#yuri gas station
an-ambient-girl · 6 months
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tiercel · 1 year
In honor of pride month im thinking about my funniest gayguy memories
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is-this-yuri · 1 year
are two gas stations from different companies right across from each other yuri?
The competitive energy. The non-verbal communication of a mutual glare across the way. The fact that they choose to be so close simply so they can one-up each other.
Conclusion: It's yuri.
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foogriffy · 5 months
hello my lovely followers! i don't talk much here, usually if i have thoughts i post them on my other blog, @is-this-yuri. if you followed me from there, you probably know my situation, but i figured i'd make another post here about it since i'm not sure what the overlap in my followers is.
i'm currently living in my car and in need of some support. i'm on the way to getting disability benefits, but other than that i have no hope of getting an income. it's finally going to be getting cold and snowy next week, and i'll need as much gas as i can get to keep myself warm. i'll pretty much be running my car any time i'm not sleeping or spending time in local gas stations and libraries. i also need to keep moving so i don't get towed, so running out of gas is a big problem for me.
my dad has been able to help me for years, but he's all dried up now and can't do anything for me other than keeping my phone service on.
so, i've set up a ko-fi where i've already gotten some very generous donations, but i'm posting it here too. anything will help me. 5 dollars will run my car for one day, and i need to get through the rest of winter. please consider tossing me something if you have the means, or reblog and spread this post so i can get some help
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panda-writes-kpop · 2 years
Yeri - Fuel Point
A/N: Hi guys, girls, and non-binary pearls! Welcome to part 2 of 'Red Velvet members causing Katie to lose focus. Anyways, I hope you all are well, and I will see you again next Monday! ❤️❤️
TW: Yeri drives a car and crashes into another car, food mentions, reckless driving (please be safe if you drive!)
Summary: Going on a Sunday drive with Yeri is anything but normal as you try to make it to your destination, but you have to make a pit stop along the way to get gas and a few snacks.
♡ Masterlist ♡
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"Yeri-ah, watch out for that car!" You yell as she narrowly misses a car on the other side of the road. "You're going to get us killed, and then Irene will resurrect us from the dead and then murder us again!"
"I think you're over-exaggerating, Y/N. I'm a great driver!" She cheers as you point at a mailbox.
"Yeri, please watch the road." You say as she groans.
"Yes, I've got it under control. Don't worry about me, sweetheart." She reassures you before gasping. "We're almost out of gas."
"Are you at a quarter of a tank?" You nonchalantly ask as Yeri navigates into the exit lane.
"I'm almost on empty." She admits as you snap your head towards her.
"Yeri, are you being serious?" You ask in disbelief.
"There's a gas station right there. We'll be fine." She calmly states before pulling into the gas station.
"Do you have any gas money?"
"I have plenty of money." She hums to a tune on the radio as she stops at a gas pump. "I can pump gas if you want to go in and grab some snacks."
"Why don't you go in and get some snacks, Yeri? I'll pump gas since you've been driving the whole time." You suggest as she nods.
"Sounds like a plan!" Yeri grabs her purse and heads inside as you begin to pump gas.
You thank the stars that it's not too cold outside as you stare at the scenery outside.
After a long while, the total stops rising and you put the nozzle back into the pump before quickly paying for the gas.
Yeri would be very upset that you didn't let her pay, but you knew that she'd buy a ton of snacks and a few drinks for you guys. It'd end up being about the same price as gas, so you could call it even before she tried to pay for gas.
Yeri pops out of the gas station with two huge bags of snacks, one full drink holder, and a very fuzzy pink cowboy hat on her head.
"Do I even want to ask about the hat?" You say as she chuckles.
"Isn't it so stylish?" She strikes a couple of poses before putting the snacks and drinks in the car. "You ready to go?"
"Yup, the gas is pumped and paid for."
"Babe, what did I tell you about paying for-"
"Yeri, honey, I am a grown adult who has a job and can pay for things. Please let me pay for things." You beg as she climbs into the driver's seat.
"Fine, I can let it go... but just once!" She defiantly says as you laugh and get into the car.
"Let's go, cowgirl, before you cause any more trouble." You tease as you assume Yuri puts the car in drive.
"Let's go!" She yells.... before backing into the car behind her.
"It's always got to be an adventure with you, doesn't it?" You place a hand on your head as she sheepishly laughs.
"That's why you love me, right?"
"Of course it is, Yeri."
