#yuugen romantica
46snowfox · 1 year
Yuugen Romantica Saikoucho Animate Tokuten: Bienvenida al BAD ENDING [Iriya]
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Título original:  「闇落ちエンドへようこそ」
Cv: Shinnosuke Tachibana
Iriya: Oye, ¿los conoces? Los siete misterios de la academia Nanagiri. Uno de ellos, la historia sobre la parálisis en la enfermería.
Iriya (0:26): Aah, este lugar no ha cambiado. El olor a desinfectante, las camas ordenadas, me da tanta nostalgia, es como si hubiera vuelto a mi casa. Solo bromeo, ya tengo un hogar, la casa en donde vivo contigo. Pero aun así me da nostalgia, ya que viví durante mucho tiempo en esta enfermería. A veces asustaba y molestaba alumnos, eran días aburridos, pero entretenidos. Tienes razón, te conocí aquí. Te atraje a la cama y sellé tus movimientos con la parálisis de sueño. Recuerdo perfectamente tu pálido rostro y tu tembloroso cuerpo.
Iriya (1:33): Oh, oye, ven un momento. Aquella vez fue algo así, ¿no? *te recuesta en la cama* Jeje, la forma desprotegida en la que caes sin oponer resistencia es encantador… *se acomoda encima de ti* Pero si haces eso no podrás quejarte de que te haga algo cruel. ¿Oh? Hay que ver lo mucho que confías en mí, ya no te asustas como la primera vez que te empujé. Bueno, es normal, nuestra relación es distinta. Pero… ¿Sabías? Los siete misterios de la academia Nanagiri, uno de ellos, la parálisis en la enfermería… ¿Sabías que su historia cambió?
Iriya (2:39): Aquí es en donde solía vivir Yamata no orochi… pero ya no está y eso es porque la mujer que él amaba fue secuestrada y usada como sacrificio… Ella… fue devorada… decían que esa idea le corrompió y que acabó convertido en serpiente… Algunos dicen que a día de hoy fue domesticado… Hay muchos finales y todos son bastante peculiares. Por cierto… sabes que los youkai no pueden desobedecer las fuertes creencias de los humanos, ¿no? ¿Qué crees que me pasó luego de que este rumor se esparció…?
Iriya (3:53): *siseos de serpientes* Al final no soy más que un monstruo… Y no es sencillo salvar un corazón que ha caído en la oscuridad… Tal y como puedes ver… Fufu… Supongo que te sorprende, ¿no? Ya que nunca antes te había mostrado esta apariencia tan temible. Ah, pero no te preocupes, esta situación no me entristece, es hasta reconfortante. Al escuchar las historias de los humanos lo primero que pensé fue “quiero secuestrarte cuanto antes”. Como ya he caído lo sé perfectamente, lo divertido que sería abandonar mi cordura y hacer lo que me plazca contigo.
Iriya (5:01): Además, ya hemos compartido votos, no tenemos por qué contenernos. Al darme cuenta de eso pensé que no sería malo que cayéramos al fondo del infierno. Oye… entrégame tus llantos y tus gritos desgarradores, dámelos a mí y solo a mí. No escaparás. *truena sus dedos* Fufufufu… No puedes mover ni tus brazos ni piernas, ¿no? Tranquila, al menos puedes mover tus ojos, también puedes usar tu garganta y labios, quiero escuchar tu voz. Aunque también me deleitaría sellar levemente tu garganta y ver cómo te asfixias. ¿Qué hago? Fufufufu…
Iriya (6:11): ¿Lo imaginaste? Estás aterrada, a pesar de que acaricio amablemente desde tu cuello hasta tu garganta… Parece que te congelas con solo sentir mi dedo… Tu respiración es temblorosa. Oh, si tienes frío, ¿entones debería calentarte? Puede que mi cuerpo sea fría… *se coloca encima de ti* No es suficiente, ¿verdad? Tranquila, enrollaré mis serpientes alrededor tuyo… *siseos* Oh… perdóname, se metieron dentro de tu ropa, si no te gusta puedes sacarlas. Ah, pero no puedes moverte, pobrecita.
Iriya (7:17): ¿Qué…? SI quieres pedirme algo, entonces habla, te escucharé. ¿Quieres que pare? Ya veo, te doy miedo… ¿O acaso te preocupa lo que pueda hacerte? Que linda mirada, esos ojos asustados, me dan ganas de lamerlos. Oh, pero querías que me detuviera, fufufufu. No me detendré… Dije que escucharía tus deseos, no que los cumpliría. Es una pena, pero no importa qué me pidas, yo no cumpliré ninguno de tus deseos. Por más que pelees no puedes resistirte, coloqué una barrera para que no entren ni humanos ni youkai. Incluso si gritas nadie te salvará…
Iriya (8:34): Solo puedes aferrarte a mí… Es realmente placentero. Tus dedos, tus adorables uñas, todo me pertenece… *lame* Tu suave piel… Me pregunto a qué sabrás… Estoy seguro de que podría devorarte de un solo bocado… quiero probarte… Aunque sería un desperdició devorarte de una, tengo que saborearte lentamente… Podría partir por esta oreja. *beso* Pero me aburriría si desapareces… así que por ahora me conformaré con probarte.
