#David Jager Denneth
callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: 30 OC Questions (Part 2...maybe)
Please Enjoy this new All Answered!
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favourite?
He tried to sleep with a stuffed animal(when Bea gave that stuffed puffskein) not his thing but still like it, so that puffskein was on his bedside-table...and that’s it.
2. Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
He can take care of all of them, he is quite caring(although people finds him scary because of his scars and his resting bitch face)
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
“Your hair is like the sunlight, 
with those beautiful blue eyes that make me melt 
when our glares me(e)t
Your smile makes brightens my day
Your embrace is my safe haven 
And your kisses, my Heaven“
Headcanon about it: probably David made this one for Penny(of course) for S.Valentine Day during the fifth year(with Bea still trapped probably) only because he wanted to cheer her up a little, she appreciated the effort but asked to not doing it again because it’s “quite eugh” (in a “poetry it’s totally not your talent but it’s cute and i love your effort” way)
4. Do they look good in red?
David looks good in everything but fancy clothes because he would look like a lion in a tuxedo, but yeah his main colours are red(like his hair) and gold(like his eyes) everyone(plus himself) thinks that he looks awesomely in red, that’s why when they want to give some clothes as a present, they usually give things red-coloured 
5. Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about? (You can ask this one multiple times if you ask about what kind of speech you may want to read about)
Speeches huh? David would love to give one when he saves everyone at the end of HPHM but i also depends on how would be the end of the year party related to his generation(and if the Ministry of Magic comes to give him some sort of reward) but let’s put some sort of basic situation okay?
Let’s see...Dumbledore wants to reward David/MC with some sort of MVP(of his generation) kind of speech, and he warns David to prepare for the “end of the year feast” so he goes around among his few friends(i headcanon that David would have quit on most of them because all the crap had to deal because of them, like family-drama, toxic behaviour and stuff, so only a few people can say that are David’s actual friends) and he asks them what they wish to listen, like some question they may want to make to David and they want an answer. So David gathers some questions, some requests or hints from people and this is what he came up with:
“Hi everyone...it’s me...When Dumbledore told me to give a speech, i was speechless myself...ehehe sorry kinda nervous myself, talking is not one of my talents...alright let’s start with the real thing: Most of you asked me what brought me to deal with the cursed vaults or how it feels to be the Hero/Champion of Hogwarts, someone even asked me other stuff or simply insulted me for simply asking something that would help me with this speech-thing. Truth is, i hate being here, not only being here on this podium but here in Hogwarts; Yeah, someone may say that i had some awesome moments here and they’re right but i always lived those moments with the fear that my life and the life of everyone around me, was about to end horribly maybe for a curse, maybe because of R or some other crazy things like a Chimaera on the loose or a spell going wrong...I was scared all the time and multiple times i had a meltdown, some of you actually witnessed me during my worst moments. What i did, saved Hogwarts, yeah, but at the same time forced me to make many sacrifices, friends, family, myself, every day of my life here was like a being tortured, physically, mentally and emotionally, i feel like it’s a miracle that i’m not insane or did something so horrible to be expelled and sent to Azkaban. In the end, being the Hero of Hogwarts feels like a curse to me, because in my opinion, a school shouldn’t have the need for a hero at all! Does some crap happen? Where are the teachers? Part of their job should be keeping this school safe and yet i never saw them around the Vaults before i got there and solved the situation...i may sound ungrateful and probably i’m going to be hated by everyone, not that i care, when i started here i was hated by everyone, to the point that someone actually tried to kill me, after years here i forgive this act but I’ll never forget it...probably. This speech feels eternal...let’s cut it short: i’m not here to spark hope or dreams, with all I’ve been through i don’t care nearly enough but i care enough to give my point of view about this nightmare called R and the Cursed Vaults, maybe it’s the truth, maybe it’s not, but i people waned me to be the hero because they didn’t care about "who lives or who dies” because they weren’t related to them DIRECTLY to the vault like i was until some months ago, i wanted to save my brother and i ended up saving everyone who lives and lived here, i don’t want rewards, or being celebrated like a hero...i wanted to be happy like you all, where your most anxious thought is probably related to NEWTs or OWLs or a quidditch match or a date...instead my thoughts were related to the safeness of my friends, my family and my life..WHILE i was worried about exams, quidditch, people wanting to kill me, dating, prefect’s duties, my reputation ruined by The Prophet and why i’m being hated by everyone without even knowing me when for the first time i started to attend Hogwarts 7 years ago...in the end, my point is: How is it possible that a kid is the Hero of Hogwarts and not the assumed Strongest Wizard of all the time Albus FUCKING DUMBledore?! LET’S THINK ABOUT THAT, PEOPLE!” 
and then either he is cheered or not, he would simply leave, without attending the feast in the Great Hall but simply enjoying a quiet party in Jacob’s room but inviting Rowan(best friend), Penny(Girlfriend), Jacob(brother) and Badea(step-sister). In general, in that situation his speech would be a super eternal rant about how fucked up his situation in Hogwarts was, and blaming every adult around(and related to the ministry of magic) for that and a few shitty friends(without saying their names) but still trying to be grateful for the few good things happened to him...so yeah it would be his last rant in Hogwarts.
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
From who David would take advice? Everyone but it doesn’t mean he would act based on that, he will simply gather some intel before acting.
From who won’t take advice from? Dumbledore, Merula, Ben, Snape, Weasleys(yep all of them), Ismelda, Bea Haywood, McGonagall, Kettleburn...all these people before or during the sixth year somehow disappointed David to the point that he thinks that talking to them is simply a waste of time and mental energy.
7. Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themselves in three words.
Me describing him: Passionate, Reckless, Caring
David describing himself: Cruel, Double-faced, Stressed
8. Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
David’s dream job is being a cursebreaker(mostly for the joy of travelling around the world and adventures), curses are like puzzles and puzzles are like curses for him, he is intrigued by them and he loves being frustrated by them it’s like a love/hate relationship!
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
Only if he spent a lot of time by taking care of them, but it’s more about plants or magic artefacts.
10. What age do they most want to be right now?
17 and 10 months...because it would mean that his years in Hogwarts are over, then 2 months of holidays, chilling, maybe co-living with Penny for a week while her or his parents are away with their siblings, quietness and then straight on the job-market, after 2 perfect months with no anxiety, stress or death threats.
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
More like investing: The house needs a new washing machine? He will buy it! The house doesn’t have wifi or an internet connection in general? Time to have it! Then when all the urgent expenses are dealt with, he would try to have a fancy dinner somewhere with his love-interest or some cute vacancy somewhere near a beach.
12. Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
If well-developed yes, but he likes to have all the details of their lives as a couple...so yeah he kinda fangirls over the good romances.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
I prefer to name them all! (it helps to understand what kind of family situation David dealt with)
Biological Father: How to Hunt/Fight, Alchemy, Toxic Masculinity., how to insult and humiliate someone(by insulting and humiliating him for not being Jacob)
Biological Mother: Pureblood supremacist ideas(he never agrees with them but still became quite selective with friends but not based on race or genders but based on reliability and fun)
Foster-Father(Badea’s Dad): Kindness, peace, how to control his emotions(David’s fights with himself but it’s a hard fight in most of the cases), basics of the healing(as a job), how to talk to people.
Foster-Mother(Badea’s Mom): Passion, Love, how to not be a toxic person, basics of being a doctor(like how to treat a wound and stuff), birds and bees(but in a scientific way) and that there is nothing wrong or embarrassing in liking things.
14. Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
David has a few guilty pleasures...like Hunting and eating what he hunted, being cruel/harsh to people(he hates being mean but at the same time, telling the truth in the most brutal way, it’s sooo goood), or also saying that he doesn’t give a damn about everyone’s problems (sometimes it’s a lie but it feels so good being mean for the sake of being mean at that moment, it feels so liberating being selfish like everyone else!)
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Talking/Dealing with Dumbledore, Merula, Ben, and every Weasley around(HPHM made me hate Weasleys...ugh).
Dealing with everyone who comes to him because they have a problem and not because they want to spend time with him.
16. If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Nothing would change, David like shirts and jeans 24/7 and a red coat (the basic idea is “comfortable enough to fight to the death, cool enough to be able to go somewhere nice”). If wasn’t a limit would start a campaign to teach that people are free to wear what they want without feeling ashamed.
17. Do they like children?
David is like the cool big brother of every young student of Hogwarts, he lets you do dangerous/cool stuff but also teaches you how to make it less dangerous or painful and then takes the blame when shit happens(mostly because he blames himself for not taught good enough to those kids).
18. Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
It depends on how much Caliente the situation is. 
Romantic Situation: No-Tongue!
NSFW or Very Passionate Situation: Not enough tongue!
19. Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
David studies before tests, he has a decent memory but still studies, but at the same time tries to not study too much because he would feel stressed...so he studying just the right amount for him to be decently prepared.
He doesn’t practice before job interviews, he is confident enough.
20. What do they like that nobody else does?
Chimaera’s meat and fighting to the death.
(David’s inner mentality is quite messed up by tough childhood and stressful time in Hogwarts, that he actually he is slowly beginning to love to feel stressful, because he is associating it to the feel of dealing with an impossible challenge...but he can’t show this side of his personality: he is too scared to be labelled as mad-man or hated by the few people he really cares about.)
21. What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Toxic behaviour like being manipulative, emotional abuse(all the things Merula did in HPHM basically). David may be patient but there are things he will never tolerate.
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Cheating is the last straw because he believes that if you don’t love someone you simply need to be honest and leave for someone’s life, cheating(pain of being cheated aside) is like asking to be hated and considered an immature, irresponsible idiot and definitely not-wife/husband material forever. “Cheating is one of the unforgivable curses in the context of a relationship”
22. Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet-names? What’s their go-to?
He doesn’t like it but at the same time, he doesn’t dislike it...Penny can call him “Good Boy”(as inside-joke for David’s animagus form) all she wants and David will be okay with it. 
David likes to call Penny: Honey, Sweetheart, and in HPHMxDragonAge: Ma Vhenan(My Heart in elven) (David likes it as a concept because he feels that Penny is his heart, and losing her would be like dying while being tortured...unless she cheats)
Penny likes to call David; Love, Darling, Hero, Buddy(before becoming a couple)
Outside a love-relationship, David doesn’t like pet names, he rather gives nicknames to people with long names but nothing that sounds like a pet-name...probably(i’m not sure what is the full definition of pet-name XD)
23. Stability or novelty?
The ideal would be stability in his emotional life, and novelty in his work-life
24. Honesty or charity?
Honesty, David hates liars and lies in general, he prefers a brutal truth than a soothing lie.
25. Safety or possibility?
David is a “possibility-guy” but actually prefers Safety.
26. Talent or effort?
Wasted talent is something you don’t put enough effort into it.
27. Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Justice, not Vengeance; but David wish to be vindicative but his rational side forces him to be forgiving (but not forgetful) and letting the laws do their thing.
28. Would they date a fixer-upper?
Everyone in HPHM is a mess in a way or another, David is fighting between being a decent person or being cruel like Merula or Snape/Rakepick and all the evil-ish thoughts that are living in his mind...in a way he is a fixer-upper. Penny has her way to deal with stress by drinking potions and she is a little manipulative when she needs something(i know and i still like Penny as a character)
So the answer is: Yes but David is unable to see who is a fixer-upper and who isn’t, so from his point of view, everyone is a fixer-upper and at the same time they aren’t. (and you may need to explain to him what a fixer-upper is...he sucks in talking and stuff, his list of words he knows is limited from things learned in books and random magical-lingo)
29. What recurring dreams do they have?
Recurring dreams? More like recurring nightmares!
Year 1 to Year 3: His human transmutation and the blob made of meat that he created almost eating him alive while it calls him “Son”
Year 4 to Year 5: Fighting his inner-self that keeps mocking him for being too kind and too forgiving
Year 6: Walking across a graveyard and every tombstone has the name of someone that David knows/have met/is friend with.
The dreams are pretty random, parties, dates, or funny moments already happened usually what David will see in dreams depends on how stressful the day was...more stress = more nightmares
And if you play the game as i did: There are tons of stressful moments...
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Destroy Hogwarts(without people and any “living things” inside...simply burn the place to the ground) and then rebuild it without the things that are fuelling his nightmares, maybe making it bigger...the reason is that Hogwarts along with many good moments, it’s also the cause of a terrible childhood(since MC would be 6 or 7 when Jacob disappeared, and their biological father is like a jerk/quite insensitive, and although Badea’s family is perfect for him, he still had a curfew at the time and still forcefully trained to be an FMA-alchemist) and a nightmare-ish teenhood.
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cynicaljapanophile · 4 years
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@callmederok owns the best boy that is david denneth
also how the fuck do you draw scars?
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batgirl-87 · 5 years
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David Jager Denneth for @callmederok
Oh hey! What have I been busy doing lately? Making some edits for some special, meaningful people in my life I was fortunate to have met on here! Which also included a lot of snooping researching on their blogs =p I honestly had a lot of fun making these, even if I was stressing myself out making them perfect and am still unsure if I’m 100% happy with them all, but then maybe I just need to make some more some time… 😉
For my fellow alchemy lover @callmederok
Don’t worry, I made sure to have a little moment of David and Penny in there, along with his infamous red coat, and just because he’s a fighter doesn’t mean he’s a dumb jock! I hope I did your epitome of Gryffindor MC right and thanks for being a great new friend.😊
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Hogwarts Mystery:
Tagged by @slytherin-puffskein sooooooooo long ago and i was working on this and then I TOTALLY forgot about it X”D LMFAO SORRY (This isn’t the greatest XD I may edit later buuuuut whatever I just want to post haha)
Template by @hogwartsmysterystory
Aleksia Liusaidh Aries (the picture but with black hair and braids)
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G e n e r a l    I n f o r m a t i o n
 NAME: Aleksia Liusaidh Aries
AGE: 17 years old
GENDER: Female
NICKNAMES: Leksi, Alek, Kitten, Curse-breaker
DATE OF BIRTH: December 10th, 1972
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good
ETHNICITY: Caucasian
 Main F a m i l y
 FATHER:  William Lee Aries
Black hair, Brown Hazel Eyes
Has one brother and 2 half siblings
Comes from a wealthy and rich family
Met Leanna in a bar in Scotland while on a business trip
Parents approved because of her Pureblood status and beauty, as well the fact that she was slytherin
Married Leanna after she became pregnant with Jacob. 
Suddenly his demeanor changed, and he became very controlling and emotionally abusive.
This eventually lead to more physically abusive behaviour. 
Very close with his family and often has them over
They, like him, are very judgmental and not good people.
They believe that blood must remain pure, and all the others were to be avoided. 
Aries family females have the ability to produce ice glyphs and if powerful enough can summon a ice guardian
He works for the Ministry 
At first was happy with Aleksia, thinking that she could be used to show off. As she got older and became more rebellious, he started to turn his abuse towards her, belittling her and abusing. 
Blamed Leanna when Jacob went missing, which lead to separation
He eventually found a new wife, Emily, who was the perfect wife for him
Had a son 
 MOTHER:  Leanna Mckinley Aries
Brownish-red hair, brown eyes
Grew up in Scotland with 10 other siblings
Was an auror before she married
When she became pregnant with Jacob, is when her and William married.
Began to abused both physically and emotionally when she did not listen to him. To avoid this, she complied with most of what he wanted.
Leanna wasn’t allowed to see her family, being manipulated into thinking that she was unwanted by her own family and that they were her real family
When she became pregnant with Aleksia, she wasn’t happy, knowing that she would have to subject her children to the grasp of William
She saw how Jacob was treated better than Aleksia, but thought she couldn’t do anything about it and thought she would only make it worse
She would be harsh with Aleksia, trying to make her obey her father so that she wouldn’t be hurt by him
Eventually left with Aleksia after Jacob went missing
Became very strict with Aleksia when it came to magic to the point where they often argued
BROTHER: Jacob Aidan Aries
Born in January 14th 
Was spoiled by parents, and was the favourite sibling
Jacob got everything he wanted because he followed everything that his father wanted 
Did what he was told so that he could get what he wanted. He is cunning, and therefore would take advantage of his fathers resources
Hated his father for everything that he was, but never showed it
Vowed one day he would be strong enough to get both Aleksia and him out
When he went to Hogwarts, he befriended Duncan and Olivia Green, and became obsessed with the Cursed Vaults
The Vaults fascinated him, and he thought this as a way to become more powerful that would save both him and his sister
When Duncan was eventually killed, he nearly lost it. He couldn’t believe one of his best friends was dead, and because of him
Rakepick used his need for power to manipulate him into continuing with the vaults until his disappearance
Got scars on his face from his encounter with the dragon
  A f f i l i a t i o n s  //  O r g a n i z a t i o n s
Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Order of the Phoenix
Aries Family
Mckenna Family
O c c u p a t i o n s
Hogwarts student
Member of the Order of the Phoenix
Writer/ Magizoologist/ Animal Rescue
 M a g i c a l    C h a r a c t e r i s t i c
 FORM OF BOGGART: Her father
WHAT DO THEY SEE IN THE MIRROR OF ERISED: Her surrounded by her friends and everyone is happy and safe
1st WAND: 
Vine Wood
12 ¾ 
Phoenix Core
Pliant Flexibility
2nd WAND:
Ebony wood
13 inches
 Astra, a white fluffy cat
ANIMAGUS: Golden Retriever 
What she smells: Fresh laundry and a hint of sandalwood
What she smells to others: Cherry blossoms, chocolate, rain
 A p p e a r a n c e
 Height: 5′3
Weight: 145 Ibs 
Complexion (skin tone/conditions):
       Not completely pale. Can tan
Long blackish wavy hair
EYE COLOUR: Chocolate brown
 H o g w a r t s    I n f o r m a t i o n
Herbology: She’s not bad at it, however, she is just not interested in it.She finds it to be one of the more dull subjects.
History of Magic: Again not bad at it, but it’s suppperrrrrr dull. Well apart from when Bins falls asleep. She loves playing exploding snaps.
Care of Magical Creatures. She has always loved animals, sometimes more than actual people. She loves finding out how to take care of the different animals
Flying: she loves being high in the sky on her broom. And showing off. She eventually joins the Gryffindor team as a chaser. 
Study of Ancient Runes. She sees this class as very interesting and sees the runes as works of arts. 
Severus Snape. He’s just...mean? She doesn’t hate him but he certainly isn’t her favourite, nor is she his.  
Patricia Rakepick: She hates how much she manipulated both her and Jacob. She distrusted her from the beginning, so it wasn’t much of a shock when she finally betrayed them, however it pissed her off nonetheless. 
Minerva McGonagall. Finds her to be a motherly figure in which she likes to confide in. She helps her deal with alot of her emotions she tries to hide.
Filius Flitwick: She holds a great amount of respect for him as a dueler. She wants to learn as much as she can from him. 
Barnaby Lee: Well obviously when they first met it wasn’t so...nice. He threatened to vanish the bones from her body, she challenged him to try like the reckless Gryff she is. However, once Aleksia got to know him, she saw the kindness in his heart and how incredibly sweet he was, which made her eventually fall for him. Aleksia became very protective of him, and ensured that he never felt stupid or unwanted. She knows what it is like to be treated like an idiot, so she makes sure no one treats him that way. 
Merric Nyx and Revena Sevier ( my ocs): Their relationship is siblings. They met back one of the times that Aleksia’s father locked her out of the house, and Merric and Revena made friends with her. She’s very protective of them. 
Penny Haywood: at first she was slightly intimidated by her popularity and thought that she was going to be one of those fake nice people. However, as she got to know Penny she found out that she just was genuinely a nice person. They became very close, and now considers her to one of her best friends. 
Rowan Khanna:  Rowan is Aleksia’s number one supporter since day one. Even though Rowan can be extreme at times, she comes from a place of care. Aleksia considers her to be like another sister and would do anything for her friend. They study alot together and share a similar love for books. 
Talbott Winger: After getting to know Talbott and helping him find his mothers necklace, they found themselves growing close. Sometimes they just enjoy each others company in silence while they read books or just have a conversation about how they want to make the future better. 
Lau King: @slytherin-puffskein Lau and her may be Gryffindor and Slytherin, but they do share a love of mischief and rebellion, even if Aleksia’s is smaller than his. Aleksia may have wanted to fight Lau once because of cookies but she would do anything to protect the sweet orchid boy. He is deemed as her tol freckled son and she will fight anyone who messes with him. She loves giving him hugs and talking with him because he is such an amazing listener. She has definetely fought people for them saying anything about him being a muggleborn. Felix Rosier and Angelica Cole both love and hate these two before the time they leave Hogwarts. 
Sonia Azur: @onboroo This girl. She thinks she is awesome and totally tries to set her and Merric up. Though at first Sonia’s cool nature may have made her think that she didn’t like her, they slowly warmed up to each other and considers Sonia to be a valuable friend. Between her, Merric, Sonia and Revena, they are kind of a force to be reckoned with.  One of her greatest friends for sure.
Alex Johnson ( @cervo-live-in-arts ): Alex is a sweet boi who she considers to be one of her best friends. She likes how open he is about his feelings and encourages him to do so. She will let him vent to her if he so needs. They also enjoy playing Gobstones together, each trying to distract the hell out of each other. Alex becomes God father to her and Barnaby’s kids. She considers him to be like her little brother and is very protective. Alex may have had to hold Aleksia back from headbutting Merula MANY MANY times. 
David Denneth: @callmederok David may seem a bit tough, but he is still a sweet guy, and Aleksia can see that. She thinks that Penny and him are cute, and tries to set them up, only if with consent. They both share a dislike of Merula, and may have set up a few pranks to get back at her before...NOTHING YOU CAN PROVE!!!!!!!!!!! O_O  
Aisling Baskerville @elefseija Aleksia and Aisling are dorm buddies that’s for sure. Both Gryffs are stubborn to the core and together are a great quidditch chaser duo. Both enjoy talking alot in the dorm rooms to the point poor Rowan will probably end up telling the two to shut the hell up. Poor Rowan...XD ahhaa Aleksia is more outgoing but loves quiet moments so I think they would both enjoy reading together. She like Aisling loves mythology, so she would be soaking up any knowledge Aisling has on anything really. Also don’t touch their cookies or talk about either of their heights. They will collectively murder the hell out of you.
Meteolo jinx 
Melofers Jinx 
T r i v i a   ( random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc. ) :
This life is mine is her theme song 
Has and will headbutt anyone who is an idiot to her or her friends.
