neonbluewaves · 5 years
✿ Send this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile! ✿ (I think you might be one of the most talented artists on this fandom! 💙🌠)
Thank you so much for this superkind message, you are all wonderful
Even if I don’t really think i’m one of the most talented? you all make me feel like an amazing artist so thank you a million times!
Also, I don’t know much about you or even your mc, so I hope you can accept this good boy
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Again, thank you for being supernice to me
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callmederok · 5 years
Hello :) another question... what is David's friendship with Ben's like? (or even other characters that you don't get to mention often, like Barnaby, Andre or the new characters from the Quidditch chapters.)
Ben Copper:
Pre-Change: A fish out of the water with every possible reason to feel and act like he is out of the water and panicking over it, but during the years he was sure that Ben would have learned to handle the situation, and partially he does handle the whole magic-school situation, and David is cool with it, Ben is still a scaredy-cat 
During Change: “Is he serious? Be brave? Is he talking like it’s easy to be brave? He thinks it’s easy to be brave? I’m getting pissed…” after these thoughts David stands up and remove his chest-clothes and reveal his body scars explaining(and yelling) that he is not actually brave like the school thinks but David is actually fighting his fears and the tormenting idea of the worst-case scenario and he is doing that by facing every danger and drama around him.
After Change: Oh Ben? Stealing things? Not cool. Spending time in Knockturn Alley? Worse….uuuuh you’re scaring Mundungus?  Weren’t you like him…just like 3-4 months ago? You know what? I quit, you’re on your own (until the plot demands me to deal with your BS).
Barnaby: An adorable jock with great empathy, they work together at the Reserve for Magical Creatures along with Lizard as part-time workers, they get along, David finds adorable his naivety and tries to help him when he can with anything. They’re in very good terms since they actually met each other, he is one of the few students who have David’s respect.
Andre: They’re both in different quidditch teams, they share some rivalry and the dialogues between him and David are similar to the ones that Andre has for Charlie(about Quidditch). I headcanon that during a game of Truth or Dare they shared a kiss and basically David learned from it (not sure if someone of the LGBT+ community may be mad about a straight demisexual boy kissing a gay guy, that’s why i don’t want to confirm this headcanon). During the dating period, David reveals that he wants to be a gentleman(also for the Celestial Ball) so Andrè kinda gives him the basic of the etiquette and begins with his passion for clothes and fashion, they’re good rivals on the quidditch-field and good friend outside.
Charlie: Both fascinated by Dragons(Charlie is more fascinated than David) both in the Gryffindor’s Team both of them are good friends, but during the Sixth with Charlie’s depression post-Portrait Vault and David’s feelings to be taken for granted by his friends…well, they’re still friends but like with other friends(Like Ben, Tonks and Tulip) David is slowly taking the distances.
Skye: The historians will write about how important Skye’s presence in David’s life was. She made the first training-menù and David improved it and began to do it every morning at the dawn in a small yard “behind” the Gryffindor’s Tower. They will be in good terms even after HPHM and she tried to defend him from the rumours that accuse David to be a bad guy by saying “Nobody with that passion and devotion for Quidditch/challenges would be even remotely a bad guy! So stop to spread lies about a good player and a great friend!”
Bonus: She could have been a good candidate for a relationship(at least during HPHM)(i forgot about her in the other question, sorry ^_^).
Orion: If Skye started the physical development of David’s body with her training, Orion pushes more about David’s mental stability and ability to “go with the flow”. In good terms but Orion is pretty much neutral about David’s reputation, he is happy to see David working hard, they don’t hang out together but on the field, there is good chemistry/teamwork.
McNully: David has a lot of fun in listening his commentary during the games and he enjoys talking to him outside Quidditch, he is like Rowan but funnier. David quite becomes less talkative(/more concise when he talks)because he didn’t want to be like him, and to bore people, not that David is annoyed…just that listening to him talking for long periods of times can be quite tiring. When David is bored to lose against Rowan at Chess, he goes to him, and when David is bored to lose against him, he goes to Rowan…it’s an endless circle of losing at Chess with different people.
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missnight0wl · 5 years
I really like your character profile for Jacob and I feel it is very similar to how I view him. So I was wondering how do you think your version of Jacob aligns with JC's version?
