#The Yuugen Romantica series is a really good example of this
I actually theorized in a dl discord server that Rejet is probably releasing just merch because it's the only thing they can release right now because of yuma's va situation. They did prospone house of vampire because of it so I guess they can't do a new cd drama series nor game because of it too so they can just do merch for now LOL
I do appreciate that Rejet were put in a tight spot when he went on hiatus and that they need to keep making money somehow, I just think the amount of merch they've put out in the past two weeks alone has been kind of intense (and it's already picked up a lot over the past year or so). Like I'm very grateful for the new Bloody Rose Party art, I just wish they'd space things out a little more so it actually felt like I had some chance of affording more of it rather than being forced to pick out of a sea of options.
Truthfully I don't even see how it benefits Rejet to put so much merch out in such a short span of time because surely even Japanese fans who don't have to pay for shipping costs are going to have a finite budget over such a short window. I don't know maybe I'm severely underestimated people's salaries.
Also I thought Yuma's VA's hiatus finished back in March? I respect that because of his hiatus, he may now be very busy which might delay House of Vampire even further, but given that the last news we got was over 6 months ago, I would honestly appreciate an update on it (even if it's just, hey sorry, it will come out but it's going to be more of a wait) more than merch featuring recycled artwork.
Unfortunately because the last new CD I listened to was Shin's Daylight CD, which I honestly think is the weakest of his solo CDs script wise, and after the whole incident with Subaru's Daylight CD and the downright confusing ending of Young Blood, my current impression of Rejet is not the most positive it's ever been. Previously I've been fully in their corner, especially with the large number of issues they have with audios getting pirated, but the massive amount of merch featuring recycled artwork recently on top of all of the new merch-only releases have left me feeling that like they're going for a bit of a cash grab.
And it's not just DL either, I've been a fan of a couple of their other CD series (ones that are nothing to do with Yuma's VA), but I think at the moment the only CDs they have coming out are some Dear Vocalist ones?
Honestly I just really hope the illustration X book is good. I don't want to sound super negative, like I said I am grateful for the new art and that they've created as much for DL as they have, it's just getting harder and harder for me to convince myself that they haven't just decided to take the easy road product wise by switching from making CDs to focusing almost solely on merch.
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