Headbutt Merula once for calling Ben a Mudblood. Merula was not expecting that at all. Merula will never admit it ever happened.
Is smol but is strong as hell
Sweets may or may not be an addiction. Especially chocolate
Just wants all the hugs. GIVE HER HUGS PLEASE. 
Total nerd
Lily James as Elizabeth Bennet is Faceclaim
If you get close to her, she will consider you to be her child and she will protecc 
She is very reckless
Has headbutt multiple people
Has a strong kick
Used to have a toy wolf, but her cousin and father ripped it apart.
For Aleksia’s 15th birthday, Barnaby purchases a plush wolf for her, which she absolutely treasures. She always cuddles with it
Aries family females have the ability to produce ice glyphs and if powerful enough can summon a ice guardian. Aleksia is one of the only Aries females that can conjure one.
Barnaby and Aleksia wait until they are 24 to get married. Their wedding is a sweet wedding with close friends 
When the death eaters were freed, Barnaby and Aleksia moved around quite a bit, knowing that Barnaby’s parents would look for him. 
Aleksia’s cousin, Henry joined the death eaters soon after.
Aleksia and Barnaby were separated after a death eater attack. Aleksia was found by Henry and he used the Cruciatus curse on her. He left her for dead, bloodied and broken. 
She was found by Penny and Rowan, who Barnaby had contacted after the attack. 
Has 3 children with Barnaby, Kieran and Kaia, and their youngest Faye. 
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justsaya · 6 years
I got bored so here some things
I'm a huge fan HP:Mystery, so in these i was reading a lot of Headcanons and i was thinking about my MC and also about my Big Brother's MC(in my family is the only one who support my omosexuality...bc to him "So you're lesbian...well probably my future wife probably will be an alien(i know how huge fan of Mass Effect 1,2,3 he is...so he's joking but i know him enough to say that probably he'll be married with some kind of alien for real)" so then i asked about his MC and now i'm going to say something about him(don't worry give the time to find and re-copy my MC's Headcanon and i'll post them too ^_^) Prepare yourself my Brother mostly love 3 things: FullMetal Alchemist and Dramas(and here Jacob is Rowan's big brother), Harry Potter
Name: David "Jager" Denneth(His Dad call him Jager/Hunter, He is German and her mother is English or Wells, he isn't sure for now...but she's born in Great Britain)
Family: Father(Fritz Denneth, He was orphan and adopted by a old wandering Monk who use Alchemy "FullMetal Alchemist Style"), Biological Mother(Christine Wellburn, she is a pureblood witch with a disease who block her ability to do magic but her family was rich and powerful enough so she went to Hogwarts anyways mostly for study a possible cure),Big Brother(Glaive Denneth is a Jacob's friends but David knows about him during the Sorting Hat thing and he was a normal wizard without disease and mostly a curious Ravenclaw like her mother but without disease then).
Born in: Second Half of August in a little village on the borderline between Germany and France there are like 1000 people around the area and mostly they're working adult or old enough to go to retirement, not much child like him or his best friend/like a sister, Elizabeth(She hate get called by full name, even the teachers call her Liz, bc she thinks it's such a long and uncool name)
Hair: Ginger like a Weasley and his father and they haven't a good Father/Son relationship until the end of Year 4(and even then...it's like "Can we just try to not argue everytime and enjoy a meal with shouting?" kind of relationship)So he hates his hair color but when got invited by Bill to Weasley's house, Molly was like "Charlie finally you're out of your room...wait..you're not Charlie...Bill, who did you take here?"
Eyes: Blue like a Sapphire and like his mother
Background: He grew thinking to be a only child in his family, and without a mother(Dead some days after his birth, Fritz says he get killed by an evil monster called Severus Snape, later he'll discover Snape try to cure her disease and...something went bad...but for that time Christine was mad/insane unable to be a mother even when she already had Glaive, Snape usually insult David by saying "Not even your mother wants to give birth to you, how can you think we want you here in Hogwarts?"). His Dad just buy a house in Germany right after his wife's death, and leave Glaive to some relatives of his wife and time from time Fritz disappear and go to Glaive trying to be a good dad and neglecting David who grew by hanging out with Liz and her mother(a muggle who also married a wizard, dead by a muggle landmine leave it there during WW2 while he's going in a near forest to take some ingredients for some healing potion, his wife knew he was a wizard and know mostly about it. She knows that someday Liz will go to a magic-school). David feels lonely while his Dad put him in the forest and force him to learn Alchemy/Trasmutation, mostly because he don't want another mage-child, so he tried to keep him with him even if he go often to Glaive to support him. So feeling lonely someday tries to do the thing(you know...the same resurrection thing of Edward and Alphone from FMA) he failed in the worst way possible losing the right arm and left leg(God Said "So you couldn't enjoy the feeling to braid the fingers with Liz when you feel scared and lonely during the storms and the leg to chase her till the lake where you both swam") He got panicked like hell, alone in that house while was dying...Liz came there just in time to save him, carrying him on the shoulder while he was losing so much blood. Got saved but unable to explain to Liz and her mother(she's a doctor in that place and wizard and muggle in that place stick together pretty well), too scared, so much traumatized to refuse to talk about that. Without his father for almost an year so, almost 11 years old while this kind of mother was making the impossible for making him some prosthesis enchanted with magic(found it while she was investigating in her dead husband study) not the best ones, but enough good to move, run and trying to be happy again. He got his letter for the Beauxbaton's accademy(the nearest from that village) and he was also thinking about to go, to find some help, but when his dad came back, he just listen his voice for freak the fuck out the window and run away in France where he meet Minerva during a travel. Fritz talk a lot about how scary wizards really are, but she was kind and he try to be gentle by help her with her luggage, he's not so strong but his trasmutation's ability made McGonagall curious enough to takes him to Hogwarts and pays for him. During the travel he tried to talk about what he did in his house, how he still feel about that horrible day and how he can't sleep well because the nightmares scares him enough to prefer to stays awake or just napping when he feels to need it. At hogwarts got sorted in Griphyndor but the Hat want him in Hufflepuff for a lot of reasons, but Minerva during the travel talk a lot about her job so he wanted be in the same house(OT: and other reasons but i can't traduct them pretty well..sorry).
FINALLY OH MY GOD, I LOVE MY BROTHER BUT HE IS SUCH A HUGE CHIT-CHATTER AND THE WHOLE BACKGROUND WAS NECESSARY FOR SHOW SOME SENSE IN HIS HEADCANONS(and nope, he doesn't have a tumblr account, and i wrote all i know about his CrossoverMC because tonight i'm bored like living in a bored hell, sorry if you reading this)
- Everyone in Denneth-family have a personal diary/agenda where to write their discoveries or their thoughts about what they do, David wrote things about Magic, Alchemy and experiments with both, for a short period even wrote his feeling about everything. Nobody is sure why he writes so much, but he could hate someone forever if they read without permission, after a bad joke by Merula trying to steal that diary he begin to use a secret code based on cooking recipes that he likes, so nobody is sure if they're reading about a secret alchemy experiment or a very sweet lemon cake recipe(also thanks to that he learned how to cook and begin to cook for his friends).
- David meet Rowan at Diagon Alley but with Minerva by his side because he was still nervous about the whole magic-world thing, Rowan use some jokes and loose him a little even in the train they're reading Hogwarts: A history together trying to calm him each other
- During the train-travel Rowan noticed the metal arm of David, but he didn't want to tell the reason and Rowan was even more curious but he was sympathetic enough to don't ask, so no problem still pals.
During the first year when he noticed Snape for the first time he assults him asking question about his mother shouting a lot, Minerva came right before he could punch him and has reassured him but losing so much house points
- In the dorms he always take the bed nearest to the windows, it helps to sleep a little better even when he had nightmares.
- Watching Ben get bullied by Merula makes boil his blood and he confront her even when the whole school was laughting at him because(they still don't know) because how can a mage unable to cast even Lumos, to duel a real mage? Ben thought David was the coolest first year because is uncapable as a mage but still fight knowing to lose, and he lose, until someday tried to fight back with trasmutations and took off the wand from Merula hand, totally pissed off and even Flitwick secretly cheers him after so many times he lost those duels, and he permitted to use Alchemy during duels and he gotta admit(and the other students who watched him) he's pretty fast and agile, even without using Alchemy at all, so Flitwick just say "It's good have a duel with different kind of enemies, so we should be grateful to have an unique student like Mr.Denneth"
- Minerva bought him a female cat and he called her Ortensia(it's the italian version of hydrangea) and mostly he talks with her and try to fight his inner nightmare but it's real hard, he doesn't even feels hungry, and during winter the metal limbs hurt so much, even get up from bed it's hell, but Ben helps him without asking question, but by listen him screaming and sobbing during the sleep, he has some idea but it's alchemy/trasmutation things so he knows but without understanding.
- Meeting Penny was heaven, so cheerful, so funny...one day just tell to Rowan(he is a Ravenclaw and the jacob thing is hell for him, but David likes to listen him talk) "Penny's smile is like coffee, without her, days can't start for me". Rowan just laughts but also agree with him
- In the third year, knowing Penny sad story, saved him from suicide...he wanted to put an end to nightmares..but knowing about someone like Penny go through almost the same hell like him, was inspirational so he just fight back the pain, even during the whole boggart in the cursed vault where thanks to Minerva intervetion got saved and go to German for repairing his metal limbs, still scared and that's why Bill went with him. His almost-mother was so happy to see him, she was crying a lot while she was hugging him, Liz was pissed off enough to insults David a lot, but after some hours she calmed and tell about the fact their parents got married while he was at Hogwarts during those years...so Liz now is his step-sister for real. David was so surprised like almost fainted during dinner at home also watch his dad eat dinner calmly without even talk about the whole Human-Trasmutation thing was like "Ok, this whole travel is a joke and i'm imprisoned in some Cursed Vaults without even know it, and i'm watching something i would love to be real" They laught a lot
- His way to say "I love you" is "A world without you is not a world i want to live in" and he said these words only to Penny when is God-Boggart tried to attack Penny in the Cursed Vault. She took almost the whole summer to understand why he said those words, literally she write to him asking some explanations and he was like "You saved me that day in so many different ways" and wrote the date of the day she talked about Scarlet, she took a very intimate moment when they meet during summer to totally knows what David was going to do that day...and he got slapped and then kissed on the same cheek he got the slap.
- Barbaby, Charlie and David are the Kettlerburn's most enthusiastic students, also the most favourite ones, Barbaby for his caring about creatures, Charlie for his curiosity(he does a lot of questions), David mostly plays with creature, he is such emphatic with them, he treat them well like human-friends, even the scariest creature loves David, who just enjoy like a kid those lessons and still get good grades by taking notes when he isn't unsure to remember something, also David called his step-mother for taking care of mechanical limbs of Kettlerburn, totally free, because metal limbs are such a pain when it's raining or during the winter, they hurt like hell, so David take care of Kettleburn's hard job with creature when he doesn't feel well, sometimes Kettleburn doesn't show up during the lesson for that pain, so David, Barbaby and Charlie hang out with the creatures just for fun.
- Barbaby tried to learn Alchemy from David, it didn't went good, so for now David will be the only Alchemist in Hogwarts but David repays his attempt by teaching him some magicless-selfdefense because he need a sparring partner and Barbaby is pretty tought to fight, David wins most of the times but Barbaby is pretty strong so..he loses a few times
- Talking about Melee-fighting, David NEVER hits people with his metal limbs, mostly he use them as shields trying to block dangerous spells or hunt dangerous creatures
- Before Penny's secret, he loves the way Tulip doesn't care about rules like him, and he tried to make some bad jokes to Filch and Mrs.Norris, with Tonks otherwise ask some love-advice, but he didn't use them a lot those...he just be honest with Penny and got lucky(even when someone ask him love-advice now that he dates with Penny, he just says "I was lucky most of the times, i just tried...but i feel like she did the all love-thing...i asked her after our first kiss if the kiss meant i'm her boyfriend now...and she said yes, i was unsure if i was doing a good job by trying to take her to hogsmeade or to watch some movies during the summer, i asked her everytime...") they all laught about those story but they think an "In love David" is the cutest and funniest thing ever because after the third year David was joining the Quidditch team and he was really good, so confident during the matches and the lessons, so listening about how shy he is when he is near Penny is so funny and cute..
- His favorite '80s movie is Breakfast Club, he watched it at cinema trying to take Minerva as "Lesson about Muggle-world" he chose that film totally at random and love it, then invite Penny for watching it with her, thinking she probably will likes it, and she finds it a really good movie.
- His Favorite love Song is Nothing Else Matters, but of course it's came out during the 1991 so...until then, the other love songs feels like "This song doesn't describe how i really feel when i think about Penny, it's a good song but not enough to like it"
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callmederok · 4 years
OC Interview: David Jager Denneth(Sixth Year)
name ➔ David Jager Denneth
are you single ➔ It’s not official...but nope
are you happy ➔ Eh...good question...Yes but not constantly...there are good moments and bad moments
are you angry ➔ Most of the times i’m pissed and annoyed from the tons of drama around me...
are your parents still married ➔ My Biological Father and Mother are separated...she died while giving birth to me...My step-parents(Badea’s parents) are still married and so nice to each other ^_^
birthplace ➔ [Where Badea was born]
hair colour ➔ Red/Ginger-ish
eye color ➔ Golden.
birthday ➔ August 22nd, 1972.
mood ➔ Can i quit on my friends? They’re giving me more problems than R...they’re dropping THEIR dramas and THEIR problems on me like they’re unable to fix THEIR lives without me...that’s why i want to be a cursebreaker and leave England...i would be on my own, dealing with MY life and MY problems without having someone crying and whining about how their life is problematic...i’m barely 16 like them!!!... That’s what i meant when i said i’m pissed and annoyed...i use the word “anger” when my mood gets violent...sorry i ranted...it’s not your(interviewer) fault...it’s just that for the sake of being nice to them i can’t express my feelings to them...yet..i’m starting to hate them...
gender ➔ Male
summer or winter ➔ Since i lost my left arm and replaced with a prototype of a bionic arm that combines muggle-technology and magic-constructs...loving winter for me means loving the idea of risking to get chilblains ...so between Summer and Winter i choose Summer...but i prefer Early Autumn or Late Spring...not too cold nor too hot/warm...
morning or afternoon ➔ I’m a morning person...i love watching the sun rising when i sneak out of the dorm for my morning training routine...
are you in love ➔ I am…and even more incredible...she loves me too
do you believe in love, at first sight ➔ Nope...but what should i know...i’m 16...
who ended your last relationship ➔ Never been in a relationship before though.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I wish i destroyed Merula’s heart...with all the abuses and the words said to me...would be funny seeing crying because she was secretly in love with me all along but expressed so poorly to self-destruct every possible chance with me...hehe...yeah i’m not a good guy to people who were mean or abusive to me...i don’t wanna be the mature or superior guy...i’m nice to anyone is nice to me...the others...can visit an acromatula’s nest and stay there...for what i care...
are you afraid of commitments ➔ not at all!
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Penny...yeah i hug my not-official-yet Girlfriend...someone was staring me...knowing how scary looking am i...they’re probably spreading rumours that i was raping her...those bloody idiots...i’m scared to take the initiative in public because of them, i don’t know when an Auror will come to Hogwarts to arrest me on the accuse of sexual abuse...based on a bunch of lies!...i’m too self-conscious, i’m big, scary and fight big scary beasts and creatures...i look like i fought a war alone...i understand their concerns but...really they’re ruining my life...the life of the same guy they call Champion or Hero of Hogwarts...tsk hypocrites...
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ From what I’ve heard...yes...
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ If you explain to me how can you do it...i’ll tell you...maybe i did it and i don’t know...
love or lust ➔ Lust is nothing without love...
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced Tea...possibly with a slice of lemon in it...and a straw...time to time i like feeling fancy and pretentious...
cats or dogs ➔ I like cats...but if you don’t do what they want...they leave...my cat Hortensia is soo pissed when she doesn’t get a can of tuna time to time...so i prefer dogs because they’re more loyal...
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ More than five friends is too many friends...the others can be pals...someone who can have fun with but with a superficial bond of affections..like you don’t feel lonely without them...
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ I’m more a romantic night guy...cooking for Penny, sharing a quiet evening together without anyone else around...in Jacob’s room...
day or night ➔ Day...the night has too many shadows...and nightmares...
been caught sneaking out ➔ A few times...but i simply explained that i’m used to waking up early and prepare myself before anyone else for the day...
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ When i didn’t have the sense of touch happened often...enough to cling to Rowan...until i solved my disability at the end of the fourth year...too much drama to explain the details just stick to this...so yeah i used to really focus when i do the stairs...
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Even now...
wanted to disappear ➔ ...with the constant drama around me? i would give myself to R even now...just end me R, you’re nicer than my friends *laughing*
smile or eyes ➔ Have you ever watched Penny in the eyes? trust me...i love everything of her...but those eyes...are like the most beautiful sapphires I’ll ever see
shorter or taller ➔ Same height? no? I mean i’m taller than Penny and she likes it but... I’ve to lift her a little for being at the same height...
intelligence or attraction ➔ jokes on you, Penny has both and so do i...based on what she said at least...i still think i passed OWLs thanks to a miracle or some form of nepotism...like Dumbledore asking to change my grades for getting all Os...
hook-up or relationship ➔ Once you go Haywood, you’ll never go back...it doesn’t rhyme and the actual “innuendo” is more nsfw...but i mean that if we break up...it would be hard for me to move on...
do you and your family get along ➔ My biological father(i refuse to call him dad...) hates me because i killed his wife...and he considers me my brother’s sidekick or future slave...my biological mother...well you saw her around...she is a ghost who cursed me with my second name...because she went insane during Voldermort’s era...and she thoughts that i would be his future right-hand man or his personal muggle-born killer...so every time someone says my second name...i go mad...i go for the kill of anyone i consider “filthy” lucky me, my mother died before ending the curse...she was about to say the M-word...the offensive way to call a muggle-born...so now i simply go in some sort of berserk towards something i consider filthy...sorry off-topic...back on topic...(what’s why i hate interviews...i either speak too much or nothing) she is a ghost she calls me “the second coming of Voldemort”...all proud of it...trust me...i hate her a lot too...wish i know how to exorcize ghosts..
With my step-family, everything is perfect...i call Badea’s parents “Mom and Dad” it’s a more affectionate way to call them...they’re nice, kind, understanding...mom even gave me my famous red coat and built and installed this prototype arm and dad helped her with magic...it’s not perfect...but it’s better than not having a limb...i really love this family, me and Badea get along, she is quiet and i’m hyperactive...i try to bring her to something more active with the excuse of getting inspired by something unusual and she taught me how to draw something decent...Mom is very happy with us...but i’m the problematic child, i know and i also know that they’re more focused on me because of this...
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Messed up life” is an understatement...i fucked myself...and almost killed myself indirectly more times than i can count...
have you ever run away from home ➔  i fucked up part of my life by using some ritual(I'll spare you the details) trying to resurrect my biological mother thinking that would solve my problems with my biological father...failed, met someone who called itself God or Truth, lost my sense of touch...discovered that i’m a wizard, scared by other stories tried to run away from home, met Minerva, that she saw my alchemic-powers during a panic attack where i attacked her with those powers...she knocked me down, promised me a cure, happiness and everything i want if i taught her about my abilities, and agreed that i would join Gryffindor because in this way she can check on me every time she wants...she wasn’t wrong...i found a cure...but not her...Penny simply pointed out the obvious...i was so focused on other stuff, between R, the vaults and random drama...that the solution to my disability was right there in front of me...and yeah Penny is very present in my life...otherwise i wouldn’t be in love with her...
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ from what? three broomsticks for dressing in a girl uniform and danced on a table...don’t ask i was playing truth or dare with Tonks...Rosmerta banned me for a while and then never gave me something nearly alcoholic...Angelica Cole...was happy with it...she acts like a big sister...only because she...is kinda in love with my brother...? ... i think...
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ Until recently...nope...and in general i don’t hate...but i’m secretly pissed to a few friends of mine...
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Nope...okay we’re teenagers...we do stupid things...but the fact that they ask me to fix their lives instead of working on it together...is just toxic at this point...there is a curse...and okay Rakepick betrayed us...and Hogwarts is not safe...but Rakepick was only someone who was fangirled by Bill and Merula...Bill is a cursebreaker now, Merula is...here but she is kinda like a hypocrite in my opinion...she is furious when people are bad to her...but then she tries to kill me in the first year and tell me to move on...bitch and Hogwarts is never safe, between my fourth and fifth year we had a Chimaera on the loose! The same chimaera who ate half of my left arm! *David undresses and shows the whole prosthetic arm, along with the many scars on his chest*  Was R involved in that? From what i know the fault is on Kettleburn and his shitty locks! Peeves' pranks are dangerous as hell!...i love Penny and Bea is like a cute little sister even for me...but they’re having problems based on Hogwarts’s safety...when every day something horrible can happen...and i’m the walking proof of how unsafe Hogwarts his...but to give a final answer to you...sorry i ranted again and called my friends’ dramas out...they’ll be very pissed if you publish this article...i don’t blame them...but yeah my friends are good when everything is good...but right now? I feel lonely as hell...like can i really talk with someone about me? They’re so on edge that partially i refuse to talk to them about this...and the other part of me wants to finally be allowed to snap like now...
who is your best friend ➔ I’m not sure...maybe Barnaby...or my sister Badea? Penny is my girlfriend...does she count as best friend? I would choose Barnaby, big guy, kind, he knows how to deal with big creatures like i do, down at the Magical Reserve...we work part-time there..it’s awesome :)
who knows everything about you ➔ Everyone knows something about me...i would love to share everything...but there are things of me..things that i mentioned in this interview...things I haven't even begun to think about...because all this drama doesn’t give me time to deal with...but at the same time i’m scared to think about those things...what if my conclusions will bring me to be a bad guy or to be violent to them?...
Thanks to: @catherinestark-hphm
Tagging: @zincgirl @avismoonchi @thereluctantherosrose @cynicaljapanophile @batgirl-87
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callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: 93 OC Asks Game
Finally...i did it! @cynicaljapanophile​ @catherinestark-hphm​ @thereluctantherosrose​
1. What is their gender? 
2. What is their sexuality?
Straight Demisexual  
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
David is just a default name for me, and so his surname(Denneth), his second name(Jager) is just Hunt/Hunter in German(of all my OC, he is the only one with this second name)...basically my MC’s name is “Default Jager McDefault” hihi, because i don’t have fantasy with names(and i suck in remembering them).  