Iriya (9:42): No me veas así… te me haces irresistible. Eres encantadora cuando estás aterrada. Ah, pero eso es aburrido… quiero que me muestres más expresiones, para que no me aburra. Creo que en tu cuello está bien, te morderé aquí. ¿Por qué…? ¡Para que nos divirtamos! *muerde* No te duele, ¿verdad? Oye… ¿cómo se siente tener serpientes alrededor de tu cuerpo? ¿Es distinto a como era antes?
Iriya (10:41): Fufufu… Tu grito es inaudible. ¿Tan placentero es? Parece que mi veneno ya empezó a recorrer tu cuerpo. Oh, ni siquiera soportas que te toque, que linda. ¿Quieres que acaricie la palma de tu mano con mi dedo? Como no puedes moverte tienes que soportar todo lo que te haga. Lo resistes con todas tus fuerzas, que admirable. Me gusta cuando eres sincera, así que esfuérzate… solo si puedes soportarlo. *beso* Fufufu, que voz tan dulce, tu respiración también se ha acelerado, tus mejillas están rojas, cada vez te ves más apetecible… Ahora no sé si seré yo quien puede resistir… ¿Oh? ¿Te inyecté demasiado veneno? Tu mirada ya no se centra… parece que solo sientes los estímulos que te doy. Pero está bien, incluso si te derrites yo te cuidaré mucho.
Iriya (12:20): Que cálida eres… hasta ardiente… Yo amaba… esta cómoda calidez… También esos días tranquilos y tu sonrisa… Pero al final este era el destino. Lamento haberme enamorado de ti. Yo soy quien te arrebatará tu felicidad, pero no puedo soltarte… Así que caigamos hasta el fondo… Devoraré tu cuerpo y alma… Aah… No te preocupes… porque incluso si pasan siglos… yo te consentiré. *siseos*
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cocotome · 6 months
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Happy birthday Toneri!!
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kiyoko-kitsunefox · 2 months
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Iriya is so cute getting drunk on cola hehehehe
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renpafh · 1 year
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and the best design award goes to-
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risukadarlin · 2 years
[yuugen romantica] saikouchou vol. 7: zakuro - track two
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2; the fox god hits the mark
[00:08] There are always so many humans at festivals. I hate it.
The atmosphere ain’t bad though.
I can't help but think about the first time we came to one.
We’d only just met.
You remember it too, right?
You fed me a toffee apple, right?
Speak of the devil!
There’s a stall over there! No, let’s not today.
We just had udon.
Let’s get one tomorrow.
Festivals last for a few days, after all.
Oh, there’s a shooting gallery next to it.
And some of those prizes look pretty good.
That looks like something you’d like, doesn’t it?
I knew it.
Shall I get it for you?
Huh? You’ll get it yourself?
You’re good at this sort of thing?
I mean, if you wanna do it, I won’t stop you.
You get three bullets per round.
Go get 'em.
You’re holding the gun like a beginner.
Are you seriously gonna be okay?
Well that went in the wrong direction.
Why are you aiming at that cardboard box?
Ugh! God!
Come here a second.
It’s fine, just hide in the shadows.
No one’s looking, right?
I’ll help with your posture.
I’m allowed to do that much, right?
What’s wrong with me possessing you?
Now the humans can’t see me.
No one can fault you now.
I wasn’t going to grab you while those humans were watching.
Anyway, let’s go back.
This is the second round, okay? Don’t hold back.
Put your arm on the counter.
You’ll shake if you don’t keep yourself still.
Next, bring your arm in and focus on the target…
You still missed?! How useless are you!
The gun’s shaking like crazy.
There’s nothing else for it.
I’ll hold you from both sides.
You won’t miss then, will you?
I duplicated myself for you.
You better not miss now.
Why are you all stiff?
No way…
Are you getting all nervous?
How long have I been doing this?
Oh? It’s because there are other people here?
Now you mention it…
I never got payback after you made fun of me.
I’m possessing you already so… I might as well have a little fun.
Now you know how I felt earlier.
Ha! Why would I get shy when I’m possessing you?
Think about it.
You can’t see what I’m doing to you, so you can’t stop me.
I can do whatever I want to you.
Anyone would take advantage of a situation like this.
Now then…
Where should I target next?
If you don’t focus, I’ll get you again.
Not that that will help at all.
Oh, you managed not to make a noise.
Your ears are red, though.
So… What should I do to you now?
That’s right…
I’ll stop if you win a prize.