Thank youso much! I’m happy to hear that you like it!
I’m notsure if you’re asking about JC’s version in general or the one from Y5Ch30, soI’ll discuss both.
Basically,we have two pictures of Jacob in the story. The first one is a madman obsessedwith the Cursed Vaults who put others in danger. This is Jacob seen by peoplewho didn’t like him or didn’t know him well: Snape, our prefects, the publicopinion in general (highly influenced by the Daily Prophet). Even Dumbledorekind of shows us this image of our brother. The second Jacob though is the boywho was trying to protect his loved ones, who was bright, kind, and thoughtful.This is kind of information we get from McGonagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Madam Rosmerta.We learn from his notebook that he was worried about Hogwarts being doomed if he wouldn’t break the curse on theVault of Fear. Alistair Fidgen, depending on our choice,could inform us that Jacob was in a hurry to find the vault portrait because “peoplewere getting hurt”, and that he was “upset” because of that. I like to thinkthat Jacob Ellis is pretty close to that second version. Of course, there aresome differences like him being half-blood and familiar with Muggle culture.
Now, whenit comes to Jacob from chapter 30, he’s a totally separate creation, if you askme – it’s definitely not my Jacob, and not really that loveable brother we’veheard about in the story. His behaviour is just… odd. He knew that outside thechamber there was a dragon, yet he didn’t show any concern if his sibling isfine, if we didn’t get hurt. He didn’t even ask if a dragon was defeated. Andif he knew that, then how? Did he hear a fight, did he somehow see it? If so,how he didn’t know Rakepick was there? How he didn’t know MC was working withRakepick in the first place? He was using Legilimency on us, right? Didn’t hesee her face at any point? There were situations involving Patricia when MC wasemotionally vulnerable. Even in the Forest Vault, we were after Ben’s attack,and she had been present there too. Didn’t he think for once to look into MC’s mind?I’m pretty sure it should be easier than sending his own thoughts to someone… Somethingis not right about Jacob from the portrait.
I hope itanswers your question!
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lunasilvermorny · 5 years
3, 18, 20 and 21 for the MC ask 💚
Thank you for asking! You're my first one :D
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3. Did they get sorted into the Hogwarts House they expected to?  Did the Sorting Hat have any problems sorting them?  Or did it not even have to touch their head?
At first she wanted to be sorted into Slytherin, because she knew that'd make her father the most proud, since his whole family, including him, were Slytherins and they believe it's the best house out of the four. Also, Jacob was in Ravenclaw and he had a very problematic relationship with their father, so she knew that if she got into Ravenclaw, that would make him worry about her following Jacob's footsteps.
However, after she was sorted into Ravenclaw, she realized that's probably the perfect house for her.
The sorting hat sat on her head for maybe three seconds before it decided.
18. How good are they at taking compliments?
She's terrible at it.
When it's just for laughs, she usually demands compliments.
But she has a really hard time dealing with genuine compliments and her response is usually either dismissive or passive-aggressive. If someone insist on a certain compliment, she might eventually get mad and leave.
20. Are they pretty self-reliant?  Or do they like to go to their friends for help?
She's very self-reliant.
Her father was always too busy to take care of the "small things", her mother is very immature and Jacob always kept a certain distance, so she had to take care of herself from a very young age.
She tends to help others rather than ask for help herself.
21. Who is their favorite Weasley?  Or can they not choose?
That's a tricky question. At face value – I'd say Bill is her favorite, but it's because she's also romantically involved with him.
In a more platonic way, she has a very strong connection with Charlie. They spend a lot of time together (talk about dragons mostly), but he's one of her favorite people and she usually can talk to him about stuff that she just can't with Bill (for example, her romantic involvement with other people).
So… technically it's Bill, but if both of them were totally platonic, then maybe Charlie.
Thanks again for the questions, you’re the best
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Found this cute Piccrew thought I'd create a tag lol
Pic Crew
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I tag @flowerynameslover @cervo-live-in-arts @bakedsweetroll @elefseija @resshiiram @lins-hogwarts-mystery @zincgirl and anyone else who wants to do it
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catherinestark-hphm · 4 years
I found this cute picrew and thought it'd be fun to create your Mc and then their older self :3
Here if you wanna do it!