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with? 
Blood-related only Jacob, and their relationship is weird for being brothers, they care about each other but they also insult each other to the point to start gruesome fights, expressing their violence to each other is their way to talk, there is no hate or bad feelings in their actions, it’s more like “Please show me how strong you are” or “Did you learn this?or This?Let me show you!”
From not blood-related family, there is Badea, childhood friend and basically a foster-sister(because her Mom adores David, enough to work hard with his husband in creating the perfect combination of Magic Knowledge and Muggle Technology and creating a new kind of metallic limb/automail, and sending gifts like every year or something).
Then there is an OC named Joshua Cole, little brother of Gryffindor’s Prefect Angelica, that basically is Bea Haywood, but male and Gryffindor, but while Bea goes for rebelling all by herself, Joshua sticks with David that he is the embodiment of a revolution in his opinion(David is basically doing what Teachers and Aurors or Adults in general, should do for the sake of having a safe place where to teach magic to their kids); So Joshua just everyday works hard for the sake of learning from David, not only advanced spells or martial arts, but more about empathy and his way to see things in the first place, because in his opinion “There should be always a David in this school, someone who is able to notice problems or paradoxal rules and yells to adults and when they don’t listen, just try to change the situation”. So Joshua is the classic hyperactive little brother/companion of David.
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
With biological parents the relationship is bad, Father is mostly absent and Mother(Gloria Denneth) is an insane ghost with the same ideals of a random deatheater…
While with Badea’s Family(Denneths’ neighbors) everything is heavenly, so peaceful and joyful...
6. What would they give their life for?
He rather don’t give his life, but for Penny he would, maybe Rowan...with everything happening in the game, David would rather find a different solution rather than dying. Seriously, the list of people he would sacrifice himself for, is quite short and it doesn’t includes any canon-characters not because their invisible plot armor but because he cares for them but with all the crap they threw at him(like their personal problems and stuff) he deserves to consider them “second class friend” (And of course, he would NEVER give his life for Merula)
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet?
Penny “Cinnamon Roll” Haywood and all the questions are here:
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?
His body will be in the physical world, so it will be in a coffin or used for nourishing a tree or something, while his soul will go back to the Limbo, otherwise known(for FMA-fans) as where THIS guy lives:
Tumblr media
His soul and the echo of his thoughts will cross the door, David as “spiritual being” will be cleaned, his memory wiped out and once he is clean, his soul will go back in the mortal world as a new being totally unrelated to David Denneth, and living as a new person. That’s what David thinks about dying after he learned the basic concept of alchemy of “All is One and One is All” and then met God twice. He is not scared but he is sad...it implies the theory of reincarnation but the ideas of your identity being wiped out is very sad and depressing, he accepts it, but it’s still sad.
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
David likes the colors Green and Blue, and yet, because his hair’s color and the color of his eyes...everyone gives him Red/Gold clothes...and David is a dog person...literally
10. What are some of their talents/skills? 
Talent with Alchemy, Talent with knives, He is a good chef, he is a fast learner, good with apparating, he is a good fighter...there are many talents(to the point that i think that Jam City read some manhwa like The Gamer, where the main character can have access to all the possible and conceivable abilities in the universe to the point that literally the main protagonist of The Gamer literally evolved into a Demi-God starting from being a random human with magic abilities who loves videogames!...and i think this because for some reason MC in HPHM is talented in basically everything! So i’m trying to make my version of MC less god-like but still customized enough to being able to say that his MY mc)
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be? 
The classic travelling nice guy who is a hero but like i said...a travelling nice guy who helps everyone, more like a walking legend than a guy who marked the history.
12. How old are they? When is their birthday?
23th August
13. What do they do for fun?
Tries things mostly. goes hiking, prepare a meal, play Quidditch? Read a book full of jokes?Reply to Insults Snape?
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it?
David likes healthy food/easy to digest food, David likes efficient things…so even if he may like the taste of something, if it’s unhealthy or alter his usual schedule(like having stomach ache suddenly during a lesson) he will hate it(probably forever). Something he really likes though is seafood, like sushi, and he has quite some seafood in hogwarts like sandwiches with salmon or tuna but in general all kind of eastern food is nice(like noodles and stuff) of course like every human he loves Pizza but for his mentality is a “celebration food” the kind of things you eat when you have a reason for celebrating(like Acing the OWLs or NEWTs, or during Birthdays).
15. What was something their parents taught them?
His father, mostly the basics of alchemy and survival in the woods and maybe how to cook something decent...so David would be independent enough to not needing his father(so Father could be absent as much as he want while searching for Jacob, before David was the right age for attending Hogwarts)
16. Are they religious?
It’s hard to explain, he made hypothesis about afterlife after he met God(or the Truth-guy) but he doesn’t have faith, he knows some prayers(Christians and Muslim) but he prays basically when other people are praying and he had to blend in for some reasons...
17. Where were they born? 
[Where Badea is born, they’re childhood friends and her mother treated David like a second child]
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages? 
English, some German(his father is german), Latin(many alchemy-books are written in latin, his father taught him enough latin to read them), then when he’ll be an adult(in cursebreaker!AU mostly) he will learn many magic-language, some ancient egyptian, ancient elvish(enough to understand it and say some sentences)
19. What is their occupation?
Based on AUs: Auror or Cursebreaker
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? 
No titles (because probably you need some kind of authority for being entitled...right?) but he has many nicknames(mostly during HPHM).
In the DragonAge!AU David get proven as first Human Paragon of Orzammar for sharing knowledge about forging new kinds of alloy and shared how to produce them while Penny is treated like a Keeper in various Daelish Communities for her knowledge about potions and healing abilities...
21. What is their favorite thing about their personality?
He cares, he loves being around kids and being like the coolest big brother and he loves the fact that he loves every second of it.
22. What is their least favorite thing about their personality?
He doesn’t quit on unredeemable people soon enough...
23. Do they get lonely easily?
You mean if David feels alone easily? With all the stuff happening in the game, David WISH to stay either alone or with like less of 4 persons in a room with him. Nothing ever happened to him when he was alone(except you know...R stunning him or petrifying him, still less problematic than dealing with tons of needy friends unable to stand up without help). After the Fifth year, being lonely easily means that Penny basically kidnapped him for some private time.
24. Do you know their MBTI type?
He is an ENTJ-T (just made the test...but it may be slightly inaccurate because David is quite emotional...but he forces himself to be more ENTJ-T possible, because in his mind, because the Vaults and stuff, people need an ENTJ-T person...and by people, he includes also himself.)
25. What is their biggest flaw?
You can annoy him or piss him off quite easily…(and based on situation...he can yell a lot...but never on Penny or close friends...but if it happens...the situation was already a shitstom since the very beginning and he lost his patience)
26. Are they aware of their flaws?
He is, as a matter of fact is too much aware, David needs to chill a little, and accept the fact that he is human and like every other human he has flaws
27. What is their biggest strength? 
His strength and speed, he is quite a fighter...and after HPHM he is like having an aura of “You better don’t fuck with me, i’m scary, big and i can crush all your bones without even sweating”
28. Are they aware of their strengths?
Ask to everyone he defeated: Merula(more times than he can count), Ice Knight, Boggarts, Acromantula, Yeti, Troll, Werewolves(including Fenrir), Chimaera, a dragon, his brother, Bill, Rowan, Ismelda, Ben, Angelica, Diego, Torvus,  (probably Rakepick and a big part of R)...a very long list of humans and beasts he defeated...and i’m only counting only the enemies/rivals faced by David during HPHM, then you should add Genlocks, Hurlocks, Ogres, some Qunari, probably Flemeth(for the Dragon Age AU) or many Red Raiders, wraiths, arch griffins, wyverns, vampires(for the The Witcher AU)
29. How would they describe their own personality?
“I’m a walking paradox! i wanted to be loved, but i look scary or like someone who needs to be punished because i look arrogant and offensive in anything i say...i wish my smile didn’t look like the smile that only a psychopath on killing spree would do ç_ç”
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”?
Fight...because there are biggest fears than being hurt...like Penny being harmed because he fled! 
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?
He would totally do for: Penny, Rowan, Badea, Bea(even though in Sixth Year their relationship is a mess), Any member of Badea’s family, Barnaby, his family(like his children)
During HPHM he had like hero complex but after seven years of everyone crying over his shoulders..decided to make a list(in his mind) of all the people worth to be helped...you can say that more Jam City gives us needy friends who can’t even begin to help themselves and more canon my Cursebreaker!AU is(where basically David disgusted by Hogwarts, Magic-society, 90% of his friends...quits on all of them and becomes a travelling cursebreaker with Penny)
32. What is their self esteem like?
Thanks to his needy friends, he thinks he is like a superhero but at the same time he is not doing enough because everyone expects that he has solutions for every problem in the world. So it’s like his self-esteem is quite high but at the same time because everything happening in Hogwarts he feels the need to transcend the idea of being a superhero and becoming a demigod or something...but really from his point of view, he isn’t arrogant or full of himself, because different standards, he may look like he is arrogant when actually has a low self esteem(for his standards XD)
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it?
David has many fears and they change but his reaction is mostly the same: fight them, finding a weak spot and survive...
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? 
David gives 90% of trust to anyone...the other 10% is made by his worst secrets, the one who fuels his nightmares or make him feel ashamed...and he doesn’t tell at all...
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them?
In a pacific situation: 
*David is telling a true story*
Random Dude: You’re liar!
In other situations: Just insult Penny...and you’ll have a war against him...
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous.
During Christmas:
David: Okay guys, these are all nice gift...but Rowan gave me the best one ever!
David: You see guys? He wasn’t even trying to make me the perfect gift! He knows me so well that his instincts knows what i like!
Rowan(at this point about to be insane and kill David): *nevrotically shaking*
Random Situation:
*a girl fell on the ground and splinters a fingernail and she is sad/pissed*
David: I understand your pain...it always takes me days to fix my nails, here let me give you my manicure kit
*David gives her, a couple of screwdrivers, an industrial file(for file her nails) and industrial spray paint(for some nail art)*
(this last one, never happened but it’s basically a joke about taking care of his arms...but one of them is metallic so...he has a personal kit for doing some manutention/repair) 
Someone throws David in a pool(when he is not wearing his special swimming suit)
David: I swear to god, if i catch a rust, i will force you to take care of me until i’m healed! (the joke is that for David rust is like the flu of metals)
In general David likes also dark humor, roast humor and weird humor based on his adventures, he is not the best in making jokes and puns but time to time he tells funny jokes.
37. How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it?
It’s not easy, David doesn’t like to talk about emotions, he thinks that he is unable to truly explaining them, so he gives you love with actions, kisses, hugs, making food and helping you...but everytime he said “i love you” he meant and still mean it
38. What do others admire most about their personality?
Probably the fact that against all the odds, against every established rule and tradition, David either doesn’t care or he cares but he does his own thing(like Saving Jacob and Breaking the curses related to the Vaults) anyway bypassing all the authorities.
39. What does their happily ever after look like?
in Auror!AU, married, after a fulfilling and rewarding career as Auror, with a few kids with Penny, becoming the DADA’s teacher, and staying around kids(i mean we see Minerva being 80-90 years old, teaching just fine) once his own kids went for their path, maybe being a couple of teachers together. (David would totally be a cool teacher, not because he likes hogwarts so much to live there forever, but because he knows things, and he likes teach to kids)
In Cursebreakers!AU, David and Penny must deal with more dramas(mostly because the cursebreakers!AU can end in becoming the DragonAge!AU or TheWitcher!AU) and being a travelling couple of cursebreakers can be quite tiring, they never officially marry but they love each other enough(and they know each other since almost forever) so they’re like married, a travelling couple who solves problems(not only curses) like at one point they’re in Medecins Sans Frontieres for a couple of months(before the DA!AU) 
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
During HPHM David is equal in giving trust...and from what we see in the game it’s quite mutual, David is like a superstar or a hero, if even Penny brings David in her argument with Bea...either she wanted the support of a random friend with a problematic relationship with their sibling or she wanted exactly MC/David because she trusts MC/David that much.
Physical Profile:
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? 
His laugh is quite loud, and it begins like he choked on food for a second and then it goes loud.
42. What is their favorite thing about their physical appearance?
His arms...he can hug so much people at the same time!
43. What is their least favorite thing about their physical appearance?
Keep in mind that he accept himself, he thinks he has too much scars(but at the same time is proud of the reason why he has them), like his body is a canvas and he ruined it with ugly scars, but he thinks that the ugliest scars tho, are on his face.
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars?
One of the things i talk most about David, are his scars! He has many, on his body, his face...and mostly are from dealing with the vaults in a warrior way...instead of waving his wand, his instinct kicks in and goes full melee-fighting. Some of his scars(one on the eye and at least three on his body) are from Greyback(the side-quest) and the Chimaera(He lost a limb against that beast, and almost died because that tail that it moves like a whip but cut like a sword!)
45. How would they describe their own appearance?
“I’m scary, and my scars makes me ugly like the monster of Frankenstein”
Penny(noticing that David is without a shirt for some reason): Thank you God!...*serious angry face* Now i want more...
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions?
He can’t express them decently by talking, but he can’t hide them...his emotions reacts even before David has the chance to fake his mood.
47.  What’s their pain tolerance like?
Extremely High...he got a limb removed by a Chimaera(he was without sense of touch until almost the end of year fourth but i meant that after that, he has to deal with the phantom pain...that it’s like a cruciatus focused at the stump)
48. Do they have any tattoos? What are the stories behind those tattoos?
He will get tattoos after Year 4(during the summer before Year 5) after a journey in Egypt. Those tattoos are alchemy circles used for transmuting things...the one on his right arm transmute the humidity in the air in Ice, or boils a guy’s internal liquids (like Isaac McDougal from the first episode of FMA: Brotherhood) while the tattoos on his ankles are just “raising wall transmutation circles” 
49. Do they have any piercings?
50. How would you describe their style of clothing? How would they describe their style of clothing?
I would describe like “FMA has a huge influence on me”(Metallic limb/Automail, Red Coat...i’m talking about David or Edward Elric?!)
David would describe it like “I wanna wear clothes that i either use for fighting or an informal date, like going in a pub”
51. What is their height? Weight?
By the end of Year 7 he will be around 190cm(6’23’’) because his almost insane training regime and he will weight 75 kilos without his metallic prosthesis while with his prosthesis he will be almost 90 kilos.
52. What is their body type? Are they muscular, chubby, skinny, etc?
Because his training he is quite muscular...during his adulthood he will be more larger(not fat...just his shoulder will be more large)
53. What is their hair color? Eye color? Skin tone?
Red hair, amber/gold eyes, and a normal pink skin tone(like slightly more pink than the common people, like slightly tanned but you can’t guess that he is tanned because there is almost no difference from the usual skin tone of a white person)
54. What is their current hairstyle? What have been some of their past hairstyles? Which was their favorite hairstyle?
Mostly during the years he let them grow and made some ponytail or braid for the backside. Sixth Year David(also thanks to @thereluctantherosrose​)
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55. What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? How bad are their hangovers?
It’s unknown if he can tolerate alcohol, everywhere he goes, someone refuses to handle him alcohol for a reason or another.
56. What do they smell like? Why do they smell like this? (Is it the things they’re around or a perfume they wear?)
Probably like sweat and metal, maybe oil(because he has to oil his metallic prosthesis everytime he has a bath) he tries to cover it with some cologne but not too much because his nose(as dog animagus) is quite sensitive and he sneezes a lot.
57. How do they feel about sex? Are they a virgin?
I shouldn’t post it but….this is how his first time happens:
https://pastebin.com/Zjjyz23s (a few dialogue should be changed but it’s not my lemon/smut fic...so i don’t have power over it, in my headcanon the reason for Penny being mad is about wanting to spend more time together, to feel closer...)
58. What is their most noticeable physical attribute?
Scars on his face? I mean, it depends on what YOU notice first, but usually people who watch people in the eyes/face notice those scars(one made by Fenrir Greyback during the side-quest, the other two by the Chimaera during fourth year)
59. What does their resting face look like? Do they have RBF?
He does have a RBF...that’s why people thinks he is always mad even when he technically doesn’t have any reason to.
60. Describe the way they sleep. 
When alone he sleeps on the side, with one arm under the pillow. With Penny loves the Nuzzle(check the romance ask link)
61. Which season is their favorite season?
Late Spring/Early Autumn 
62. Have they ever been betrayed? How did it affect their ability to trust others?
Rakepick betrayed him...and nothing changed...David is still give the same amount of trust to anyone...but if you disappoint him(hard task because he usually he doesn’t have expectations or standards about the people around him), it’s over.
63. What is always guaranteed to make them smile?
Penny, Animals, Jokes/Puns, Quidditch, his part-time job at the reserve for magical creatures.
64. Do they get cold easily? Do they get overheated easily?
Both...Because his automail, dealing with extreme temperatures is hell: In winter(i don’t remember how in HP’s books winter is described but in the movies it’s like freezing hell with a lot of icicles) his automail may cause frostbites and chilblains; In Summer(mostly in the south like Italy or Africa) his sweat wets the automails, not mentioning that he may get burned because the automail is metallic, and it would be like having a red-hot pan and get some burns. That aside, he can handle low temperatures better than high temperatures...
65. What’s their immune system like? Do they get sick often? How do they react to getting sick?
He doesn’t get sick very often, he is quite obsessed in being healthy, getting all the vaccines during summer(during HPHM).
66. Where do they live? Do they like it there?
Where Badea lives? There, it’s nice, pretty much decent.
67. Is their bedroom messy? What about their bathroom? Kitchen? Living room?
David is minimalist, and he is obsessed with keeping everything in other, he has is own idea of keeping everything at this place, someone may be confused but, it’s his bedroom and his bathroom(because Father is absent most of the times) and when he is a guest somewhere he uses stuff and put them where he found them. 
68. How did their environment growing up affect their personality?
I mean...his biological family is composed by weird people, a father obsessed with Jacob(because he thinks he is a genius with no rivals in the universe), a mother(dead) obsessed that David will be the next Voldemort...basically the two sibling grow up together like an odd family...then Jacob goes to hogwarts, after some years he seals David’s memories about him for protecting him(and the seal slowly decayed through the years in Hogwarts)...yeah there is no reasons why David tried(and failed) to resurrect his dead mother...at home felt lonely like a stray cat in a cardbox under the worst rainstorm ever. Even being hugged by a stranger would bring like an hour of happiness.
69. How did the people in their environment growing up affect their personality?
Before Fifth year:
Anyone: David please help us with this [totally unimportant thing that may screw David’s chances to break a vault-curse]!
David: Sure ^_^!
During Fifth Year:
Anyone: David please help us with this [very easy to solve kind of problem/sibling-fight/someone’s depression/study-group]!
David: It is important? Can’t you solve yourself?It doesn’t seem something that complicated to solve…
Anyone: If you don’t help, we’re not friend anymore!
David(annoyed): FINE!
After Fifth Year:
Anyone: David! Please help us with this [personal problem that David shouldn’t be involved because it’s none of his business not even by making a articulate explanation so they could push David in that personal problem that he doesn’t belong to]!
David(Very Annoyed but still trying to be civil): But it’s your problem...i want to help you, i really do, but it’s none of my business, i probably make the situation way worse…
Anyone: If you don’t help me, we’re not friend anymore!
David: Finally! Bye!
70. How do they feel about animals? Do they have any pets?
He loves animals and magical creatures and during HPHM he only has a cat named Hortensia(no it’s not a reference to the four Divines of Dragon Age, that are named Hortensia XD)
just for the sake of the reference(that it was involuntary): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoTNHwi9GTQ
71. How are they with children? Do they have any? Do they want any?
After HPHM, he will have kids, he is good with younger people/kids, like even if he is scary during HPHM, as a prefect he was quite admired for how is used to teach advanced spells like Aguamenti to younger students or help them with homework(when they ask) 
72.  Would they rather have stability or comfort?
It depends on situations and in what kind of situation...like on the workplace or how he choose a house? Usually if doesn’t like the people around him changes place...like when (during HPHM) he was extremely unpopular and very hated to the point that other students(aside his friends) refused to let him eat at the Main Hall’s tables and he ate basically alone on those three small stairs/steps between the tables for students and the teachers’ table.
73. Do they prefer the indoors or outdoors?
He likes to hike, having a long walk, enjoying woods and forest, he likes to travel, but the weather helps him to stay more indoors.
74. What weather is their favorite? Do they like storms? 
David has a metallic left arm(like Edward Elric in FMA), before that, he loved storms, mostly the sound but now he loves them for another reasons(like snuggling with Penny under a blanket) because usually High Humidity = Deep Pain on his stump(he can resist, but still is quite painful), in general he still loves the sounds of storms but the phantom pain makes difficult to enjoy storms. His favorite weather is the classic Spring/Autumn weather: warm enough to only need a t-shirt but cold enough to need pants and cotton socks.
75. If given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
When he is bored: drawing something(like puffskins or nifflers) or make a paper plane and watch it flying
When he has homework: Try to put down some lines before actually doing the homework…
76. How organized are they?
Enough to not losing his own things.
77. What is their most prized possession?
His collection of knives? His coat? His automail(it’s made of titanium and gold)?Penny’s love?
78. Who do they consider to be their best friend? 
Rowan, Penny, every magical creature.
79. What is their economic situation?
During HPHM? medium, he is not poor because Minerva pays for his education at Hogwarts, and he has a part-time job in the Reserve for Magical Creatures...so for a student he would be quite rich for an underage student in a magic school...
80. Are they a morning person or a night owl?
Morning person, but because of his nightmares, is slightly insomniac 
81. Are they bothered by the sight of blood?
Only when it’s on his clothes...cleaning the blood off the clothes is a pain in the ass...
82. What is their handwriting like?
Don’t ask for his notes...ask for explain them to you...it’s easier.
83. Can they swim? How well? Do they like to swim?
He loves every sport related to water, surfing, swimming, beach volley. Sadly enough because his automail...after Year 4 he can’t play much...unless enjoying the sea water on your knees is a sport.