But if you miss them all…
I might just eat you.
What exactly were you aiming for then?
Did you just panic and shoot?
You only have one bullet left.
What are you gonna do?
You’re acting suspicious, you know?
I guess that’s enough.
I forgive you for now.
You want that hairpiece, don’t you?
Face the gun this way.
I’ll hold you steady, okay?
Try and shoot.
Good. You got it.
Why are you so surprised?
Come on, let’s go get your prize.
[05:53] That was close, wasn’t it?
Aren’t you glad you got it?
I didn’t get it for you, or anything?
You got it yourself.
Fine, fine.
Then I’ll say I’m the one who got it.
Why do you look so happy even though I was messing with you?
Give me that.
I’ll put it in your hair.
Not bad.
Put that on. Let’s go to the shrine next.
Oi, is that the old lady who sells wagashi over there?
Hey, granny.
I thought you were stuck in your shop but you’re out here enjoying the festival, huh?
Hey, don’t make fun of us.
Can’t we walk around together?
More importantly…
You’re dressed up pretty fancy.
You meeting someone?
Ah… It’s a man, isn’t it?
You said you enjoyed being single but you’re on the hunt for a man now, huh?
Damn, you really did get a date. Nice one.
But it’s dangerous at night.
Who are you meeting?
Oh, you never mentioned that before.
You’re talking about when you were young, right?
A man you don’t know anything about but can only meet on Festival days…
You meet him every year? And you don’t even plan it?
You must love him.
So that’s why you never got married.
That ain’t easy.
So, are you meeting him this year too?
I see…
So you haven’t seen him for decades?
If you want to wait, I won’t stop you.
No one’ll blame you for it.
By the way…
Do you want me to let him know, if I see him?
I don’t know if I’ll be able to tell it’s him, but…
What’s he like?
You don’t know what his face looks like?
What do you mean?
He always wears a mask?
[09:00] That old woman’s lover is definitely suspicious.
She can only find him during festivals and he’s always wearing a mask.
That’s just like the ghost everyone’s talking about.
It has to be a coincidence, right?
More importantly, isn’t that crazy?
50 years is a super long time for a human.
Not many people could wait that long.
If her feelings never changed over all those years, it must have been a pretty intense love.
Oh! Is that the mikoshi?
It looks newer than I expected.
It’s kinda wonderful.
They’re going to carry that through town tomorrow, right?
Not that I care at all.
I don’t get people who wanna stand in a crowd.
What’s with that guy?
He’s coming over here, isn’t he?
Do you need us or something?
Ah, there’s something up with the guy leading the line?
You mean the guy who wears that mask and costume, right?
What’s wrong?
Don’t tell me he can’t take his mask off.
What? He’s got a slipped disk?
Then he definitely can’t walk.
He needs to go look after himself.
That means you don’t have a leader?
Then you can’t lead the line!
What are you gonna do?!
Why me?!
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keeznutzx · 1 year
My Yuugen Romantica HC's That No One Asked for!! :)
Hifumi :
- watches whatev he want (hecc even he doesn't care abt what genre of anime he watched lmao, depends on MC if they want to watch it together).
- listens to RnB musics, or nostalgic ones. Or whatev as long as it had a beat to it.
- when he first saw the MC, he actually dosen't understand how love worked. But after hanawo explained EVERYTHING, he starts to understand and well...he is him now, lol.
- he always watches vine comp with utashiro. They did the 'i can't forget you' vine and hanawo laughs his butt off.
- Probs love to take selfies (from his official pic where he do the peace ✌🏻 sign). In every chara's phone, you will see pics of them with Hifumi on it/or them taking a selfie with Hifumi.
- He had a sweet appetite, like- not only crepes. He probs likes cakes, pudding, candy. Those things.
- Saves everyones phone numbers w/ his own nicknames
Ex. : Utashiro is "prankster bff" Zakuro is "tsundere" or Hanawo is "Hanamom".
- Problem Child #2 in the Youkai Gang
Utashiro :
- he loves pranks because he is easily bored, and if he doesn't do it. Then he sleeps.
- He is the type of people who dosen't really ate much because they think 'it's enough' so he always left a lot of food and it's always hifumi who ate the leftovers.
- nightmares are delicacy for him, if the MC had nightmares. He'll ready to maul those like a lion catching the prey.
- music-wise, he loves slowed songs, literally opposite of hifumi who likes pop-upbeat musics. Orchesterals and calm Anisongs (like 'Your Lie in April's Opening) would be the thing that he listens to in spotify.
- he actually would be a akatsuki stan (from ensemble stars) he would follow their dance moves, and will straight up sing the songs out loud.
He would be biased towards keito, because he is very cool in his opinion
- he eats whatever, for him, human food are good as dreams that he has ate.