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Adding onto this post (the one where The Narrator, instead of initiating a rivalry with Monika, ends up taking the DDLC girls under his wing so he can help them come to terms with being trapped in a game):
(Also disclaimer I haven’t been into DDLC in a while this may or may not be accurate pls don’t kill me)
(Second disclaimer cuz I’m gonna be paranoid if I don’t say it: these are all strictly PLATONIC. No romance here.)
They all mostly stay in the Apartment or The Memory Zone since they’re the closest things The Narrator has to domestic settings on-hand
The Narrator eventually learns about each of the girls’ personal issues and takes to trying his best to help (not bc he cares or anything. No he hasn’t gotten attached. No he absolutely doesn’t catch himself nearly calling them his kids)
Monika and him tend to have “training sessions” where they’ll see how far Monika’s powers go. It starts with simple stuff, like changing the texture file of an objet.
(TW SELF HARM) He teaches Yuri this technique he heard of where you write on your arms instead of cutting, and while it does take a while, along with some additional help, they do start seeing improvements. He encourages her to perhaps write any ideas she has for poems on there if she’s ever feeling the urge.
Sayori, Monika, and The Narrator usually have a few chats about how to deal with Sayori’s possible and growing awareness of the fourth wall. They have these conversations in calmer areas of the office, like the Memory Zone or the Zending room (with the door leading to the stair room closed).
Natsuki, for obvious reasons (cough cough shitty dad cough), distances herself from The Narrator quite a bit. Eventually, concerned about her getting lost in the office, he finds her reading manga alone in the Employee Lounge. He has an idea, and asks her what she’s reading, and “why are the speech bubbles the wrong way around?”. Natsuki - appropriately shocked, stunned, absolutely bamboozled - that he has never been blessed with the knowledge and experience of manga, proceeds to excitedly tell him about it.
The Narrator knows what manga is. Yes, he’s very proud of himself for being so conniving and tricking her into sharing her interests so that she may grow comfortable in this stressful new environment. How utterly mischievous.
Sayori wrote a poem about the Memory Zone once and The Narrator did not cry about it, he swears, how could you ever reach that conclusion-
Monika plays the piano in the Boss’ Office, usually after the aforementioned training sessions.
Yuri really enjoys hearing about the more surreal and scary aspects of the office, and The Narrator’s usually on the lookout for new weird shit to show her.
Yuri: “I wrote a poem about a man who realises he murdered his wife by examining a gas station puddle too closely.” The Narrator, with genuine joy: “Amazing. Tell me everything about it.”
Sayori really likes the more humorous moments. She likes the Line™️ the most. The Narrator doesn’t get it but he’ll allow her to play with It™️ since it makes her happy (not that he cares, don’t get the wrong impression)
The Narrator and Yuri bond a bit over their shared intense desire to be liked by others. They have a lot of talks about it, usually on the shores of The Memory Zone, since she finds the water calming.
Running out of things to keep them occupied with, The Narrator once hid the Figleys around the office again and challenged Natsuki to find em all (since he figured she’d be unable to say no to such a challenge). When she did, he said he was proud of her. Natsuki may or may not have cried.
It was either Sayori or Monika to first call him dad - in Monika’s case it was probably sarcastic, and in Sayori’s it was an accident. Either way the Narrator nearly had a heart attack.
Natsuki once sarcastically called him “gramps” and he choked on his tea
During a moment of combined stress, frustration, and confusion, Monika may have altered one of The Narrator’s personality files, as she did with the rest. She changed it back shortly after once she’d realised what she’d done. He assured her he wasn’t mad, told her to not leave the room, then went to the Starry Room to recover for half an hour. (If you’re wondering which file - it was derealisation).
Whilst he feels more impacted by Yuri’s darker poems or Monika’s due to them covering experiences he gets, he does still like Sayori’s and Natsuki’s (he really enjoys reading their poems and sharing them. He loves this shit, man. He showed Natsuki his poem about the little dogs and little frogs from the DOTA 2 Announcer pack and she liked it)
All The Narrator has to do is speak in one of his sillier voices and Sayori’s in stitches. He likes how easy it is to make her laugh.
The Curator is incredibly critical of The Narrator’s choice. “How can you protect them if you can barely protect yourself?” Is a question she asks him very often.