84. Which deadly sin do they represent best?
Probably Wrath...he has a lot of rage under his skin but for the sake of what he cares most, he must repress it, he is not evil but with everything he went through he has a lot of rage to release, the problem is that in the HP-society, where you release all that rage?...for a reason or another, i can’t find a healthy solution for David...if he quits on society and friends, he will live as an hermit somewhere like he does his grandfather(Grampa doesn’t have rage, he simply dislike people so he lives not far from hogsmeade even though he is a muggle); If he joins a job like the Aurors he will be like Jean Paul Valley(one of the many guys who wore Batman’s costume, famous for being extremely violent and quite cruel with criminals or he will be like King Bradley but with a very small kill count(From FMA) doing his job by any means necessary; If he joins the Curse Breakers he will be quite like Geralt of Rivia, it’s not about being evil or cruel just accepting the fact that killing some bad people is necessary. If he joins the Magi-Zoologists he will be “happy” but he will sacrifice a lot of social activities with other humans, preferring beasts and animals...the main point is: after all he dealt in Hogwarts, Wrath defines David more than i want to admit...and even for having some happiness, either stays alone or has someone next to him(like Penny) who truly understand that is Wrath is there not because he was born like this but as consequence of many events happening without giving him time to breath(/having time to stabilize his mental health).
85. Do they believe in ghosts?
Hogwarts is full of ghosts.
86. How do they celebrate holidays? How do they celebrate birthdays?
He celebrates holidays, but is not fond of them, for him are just a poor excuse to be lazy or having fun...he prefers real reason to celebrate...like birthdays or someone graduates, or Gryffindor wins the Quidditch Cup! 
David likes to celebrate the birthday of his friends by baking something for them and making some useful gifts, like knives(so in case magic doesn’t work they can stab their problem XD), or books with unique spells or potions’ recipes.
87. What is something they regret?
- Tried to resurrect his mother
- Everything nice he did to an ungrateful Merula (because yeah, he did something nice to her, then after noticing the results he quit on her) 
- Helped so much his friends to the point that now they’re addicted to David’s help
- The pranks he did for Peeves(one of his worst moments in Hogwarts)...
88. Do they have an accent?
He has one...but it’s like a mixed accent from every accent the people around him have with a little bit of german.
89. What is their D&D alignment?
Chaotic Good
90. Are they right or left handed?
I’m still deciding...for now he is right handed but he loses his left arm(i didn’t want to put the drama or re-learning how to write and stuff if he would lose his right arm)
91. If they were a tweet, what tweet would they be?
I don’t follow twitter or care about so...i don’t know.
92. Describe them as a John Mulaney gif.
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 93. What’s the most iconic line of dialogue they’ve ever said?
as a reference to something?
David right after the final fight with R: “There is only one reason why you lost R...There’s just one simple answer....You really pissed me off.”
Reference to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAsKdQs1GGI 
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callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: Romance Asks
@thereluctantherosrose​ @cynicaljapanophile​ @weasleywood​ (you may be interested in this) ^_^
For the couple:
1. What drew your character to their LI and vice versa?
All began with Penny’s interest in adventures(like in the game), but what really started the relationship was Penny noticing that even if David acted like he didn’t care about anyone, he still does nice things for people, even he gets mad, tries to only to point out the facts about the problems people is bringing to him. He may be cynical, blunt, straightforward with his criticism but still tries to be nice, and aside from his seniors, the younger students are quite fond of him(but still slightly intimidated because his scarred face but they admire him) mostly because he explains things straight to the point, not like he read the notions in a book i mean and simply repeat them like a parrot. By David side i can say that David began to notice her more when he learned about Scarlet, which may sound weird and creepy, but David was dealing with nightmares and with “I’m the most depressed person in the whole universe” kind of mentality, so knowing about Scarlett, and how Penny was shocked about her, put David in a new mentality, less self-centered, and with time they both noticed nice/lovely things that both do during the lessons or clubs and the love just sparked and those little cute moments bringed to the point of asking to each other to be their date to the Celestial Ball and the date to Madam Puddifoot.
2. What was the first moment that they knew they were in love with their LI? 
David was kinda crushing Penny around forth year, there are a few moment during the year where he thinks things like “Penny is nice, i enjoy her presence” but around the end of the year(around the Celestial Ball SQ that for me and various other reasons happens around the end of the year) when he slowly loses his coolness around her(the classic ”My love interest is soo close to me” panic), he was sure, she got him.
Penny felt the first bit of love/crush for David probably sooner than David(in general David had soo much to deal in Hogwarts that i’m surprised myself that he was able to have a  relationship), It’s stated that she was interested in David/MC because she finds parties and that kind of social activities quite boring, that she is searching for something exciting like getting the Runner’s High
(that awesome feeling that you get while you’re doing your favorite extreme-sport)
, probably in my ship that moment happens around her depression with Scarlett and the werewolves side-quest
(to me both of them happen in almost the same period of the third year).
I mean if someone would basically leap on the scary thing that i fear most, with a knife in one hand and a magic wand in the other, basically facing death for me i would be singing songs in their name or at least showing some interest in the person who saved me.
3. When they are having a fight, what is it about and how do they deal with it? 
During school the main reason for each of them to fight is basically a strong interest in each other’s health(physical and mental). 
Here an example:
Penny: David! Did you even sleep?
David: I have to do [insert an important activity here, like saving hogwarts or helping someone in danger or dealing with a super urgent issue]
Penny: Well, by your tired face,i dare to say that you’re too tired for it! You’re walking like a zombie! For the next 8 hours, the only activities we’re going to do is eating, having a shower and then sleeping, LET THE PEOPLE HANDLE THEIR OWN PROBLEMS! ARE WE CLEAR?!
David: *silently nods*
Change the names but that’s the most common argument they have, out of love and interest in each other’s health(like i said) they both just quite obsessive over helping people and they both usually have a tight schedule, to the point to forget to fully rest. Basically they need each other to take care of each other, otherwise they kinda forget about their own healthiness. 
4. Their favorite physical feature on each other? 
David’s favorite feature: The fact that Penny isn’t Merula! AHAHAH just joking, (okay but seriously) he loves her all(every part of her makes her beautiful and sexy in David’s opinion), but if he is forced to choose he would say her abdomen, he just find it perfect, there is not real reason like a cute birthmark or how toned she is..he would watch her abdomen and just be in awe for hours.
Penny’s favorite feature: When your boyfriend/husband looks like Geralt of Rivia(but with red hair) since then end of year five(of Hogwarts of course), it’s hard to find a single favorite feature, Penny really likes his scars, or his trained body but her favorite feature is David’s right arm(remember the left one is an automail because i’m a lazy ass who makes a wizards who loves knives and close-combatting magical creatures who also is like inspired by Edward Elric XD) because she loooooves being hugged by that arm(and from its owner XD) while she is slepping after a tiring day of school/work.
Just as a reference: Geralt and his scars(that in my mind David has almost the same number of scars and a few more burn-marks)
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5. How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Like their favorite date activity. they let the other one to stay alone for some hours so they can be sad but also letting their mind processing everything is making them sad, then after those hours they try to talk a little, usually with no friends around so they can both vent how much they want, drinking something warm and very sweet and after the sadness fade away they can work together to find something funny to do.
PS: I’m talking about something very sad, not just a random bad mood because they got a bad grade in a test, something like a meltdown because stress or shit happening.
6. Who is the big spoon?
David but only because he is bigger but they favorite sleeping position is “The Nuzzle”(and their similar variations), with an special about being the smaller spoon if you’re really tired(so yeah sometimes David is the smaller spoon but usually he is the big one)
The Nuzzle
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7. Favorite date activity? 
With all they’re going through(During HPHM), they both need to chill, so their favorite date activity is anything that sounds lazy, from lazily studying together, to just having a meal in Jacob’s room away from anyone but each other, or going to Madam Puddifoot for drinking something sweet(tea or chamomile)(and this time without Tonks and Charlie around), basically for Penny and David, anything unrelated to school and done together counts as a date.
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
David’s: When she entered in the main hall during the celestial ball, she was so beautiful, cute and breathtaking, the first of many times where David really wanted to waltz with her.
Penny’s: See him fight and struggle and after that still being able to have social interactions, and acing his OWLs and NEWTs. Fighting selflessly against the most dangerous creatures of the wizarding-world, risking to die in so many occasions for a selfless purpose. There are a lot of prominent memories of David being great but Penny’s favorite kind of memories about David is when he is showing emotions(either happiness or sadness or anger) not because she loves seeing him suffer, but because David did/does a lot of things labelled as impossible and yet he is a human like everyone else.
9. How open are they with their feelings?
Quite open, they know that communication is important, time to time they need some time alone, but that aside they’re quite communicative even though David is not comfortable to talk at all, but Penny takes what she can(because David sometimes has a weird way to explain things...so he rather not talking)
If you mean without talking...David is the perfect hugging machine, he is quite happy to show his love for her...shyly(because he is more scared about what’s appropriate and what is not...but still)
10. Do they have pet names for each other?
Penny likes to call him “Boy”(like “Good Boy”) when she wants to joke about David’s animagus form(a german shepherd) but she prefers calling him “Love” or “Darling”, David just call her “honey” or “angel”, when he is in a “Penny is hugging me while she is pushing her face against my chest” mood he calls her “Kitty”.
11. Do they have any inside jokes?
Well David refuses to define himself as a human(after a huge tantrum against Dumbledore at the end of year four after the acromantula), mostly because he feels more like a beast, is not arrogance more like “why i feel so aggressive, i don’t feel like i’m human, what’s happening to me? I can barely remember what my personality was before being obsessed with saving Jacob, not even knowing what happened to him and how i will react to his presence..” After a while of consideration even with Dumbledore saying to him that he is the most human because he cares so much to feel destroyed by the idea of friends and classmates in danger, David will keep saying that he is a Class-5(XXXXX) beast(like Chimaeras and Dragons and Werewolves). After he breaks the curse of the Portrait Vault, between people who call him hero, there is also people who listened him defining himself as a beast and they choose to call him GBoH(Guardian Beast of Hogwarts)
So the inside joke is that when Penny just be herself in presence of a David in a bad mood(because shits happens often at hogwarts) she likes to joke about how “She is the only known witch to tame a Class 5 David”
On Penny-side: every-time(David is in a mood of making jokes) Penny mentions the Kew Gardens David usually comments with “I know, it’s not like Kew Garden, but at least here you’re encouraged to interact with plants”
I add that there are many inside jokes about David and dogs(David’s animagus form is a german shepherd), like being called Good Boy or throwing him things so he can catch them with the mouth.
12. Do they have similar goals? If they clash, how do they deal?
Well in Auror!AU, David(and Jacob) are working hard to be aurors, while Penny wants to be a substitute for Snape(so like when he is ill or not in the “mood” for teaching, she will teach Potions in his place). So in this case their similar goal is spending more time together and they work hard to achieve it.
In Cursebreakers!AU(but an edited version but the concept was born from @Lycopenedishere fanfic) They both work hard for being cursebreakers(with or without Rakepick) but mostly David already used(to cursebreaking), focus on learning new languages(magical and common) and spells while Penny focus on learn new potions’ recipes and more important(inspired by David) learning how big is the world(magic and not-magic)(it’s like “i want to travel a little, be independent, and learn more”).
In general they have similar goals but their goals aren’t exclusive and most of the times they can achieve them together and in the unusual situation where they may clash for them…they usually are in good terms like “May be the best one win and good luck honey”
13. How do they react at being away from each other?
Are talking about away in a “they’re at work or on a trip for a few days”? or away in a “they’re dead” way?Don't care! i choose the first option(not in a mood for angst and sadness XD)
David just tries to keep himself busy(with cooking or cleaning or anything else) until Penny comes back, trying to not thinking about it, until at some point you can hear him singing love songs in a sad voice until Penny comes back. (Tonks jokes that he has this reaction because his animagus form is a dog and he is quite affectionate…she is right)
Penny pretty much the same but the difference is in what they do, and Penny could choose to spend some time with Tonks and Chiara, or if they’re both busy, visiting her family.14. Is there anything they associate with each other?
14. Is there anything they associate with each other?
Well David associates Penny with the ocean, mostly because her blue eyes but also he quite reminds him how really deep is Penny’s personality(because before the Scarlet mini-saga, David was sure that Penny was only like a clichè of a cheerleader with a thing for dangerous things)
Penny associates David with the sky, huge, and watching it, brings hope, in a different way deep and majestic like ocean, but if you watch decently you can see where is the storm but at the same time the sky embrace earth and oceans(= things that David loves or cares about). (i’m very bad in explaining this kind of things in english, please forgive me)
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Quite complicated question, but keep in mind that i’m writing about them during HPHM(not after or before): 
David’s view of himself: Someone unable to achieve everything he wants, like really saving his brother, or taking care of his friends and everyone he loves by keeping them away from dangers(R. Vaults, Etc…), Someone who saw his own family falling into pieces and being unable to save them all. A disgusting being who refuses his own humanity because the people who hates and was most disappointed define themselves as humans. Someone unable to truly be honest to the people around him because is too scared of their reaction to his most deeper thoughts. Someone who has friends willing to help him not because it’s the right thing to do but because he already helped them with something meaningless like a prank or going to places(unrelated to his main purpose of saving Hogwarts) and still not being brave enough to quit on them because he doesn’t have anyone else..even while he knows that this kind of relationship is destroying every joy and desire of hanging out with them...
Penny’s view of David: Someone you can truly count on, trustworthy, honest, someone who saved her from dangers including herself(in form of depression and stress) multiple times, someone who is always ready to share a laugh with people, kinda a braggart just for making people laugh even with his scary and scarred face. Someone who is adored by people like the big brother of every student in Hogwarts because even while he faces hell almost by himself with minimum help from people who define themselves as a friends, he still finds time to be a decent prefect who teaches to the younger generations funny but useful spells(like aquamenti). Someone who doesn’t like talking about his feelings because after what he experienced, she understands that words are now overrated and chooses to show his love through actions. That someone she would miss most if he would disappear: That unique funny and caring guy those  big but gentle hands that he uses to protects everyone even those people who are mean to him for no real and logical reasons.
Penny’s view of herself: Someone unable to really cope with her own mental health in a healthy way, someone popular only because the beauty standards and her naturally selfless personality. Someone who watched her best friend dying in front of her and was unable to save her and trying to forget her with potions. Someone good only with potions and not much else. Someone so bored by parties to be in need to have some rush of adrenaline and joined a guy in his quest to save his brother just for the fun of dealing with dangerous things and getting that rush of adrenaline but pretty much quit after a few real “live or die” situations. Good only with gathering intel for the sake of helping the Hero of Hogwarts.
David’s view on Penny: The person he would miss most(Don’t tell Rowan he would put up a scene because he is jealous), the nicest girl in his group of friends, the most comprehensive, the one who even when she listen some weird and dark confession from David, she still accept him for what he is. The real Potion teacher(he learned more from Penny than Snape himself). The first person who actually showed interest not in David as that infamous guy named David, but the guy under that thick film of rumors. The beautiful hands that indirectly saved him multiple times by brewing useful potions. The only person who is able to truly understand his dark humor(Bill Burr kind of humor, harmless but darkish). The only girl he wanted to date. The only girl and woman he loves. The mother of their kids. The (real) Best Witch(or MVP) of Hogwarts.
16. Jealous at all?
Their jealousy is more about wanting to spend more time intimately together rather being actually jealous, i mean that they’re a little possessive to each other, but we shouldn’t blame them, David/MC has to deal with the Vaults, R, his brother, his needy friends, and school, while all he wants is quiet place where he can relax a little. Penny almost like David, has to deal with her tight schedule, and with David, she must find time for staying together…
By re-reading this, i feel like it shouldn’t count as an answer…but this is what they feel, they’re jealous of each other’s tight schedule that makes hard to stay together.
17. Their ways of expressing their love.
Physically, with David words are meaningless, he learned to trust actions and facts instead of words, nothing says i love you more than a quiet date, where David and Penny can say a silent “Fuck Y’all” by enjoying time together, some cuddle, some private nsfw moments(they’re sixteen and seventeen at this point, it’s fair and easy to imagine that, considering how emotionally passionate they both are.) 
18. Is there any way they disappoint each other? 
When they’re overprotective on each other, David hates the idea of Penny in danger, even thinking about it, fuels his obsession to become stronger and stronger, and during the beginning of their relationship Penny was disappointed because she thought that he doesn’t believe in her powers/talents but at the same time this behaviour is the same that Penny has during year fifth and sixth(in the game), overprotective and enough obsessive to being annoying(for the ones that she wants to protect), their solution is help each other in “controlling/limiting their own behaviour”
19. Describe how they communicate 
They talk, plain and easy, but the main rule is honesty.
20. Did either person change at all, to be with their partner?
David has to work on his repressed emotions and working on being a little more self-centered(that’s how selfless he is, to the point that he has to begin to be more selfish) so he can take care of himself decently
Penny will work on using less potions for artificially fixing her emotions and talk more to David when she needs.
Together they have to work on saying “No” more often, but seriously they adult-relationship is quite healthy and quiet.
For the creator
21. Personally, do you think they are a good couple? 
I could go over and over ranting and arguing about how from David’s point of view(straight male, with tons of repressed stress as hell during HPHM, with anger issues because of that said stress[important: he never punched or hitted Penny or his friends, just saying], with mood swings and stuff) anyone like Merula is the wrong choice for David, but at the same time both Penny and (more important) David needs time for really elaborate their personal emotional problems but even during their relationship during HPHM, yeah they’re a good couple, i like them, otherwise i wouldn’t ship my David “Jager” Denneth with Penny “Cinnamon Roll” Haywood.
But i want make the extra mile and explain why the other characters aren’t fitted for David:
Let’s remove all the boys(David is straight but in a “i simply don’t feel attracted to boys/men” way not because he is homophobic or something) where the best case scenario is a bromance full Jojo-style(Araki is a god in making the best bromances)
Merula: Miss 7%(of people who dated her, and yet there is a whole fandom who is dreaming of having a love life with her -.-), Why Merula Snyde is not good for David? Because with all she did to David and his friends, this girl has a room in Azkaban with her name on it! If i meet a creepy girl who tries to kill me i call the police! i don’t fall in love with her, i won’t save her from herself, is not my job! If Society agreed that women aren’t a tool for men to save themselves so can we please agree that men aren’t a tool/accessory for women? Why there is this disgusting double standard? Why a woman shouldn’t save me but i should(and must) save a woman? Seriously no one talks about men used by women! Back on topic, Merula is not stupid, she actually knows how she should treat people, the same way she wanted to be treated, she basically wants only to receive good things, merits and rewards without making the effort for them because those good things are meant to be hers just because she exist! I listened Merula apologists agreeing that Merula doesn’t have to be sorry or apologize for been forgiven! They used some infos about my past(that i shared with them) for exploiting the fact that bully victims are the real bullies if they don’t forgive! Dude! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK! I HAVE SCARS IN MY MIND NAMED AFTER MY BULLIES! I would forgiven them if they were sorry, if they worked their asses off in being decent humans beings, but they didn’t and i can’t forget(i wish tho) because what they did to me was so horrible, so scarring that is part of me now. You don’t see me going around with a knife and cutting people, i’m still a decent human being...not functional but i think i’m a decent, civil person(with my flaws but humans aren’t perfect). So if the best case scenario David and Merula are together how their relationship would be? The classic trope of the hyper jealous girl who checks his boyfriend’s phone, takes every girl numbers, and call them to warn them to stay away from David. Canon Merula is clingy(for the wrong reason like stalking MC) and too much jealous, in a toxic way. David is patient and comprehensive but he has his limits, not mentioning that David is quite a braggart but for fun, when he tells his ridiculous(but funny) stories, he does it for the sake of sharing a laugh not because he is arrogant, and in reality he is someone who needs to chill, to enjoy peaceful moments, Merula as a girlfriend would be like pouring gasoline on a forest already on fire! FanonMerula maybe is a sweetheart but here we’re talking of Canon-Characters...and i have even ignored all the horrible things she did(one indirect attempted murder, one instigated murder, stealing potion from Penny, trying to get the merits, tons of racist speech and hate speech in general, disrespectful, she never really showed her friendly/warm side, so she isn’t a tsundere and even if she is a tsundere, she is the worst example of being a tsundere).
Chiara: My second favorite girl, a ship with her would work smoothly, they both have empathy and they know how to really treat other people. Even with her condition of being a werewolf, David(and MC in general) already showed that he is able to deal with her condition, and because my David is basically a witcher(without mutations) in the HP-universe, it’s even easier for him to take care of her, to protect her from people too blind to see that she is a victim of the circumstances, she didn’t choose to be a werewolf, she got bitten and she doesn’t want to harm anyone. 
Tonks: I stick with the canon, so Remadora(but i think she is bi but she just loves Remus and we’re okay with it), for David a relationship with Tonks would feel weird “It’s like the cool and funny sister of my dreams, but still my sister, no one wants that!”
Tulip: Not enough time on screen to have a full opinion on her, she is nice, but i would want to see her when is not busy with pranks and she is in a more serious situation before saying anything, sorry.
Liz/Lizard: I don’t want to say that she is AroAce, not because i have problems but mostly because we don’t see her on screen enough to feel like she is, i want to learn more about her before saying anything, for now David and Lizard are only a “we share an interest but we have some divergences “trope.
Badea: She is actually David’s step/foster-sister! They like to spend time together as siblings or childhood friends, like doing two different things but quietly near to each other, for a MaleMC i dare to say that she is like FemRowan but with different interests. Her parents took care of David like he is part of the family, they developed the automail that David has(combining magic knowledge with muggle technology, so it’s like having a sci-fi arm but in the 1980s) also the red coat that David usually wears is a gift from Badea’s mother.
22. From the outside looking in, what is their dynamic like? 
A remixed version of the Beauty and the Beast trope:
David: Scary face(because the scars) and wild approach to his enemies(like fighting close-ranged, using his instincts to choose which attack he should use) but secretly a sweetheart, he isn’t stupid, but his emotions and instincts kick in before his rationality in a combat-situation to the point that he trained himself to prepare items, small weapons and potions while he is still “rational” to the point that we can say that he shaped his own “fighting pattern” with training and studies.
Penny: Already a sweetheart (but with a hint of slytherin traits), smart, cute, polite, more diplomatic, her approach to a duel is rational(after HPHM she will learn close combat fighting from David but without his instinctive flaws, so she would be more like a martial artist and more accurate), capable of obtaining any kind of information easily.
23. Did you tailor your OC for the other in the romance? 
As matter of fact no...i made a character that would fit what i like...and i just noticed how he would be happy with Penny around.