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Tagging: @slytherin-puffskein @slytherinliththorne @ryollie @kyril-hphm @hanihonii @caustic-curses @weirdcursedvaultkid @weasley-adoptee @ladycibia @zincgirl @badeeaswife @theguythatdraws
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cursebreaker-lilith · 4 years
OC Interview
thank you for the tag @zincgirl ^^
name ➔ “Lili Brooks. Unless you want my full name, then it’s Lilith Silvia Vesta Brooks. Ugh.”
are you single ➔ “I am, yeah.”
are you happy ➔ “In this moment? I guess so.”
are you angry ➔ “...” “Yeah. A bit. Maybe.”
are your parents still married ➔ “No. They divorced years ago.”
birthplace ➔ “London, England.”
hair colour ➔ “Uh, platinum blonde is the right term, I think? I get it from my mother’s side of the family; I’m told I look a lot like my grandmother did at this age.”
eye color ➔ “Yellow-green. Another thing from mum’s side of the family.”
birthday ➔ “October 19th, 1972.”
gender ➔ “A girl.”
summer or winter ➔ “Honestly, I prefer spring to both of those but if I had to choose, I’d pick summer. Not a fan of the cold.”
morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning. Well, morning after I’ve eaten.”
are you in love ➔ “Maybe? I don’t think I really know what it feels like to be in love...”
do you believe in love, at first sight ➔ “Maybe there’s interest at first sight, but love? Probably not.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “It’s--it was never a proper relationship, so it never really even started, but. I think it’d be alright to say that other things became priorities in both our eyes so we both stopped flirting and skirting around each other and just continued on as friends.”
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “I... I think I did, though I didn’t mean to.”
are you afraid of commitments ➔ “No, not really. If I want to do something, I’ll do it. Usually.”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “I hugged Barnaby this morning and Rowan during lunch!”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “I don’t think so? I mean, I’ve never gotten anything from a secret admirer, and I wouldn’t be aware of one otherwise.”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “...Yeah.”
love or lust ➔ “I think I’m too young for lust, so love I suppose.”
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Iced tea? Uh, lemonade then, I guess.”
cats or dogs ➔ “Since I own a cat, I obviously have to choose cats.”
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Few best friends, definitely, though knowing many people has its uses.”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Romantic night in. I think the people I like would prefer it.”
day or night ➔ “Day. Night is for sleeping.”
been caught sneaking out ➔ “At home? No, mum’s not around enough to even notice I’m out. At school? Unfortunately. The professor’s are more watchful than my family.”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Maybe once when I was a kid, but I don’t make a habit of falling down stairs.”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “My brother.”
wanted to disappear ➔ “Sometimes. The whispers about me and my brother don’t usually get to me and I can ignore them, but sometimes it’s hard to do that.”
smile or eyes ➔ “Smiles. Especially if they’re not the type to usually smile and you get them to. It’s beautiful.”
shorter or taller ➔ “Taller, though not like, super tall!”
intelligence or attraction ➔ "Kindness.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ “Uh, relationship.”
do you and your family get along ➔ “...” “No.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “It was normal once....”
have you ever run away from home ➔  “I haven’t done that, no. Not really a reason to since there’s no one at home who would make me want to run away.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “If my mom ever reads the letters Hogwarts sends then maybe this might happen but she’s unlikely to ever do that.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “If I don’t like you then I will make that clear. If we have to work together to get further in the search for the Cursed Vaults, that doesn’t make you my friend only my ally.”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Of the people I call friends, yes. Of the people I call acquaintances, no.”
who is your best friend ➔ “Rowan! I don’t know what I’d do without her~!”
who knows everything about you ➔ “Myself, and I’ll be keeping it that way.”
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callmederok · 5 years
Hi! I love David and Penny as a couple, but who do you think he would be with if he weren't with Penny?
