#zombiecleo hc
mumza03 · 7 months
Headcanons for Hermitcraft:
Literally can eat anything spicy without flinching purely becuase of the fact that he processes spice like a bird
Has smacked many people with his wings when he stretches
He has really dark brown eyes
She still has her hat from season one of Empires SMP
She is a deer hybrid also with this she sheds her antlers like white tail deer (ie. the whole antler falls off)
Has to roll the hem of her pants because she is a bi icon
Shes also fast as fuck when she wants to be
Because they are not fully human they can sometimes see through the magic hiding Grian's watcheryness
Is the go to person for sewing up clothes for the server
Only reason she knows how to sew is because she has to sew herself together on a regular basis (think like sally from Nightmare Before Christmas style)
Introduces the other hermits to y'allternative music (think like Noah Khan(Northern Attitude Ft. Hozier), Rat Bath(Ragdoll), Gregory Alan Iskov(One Day))
Is a cryptid for other servers
Can blink like a frog and it freaks out people on the server all the time
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sulfuric-deity · 1 year
Hermitcraft headcannon!
Physical touch!
I headcannon all of Hermitcraft as being SUPER touchy. Like- it is super normalized and cozy.
Grian and Mumbo walking so close their arms brush, sitting so their knees and shoulders bump together, Grians wing practically hugging Mumbo's back.
Tango excitedly grabbing Zed and Impulse's hands to guide them through a build, ZIT having movie nights and cuddling under the blankets.
Etho linking elbows with Bdubs while walking, Bdubs practically hanging off of him while he explains the details of the build. Falling asleep on eachother's shoulders.
Keralis greeting Hermits with a kiss on the cheek or forehead, Wels greeting with a kiss on their knuckles.
Ren nudging his head into any open hands willing to pet him, Doc and Zed bumping heads (gently) with their friends to show affection.
Any horned Hermits headbutting eachother <3
Scar looping an arm around Cub's neck with a cheesy joke, dragging him down into a hug or noogie. Cub batting his hands away and trying to go in for an attack of his own.
Cleo biting Joe out of spite and affection, Joe smacking her with books. Them braiding flowers in eachother's hair, painting eachother's nails.
NHO creating cuddle piles and drowning in blankets, caring for eachother while sick (and totally not all getting sick)
Xisuma not really being able to touch- but still hugging and patting people on the back. Giving people tea and throwing a blanket over them in replacement.
If you headcannon them with a longer tail then they loop it around eachothers arms or legs to stay close.
Hugs are an appropriate greeting, and a thank you, and farewell.
I want Hermit hugs :(
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foxxology · 1 month
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Trying some lighting so i drew a Cleo!
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notscarsafe · 7 days
Today on Hermitcraft:
Pearl: streams for EIGHT HOURS becoming a redstone master building a wordle-type game for her new shop
Tango: is so proud of Pearl they're both struggling for words and it's so adorable I'm gonna explode
Docm77: Shows up in the middle of the proud speech to FINALLY ORDER HIS MAILBOX at a location FIVE HUNDRED BLOCKS AWAY as measured by NETHER TRAVEL
Etho: shows up in the middle of this order (bounces in the window like an excited puppy) to assure Doc that Tango absolutely has that order covered (Tango Panik noises)
And now they're all hangin out together talking over Pearl's cool mini game and hanging out and idk my crops are watered, my skin is clear, etc etc
Zombiecleo: gets roped into a meeting with doc on the steps of the new courthouse that sounds serious only for doc to reveal a crazy redstone gadget that *does* celebrate pride month but might also deafen cubitos in sound range
(livestream June 5th 2024)
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wasyago · 4 months
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a random cleo in armor
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sprinklesharkie · 8 days
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more textpost cos i love them
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aresonist · 2 months
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gals but reverse hair lenghts
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ashiyn · 9 months
ah yes. hermitcraft. that one PG server amiright
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rbbtstw · 19 days
Did a few Fanon Swaps from requests on twitter for my twitch stream today! ❤️🧡💛
We got! Fish Joel, Tanuki Cleo, and Vex Bdubs! (I was getting a lil burn out by the time I got to bdubs lmao I’ll redo him at some point)
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fence-time · 2 months
Hermitcraft but it’s a bunch of hybrids trying to learn what it’s like to be human while trying to hide the fact they”re hybrids from eachother (while none of them even are human) , so it’s just approximate guesses and rumours about how they act . Tango walking up to skizz and seeing him glow in his sleep and trying to figure out how to do that himself, cuz all humans do that, right? Joe accidentally walking in on Cleo changing out a slightly old , green-tinted arm for a new fresh one, nodding along trying to memorise the process. Scar looking at mumbo wearing a large sun hat / bringing a parasol on their walk and then bringing himself one the next time because he doesn’t wanna stand out! All humans hate the sun! Etc, etc
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traffrogers · 3 months
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i love it when anatomy studies turn into zombiecleo
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buff people competition
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sherlockggrian · 4 months
hoo hoo big summer blow out
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seawaveleo · 6 months
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happy christmas to @justherefornothing1 for the @mcytblrholidayexchange !
we love ultimate boat race grand prix winner of victory falsesymmetry!!!
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erathh · 5 months
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Once again I bring forth Zombiecleo fanart!!
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notscarsafe · 3 months
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The logo in question:
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