24. Is their any moment that happens between them that you know happens and just makes you melt? 
Mostly is a concept of moments they share:
They’re having a rough day, both of them, they’re about to punch someone in the face, that’s how stressed they are. Soon enough they meet after their different lessons, they see in each other eyes, (you can also say that they’re spent so much time together that they can feel it) they need a break, away from everyone, and if it’s a weekday there is Jacob’s room(also known as “David’s club room, where he can do whatever he wants”) and they’re mostly together maybe skipping a lesson or two, but their minds and souls needed that, it’s either a warm tea, or being on a sofa drowning in sheets and pillows and just snuggling and cuddling, or being passionate to each other. 
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship. 
David and Penny’s father are actually great friends...but David and Penny’s mother are like in a turf war because Penny’s mother knew David’s biological mother, she knows that she became a pureblood supremacist soon as she was pregnant with David, and she judges him as she judged his mother...David is just salty for being treated badly because some reputation that doesn’t involve him directly.
26. How important is the romance in your OC’s overall story? 
David is basically on the verge of insanity everyday, everytime someone ask him to do something first for them(in exchange of their help for saving hogwarts) is a small step towards a mental breakdown. What prevent those meltdowns are quiet people(Rowan, Penny, Badea) people who likes to either doing something quietly or are good in listening him or knows him enough to help him to chill. Penny is meets all the three requirements. I dare to say that their relationship(either a friendly or romantic) is crucial for David. Without Penny(or if she dies) David will lose his self-control and just be like a Chimaera(just primal instincts and ultraviolence)
27. What makes you excited about their relationship? 
The fact that for one time is the trope “opposites attract each other” can’t be used here, as a matter of fact, David and Penny are quite similar, they shared similar experiences but from slightly different points of view. I love the idea of being there for each other, knowing what each other needs because they know what they need, it may sounds boring or predictable, but i find it cute, they both need the same things for feeling good but they’re both so workaholics that they don’t think about their own health until the other one(because they’re both quite selfless and kind) takes them to rest. There is a lot that makes me excited about David and Penny being in love, like how during year 1 to 4 ressemble the slow burn of Romione, and from the end of year 4 to 6(maybe seven, we’ll see) ressemble Hinny, but their adult relationship could be quite Geralt and Yennefer from The Witcher but more affectionate(and less drama XD).
28. Is there any similarities to your OC and LI’s relationship to one you have had IRL?
I don’t have a relationship and never had one...never had an actual friend(or someone truly worthy of being called friend), so it’s more based on ideas and dreams.
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them? 
It’s more like based on my Cursebreaker!WhatIf, where David and Penny are travelling in the Sahara Desert, they’re just walking, they’re covered in clothes so you can’t really say who is who, but they’re walking close facing the burning climate, they’re not suffering for the water(aguamenti is the solution), just the air burning in their throats but they’re still close like they’re more in need of feel each other close than the actual need of some fresh air or a refreshing shower. You can say that is boring or meaningless but truth is that they love so much each other to rather melt for the burning hot weather rather than not being close or share some physical contact. 
In the game my favorite moment is:
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 30. How does their love change as they get older?
By the time they’re older the love doesn’t change but their way to express it is more domestic, i don’t wanna involve AUs/What Ifs but in some aspects it can be similar to Izumi and Shigu(FMA), but still with a “young mentality” kinda like an eternal honeymoon, they’re both quite passionate so people insist that is just a phase, but even during their 90s they will be daring and affectionate(but i’ve headcanon that a spell for anti-aging purposes will be invented or re-discovered in some ruins, so wizards and witches will look like they’re back in their 30s or 40s).
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31. Share anything you would like about the couple!
I’m not into the fankids but still in the Auror!AU:
David and Penny have a daughter named Scarlet “Dora” Haywood, she is a quiet girl but she has a thing for puns like her father and her godmother and not to mention that there is a rumor that Scarlet and Teddy are into each other. Mama and Papa are quite liberal and (secretly super happy to the idea of being in laws with the Tonks Family)
in the Cursebreakers!What Ifs their daughter is in fact adopted in Alexandria(Egypt) after a complicate situation(where they were sent in The Witcher 3 universe, and spent time with Geralt&Co.) they find this little girl, with no parents, no name, and a weak memory about her past so they choose to take care of her while they’re searching for her actual parents, but the time pass(the whole summer between Harry’s second year and the beginning of his third year) and nothing, after that, they need to go back to Great Britain for some jobs(that involves spending a year in Hogwarts and being Harry’s bodyguards while Jacob and other aurors are searching for Sirius Black) so they take with her while using contacts in Egypt to keep “alive” the researches of this girl’s parents, but meanwhile they gave her a name Alexandria(so she will grow up attached to her origins), Elen Riannon(a reference to complete name of Ciri) Haywood and let her stay with David’s foster parents so she can go to muggle schools and not risking her life in a dangerous place like Hogwarts(even though she will be there for Christmas so they can celebrate all together).
19 notes · View notes
callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: 33 Fun OC-Asks
@thereluctantherosrose @cynicaljapanophile @anonymous-crazy-girl @catherinestark-hphm Updated a little(not even sure i ever made this one...but still...i spent my afternoon and a good piece of my night...so roll with it u.u)
1. What’s their personal philosophy?  Do they even have one?
David’s main philosophy is all around “Train hard, Study Hard” he is a workaholic(thanks to the vaults), other than that, there are a lot of few sub-philosophies that usually change. 
First to Third Year: “If if’s my problem, the only reason for searching for help it’s because i need something i don’t have” 
First to Fourth Year: “Don’t cry for who was searching for death, cry for the ones who didn’t choose to die” (Like the twelve students that during David’s fourth year died eaten alive by the Acromantula, they didn’t choose to be victim of the sleepwalking curse, it just happened, while David, Jacob, and everyone related to R, choose to being involved in the Cursed Vaults, so they’re “searching for death”) it’s quite more about “People are responsible for themself” kind of thing...i don’t know if i explained myself…
Fifth and Sixth(for now): “Trust no one but your training” “The kill or Be Killed mentality is so naive...i prefer make my enemies wish to die rather than face me”  “Promises are much easier to break than curses and yet i never broke a promise but i’ve broke many curses...” “I’m not an hero nor i want to be, i just do what it’s necessary to fix situations that may be problematic for me or the people i care about”
In AUs where David meets Geralt of Rivia(and assimilating his ideas): “Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling… makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition is blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all." This mentality will make David accept that sometimes you must spill some blood for the sake of who is a decent person.
but between you and me, i don’t think i truly understood this question...
2. How do they feel about their status and reputation as the curse-breaker in the school?
He doesn’t really care(either good or bad reputation), it’s nice that people treats him good(after the events of Fifth Year) but he only care of his friends, mostly because his good status and reputation came way after being an outcast for the family’s bad reputation and Rowan/Penny/Bill/Angelica/Ben/Liz/Barnaby/ETC still treated him decently...so he is nice to people who suddenly love him because he is a hero, but not because he cares about them...it’s just faster to deal with them rather than get angry for their hypocrisy... 
3. Did they get sorted into the Hogwarts House they expected to?  Did the Sorting Hat have any problems sorting them?  Or did it not even have to touch their head?
David didn’t expected to join Hogwarts at all...His father was telling him scary stories about wizards describing them all as death eaters(with his memories sealed by Jacob), the only good wizards/witches he knew during his childhood were Badea’s family. Then he meet McGonagall, during his run from home since he got his letter(and freaked out). At the Sorting Ceremony he wasn’t sorted, he proposed to being set in Gryffindor because Minerva’s interest in his kind of Alchemy(so being in Gryffindor would mean having easy access to David). Around the end of Fourth Year, David regained his sense of touch(background stuff, ignore it, for now) and envy that everyone was sorted with the hat, so for the fun of it, he wears it, and the Hat doesn’t sort him, So if the Hat would have sorted him when David was 11 years old, it would be so overwhelmed by 11yo!David’s main traits(because he has some traits of every house and they have equal space in the boy’s mind) to refuse to give a full answer explaining that for guys like him there should be a fifth house for this kind of situation.
And this is why David is a Gryffindor and Jacob a Slytherin(but if Jacob never got trapped or dealt with the vaults, David would be a decent Slytherin)
4. What are their coping strategies for dealing with everything (the Vaults, Jacob, etc.), if they have any?
David tries to learn, he is quite obsessed in learning and developing opinions about everything. Everything is pissing him off, he has to deal with so many things, related to the Vault or related to his personal life, to the point that he is always on the verge to have a meltdown every single year. Needy friends, Needy Brother, people who want to kill him, dangerous magical creatures everywhere, his father constantly pushing him for finding Jacob(and downgrading everything he does, explaining how Jacob could do everything David does but better and faster). He is not coping at all(unless focusing on things and ignoring the problem is a way to cope) nobody is even trying to give him enough time to cope(with some exceptions). Normally he has three ways to relax:
Being alone in Jacob’s room doing everything he wants, from making paper airplanes and watch them flying out of the window, to simply brewing a tea and having a small break.
Sports/Training, doing some gym-activity helps him to let it out
Dating Penny, every kind of quiet activity is the best one, even without talking about his problems, just having a quiet moment with the girl he loves it’s enough for him.
5. What electives do they take throughout their time at Hogwarts?
I can’t really answer...the game decides for us...so by the Sixth Year whe have: Care of Magical Creatures and Divination, probably we will need Apparition at some point(i’m sure of it). so the remaining electives are: Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Muggle Studies, Alchemy and Ancient Studies. David would have Muggle Studies(mostly as excuse for not studying Magic-things 24/7), Alchemy(because he is alchemy is different, it’s more powerful and efficient but he is curious about the Alchemy known by the Magic-society), Ancient Studies(At this moment, David is still not sure about his future job, so he wants to have more choices possible and Ancient Studies is known to be useful for Curse-breakers), About Ancient Runes and Arithmancy he would try them for a few days before fully deciding if they’re worth of his time.
6 .Are they in any clubs or extracurricular activities?  What about Quidditch?
Just Quidditch(using his “acrobatic” style of flying for the Gryffindor Team) and the David Club(basically his “me time”, he just stays in Jacob’s room away from everyone, the club’s main rule is “doing everything  the only member and club president, David, wants” from having a picnic near the Whomping Willow(but far enough to not be interrupted) to asking Penny to just study together...
7. How studious are they?  What kind of studying strategies do they use?  Do they have any study groups with their friends?
David without the drama of the Vaults would be Rowan but without glasses, that’s how studious he is. He likes to read and learn(he is eager to learn, like a Ravenclaw, making unusual questions during the various lessons). He loves to gather infos from books and then test them on the field/during fights, the plain explanation from old teachers doesn’t work that much, unless the teacher is passionate like Rakepick during Fifth Year. David studies in group but usually his rhythm involves some break for either a snack or for some physical exercise  
8. How willing are they when it comes to breaking school rules?
By any means are necessary, for the sake of saving his friends and his only family (Jacob), after that, David would rather be a boring guy who tells puns and jokes without breaking the important rules… while for the most trivial ones he doesn’t care...
9. Do they hang out with any of their friends over breaks?  If so, which one(s) and what do they do? 
He randomly hangs out with Rowan or with the Cole’s Family, his family is basically Badea’s family, a few days at the Weasleys, he is not so loved in Haywood’s family, mostly for his bad reputation(before Fifth Year, only Penny’s mother is against the idea of having a Denneth around, after Fifth Year is more like David inviting Penny or David making some persuasion over the paranoia of Mama-Haywood about if she prefers knowing what her daughter is doing with his boyfriend and where, under her roof or Denneth’s roof), not a nice move, but still the only way to convince her. While Papa-Haywood is in awe over David, for being a muggle understands more than his wife. During Fourth Year David spent 70% of his break in Egypt with his grandfather, lost the Truth of Alchemy, gained back his sense of touch and already with his left automail/metallic arm, he goes to the Egyptian Center of Alchemical Studies where he studies and makes a few tattoos on his right arm(Transmutation of Water and Ice) and on his ankles (Transmutation of plain stone walls). Other than that, David prefers to have guests rather than go to his friends’ house, he doesn’t know how to behave as a guest, if it’s the case of bringing some sort of gift or food, while if he is the host can say “just crash to my place and do what you feel”.
10. After they graduate, do they fall of the map and keep a low profile?  Or do they continue to exist in the public eye?
David either in Aurors!AU or Cursebreakers!AU, he choose to stay away from Dumbledore, to do his job and having his happy life, either working as an Auror in Britain(secretly praying to be transferred somewhere else, like France or Germany) or just travelling all around the world with Penny, becoming a living myth in cursebreaking(kinda like Rakepick)and in both AUs and their ramifications(like DragonAge!AU that it’s a ramification of Cursebreaker!AU) David somehow ends to have some political power, a thing that he doesn’t want at all! David wants is some adventures time to time and staying with Penny...give him that and you have a happy David smiling while he enjoys his life; But even in DragonAge!AU(AU where Penny&David enter in DA-world by slipping in an Eluvian...probably the same one that is in Witch Hunt and they witness the three games somehow, while they try to find a way back home…) thanks to all the things they dealt with HPHM, they’re like quite influential among people, their adventures and their arcs during The Blight, the Crisis in Kirkwall and the Breach, he doesn’t want political power, but with his kindness and his odd way to have fun(like sharing new ways to forge weapons or joining the Provings in Orzammar or convincing Branka to quit on the Anvil of the Void and “craft” her a new obsession way less dangerous, like giving her a copy of the designs of his automail and ordering her to work hard to improve it by working with doctors and healers, because he doesn’t want to be a “mom’s boy” by having the automail his step-mother made) he became a candidate for a place as a Paragon(still unsure if make him an actual Champion of Orzammar or not) while Penny is considered a Keeper among the Dalish thanks to her abilities with potions, magic and her kind personality(enough that every group of people she is with, is considered part of Clan Haywood)(i also headcanon that at the end of HPHM David will lose his magic-powers for some reasons related to R or the final vault itself)...
Ops got carried away...well, i think you can guess that after all the things they dealt during HPHM their talents emerged quite a lot that even when they try to keep a low profile, either in this world or other worlds/dimensions, they become quite known quite soon...
11. How does their career path differ from what they thought they’d be doing?  Or does it differ at all?
David knows that he is a fighter, everyone wanted him to be a fighter(everyone in the father-side of the family) and a cursebreaker(Dumbledore, Rakepick, everyone who thinks he is good in curse breaking), He understands that people has huge expectations related to him, neither that he is destined to be a chef or a doctor or a random person easily forgettable like he wants...society already decided for him so in the Auror!AU David chooses to take down R(and anyone related to the organization) by any means necessary but being rewarded with a warm house, friends and happiness and working with his brother, in Cursebreakers!AU David seek for his freedom, his place in the universe, he is still rewarded with happiness and love(i mean he travels with Penny, now a woman, who has deliberately chosen to go with him, it’s like a honeymoon everyday with some breaks for cursebreaking) in the end David doesn’t find the kind of happiness he was searching for, but he can’t be whine about it, he is happy anyway.
The most ideal job would be working full-time in the Reserve for Magical Creatures, because David is more happy to deal with creatures and beasts rather than with people(and with all the stuff happening in HPHM, i don’t blame him, he wants peace and a less stressful environment)
12. Do they have any hobbies?  What about any talents or aptitudes?
Davids love to cook, he helps him to relax by focusing on things that aren’t related to magic, he is quite a chef, but he pretty much likes any kind of muggle hobbies. He is not an artist and his drawings are quite essential/minimalist, not much details but understandable.
13. Do they have any favorite spells?
Aguamenti, Diffindo, Depulso and Accio, those four spells combined with David’s many talents and ice transmutations, makes him a walking natural disaster
From Aguamenti can have all the water he needs for his ice-transmutations, From Diffindo can wound his enemies while he is at distance(like cutting their tendons), with Depulso can improve the strength of his punches(so it’s like using Depulso from close distance and hitting harder, like Geralt from the Witcher using the Aard spell), and with Accio, David will always have a weapon in one of his hands.
14. What’s one thing they did or thought as a child that they later look back and cringe about?
Tried to resurrect his pureblood supremacist mother and losing his sense of touch because he failed(Because it’s impossible in the first place because you can’t change the laws of the whole universe)? Not much else to regret.
15. If they could travel anywhere at all in the world—money, time, and language not being an issue—where would they go and who would they take with them?
David is quite a beach kinda guy, so he would try (even to live) in Philippines, Hawai, or any isolated island(the kind of island that you need like at least 8 hours on a boat for leaving), not because he wants to be alone, but because this is his idea of holidays, He, his love interest(Penny), the ocean all around him and tropical weather. For a more “animated” journey he would choose Japan, he is interested in how they forge their swords/katanas, and learn more about their culture both muggle and magic culture. 
16. If they’re an Animagus, how easy was becoming one for them?  Were they happy with their Animagus form?  Or did they want it to be something different? 
It was easy, he regret to choose to be a German Shepherd but at the same time is nice being a big fluffy dog, but he is so compatible to the Animagus magic to have some weird habit even when he is in his human form...like trying to catch everything is flying with his mouth or hating the sound of a ringbell. If the animagus-side quest would have happened during Year 4 or Year 5 he would have chose to be something able to fly, maybe an owl.
17. Do they like what they see in the mirror?
It’s not about liking in it, but being proud of every scars, even though he is quite disturbed because his emotions are yelling “This is what i can do for the people i love” but his rationality is like facepalming “Dude, just stop with this! We were 13 when we got this scar, 12 for this other one, 16 for this one over here, we were underaged and we fought like a war basically all alone when it supposed to be the job of the Adults around us, it’s not normal!”
18. How good are they at taking compliments?
It depends from his mood and who is giving compliments, but around Penny(the period when he was working on his confession) was quite shy and modest, but usually when he gets too much compliments begins to brag a little.
19. How much do they trust their friends?
David is quite pessimistic, during his years in Hogwarts doesn’t 100% trust his friends but still work and smile with them, trying to ignore his doubts or that burning feeling of “feeling used” by them because for some reason everything in Hogwarts revolves around him. Like a great man once said:
"'Hawke/David this, Hawke/David that,' Why does everything fall to me?"
20. Are they pretty self-reliant?  Or do they like to go to their friends for help?
David is quite independent, he can survive in a deserted island for months, basically he goes for help in two situations: Help because they have something(either infos or items) related to the Vaults, or catch up with studying. After HPHM, David will be so independent that he could live alone away from society and even in that situation not feeling the need to ask for help...that doesn’t mean he can deal with the loneliness. 
21. Who is their favorite Weasley?  Or can they not choose?
David doesn’t choose a favorite Weasley, but Bill avoided (without knowing) the full madness of David(basically he was so impactful in a nice way on David’s mind that whatever will happen at the end, David will recover from it, in due time though), also David didn’t answered to Bill’s question at the end of Fifth Year, because he wanted to be fair and knowing Fred&George, Ron and Ginny before choosing, otherwise it wouldn’t be fair for the rest of the family.
22. What’s the thing they like least about themselves?
That weird and disgusting part of his personality that keeps whispering “You don’t deserve to be taken for granted anymore, just yell at them, let it out, let them hear your agony, tell them how painful it is being treated like a delivery boy when they ask for random useless things while you’re saving them all, everyday! They only care about their status in the society, they want you for some political reasons and soon as they’ll used you, they’ll throw you away..”
23. What’s the thing they like most about themselves?
Is not about liking, but relieved to have it... David considers himself the Pandora’s Box, inside him(thanks to how stressful is Hogwarts for him) are living many monsters, plagues and any kind of psychological/mental monstrosity, but also Hope, Joy, Love, Determination...all those things that makes him going forward in his crusade against R and the Vaults.
24. How bad is their temper?  Do they tend to lash out at others or themselves?
He is quite patient but he tend to vent with people(mostly Penny or Rowan, and only when he needs someone’s opinion about something that he can’t truly understand) but mostly he lash out at himself...but in general, he has like 3-4 triggers which is not many, but touch them and David loses control...
25. What’s their biggest regret in life, if they have any?
In life? For now(sixth year in HPHM):
Not blinded Rakepick(At this point, David is still not in the mentality to kill for the sake of good people, he rather incapacitate his enemies)
Tried to resurrect his mother Gloria Denneth
Bonus: Every nice thing did to Merula...because she did everything in her power for being hated by David, and in David’s opinion that is her only real accomplishment 
26. What kind of first impression do they tend to leave on others?
Big, scary guy who uses violence, but in David’s mind, not-magic wounds can heal, magic wounds will mark you forever...so his way to deal with duels, looks more brutal and maybe more gruesome but in David’s opinion is also way less permanent...
27. What is the achievement they’re most proud of?
Being Penny’s boyfriend, he can re-watch his own memories over and over and still be like “How is it even possible?! What i did for making her fall in love with me! Let me watch it again! This time i will understand what i did!”
28. Do they like having photos taken of themselves?
Only if his facial expression can be natural, so no forced smiles(usually they need to tell a joke for making him smile during a photoshoot) because he has a resting bitch face.
29. What’s one big way that your MC differs from the in-game canon?
Like everything, background, fighting style, level of sarcasm and irony, more emotional(like he shows more emotions than the basic MC), his way to point out every crap or stupid(or inefficient) things in the rules, his personality...basically the plot is the same, but my David is quite different from MC and this usually brings to the same events but with some differences…
Basic!MC and HPHM are more “oh yeah, i just fought a chimaera no big deal...boring”
David is more “what the hell man?! A Chimaera just escaped from his/her cage and nobody is giving a single shit about a fucking killing machine with an empty stomach walking around a school! SERIOUSLY WHAT’S FUCKING WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!” (imagining him moving and talking like Bill Burr)
Yeah if David rants like that about something, it means that the situation is too much over the limit even for his standards...
30. What does their name mean and why did you choose it?
David Denneth was a default name, when i don’t know what to think(i suck with names), i use David Denneth, the second name(Jager) is from Eren Jeager of Attack on Titan(Shingeki no Kyojin) but it’s fits with David’s personality…
so basically it’s like having him named like Default Jager McDefault...quite sad from my point of view..also adds the fact that my name is Daniele/Daniel but everyone in school called me David/Davide so it’s basically implying that it’s a self-insert.