Finally, you lost your shyness ^_^(i often see that you put likes on my things and i’m happy to see you interacting with me ^_^) (btw @cynicaljapanophile also asked me a similar question, so i’m gonna answer like i answered her ^_^)
Please enjoy! (and feel free to comment or express anything, i love to interact with people of any kind with every kind of opinions)
David doesn’t have a typo or an ideal girl, before Penny he was sure to be unlovable(thanks to David’s biological father) because his “flaws”(like being cruel to his enemies or being overly passionate and having problem to suppress his own anger, but he never hit a friend or family, aside when there is a duel involved, and even then he does the bare minimum to help them to learn from the duel ^_^)
So after this premise(i hate parenthesis and yet i use them a lot), I’ll make a list of all the girls actually in Hogwarts and explain if they’re a suitable candidate for dating David:
Short Version: Just No.
You can’t try to kill(and after that abuse) a person and expecting to be loved from your victim. By saying that, i just explain the whole character arc of her relationship with David (and MC in general in my opinion). I’ve heard that chapter 13 of year six may involve Merula canonically expressing love to David(but this rumour was born in 4chan and brought to the discord server i’m in…so i don’t trust it until i see it) and even then i will refuse her(if possible) because in 6 years she didn’t change much, still abusive, still ungrateful, disrespectful, racist and arrogant. For an extra explanation click here.
They may be a good duo, for a while Tonks was the funny friend that David needed when he was in a bad mood and in need to laugh but due recent events and how poorly JC managed her(along with Tulip) David and Tonks are losing touch, let’s just say that her entire character arc is like 5 full years of “Everything can be solved by going to Zonko’s” David by the end of Fifth year is done with Zonko’s (partially because those pranks for Peeves were extremely brutal and dangerous even for his standards). Also, i headcanon that by the end of HPHM, something controversial will happen and most of the canon-characters(and part of the other characters of HPHM) of the book, either forget David or simply refuse to admit to knowing him, like they’ve disowned him.
Like Tonks but without the part of “If David is sad goes to her”, and like Tonks, her character arc is “I’ll give you this important clue about the Vaults(that they almost killed me once in year fourth) if you buy me something from Zonko’s or agree to help me with a prank”. Like we don’t see much of her serious not-pranking side…so in general, i don’t know enough to actually consider her a candidate.
Goth-girl, if she was actually a tsundere and goth, or have a passion for music(like rock or power-metal like the Powerwolf band or the disturbed) she would have been the best party-material of the lot…but she still is a racist, she is not bad in the sixth year but i feel like i need her more present. The amortensia side-quest was nice that’s why i revaluated her a little.
David’s foster-sister, her mother basically takes care of David, she didn’t plan for them to be married or a couple(they’re not blood-related not even remotely) and she finds them cute together, they both agree: they’re brother and sister, they don’t feel nothing else for each other. Badea is like the perfect sister-material, David doesn’t expect or want anything more from her, they complement each other as a family(like the classic hyperactive brother and the quiet sister).
She is like Penny but with an even more tragic past, and an outcast like David, someone may think they’re perfect for each other, David is quite a fighter and he knows how to deal with werewolves and beasts in general. Chiara wants to be a healer so like Penny she’ll be specialized in healing spells(or potions) but Chiara doesn’t seem quite adventurous like Penny(but I’ve heard of a side-quest where Chiara is the main character/the main person in need of MC’s help).
Another one who can actually relate to David, they both love creatures and magical beasts but we don’t see her enough to even consider her material for a date but they’re friends and while David takes care of the biggest(and most dangerous) creatures at the Reserve for Magical Creatures, Lizard(along with Barnaby who thanks to his body can help both of them) takes care of the others.
