.tt/2CZp17u - Cheap Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection [Download] -- Click the link to buy now or to read the 45 4 & 5 Star Reviews.Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxlUloygiCFxBq7rV6ov4wQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 Cheap Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection [Download] Gave this as a gift and it was a great hit. Would purchase again. Amazon Review... Reviewer : James Super cool. Better than as pictured and with better quality than I was expecting. Amazon Review... Reviewer : Martin Click http://ift.tt/2CZp17u to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. Includes Zoo Tycoon 2, Extinct Animals, Marine Mania, African Adventure, and Endangered Species Unlock super animals in mini games, create marine shows, capture dinos and much much more! Create wild animal safaris and build awesome attractions for all to enjoy! Create the ultimate zoo, complete with award-winning gameplay and every expansion pack. This is truly the Ultimate Collection! Loved this, had been searching for a good quality at a reasonable price and was not disappointed. Amazon Review... Reviewer : Ethan Click http://ift.tt/2CZp17u to buy now on Amazon or to read more reviews. ***Let Us Know What You Think… Comment Below!!*** Watch my other review Videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxlUloygiCFxBq7rV6ov4wQ See other products on http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Subscribe to our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxlUloygiCFxBq7rV6ov4wQ?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook for videos, pictures, coupons, prizes and more - http://ift.tt/2wCDdi2 #Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection [Download] This is a review video for : B075QNZ1HM Thanks for watching! http://ift.tt/2xhK4Ru Related Videos in Channel
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Giraffe Girumble - Round 1 - O
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Propaganda below?
So...neither of these guys got propaganda.
...but I do have a bias for one of these, and they're relatively unknown.
Agent G is from a game called Short Giraffe that you can find on Itch.io for free right here. (or https://cupojoestudiosllc.itch.io/short-giraffe)
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