Long story short The Narrator loves appreciates the company of his weird new daughters acquaintances
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flowergirlmiwa · 9 months
yuri in a gas station
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yuriskies · 28 days
Fishing Yuri vs Reproductive Fascism
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Issui Ogawa's Twinstar Cyclone Runaway novel series caught my attention the moment I learned about it. A gay marriage allegory in a weird sci-fi setting? Sign me right the fuck up. I've always found explicitly political sci-fi interesting, and well, Ogawa is not exactly a small name in Japanese sci-fi. However, a Japanese hard sci-fi novel is not going to have an easy time finding a good translation to English, much less a fanbase. So I was really excited to see that it was getting a manga adaptation, and from what it has adapted so far (~half of the first of three novels in an ongoing series), it's really living up to my feeling of hype.
There is a general setting summary after the break, and then a section where I talk a bit about the most recent chapter (8), and how it really makes a cogent argument extractive economic systems are reinforced by patriarchal norms.
The plot centers around Terra Intercontinental Endeavor, a woman who has inherited her family's fishing boat. The fishing boat requires two people to operate, a job which is performed by straight couples as a form of marriage contract. The use of married couples is understandable, given that the fishing boat transformable rocket plane that descends from orbit to operate in the skies of a gas giant, an operating environment which requires almost preternatural communication skills between the pilot and the person transforming the ship. The fish that swim around in the gas giant's skies are special: they're made of a kind of clay that can be molded by thought. The catch forms the backbone of the planetary economy; otherwise, the planetary system is so resource-starved that humanity cannot sustain itself without something to offer through galactic trade networks. Terra is highly gifted at producing complex transformations of the ship, but cannot communicate well with the male pilots she is interviewing for marriage. Part of this is because her way of describing things is a little kooky, but the majority is because the patriarchal culture she lives in has produced a lot of condescending, sexist guys who Obviously Know Better.
Fresh off a round of failed marriage interviews, Terra is desperate to find anyone who can pilot the boat. In steps a mysterious girl named Diode, who proves herself to be an exceptionally talented pilot whose skills mesh well with Terra's. So far, the story has alternated between Terra's experiences within the stifling cultural life of her home, and the moments of dizzying freedom and connection that Terra and Diode find when they're out fishing.
(Spoilers from here on out, so stop here if you would prefer to read more on your own. )
As far as the broader world of Twinstar Cyclone Runaway is concerned, the first seven manga chapters have largely focused on how badly Terra fits in with the surrounding culture. She has a reputation around the port, mostly as a person who creates absurdly complicated fishing gear and makes up weird stories. Her aunt and uncle both want to see her happily married so she can fulfill her dream of fishing, but tend to push their preferences onto her. She works as a video distributor in the clan's dilapidated cultural archives, and appears to be one of the few people interested in the world of her clan's space station. In part, this is due to the conservatism of the culture - most people are strictly utilitarian and seem happy to accept the world as it is. There's also sexism. Woo boy is there sexism.
The first few chapters alternate between life on the station, where Terra is exposed to a constant stream of sexism. The chapters dealing with station culture are almost an exercise in masochism, but provided the set dressing for a chapter which does a really decent job at describing the organizing thought processes behind anti-LGBTQ lawmaking. In it, Terra and Diode's activities have drawn the attention of the authorities, who are none too happy that they're fishing together (and effectively presenting themselves as common law wives in the process).
They're both summoned to the clan council, where the clan chief immediately begins lecturing Terra (and belittling her with backhanded complements) before ordering her to surrender her family's fishing boat to someone else. During his lecture, he highlights the 'freedom' enjoyed by their clan compared to the even more stifling culture of the clan Diode hails from. He attributes that freedom to the strong sense of "culture and tradition" of the clan, and the work of those with "superior bloodlines" who support and perpetuate it by passing that sense of identity on to the next generation while countering the clan's slowly shrinking population. Under this logic, allowing Terra to participate in a same-sex marriage is considered tantamount to enabling a cultural collapse.
It is, from just about any perspective, a fascist perspective on gender roles. Women are valued not for their ability to contribute to the culture but for their service as reproductive cogs in the economic machine. Culture and tradition are interpreted as something transmitted through blood, not community. Terra's work in maintaining the cultural archives are viewed as useless make-work, as to the leadership, a woman who does not reproduce is preventing the transmission of culture. The stability and economic productivity of the clan is the organizing principle of society, highlighted by the fact that the roles of clan chief (political leader) and head fisherman (economic leader) are held by the same person. In this framework, the backbone of society is understood to be its captains of industry, those working in economically-prestigious jobs, and their social role is to maintain the economic prestige and exclusivity of the fishing class.