Skye: Same year, same house, similar interests(Quidditch and probably proving a point to someone), i’m not gonna lie, SkyexDavid feels exactly like Hinny(and i love Hinny as much i love Romione). She is a very good candidate for a relationship at least during HPHM(for after-hphm, there may be some work to do because in my AUs David after-hphm needs some time by himself, unchained/unbonded). I like the idea that they go to some Quidditch-party like after a match(either they won or not) they talk about the match very seriously and then start to cheer themselves up(if they have lost) or celebrate, in a sort of “exclusive party only for quidditch player and close-friends“, it would be a very good relationship that would help David to not think about the Vaults, R, his brother and his friends’dramas and with that David would be less stressed and way less annoyed by the dramas around him. (In the Aurors!AU she would be exactly like Adult!Hinny, it’s what i feel)
Both young alchemist, both interested in what the Alchemy’s teacher has to offer but Aurelie during the second year is obsessed with his brother, the philosopher’s stone and Nicholas Flamel, meanwhile during that Side-quest David(with his headcanons) has to deal with his grandfather, an alchemist/druid who works on the borderlines of Scotland’s magic community who just discovered that his nephew attempted a human transmutation(tried to resurrect his mother) and got a looooooong lecture about Nicholas Flamel being the biggest criminal  ever used alchemy(because the Stone is made with alive Humans like in FMA) so the things between the two(David and Aurelie) are quite complicated and when David will actually discover the secret about the Stone(during the summer after year fourth) he will agree with his grandfather and be even more strict about spreading the secret.
So in the end, who are the candidates? Chiara, Skye and Ismelda(if i close an eye or two about her behaviour) 
And all of them may be a chain/leash to David’s thirst for adventures after HPHM(i think he will become a curse breaker, a travelling Magizoologist or very busy Auror) and while Penny has an adventurous spirit and thirst for learning(about potions and medications). Skye would work in Aurors!AU, Penny in Cursebreakers!AU, Chiara maybe in “Magizoologist!AU” and Ismelda meh...it wouldn’t work(at least based on what we know about her)...
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callmederok · 5 years
From the most recent ask - 6, 14, 20 and 30, please :)
Thanks for the questions(it’s about to get dark tho…so prepare to some angst, Sixth year related)
Please Enjoy(and have a good day):
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
From who David would take advice? Everyone but it doesn’t mean he would act based on that, he will simply gather some intel before acting.
From who won’t take advice from? Dumbledore, Merula, Ben, Snape, Weasleys(Yep! all of them), Ismelda, Bea Haywood, McGonagall, Kettleburn…all these people before or during the sixth year somehow disappointed David to the point that he thinks that talking to them is simply a waste of time and mental energy.
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
David has a few guilty pleasures…like Hunting and eating what he hunted, being cruel/harsh to people(he hates being mean but at the same time, telling the truth in the most brutal way, it’s sooo goood), or also saying that he doesn’t give a damn about everyone’s problems (usually it’s a lie, but it feels so liberating acting selfish like everyone else!)
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
Chimaera’s meat and fighting to the death.
(David’s inner mentality is quite messed up by tough childhood and stressful time in Hogwarts, that he actually he is slowly beginning to love to feel stressful because he is associating it to the feel of dealing with an impossible challenge…but he can’t show this side of his personality, he is too scared to be labelled as mad-man or hated by the few people he really cares about.)
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Destroy Hogwarts! (without people and any “living things” inside…simply burn the place to the ground) and then help rebuild it without the things that are fuelling his nightmares, maybe making it bigger, you know, improve it for the sake of the next generations!
The reason is that Hogwarts along with many good moments, it’s also the cause of a terrible childhood(since MC would be 6 or 7 when Jacob disappeared, and their biological father is like a jerk/quite insensitive, and although Badea’s family is perfect for him, he still had a curfew at the time and still forcefully trained to be an FMA-alchemist and the loneliness and the feeling of being hopeless and unwanted actually brought him to trying to resurrect his mother, failing and losing his sense of touch until almost the end of the fourth year) and a nightmare-ish teenhood.
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callmederok · 5 years
"Not so nice" ask - 2, 3, 12, 36 and 45! :)
Thanks for Asking, Sorry for being Late and please enjoy the angst XD
I’m also tagging @thereluctantherosrose (because she likes angst time to time and this is quite angsty)
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
Trying to resurrect his mother with Alchemy
Extra: Is the first time i notice your nickname in my asks…so keep in mind that my HPHM-world has many different abilities, like FMA-Alchemy, Jojo-Stands, Kekkaishi abilities and other random/paranormal things.
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced?
Is not about physical pain, but being trapped in a body incapable to feel his touch of things/people, for four years(due his punishment from God/Truth) for him was like suffering from a Cruciatus Curse but aimed to torture only his psyche, for him was like piloting a robot or being under an Imperio curse, you don’t feel nothing, either pain or touch, cold or hot…you’re basically witnessing your own life without having the sensation to be part of it.