31. If they’re an Animagus, why did you choose the form for them that you did?
I wanted an inside joke about David being a dog person...literally u.u
32. How has your MC changed since you first created them?
On the details, yes, the main parts of David are just like levigated a little...but in general i changed a lot of details multiple times...but the main part? not much or not enough
33. How well do you think you and your MC would get on?
Having my David in real life? Basically means that i would be involved in extreme sports, but at the same time having someone who pushes me for trying to achieve my dreams...David is motivated in everything he is doing, i never had either motivation or determination...you can say that i’m like someone who quitted on life because no one truly believed in me or my talents, and after a while...i quitted on myself thinking that i’m not worthy of happiness, i became like slightly an incel(i don’t think that being beautiful is everything but it’s like a business card or a cool welcome-mat in short words, i think people comes for your body but stays for your mind, but without a good body...they don’t even bother to say hi...that’s why i like internet..people don’t ask about your body, they don’t care because in the best case scenario there are at least 120kms from you...worst case scenario there is a whole continent between each other...it’s sad but somehow it doesn’t make me panic), watching happy beautiful people all around me...and my paranoia triggers so everytime i see someone smiling i have a voice in my head that tells me that they’re laughing at me for having a weird skin; Or being so “corrupted” by my grandmother’s fake niceness(like panicking a lot every time i was about to go to some trips/visits with the school, to the point to “convince my naivety” to stay at home with her...my parents were working full time at the period...so they didn’t saw that coming...and then...my father quitted on me while i was bullied…my mother...she was nice but alone in supporting me...and after that my brothers went to learn soccer after school and my dad is a cultist of soccer...i hate it...so ByeBye Me being happy or social...i prefered everything else, but sending three boys in a school where people teach how to play soccer, i remember it was expensive...so i never had a hobby or chances to explore my talents...if i had some...everyone everywhere downgraded me to the point that right now, i’m basically 25, never finished highschool, no dreams, no good jobs around me, the worst curriculum ever...because no experience no college/university, and in my best case scenario WW3 would come and i’ll be a random dead soldier...worst case scenario, is me being homeless…) so in the end...yeah David would be an awesome friend...we would probably be like Kaneki(Strong but gentle) and Hide(what keeps Kaneki mentally stable/sane) in Tokyo Ghoul...
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callmederok · 5 years
Hello :) another question... what is David's friendship with Ben's like? (or even other characters that you don't get to mention often, like Barnaby, Andre or the new characters from the Quidditch chapters.)
Ben Copper:
Pre-Change: A fish out of the water with every possible reason to feel and act like he is out of the water and panicking over it, but during the years he was sure that Ben would have learned to handle the situation, and partially he does handle the whole magic-school situation, and David is cool with it, Ben is still a scaredy-cat 
During Change: “Is he serious? Be brave? Is he talking like it’s easy to be brave? He thinks it’s easy to be brave? I’m getting pissed…” after these thoughts David stands up and remove his chest-clothes and reveal his body scars explaining(and yelling) that he is not actually brave like the school thinks but David is actually fighting his fears and the tormenting idea of the worst-case scenario and he is doing that by facing every danger and drama around him.
After Change: Oh Ben? Stealing things? Not cool. Spending time in Knockturn Alley? Worse….uuuuh you’re scaring Mundungus?  Weren’t you like him…just like 3-4 months ago? You know what? I quit, you’re on your own (until the plot demands me to deal with your BS).
Barnaby: An adorable jock with great empathy, they work together at the Reserve for Magical Creatures along with Lizard as part-time workers, they get along, David finds adorable his naivety and tries to help him when he can with anything. They’re in very good terms since they actually met each other, he is one of the few students who have David’s respect.
Andre: They’re both in different quidditch teams, they share some rivalry and the dialogues between him and David are similar to the ones that Andre has for Charlie(about Quidditch). I headcanon that during a game of Truth or Dare they shared a kiss and basically David learned from it (not sure if someone of the LGBT+ community may be mad about a straight demisexual boy kissing a gay guy, that’s why i don’t want to confirm this headcanon). During the dating period, David reveals that he wants to be a gentleman(also for the Celestial Ball) so Andrè kinda gives him the basic of the etiquette and begins with his passion for clothes and fashion, they’re good rivals on the quidditch-field and good friend outside.
Charlie: Both fascinated by Dragons(Charlie is more fascinated than David) both in the Gryffindor’s Team both of them are good friends, but during the Sixth with Charlie’s depression post-Portrait Vault and David’s feelings to be taken for granted by his friends…well, they’re still friends but like with other friends(Like Ben, Tonks and Tulip) David is slowly taking the distances.
Skye: The historians will write about how important Skye’s presence in David’s life was. She made the first training-menù and David improved it and began to do it every morning at the dawn in a small yard “behind” the Gryffindor’s Tower. They will be in good terms even after HPHM and she tried to defend him from the rumours that accuse David to be a bad guy by saying “Nobody with that passion and devotion for Quidditch/challenges would be even remotely a bad guy! So stop to spread lies about a good player and a great friend!”
Bonus: She could have been a good candidate for a relationship(at least during HPHM)(i forgot about her in the other question, sorry ^_^).
Orion: If Skye started the physical development of David’s body with her training, Orion pushes more about David’s mental stability and ability to “go with the flow”. In good terms but Orion is pretty much neutral about David’s reputation, he is happy to see David working hard, they don’t hang out together but on the field, there is good chemistry/teamwork.
McNully: David has a lot of fun in listening his commentary during the games and he enjoys talking to him outside Quidditch, he is like Rowan but funnier. David quite becomes less talkative(/more concise when he talks)because he didn’t want to be like him, and to bore people, not that David is annoyed…just that listening to him talking for long periods of times can be quite tiring. When David is bored to lose against Rowan at Chess, he goes to him, and when David is bored to lose against him, he goes to Rowan…it’s an endless circle of losing at Chess with different people.
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callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: 50 Funny OC Ask
@thereluctantherosrose @cynicaljapanophile @bluerosesburnblue @batgirl-87 @thecursedzerin @catherinestark-hphm @anonymous-crazy-girl (tagging anyone who i think may be interested in this)
1. what does music mean to them? what role does it play in their life?
He is not addicted to music but it helps him to calm himself…
2. if you were to hug them, what would they smell like?
Sometimes blood(when he just fought someone/something), but usually sweat and some ingredients (based on what he cooked recently…)
3. what’s their favorite food?
He loves seafood in general, but every kind of food that doesn’t make him feel bloated almost instantly is his favorite food
4. what’s their least favorite food?
Anything that smells weird like egg and anything fried(the taste of the oil kinda disgust him)
5. do they like nature? if they do, what’s their favorite natural setting (woods, beach, desert, lake, etc.)?
He loves every kind of natural setting but his favorites are beaches, mountains(he loves the scenery) and woods.
6. what’s their most prominent personality trait?
He is passionate, his emotions are quite reactive, either he is in love or flaming with rage, his emotions take almost the full control of himself before he can think rationally
7. what’s their mbti?
He is an ENTJ-T (made the test...but it may be slightly inaccurate because David is quite emotional...but he forces himself to be more ENTJ-T possible, because in his mind, because the Vaults and stuff, people need an ENTJ-T person...and he also need someone who is ENTJ-T, and he basically become one)
8. hogwarts house?
Gryffindor, but he wasn’t sorted, he was scouted by Minerva and then overiddens the sorting ceremony and talked directly to the teachers, and as a matter of fact he was the last one so while Rowan went to Ravenclaw(like he deserves u.u) before he could be sorted...then this negotiation with Dumbledore happened...still he regretted what he did, enough to asks, four years later to the Hat if he/she/it could “sort him/give their opinion about where David could be sorted at the time” and the Hat told him that many of his personality-traits came from his love and loyalty to the people he loves, while many of his accomplishment came from his hard-work attitude so David could have been either a Hufflepuff or a Slytherin like Jacob.
9. d&d alignment?
Chaotic Good.
Bonus(for @thereluctantherosrose mostly): 
If he was a character in DA:Origins he would be a Rogue with these specs: Berserker, Arcane Warrior, Duelist/Legionnaire Scout. (which doesn’t make sense, i know because basically i choose three different specializations from three different classes...but they describe David as a fighter, strong, decent with magic and quite acrobatic/agile/nimble)
In Dragon Age 2(and inquisition), he would be still be a Rogue with a personal skill tree based on martial arts.
In Pathfinder he would be an Unchained Monk or a Brawler.
10. if they were in a modern high school clique (jocks, goths, hipsters, geeks, etc.), what would it be? why?
Probably something in the middle, like the classic “rock and roll guy” maybe he was a jock for a while but his love for art (and specifically music) would have take over him.
11. tea or coffee?
Tea, he doesn’t like the taste of coffee
12. dusk or dawn?
Probably dusk...he is a morning person but he loves the colors of a twilight(they’re the same of a dawn but he can enjoy a twilight more than a dawn)
13. country or city?
Country or rural area of a city…
14. what do they do in their free time? do they have any hobbies?
Between quidditch, training, and his part-time job at the Reserve for magical creatures, mostly he tries to date Penny... with not perfect results...there isn’t much stuff at Hogsmeade.
15. do they like animals? if they do, which ones?
He loves everything but insects and reptiles...dragons are good though…
16. how are they in platonic relationships?
You mean friendly? If yes, he is the classic guy who tries to cheer you up with jokes and puns, with poor results...but you know that he cares about you when he tries to help you without you going to him for searching for help…
17. how are they in romantic relationships?
Quite passionate and mostly physical but usually he waits for a clear signal of consent, so until then he panics about “i want to kiss her, in public is it appropriate?She will like it?AAAAH! please help me to show you how much i love you!”
18. do they have any insecurities about themselves?
Many, mostly because his friends put a very high weight of expectations on him, so if he fails he feels like garbage.
19. what’s their favorite genre of book or movie (if they like to read or watch movies)?
Mostly fantasy and scifi, but Penny(in auror!AU) quite induced him(not planned) a love for muggle documentaries about history...but it’s easy to make him love him something if while you’re doing it, you’re also snuggling with him
20. what would their dream vacation look like?
Something very far away from home, like Hawaii or Soundermounts(in Kirkwall XD), the classic beach place with some trees/palms around
21. how many hours of sleep do they get on average?
it depends but in the game is stated that there are periods where MC/David doesn’t sleep at all, thanks to the stress and anything related to the vaults. In general David always wakes up at the dawn before anyone else in his dorm so he can go to train himself somewhere quiet and still be on time for breakfast and morning lessons.
22. what is their body shape? are they trim or tubby? tol or smol?
He starts as an average-small boy but with a toned body(typical body of someone who trains a lot) but during the years in Hogwarts he grows a lot.
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23. if you had to pick five words/phrases (objects, places, weather, etc.) to describe your oc’s aesthetic, what would you pick?
i can post a couple of moodboards? it’s faster:
Thanks to @thereluctantherosrose and @cynicaljapanophile 
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24. do they hold onto grudges?
He is not so forgiving, so yeah he tries to not hold grudges but at the same time, ruin your friendship with him once, and gaining his trust and love would be ten times harder than before. Mostly depends on the gravity of the act that makes David really mad(for example he will always hold a grudge over Kettleburn because the chimaera on a killing spree is the reason why he lost a limb during the fourth year, or he will be skeptical over someone if that person borrows his notes and bring them back ruined)
25. are they fiscally responsible? or would they prefer spending with wild abandon?
He likes to buy gifts and offering drinks but he is quite responsible with his money, thanks to his part-time job in the Reserve for Magical Creatures he learned quite soon the real value of money/currency.
26. what’s their favorite kind of weather?
Late summer but with a gentle breeze.
27. how old would they be if they didn’t know how old they are? (e.g., what’s their mental age?)
Probably 23, old enough to be responsible but young enough to understand kids and teenagers 
28. what’s their opinion of children? how are they around children?
David is the classic gentle guy that looks scary, he is quite kind and gentle with kids, once they overcame their fear for his serious and scarred face(because he doesn’t want to scare them by approaching them first)
29. what’s their sexual orientation?
Straight Demisexual 
30. what’s their favorite color?
Blue and Green(one of them should be the second most favorite...but he can’t decide)
31. what temperature would they prefer the room to be?
Around 20-25°C ( around 70°F )
32. how mannered are they? how proper to they act?
You mean while he is eating something fancy during a fancy night? He doesn’t get which fork is the right one for eating the right meal but at least he looks decent.
33. how do they dress?
His red coat over everything he will possibly wear, usually something that looks good but it’s also comfortable like a t-shirt, jeans(not too tight on the legs) and boots.
34. which season do they prefer? why?
Early Autumn why because it’s not too warm or too cold or too humid
35. what is their “morning ritual”?
Waking up at the dawn, going somewhere quiet to do some morning exercise(like jogging or weight lifting or both) going to have a shower, wear the school uniform(or his usual clothes once he will graduate) having/making breakfast.
36. what is their “nighttime ritual”?
In every after-hphm!AU David likes to spend some time talking with Penny, before going to sleep, usually they drink tea or chamomile take like an hour of random talking and chit-chatting until they feel sleepy enough to go to bed 
37. have they ever had a one-sided crush?
...Rakepick but in a “wow she is the first decent teacher in hogwarts” so it was the first time that David actually admired a teacher (and we all know how is going in hphm), so i consider it a crush but not out of love but out of admiration/respect...
38. do they like art? what form?
Mostly music, it helps to calm him down and he likes art in general, mostly watching paintings or photos...he is not an artist.
39. how do they read a book (if at all)? slowly, over the course of a few days, or within a few hours? do they sit, stand, lay down, all of the above?
just sitting, and he reads even 50-100 pages a day during HPHM, in his adulthood he is so busy that he reads like 25 pages a day(but it depends from his work-schedule)
40. do they have any recurring dreams/nightmares?
Yeah, mostly things about him being unable to save people he loves, or the horror of re-living the transmutation of his mother Gloria Denneth.
41. what would be their favorite subject in school? (e.g., English, Math, Science, History, Recess, etc.)
Science, PE and probably foreign-languages.
42. what physical features do they find attractive on other people?
Eyes and Lips mostly, he has a thing for redheads but Rakepick shocked him enough to discard that preference.
43. are they patient or impatient? what situations would make them feel one or the other?
Put a friend in danger and he would be impatient, put Penny in danger and he would go berserk like a beast. Take them as hostage for some ransom or waiting for some sort of trade and he would think to every possible step for saving them without giving you a single thing you asked.
44. what is their opinion of authority?
Power corrupts, Ministry of Magic is composed by neglecting and useless brain-dead morons and anyone who talks to them is wasting their time. Laws are useless if people can get away with it,
45. what is their opinion of tradition?
Some traditions are good, but evolutions and improvements of everything invented by human mind was trying and then succeeded to overcome traditions...so in the end Traditions are like a desert: rarely something grows from that.
46. are they into folklore and/or conspiracy theories? or do they think both are garbage?
He likes folklore but conspiracies must be proved...so he doesn’t have a positive or a negative opinion about both...he is neutral.
47. if they were to have a “happy place” they retreated to in their mind during stressful/boring situations, what would that place be? what would be in it?
Near a woods, a firm but gentle breeze is blowing and the leaves thanks to the wind make a sound that resemble the sound of the waves hitting the beach...so peaceful...
48. what is one value they hold higher than any other, in others and in themselves? (e.g., loyalty, intelligence, compassion, responsibility, etc.)
Loyalty, Empathy and Reliability 
49. what is(are) their love language(s)?
Kissing, Hugging, making food for you, and trying to meet every expectations you have for him.
50. what is their opinion of cheese?
The food? David likes cheese but at the same time he is slightly intolerant to lactose...
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callmederok · 4 years
All Answered: 80 OC Questions
1. What is/are your OC’s nickname(s) and how did it come about?
David has many nicknames as the number of students in Hogwarts but the most common are:
 a. Champion of Hogwarts: Students decided to call him like this because David stated that he hates being called “hero”, there isn’t much difference but it’s catchy.
 b. Gryff: Because with his red hair and yellow/gold eyes he has Gryffindor’s colours on him 24/7(mostly this nickname is used by his brother Jacob) but somehow even without Jacob around this nickname was “re-discovered” and spread around(but it’s not very common).
 c. Cursed Kid: Merula gave him this nickname because David was cursed by his biological mother(this story came out by David telling this secret to Rowan but someone casually eavesdropped and the rumour spread) and because he is (somehow) related to the Cursed Vaults, this nickname became popular during the first three years of David, and it’s used by anyone who hates David.
2. What is the colour of your OC’s eyes/hair/skin?
Hair: Red/Scarlet mostly messy because David doesn’t care about taking care of his hairstyle.
Eyes: Yellow/Amber
3. How tall is your OC?
During the years he becomes quite tall, from being one of the shortest students (low average) of his generation to be actually removed from the Quidditch team(in the fourth year) for two reasons:
a. His dimensions (Height/Weight) were slightly over the maximum limit for quidditch players(i believe there is some sort of limits for playing quidditch in official matches)
b. His metallic left arm.
He still trains with Skye and the new members of the team but mostly for fun(like friendlies) siding with the reserves.
4. What is a noticeable physical attribute of your OC?
The Scars on his face(if the first thing you watch in a person it’s their face) or the fact that he is tall(around the fourth year).
5. What does your OC normally wear? What would your OC wear on a special night?
Usually, he wears his school uniform(during HPHM) after the fourth year he chooses to not wear the black robe and he wears his red coat instead, covered with some metallic plaques, and some hidden protections. He usually wears gloves, only for hiding his metallic arm.
In informal situations outside Hogwarts, he still wears his red coat but while wearing shirts, jeans and mountain boots/shoes, and cotton gloves.
On a special night(like a fancy party), he will most likely wear some classic, maybe a dark-grey tuxedo with a dark red tie or something(yeah David always try to wear something red).
6. What is one word you would use to describe your OC’s appearances?
Intimidating (Because he looks big, and has a few scars on his face)
7. Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Did i already mention the scars? 
He has a couple of scars on his face, one close to his eyes and one almost separate the eyes and nose from the mouth
Vague Example:
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8. How does your OC talk/what does your OC’s voice sound like?
I like the idea that if someone will ever make a video of my MC while he is talking he should find a way to hire Wrex(Mass Effect 1 to 3)’s voice actor and make him sound slightly younger.
9. What does your OC’s bedroom look like? His/her living area?
During HPHM, his room at home is quite minimalistic: Bed, Desk, maybe an electric fan(because usually, he is at home during summer), a single wardrobe, a few shelves on the walls and a sandbag, no posters..kinda like a guest-room or something(aside for the sandbag)
10. What does your OC keep in a special drawer?
Some essential documents(when he will have important documents), a secret stash of money(like his personal banks for emergencies, like a sudden Metallica’s concert near him or need money for buying fancy gifts like rings and necklaces), a few knives.
11. What is your OC’s relationship with his/her mother?
Biological Mother(Gloria Denneth): She is a pureblood supremacist ghost in Hogwarts, and she literally put a berserk-curse(more like an “i want to kill things i hate mood” curse) on him before dying while giving birth. Their relationship is more “Annoying ghost and kid/boy who doesn’t want to be annoyed”.
Foster-Mother(Badea’s Mother): David is literally a mommy’s boy thanks to her; Mrs Alì literally tamed kid!David, who just lost his brother, while trained as a hunter/martial artist by his biological father for the sake of being “Jacob’s side-kick”, and he was almost feral for the brutality of his training; but Mrs Alì was always supportive and kind even after David’s attempt to resurrect his own mother...and lost his sense of touch. After that, things were difficult because David simply isolated his own feelings, and he needed to come clean around the third year before everything goes back to normal between them, enough to be invited to live with them(enough to have a personal bedroom in their house)
12. What is your OC’s relationship with his/her father?
Biological Father: They’re in silent terms...like if they talk they will probably fight verbally and physically. David is still grateful that he taught him how to fight and alchemy but put them close and probably a fight will start soon. After-hphm David doesn’t want to deal with him at all but still tries to be civil. When his father is in a better mood when Jacob is back but like i said, David doesn’t even want to know if Father started or will start a new family after the whole HPHM ordeal.
Foster-Father(Badea’s Father): It’s the classic quiet father, someone who taught David the importance of talking and sharing, David is not a talkative person but still grasped some idea about WHEN is important to talk no matter how good or bad you may be in talking/explaining. While Badea’s mother is good for talking about important stuff, Mr.Alì is better when David has doubts in his mind and simply wants to expose them and maybe have some advice.
13. How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Jacob Glaive Denneth: They get along, from the “canon” Jacob, Glaive is quite festive and more elitist, and like the worst side of David, can be quite cruel with words, but while David has still some limits(based on how much he cares about someone), Glaive doesn’t care at all, either he loves you or not, he will tell everything in his mind in the most brutal way possible, like when he actually admitted(in my headcanons) that he hates literally every friend of David because they’re useless, unworthy of his brother’s kindness, and more important “so weak that they can’t even stand up without crying and calling David for help, and their existences are only more unneeded weights/responsibilities on David’s shoulder”. Truth is, nobody wants them to be close, because it’s like two hurricanes destroying everything...it’s like Fred and George but more fighting-related instead of pranking.
Badea Alì: Foster-sister, she is quiet, smart, gentle, for someone problematic like David she is quite perfect, they balance each other, David brings chaos? Badea soothes it, Badea tells quiet stories of life in Hogwarts? David tells the crazy and funny ones. David taught Badea how to be more dynamic and Badea taught him introspection and thinking out of the box.
Joshua Cole(OC)(some sort of “spiritual little brother”): Little brother of Angelica Cole, like his sister he is also a Gryffindor and is maybe one of the first open supporters of David. He believes that Magic-Society is stagnant, old and rotting to the core and the new generations should fix this problem. He sees in David the person who will start this revolution because David is a monk/fighter that uses magic, so he thinks outside the box, who doesn’t care about rules, customs and traditions and basically follows David around learning from him. During the years will learn that David is not his idea of “Messiah” but an “Outsider” unlucky enough to become the Hero/Champion of Hogwarts. He will also try to be the “next David” with decent results among the students, and while Percy becomes prefect, Joshua will still be the guy people prefers to talk to(when a problem comes up). Students will talk about him like “One of the most reliable students in Hogwarts”. (His relationship/friendship with Bea has a rocky start but they are in good terms when they don’t talk about Penny or David)
14. Who is the mother and/or father figure in your OC’s life?
The entire Badea’s Family
David doesn’t care nearly enough of his biological family(aside from Jacob).
15. What was your OC’s childhood like?
Rough childhood with some good moments(mostly related to Jacob teaching him some cool magic stuff about Hogwarts or the Alìs inviting him at their house, he was happy even in helping with chores)
16. What is your OC’s strongest childhood memory? Why and how as that impacted him/her?
Still Angst huh?
Well, the answer is: It’s the day when Jacob sealed David’s memory because David totally forgot about Jacob and that brought him to feel more alone than ever and by extension brought David to try to resurrect his biological mother.
