#zeph answers
ananxiousgenz · 9 days
you are in a room with epter nrueyev. you can either slap him or give him a big ol hug. which do you choose given current canon events
confession: I have actually not yet listened to theifs honor. I have seen too much circulating on this hellsite and I am Too Scared to finish it.
however, given the canon before that, I would give him a hug!! buddy boy finally gained some critical thinking skills, and for that I am proud of him :)
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castielafflicted · 3 months
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why would you submit this sjonnie what the fuck. also alt universe where he t poses instead
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zephsthings · 2 days
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2) how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they?
in my uni room atm (can't believe i'm moving back home on saturday ahhh) i have two houseplants! one is a baby aloe vera called mr cosmos and the other is a little succulent called Pedro :D
9) a quote that you would consider getting tattooed or putting in a frame
ooo that's harddd hmmm... honestly maybe i'd do some cool calligraphy art or something of this quote: "there are a billion reasons [to stay alive]. one of those is the theoretically infinite number of good things you're capable of offering to the world if you choose to stay alive. the possibilities are endless, even if they are small."
i know it's a long one but i love it (awsten my beloved <3)
10) something you’ve created in the last year that you’re proud of (a playlist, a piece of art, some writing, a craft hobby, a social media account, etc)
i think mayhaps i am v proud of the fics im writing atm ??? Nano Soldiers is coming along well i hope and i'm enjoying writing it a LOT, and the couple fics i've written recently are p good too i think ??? idk i don't ever really feel proud of the shit that i do even though i should i guess??? h e l p uhm anyways have some art i like too:
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oh and the jacket i painted this year tbh i do actually really like that lol:
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anyways uh. yeah <3
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privateolives · 1 year
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Superior foodstuff for people who aren't cowards.
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giaourtopita · 2 years
What is the lesbian masterdoc
it's a google document (?) that tries to help you realize you're a lesbian. personally i think it's very badly written and there's many inconsistencies, like at one part it's like "oh you like feminine men, you're a lesbian" and then at another part it's like "if you like masculine men you're also a lesbian" and stuff like that.
when i first read it, it really felt like it was for someone who is a cis woman and they never took into account aromanticism or asexuality (cause you can be a lesbian and be those as well which i think makes it even more confusing) it also reads as if the reader is/wants to be in an exclusive/non poly relationship which i also find flawed as a lesbian can be poly too. and it just feels way too broad.
i wish someone wrote something similar that takes into consideration all of the above and also consults someone ace, aro bi etc would be a lot better.
also the author came out as bi which good for them but it's not their place.
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afflictedwithcastiel · 8 months
something tells me you have dean. specifically, in autumn. on your mind
how could you tell?
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crowzas-nest · 2 years
this is your local tubbo
to give you a bonk/pos
gasp!! ive been bonked :0 /pos!!
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captain-astors · 2 months
mutsurie for the ship bingo
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Ooh Mutsurie… I like them a lot as they are but, if I were to modify their narrative to make it more compelling to to my tastes...
despite how I actually enjoy the “Mutuki goes apeshit” arc because I think trans people deserve to do a little atrocity, (the intrinsic transphobia annoys me of course but it is present in almost every single facet of Mutsuki's character so whatever. Thank you Sui Ishida,) it is actually the thing that unfortunately lessens the interest for me. I still like them don't get me wrong but I think Urie could afford to be weirder about Mutsuki. Urie cares about how he's doing so much that it inhibits his ability to talk but can't ask outright? Alright show it further. When Mutsuki declares that he's in love with Haise and plans to find him, Urie doesn't do anything other than verbally protest, which Mutsuki is far too gone to listen to. And even if you argue that Urie's too traumatized to recognize the glaring signs of an unhealthy attachment (which is fair and almost certainly part of it) Mutsuki's still directly committing a mild crime against the ccg and could very well get in trouble for it thereby harming his well being. To have Urie promise he'll still be there, or show that he's been following Mutsuki's missions could help a lot in making the scene where the Quinx hug him and tell Mutsuki that they still love him a bit more impactful instead of feeling a bit like they just remembered that I suppose? You can only fit so many simultaneous narrative strings into a manga I guess and neither of them are good at feelings, but I just want them to indicate the tasty potential of caring about someone past their lowest points more. Mutsuki still dislikes himself and keeps himself at a distance from his friends at the end of the manga. Having Urie so determined to see this green thing happy that Mutsuki slowly learns to forgive himself for what he's done and grow more comfortable in his masculinity would be cool, and in turn Urie can heal from the Black Reaper's attack on his character and psychological effects of The Everything by being tender with someone for the first time in years.