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it?
Technically transmuting random junk in pure gold and use it for buying stuff, is illegal in his family, like also transmuting his mother’s dead body trying to resurrect her…David actually breaks many Hogwarts’ rules, but actual laws? I don’t think he ever did that…at least during HPHM, then in the cursebreakers!AU the laws are blurry, because for the sake of breaking a curse, David always uses some unorthodox methods…so…it’s hard to fully answer this question.
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
David is quite controlled by his emotions and instincts, that’s why every plan he has before a duel/fight is based on how much prepared he is, like brewing potions, prepare some rope, cleaning his knives, studying the weak spots of his next enemy and stuff like that, because he knows that he will be hardly able to improvise soon as the fight “becomes emotional”(this, during HPHM, as an adult, David will change quite soon)
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience?
Rage…everyone in some way does that right exact thing that may ruin David’s mood or plans or everything else, like David gets angry(but he repress that rage) everytime that Tulip or Tonks ask to assist them for a prank in exchange of precious infos related to Vaults. David gets angry every time Merula or Emily Tyler is around, David gets angry every time Snape put his eyes on him, or every time his friends are insensitive and tell him that he is obsessed with the vaults. Yeah there are many occasion where David is quiet and happy, but in HPHM(thanks maybe to Jam City bad writing) it seems like that everyone and everything likes to put MC of the verge of a rage-madness, like everything is eager to see him doing the magic version of a mass-shooting. That’s why the Cursebreaker!AU exist…David is so done with his friends, to basically quit on them and leave Britain and be a travelling cursebreaker so he can deal with his stress and repressed rage, and Penny understanding the situation in Hogwarts/Britain chooses to go with him(there are other reasons for David and Penny to be cursebreakers togethers but this one is related to Rage)
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callmederok · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering what's Daniel take on the new characters from the latest quidditch update?
If we assume that all the quidditch side-quest happens during Year 2(that’s the requirement for accessing to this side-quest: being in year 2 and completed chapter 6), here the situation of David(then i’ll answer your actual question ^^):
- Because he tried(and failed) to resurrect his mother with FMA-alchemy, he doesn’t have the sense of touch(so for him, even walking needs his concentration because he doesn’t feel the ground under him)
- Depressed because the ghost of his mother, tries to force him to befriend Merula(even though, she knows that she tried to kill him the during the first year) because her parents are deatheaters.
- At the same time the situation is not even near to the absolute shitstorm he will face during and after Year 4, so he is slowly being involved in nice activities that Hogwarts may offer, and enjoying them(like the flying lessons)
- Since the first Flying Lesson, he tries every excuse to fly a little, he doesn’t feel nothing, but the idea of flying around, free like a bird, helps to not thinking about his absent father, his grandfather who lives not far from Hogsmeade(and obsess him over studying more Alchemy) his crazy ghost-mother and Jacob being imprisoned in the vaults
Now the actual answer:
He is shying a lot about Penny being a super Quidditch-fan(unexpected, to the point that i had to change my mental headcanons about since when, David is interested in Penny) but pretty much pumped up with confidence thanks to her.
Then the is Face Paint Kid, David is annoyed by him, not for the quiz but because his nickname is soooo long, and also the officialism of the quiz, he asked himself if someone nominated him to be the “Quidditch-quiz guy” like a teacher nominates a prefect.
He agrees with Skye, and as a matter of fact, after the Quidditch Side-quest, David will work on improving her training-menù, and after that he will do it every day of the week, to the point to wake up at the dawn and asking to his foster-mother(Badea’s mom) to send him some weights and extra protections for quidditch, so we can say that Skye had a big impact on David, also she shares a little bit of guilt for making David more cynical.
MCNully/The Commentator and the team’s leader…well i did’t come to that part yet…but The Commentator will also leave some important trait on/in David: when you’re talking…go straight to the point or you will annoy people around you…
They’re both have different disabilities, David doesn’t judge or insults McNully, even after David regains his sense of touch, he still judges people for who they’re on a personality level, rather than race/religion/disabilities/gender&sexuality, the only real prejudice he has it’s about either you’re Merula Snyde/Emily Tyler…he hates Merula(for many reasons), and he mocks Emily for being a gold digger/social climber who is too much attached to the idea of being rich or politically-powerful, who will never truly love or being loved.