(In the game, i always have the feeling that MC barely remembers Jacob, and the memories MC shares are so random that i feel that MC is brainwashed/forced to forget about Jacob; so I made the headcanon that Jacob sealed MC’s memory for the sake of protecting him/her) 
17. What is your OC’s imagination like?
Lively like only the imagination of a paranoid can be(between death threats, Live or Die situations, stress, dangerous situations, i think it’s normal) the happiest thoughts David has (during HPHM) are either related to Penny(like thinking about what to do during dates) or possible but funny situations.
18. How many times did your OC move as a child? Which area was his/her favourite?
Badea’s family and Denneths are quite close, and David quite lives there...the only moving he did was around third/fourth year when he simply took all his stuff from his family house and with the permission of the Badea’s family, moved in one of their bedrooms...nothing really changed aside from the fact that David lives in a happier family...instead of dealing with his biological father.
19. What does your OC think of children- either in general or about having them?
He likes them, and he gets along with them(and during HPHM, with younger students) quite easily, aside the first moments where they look at him and they’re scared or impressed/intimitated because of his scars.
20. What kind of mother/father would your OC be?
David would be the kind of father that tries to teach his kids self-defence because he tends to be paranoid and super-worried(with everything he experienced his paranoia kicks hard on his rational thinking)
21. Who are your OC’s closest relatives?
Jacob, [The entire Badea’s Family], Joshua Cole, Bea Haywood(sister-in-law).
22. Who is/are your OC’s closest friend(s)?
Based on the Sixth Year’s Situation:
Penny Haywood (Girlfriend/Wife)
Rowan Khanna (Bestfriend)
Badea Alì(Close Friend/Sister)
Barnaby Lee (Close Friend)
Jae Kim(Friend)
Charlie Weasley (Not-so-friend anymore but still civil)
Ben Copper (definitely a friendly pain in the ass)
23. Who are the people your OC surrounds him/herself with?
But if you ask him he would say “I prefer being surrounded by honest but humble weirdos like me, people who don’t care of being judged or how dark is your past”
List of characters David may like/love if met: 
From HP and HPHM: Penny, Barnaby, Ron(Weasley), Remus and Sirius, Gilderoy Lockhart(only for fun), Prongs/James, Hagrid.
From Dragon Age: Leliana, Merrill, Charming/Funny!Hawke, Varric, Sten, Alistair, Oghren, Morrigan(around the final part of Hero’s journey), Isabela, Carver, Bethany, Blackwall(Maybe), Josephine, Bodahn and Sandal.
From Mass Effect: Joker&EDI, Liara, Garrus, Neutral!Shepard, Tali, Traynor, Jack, Grunt and Wrex.
From The Witcher: Ciri, Regis, Yennefer&Geralt(if David has some time to know them because they would look so mysterious and annoying in David’s eyes), Dandelion(but if Penny is around he would be super-jealous), Lambert, Vesemir, Zoltan, Letho of Gulet.
From DC/Marvel: Deadpool(for the humour), Hawkeye, Logan/Wolverine, Spiderman, Batman, Red Hood(Jason Todd), Nightwing, Robin(Damian Wayne), Flash(Barry Allen), Wonder Woman.
24. Who are the people your OC dislikes/hates?
Politicians, Teachers, Pedophiles, Wanna-be-Hero(Like Ben Copper or Anders from Dragon Age), hypocrites, Merula Snyde.
List of characters David may dislike/hate if met:
From Dragon Age: Anders, Fenris, Aveline(but still work with her), Loghain, Gregoir(the templar commander in the Ferelden’s Circle of Magi), Wynne, Nathaniel Howe(but still civil), Meredith, Cullen(David may be violent to him), Marethari(if he discovers what she did to Merrill, he may go violent), Hahren Paivel(more like someone he likes to tease), Anora, Flemeth, Solas, Branka, Harrowmont, Arl Eamon, Sebastian, 
From Mass Effect: Wreav, Thane(still civil), Aria T’Loak, Kai Leng, Donnel Udina, The entire council, Kasumi, Zaeed, Jacob, Ashley Williams.
From the Witcher: Triss Merigold, Vernon Roche, Detlaff, Olgierd, Gaunter o’Dimm.
From DC/Marvel: Ironman, Nick Fury, The Punisher, Captain America, Bucky Barnes, Jean Grey, Adam Warlock, DareDevil, Johnny Storm, Dr.Doom, Luthor, Gorilla Grodd, Thawne(Anti-flash), Joker, Red Skull, Black Mask, Ra's Al Ghoul, Thanos, Batman who laughs(and his crew of “anti-batman”) Luke Cage.
25. If your OC has a soulmate, who is it?
Penny “Cinnamon Roll” Haywood, god bless her!
26. Why do your OC and his/her soulmate work so well together?
I think it works because both of them have a superficial side of their personality that may make you think that they’re a Jock and a Cheerleader/Gossip Girl, meanwhile, their deepness is so private/intimate that only a few people actually met their “true self”, mostly they work together because they love each other, simply that, sure they bonded over adventures, time spent together and helped each other quite often, and these situations brought both of them to fall in love with each other, pretty normal, for a messed up situation like Hogwarts during HPHM.
27. What are some things your OC admires about his/her soulmate?
Her kindness, her ability to smile even when everything is a mess around her, her brain, her ability to understand people and knowing what to say at the right moment, while David sucks in talking.
28. How did your OC and his/her soulmate meet?
Hogwarts, just play HPHM the moment is right there XD, the first meeting is at the sorting ceremony probably, unless by meeting you mean when their eyes met for the first time...but the occasions for that are a lot, like a random moment in Diagon Alley while making shopping, (i think it’s impossible we only notice and talk to Rowan XD) or while being guided to the Great Hall...but yeah they talk to each other during the second year...their love sparks like during the fourth year though.
29. What is your OC’s level of education?
After HPHM:
Graduated at Hogwarts, knows at least 4 languages(English, German, Latin and Arab), he grew up in a family composed by a Healer(Badea’s Dad) and a muggle Doctor(Badea’s Mom) so he knows a thing or two about it, he is quite a skilled fighter, a decent mage(he lacks power but he has a lot of mana, so it’s like, he can’t cast strong spells but he can go on for hours if he uses Aguamenti, Depulso, Diffindo).
30. Did your OC participate in extracurricular activities, and if so, what were they?
David kinda tried a few clubs in Hogwarts:
Potion Club (because he needed help with homework)
Dance Club (for learning how to dance before the Celestial Ball)
Duelling Club (the club he spent the most time with)
Until Year fourth he is a quidditch player, then the loss of his left arm and the replacing with a metallic one forced him to quit the sport(because rules mostly).
During Year 5 David actually gives a name to his escapades to Jacob’s room and create a fake-club named “David’s Club”(he has zero fantasy with names) basically is just him doing whatever he wants in that room, he is the club president of a club with only himself as a member, but he invites guests(his friends mostly) to do activities together(homework, eating together, or just private conversations) and during the rest of his years, it will be the place where David and Penny share many intimate moments when they’re at school or the day in Hogsmeade are cancelled.
31. What is your OC’s opinion of school? What kind of student was s/he?
David hates Hogwarts because the lack of security is out of this world, but he loves to learn in general, is not the smartest student but he is quite intuitive with answers and he has a decent memory, so he won’t panic about his grades.
32. What subjects did your OC excel at?
Charms, Flying, Care of Magical Creatures, Apparition, Alchemy, Herbology, DADA.
33. What subjects interested your OC?
Charms, Flying, DADA, Care of Magical Creatures, Apparition(the other ones, like herbology, is simply good at it, while he already knew alchemy so the subject was very easy for him).
34. What is your OC’s dream job and/or current profession?
Dream job: Cursebreaker(mostly for the joy of travelling and having adventures outside Great Britain)
Based on the After-HPHM’s AUs it will be also his profession and there are three AUs:
Aurors!AU: David and Jacob are Aurors, Penny is the second teacher of Potion or is Slughorn’s apprentice
Cursebreakers!AU: David had to leave GB because society didn’t like what he did in the last vault, Penny chose to follow him and they’re both good cursebreakers(Penny specialized in healing and human languages because she makes deal with people in exchange of breaking curses, while David is specialized in curse-breaking in general and ancient/not-human languages)
Magizoologist!AU: Basically David works full time at the Reserve for Magical Creatures near Hogwarts and doesn’t give a damn about the drama around him(Work in Progress).
35. How is your OC working towards his/her dream job and/or achieved his/her current profession?
He simply works hard...and deals with the cursed vaults and anything related to them.
36. What are your OC’s thoughts/opinions of his/her current profession?
“I love travelling, discovering old ruins, meeting different people who came from many different cultures! i’m learning so many things that it’s almost difficult to catch up! travelling-Cursebreaker?Best Job Ever!”
37. What is your OC’s biggest dream?
Being the next Mr.Haywood? 
Living far away from Great Britain?
Dying of old age married to Penny Haywood?
Having a quiet year in Hogwarts?
Not being involved with the cursed vaults?
38. How does your OC react to and handle stress?
It would handle it better if people were less hypocritical when they talk to him like, the cursed vaults, R and assassins are trying to kill him, are not real.
39. How does your OC handle anger?
He unleashes it, not on friends but sometimes he needs to yell, to be mad, or verbally mean to people(people who actually made him mad even not willingly, not random people) or at least hitting a sandbag until his knuckles are bleeding
40. How does your OC handle grief?
David is honest with his emotions in general...either anger, grief, sadness or happiness, he may look scary(because of the scars) but his emotions are the easiest thing to notice on his face.
Basically, if he is sad, he cries.
41. What is your OC’s greatest fear?
David has many great fears
The most important is probably about losing control of himself, to snap and involving people he cares about, it’s like being scared of himself because he knows that he is strong and pretty much able to hurt people even without knowing or wanting it. We can say that this fear is connected to all of his fears, like fear of endangering his beloved ones, fear of losing control of himself, etcetera 
Another weird fear(gained after the fifth year) is to become like Rakepick, i mean: being so obsessed with the vaults to willingly sacrifice everything (like friends & family).
42. What makes your OC happy?
Flying, Napping, Cooking, Hiking, Sharing funny moments with friends and family, playing with magical creatures, every single moment shared with Penny, jokes and puns.
43. What kind of sense of humour does your OC have?
Depending on his mood he can either laugh hysterically to the oldest joke ever like it’s the best joke ever conceived in human history or makes jokes about his own traumatic situation in Hogwarts.
44. What are some things that greatly upset your OC?
a. Being called Jager(bc his mother cursed his second name and he goes in a homicidal mood)
b. Anyone who explains their reasons for being racist, sexist or discriminating over social status, origins or discriminating based on things that people can’t control in general
c.  Criminals of every kind
d.  People mean to animals
e.  Who justifies every bad thing they’re doing with “it’s for the greater good”
45. What are some things that annoy your OC?
a. Merula’s behaviour(in general, with or without the bad things she did)(ps: Sorry pro-merulas but my MC finds her boring, annoying and a lost cause/waste of time)
b.  Tulip and Tonks’ attitude in thinking “every problem can be solved by going to Zonko’s”
c.  Being called Hero among the students of Hogwarts, mostly because in the majority of stories he read about heroes, those heroes end up to to have a tough/unsatisfying life even though they saved their worlds/nations/families, so in David’s mind calling him a hero it’s like wishing that he will have that kind of life(David has different opinions on cool things)
d.  Ben’s new behaviour(enough that he almost punched him), not because he is brave but because he is reckless and quite obsessive, it’s like watching someone you hate killing himself by mistake and knowing what is going to happen and still wanting to save him but you can’t...because something is blocking you.
46. If your OC has them, what are some regrets s/he has?
a.  Tried to resurrect his own biological mother and lost his sense of touch for almost 4 years and a half only to discover that Gloria Denneth, is a racist who didn’t want a second child but only the second coming of Voldemort.
b.  Being nice to Merula(in the few occasions that happened)
c.  Trusted Dumbledore
47. How easily does your OC forgive?
He holds grudges...” forgiving not forgetting” but it depends on what people did to him
Try voluntarily to kill/harm him? Never forgive, never forget.
Insulted him? If you apologize, he’ll forgive(maybe forget).
Forgot to tell him that something was postponed or that you can’t go to him after having promised to actually do something with him? If you apologize(and have a good reason), he’ll forgive.
48. What are some of your OC’s vices?
We can say that David is addicted to challenges, of any kind, fights, duels, sports matches, even a mild game of truth or dare is appealing and fun for him, every year(mostly after year 3) tries to leave his mark/signature touch during holidays(like Halloween, Christmas, or S.Valentine), he is healthy who has two doctors as foster-parents, so no addictions to drugs, smoking or alcohol.
49. If your OC experienced trauma, what was it?
Family abuse(from his father), the drama of trying to resurrect his own biological mother, losing the sense of touch as collateral damage and watching a disgusting blob made of flesh, crawling to him. Dramas in Hogwarts are basically reliving those childhood/pre-teenhood traumas, thanks to the boggarts(during Year 3), then we have to lose his left arm because the chimaera basically ripped it off with one bite and a few swings with his tail, it was nightmarish, even without the sense of touch(the re-gained it a few months later, and had to deal with the pain of having a metallic limb that combines muggle technology and medicine with magical knowledge)  
50. What secrets does your OC have?
a.  He likes to fight(but with his troublesome/problematic relationship with his biological father, he can’t/won’t control his strength, so sometimes fighting becomes...bloody ← but don’t worry his foster-family is helping him, and it gets messy/bloody/gore-ish only with magical creatures, like chimaeras, dragons, werewolves.)
b.  He loves eating dragon’s meat
c.  He hates himself when he loses control or becomes too emotional during a fight
d.  Although he dislikes her and has every reason to hate Merula, he would love to train her with his insane training menù, maybe she’ll become stronger, maybe she will not, is the idea of what may happen that makes him love the idea of training her, it’s like a bet with himself.
e.  He had a crush on Rakepick in a “She is the first half-decent teacher i ever met, i may love her <3” way
f.  Although he says and repeats that he will protect Hogwarts and save everyone, he doesn’t really care for most of the students and the teachers(some friends included).
g.  He would love to play as the Joker in a Batman movie, but probably with his normally serious face, he is sure that directors and producers may want him as Batman, worst-case scenario with his scars on his face he would be hired to be Victor Zsasz or be an anti-hero as Red Hood(Jason Todd) 
h.  He believes that if his time in Hogwarts would be a perfect story either for the origin for either a villain or a sad, dark, shady, morally grey anti-hero
51. What are some of your OC’s morals?
a.  Be dependable but not outrageously selfless
b.  Keep your promises
c.  Forgive but don’t forget
d.  Be loyal
e.  Do not cheat
f.  Take responsibility for your actions
g. Treat others as you want to be treated
h. Be tolerant of differences(and possibly: learn from them)
i.  Try to not judge(sometimes some actions are so awful that he will be forced judge)
52. What are some of your OC’s motivations?
Do it for yourself, do it because you care about it, do it because you want it, do it because people don’t seem to care about it. Do it because it’s the right thing to do!
53. What is the health of your OC?
Has many scars, a metallic limb, but he has a healthy diet, he works hard, trains hard, and he is healthy, but he is very stressed.
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
Tries with his head, but there are moments where his heart takes control, and it’s hard to stay rational in those situations (mostly during HPHM, after that, the fact that things will not be too much personal, his heart is kept at bay)
55. What are your OC’s thoughts on death?
“The end(death) is where we begin(the next life/reincarnation)”
The long version is(his words):
“One is All and All is One, based on this truth when someone dies, their body becomes(or should become) nutrients for the earth, so plants will grow, herbivores will eat those plants, and the herbivores will be eaten by carnivores, but what will happen to the soul? I think our soul will pass through the door of truth, our memories, our feelings and our personality will be erased and once we have become like white canvases, our soul will probably be recycled in another world, perhaps in another era and will join a new body, and we will live a new life starting completely from scratch ... and it is sad because if this theory of mine is true, for example, someone on this side could remember me ... but once dead I will forget completely of them, every experience, every sad or happy moment ... will no longer mean anything ... only what we do has the possibility to leave a mark in this world ... and no matter how many times we repeat "I'm doing it for myself " in the end we are leaving a vague sign of our existence that will only be useful maybe for someone else ... not that there is nothing wrong ... but I find it sad, depressing, forgetting this... “
The door of the Truth:
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56. What are some of your OC’s strengths?
Used to the view of blood, he is physically strong, he has a lot of mana/MP, but he lacks power mostly because his magic talents are based on illusions, hallucinations, dreams, mind-reading, wind and water magic, where you need a lot of mana, but the power of the spells comes from how you use those spells.
57. What are some of your OC’s weaknesses?
He takes things very personal, so triggers emotions in him it’s very easy, not mentioning the fact that if you use the word “Jager” you get like 2 seconds and a half where David’s stops to move or think(like his brain is processing the “murderous mood” curse)
58. How does your OC take criticism?
Depends who is criticizing him...if the person is a hypocrite or almost got him killed(or heavily injured) he may not take it well...
59. What does your OC think of him/herself?
That he needs a therapist, in general, that he hates his scars, that is impossible to love a violent beast with so many repressed emotion(waiting for burst out) and it’s a miracle that Penny even wants to talk to him.
60. If your OC could change one thing about him/herself, what would it be?
Not trying to resurrect his mother...half of his traumas would be solved!
61. What is the general impression your OC gives other people?
Scary looking guy, but(more time you spend with him and they’ll discover that he is) reliable, kind, interesting to have around, he has a weird and dark sense of humour but he is a cool guy, very strong, he looks like a jock and play quidditch but actually knows a lot about medicine(both magical and muggle)
62. How emotionally/mentally vulnerable is your OC with other people?
Depends on who has in front of him, but usually, he looks impassible, almost emotionless, but maybe internally he may have a panic attack.
63. How does your OC display love?
With hugs, kisses, by showing interest in your health and trying to fix your diet or cooking a tasty but healthy(and heartwarming) meal. With Penny during the first dates, he waits for her actions before taking the initiative because he doesn’t want to look aggressive or overly passionate, and based on their height he had also to be aware of where he is because people can spread bad rumours of every kind
64. What are some habits your OC has picked up?
Waking at the dawn, either for training(during HPHM) or for preparing breakfast(After-HPHM/Late Adulthood)
65. What is your OC’s favourite drink?
Cola, Sprite, and every kind of juice.
66. What is your OC’s favourite food?
Sandwiches, mostly because when he is eating them(during hphm, and he is eating alone) nobody ever interrupted him with some bad news, so he firmly believes that sandwiches are a meal infused with luck.
67. What is your OC’s, favourite sweet?
Candies fruit-flavoured mixed with milk flavour, not too sweet not too bitter
68. What is your OC’s, favourite season?
Late Summer/Early Autumn, hot/warm enough to going around with t-shirts but cold/chilly enough to start wearing long pants/jeans again.
69. What is your OC’s, favourite kind of weather?
Slightly windy with an external temperature of 25°C/77-80°F, with a low amount of humidity(because of his metallic left arm higher the humidity or if it’s raining = higher the pain and the stress) 
70. What is your OC’s, favourite book?
Anything that was written by Isaac Asimov
71. What is your OC’s, favourite movie and/or TV show?
Favourite Movie: The Breakfast Club
Favourite TV-Show: Brooklyn 99(when it will come out) but until then: Scrubs
Favourite Animated TV-Series: Batman the Animated Series(with Mark Hamill as the voice of the Joker)
72. What is your OC’s, favourite kind of music (and song if there is one)?
Romantic Rock/Metal? I’ll link some playlists:
In general, David doesn’t love musicians, he loves single songs of those artists(most of the times), He goes from Metallica to Toto, from ABBA to Powerwolf passing for the Queens
73. What is your OC’s, favourite form of entertainment?
Videogames? David likes to interact with stories, videogames are the perfect media when he is not having an adventure himself.
74. What is your OC’s, favourite colour?
Blue and Green, but he loves any colour that looks good with his red coat.
75. What is your OC’s, favourite scent?
Cut grass, the smell of seawater(saltiness), the natural perfume of flowers.
76. What is your OC’s, favourite animal?
Every kind of animal except for Chimaeras and Insectoids
77. What is your OC’s, favourite sound?
Top 3: The sound of leaves blowing in the wind, resembles the sound of waves crashing on a beach, the sound of rain beating on the roofs is quite relaxing
78. What is your OC’s, favourite time of day?
Lunchtime, for the same reasons he loves sandwiches
79. What is your OC’s, favourite kind of ice cream?
Pistachio or strawberry, but he prefers every kind of sweets/candies/ice creams that don’t taste too intense/strong like chocolate, mint or lemon
80. What is your OC’s, favourite dinosaur?
Probably the Brontosaurus: Extremely Big(and by extension, intimidating) but is a herbivore...so big and dangerous-looking but not actually dangerous
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callmederok · 5 years
just curious how different does david act around or treat penny and merula?
HAHAHA, even the idea of it, it’s just funny! But i want to make it like an analysis, so i’ll list different kind of acts and stuff:
Penny: David and Penny are in good terms since the very beginning, always nice to each others(except a few moments in fifth and sixth year where Penny had a poor choice of words, we don’t want to blame her, she is stressed, and we noticed that she can’t handle stress and anxiety and i’m saying this because i’m bored of blaming Jam City…but i blame JC for that too XD). There is love in the air in the exact moment they notice each other, we can talk all you want, David sees Penny, and he feels blessed; Penny sees David, and she feels like it’s finally summer! ;)
Merula: Anyone is in love with their stalker and the person who tried to kill you…right? Not David, i said in a old post, negative actions trigger positive feedbacks only when someone has a very concerning mental problem. David is stressed, tired of saving everyone’s ass(and ending up covered in scars), he has problems with anger management(don’t worry it’s just means that sometimes he is “in a mood”), he is too much repressed and even when just he rants/vents is just a small fraction of his thoughts. Do you really think that with all Merula did(one attempted murder and one instigated act of violence, several ambushes, hate speeches and racism, depression inducing-speech, stealing and that her arrogant personality) do you think David would ever consider her as possible date?! Spoiler Alert: Not even if she is the last girl in/on the whole universe!
Merula: It’s not flirting nor teasing, it’s just insulting each other. The End.
Penny: (Assuming that they’re finally a couple) It’s funny, they’re just sharing some funny pick-up line or putting the other one in the right mood for some moments of passion, or some exchange of funny cheesy lines just for the sake of sharing happy/funny moments together.