- He actually had a different tactic for pranking the MC. But he changed it anyway after hanawo explained why he shouldn't played pranks too much on a Girl like MC.
- Problem Child #1 in the Yokai Gang because of his pranks.
Zakuro :
- he thought that humans are pathethic creatures at first because of how he thinks living immortality is better than living mortality.
- he is easily embarassed if there is something flirtious. This includes seduction ofc.
- he will probably blasts My Chemical Romance songs secretly because he is been through a lot of things that made his mentality go low.
- or maybe like : maneskin, cigarettes after sex, metallica, or maybe some hollywood undead since he be vibin to the rock vibe that they have.
- somewhere in the room : TEENAGERS SCARED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF ME!.
- hates his tail because it's kind of blocking his way whenever he walks. And it disturbs his sleeps too.
- rather calm while eating. But still, if you bothered him, he'll go mad lol.
- he likes learning about chemicals. And he is also interested on theories too.
Iriya :
- He likes having a chill time beside a pond/lake. It's just the sound of the waters that kept him calm.
- he loves to pray on people and paralyze them. He always see the paralyzed people being his succeeds.
- hifumi saved his number as "sadist paralyzer"
- but you know, that sadistic personality is tiresome for him. He just want to relax, okay?
- really likes drinks A LOT : like, Soda, Cocktails, Sparkling water? Yeah this dude is quite a beverage lover. And he is a cola person, so yeah.
- ever got dragged by toneri to watch a H genre Anime. (And he dosen't know why tf he was dragged)
- Really likes ✨seductive✨ songs. Like you know "Careless Whisper" or any song with Sax included? That is his thing.
- he even used that song for an idea to tease zakuro lol.
- Make sure your house had an air conditioner since he hates heat.
Merry :
- likes softcore and elegant aesthethics. Esspecially if it has a beige colour because it's his vibe.
- he creates the group chat and named it "Yokai Gang".
- he likes physical touch eventhough he is shy. He is a huge cuddlebug to MC.
- he is rather shy about sensual things, which is why him and toneri's interactions are wacky as hecc.
- he'd use some emojis like : 😉, 🤗, 🥰, 😳, 😅 based on his reactons.
- music-wise, he listens to idol songs. Like Perfume, Poppin' Party, Happy Around!. Just these because he founds out about idol franchises in accident.
- cue dancing with toneri until toneri changes the song into a flirty song.
- "Toneri, why do you changed the song?" Merry Says, "Well because i'm not a huge idol fan so i decided to changed it!" Toneri said w/ a grin.
- he is always seen buying hamburger skewers in festivals.
- he does like woman's curves in the back. But he hates it when her undergarment would shown.
Arahagi :
- likes kittens so much, would even hold it in his hands and nuzzle the kitten.
- probably had tiktok and twt. He be like . "hey everyone, it's arahagi and it's just another day that toneri and zakuro argued".
- would painted his nails ✨beautifully✨.
- listens to material gworl. Like srsly, i bet he would be memeing about it to others.
- listens to cupcakke for fun and memes.
- feisty shortie.
- gets crazy if he saw a ball. Or a wool.
- loves thicc thighs, for him, it's a good lap for a pillow.
- hates water because he is a cat himself.
Toneri :
- does anything to make the MC happy.
- he is dependent on things that the MC wants. Sensuality? He'll do it, Romantic? He'll do it.
- Watches H Animes and Animes w/ Fanservice. he is really into busty girls so much that he actually would dream of having it with MC.
- Listens to Dirty Musics. Like any music that is sussy, that's his alley.
- Would watch AnimeFesta bullcrap. (If you know 'sweet punishment' you'll know what i am talking about rn) and would even drag someone to watch it (either MC because he thought it was a good idea liking someone like that, Iriya because of him being 'adult-like', and lastly hifumi because he doesn't care lol).
- because of this, hanawo lecture him so much that it was TOTALLY WRONG to love someone like that way.
- Him and Zakuro often argues a lot on situations/disscussions about sensual shit.
- would join tiktok trends with arahagi. And most of it are pretty good.
- He dislikes all vegetables in general.
- he is the one who recommended Holywood Undead to Zakuro. He probably listened to 'Everywhere i Go' many times.
Hanawo :
- Sassy Boy Material.
- The Mom of the Group. Even Hifumi calls him "Hanamom".
- Would do tiktok trends with arahagi. Mostly about beauty or cosmetics though.
- he would vibe along with toneri. Like srsly, he doesn't mind the song being sussy at all at least it's a bop.
- also listens to cupcakke for meme shit.
- the one who is pretty experienced when it comes to relationship. He would gave dating tips to others so they could love MC in the Correct Way.
- he would even search it in the internet for that lol.
- a clean freak. If there's anything dirty, he would probs call others to help him cleaning smth (Reference to one of his line stickers).
- Listens to idol hell songs like merry, but he likes western artists too. He loves Sam Smith, Katy Perry, or any other artist/rappers with Bop-y songs.