The chapter ends with Diode (having initially been begrudgingly convinced to allow Terra to do the talking) exploding at how the clan chief has been talking down to the both of them. She points out the hollowness of the underlying rhetoric - although it portrays culture as something shaped by struggle and ability to assert one's will, it systematically denies most people from the attempt. While pointing this out, she also mocks the clan chief's skills, clearly relying on the offense to his masculinity to provide the opening for herself and Terra to prove themselves. While the gambit works, the clan chief is clearly setting the terms of a challenge to make them prove themselves exceptional, a task which carries a high likelihood of death.
By the way, the art does a lot of the heavy lifting here. Despite Ahiru Tanaka's slightly cartoony style, he is incredibly skilled at getting the point across through composition. Terra's workplace in the cultural archives is dingy, cramped, and literally disintegrating, and Tanaka's line work reflects this - dense, imprecise, and messy. It really sells the apparent lack of maintenance since the archives were constructed. By contrast, the clan council's chambers is airy, bright, and characterized by cleaner, more precise line work. The difference is night and day, and I think it really helps sell the Endeavor Clan's underlying thinking of exactly where "culture and tradition" are transmitted.
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Anyway, I just had to gush a little bit about this chapter, in what is quickly becoming one of the manga releases I most anticipate reading every month.
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stars-and-loops · 5 months
adachi and izanami having a yuri moment in front of the gas station while yu’s across town having an out-of-body experience in a café to get an invigorate 3 skill card
yu's tripping on major drugs in okina city while adachi and izanami have a Gay Moment™️™️
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brucebocchi · 2 years
fire emblem: three houses/hopes characters and their drug of choice
dimitri: ketamine dedue: homemade edibles sylvain: gas station dick pills ingrid: benzos felix: catnip ashe: kratom annette: enough adderall to kill an african elephant mercedes: ambien rodrigue: unfiltered lucky strikes
edelgard: got passed the bong once and drank the bong water. never invited again
hubert: ether ferdinand: cocaine caspar: preworkout petra: peyote bernadetta: inhalants dorothea: molly linhardt: lethally concentrated dabs monica: crack claude: spice (the dune kind) hilda: dab pen lorenz: poppers lysithea: spice (the k2 kind) marianne: lexapro raphael: PCP ignatz: psilocybin leonie: resin holst: you'd think mushrooms, but it's almyran opium yuri: jesse pinkman's signature chili p hapi: salvia balthus: pruno constance: her own research chemicals byleth: percocet shez: whip its
rhea: oxycontin seteth: snuff flayn: laudanum manuela: xanax hanneman: heroin jeritza: airplane glue cyril: pixy stix shamir: hash catherine: quaaludes gilbert: old grand-dad 114 jeralt: somas alois: coors light
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anthroparis · 8 months
can I say something without you guys killing me. okay. the yaoi/yuri jokes aren't funny anymore everyone ruined them. respectfully do what you want with your own space but not everyone thinks it's funny to call real people fujoshis or real gay couples yaoitastic. it was supposed to be IRONY. it was supposed to be RIDICULOUS. it was supposed to be snorting yaoi cocaine in the yaoi gas station bathroom, not going "omg are you a fudanshi?" to writers and artists depicting gay people in a non-fetishistic way. it's literally just an issue with boundaries, not everyone is in on the joke and it makes you sound like an ass. come on now.
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thepig · 1 year
stopping at the yuri station on the way home #gas
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3cheers4alex · 2 years
In the remaining hours of the day, Otabek drives until the night devours everything, leaving only the worn-out sunset. When they stop at a gas station, Otabek gets chocolate bars and energy drinks, because that's a ritual he has whenever he drives.
"Why the fuck are you drinking this?" Yuri asks.
"Because I spent all day teaching you how to drive, and then driving you around."
In spite of his critical stare, Yuri is unable to argue with Otabek. Instead, he grabs the candy bar and stuffs it into his mouth, chewing loudly. Yuri is an inexcusably messy eater, considering how fussy he is about cleaniless.
"It was mine!" Otabek complains.
"Oh yeah? Was it?"
Before Otabek can stop him, Yuri stuffs the rest of the chocolate bar in his mouth. Yuri's hand, holding an empty paper, is trapped in Otabek's hand, and he chews with an open mouth just because it pisses Otabek off.