Hanging Out/Dating
Penny: Enjoyable time, they’re doing something together, from studying to cuddling or snuggling to just having some tea in Jacob’s room.There is not much to say because everything with her is perfect, from a picnic in the Whomping WIllow’s area to just randomly walking to a classroom. There is peace, which is want David wants and needs: a break from the insane amount of drama that their friends throw at him in form of “David! Please i need your help with [insert a possibly dangerous or extremely convoluted thing]!” David loves peace as much as he loves Penny.
Merula: Only professional or forced to spend time with her(for some reasons), In fifth year, David is forced to spend time with her(both Rakepick’s disciples), David even tried many times to follow Charlie’s advices to deal with her…it didn’t work. During Y5Ch28 we see MC/David trying to help Merula with his insane training menù(like dueling with Torvus), and my David after seeing her failing so much will comment with something like “That’s why i never saw you as a rival in the first place”
Interests and Learning(sounds stupid?It’s not)
“A person dies when they stop to be curious“ (anonymous, maybe i invented this quote i don’t know XD i remember it but not from whom i’ve heard it, it’s either Einstein or Riza Hawkeye’s father from FMA…) it’s one of the mottos that make David what he is, he is curious and mentally hyperactive, and David likes people who tries things, even just for fun, even something simple like “Okay today, let’s try a new restaurant, and discover if we like it!“
Merula: She thinks she is the best thing happened to Hogwarts, she already feels like she is perfect, but she isn’t, and her pride and arrogance stops her from learning and usually she whines or is bored(like during Muggle Studies). Maybe she has some interest but they’re related to be strong or prove that she is the best(like the Patronus side-quest) or getting credits for things(that usually she never did, like the “Stealing Penny’s Potion side-quest”)
Penny: Her interest in Potions is so strong that she tries to make advanced potions just because she interested in learning and maybe prove herself (she doesn’t need it in my opinion) David is quite fascinated from her talents and her thirst for knowledge, and her guts to advance by herself in such a difficult subject(David could cook anything easily and yet he couldn’t brew an advanced potion not even with his life on the line), Her genuine passion about Potion, fascinates him
Spending Time Together (during lessons)
Penny: We have her during Herbology, History of Magic and Flying, how many times Penny said something bad to us? Never! In History of Magic she tells us that she wants and loves to talk with us(and she finds excuses to spend time with MC)! She cheers for us(In Flying) against Merula herself! She comes near us and laughs with us(In Herbology). In DADA she shares something about her family like that her mother is a muggleborn and she is still in full paranoia about Voldemort, and how she was used to enchant the house with defensive spells, or she talks about her problem is not saying “No” enough to have some time for herself. You see a pattern? It’s enjoyable time where WE(players) learn about her, it’s not about my MC now, it’s about having positive feedbacks.
Merula: We have her during Potion(Snape basically put us in a group with someone who tries to ruin our potions and he knows it!)we have her during Flying, Care of Magical Creatures and DADA. Did she was nice to us for like five seconds? I wish. That’s my main point: How can you love someone who treats you like garbage? You either have stockholm’s syndrome, or you have a very distorted idea about what is love.
BONUS: Outside David’s life(before the final conclusions)
You already know the last thing happened(to me yesterday, to you maybe like 12 hours ago or something more) about me vs Merula apologists(me vs 5 guys) but i’ll be more specific now:
On discord i made a joke about how Chapter 28 of Year 5 is the worst chapter ever. I made a joke, a weak one, the classic “joke that is funny only for the one guy who makes the joke” and after 2 minutes of me, explaining that Merula should apologize(i didn’t even finished the sentence in that situation) they used a few personal info about my past to exploiting the reason that EVERY SINGLE BULLYING-VICTIM SHOULD FORGIVE AND THEN APOLOGIZE TO THEIR BULLIES! It felt like someone was peeing on my dignity and my pride and all over my mental scars(probably suffered less than other people but this is still the only life i have and i lived those periods with a sever depression), and their main reason for why i should forgive my bullies(and Merula) was “The world sucks already, we should make it better” not because we should move on, or the bully is sorry, nor that they’re not bully anymore. Soon as i read those disgusting lines, i blocked like those 5 guys without even seeing their nicknames. After that i got reported to the mods and a mod/admin talked to me to stop with my anti-merula propaganda because people are getting angry because my “shitty” theories about Merula. I explained the situation, i got some consensus(thank god, not everyone is a braindead moron), that admin was cool but i was still mad, but the thing was over, right then and there.
David doesn’t really care about Merula, nor in bad or good way, he would just leave her there alone(if he could push her far away enough): It’s not his job to save her. David may be selfless but he helps only who admits to have a problem, and they need a hand to solve the problem, he doesn’t do the full job, he gives the first push towards the solution. Merula when get helped is ungrateful. Even for a friendly relationship Merula wants her own Crabble and Goyle: Subordinates, not friends. She wants a loyal pet not a boyfriend, someone that she can dismiss when she wants but at the same time she wants him loyal enough to never question if he’ll ever betray her. It’s a toxic relationship.
Meanwhile with Penny, David has someone who can share anything and not being judged, like a passion for dark humor like “Guys, do you remember that time when my leg was frozen in the cursed ice and me and Bill were hysterically arguing while the Ice Knight was swinging his sword and almost cut me in half? Funny Times!” and Penny would laughs to the point to not being able to breathe because David tells the situation in a hysterical funny way that only someone without sense of humor would not laughs about it. They’re loyal to each other, they talk with each other, they share opinions and accepts that they have some differences and they learn from it, like Penny accepting the idea that magic and spells do more damages(like burn-marks that never will go away not even with stronger magic or advanced potions) than a punch in the face and asks David to teach her to defend herself barehanded(because if she is about to get robbed by a muggle in muggle London, what she will do? Cast a spell?It’s illegal! Better throw a few punches in the stomach and let the thief puking/vomiting their lunch while they’re on their knees!). 
In the end it’s not about which one is the best girl, or witch or the strongest, is who is able to trasforming David’s bad mood in a good mood between Penny and Merula? 
Merula just during Sixth Year in the first chapter basically implied that because we’re her friend now, we MUST agree with her and MUST help her to kill Rakepick! She basically tried to impose her will/desire on David/MC without even asking, and yet there are laws that punish people who uses unforgivable curses, and she knows about it, not only because her past(Her parents are deatheaters!Let’s not forget it) but because in the best case scenario(but implied by the game) she learned during Fourth Year that an unforgivable curse carries a life sentence to Azkaban, and in the worst case scenario she got more infos about it during the fifth year from the woman that she wants to kill: Rakepick!
“Now… those three curses - Avada Kedavra, Imperius, and Cruciatus - are known as the Unforgivable Curses. The use of any one of them on a fellow human being is enough to earn a life sentence in Azkaban. That’s what you’re up against. That’s what I’ve got to teach you to fight. You need preparing. You need arming. But most of all, you need to practice constant, never-ceasing vigilance. Get out your quills… copy this down… .”“
[Bartemious Crouch Jr. as Alastor Moody in Goblet of Fire] 
Personal Conclusion
Who in the right mind would ever date someone who treats you like shit? 7% of people who chose to date Merula, please feel free to give me your opinion! 
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@cynicaljapanophile @cynicaljapanophilesblog @varrictetris @weasleywood @batgirl-87 @bluerosesburnblue (you may also like this post)
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callmederok · 5 years
Drabble: What a Day!
This is just a short thing I wrote like a month ago(with the 25 emoji ask/All Answered) I just wanted to put it here outside the ask-game in case someone wants to read it without dealing with the other questions(or the DA2-banter about David XD)
Please Enjoy!
Ps: It happens during the Winter of Sixth Year!
“What a day…it’s the weekend but God said no! Snowstorm!
That jerk…it’s not enough removing my sense of touch for almost five years?!”
What a day…I supposed to hang out with my friends during this quiet period where for some reason or another, the Stone Curse took some weeks off but this bloody snowstorm came in and ruined my plans together with Barnaby’s flu…
[Flashback] This Morning…
< David! Thank god! You’re here! Where’s Barnaby? > yelled my boss at the Reserve for Magical Creatures while he is fast-walking to me, with his face that showed all his worries…
< Barny got flu…what’s happening? > I asked quietly while my hands were freezing in the pockets of my red coat.
[End of Flashback]
“And before I knew it, I was kidnapped by my boss, during my day-off, ready to enjoy some hot soup at the Inn…and I spent it by repairing barns, lighting fires, and lamps, and cooking soup for the creatures while I was starving and freezing…and now it is late evening, still hungry and freezing…Barnaby, you owe me a day!”
< You’re too kind David…> I said, trying to verbally pat my own shoulder…
< As a matter of fact, this is what people expect from the Hero of Hogwarts…but people should learn to be grateful first... > said a voice while actually patting on my right shoulder
I happily turn so I can see her, blessed and feeling reassured to listen to her voice but then I remember in what situation I left…
< Sorry for… > I got interrupted before finishing the sentence by her index finger gently pressing on my lips…
< Like it was your fault for being dragged to work at the Reserve during your day-off, or for Barnaby having a flu…it was funny though, a big guy like you, being taken and pulled by the collar of your coat to work, it was like watching a baby walking a dragon on a leash! > she smiles and laughs a little while she covers her mouth during that short laugh
I smile scratching the back of my head and checking around before meeting her breathtaking blue eyes, I still can’t believe how can she deal with these situations where I end up postponing our dates…and still choosing to stay with me: She could have anyone and she chose me over everyone, Penny Haywood your existence fuels my happiness!
< Wake up, love! > she snaps her fingers a couple of times laughing joyful
<Ehg! Sorry, I was thinking if I did everything at the reserve…> what an excuse, now she will think you’re a workaholic! You Moron!
<…and even if you didn’t, it’s your boss’ problem now…unless he begins to pay you in days-off from work…and in that case, I'll be happy to help you to negotiate with him >  another laugh but this time I actually laugh a little
< Only if I could spend all of them with you and nobody else… > Fantastic, now she’ll surely think that you are jealous and possessive…i can’t believe I said it!
She blushes a little < It sounds like heaven > she simply caress my right cheek for a couple of seconds <…but first: let’s go to dinner! You worked hard during a snowstorm since this morning and you deserve a meal…this time it’s on me, my love! > and suddenly she begins to push me to the Three Broomsticks Inn until I start to walk and only then she grabs my right arm smiling while walking next to me…
“Dear ungrateful annoying Truth/God, I'm busy with my absolutely magnificent, wonderful, beautiful, mesmerizing girlfriend, until Monday…mind your goddamn business!”
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cynicaljapanophile · 5 years
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david denneth belongs to @callmederok
david is a good boy that deserves to be happy
(also i realized i don't know what david would wear so i just put nothing
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callmederok · 5 years
All Answered: 49 Not so Nice OC asks
1. What is one word to shut them up?
Just ignore him...or act like the conversation is over...
2. What is the thing they feel the most guilty about?
Trying to resurrect his mother with Alchemy
Being too much nice to his friends(to the point that he feels that now they can’t even standing up without his help)
3. What is the worst pain they’ve ever experienced?
Is not about physical pain, but being trapped in a body incapable to feel his touch of things/people, for four years(due his punishment from God/Truth) for him was like suffering from a Cruciatus Curse but aimed to torture only his psyche 
4. Describe their worst nightmare.
His nightmares in general are more based on psychological things rather than things with scary monsters…in general in year 1 to 3, he dreams mostly about his mother in a form of a wraith and simply torments him with flashbacks, fueling those 3 fears he had during the Fear Vault(Her, God and his father). After Year 4, his worst nightmare is being continually backstabbed by his friends. After Year 5 is more about having nightmares where he is incapable to save anyone...
5. List 3 fears; one “surface level” fear, one “repressed” fear, and one “deep dark” fear.
Surface fear: Losing control over his rage
Repressed: Being so nice and selfless to not having time to take care of himself
Deep Dark: Losing himself(like changing so much to not feel himself anymore)
6. What is something that never fails to make them feel sick?
People smoking, Rape jokes, anything that resemble how the broodmother are made in Dragon Age(i can’t explain it decently, but it’s like a mix of: rape, cannibalism, torture and disgusting mutations), hypocrisy 
7. What feature (physical or otherwise) do they hate most about themselves?
His scars, Penny finds them hot and the proofs of his braveness, but David even though is quite proud of them, he hates them because they make him more scary
8. Do they have anything that triggers them?
I dare you to call him liar when he is telling the truth...he literally starts a verbal fight for the sake of convincing you that he is not lying
9. What is their greatest physical weakness?
His stomach...is very delicate, he doesn’t even like to fight when he feels bloated or have some random cramps...basically his worst enemy is himself...
10. What is their greatest mental weakness?
Trust issues with quick to anger...
11. Do they have any vices?
I always described him as a shy moderate guy...like the classic anonymous guy’s personality in the body and mind of a “natural born hero” but he loves two (probably) vices: food(give him some sandwich with salmon and you have a guy willingly to help you).
12. Have they ever done something illegal? What was it?
Technically transmuting random junk in pure gold and use it for buying stuff, is illegal in his family, like also transmuting his mother’s dead body trying to resurrect her...David actually breaks many Hogwarts’ rules, but actual laws? I don’t think he ever did that...at least during HPHM, then in the cursebreakers!AU the laws are blurry, because for the sake of breaking a curse, David always uses some unorthodox methods...so...it’s hard to fully answer this question.
13. Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes them?
Wrath. He has problem in managing his anger, he enjoys fighting a bit too much for being a duelist, at the same time his angry to himself for liking it so much, and he is angry to his biological family for taught him the ways of violence and fighting. He never been violent towards his friends(love interest included) and family(aside Jacob, but it’s like a sibling-rivalry, they don’t hate each other but they communicate through duels and physical fights), but sometimes between the Vaults, the favors he asks to his friends, and trying to actually enjoy Hogwarts like a decent random student, he doesn’t have time to deal with his mental health, having constantly postponing himself for the sake of the people around him...and this, makes him even more angry and stressed...in a ideal hogwarts(where Jacob never been trapped) David would be the most calm and quiet(to the point to sound boring or a “wanna-be Rowan”) Gryffindor/Slytherin (i say Slytherin because my Jacob is a Slytherin but David negotiated with Minerva for being a Gryffindor without being sorted by the Hat...and if the Hat puts family member together...David would be a Slytherin if Jacob was never trapped in the Vault)
14. Are they prone to outbursts (of violence, extreme emotion… exc… )?
Yeah but never being violent on friends or family...only yelling...if David will be violent on someone who is a friend...it means that David is quitting on that friend and he is having the last outburst with them..and it’s not like actual violence...but my David when Ben begins with his “i wanna be brave”-thing, he got mad, enough to pull Ben against a wall and after showing his many scars on his body explains the difference between being brave and being reckless.
15. Who do they hate the most?
Hard to say...the top 3 is: Merula, Snape and Dumbledore
Reason to hate Merula: Literally everything she did in the game, bullying, hate-speech, indirectly attempted murder(TWICE), stealing, lying, racism and attempted emotional manipulation...
Reason to hate Snape: Worst teacher ever! (the kind that makes you hate a subject), insults, the classic list of bad things Snape does in the books...
Reason to hate Dumbledore: Too old to actually understand younger people(like students), his wisdom fails in compensating his huge lack of common sense...
16. Is there anyone who makes them feel inferior?
His friends, by expecting David being able to do everything in any possible moments(but mostly being able to save Hogwarts all by himself) raised up quite a lot the “bar” of the minimum expectations for David to the point that if David fails in one thing maybe for a distractions or for the sake of enjoying something without feeling bad…
Short Version: His friend made him feel inferior and yet because his achievement he feels superior(but without arrogance) to anyone else while still having a low self-esteem, in a paradoxical loophole that would end soon as David becomes an adult and quits on his friends...
17. What sound always gives them a headache?
People yelling(and the room is small, so the sounds it’s like resound/rumble and it seems even louder), a baby crying, nails on a blackboard.
18. Is there a certain flavor that disgusts them?
Eggs, they’re his food-nemesis, he can’t tolerate the small and the taste, he cooks them when his friends ask for them, but it’s like being tortured.
19. Do they consider themselves ugly?
Only scary...but not ugly(scars aside)
20. Do they consider themselves unloveable?
He still doesn’t understand how and why Penny can love him, because he thinks is “very hard to love”, there are days when they’re sleeping together and he is having thoughts like “How the hell i did it? i can’t believe she loves me!”
21. What is something that causes them great anxiety?
Deadlines, like “you have three days for doing [this thing] or [this other thing] will happen” and the idea that R is around keeping his friends as hostages.
22. Do they have any mental illnesses?
Ptsd, Anxiety...anger issues...those counts as mental illness?
23. Have they ever been assaulted/abused/raped?
Verbally assaulted and verbally abused, yes...and the only thing close to rape...it’s complicated and this blog is for everyone so i can’t really say...but it should count as “being overly passionate” for 4-5 seconds because a misunderstanding with Penny
24. Do they fear the possibility of being assaulted/abused/raped?
Big, Strong, Scary-looking, when he was very young yeah...but now? You’re either stupid or you like pain for trying to assault him...
(40 years old David)(for the sake of how big and strong he looks like):
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25. Have they ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust?
You can’t betray David, i mean you can, but i mean in a “bold of you to assume that David blindly trusted you all along and he didn’t have a plan for this situation”, you can surprise David by doing something unpredictable but he is so paranoid and anxious about anything related to the Vaults/R/Cabala that the moment you think to betray him, he probably already had a plan to deal with(a stupid plan, like always hiding a few knives on the internal side of his clothes, like hidden pockets and stuff)
26. Have they ever been seriously injured?
Let’s see:
- At least two scars on his face(one of them near the eye, made by Greyback)
- Many scars on his body(most of them made by the Chimaera)
- One missing arm(replaced with a metallic prosthesis that combines magic and muggle technology)
27. How many times have they been in the hospital?
Like Kettleburn, David has a bed with his name in the Hospital Wing
28. Is there a certain type of person that disgusts them?
Liars, cheaters, people loyal to nobody and that they feel superior to laws, Merula.
29. Does what they cannot see scare them?
It depends on the situations...but in a fighting situation is more stressful than scary...
30. Have they ever been bullied?
HPHM has Merula...and Snape being mean for the sake of being mean...so yeah!
31. Do they have self-confidence or self-image issues?
Yes he has, mostly about having scars and looking scary(during HPHM).
32. Do they have a bad relationship with their parents?
Bad relationship is an euphemism...with his father there are moments when during his teenhood they both get violent to each other, mostly because Father want him to save Jacob soon as possible and he gets mad for being so slow, and David gets mad at him for his inability to understand that he is trying hard.
With his mother(or her ghost) is just verbal abuse, with her praising him as the Voldemort’s second coming, like the ultimate muggleborn-killer(she died as a crazy pureblood supremacist)
With his foster-family/neighbors(also known as Badea’s family) everything is peaceful and nice.
33. Have they ever been in a relationship that didn’t work out so well?
David’s only relationship is with Penny, and they’re doing good, thanks for asking u.u
34. Have they ever self harmed?
Only when he tries to do some very complicated acrobatics on the broom...so it’s more accidental self-harm.
35. If they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
Removing his ability to feel anger/rage.
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
David is quite controlled by his emotions and instincts, that’s why every plan he has before a duel/fight is based on how much prepared he is, like brewing potions, prepare some rope, cleaning his knives, studying the weak spots of his next enemy and stuff like that, because he knows that he will be hardly able to improvise soon as the fight “becomes emotional”(this, during HPHM, as an adult, David will change quite soon)
37. Have they ever had their freedom taken away?
Not long enough to be problematic.
38. Have they ever been imprisoned?
In the AfterHPHM...a couple of times during his days as cursebreakers...mostly misunderstandings and in the worst case scenario he freed himself and byebye forever!
39. Have they ever been accused of something they didn’t do?
More times than he can count...in the end the truth came out and everything was fine...sort of...
40. Do they often blame themselves for other people’s problems?
He blames himself for caring too much for other people
Year 1 to 4: Being nice is wonderful, their smiles are so beautiful that makes worth all the pain and fatigue i had to deal for helping them!
Year 5: I really need more time for myself...my friends are being quite clingy.
Year 6-7: These little shits can’t even talk without me helping them to move their lips and tongues! I guess i just learned why being a hero sucks!
41. Do they get sick often?
Not to often but the humidity/rainy days are painful for him because his metallic arm and the phantom pain...and the pain is like a cruciatus curse focused on the arm.
42. Are they comfortable with where they are in life?
Only because there are a few things in hogwarts that are worth of the shit he is dealing with(Penny, Rowan, Pitts’ sandwiches, Quidditch)
43. Do they wish that they could change their pasts?
Of course...losing the sense of touch for like almost five years because you tried(and failed) to resurrect your mother, met God, receive the punishment, makes you quite regretful 
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?
Trying to break every rule in Hogwarts for the sake of making a new record...but he is too busy with Vaults, Friends, Love and Sport...
45. What is the emotion they most commonly experience?
Rage...everyone in some way does that right exact thing that may ruin David’s mood or plans or everything else, like David gets angry(but he repress that rage) everytime that Tulip or Tonks ask to assist them for a prank in exchange of precious infos related to Vaults. David gets angry every time Merula or Emily Tyler is around, David gets angry every time Snape put his eyes on him, or every time his friends are insensitive and tell him that he is obsessed with the vaults. Yeah there are many occasion where David is quiet and happy, but in HPHM(thanks maybe to Jam City bad writing) it seems like that everyone and everything likes to put MC of the verge of a rage-madness, like everything is eager to see him doing the magic version of a mass-shooting. That’s why the Cursebreaker!AU exist...David is so done with his friends, to basically quit on them and leave Britain and be a travelling cursebreaker so he can deal with his stress and repressed rage, and Penny understanding the situation in Hogwarts/Britain chooses to go with him(there are other reasons for David and Penny to be cursebreakers togethers but this one is related to Rage)
46. Have they ever contemplated suicide?
A couple of times...he was also planning to kill himself before the end of year 3...
47. Have they ever gone so far as to attempt suicide?
He tried to attempt, then he changed his mind, after some thinking...
48. Is there anyone that they would willingly kill?
Anyone who harms Penny(and her family), Rowan, Badea(and her family)...
49. If [name] was put into ______ situation, they’d rather die than live to see it through.
I can’t answer this one...we go to a whole level of angst, a level of angst where i’m ashamed to even think about it...we go in the “deep web” of angst...like Hespith of Dragon Age, explaining how the Broodmothers are made...i refuse to answer!
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