- others will joined the callifornia girls dance meme. Especially Hifumi, Utashiro, or Toneri.
- he will go like "m'lady" and straight up throws rose petals dramatically for his entrance. And has done it when MC came into his place.
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I actually theorized in a dl discord server that Rejet is probably releasing just merch because it's the only thing they can release right now because of yuma's va situation. They did prospone house of vampire because of it so I guess they can't do a new cd drama series nor game because of it too so they can just do merch for now LOL
I do appreciate that Rejet were put in a tight spot when he went on hiatus and that they need to keep making money somehow, I just think the amount of merch they've put out in the past two weeks alone has been kind of intense (and it's already picked up a lot over the past year or so). Like I'm very grateful for the new Bloody Rose Party art, I just wish they'd space things out a little more so it actually felt like I had some chance of affording more of it rather than being forced to pick out of a sea of options.
Truthfully I don't even see how it benefits Rejet to put so much merch out in such a short span of time because surely even Japanese fans who don't have to pay for shipping costs are going to have a finite budget over such a short window. I don't know maybe I'm severely underestimated people's salaries.
Also I thought Yuma's VA's hiatus finished back in March? I respect that because of his hiatus, he may now be very busy which might delay House of Vampire even further, but given that the last news we got was over 6 months ago, I would honestly appreciate an update on it (even if it's just, hey sorry, it will come out but it's going to be more of a wait) more than merch featuring recycled artwork.
Unfortunately because the last new CD I listened to was Shin's Daylight CD, which I honestly think is the weakest of his solo CDs script wise, and after the whole incident with Subaru's Daylight CD and the downright confusing ending of Young Blood, my current impression of Rejet is not the most positive it's ever been. Previously I've been fully in their corner, especially with the large number of issues they have with audios getting pirated, but the massive amount of merch featuring recycled artwork recently on top of all of the new merch-only releases have left me feeling that like they're going for a bit of a cash grab.
And it's not just DL either, I've been a fan of a couple of their other CD series (ones that are nothing to do with Yuma's VA), but I think at the moment the only CDs they have coming out are some Dear Vocalist ones?
Honestly I just really hope the illustration X book is good. I don't want to sound super negative, like I said I am grateful for the new art and that they've created as much for DL as they have, it's just getting harder and harder for me to convince myself that they haven't just decided to take the easy road product wise by switching from making CDs to focusing almost solely on merch.
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Yuugen Romantica is my everything how are men so pretty?
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meaig · 1 year
Or more like a list of things I’m likely to post about right now ,D
I think it’ll also serve as a good reminder for me about things I am reading/following right now because I tend to forget easily, especially if I get interested in something else for a moment.
Books/Ranobe: Sherlock Holmes, The Last Unicorn, Fate/Strange Fake, Lord El-Melloi II Case Files.
Manga: Jigokuraku (finished, waiting for novels to get shipped), Kashoku no Shiro (currently on volume 3); Witch Hat Atelier, Frieren and Vanitas currently on hold.
Media projects: Fabulous Night, Yuugen Romantica, Dear Vocalist; Paradox Live (although very passively right now).
Mobage: The Tale of Food, Yumekuro, For All Time; occasionally Mahoyaku, PGR, GBF and Road to Nowhere.
Otome games: a lot of indie dating sims, mainly Salvus Aries, Moon Observatory series by batensan, Dark Nights (patiently waiting for DLC to replay the game from the start); BWS, Meiji Tokyo Renka, Arcana Famiglia as my top 3 and currently trying to go through Collar x Malice (Yanagi specifically) and even if Tempest.
RPGs: RF4 Special (I’m finally sticking to it), Trials of Mana and Persona 3 (both on hold). Waiting for more info about Rune Factory Project Dragon. Fire Emblem series as a whole.
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mo0nlighttea · 3 years
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Yuugen Romantica Illustrations
Source: yuroma
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hitogatarock · 3 years
モノノ怪恋慕 . mononoke renbo
LYRICS TRANSLATION of the theme song of Yuugen Romantica series.
Translated name : A Spectre Falling in Love
Singer : 佐々木恵梨 ( Sasaki Eri )
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All translations are belongs to me, make sure to credit properly if you plans on sharing this! Enjoy reading!