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ukrainenews · 2 years
Daily (ish) wrap up July 24-26
Under the cut:
Russia will pull out of the International Space Station after 2024 and focus on building its own orbiting outpost
Russia’s Gazprom is set to cut supplies further through its single biggest gas link to Germany, crushing hopes a deal over grain supplies would lessen the economic impact of the Ukraine war
Ukraine is now predicting that it will recapture the southern region of Kherson by September
Germany has delivered three MARS2 multiple launch rocket systems launchers from its army stocks, as well as five Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and three self-propelled howitzer 2000 to Ukraine
Russian forces continued to strike civilian infrastructure in Kharkiv
“Russia will pull out of the International Space Station after 2024 and focus on building its own orbiting outpost, the country’s new space chief has confirmed.
The announcement throws into question the future of the 24-year-old space station, with experts saying it would be extremely difficult to keep it running without the Russians.
Nasa and its partners had hoped to continue operating it until 2030.
“The decision to leave the station after 2024 has been made,” Yuri Borisov, head of Russian space agency, Roscosmos, said during a meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
He added: “I think that by that time we will start forming a Russian orbiting station.”
Nasa officials said they had yet to hear directly from their Russian counterparts on the matter. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson issued a statement saying that the agency was “committed to the safe operation” of the space station through 2030 and continues “to build future capabilities to assure our major presence in low-Earth orbit.”
US state department spokesman Ned Price called the announcement “an unfortunate development” given the “valuable professional collaboration our space agencies have had over the years.”
National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said the US is “exploring options” for dealing with a Russian withdrawal.”-via The Guardian
“Russia’s Gazprom is set to cut supplies further through its single biggest gas link to Germany, crushing hopes a deal over grain supplies would lessen the economic impact of the Ukraine war.
The European Union has accused Russia of resorting to energy blackmail, while the Kremlin says the gas disruption is the result of maintenance issues and western sanctions, Reuters reported.
Citing the instructions of an industry watchdog, Gazprom on Monday said flows through Nord Stream 1 would fall to 33 million cubic metres a day from 4am BST on Wednesday. That is half of the current flows, which are already only 40% of normal capacity.
Germany said it saw no technical reason for the latest reduction.”-via The Guardian
“Ukraine is now predicting that it will recapture the southern region of Kherson by September.
Sergiy Khlan, an aide to the head of Kherson region, said in an interview with Ukrainian television: “We can say that the Kherson region will definitely be liberated by September, and all the occupiers’ plans will fail,” AFP reports.
Kherson, which is an important region for Ukrainian agriculture, was taken by Russian troops early on in the war. But the Ukrainian army, bolstered by new supplies of Western long-range artillery, have been making gains in the area in recent weeks.
“We see that our armed forces are advancing openly. We can say that we are switching from defensive to counteroffensive actions,”Khlan said.
Russian forces seized the region’s main city, also called Kherson, on 3 March. It was the first major city to fall following Moscow’s invasion.”-via The Guardian
“Germany has delivered three MARS2 multiple launch rocket systems launchers from its army stocks, as well as five Gepard self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and three self-propelled howitzer 2000 to Ukraine, the German Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht said on Tuesday.
“The promised MARS2 multiple rocket launchers and another three self-propelled howitzer 2000 have been delivered. We keep our word,” Lambrecht said.
The Ukrainian President’s Chief of Staff, Andriy Yermak, acknowledged the receipt of the weapons and said they would be deployed to the frontlines.”-via CNN
“Russian forces continued to strike civilian infrastructure in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second-largest city, and the surrounding region in the country’s northeast, the Associated Press writes.
Kharkiv governor Oleh Syniehubov said the strikes on the city resumed around dawn Tuesday and damaged a car dealership.”-via The Guardian
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koboldgirltail · 1 year
whats the most yuri drink at the gas station
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zydraholic · 1 year
Did you do your yuri yet? How is Japan?
Japan has been INCREDIBLE so far!! So far we’ve gone to shopping in Shibuya and Harajuku, visited Edo castle (or at least, what we could since it’s very private lol) and Meiji shrine, participated in a tea ceremony, aaand visited Tokyo national museum, Ueno park, and Ueno zoo. Harajuku is definitely my favorite so far ngl, I bought some very cute clothes there today that I’ll post when I get the chance ^^
Tomorrow we’re going to visit Mt Fuji (RIP my legs I’m already sore as hell from walking all day every day) and the day after that is Akihabara where I’m probably going to blow a ton of money LOL and I think after that is a free day? I’m definitely visiting the muscle girl bar one of these nights tho
Also… the food is FANTASTIC and surprisingly cheap??? Every dinner I’ve had has been like. Less than $20 USD and it’s all been incredible. Even the convenience store food is pretty tasty and won’t totally fuck up your stomach like American gas station food
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