Sorry but i low on coins in the game, so i didn’t reached the Team Leader(or whom else is left) yet…sorry for the incomplete answer ç_ç
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callmederok · 5 years
Sorry, I wrote Daniel instead of David!
Don’t worry, my real name is Daniel...and David is partially a self-insert u.u so, no big deal enough to be sorry for XD
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lunasilvermorny · 5 years
OC asks- 11, 12, 13, 25, 65, 66, 73 and 78 please :) (sorry if it's too much!💚)
Thanks for your questions! :)
And thank you for always being there and support my blog! I appreciate the hell out of you, mate.
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11. What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother?
Luna has a fairly stable relationship with her mother, but it’s not even close to be healthy or normal.
Her mother is very immature, which forced Luna to rely on herself while growing up rather than her mother. Also, her mother always excused Jacob’s horrible behavior toward Luna, dismissing any criticism on him, so Luna always felt like she’s not as important to her as him.
In addition, her parents have a problematic marriage and instead of dealing with their problems, they ignore them, a situation that push their children to “choose a side”, and Luna prefer her father over her mother.
However, she still loves her and she is trying to be as respectful as she can be toward her.
12.  What is your OC’s relationship with his/her father?
Even more complicated than her relationship with her mother.
Their relationship is a weird balance of fear and resentment to admiration and devotion.
She always want to make him proud and his opinion is extremely valuable to her. However, it’s hard for her to even mention his name without adding a passive-aggressive remark about his cold and distant nature.
His approval is the drive for many of her life choices, but even though he told her many times in the past that he’s proud of her, he keeps her at an arm’s length. His unrealistic expectations make her feel like she could never be good enough for him.
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Their relationship was very problematic.
Jacob’s hatred of their father was a very crucial factor in their relationship. Luna took over many of their father’s traits (appearance and behavior) that made Jacob angry with her, without ever really giving her a chance to prove him wrong. So he bullied her throughout her childhood.  
However, there were some very rare instances of sincerity where he told her that he cares about her and that his biggest fear is that she’d turn out like their father.
This made her very resentful, but also very determined to show him that she can be better. That’s why she has the need for his approval, just like with her father. However, unlike their father, Luna doesn’t think highly of her big brother and has the need to prove that she’s better than him.
She is her favorite out of their whole family. She loves her little sister so much, to a point that’s bordered with admiration. She always say how Olivia is the best out of all of them, and the only one in the family that is not completely broken.
However, she doesn’t spend as much time with her as she’d like, because she tries to avoid coming back home at all costs, so they write to each other more than actually hanging out together.
Her baby-sister, she was born when Luna was in her 5th year at Hogwarts.
Luna has no real opinion on her baby-sister and she never really tried to develop a relationship with her.
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
That’s a tricky one. I think Bill is her soulmate, but it didn’t work out, so… for her, the concept of soulmates is redundant. She will have many romantic partners, so just one soulmate is unnecessary.
65. What is your OC’s favorite drink?
Whisky. (Yep…)
Luna has started stealing alcohol from her father’s collection ever since she was 13, which is made mostly of old whisky, so… Yeah, that’s how she grew to like it.
66. What is your OC’s favorite food?
Grilled mushrooms. No story behind it, she loves it.
73. What is your OC’s favorite form of entertainment?
Hmm… I guess that her favorite would be music. She likes playing the violin in order to enhance her concentration and she likes to have music in the background when she does anything else (studying, socializing etc.)
78. What is your OC’s favorite time of day?
Early morning, before sunrise. (Even better if it’s raining.)
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I hope you like my answers :D
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
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Aro/Ace Pride.
Pride month - Day 5.
Carewyn Cromwell (belongs to @carewyncromwell) is asexual, while Badeea and Zinc Potato (belongs to @zincgirl) are asexual and aromantic.
I hope you like the drawing! (even though @zincgirl is not really active on tumblr anymore, but I still love your chaotic mess of a character, you big troll.)