Listen along • google doc • twitter post
hanabira no maiochiru manima ni
As the flower petals falls and dances around,
futari no koi, hanafubuki
the love of us two is a blizzard of flowers,
acchi kocchi samayotte
makes us wander to here and there
anata, sonna kao wa yamete
My dear, you don't have to look like that
watashi doko demo tsuiteku wa
because I'll follow you everywhere
何故にその横顔 霧の如く煙(けぶ)らすの
naze ni sono yokogao kiri no gotoku keburasu no
Why are your face looks hazy, as if mist covers them
sorya watashi datte sa, nurasu sode tarinai
That would have been me since shedding tears wasn't enough
一夜(ひとよ)、あの一夜に 胸を這った指先が
hitoyo, ano hitoyo ni mune wo hatta yubisaki ga
That night, on that one night, my fingertips who trailed your chest
dare yori yokatta no hoka no donna "hito" yori mo
You were better than anyone, from any other "human"
"nee, anata no makoto ga nan datte kamawanai sa
"Hey, it doesn't matter what your truth is,
issho ni narenai to shitte nao horeta nante
I fell in love, knowing that I couldn't be together with you,
watashi ga, ahou mono"
Such a fool, I am."
horeta hareta wa ukiyo no tsune demo konna
It's always love and hate in this world, but not this one
kikkai kettai na kanashiki go en ga arimashou ka
Would there be a mysterious yet sorrowful fate between us?
hanabira ga midarezaku aima ni
In between the flower petals who blooms profusely,
秘密の戀(こい)、影日向 そっとそっと紛れて
himitsu no koi, kage hinata sotto sotto magirete
a secret love gently blending in with the shadowy sun
anata, kono mama nigeyou yo
My dear, let's run away just like this
futari no ai mo sakasou yo
Let's make our love bloom too.
haru no, yoru no, yume no ukihashi to daeta, akashi da
As the floating bridge of dreams ceases by the spring night, it was a proof
demo mezamete mireba, anata wa soba ni iru
That when I'll wake up, you'll be by my side
fukaku, motto fukaku, tokeru hodo ni karamiai
Deeper, and deeper, entwined enough to melt
mou hodoke yashinai, kono mi koso ga akai ito
This self is the red thread that won't be untied anymore
"nee, sore ga karisome no ai demo kamawanai sa,
"Hey, it doesn't matter if it's a transient love,
horeta yowami ni hitasarete,
immersed in the weaknesses I fell in love with,
sore de mou shiawase dakara"
because of that, I'm already happy."
yume shibai nara kokoro hazu no kassai no
If this were only a dream play, a heartfelt ovation shall be given
issai gassai ga nakute mo anata ga ireba ii
I don't need everything, you're the only one I need
ano sora ga kageri yuku katatoki
At a moment where the sky fades into dark,
tsumetai ame harushigure
This cold rain, spring shower,
jitto, jitto nureta tte
fixedly, intently, soaking everything wet
sore ja, kono hi wa kienai yo
That's not going to put out this fire
futari no ai wa moete iru
as our love burst into flames
naite, naite, nakasare ayakashi renbo
It makes me cry more and more, about our wondrous love
demo, zutto soba ni itai yo
But I want to stay by your side forever
sou iu to anata wa, kuchi wo fusagu no de
as I said that, you then covers my lips
sono tsumetaku, yasashii, kuchizuke de
with that cold, yet gentle kiss
hanabira no maiochiru manima ni
As the flower petals falls and dances around,
futari no koi, hanafubuki
the love of us two is a blizzard of flowers,
acchi kocchi samayotte
makes us wander to here and there
anata, douka hanasanaide
My dear, please don't leave me be
kono yo no hate demo tsuiteku wa
I'd follow you to the ends of this world
tokoshie no sakura nado nakute mo
Even without the cherry blossoms of permanence,
futari no koi mankai ni douka douka kanaete
whether or not our love is in full bloom, please, please make it come true
anata, te wo totte choudai na
My dear, why don't you take my hand?
hanamichi wo, saa, yukimashou
Come, let us go towards the flowery path
hanabira ga mata maiochiru
The flower petals falls and dances once more
— translator's note : 濡らす袖 is an interesting term that I manages to find its meaning while refining the translation. It has the meaning of "crying and/or shedding tears", because like the literal translation "wet sleeves", they used this term when they wipe their tears with their kimono sleeves, thus making it wet.
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46snowfox · 2 months
Yuugen Romantica Saikouchou Animate Tokuten: Bienvenida al BAD ENDING [Toneri]
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Título original:  「闇落ちエンドへようこそ」
Cv: Daisuke Hirakawa
Toneri: Oye… ¿Los conoces? Los siete misterios de la academia Nanagiri. Uno de ellos es “los aullidos del gimnasio”.
Toneri (0:34): Realmente seguía existiendo… la mansión en la que vivía como espíritu inugami… Sí no hay duda, es vieja y tiene varias partes rotas, pero es el mismo edificio. Bueno… no solía salir mucho, así que no se me hace demasiado nostálgica. Viví durante siglos sirviendo a esta casa, cada jefe del clan me usaba como herramienta para maldecir a los demás. ¿Sabes? Los inugami normalmente son guardados en cajas pequeñas escondidas bajo el suelo… Y solo nos sacan para trabajar.