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asmrbrainrot · 13 days
Hello! I really loved your post about Zef and serafin with the emojis! But i noticed that we didn't get how zef would comfort us. A girl needs her comfort rn🥲 so i would ask for ❤️❤️‍🩹 for Zef
❤️- Zef isn’t the most outwardly affectionate, but he certainly isn’t above helping a friend in need. He’ll probably try to make you laugh, cracking jokes or be goofy just to get you to smile. 😊 But if you’re not into that he can also give you space. I can just imagine him leaving some food for you and then leaving you alone so you don’t feel overwhelmed. Cutie~
❤️‍🩹- So I don’t think Zef is too proud to accept comfort, but depending on the kind of affection you give he may be less receptive of it. He’d probably just want someone to hang out with as a healthy distraction rather than talking about his feelings before he’s ready. If not, food is always a good option! Get this man some McDonalds fries and he’s a happy feesh.
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apricot-the-apricat · 30 days
🍃 harolce!!!!!!!!!
Describe a regular day for your OC. What is their schedule (if they have one)
Wake up at like 6am (almost everyone wakes up around that time)
Have breakfast at 7am or at 8 if Zephy isnt up to make said breakfast by 7
Spend time with husband
Go to tavern at ~12
Have lunch at tavern, then start playing songs on the lil stage in the corner
Go back home at ~4pm for a couple hours
Free time, depends on the day! Could go out with friends, spend more time with husband, practice new music, relax, ect. ect.
Back to the tavern at 7pm (aka sunset!)
Play music at tavern
Depends on day again but usually get home around 10-11pm, unless it's a particularly busy night at which point could stay up to like 2am
Have dinner sometimes
Go to bed
Cuddle husband :]
Fall asleep within like an hour of going bed
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ananxiousgenz · 9 days
hi hello, i believe you called for an ask. whos your fav malevolent character and why? (yes multiple is an option) (essay format encouraged) (have a nice day/night/unspecified time)
WELL IM GLAD YOU ASKED!! (*sets up 30 slide PowerPoint*)
currently it is kayne and john doe (for context I am only on part 31, so I have not met oscar or noel or any of the other fun guys yet), john doe is my essay character and kayne is my "I just think he's neat" character.
for john doe, he's the reason why I fell so hard for malevolent in the first place! I love any media involving a character discovering what it truly means to be human in all its painfully raw and beautiful glory, and my guy is doing an excellent job of figuring it out. I love watching him slowly develop a personality and a belief system and morals beyond what he knew as the king in yellow. honestly, he's just a reflection of all of arthur's best qualities, which makes all of the moments in which arthur struggles with finding his humanity all the more brutal to witness (like the difference between this inhuman, monstrous entity displaying compassion and concern for people caught in a desperate situation vs a human man so caught up in brutality and bloodlust it has overtaken who he believes himself to be and turned him into a monster for even a minute is just......mmmmm. the English major in me loves a good narrative opposite.). john reciting poetry to calm arthur down was the final sniper shot that made him my favorite character tbh. like just. he's come so far from wanting to manipulate and kill everyone and now he actually cares and i love him!!! also. people draw human john really fucking hot. I am not immune to the men with long hair propaganda, and am, in fact, a card-carrying member of the long-haired john doe fan club.
as for kayne? I just think he's the funniest bitch around. him eating a bag of chips in the corner while arthur was Quite Literally Dead fucking killed me. I got no clue what he's up to, but he's a bastard and a whore, and also the only person in this podcast with a sense of humor, and for that I love him.
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castielafflicted · 7 months
drank paint water again :(
hey have you considered dont do that?
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zephsthings · 1 month
hey. tell me about something you've been excited about recently
hey. I love you thank you for this ask <3
Hmmm....something I've been excited about lately ... probably my trip to the States in the summer with @spaced-out-cosmos 👀 we've made a few more plans for it lately so I'm really starting to look forward to it :DDD
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privateolives · 8 months
Castti Florenz for the blorbo bingo :))
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Deadly healers that can tell grown soldier men to shut up and comply hold a special place in my heart.
Combine that with the indie horror effects through her story and she has my whole heart.
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giaourtopita · 2 years
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I don't think she's seen it though, because she's doing Summer courses BIT STILL HAJAHAHQHAHSHAJAFSIAVSKSV
I deleted it immediately
BRO i've posted stuff on my "main" instagram account when they're were supposed to be on my spam way too many times so now i get anxious about what account i'm using i feel you
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silvercrane14 · 1 year
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I love Eiko so much. I love her and Azz's friendship. I once saw a fic that shipped them and I was like '???' Bc like. Their entire relationship is built on being in love with Iruma. Shut up
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