Anyway, I really enjoyed drawing both your characters!
Also, I know that shipping Badeea with Talbott is a very popular ship in the community, but I always thought of her aro/ace, so here she is.
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catherinestark-hphm · 4 years
Make your ships uwu
I created my main ships for the moment and it was fun. You should too, if you want! Here it is if you want to do it!
Ships presented: Talcat (Talbott and Cath), Merien (Adrien and Merula) and since I'm clowning over Cath x Erika I did them as well ajsjdnwjsjs
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Tagging: @slytherin-puffskein @slytherinliththorne @hanihonii @kyril-hphm @theguythatdraws @ryollie @wickedica @weasley-adoptee @elegantlypathetic @upset-hufflepuff @angellazull @astrejlau @falyenhea @katherinepiercehphm @callmederok @caustic-curses @narionblack @zincgirl @annevmoreira @hogwartsmysterystory and anyone who'd like to join!!
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lunasilvermorny · 5 years
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Thanks for your questions, mate :) You and @zincgirl​ are the true VIPs of my blog and I’m very grateful for your interest in my headcanon!
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5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
Normally it would be a buttoned-up shirt with an oversized sweater and skinny jeans.
For special nights, she'd wear either a long, simple dress or a suit.
16. What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
Well, there are many… but if I had to choose one:
When she was a child, she caught her father cheating on her mother with a random witch. He asked her to keep it to herself and told her "you will understand when you're older."
After a while, him cheating became sort of an open secret (Jacob tried to make their mother leave him because of it.) and that made her develop a very cynical view on monogamy.
She promised herself that she'd never cheat on a spouse and that's one of the reasons she became a polyamorous in the first place.
19. What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
So, I can split this answer into 3 parts:
-What she claims her opinion on children is – they're annoying yet harmless.
-How she (actually) behaves around children – she's very friendly and children tend to like her, so she usually has a very good time with them, especially if they're clever and eager to learn. However, she can be cold and distant to spoiled and annoying kids.
-What she thinks about having children – she's not planning on having any, because she's afraid she'd end up as a dysfunctional mother and screw their lives.
20. What kind of mother/father would your OC be?
For now, I don't plan on making her a mother. However, she's going to be a mentor to several people and for them she's a certain mother figure.
She's encouraging, but won’t hold their hands all the way and prefer to let them make mistakes and take their own paths in order to achieve their goals. She can be tough sometimes, but never to a point where she abandons them in a time of need. She wouldn't stop guiding anyone, unless she feels they've reached their full potential.
22. Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
(Up until the end of year 4.)
-Rowan – her best friend since day one. They are so alike when it comes to school and studying, but also very different (especially in social situations), so they match but in a way also complete each other. She keeps in touch with him even after Hogwarts and view him as a brother. (He's also the only one, so far, that she talked to about her family.)
-Bill – he's her second best friend and a very stable presence in her life. She studies with him the material from his year, so for her, he provides her a much more challenging study material than any other friend in school. He was her first real love, but they are much more compatible as friends.
-Charlie – their love for magical creatures,(especially dragons) is what brought them closer, but they have a certain connection beyond that. Charlie's easy going nature goes well with hers and their conversations tend to be very deep and long, even when they start from the most superficial topics.
-Barnaby - she just have so much fun with him, (and not just because she loves helping him with his studies) and she completely admires the fact that he’s such a good person, especially since his parents were Death Eaters. And of course, their common interest in animals and creatures.
47. How easily does your OC forgive?
It depends on so many factors. As a rule of thumb, she usually just choose denial over dealing with the issue, so she doesn't usually forgive, just pretend it never happened.
But to be a bit more specific:
-Relative insignificant issues with no ill intention behind them – she'd forgive the second she hears an apology. (if it was malicious, she’d just ignore it.)
-If it's a mediocre issue, it depends on the person. Unless it's her friends, she probably wouldn’t forgive. If she gets an apology, she'd just pretend it never happened, but won't forget.
-If it's a huge thing, even if done by friends and family without an ill intention, she probably wouldn't forgive. If the person is really close to her, she'd just pretend it never happened and be very defensive if the person tries to resolve it instead of choosing denial as well.
Hope you like my answers :)
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