Toneri (1:33): Solo salimos para hacer infeliz a otra persona… Pero aun así vi varias veces esta mansión… Es prueba de que hice sufrir a incontables humanos… Esta mansión vivió causando horror por siglos… es normal que eventualmente acabaran cayendo… ¡Ah! L-lo sé, no todos eran malos… El último jefe… ese humano me quería… Pero… al final… me abandonó…
Toneri (2:34): Sé que fue porque la familia iba a caer… me alejó por mi propio bien, lo sé… Pero me confió a otra persona sin decirme nada… ¿Eso no es una forma de traición…? No me molesta… pero es que me di cuenta… de que al final fui abandonado… Tú… No harás eso… ¿Verdad…?
Toneri (3:25): Oye… tú me amas, ¿no? Vivirás a mi lado, ¿no? No vas a abandonarme, ¿no? Por favor responde… ¡¡…!! ¡Lo sabía! ¡Me alegra que digas eso! De lo contrario habría desgarrado tu garganta, casi, casi. ¿Eh? ¿Yo? ¿Estoy raro? Pues desde que entramos a la mansión que recuerdo algunas cosas… Aquel día tuve que maldecir a un vasallo de alto rango del shogunato,  aquella vez a alguien que hizo algo innecesario durante una conferencia encubierta, aquella vez al inmundo hijo mayor por tener una aventura, a la dueña del comedor que jamás cerraba el pico,  a un ciudadano engreído, a la pareja de vecinos que se burlaba de esta familia… Durante años… décadas… siglos… ataqué a humanos, los maldije e hice sufrir y cada vez pensaba… “Que bien, fui de utilidad” y sonreía.
Toneri (4:56): Ah… Ya veo… así era… Esa era… mi verdadera naturaleza… Que bueno que vinimos aquí, recordé muchas cosas. Soy un inugami, un youkai que maldice a la gente. ¿Qué sucede? No te asustes, no voy a maldecirte, ya que… tú eres mi ama. Eres distinta del resto… juraste que siempre me querrías, eres mi querida y apreciada ama.
Toneri (6:00): Oye… si me aprecias, entonces dame una orden, quiero serte de utilidad. ¿A quién debo hacer infeliz primero…? Oh… ¿A dónde vas? Lo prometiste, ¿no? Que siempre estarías a mi lado. Los perros jamás olvidan cuando alguien les tiende una mano… sin embargo, si nos traicionan… tampoco lo olvidaremos, nunca… ¿No vas a abandonarme, verdad? Jeje… que bien, tienes razón… Después de todo me amas. ¡Ya sé! Como muestra de nuestra promesa te pondré un collar. *truena los dedos y te coloca un collar*
Toneri (7:10): Esas cadenas van a juego con las mías, están hechas con magia, así que no se van a deshacer. Pero también te amarraré de manos y pies para que no intentes morder tu collar para liberarte. *te amarra* Incluso si no te mueves no tendrás que preocuparte, yo haré todo por ti. ¿No te pone feliz? *te encadena más al tronar sus dedos* Listo, así no podrás moverte sin importar cuánto te resistas.
Toneri (8:00): ¿Qué sucede? Si te mueves tanto te quedarán marcas de las cadenas… Oh mira… no tienes remedio… *te lame* ¿Hm? ¿Te ardió? Pero hay que curar tus heridas… *lame* También limpiaré las otras. Pero como no te gusta el dolor, lo mejor sería que no te movieras tanto. ¿Qué dices? No necesitamos volver. Oye, a partir de hoy viviremos en esta mansión, los dos juntos. Si alguien viene a molestar lo echaré, ya sea humano o youkai. Yo te traeré tu comida  y si dormimos juntos no pasarás frío. No tenemos luz, pero puedo ver en la oscuridad… A ti no te molesta la oscuridad, ¿no? De todos modos no tienes que moverte.
Toneri (9:32): ¿Hm? Me pregunto si algo se habrá roto, la mansión es vieja después de todo… O tal vez hay alguien aquí. Si lo piensas bien tiene sentido, los jefes de la mansión no tuvieron un final digno y no sería raro que la gente a la que maldije se hayan convertido en almas en pena. Ten cuidado, sería terrible que te atacaran.
Toneri (10:08): Oh, pero no puedes moverte, en ese estado no podrás pelear aunque te hagan algo. Pero bueno, me tienes a mí, así que tranquila. Quiero que vivamos juntos y eventualmente me desharé de ellos. ¿Qué pasa? Estás temblando mucho. Si tienes frío puedo ir a buscar una manta, espera un poco. ¿Eh…? Jaja, es raro que intentes detenerme. ¿Prefieres que esté a tu lado? Ya veo, que alegría. Oye ama… pídeme algo, ¿a quién quieres que maldiga? ¿Cómo quieres que lo maldiga?
Toneri (11:14): ¿Quieres que los encadene como a ti? Puedo dejarlos en este estado un tiempo y al tirar de la cadena… *tira* ¿Ves? Es asfixiador, ¿no? Incluso si no es mortal, estar en este estado es doloroso. Ah… también, tengo garras afiladas y puedo desgarrarlos. Tus mejillas son muy suaves~. Si paso suavemente mis garras por ellas podría rasgarlas con facilidad. Tú elige como debo torturarlos y yo actuaré tal y como me lo ordenes. A fin de cuentas si es un pedido de mi amada yo haré lo que sea. ¿No te hace feliz? ¿Por qué pones esa cara? No te preocupes, jamás te soltaré, incluso si mueres y resucitas, te prometo que te encontraré… y estaré eternamente… a tu lado…
Toneri (12:57): A partir de cierto día se dejaron de escuchar aullidos en el gimnasio, pero a cambio dicen que ahora se escuchan en una vieja mansión… Tanto los aullidos de un ser perruno… como la voz sollozante de una persona… *aullido*
SF: No creo haber tenido todo 100% correcto, pero espero que les haya gustado n.n Creo que lo que más miedo me da de este CD es como Toneri dice todo con tono tan cariñoso cuando está completamente malito de la cabeza T-T. Aquí sí que se le notó su vena yandere en máxima potencia. Aunque sea en modo servicial.
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lanlan-der · 3 years
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Rejet | Wallpapers 2021
Yuugen Romantica
Ken ga Kimi
Official Twitter
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kiyoko-kitsunefox · 1 year
Omggggg someone needs to translate all the yuugen romantica bonus special cds!!!!! I'm literally melting listening to them!!!! but my japanese isn't that good.😭😭😭😭
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fuketsu-otome · 3 years
yuugen romantica - arahagi
short review & links
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seiyuu: kaji yuki
my rating: 4/5, would like more of him!
heʼs the teasing type, apparently is baby, amazing at piano, protective, has a really cute and adorable voice especially when he gets excited at things he has never done before :)
soundcloud playlist | english translation
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risukadarlin · 2 years
[yuugen romantica] saikouchou vol. 7: zakuro - track one
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1; the mask you can’t take off
[00:04] Oi.
Can you hear it?
An enigma wrapped up in festival music. 
That is… 
The voice of a mask that can never be removed.
At the height of the festival at this shrine…
Have you ever seen a line of people wearing kimonos?
Apparently, it’s a group of people carrying a mikoshi to its destination together.
At the head of that line, is a man wearing a mask.
But… During a certain festival…
He became unable to take the mask off.
No matter how much he struggled, it clung to his face and refused to let go.
Nobody could have known…
That that mask was alive.
The man wearing the mask slowly lost consciousness…
Until the mask took control of his mind and body.
And then, he disappeared.
This is only the beginning of the story.
There are rumours that he appears on festival nights.
The masked man in a kimono.
It seems as though the only thing he hasn’t forgotten is that he has to lead the crowd.
People believe he’s wandering around, looking for people to walk with.
Be careful.
If you’re walking alone at night, he’ll tempt you away.
Just like this…
Young lady, won’t you come with me?
[02:12] That’s the whole story, I guess.
I heard about it for the first time a few years ago.
Apparently that’s not even the only ghost story about that shrine.
It’s another one of those seven wonders.
I don’t know how things like that start all of a sudden.
But that’s good news for us yōkai.
Who knows.
Just because there’s a ghost story doesn’t mean there’s an actual ghost.
Either way, I don’t plan on gettin’ involved.
If there is a living mask out there, then he’s a ghost like me.
I’m not really in a position to be complaining about what he does then, am I?
And if it’s just a rumour, I don’t wanna go look at people being creeped out over nothing.
Leaving it be is the best course of action.
More importantly, let’s get to eating!
Thanks for the food.
So goooooddd!
Kitsune udon is the only udon for me.
I didn’t think they’d sell anything this good at a service area.
Those festival planners know what they’re doing.
When we’re all rested, let’s go have another walk around the city.
Hm? Sure.
It’s the shrine with the seven wonders I just mentioned, right?
We can look at a few stalls on the way there, if you want to go.
I’m doing something for you.
You understand what that means, right?
You’re dragging a Fox God around.
You better pay for the privilege in kind.
Ah, just so you know, I’ve already had deep fried tofu today so it has to be something else.
D-d-do you th-think k-k-kissing me would make me happy or something?!
Shut up!
I’m not blushing!
Why are you laughing at me, stupid wife?!
I won’t let you forget that.
I’ll let you have this one.
You’re finished, right? Let’s go.
It’s getting busy now that it's night time.
It’d be annoying if we got separated.
Ahhh, god. C’mon!
Give me your hand.
It’s fine, right?!
Do I need a reason to hold my wife’s hand?
We’re going to hold hands, okay? Good.
I won’t forgive you if you get lost, stupid wife.
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